Carry The Kettle Post Secondary Policy

77001371600540005431155Carry The Kettle Post Secondary PolicyPost Secondary Student Support Program7900035000Carry The Kettle Post Secondary PolicyPost Secondary Student Support Programright23002311402018760098002018Table of ContentsIntroductionPage 1DefinitionsPage 2 - 3Eligibility for Student Funding Page 3Deadline DatesPage 4 Priorities for Application Approval Page 5Limits of SupportPage 6Types of Support Page 8 - 11IncentivesTuitionBooks Materials and SuppliesStudent FeeGuidance/Counselling/Social WorkTravelLiving AllowanceAllowance for Special Needs Page 12Accountability and Student Obligations Page 12 - 13Appeals Process Page 13 - 14Student Registry and Confidentiality Page 14Policy Review Page 15Carry The Kettle Post Secondary PolicyIntroduction The policies set out in this manual are those approved by Chief and Council of Carry The Kettle First Nation. Staff of the Carry The Kettle Post Secondary receives direction from the Carry The Kettle Chief and Council through The Post Secondary Student Support Policy Manual. Carry The Kettle First Nation asserts that the right to Post Secondary Education is a Treaty Right, and that nothing in this Policy, nor the fact that Carry The Kettle Administers this program for it’s membership, abridges that right, nor the trust responsibility of the Government of Canada with respect to the rights of Treaty First Nations. The Post Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) supports Treaty/Status First Nation students in pursuing post secondary studies in recognized and authorized post secondary institutions. The objectives of the Post Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) are to encourage and support pre-qualified, eligible students to acquire University, Technical Institute, College or professional qualifications so that they can become economically self-sufficient and develop their individual potential to further their own aims and contribute to the progress of the First Nation Community, the province, the country and the global community.This manual provides policy directions for the Carry The Kettle administration of the Post Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) and where appropriate, forms the basis for a set of Operating Guidelines for the guidance of staff that administers this program on behalf of the Carry The Kettle First Nation.DEFINITIONS2.1 “Treaty/Status Indian” means a person whose name has been entered in the Indian Register in accordance with the Indian Act and/or a person recognized as possessing Band membership status in accordance with the laws of the Carry The Kettle First Nation.2.2 “Post Secondary Education” means a program of studies, offered by a recognized post secondary institution, for which completion of secondary school studies or its equivalent is a prerequisite. 2.3 “Program of Studies” includes all post -secondary programs, leading to a certificate, diploma or degree. Programs (for example pre-law) less than one academic year, which are prerequisites to post secondary programs of at least one academic year in duration, are included. 2.4 “Post Secondary Institutions” are certificate, diploma or degree granting institutions, which are recognized by provincial authorities and include educational institutions affiliated with, or delivering accredited programs by arrangement with, a post secondary institution. Eligible institute list can be found on the website.2.5 “Public Institution” is a post secondary institution which receives the majority of its funding from Federal and/or Provincial Government. 2.6 “Private Institution” is a Canadian or foreign post secondary institution which receives the majority of its funding from sources other than government.2.7 “Full-Time Students” and “Part-time Students” are as define by the post secondary institution attended.2.8 “Academic Year” is as defined by the post -secondary institution. 2.9 “Short Courses” short courses will be considered, providing they are offered at an eligible institute (based on availability of funds). 2.10 “University Semester” refers to a part of the academic year, as defined by the post secondary institution. Semesters usually cover the periods from September to December, January to April, and May to August. 2.11 “ Dependent” means a child, who is dependent upon the student as defined by Revenue Canada and who does not receive income in excess of the level of income allowed for a dependent by Revenue Canada. This definition includes a residency provision whereby a “dependent” has to be living with and supported by the student. The dependent child must be registered with Carry the Kettle band membership.2.12 “Mature Student” Mature students must write a general equivalency diploma (GED) 12 test and pass in order to be eligible to apply for Post secondary.3. ELIGIBILITY 3.1 The student must be a member of the Carry The Kettle First Nation or have been entered on the Indian Register under the Carry The Kettle First Nation. This includes Bill C-31 students entered on the Indian Registry as a member of Carry The Kettle First Nation/Band. 3.2 The student must have met entrance requirements and must be accepted for enrolments and must be accepted for enrolment in a recognized post secondary institution for a program of studies. 3.3 The student must be enrolled in a program that leads to recognized certificate, diploma or degree and which requires grade 12, or equivalent completion as an entrance requirement. 3.4 All programs and short courses must be offered by an eligible institution.3.5 Students applying for post secondary funding must provide the following required documentation:1. Completed First Nation Post Secondary application form2. Signed release of institution authorization waiver form3. Signed First Nation student contract4. Student must write a detailed Education Plan5. Status card (photo copy of card)6. Dependent Child Verification (Revenue Canada Letter or School Age Registration)7. Institute acceptance letter8. Program/Course information (program has entrance requirement of Grade 12, ABE 12, Adult 12 or GED 12) 9. Tracking sheet of classes with the assistance of an academic counselor send a list of courses required to complete your Certificate/ Diploma/ Degree/ Masters/ Ph.D.)10. Grade 12, ABE 12, Adult 12, GED 12 Marks and recent University/College Transcripts11. Book List12. Material and Supplies13. Banking Information, direct deposit form14. Final Registration (official form from institution listing classes in which you will be enrolled; upon approval of funding.3.6 “Short Courses” short courses will be considered, providing they are offered at an eligible institute (based on availability of funds).3.7 Support will be provided within the limits of funds available in accordance with Carry The Kettle funding arrangements. If demand for funding exceeds availability of funds, the students will be responsible to re-apply for the next deadline date.3.8 Applications must have been received at the Carry The Kettle Post Secondary Office by the deadline dates as indicated in the Carry The Kettle PSSSP Operating Guidelines. 3.9 Mature students must write a GED 12 test and pass in order to be eligible to apply for Post Secondary. 4. Deadline DatesSpring and Summer -continuing students will be supported in spring and summer, when it is a requirement of their program, as per documentation from their institute.June 30th for Fall November 15th for Winter (based on availability of funds).5. PRIORITIES FOR APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS5.1 Priorities for approval of applications for student living expenses shall be based on the following categories5.2 Categories- Continuing Students- continuing students with minimum grade average requirements for program completion. Students must submit a continuing application.Grade 12 – ABE 12 , Adult 12 Masters and PHD – Materials and Supplies, Tuition and Books only.Returning to the same program –The funding will depend on the duration of time left according to student file.Mature student with GED 12Returning students to different programs–The funding will depend on the duration of time left according to student file6. PART-TIME STUDIES SUPPORTWhen a student in attendance at a post -secondary institution studies for what is termed less than full time by the institution that offers the program, that student will be eligible for assistance for books, materials, supplies, and tuition fees only.Students enrolled in correspondence or other distance education courses are considered as part-time, and may qualify for tuition, fees, materials, supplies and book assistance as required by the institution.7. LIMITS OF ASSISTANCE: 7.1 Support for travel and living expenses will be provided for All LEVELS of post -secondary education, and limits are placed on the DURATION of support, according to the level of program as defined by the post secondary institutions in which the student is enrolled. 7.2Entrance Level:University Entrance and College preparation program – One Year DurationLevel 1: Community College and Polytech Institutes, Certificate and Diploma programs (academic years based on the institutes normal duration); Level 2:Undergraduate university programs (certificate, diploma, degree) (academic years based on the institutes normal duration);Level 3:Advanced or professional degree programs, or masters programs (academic years based on the institutes normal duration); Level 4:Doctoral/Post -Doctoral programs (academic years based on the institutes’ normal duration)7.5 Financial assistance for tuition, compulsory student fees and required books, materials and supplies may be provided to students enrolled in all four levels. Assistance maybe provided to students to complete only one program at each level. Exceptionally, Level 2 may include assistance for an additional degree at the bachelor level which has as a prerequisite an undergraduate degree or undergraduate courses.The duration of assistance will accord with the official length of the program as defined by the post -secondary institution on which the student is enrolled, as long as the student is in satisfactory academic standing at the institution as per the institutions definition of satisfactory “academic standing”.Students maybe assisted for up to one additional academic year per level, for authorized and documented medical, academic or personal reasons. Those applicants who request more than one additional year will be required to provide a letter from the Dean or department head, supporting the request for additional year. This information must be submitted to the coordinator. Students that do not submit proper documentation regarding medical, academic or personal with drawl will not receive continued funded.Students maybe assisted in Level 1 studies after dropping out of Level 2 studies if not previously funded for Level 1. Students receiving funding from the PSSSP (Post secondary Student Support Program) or UCEP (University and College Entrance Preparation Program) must declare support received from this program as a source of income if applying for social assistance. Students who transfer/change programs require approval of the post -secondary coordinator, prior to approval of additional funding.Where students change/transfer programs within one of the levels or temporarily pause their studies, the academic years or semesters used for each program within each level will be counted for assistance purposes. Short -Term programs, will be considered on an individual basis and availability of funds. Students in an Art Degree Program must declare a major after four (4) semesters. Student support will not exceed the limits set out on the paragraphs above.7.6 – Limits of assistance for UCEP (University and College Entrance Preparation Program)For all UCEP(University and College Entrance Preparation Program) students, the maximum time limit for financial support will be one(1) academic year or in the case of part-time students, the equivalent of one academic year. 7.7 PART-TIME STUDENTS, as defined by the post secondary institution being attended, may receive assistance for tuition and compulsory fees, and the actual cost of books and materials and supplies which are listed as required by the post secondary institution but they are not eligible for living allowances or travel costs. 8.TYPES OF SUPPORT AND ALLOWANCES; 8.1 Program completion Incentives (programs must be eight months or longer to be eligible for incentive)Certificate- $300.00Diploma - $500.00Degree- $1000.00 + giftMasters- $1000.00 + giftPhD $1000.00 + giftShort courses are not eligible for incentive.Students must provide grad program completion documentation in order to receive grad level incentive.8.2 Tuition SupportStudents attending Canadian public institutions at the actual tuition rate, including compulsory student fees charged by the institution for a Canadian student; orStudents attending private or foreign post secondary institutions at the same tuition rate, or the tuition rate that is the least amount, including compulsory student fees, charged by the public or private Canadian institution nearest to the students place of residence Students enrolled in a foreign institution at the actual tuition rate, including other compulsory student fees charged by the foreign institution, when it is demonstrated that there is no comparable program available at an institution in Canada.8.3 Book SupportAll books which are listed as required by the post secondary institution. The post -secondary coordinator has the flexibility to adjust book support to meet the needs of the student. The student must submit the required book list to the post secondary coordinator.Where the books are not invoiced by the institution, the book support will be $400.00 each semester.If the book support exceeds the $400.00 book allowance per semester then the student must submit the receipts for reimbursement for the extra books.8.4 Materials and SuppliesAll materials and supplies which are listed as required by the post secondary institution. The post secondary coordinator has the flexibility to adjust materials and supplies support with required program documentation. The student must submit the required materials and supplies list to the post secondary coordinator.8.5 Student FeesApplication Fee (reimbursed for approved students only)Transcript Fee (reimbursed for approved students only)Registration Fee (reimbursed for approved students only)Initial Professional CertificationExamination FeesPracticum/ Internship costs8.6 Guidance and Counselling Tutorial support- student must submit a letter from the professor or institution confirming that a tutor is neededStudent must submit the name of the tutor as well as the length of time the tutorial is required. 8.7 TRAVEL SUPPORTStudents may be eligible for travel support for one round trip per semester for the student and dependents if their permanent address is different from their study address.8.8 LIVING ALLOWANCECarry The Kettle Post -Secondary Monthly Living Allowance ratesSingle Student$1200.00Married Common Law with employed spouseWith one dependentWith two dependentsWith three dependents$50 additional per month for each additional dependent$1200.00$1250.00$1345.00$1405.00Married Common Law with dependent spouseWith one dependentWith two dependentsWith three dependents$50 additional per month for each additional dependent$1200.00$1345.00$1405.00$1555.00Single ParentWith one dependentWith two dependentsWith three dependents$50 additional per month for each additional dependent$1345.00$1505.00$1605.00Amount Revised in 2018Any students with dependents that are not on the Band Registrar’s list will not be given living allowance for that dependent.8.9 ALLOWANCES FOR SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTSStudents with special needs requiring additional assistance related to their post -secondary programs will have their requests considered on an individual basis. 8.10 SCHOLARSHIPSa. Students who receive scholarships or bursaries to attend post- secondary institutions will be eligible for funding from the PSSSP as required to meet their tuition, travel, or living costs not fully covered by the scholarships or bursary. 9. ACCOUNTABILITY 9.1 When misuse of post secondary funds is discovered, the Carry The Kettle Post Secondary will adopt the following procedures:9.1 Write a letter to the individual stating the findings.9.2 If the student is in fact found to be misusing funds, the Post Secondary Coordinator will suspend that student from further funding. 10. OBLIGATIONS AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF STUDENTS10.1It is understood that the Post Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP), is intended to provide support for students with serious intent to succeed in post secondary education. Expectations are that the students will attend classes regularly, submit assignments as required by their program, and apply themselves to their studies. Students are expected to conduct themselves so as to bring credit to their peers and to themselves. 10.2Students will be dealt with fairly and equitably under the PSSSP and are expected to fairly and equitably apply themselves to their duties as students.10.3Students have access to the appeal process.10.4 Students attending a post secondary institution must maintain a GPA of 60% or better. If the student’s GPA is less than 60% the student will put on probation the next semester.10.5 Students put on probation by the University or College/Technical Institute and who are required to attend courses set to enable them to succeed, must do so in order to continue to receive a living allowance.10.6 The Post Secondary counsellor shall communicate with Academic Advisors of the University/ College to monitor student progress10.7 Failure to attend these courses upon confirmation by the institute will discontinue the students from funding effective immediately. 10.8 Students that are applying for funding are responsible for their own transcripts/registration fees, upon acceptance fees will be reimbursed with documentation. 10.9 All applications must be completely filled out and handed in on or before the deadline date, any incomplete application forms will not be considered for funding. The Release for Authorization form must be signed.10.10 Continued funding students must submit continued funding form per academic semester.11. FUNDING APPEALS PROCESS11.1 – Every student has a right to reasonably appeal a staff/program decision regarding funding. However, when a student application has been refused because available program funds are fully committed, this appeal process will not be considered.11.2 – The student will discuss the matter first with the Post secondary Coordinator.11.3 – If t misuse of funding is the problem, the student will be notified in writing. If there is no response from the student, the funding will be discontinued. The student may appeal within 14 days of the date of this written notification. 11.4 – If the issue is not resolved, a APPEAL BOARD may be set up to hear the students appeal.11.5 – The student has the right to attend the appeal hearing in person or be represented by a designate.11.6 – The Appeal Board will be appointed by the Carry The Kettle Post Secondary Program and will consist of the following:Chief of Carry The Kettle First Nation or Portfolio Band Councillor:Carry The Kettle First Nation Post Secondary CoordinatorOne Elder ;One student representative selected from a list of at least 3 students submitted by the appealing student;One additional person not from Carry The Kettle First Nation who is knowledgeable about the Post secondary Student Support Program.The Appeal Board will meet within 14 days of its appointment to hear and rule of the student’s appeal. The Appeal Board’s decision will be FINAL. 11.7 – In all funding decisions, The Carry The Kettle Post Secondary Policy will be strictly followed.12. STUDENT REGISTRY AND CONFIDENTALITY12.1 Carry The Kettle Post Secondary will maintain documentation with respect to student identification data, academic records, and funding support provided. Discloser of academic information will require the informed consent of the student. Personal information will be maintained according to the provisions of the privacy act. 12.2 It is encourage that the student represent themselves. However, if any parent/caregivers want to discuss any information on behalf of the student a signed consent form is required.13. POLICY REVIEW13.1 The Carry The Kettle Post Secondary Coordinator will carry out a review of its policy at the end of April of each year. 13.2The Carry The Kettle Post Secondary Coordinator and Carry the Kettle Chief and Council will be responsible for interim policy adjustments, where the policy changes cannot be deferred to the next formal policy review, when such policy changes are necessary between formal scheduled annual policy reviews(April).Carry The Kettle First NationPost Secondary PolicyPost Secondary Policy Manual Ratification by the Carry The Kettle Chief and Council___________________________ Chief__________________________ ___________________________CouncillorCouncillor__________________________ ___________________________CouncillorCouncillor__________________________ ___________________________CouncillorCouncillor _____________________________Date Ratified ................

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