Poster Board Rubric - Dearborn Public Schools

|Poster Rubric |

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|Student Name:     __________________________ | |

| | | | | |

|CATEGORY |Excellent |Good |Average |Poor |

| |Graphics are all in focus and the |Most graphics are in focus and|Most graphics are in focus and|Many graphics are not |

| |content easily viewed and identified|the content easily viewed and |the content is easily viewed |clear or are too small. |

|Graphics -Clarity | |identified |and identified |Graphics are blurry or |

| | | | |messy. |

| |All graphics are related to the main|All graphics are related to |All graphics relate to the |Graphics do not relate to|

| |idea and make it easier to |the main idea and most make it|main idea. |the main idea. |

|Graphics - Relevance |understand. |easier to understand. | | |

| |All items of importance on the |Almost all items of importance|Several items of importance on|Labels are too small to |

| |poster are clearly labeled with |on the poster are clearly |the poster are clearly labeled|view or no important |

|Labels |labels, quotes, descriptors that can|labeled with labels, quotes |with labels that can be read |items were labeled. |

| |be easily read |and descriptors that can be | | |

| | |read | | |

| |Student includes all writing |Student includes a well |Student includes paragraph |Paragraph needs to be |

| |assignments with the poster that |written paragraph that |about the topic but more |more detailed and to |

|Knowledge Gained |clearly detail an individual’s life,|explains theme of poster as |emphasis must be made on the |relate to the theme of |

| |the effects on Europe’s economy, and|well as historical importance |theme and historical |poster and historical |

| |researched items. Writing is |and relevance to ancient |importance |importance to history |

| |thoughtful and creative and |history | | |

| |demonstrates a detailed | | | |

| |understanding of main ideas. | | | |

| |The poster includes an accurate |Many accurate facts are |Some accurate facts are |Few accurate facts are |

| |depiction of all required sea routes|displayed on the poster. A few|displayed on the poster, but |displayed on the poster. |

|Content - Accuracy |and other terms. |items are missing or depicted |many items are missing or | |

| | |incorrectly. |depicted incorrectly. | |

| |The poster is exceptionally |The poster is attractive in |The poster is acceptably |The poster is |

| |attractive in terms of design, |terms of design, layout and |attractive though it may be a |distractingly messy or |

|Attractiveness |layout, and neatness. The finished |neatness. |bit messy or could have been |very poorly designed. It |

| |product shows exact care with each | |improved with a few more hours|is not attractive. |

| |element. | |of work. | |

| | | | | | | |

|Bibliography |Project includes an extensive and |Project includes a complete |Project includes some sources |Project lacks adequate |

| |detailed bibliography in complete |bibliography in proper MLA |used; need to use proper MLA |sources not in proper |

| |proper MLA format for all research, |format for sources |format |format |

| |images and materials | | | |

| |Each writing assignment includes a |Each writing assignment |There are major problems with | |

| |clear main idea. All supporting |includes a clear main idea. |establishing a main idea, |Writing assignments are |

|Organization of writing |details are organized logically and |All supporting details are |organizing information, or |poorly organized. There |

|assignments |clearly relate to and support the |organized logically and |providing detailed support for|may be no main idea, or |

| |main idea. Student has demonstrated |clearly relate to and support |main ideas. Little research |the main idea is very |

| |a comprehension of main ideas as |the main idea. Some support |was provided and all ideas |difficult to find. Little|

| |well as independent research that |was given for ideas, and some |seem to be taken directly from|support is given for |

| |develops main ideas. At least two |research was successful at |the textbook. |ideas. The writing reads |

| |sources are cited in each writing |developing ideas. | |like sentences were |

| |assignment. | | |thrown together quickly |

| | | | |without much preparation.|

| | | | |Little to no research is |

| | | | |provided. |


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