The following instructions are provided to assist you during the post-operative period.


The medications I have prescribed help manage pain, swelling and/or infection. Use only as directed. Call me with any questions. Remember, antibiotics may inactivate oral contraceptives.

Sutures and Dressing:

Sutures and/or a special bandage may have been placed to stabilize and protect the surgical site. They should not be removed until your scheduled post op appointment. Do not attempt to examine or clean the area. Doing so may result in bleeding, loss of sutures and/or tearing of the tissues.


“Oozing” after periodontal surgery and/or extractions is normal during the first 24-72 hours. Firm, direct pressure applied with gauze or a moist tea bag for 5-30 minutes should alleviate it. Please call me if heavy or uncontrolled bleeding is noted.


A good post surgical diet (especially liquids and proteins) is vital to proper healing. Eggs, chicken, fish, soup, yogurt, oatmeal, ground beef, etc. are good choices. Avoid heaving chewing and hot, hard, crunchy and/or spicy foods. Avoid foods with tiny seeds. Do not use straws or suck on popsicles.


Avoid intense physical activity for at least three days. Exercise increases your heart rate and may cause hemorrhaging, swelling and pain. Sleep with your head elevated (use an extra pillow).

Oral Hygiene:

Gentle rinsing with warm salt water or warm baking soda water (no Listerine or harsh chemicals) will help soothe the area. Do not brush, floss or “play with” the sutures or the dressing. Other teeth may be brushed as usual, but avoid forceful rinsing and spitting when you are through.

Application of Cold:

Cold applied for 10-20 minute intervals may help minimize swelling, discomfort and bruising of the cheeks and chin. If you have had a gingival graft, do not apply cold compresses or ice packs.

If, after 48 hours, any symptoms worsen or you develop a fever, contact me.

Office: (513) 662-4867



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