Unlimited Instant Hot Exclusive Live FREE Leads, As Your Team Shares Their Link, They Are Also Sharing Your Link!

Here you will learn how to avoid Flagging or Ghosting your Craigslist postings efforts.

First you must know that if Craigslist (CL) detects any kind of affiliate or automated marketing in whatever you are posting, CL will take down your ads because affiliate opportunities is against their terms and conditions. CL will also eventually blacklist your CL account, your name, website, email, ip address, and credit cards.

You will always notice others posting affiliate marketing opportunities and may wonder how are they getting away with posting their ads? The answer is: CL has not caught up to the individual posting those ads yet. They eventually catch and will blacklist them, unless they are doing the following.

In order to make your ad posting stick and go live, you can use your number or you can setup a Grasshopper, Relay number (basically an alternative number ? get your number from , they will forward to any number) that will be answered by either a live person or an answering machine.

When you speak to the caller, be sure to ask some qualifying questions like: What state are you in? Are you currently working? What type of work did you do before? Are you okay with working your own hours from home unsupervised?

These types of questions, will ensure that someone from CL is not calling you posing as caller. Once you feel comfortable that you have a real caller, proceed to tell them about your opportunity. For example:

What we have here is a very simple way of duplicating your efforts. You will get paid daily, Mon thru Sat., Our setup is FREE, instant, and is all done with incoming calls and we handle everything for you. Are you good so far? Pause, Great!

Is this your mobile number you are calling from? Pause, Great! I will send you a text with the details.

At this point you can send them straight to your link or even a short form to force them to put their name an email that will then deliver the link you are promoting.

Your Text message to them: Hi John, this is (YOUR-NAME) We just spoke about the online opportunity. For details, please go to: Your Website Link or form that will capture their name and email then the form will deliver your link.

The kind of money you can earn from CL is insane.

HOW TO POST A CRAIGSLIST AD Best to post an ad under the Job/Sales CL section. Hungry job seekers always look at the sales section. History Shows Best States That Deliver Results Are: CA, NY, FL, TX, AZ, PA, IL, GA, HI, OH, SC, NC, NV, TN, VA Make your ad Title to be straight to the point and attention grabbing. Example: Work From Home, Unlimited income, Paid Daily! Body Content Example: We are looking for salespeople that will take incoming calls working their own hours to follow a short simple script. We offer Daily Unlimited Pay and a free instant website setup. For Details, Call: YOUR NUMBER DO NOT POST A WEBSITE LINK AND SELECT `NO REPLIES TO YOUR EMAIL'. For Images: Select a nice Money Grabbing image. This image Location:

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