16 The femoral and popliteal arteries - СумДУ

36 The femoral and popliteal arteries. Arteries of the leg and foot. Blood supply of skeletal muscles, skin and internal organs

! The femoral artery is continuation of:

external iliac artery

#internal iliac artery

obturator artery

umbilical artery

! The femoral artery goes to thigh through:

vascular space (lacuna vasorum)

#muscular space (lacuna musculorum)

obturator canal

infrapiriform foramen

!1 What structure is medially to the femoral artery in vascular space?

femoral vein

#iliopsoas muscle

inguinal ligament

pectinate ligament

! On leaving the vascular space the femoral artery appears:

within femoral triangle

#in adductor canal

in popliteal fossa

in iliac fossa

! Pulsation of the femoral artery is palpable:

below the inguinal ligament in the femoral triangle

#in adductor canal

in inguinal canal

in femoral canal

! From the femoral groove the femoral artery proceeds to:

adductor canal

#inguinal canal

muscular space

popliteal fossa

! What artery is not branch of the femoral artery?

inferior epigastric artery

#superficial epigastric artery

superficial circumflex iliac artery

external pudendal artery

! What artery is not branch of the femoral artery?

deep circumflex iliac artery

#deep femoral artery

superficial circumflex iliac artery

external pudendal artery

! What artery is not branch of the femoral artery?

internal pudendal artery

#deep femoral artery

superficial circumflex iliac artery

external pudendal artery

! The superficial epigastric artery goes to:

anterior abdominal wall

#lateral abdominal wall

external genital organs

medial surface of the thigh

! Which of the following supply the muscles of the thigh?

deep femoral artery

#superficial circumflex iliac artery

popliteal artery

descending genicular artery

! Which of the following supply the knee joint?

popliteal artery

#deep femoral artery

obturator artery

superficial circumflex iliac artery

! What artery is not the branch of the deep femoral artery?

obturator artery

#medial circumflex femoral artery

lateral circumflex femoral artery

perforating arteries

!1 What artery blood supplies the medial muscles of the thigh?

medial circumflex femoral artery

#lateral circumflex femoral artery

perforating artery III

superficial circumflex iliac artery

! Which of the following go to the posterior femoral area?

perforating arteries

#medial circumflex femoral artery

lateral circumflex femoral artery

descending genicular artery

! What artery supplies the anterior muscles of the thigh?

lateral circumflex femoral artery

#popliteal artery

perforating artery III

external pudendal arteries

!1 What branch of the femoral artery arises within the adductor canal?

descending genicular artery

#deep femoral artery

superficial circumflex iliac artery

superficial epigastric artery

! What artery is a direct continuation of a femoral artery?

popliteal artery

#descending genicular artery

perforating artery III

deep femoral artery

!1 How many branches does the popliteal artery give for blood supply of the knee joint?

5 arterial branches

#3 arterial branches

4 arterial branches

2 arterial branches

!1 What artery supplies cruciform ligaments and menisci of knee joint?

middle genicular artery

#superior medial genicular artery

superior lateral genicular artery

inferior lateral genicular artery

!1 What artery does not take part in formation of the genicular anastomosis?

perforating artery II

#superior medial genicular artery

superior lateral genicular artery

descending genicular artery

! The popliteal artery divides into following terminal branches:

anterior tibial and posterior tibial arteries

#medial plantar and lateral plantar arteries

tibial and fibular arteries

lateral tibial and medial tibial arteries

!1 What artery is a direct continuation of a popliteal artery?

posterior tibial artery

#anterior tibial artery

peroneal (fibular) artery

dorsal artery of the foot

! Where is the posterior tibial artery located?

in cruropopliteal canal

#in superior musculoperoneal canal

in inferior musculoperoneal canal

in adductor canal

!1 Before the plantar surface of the foot the posterior tibial artery passes:

behind the medial malleolus under the flexor retinaculum

#in front the medial malleolus under the flexor retinaculum

behind the lateral malleolus under the extensor retinaculum

in front the lateral malleolus under the flexor retinaculum

!1 Where can you palpate the pulsation of the posterior tibial artery?

behind the medial malleolus

#under lateral border of the soleus muscle

in cruropopliteal canal

behined the lateral malleolus

! What artery is not the branch of the posterior tibial artery?

posterior tibial recurrent artery

#peroneal artery

circumflex fibular artery

nutrient tibial artery

!1 What branch of the posterior tibial artery passes through the inferior muscularperoneal canal?

peroneal (fibular) artery

#circumflex fibular artery

muscular branches

nutrient tibial artery

! Where does the peroneal (fibular) artery pass?

in inferior musculoperoneal canal

#in superior musculoperoneal canal

in cruropopliteal canal

in adductor canal

!1 What artery blood supplies the short and long peroneal (fibular) muscles?

peroneal (fibular) artery

#posterior tibial artery

anterior tibial artery

lateral plantar artery

!1 What branches are terminal branches of the posterior tibial artery?

lateral and medial plantar arteries

#plantar metatarsal arteries

dorsal artery of the foot and arcuate artery

dorsal metatarsal arteries

! Where is medial plantar artery located?

in medial plantar groove

#in lateral plantar groove

in inferior plantar canal

in inferior musculoperoneal canal

! Where is lateral plantar artery located?

in lateral plantar groove

#in medial plantar groove

in inferior plantar canal

in inferior musculoperoneal canal

!1 The lateral plantar artery at the level of the base of the metatarsal bones forms:

deep plantar arch

#superficial plantar arch

rete plantaris

dorsal arch of the foot

! The lateral plantar artery anastomoses with:

deep plantar artery

#lateral tarsal artery

dorsal artery of the foot

medial tarsal artery

! What branches does the deep plantar arch give?

plantar metatarsal arteries I-IV

#plantar digital arteries proper

dorsal metatarsal arteries

dorsal digital arteries

!1 The terminal branches of the common plantar digital arteries are:

plantar digital arteries proper

#perforating branches

dorsal metatarsal arteries

dorsal digital arteries

!1 The anterior tibial artery goes to anterior surface of the leg:

via the interosseus membrane

#via the superior musculoperoneal canal

via the anterior intermuscular septum

between the long and short peroneal muscles

!1 What branch of the anterior tibial artery takes part in formation of the genicular anastomosis?

anterior tibial recurrent artery

#anterior lateral malleolar artery

anterior medial malleolar artery

dorsal artery of the foot

!1 What artery is direct continuation of the anterior tibial artery on the foot?

dorsal artery of the foot

#lateral tarsal artery

arcuate artery

deep plantar artery

!1 What artery is not the branch of the dorsal artery of the foot?

lateral malleolar artery

#lateral tarsal artery

medial tarsal artery

deep plantar artery

! What arteries are branches of the arcuate artery?

dorsal metatarsal II-V

#dorsal digital arteries

plantar metatarsal arteries

common plantar digital arteries

! How is each dorsal metatarsal artery divided?

dorsal digital arteries

#plantar metatarsal arteries

common plantar digital arteries

proper plantar digital arteries

! Where is calcanea network formed?

on posterior surface of calcanear tuber

#on anterior surface of the ankle joint

on lateral malleolus

on plantar surface


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