EUMIND 2018-19

FAMILY LIFE.Family:(noun)________________________________________________________ “Life’s greatest blessing. A group that dreams, laughs, plays and loves together. Those whom you can always count on. Always present not only in the good times. The most precious gift.”This is our perspective of a family… Every family has a story…Welcome to ours…Name/AgeMale/FemaleInterviewerWhenParent 1Rajesh Shah/40MaleYashDecember 2nd 2018Parent 2Vivek Tharaney/44MaleAishaDecember 5th 2018Parent 3Rupak Sen/42MaleNirvaanDecember 1st 2018Parent 4Dolly Sehgal/40FemaleAnoosha December 4th 2018Grand Parent 1Pushpa Shah/65FemaleYashDecember 2nd 2018Grand Parent 2 Bharti Shewani/ 73FemaleAishaDecember 5th 2018Grand Parent 3Dilip Sen/74MaleNirvaan December 1st 2018 Grand Parent 4Priya Tharaney/73FemaleAisha December 7th 2018Nuclear Family: A group of people who are united by ties of partnership and parenthood, consisting of a pair of adults and their recognized children. Joint Family: An extended family typically consisting of three or more generations and their spouses, living together as a single household. When we interviewed our parents and grandparents, we realized that the main difference was the size of the family. Our grandparents were mainly part of a joint family, whereas our parents lived in a nuclear family. The society, adapts and changes as per the need of time. The concept of nuclear family started becoming quite common, post the industrial revolution. The Indian society adopted the concept widely in the post-industrial revolution era, and years post to the world wars. Several intellectual revolutions, beliefs, cultures, and subcultures supported this phenomenon. Liberty, financial freedom, equality, and rational progressive thoughts such as feminism and freedom from social strata and hierarchy further pushed the popularity of nuclear families. The basic factor that promoted such a popularity was the modernization and development. HOW HAVE DIFFERENT PROFFESSIONS EVOLVED?“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.” - Steve JobsThe biggest difference our group identified in terms of professions was that today’s jobs are far more modernized and technologically involved.27231835187673394710672655500 WE HAVE EVOLVED !!!THE DIFFERENCE IN POPULATION: India is now the home to 1.2 billion. Furthermore, India’s population is expected to grow to 1.8 billion before stabilizing around the middle of this century, if sufficient measures are taken.?In our grandparent’s time marriage was early, and most births were within the marriage, however now, marriages late and less common. There are high level of marital disruption and a high fraction of births are outside marriages. This has resulted in a rise of fertility levels therefore, the rapid increase in population levels. _____________________________________________________________ OHANA MEANS FAMILY. FAMILY MEANS NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND OR FORGOTTEN.center626442Our group has come to the conclusion that it does not matter how big our house is. It matters that there is love in it.00Our group has come to the conclusion that it does not matter how big our house is. It matters that there is love in it.Aisha TharaneyAnoosha SehgalNirvaan SenYash Shah ................

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