Matthew Okui, D

Matthew Okui, D.D.S., Inc. Periodontics & Dental Implants

16055 Ventura Blvd-Suite 820- Encino, California 91436 TEL: (818) 990-5222 Cell: (818) 426-6312 E:mokui@


You have just completed a procedure which improves dental health. The main concerns that most patients have

after treatment are discomfort, swelling, sensitivity to cold and ability to chew.

1. DISCOMFORT: It is normal to have discomfort after surgery. How much differs for each patient. As healing

continues, discomfort will subside, and by 4 weeks, most patients are functioning normally.

2. SWELLING: Swelling should be reduced and will be much better in two weeks.

3. COLD SENSITIVITY: Periodontal surgery involves cleansing the roots of teeth. This cleansing can

create cold sensitivity which may last between 1 to 4 months. Sensodyne toothpaste and Fluoride mouthrinse (ACT) can decrease the sensitivity.

4. RECESSION: Elimination of periodontitis can result in gum shrinkage around the teeth. Food entrapment may also occur more easily. To maintain a clean mouth use floss, proxabrushes, toothpicks and mouthrinses.

5. EATING: Avoid chewing in the area of surgery. Continue to chew on the opposite side of the mouth from where treatment was performed. If full mouth surgery was performed stay on the softest diet possible. Supplement the diet with multivitamins and calcium supplements. Do not take calcium supplements at the same time as Doxycycline or Tetracycline, as it prevents absorption of the antibiotics.


1. BRUSHING: Gentle tooth brushing may begin this week. Heating the toothbrush under hot water can soften

the bristles and make them more comfortable to use. Place the edge of the brush against the gumline and gently wiggle the brush in a side to side or circular motion.

2. PROXABRUSH: The Proxabrush is a cone shaped brush which is designed to clean between teeth and on

the front and back sides of free standing teeth. It can also be used under bridgework. Insert the brush from

both cheek and tongue sides of the teeth. Use the Proxabrush behind the last tooth in each corner of the mouth.

3. FLOSSING: Gentle flossing can be started. Insert floss between teeth and push against one tooth at a time. Gently insert the floss below the gum line and rub the sides of the teeth in an up and down motion approximately

5 times per tooth surface. Floss before bed and if possible after breakfast and lunch.

4. RINSING: Salt water and Listerine can still be used to kill bacteria. Mouthrinses like ACT are recommended to reduce cold sensitivity and prevent decay. No Hydrogen peroxide yet until about 6 weeks from now.

5. SMOKING: Smoking interferes with healing and can delay your recovery. Smoking makes one more susceptible

to periodontal diseases in the future. Avoid or reduce smoking to improve healing.

6. BONE GRAFTING/MEMBRANES: If bone grafting or membranes were placed during the treatment, more

antibiotics may be prescribed to enhance bone healing. Excellent oral hygiene gives the best results. Clinical and radiographic evidence of success may be present in 6 months.


Antibiotics: Doxycycline 1 tab every 12 hours for 7 days then, 1 tab per day for 2 weeks

_______________________ _____ tabs every ______ hours for ______ days

Pain Medications: Tylenol Advil Aleve Aspirin – 1 to 2 tablets as needed for discomfort

Rinses: Listerine ACT Fluoride -- Rinse 3 times per day


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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