Blackguard – Adventure Walkthrough



General note

For the alignment and class requisites, or for other generic notes, refer to the notes found at the beginning of Chapter One.To complete this module, you must attain at least 10 levels as a blackguard.

Henchmen note

During Chapter Three, henchmen works a little different than before.

Just to start - when you’re allowed to get someone on your side - you can choose to pick up two henchmen at the same time. Your choice, however, is restricted to only two candidates. This happens two times. When the module begins you can choose to pick up both the two orc clan leaders. Later on, you may take on a nice couple of drow. Of course, if you want only one henchman – or if you want to go alone – you are free to do as you please.

When you manage to arrive near Yartar, you won’t have freedom of choice anymore. Your current henchmen (or henchman) will leave you, and Fargrak himself will replace them. Later on, before you enter the Shield Tower, Fargrak will be replaced by Valshera - the succubus queen. Finally, you will have to complete the module all alone.

You can always instruct your henchmen about the tactics they must follow. You cannot manage their inventory, though. You may think this limitation a bit unfair, however - given the many overpowering items you may find during your adventuring - I believe it is necessary to keep the game balanced.

Items note

During this Chapter you will find a lot of magical items, many of them extremely powerful. I suggest you to keep the more items you can. Often, they may save your day.

Also, use all of your money to buy potions, scrolls (if you can use them) and the like.

Unique Items note

Some unique items can be obtained only by sheer luck, that is you must find them as a part of random treasure.

This Chapter features seven brand new items you can find.

The cloak called Alzroth’s Heritage has quite a story. Centuries ago, on the fifth layer of Baator in Belial's palace ( the Abriymoch fortress), this artifact of great power had been made for Alzroth, a blackguard tiefling. Alzroth was very famous among the baatezu for his victories in countless battles in the Blood War. Seeing that the tide of the battle was turning because of him, the forces of good decided to go after him. All we know is that every celestial had been dispatched, but Alzroth was never seen confirmed dead or alive. Usable only by a blackguard, this cloak grants the wearer a +4 Charisma bonus, acid and cold resistance 5/-, divine resistance 10/-, a 25% immunity bonus against divine energy, electricity and fire, plus regeneration +5.

The face Ark'lash the warrior-mage made after a wish granted by a vizir efreet! ‘I want the power of a hundred swords’ he had said. Not quite what he expected, he still thought his gift very useful. Indeed, the odd-looking item tagged as ‘Blade Frenzy’ can be used once per day to cast a Blade Barrier spell.

The ‘Burning Brass’ looks like a gem but it is actually a magical piece of brass. It was made by a vizir priest from the City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire and it is very warm to the touch. This item can be used to cast a few fire-related spells: Elemental Shield (3 charges), Fire Storm (5 charges), Fireball (2 charges) or Wall of Fire (1 charge).

Inspired by Volo himself, the Helmet of Bardic Knowledge is a very practical tool for those who don't want to go through all the books of Candlekeep in order to find some information about legends and lores. On a negative note: Volo didn't have combat in mind when he thought about this helmet! The wearer of the helmet can cast the Identify spell and the Legend Lore spells once per day. The helmet grants also a +20 bonus on the lore skill and a +10 bonus on the use magic device skill. The wearer, however, will suffer a – 2 armor class penalty.

The Horn of Cold feels very cold when touched. Legend says this horn was made by a powerful elementalist sorceress from Icewind Dale. One can unleash a powerful frozen wind by blowing in it. Each casting of the Cone of Cold spell will consume one charge.

The simple ring called ‘Mystra’s Bane’ is in fact a powerful relic of protection that had been searched for by many adventurers. Rumours say it was crafted by Mystra herself, but cautious people would simply say it was made by unknown powers using unknown materials.

The wearer of this ring has the power to cast the Dispel Magic spell, the Lesser Spell Breach spell and the Spell Mantle spell once per day. The wearer receives also a 25% immunity bonus to cold, electricity, fire and magical energy. If you think that’ss not enough, the ring grants the wearer complete immunity to death magic, a +2 bonus on any saving throws and spell resistance 22.

The small Talisman of the Dead has unusual power against the dead. It is said it was made by a very old svirfnebelin priest tired of having problems with his cemetery. The talisman would give life back to what's dead, or would give death back to the undead. Indeed, at the cost of one charge, the user can activate this item to cast a Raise Dead spell or an Undeath to Death spell.



Chapter Three starts just like the two previous chapters – with a dream.

Standing before you, trapped upon a small stone platform that floats in a pool of bubbling lava, there is a bunch of scared commoners. These people are very frightened and they cry and beg you to be merciful and spare their life. They swear they are innocents - they did not have part in your brother’s death. It was not their fault and you just cannot blame them for his fate.

Of course, you won’t listen to their pathetic whining – if not to amuse yourself with such a mournful music. Instead, you take great pleasure in tormenting and burning down these pitiful souls. You begin by incinerating them one by one, but - as hatred and anger burn stronger and stronger inside you - you cannot control yourself anymore. As you shout they all will suffer and die, you wave your hands and all the remaining fools are turned to ashes.

Then, the dream walker comes in. This time, though, you can greet him with his proper name. Indeed, the being who has been visiting your bloody dreams for a while is no-one less than Tothur, the Storm Prophet of Talos.

It seems your dreams have become quite populars for another – and better looking - creature pays you a visit. Valshera, the powerful Queen of the Succubae, has appositely came from her Abyssal home to tell you how much she enjoyed the slaughter of Mornbryn’s Shield. According to her demonic judgment, you are *almost* ready to destroy Yartar.

When you hear the word ‘almost’, you protest you’re more than ready to accomplish such a task. Tothur, however, shares Valshera’s opinion. He says you sure are strong – but not that strong. Then, to your dismay, he resurrects all the people you’ve just incinerated. In a fit of blind rage, you resort to all of your powers and sheer will to make the commoners stay dead. After a few failed attempts, your will prevails. As you rejoice, you claim that nothing can stop you. No one can prevent you for destroying Yartar just like you’ve destroyed those fools!

Valshera giggles she likes your attitude, then, before to leave your dreams, she congratulates with her old friend Tothur. Indeed, he couldn’t have chosen a better candidate...

You don’t like the idea you have been ‘chosen’ for something you don’t even know, so you ask Tothur for an explanation. The Prophet, however, eludes your question. Then, he says it is time to wake up...




When your dream ends, you awake in a vast underground cavern. After you have been walking the tunnel leading down to the Underdark for almost two days, Fargrak ordered the orcs to set up camp here for a few days. The whole area is crowded by tents and orcs [CE, Humanoid 8/Bb8] who seem eager to shed still more blood.

If you’re playing the module with a character imported from Chapter Two, your inventory will include all the items you’ve managed to collect and spare during your previous adventuring. If you’re using a new generated character, the only special items in your backpack will be the Skull of Talos and your journal.

Throw a look at your diary to discover it has been updated. The new entries read: ‘Yesterday, I saw some druids looking for me. I guess they didn't like having one of their grove turned to dust. (...) I visited Mornbryn's Shield today. A hamlet full of pathetic fools. I heard many interesting stories there. I was very happy to learn from that priestess of Lathander that Yartar was in crisis and many moronic would-be heroes will try to stop me. HA! GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT YOU FOOLS! Those who defend Yartar's cause will die by my hand. Fargrak said we would need to destroy this hamlet in order to draw Triboar's and Yartar's armies out. (...) I met the stupidest orc ever today - Grumush from the Broken Femur clan. I think the whole clan is sick and tired of him. (...) Oops, I forgot to write that I also killed Grumush's champion - Grolsh, slaughtered a whole Uthgard barbarian camp to save the Broken Femur shaman and finally, killed Grumush and his brothers. Now, everyone there is ready to lick my boot and do everything I say. (...) We were attacked by Harpers at the camp. The fools thought they had a chance. We decided to move to the Broken Femur camp. Also, Fargrak told me about a strange power at work around the hamlet. Some kind of divine protection Mielikki bestowed upon Mornbryn's Shield to protect them from orcs and trolls. (...) The Black Bones tribe and Red Axe Clan have joined my cause. They better get the job done for everything I went through for them. I had to kill a bunch of ogres, a witch, a few golems, free a baatezu, get ambushed by a doppleganger, dispose of an army of trolls, destroy a foul spirit disguised as a magi shapechanged into a troll or something like that and the last, but not the least, KILLED ORPHALES THE WISE!! (...) Fargrak's scrying spell was impressive. We know now where Mornbryn's tomb is. (...) After putting to rest a bunch of ghosts, I was blocked by a strange barrier deep in Mornbryn's tomb. Powerful magic is at work here, I wonder why. (...) After finding where the bothersome Harpers are located, I decided to raid their camp. That fool sprite was still there, but now she decided to take part into battle. I think these imbeciles just don't understand that nothing will stop me from having my revenge on Yartar. NOTHING! She was very powerful, but Mielikki's power is not enough to stop me. (...) Fargrak summoned Valshera by sacrificing a virgin. She destroyed the ward protecting the village. Now, nothing will stop us from destroying Mornbryn's Shield and after... Yartar! (...) I entered Mornbryn's keep and found Nasgalvir de la Bora. An archon appeared and took him away preventing me from giving him what he deserves. (...) Fargrak was waiting for me outside the keep. He had an entire orc regiment under an invisibility spell. Now let's destroy this hamlet. (...) This has been a masterpiece of destruction! We levelled the whole village, brick by brick! The orcs are now feasting. (...) Beldora had a strange ward on her with the same kind of aura the barrier had in the tomb. After breaking the barrier, I fought many celestials. Why would celestials be there? (...) Found the Underdark. That's how we will enter Yartar according to Fargrak. Not a bad plan actually. (...) We traveled north and we should've gone south. I feel like I'm running away again, but at the same time, I know they are closer to their final doom. We ended up in a vast cave, settled camp and laid down. Tomorrow, we head toward Yartar’.


As usual, the first thing you should do is to have a nice chat with your mentor, Fargrak [CE, C25].

The priest reminds that your goal is find a way to reach Yartar. According to the ‘Secrets of Yartar’ (the book you fetched for him during Chapter One), there should be a way to an old Underdark dwarven citadel in the whereabouts of the city, but it should be many miles south from here. Before to find this citadel, you need to find a passage south across a large chasm that bars your way.

Fargrak sent three scout teams to explore the area. One of them has seen the walls of what could be a sort of underground city. The other reported a lake to the western part of the cave they explored. The scouts also reported the huge chasm to the south you need to find a way to cross. The last scout team should’ve reported back a few hours ago but the orcs have not returned yet. Not that Fargrak really cares about them, but he thinks you should find what happened to the scouts for their troubles could be yours.

If you’re worried by drow who may live in the area, Fargrak is persuaded that after what happened in Waterdeep the dark elves will likely lay low for a while. Moreover, most of the noble houses must be struggling for power by now. Fargrak doesn’t think they are a threat, nevertheless you should be careful not to trust a drow easily should you meet one.

While you’re here, you may also ask Fargrak about Tothur. According to the priest, the Storm Prophet is not really dead but simply asleep. The powers locked inside the ‘Chanting Chain’ will bring back him on this world. With the blessing of Talos and the Storm Prophet unleashed, it shall be a real joy to watch Yartar fall. This will not be done easily, though. The forces of Tyr, Tymora and even the celestials seem to be on the move, trying to prevent this from happening. For now, you shouldn’t worry about them. You need to continue to learn the ways of destruction, though, because only a very powerful servant of Talos can touch the Chanting Chain and survive the experience.

Before you leave, Fargrak warns the Underdark is a dangerous place. Instead to explore it all alone, you should take some strong orcs with you. If you want to follow the priest’s advice, you should talk to Kakatarak and Krasharum - you will immediately recognize them by the colored magical auras their weapons shed.


Here you will find the leaders of the Black Bone tribe and of the Red Axe clan - Krasharum [CE, Bb] and Kakatarak [CE, F]. If you need some help, both are willing to follow you in the Underdark and kill any beasts you can find in this place. If you think a single henchman is enough, choose the one you like best. If you want more muscle power, however, you can pick up both the orcs.


Furrmash the Blacksmith [CE, Humanoid 6] is very happy to be here. The battle at Mornbryn’s Shield was good and the clan hasn’t had a chief like you since a very long time. If you ask Furrmash about his venoms, he says he used all the poisons he had during the battle, then left all his supplies at the camp with the female orcs. Maybe, he could make prepare some poison from the scratch, but here in the Underdark he’s not familiar with the reagents he could use. If you’re interested, he suggest you to speak with the tribe’s shaman and get his advice about the reagents you might find in this area.

The orc shaman [CE, Humanoid 4/C4/S4] says that very strong poisons can be made from reagents found in this place. One of such reagents should be the spores from a big Underdark mushroom. Another reagent is a leaf from an Underdark taggit plant. Once you find both reagents, you should bring them to Furrmash so he can prepare a poison.

When you return to the camp with both the reagents, give them to Furrmash. The blacksmith will immediately start to prepare a virulent poison. Looking at the orc at work, you will notice how clumsy he is when handling such deadly substances. Indeed, when the poison is almost ready, Furrmash makes some big mistake that costs the blacksmith his own life. This way, however, the poison has somewhat been tested - it seems to be quite effective... When the blacksmith falls dead you get 300xp. Don’t forget to search the orc’s remains to find three vials of Furrmash’s Poison. As usual, this venom can be applied only on slashing and piercing weapons. It will stay on the weapon for an hour or until you hit someone. The poison causes a victim to lose 2d8 points of Strength (DC35. Apply DC-28).


Once you’ve freed Elia Dor Hen [LE, C] from the drider’s nest and killed Aal’hira and her servants, both you and the dark elf will be immediately brought to the camp. When you arrive here, you will be given a reward of 1,000xp.

Talk with Elia and she will tell more about herself. Elia’s House was a promising noble family back in Menzoberranzan – until they were overrun by House Baenre. Elia and her brother escaped just before the slaughter and they’re probably the only survivors. When Aal’hira noticed the siblings weren’t there, she decided to track them down and kill them. Elia and her brother fled towards west until they found an old duergar ruin. They thought they were safe for a while there, but soon a group of duergars showed up, apparently looking for something in the ruin. When the siblings were discovered, her brother was captured by the grey dwarves. Elia managed to reach Blingdenstone where she was captured by the driders.

If you ask her about the southern chasm, Elia says that chasm leads straight to the Darklake of Middledark. You could go around it from the east, but that way will lead you to Menzoberranzan. Going west you would reach another drow city, Mantol Derith. Elia could show you a passage going as deep as Lowerdark. It leads under the Darklake and goes straight to the south. She could guide you there, but on one condition. If you do not accept, you are free to kill her – then, you will be stuck forever in the Underdark for her secret will die with her. Elia’s condition, however, is simple enough – rescue her brother and she would guide you through the passage. It seems you have no much of a choice.

When you agree to search for her brother, Elia gives you a blue key she found on the body of a duergar scout she killed. Maybe it will help you in the ruins. While you explore the ruins, Elia will wait here with Fargrak.

When you return here with Efrik Dor Hen [LE, Ro] you will get a reward of 1,000xp. Being the sibling reunited, Elia will respect her part of the deal and will tell you about a small river on the northwestern part of the vast cavern near the camp. This river leads to a tunnel that you can use to reach a river pass. Near the river pass is a cave that belongs to an old and powerful beholder. Inside this cave is a tunnel leading down below the chasm. Using that tunnel, you will be able to lead your army south without being noticed.

When you get this information, a new location will be pinpointed on the vast cavern’s area map. Go there and follow the passage north to reach the river pass area.


Leave from here to enter the vast Underdark cavern near the camp.




Go west through this passage to return to the orc encampment.

Being in the Underdark, you shouldn’t be too surprised to discover this place is utterly dark. Navigating through the twisted, lightless passages of this area may be an annoying experience. Any sources of light, both magical than common, will turn to be very handy.


Several driders are scattered about this portion of the area. If you can resist their web spells, however, you shouldn’t have too much troubles to get rid of the four drider archers [CE, Aberration 17] and the seven drider soldiers [CE, Aberration 17] who lurk around these obscure passages.

03. DROW

Go up this rise to spot a group of drow. Led by Lieutenant Nar’d [CE, F16] and boosted by a drow mage [CE, W17], the ten drow soldiers [CE, F13] who stand here are under the supreme command of a drow noble female – Aal’hira Baenre [CE, C17].

Your arrival won’t make the matron too much happy. The drow have been tracking down two fugitives from house Dor Hen for a week, all the way from Menzoberranzan, and today they first ran into duergars, then driders. Now, they have too deal even with a surfacer!

If you protest to be called a ‘surfacer’ the matron will be somewhat impressed by your attitude – an attitude her lieutenant seems to do not possess. Anyway, Aal’hira says she has really enjoyed watching you kill the driders, so, she will spare your life. Indeed, she could use someone who is very good in killing. In exchange for your services, the drow promises she will tell you a way to cross the southern chasm. If you agree to help, she says you should track the fugitives they are looking for. She also suggests you should search for them around the former city of Blingdenstone. Svirfneblins used to live there until, very long ago, the drow decided to put an end to the deep gnomes pathetic lives by summoning a few spider demons into the city. Now, only the stench of the gnomes remains. The driders seem to like this as a nest of these hybrid creatures should be hidden somewhere in the city.


Not far from where the drow are standing there is a big mushroom. If you have talked with the orc blacksmith and the orc shaman about the making of a poison back at the camp, you will know you’ve just found one of the reagents Furrmash needs to concoct a poison. Take the big mushroom spores found by ‘searching’ the fungus. Once you’ve found the taggit leaf, bring both ingredients to the Furrmash and he will prepare the poison.


A reputable merchant from the drow city of Menzoberranzan, Il’ikad [NE, W18] is willing to sell his wares even to a lowly surfacer like you. If you plan to rob him, however, he warns the near impaled creature is nothing else but a gentle reminder for customers of what happens when you try to mess with him. Many more fools are currently feeding the fishes of the near lake.

You should take profit of this shopping chance. I suggest you to buy all the potions you may need, then, if you’re not afraid of the prices, you may also throw a look to the drow’s additional merchandise.

Il’ikad best pieces of equipment includes a pair of Gargoyle Boots, a drow full plate+3, a drow leather armor+4, a drow studded leather armor+4, a drow chainmail+4, a chain shirt+4, a Belt of Guiding Light, a Greater Archer’s Belt, a Monk’s Belt, a Nymph Cloak+4, a pair of Gauntlets of Fury and a lesser deep red ioun stone.

If you don’t like the drow’s attitude you are free to attack and kill him. I suggest you to do so just before you enter the beholder cave north of year, however, so you can fully benefit of his shop. If the wizard is slain, he drops four Potions of Heal, a Ring of Disease Immunity, a Ring of Magic Defences and a few scrolls (Isaac’s Lesser Missile Storm, Lightning Bolt, Mass Charm, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Mordenkainen’s Sword, Power Word Stun).


Both these gates give access to the former svirfneblin city of Blingdenstone. Beyond both gates there are spider webs you must bash to enter the abandoned settlement.


The dark streets and alleys of this former gnomish town are covered with a lot of cobwebs. Two drider archers and five drider soldiers guard this place, ready to attack any trespassers.


Spider webs bar your way to this building, both to the north than to the south. Bash the webs, then walk here and go through the door to enter the drider’s nest.

I suggest you to rest and prepare for a battle before to step inside, though.

Also, you shouldn’t enter this place until you’ve talked with the drow found south and east of here.


Two duergar fighters [LE, F15] are guarding a bridge leading south.

More enemies will rush forward to attack if you open gate halfway along the bridge. Be careful here, for you will have to face eighteen grey dwarves here - nine duergar fighters and nine duergar workers [LE, F8]. A headlong charge is definitely not a good idea - some strategy is strongly recommended.

Once the area beyond the bridge has been made safe, you can search two black barrels and a couple of black crates standing to the east. These containers hold random treasure of low value.


Go through this door to enter a ruined duergar complex.

You shouldn’t venture inside here until you’ve explored the driders’ nest. If you enter this place before you’ve visited the nest, you will soon discover you cannot proceed much further in your explorations, your way being blocked by locked doors you cannot open.


Eight greater umber hulks [CE, Aberration 15] wander about here.


A rare Underdark taggit plant grows on this rocky ledge. If you’re looking for the reagents Furrmash needs to concoct a poison, the taggit leaf is one of the ingredients you must bring to the blacksmith Pick up the leaf, then – if you have already found the mushroom spores – remember to give the reagents to Furrrmash the next time you will pay a visit to the camp.


Beyond this cave there is a passage leading to a beholder lair. This passage, however, won’t be revealed until you’ve explored both the driders’ nest and the duergar ruins.

When you’ve been told of the beholder cave from Elia, come here and click on the small blue section of ground tagged as ‘river pass’. Hidden in a small stream that flows through a dark cave mouth, this passage may be quite difficult to spot. Keep your eyes open.


● Level 1


01. EXIT

Leave from here if you want to return outside.

The corridor you enter is covered with many layers of webs, just like most rooms of the nest. On your left, a web bars the way ahead but it can be easily whacked down. This web, like all the other webs you may found about here, has 40 hit points and hardness 10 (fortitude save 16).

As you walk along this hallway, be ready to fight six drider guards [CE, Aberration 17].


Four drider soldiers [CE, Aberration 17] and a drider smith [CE, Aberration 17] will immediately attack when you enter this chamber. The smith is just like the other driders but he wields a hammer+4 – he won’t drop it, though.


If you need to rest, here you can do it safely.

Along the north wall there is a trapped drow chest [DC0/25; Deadly Electrical] you can search to find random treasure of medium value.

The bedroom to the south is another safe place to rest. There is nothing to find there, though.


When you’ve killed the drow guard who inhabits this room - and after you’ve closed the door behind you - this chamber is safe for you to rest.

The drow chest along the south wall holds random treasure of medium value.


If you’ve talked with the drow matron before to enter the nest, when you enter this room you will be welcomed by Lieutenant Nar’d [CE, F6]. Presumably, the dark elf has entered the nest, along with the four drow soldiers [CE, F13] who escort him, through a ladder you can spot in the back of the room.

By the way, the ladder cannot be used to leave the nest for the passage above has been blocked.

The lieutenant says it is an insult to his intelligence that some foolish surfacer is respected more than him by his mistress. So, he has came here to prove her she was wrong.

When you’ve proved the matron was right and all the drow lay dead at your feet, search the lieutenant’s remains to find the nice Baenre Officer Ring (These rather practical rings are given to the officers of House Baenre for loyal services. Over the years, these rings have become a symbol of respect inside House Baenre. Why Lieutenant Nar'd ended up with one is a good question. The ring grants the wearer a +1 Charisma bonus, a +3 armor class bonus, a +2 bonus on all saving throws and regeneration +2), a pair of Boots of Speed, a vial of huge spider venom (More effective than what we can find on the surface, the venom of a huge Underdark spider causes the infected victim to lose 1d8/2d8 points of Strength – DC -21/26), a Pink & Green Lesser Ioun Stone, two Potions of Heal and an iron key.

In the southeast corner of the room, beyond a few webs you must bash down, you may get random sums of money by searching two bags of gold, two chests of gold and a pile of gold. There are also a couple of chests holding random treasure of low and medium value.


When you enter this room you will be attacked by two drider soldiers and a drider archer [CE, Aberration 17].

Within the chamber there are two drow bookcases you can search, but they hold only a couple of svirfneblin books you cannot understand.


Once you’ve dealt with the drider soldier who guards this room, you can search two black crates to find random treasure of medium value.


When you’ve bashed down the web that blocks the passage from the outer corridor, you will arrive before a door both locked and trapped [DC0/28; Strong Negative]. You can disarm the trap, but you cannot unlock the door without the iron key dropped by Lieutenant Nar’d when you kill him.

Beyond the trapped door there is a sort of shrine. At the far end of the chapel there is a trapped chest [DC0/15; Average Negative] holding 500 gold pieces and a copper key. When you open the chest, however, the two statues in this chamber will explode, releasing two angry guardians [CE, Magical Beast 18]. These creatures are very alike a gargoyle but much tougher.


Beyond a web that blocks this passage there are stairs leading down to the bottom level of the nest.

● Level 2



These stairs lead to the ground floor level of the nest.

When you arrive here you will be attacked by several driders who have assembled within this hall – two drider archers [CE, Aberration 17], three drider guards [CE, Aberration 17] and a drider warrior [CE, Aberration 1/F17].

The warrior drops a greatsword called ‘Dardri’den Sword’ (Once a faithful servant of Lolth, Dardri'den was a promising fighter of the drow nation. He succeeded Lolth's tests many times and failed only once. For his failure, Dardri'den was transformed into a drider and forever banished from his family. That's when his sword was made. Even today, we can feel the hatred of the dark elves within the sword. Usable only by lawful evil characters, this greatsword+3 causes its victim 1d6 additional negative damage. If the victim is an elf, it causes also 1d6 additional electrical damage).


Here are a dangerous drider mage [CE, Aberration 1/W18] and an odd green-winged fairy by the name of Gloura [N, Bd20].

When reduced to 0 hit points, the fairy simply vanishes. The mage, however, may leave behind a Potion of Heal.

Besides a glowing magical crystal of unknown origin and purpose, this chamber features a few containers you can search for treasure. A chest of gold holds a random sum of money; two black barrels hold a fire opal, one Potion of Bull’s Strength and five Potions of Cure Critical Wounds; an armoire holds random treasure of high value; an alchemist’s apparatus holds a Potion of Death Armor and a Potion of Lore; two chests hold random treasure of low value, 1,250 gold pieces, a Rod of Resurrection and a scroll of Raise Dead.

If you close the door behind you, here you can rest safely.


Two drider guards patrol this hallway.


Gloura, the fairy you should have already meet – and slain – within the laboratory to the north of the main room, is waiting for you here – alive and well.

Before you can reach her, the fairy turns invisible and let you face her servants – one drider archer, two drider guards and two drider soldiers [CE, Aberration 17]. After you’ve killed the driders and dealt with a couple of dire tigers she summons forth, Gloura finally materializes; this time she won’t escape the fate she deserves.

Along the north wall of the room there is a chest you shouldn’t skip. It holds two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Potion of Lesser Restoration and a silver key.


This room is safe for you to rest.

Here are also a chest and an armor rack you can search.

Hidden inside the chest there are a few gems (an aventurine, two diamonds, an emerald, a malachite and a ruby). Upon the rack you will find an enchanted suit of armor - the Armor of Blood (This armor was made centuries ago by three powerful hags. It was made of pure blood and turned solid with dark rituals and incantations. This armor was then given to a dark warrior who turned out to be a servant of Cyric. All we know is that he sacrificed his whole family in honor of his god. Usable only by a blackguard, this armor grants the wearer a +2 Charisma bonus, a +4 armor class bonus and a +3 bonus on the taunt skill. It also sheds a low red light).


This is another room safe for you to rest.

The two drow chests standing along the north wall hold random treasure of high value.


This room is empty.

Both the doors along the west wall are locked. To open one of these doors – if you want to return to the central hall – you need the copper key you should have found on the level above, in the drider’s shrine.


If you want to rest, here you can do that safely. As usual, just close the door behind you.

Scattered about this room there are two black barrels and four black crates you may search to find random treasure of medium value.


To open the prison door you need the silver key found in the chest at location 04.

Four cells are empties but someone is locked inside the bottom cell along the east wall.

10. ELIA

Open the portcullis of this cell to speak with the drow kept inside, Elia Dor Hen [LE, C]. The drow tells she and her brother were fleeing some duergars when she fell in a drider trap. When she realizes who has sent you here, the dark elf says you shouldn’t trust Aal’hira. According to Elia, Aal’hira won’t respect a deal with a surfacer and she will most likely take you as a slave.

Before you can answer, you hear footsteps behind you and a cutscene movie starts.

Aal’hira Baenre has found her way here, along with her remaining servants. The drow says she’s even more impressed than before by your strength. She doesn’t care for her lieutenant for he was weak and in House Baenre there is no place for weakness. However, she asks you to give immediately the ‘slave’ away.

When Elia protests she’s not a slave, Aal’hira laughs soon she will be nothing but a toy for her soldiers. You care nothing about Elia, but before to give her up you remind Aal’hira about your agreement and ask her how to cross the southern chasm. Then, Elia will be hers to play with as Aalh’ira pleases.

Hearing your request, Elia laughs Aal’hira knows nothing about that passage. Giggling, she goes back to her cell and locks herself inside.

When the cutscene movie ends, you will be immediately attacked by the drow. Besides Aal’hira Baenre [CE, C18], you must face a powerful drow mage [CE, W17] and six drow soldiers [CE, F13]. You should be quick to react or your life will be seriously endangered. Just for start, try to protect yourself as best as you can (any protections you had before the cutscene movie will be dispelled when the battle begins). Then, ignore the soldiers and try to bring down both Aal’hira and the mage the fastest you can. Aalh’ira wields a dangerous whip+4 that grants her the disarm bonus feat and causes its victim 2d12 +10 additional fire damage. The whip also casts the Dark Fire spell on hit.

After the battle, search Aal’hira’s and the mage’s remains for treasure. The mage leaves behind a Nymph Cloak+4, a Potion of Invisibility, two Potions of Heal and a Ring of Magical Warding (These rings come in a variety of shapes and powers. This particular one is extremely powerful. You can recognize small drow markings reminding you of the last blow given to the mage. The ring grants the wearer the combat casting and spell penetration bonus feats, immunity to death magic, spell resistance 18, a +3 bonus on will saving throws, and the power to cast the Globe of Invulnerability spell twice per day).

Aal’hira drops an Amulet of Natural Armor+4, a Potion of Heal, a Potion of Speed and a Spider Talisman. This very uncommon talisman was made by House Baenre from Menzoberanzzan in honor of Lolth, the spider queen. It is said it was often used to keep the house at the height if its power. It will summon three powerful Lolth spiders [CE, Vermin 18] to help the summoner in battle for one turn. During this time, they will help the best they can, but they will remain under Lolth's control and the summoner must be very careful not to hurt those spiders.

When you’re done with the looting, talk again to Elia. The dark elf thanks you for giving Aalh’ira what she deserved, then says she can help you to find a way across the southern chasm. Before to tell you more, however, she asks you to get her out of here.

At the end of this dialogue, you get an option to return to the camp. When you choose that option, both you and Elia are immediately brought to the orc encampment.


● Level 1


01. EXIT

Go up these stairs if you want to return to the vast cavern.

When you enter the ruined complex you will be immediately attacked by a couple of duergar fighters [LE, F15].


At this dead end there are two black crates guarded by two duergar workers [LE, F8]. The crates hold random treasure of medium value.


A very strong wind is coming out the big hole on the ground, going down the hall.

If you want to prevent the wind to sweep down the southern hallway, just close the door before the hole.


Prepare yourself for a difficult battle before to enter this room for here are three very tough and dangerous gray dwarves – one duergar priest [LE, C17] and two duergar defenders [LE, F7/Dwarven Defender 10].

When the three duergars are dead, don’t forget to search the priest’s remains. He drops a Magical Unholy Symbol (As soon as its properties are known, the markings on this very powerful charm suddenly changes to take the shape of three lightning bolts of three different colors coming from a central point. A symbol you know very well as it is the Storm Lord's. You suddenly feel your power to summon the forces of destruction increase. Your turn undead ability will be much stronger as long as you carry this charm with you. Besides that, you can use the symbol up to once per day to cast a Magic Circle Against Alignment spell), two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, one Potion of Eagle’s Splendor, a broken key bearing an 'F' inscription, and a duergar book.

Each duergar defender may leave behind a couple of Potions of Heal.

To read the book you’ve found on the priest’s body, you need to use it by clicking on it’s unique power icon. According to the book, long ago here was a duergar temple. The temple had been desecrated by svirfneblins long before Blingdenstone was abandoned. Many duergars were subsequently cursed and doomed to stay here forever. A passage of the book attracts your attention. It says about an altar inside the temple, called ‘The Altar of Maderhammer’. Beside this altar there should be an anvil of great power. The book mentions one Madmerhammer, a powerful priest and smith who could call upon the powers of his god to help him in his work. All he needed was a weapon, a magical substance called ‘essence of mythril’ and the fire from the ‘Eternal Duergar Fire’. By praying his god, he would give great power to a weapon.

If you have Darkenss as your weapon of choice, the magical sword will begin to talk, spurring you to find the Altar of Madmerhammer. If you find the altar, Darkness claims it could become even more powerful than what it already is. According to the sword, it could even gain the ability to shapechange into other kinds of weapons!

The rune pillar standing at the center of the room is covered with inscriptions you cannot understand. The black barrel in the southwestern corner of the room holds one Potion of Heal.


To go past this gate you need the blue key you will be given from Elia Dor Hen when you agree to rescue her brother.

The portion of the ruin beyond the gate seems to be still unexplored.


Here you will be attacked by three duergar zombies [N, Undead 18] and one tormented soul [CE, Undead 20].


A strong wind is coming out from a small hole in the ground. Behind the hole there are some boulders. If you want, you can easily push the biggest boulder to block the wind.


A brazier tagged as ‘Duergar Eternal Fire’ stands at the center of this chamber. You feel a strange power emanating from this flame. According to what you read in the book you should have found on the duergar priest’s body, this flame was ignited long ago to honor Laduguer, the duergar most important deity.

Near the brazier you will also notice an old rack, still full of torches. Now, you have the option to take a torch and ignite it with the magical fire. I suggest you to do not ignite a torch yet, though.

The eternal fire can be used to light up a forge found on the level below (at location 07). To bring the flame to the forge, however, you have to prevent the wind that sweeps the ruin to quench it. If you don’t block the wind, it will extinguish the torch, forcing you to return here and re-ignite another torch.

To make sure you can reach the forge without the wind can blow off the torch you’re carrying, you must act the following way: close the door before the big hole at location 03; use the boulder to block the hole found at location 07; close the small hole found in the library (location 10) with another boulder; finally, close the big hole you will find downstairs, at location 02 by using more boulders.

When you ignite the torch after all the wind sweeping the ruin’s passages has been blocked, you will be in for a surprise – a nasty surprise! Indeed, the statues around this room will disappear and three flame protectors [N, Giant 15/F4] will replace them. These creatures, huge beings very alike a fire giant and wielding large greataxes +2, will try to prevent you from bringing the Eternal Flame away.

When you engage the giants in a melee, don’t forget you’re carrying the torch. If you equip yourself with two weapons or with a shield, the flame will be extinguished and you will be forced to ignite another once the protectors have been killed.

When you leave the room carrying the Eternal Flame, you will find three more flame protectors waiting for you along the passage that leads to the stairs at location 09. Once downstairs, you will have to face two other flame protectors before you can reach the altar room.

All in all, bringing the flame to the forge won’t be an easy walk.


Two duergar zombies are lurking here. When you have slain the undead dwarves, open the door at the end of the corridor and go down the stairs to reach the next level of the ruin (location 01).


To reach this room, you have to climb the hanging rope you will find downstairs, south and west of location 06.

When you arrive here, you will be immediately attacked by three tormented souls.

Along the north wall you will notice a boulder. A strong wind is coming out from a small hole behind this rock. Pushing the boulder upon the hole will block the wind.

Before to return downstairs through the trapdoor on the floor of this chamber, don’t forget to search the four bookshelves standing here. Three bookshelves hold nothing but one holds some Incense of Laduguer. This incense was used centuries ago to summon the powers of the Abyss.


To come here you must go up the stairs found at location 08 of the level below.


Six hanging shields decorate the walls of the corridor that leads to this room. When you walk towards the south part of the chamber, however, the shields will vanish and six invisible guards [N, F13] will replace them. These guardians will immediately rush forward to punish your trespassing.

When the guards have been destroyed, throw a look around the room.

The chest along the north wall holds random treasure of medium value, 3,000 gold pieces, two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, two Potions of Eagle’s Splendor, a Potion of Endurance, two Potions of Heal, a Potion of Invisibility, a Potion of Owl’s Wisdom and some Incense of Laduguer.

The cabinet along the east wall holds nothing but random treasure of low value.

The alchemist’s apparatus along the south wall is empty. Near the apparatus there is a huge tome describing some kind of experiment involving two ingredients. Since your duergar is not very good, you cannot understand the entire recipe but you can still recognize the universal words ‘mithril’ and ‘tanar’ri’. There is also a drawing that seems to refer to the apparatus next to the tome and some kind of power one must use in order to complete the concoction. It looks like an aura one can unleash from himself and that will affect what’s around him.

Once you’ve found some tanar’ri blood and some mithril, return here and put both ingredients inside the alchemist’s apparatus. Then, you have to use your blackguard ability to turn undead. When you do so, the reagents will disappear and a bottle of essence of mithril will replace them. At first, this essence looks like simple melted mithril, but it also emanates a strange aura due to the powers of destruction you bound to it.

You can use this essence on the magical anvil found downstairs to call forth Madmerhammer’s spirit.

In the southeast corner of the room there is an empty pedestal. If you touch the pedestal when the Orb of Madmerhammer is in your inventory, the orb will be automatically put into the pedestal. This way, you will destroy the force field that blocks the passage near the Altar of Madmerhammer, on the bottom level of the ruin (at location 09).


To come here, you must go up the stairs found at location 10 of the level below.


This chamber is guarded by three tormented souls, a cursed duergar [LE, F18/Undead 1] and a greater hell hound [LE, Outsider 14].

Here you can search a table and a chest to find a two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Potion of Invisibility and a Stone of Laduguer (By spending one charge, this stone can be used to cast the Elemental Shield spell or the Stoneskin spell).


Here, between two rune pillars, there is a trapdoor that leads down to an otherwise unaccessible chamber on the level below (location 11).


Two duergar fighters and three duergar workers are found inside this room.

The chest near the northeast corner of the room is both locked and trapped [DC18. DC0/25; Average Negative]. It holds random treasure of low value, a common dagger, a large bone, a Ring of Clear Thought+1 and some Incense of Laduguer.

Presumably, the grey dwarves had been ordered to guard the locked gate along the north wall. The key you should have found on the duergar priest’s body opened this gate, but, unfortunately, it is now broken. You must find another key to proceed further. The key you need to unlock this gate can be found inside a coffin on the next level of the ruin, at location 04.


A huge bone guardian [N, Construct 20] has been ordered to protect this room from intruders and it won’t let you go further until you’ve destroyed it.

When the golem has been slain, you can collect random sums of money by searching a bag of gold and a chest of gold. The two chests in the southwest corner hold random treasure of low and high value.

A trap [DC23/31] has been placed on the southeast corner of the room. If you trigger the trap, you may suffer 12d6 acid damage and you may be held for 4 rounds. Past the trap there is a door and beyond this door there are stairs leading down to the next level of the ruins, at location 12.

● Level 2



To come here you must go down the stairs found at location 09 of the previous level of the ruin.


Two duergar zombies [N, Undead 18] guard this place.

In the northeast corner of the room you will notice a big hole. A strong wind is coming out the floor opening but you can block it by patching the hole with the rocks standing beside it.

When you come here carrying the Eternal Flame, the statue in this room will come alive and you will be attacked by a flame protector [N,Giant 15/F4].


A pair of duergar zombies inhabit this room.

Just like the one in the previous room, the statue standing here will spawn forth a flame protector when you walk through this place carrying the Eternal Flame.


At the end of this corridor, a strong duergar ghost [N, Undead 22] is guarding five coffins.

Two coffins are empty while two others hold random treasure of medium value. The fifth coffin holds a grey key with a ‘F’ written on it.

This key opens the locked gate found on the level above, at location 16.


When you enter this chamber you will be attacked by two duergar zombies and two greater hell hounds [LE, Outsider 18].

At the center of the room there is a magical circle surrounded by four braziers tagged as ‘Braziers of Summoning’. By pouring a special incense on these flames you can actually perform a summoning ritual. To pour the incense the proper way, you must use the Incense of Laduguer by clicking on it’s unique power icon, then targeting a brazier. The pouch of incense will be consumed in the process, so, you need to find four pouches of incense to complete the ritual.

Three pouches can be found on the level above (at locations 10, 12 and 16). The fourth pouch can be found not far from here, at location 06.

When you complete the ritual of summoning, an unspecified tanar’ri [CE, Outsider 24] very alike a balor lord appears in the room, claiming you’ve made a big mistake... A battle will be unavoidable.

When the fiend has been slain, he leaves behind a vial of tanar’ri’s blood. The blood of the demon can be used in the laboratory found on the level above to create some essence of mithril.


A cursed duergar [LE, F18/Undead 1], two duergar zombies and two tormented souls [CE, Undead 20] wander about here.

When the undead have been destroyed, you can search a trapped chest [DC0/25; Deadly Gas] to find some Incense of Laduguer.

To the south and west of this location there is a hanging rope you can climb to reach the library on the previous level of the ruin (location 10).


Here is a small altar. Age-old bloodstains have seeped into the stone, mingling with scorchmarks left from a long-extinguished fire. You can notice the word 'Madmerhammer' on it. Indeed, this is the Altar of Madmerhammer you should have learned about by reading the duergar book found on the duergar priest’s body.

To the right of the altar there is the Anvil of Madmerhammer and on it’s left there is the Forge of Madmerhammer.

The forge fire has been extinguished a long time ago but you can relight it with the duergar Eternal Fire. To do so, come here with the torch bearing the magical flame, then click on the forge. You will feel strange power at work, then the spirit of Madmerhammer [LE, F1] will appear. The ghost simply takes notice his forge lives again, then, he vanishes in the thin air. The smith, however, leaves something behind you shouldn’t miss – a glowing sphere tagged as ‘Madmerhammer’s Orb’.

If you place the orb upon the empty pedestal that stands in the laboratory found on the level above (at location 12), you will cause the magical field blocking the doorway at location 09 to disappear.

The anvil standing on the right side of the altar is very unusual. Instead of a flat surface, you can notice strange markings very much alike thoses inscripted on some weapons on the rack beside the anvil.

There is nothing you can do with the anvil until you’ve obtained some essence of mithril. You can get such an essence by combining mithril and blood from a tanar’ri in the alchemist’s apparatus found on the level above (at location 12). The demon’s blood can be obtained by calling forth – and killing – a fiend in the near summoning chamber (location 05). To get the mithril, you have to slay the mithril golem found at location 11.

When you have the essence of mithril, pour it on the anvil. The magical substance will cover the markings on the anvil, making the surface perfectly flat. Also, the ghost of Madmerhammer will be called forth for the second time. Again, the spirit disappears a few moments later. This time he only comments the powers of destruction have awaken his anvil.

Now, you should put a weapon upon the anvil. If you have Darkness you should put the talking sword on the anvil. If you don’t have Darkness, you may choose a weapon from the near rack. The weapons you can choose from are a longsword, a greatsword, a bastard sword, a greataxe, a scythe, a battleaxe, a short sword or a katana.

Once a weapon has been put on the anvil, click on the near altar and pray Talos, asking your deity to bind his destructive power to your chosen weapon. After a while, the god seems to hear you. Indeed, the ghost of Madmerhammer appears for the third time and immediately starts to work at his anvil. The Storm Lord has commanded him to create a powerful weapon bound to destruction, perfect for a blackguard, and the smith will obey the Storm Lord. When Madmerhammer has finished his masterpiece he hands you the weapon, then he disappears forever.

Besides the weapon, as a reward for the completion of this ritual you will get 1,000xp.

If Darkness was the weapon you’ve put on the altar, when you get it back look at it to discover the sword has been upgraded. By now, Darkness is a weapon +4 that causes 1d8 additional acid damage to its victims, plus 1d8 additional negative damage if they are good-aligned.

When you take it back, Darkness will comment how it has enjoyed the experience. The sword never thought an undead smith could do this! You should also take note that, from now on, Darkness can shapeshift into other kinds of weapon. If you are tired of Darkness being a longsword, now you can order your weapon to become a greatsword, a bastard sword, a greataxe, a scythe, a battleaxe, a short sword or a katana. Of course, you can only choose a shape you are proficient with (i.e. you cannot have a katana if you have not the exotic weapons proficiency).

If the weapon you’ve put on the anvil has been taken from the near rack, your brand-new Forged Weapon will boast a +4 enhancement and will get the power to cause 1d6 additional negative damage to good aligned creatures.


These stairs lead to location 11 of the previous level of the ruin. Before to reach the stairs, however, you have to deal with the stone golem [N, Construct 14] guarding this corridor.


An unpassable force field blocks this doorway. To dispel this crackling field, you must put the Orb of Madmerhammer upon the pedestal standing in the laboratory found on the level above (location 12).


These stairs lead to the previous level of the ruin, at location 13.


To reach this chamber, you must go through the trapdoor found at location 15 of the level above.

Be sure you’re ready for a very tough battle before you drop down the trapdoor. Indeed, when you enter this place you will be immediately attacked by one clay golem [N, Construct 14], one stone golem, two iron golems [N, Construct 18] and one fearsome mithril golem [N, Construct 30].

When all the constructs have been destroyed, don’t forget to search the mithril golem’s remains. The golem leaves behind a bar of mithril you can sell to a merchant and some mithril you can use to create some mithril essence if you combine it with the blood of a tanar’ri. Be careful, though – the mithril and the bar of mithril look identical but they are not the same thing. If you put the bar of mithril in the alchemist’s apparatus instead than the mithril, you won’t be able to create the essence.

To return upstairs, you must climb the rope hanging down the ceiling. Before to leave this room, however, you should search it for treasure. Random sums of money can be collected by searching a bag of gold, two chests of gold and a pile of gold. The three chests about here hold random treasure of medium, high and unique value.


To come here you must go down the stairs found at location 17 on the level above.

Two duergar fighters [LE, F15] are guarding this dungeon and they will attack you on sight.


Behind this cell’s locked portcullis [DC25] there are two orc scouts [CE, Humanoid 8/Bb8] and an orc scout leader [CE, Humanoid 8/Bb8]. They are the orcs Fargrak reported as missing.

Open the cell’s door and talk with the scout leader. Once you’ve scolded the orcs as they deserve, send them back to the camp. For rescuing the scouts you will get a reward of 500xp.


A drow male is kept inside this cell. Unlock or bash the cell’s portcullis [DC25] to make the acquaintance of Efrik Dor Hen [CE, Ro], Elia’s brother. When you tell Efrik you’re here to save him and that his sister is waiting for him at your camp, the drow won’t seem to trust you much. You can’t blame him for that, can you? Anyway, Efrik will ask if you can lead him to her sister.

If you still have unfinished business to do here, let Efrik wait for you in his cell and come back when you’re ready to leave the ruin. When you choose to travel to the camp, both you and Efrik will immediately transported to the orc encampment.




The passage south of here will take you back to the Vast Cavern.

This is a small transition area. No monsters wander about here and there is nothing interesting to be found.


Go through this passage to enter the beholder cave Elia has told you about.




Leave the cave from this passage if you want to return to the river pass area.


In this cave there is a pen holding five deep rothe [N, Magical Beast 2].

The pen is guarded by one beholder [LE, Aberration 14] and one eyeball [NE, Aberration 8].


Four eyeballs can be found as you walk through these tunnels.


This cave is inhabited by a couple of beholders.


The beholder tyrant [LE, Aberration 20] who rules this small colony is found in this large cave. Fighting the tyrant can be quite annoying – and dangerous too.

When you bring him to the ‘barely injured’ status, the beholder will call for his ‘children’. Eight eyeballs will appear all around the cave as the tyrant floats away.

When the eyeballs have been destroyed, the tyrant returns. However, the beholder will stay only for a few rounds, just the time you need to attack him once or twice. The beholder will keep to come and go until he’s dead.

When you bring him to the ‘near death’ statue and he realizes his life is at risk, however, the tyrant will summon eight beholders before to float away once again. When you’ve killed all the beholders, it’s finally time for the tyrant to come back and fight to the death.

When the tyrant is dead you can leave the cave through the circular door to the south.

If you hope to skip this fight, be informed this door cannot be opened until the beholder ruler is alive. Also – if the battle turns too hard and you plan to flee - keep in mind that once the battle has started you cannot even leave this cave from the door you’ve entered it.


Your reward for storming the beholder cave can be collected here. Besides three chests of gold and two piles of gold earning you random sums of money, here you can search three chests. The two smaller chests hold random treasure of medium and high value. The bigger chest is both locked and trapped [DC18. DC25/35; Epic Frost]; it holds random treasure of unique value.


Here is a long tunnel going into the deepest parts of the Underdark. If you take this way, you won’t be able to return to this part of the Underdark.

When you enter the tunnel, a short cutscene movies starts to show you and Fargrak driving the orcs through the river pass area.




When the cutscene movie ends, many days have passed.

At first, you’ve followed the tunnel leading down to the deepest parts of the Underdark for a couple of days. The tunnel ended at the start of a huge set of complex caves and caverns. With the help of the drow siblings, you’ve traveled south for two more weeks. After reaching a river that seems to be the equivalent of the Surbrin in the Underdark, you’ve followed it for the last two days. Then, you’ve set a camp in this area.

When the game resumes, you are given a reward of 1,000xp.

By this point you may have already attained the tenth level as a blackguard. When you become a level 10 blackguard nothing happens but the Skull of Talos is further upgraded. All the old abilities are now usable one more time per day, plus the skull can now be used once per day to cast the Battletide spell.

Around the camp there are sixteen orcs [CE, Humanoid 8/Bb8] and they all seem a bit restless – too much days without killing are puting a strain on your soldiers.

Besides the common orcs, within the camp there are also the orc shaman [CE, Humanoid 4/C4/S4] and the two orc chieftains, Kakatarak [CE, F] and Krasharum [CE, F]. The orc leaders, however, are no more allowed to join you as your henchmen.


Go talk with Fargrak [CE, C25] to learn what you must do here. According to the priest, the river you’ve followed till here is the equivalent of the Surbrin, so, the other river must be the Dessarin. You must be close to the old dwarven citadel and it is time for you to look around for it. While you explore the area, Fargrak will stay here to make sure the orcs are ready for the trip upward.

Fragrak also tells you about Elia and Efrik, the drow siblings. They have proven to be extremely valuable to your cause. Moreover, since Lolth has the good habit of letting down her followers, he took upon himself to teach them the ways of destruction. Fargrak is very proud of their progress and he thinks they could be very useful to you.

Before you leave, Fargrak says you should go see an orc by the name of Olgolok. Every time you turn your back, this fellow speaks a little bit too loud to the priest’s taste. He is a very strong orc, but you can’t let an orc challenge your leadership, can you? So, you should pay him a visit and have a little talk before this situation gets worst.

After you’ve meet the agents of the Kraken Society, you can return here to inform Fargrak about what you have discovered. The priest says the Society is a group of information brokers. He knew they had a cell operating in Yartar, but he never thought they could be operating from the Underdark. If they find out what is happening here, they will most likely sell this information to Yartar’s authority. You must make sure your secret stays a secret, so, you should track down and destroy the agent who ran away.


If you need someone on your side, you can come here and talk with Elia Dor Hen [LE, C] and Efrik Dor Hen [CE, Ro]. You may choose the one you like best, or you can pick up both of them.

Elia thanks you for the opportunity you have given here. When she left Menzoberranzan, Lolth did not grant her any more spells and she felt extremely weak. Now, she feels strong once again. Fargrak has thought her the ways of Destruction, though, and she has embraced Talos has her new deity. She has still a lot to learn, but she is confident Talos will guide her well. Her spells are not as powerful as they were, but they are improving everyday. They are at your service if you need them.

Efrik must admit he owes you three. You’ve saved his sister, you’ve saved himself, and you’ve given him a chance to learn the true meaning of the word strength. After he left Menzoberranzan, he was afraid Lolth would turn him into a drider. Now, he no longer fear the Spider Goddess. He only hopes to learn from the destruction of Yartar so he can do the same to House Baenre. If you need help, Efirk is at your service. Stealth and quick death are his speciality.

By the way, both Elia and Efrik come fully equipped. When your army took the road for the beholder’s tunnel, they returned to the driders’ nest and took useful weapons and armor from the dead Baenre fools.


Once Fargrak has told you about the rebellious orc, Olgolok [CE, Humanoid 6/Bb6/F6] will be spawned here.

The orc says he’s tired of waiting. They were supposed to conquer the North and they are stuck in these caves. You’re weak and he should be the leader of the army.

I repute unnecessary to tell you how you should react to such a braggadocio.

When Olgolok is dead you get 500xp. If you search the orc’s remains you will find a magical double-axe by the name of ‘Call of Gruumsh’. This terrible weapon has been made by hags from a small swamp hidden in the Evermoors. It was first given to the leader of an orc clan who was the first to give it a name. This weapon has then seen so many battles between orc clans that we can't count the number of owners it has had. Usable only by a barbarian, this double-axe+4 causes its victims 1d10 additional acid damage. The wielder is granted a +2 Constitution and Strength bonus, plus he has the power to cast the Blood Frenzy spell up to thrice per day.


When you walk near here, you may spot a group of people to the east. When you walk towards them, a cutscene movie starts.

From your hiding place, you overhear these fellows as they discuss about the orcs they have recently discovered about these caverns. The leader of the party suspects the orcs’ presence can be linked to the crisis in Yartar. To possess such an information could make these days the luckiest for the Kraken Society since the death of the former Waterbaron. Then, the party leader orders a mage by the name of Garlax to go report to Semmonemily and Vestress, presumably two high-ups of the organization.

A few moments later, as the party members already start to daydream about wealth and glory, someone notice you.

When the game resumes, the Kraken agents will immediately rush towards your hiding place and you will be forced to fight one of the hardest battles of this Chapter. Try to react quickly and protect yourself as best as you can before to engage your enemies in a melee.

If you manage to win this battle, your efforts will be amply compensated by the stuff you will find searching your enemies’ remains.

The barbarian minotaur [N, Bb16], who wield a mighty greataxe+3 called ‘Kram’s Redemption’, drops a pair of Bracers of the Berserker (No one knows who actually had the idea of making these sets of bracers, but one thing for sure, he didn't like fancy combats. The wearer would feel his evil side take control, all the anger and aggressiveness inside come to the surface and be unleashed. It is such an extreme feeling that it is said that good-hearted people simply cannot bear to use them. Usable only by evil characters, these bracers grant the wearer a +2 Constitution and Strength bonus, Haste, Freedom of Movement and immunity to fear. The wearer, however, suffers a -1 armor class dodge modifier).

The dwarf cleric [LE, C18] drops an Amulet of Divine Radiance, a warhammer called ‘Bones’ Bane’ (An elven priest of Lathander received this powerful weapon as a gift. He stayed in his chapel for 12 whole days praying his god for the means to destroy the evil stirring in a cemetery not far from his home woods. This is a warhammer +3/+5 vs. undead. When the hammer hits an undead, it causes 1d6 additional bludgeoning damage), a chain shirt+4, a Gem of Brightness, a Potion of Bless, a Potion of Clarity, a Potion of Heal and a Heart of the Beast (Normally created by clerics of Malar, this item has begun to appear in the hands of others. This item is the heart of a predatory animal, smoked and magically cured. The heart confers the effects of a Divine Power spell upon the creature that eats it).

The human assassin [NE, Ro10/Assassin 7] drops an Amulet of the Master, a Belt of Guiding Light, a Cape of the Fire Bat, a vial of Deathblade Poison, a ‘Funny Sword’ (This blade has been the inspiration for many bards since it was made. No one knows the exact story, since you can have many versions of it. The most popular is about a gnome bard who thought fighting was boring. Always in good mood, this blade sings songs when in battle and makes enemies laugh. The Funny Sword is a longsword+4 that causes 1d6 additional sonic damage. On hit, it casts a Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell upon it’s victim) and a short sword called ‘Lucky Bastard’ (This swashbuckler's blade was given this name after it was used for it's first kill. Falum from the northern parts of Cormyr despised his enemy, Galgred, so much that he decided to make this short blade for the moment where he would finally get rid of him. ‘You lucky bastard!’ were his last words when Falum managed to stab him through the chest in some impossible move. This short sword+4 causes its victims 1d6 additional electrical damage and grants improved evasion to the wielder).

The human fighter [LE, F16] drops an Armor of Resistance (History mentions two or three sets of these very powerful plates. All of them were made by the Aarikis family. Using their combined skills and magic, they made all kinds of armor extremely resistant to magic. The armor grants the wearer a +3 AC bonus, magical resistance 10/-, spell resistance 20 and the power to cast a Lesser Spell Mantle spell once per day. The armor also sheds a normal blue light), a Belt of Cloud Giant Strength, a pair of Boots of Striding+6, a Helm of Lightning (Rumour says this helm was made by a djinn from the Elemental Plane of Air and given to an adventurer who had cast a Wish spell. Most of the tale is still unknown to this day. The helm grants the wearer electrical resistance 15/- and the power to cast the Chain Lightning spell once per day and the Lightning Bolt spell thrice per day), a Potion of Bull’s Strength, a Potion of Eagle’s Splendor, a Potion of Heal and a Potion of Lesser Restoration.

The reptilian monk [NE, M18] drops a gauntlet called ‘Fist of the Ghoul’ (History doesn't mention anything about this object. It seems to be the making of an evil monk order that must've evolved in the Underdark. Nevertheless, this gauntlet becomes very dangerous in the right hands. Usable only by evil monks, the gauntlet grants a +3 attack bonus, causes 4 additional negative damage and can drain the victim’s strength on hit), a Ring of Hiding, a Ring of Insight and a Shroud of the Night (This unique cloak as long been in possession of an assassin called 'The Shadow One'. No one knows what happened to him, the only thing history mentions is that a powerful wizard, under the effect of a True Vision spell, was able to steal his cloak from his back. The assassin fled into the shadow, never to return again. Usable only by evil characters, the cloak grants the wearer darkvision, immunity to the Darkness spell, the ability to hide in plain sight, a +10 bonus on the hide skill and the power to cast the Darkness spell once per day).

The human assassin leader [NE, Ro10/Assassin 7] drops a pair of Boots of Speed, a Cloak of Displacement, a vial of Dragon Bile Poison, three Potions of Cure Light Wounds, a Potion of Heal, a Potion of Invisibility, two Potions of Lore, a Rapier of Pain (This rapier deserves its name. It was first used by the notorious Farshrous who used the weapon to bring so much pain to its victims that some of them would simply beg to die after tasting what its capable of. The rapier is a keen weapon +4 that can cause wounding on hit), a Ring of the Ram, a Scarab of Protection+4 and a Djinni Bottle.

The djinni bottle is the best prize of the game and - if you’ve played HotU – you should already know how to use it. The bottle holds Volkarion, a merchant djinni, who has access to wares from different planes of existence. He is trapped in this bottle and can be spoken to in order to purchase his wares.

When the bottle is used, it begins to shake and tremble in your grasp. A cloud of smoke billows forth, the mists coalescing into the figure of a powerfully built djinni of royal blood - Volkarion Arsetis [N, F10/W30]. Volkarion is a merchant who deals in the finest merchandise you can find about the planes – his prices are not negotiables and, most of all, he doesn’t grant wishes!

Volkarion seems quite happy you’ve found his bottle. Not long ago, he was in Halaster’s keeping. Then, drow stormed Undermountain and kept the bottle until ‘some hero’ retrieved it. The hero lost the battle during a great battle in the Underdark, then Volkarion has been summoned by some baatezu. The baatezu was too stupid to understand what good business is, so he threw the bottle in a river. Then, his former owners found him. They wanted him to put them in contact with planar slave traders! Figure that! If you’re interested to learn more about his former owners, Volkarion says there is a small settlement where they keep slaves from Yartar not far from here. The settlement is guarded by a few illithids.

Volkarion’s current choice of wares include some interesting things: a pair of Twin Fists of Fire, a breastplate+4, a scale mail+3, a Major Circlet of Blasting, a pair of Dragon Slippers, a pair of Boots of Reflexes+6, a pair of Boots of the Sun Soul+5, a tower shield called Cloud of Death (Made by a powerful solar who had fallen from grace and passed on for generations to many agents of evil, this shield seems to bring death in its wake. No one knows if that shield was made for protection, or simply as another weapon. The shield grants the wielder a +4 AC bonus, plus the power to cast the Acid Fog, Cloudkill and Incendiary Cloud once per day), ammunition +3, many scrolls and potions (including the brand-new Potion of Demon Strength. Blood of an aasimar, a few drops of the Styx river and tanar'ri spittle are some of the components needed to make this evil elixir of death and destruction. Only a twisted soul with the blackest of heart could drink this mixture without dying on the spot. Once you drink of it, you simply become berserk and a threat to all things around you for 2d4+2 rounds), a Ring of Protection+4, a Ring of Protection+5, a Ring of Scholars, a Demon’s Wrath amulet (A powerful demon of the Lower Planes made this amulet to help any knights of great evil in their quest to oppose the celestials. It was made for that single purpose only. Usable only by a blackguard, the amulet grants the wearer a +4 AC bonus vs. outsiders, a 50% immunity bonus against divine energy and immunity to the following spells: Flame Strike, Hammer of the Gods, Searing Light and Storm of Vengeance), a Bag of Holding, a Brooch of Shielding, Dragon Bile Poison, Dust of Appearance, Dust of Disappearance, Dust of Dispelling, an Efreet Bottle (Actually, this is Volkarion's enemy. He cursed a very old enemy, an efreet [LE, F20] who will obey the one who will free him for a time before going back to his home, the elemental plane of fire. It doesn't seem to bother Volkarion if you free him, it is actually not the first time he cursed this one to sell it afterwards), an Eye of Healing (The eye of a huge cyclop, taken and mixed with a couple of choice ingredients and some tricky spell casting. The result is very powerful remedy against blindness), healer’s kits+10, a Lantern of Revealing and a Totem of Fear (A kobold shaman made this unusual totem. It has fascinated wizards for a long time, since it is the bearer of very unusual magic. It is said to feed upon the courage of the holder's enemies. When used, an aura of fear will appear around the user for 2 turns).


Going east through this passage you may enter the illithid territory. This passage, however, is guarded by three intellect devourers [CE, Aberration 10] and a mind flayer guard [LE, Aberration 14].




Go west through this passage to return to the previous area.

When you enter this area you run across a scared human [N, Commoner 10] dressed in rags. Apparently, the guy mistakes you for a slaver for he begs for mercy and ask to have his life spared. If you want, you can tell him you are no slaver. Otherwise, you may play the slaver role. Either way, you should question the ‘fauthful servant’ about what’s going on here.

According to the man, things are going as usual. A new shipment of slaves has just arrived from Yartar and the mind flayers are inspecting it. Some of ‘your friends’ from the Kraken Society are still there, wearing their protective helmets. By the way, the man saw one of such helmets on the crates inside the lair.

If you ask who is in charge here, the man says the leaders of this cell are Vestress and Semmonemily. They trade slaves to drow, svirfneblin and duergars. They also sell information of any kind.

You cannot pry other information from this guy. If you have pity of him, feel free to cure this poor soul from his miserable life. If you kill this man, your alignment will be shifted of five points towards evil. The same shift will take place each time you slay a slave or a thrall, both about this camp and inside the illithid’s lair.


Two intellect devourers [CE, Aberration 10] wander about here.


As you walk about the central portion of the area you may be attacked by four battle devourers [CE, Aberration 15] and one intellect devourer.


Two mind flayer guards [LE, Aberration 14] stand near a locked gate, together with two battle devourers and one intellect devourer.

Past this ornate gate there is a passage leading to the dwarven citadel you are meant to explore. To open this gate, however, you need the proper key. Such a key can be found in the illithid’s lair.


If you’re not using your stealth or some magical mean to conceal your presence, when you approach this makeshift camp you will be immediately attacked by two Kraken Society rogues [LE, Ro14] and by three illithids who have come here to inspect the new shipment. You should be careful, though, for the two mind flayer guards are led by a dangerous mind flayer venerable [LE, Aberration 8/Sorcerer 12]. Besides the rogues and the flayers, about here there are also three battle devourers.

When all the enemies have been dealt with, the camp is safe for you to explore. Besides three humans kept inside a magical pen, here are eight thralls [N, Commoner 1]. Three thralls are scattered about the camp and four of them are waiting inside a common pen to the northeast. Judging by their blank stare and empty eyes, the thralls’ mind is long gone. Deprived of their free will, these mindless slaves won’t react, whatever you may do. If you attack them, they will turn hostiles but even so they will simply stay still, waiting for you to butcher them like animals for slaughter.

The three human slaves [N, Commoner 1] kept inside the magical pen still retain their free will. When you approach them, be very careful to do not cross the magical barrier. Unless you’re immune to mind-affecting magic, breaking the shafts of crackling energy might be your last action. To deactivate this deadly trap, just destroy one of the illithid mechanisms found at the four corners of the pen. Once the trap is gone, you are free to kill the slaves. Poor souls... they’ve really run out of luck!

Before to enter the lair, you can search for treasure inside a few container scattered about here.

A barrel holds random treasure of medium value, two bottles of spirits, a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds, a Potion of Heal, a Potion of Invisibility, a Potion of Lesser Restoration and a Potion of Speed.

Random treasure of medium value can be found within two crates.

A chest near the lair’s entrance holds random treasure of medium value, arrows, arrows+1, bullets, bullets+1, a common handaxe, a Potion of Clarity, a Potion of Death Armor, a Potion of Eagle’s Splendor and a bottle of wine.

Another chest, both locked and trapped [DC18. DC20/25; Strong Sonic], holds 900 gold pieces, a Bag of Holding and a Ball of Elemental Summoning (History doesn't mention who would've created this rather unusual crystal ball. One can see through it all elementals combined together in an eternal motion. It is likely to be the creation of an elementalist for some sort. The ball can be used once per day to cast a Summon Creature VIII spell).


This is the entrance of the illithid’s lair.



01. EXIT

Go through this door to leave this place.

The large room you enter is currently inhabited by a battle devourer [CE, Aberration 15], an intellect devourer [CE, Aberration 10], two Kraken Society rogues [LE, Ro14], two mind flayer guards [LE, Aberration 14] and three thralls [N, Commoner 1].


Ten mindless thralls are working in this room, under the supervision of a mind flayer venerable [LE, Aberration 8/S12]. The mind flayer’s pet, an intellect devourer, lurks near the far end of the chamber.

The thralls won’t react when their master is endangered – and they won’t oppose resistance if you decide to relieve them from their sad existence.

After you’ve dealt with the flayer and his pet, walk to the northeast corner of the room to collect a few treasure. Random sums of money can be found inside three chests of gold. A trapped chest [DC30/30; Deadly Gas] holds random treasure of unique value. Within another chest you will find random treasure of low value and a Mind Barrier Helmet. These helmets come in a variety of shapes, sizes and powers. They have been made by all of kind of wizards, but they serve only one purpose: protection against the mind flayers. This particular one seems to convert physical toughness into mental strength. Indeed, the wearer of the helm gain a +6 bonus on the saving throws versus mind-affecting spells and abilities. However, he suffers a -2 Strength penalty, a -2 armor class penalty, and a 25% vulnerability to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.

Near the southwest corner of the room there is a barrel you can search to get several potions (of Antidote, of Bless, of Bull’s Strength, of Cat’s Grace, of Cure Critical Wounds, of Heal, of Lore x5).


One of the leaders of this cell of the Kraken Society can be found within this room.

Semmonemily [NE, F4/Ro10/Assassin 6] is actually a bodak and you should be careful to avoid is death attack.

When the bodak dies, he leaves behind two Potions of Heal and a cell key.

Before to leave this bedroom you may search a bookshelf to find one or more high-level scrolls, and an armoire holding random treasure of high value.


The portcullis of the four cells lined up along the west wall are locked. To open them, you need the key found on Semmonemily’s body.

Inside each of the two upper cells there is a couple of human slaves [N, Commoner 1]. They will be very happy to see you... until they realize who they have to do with.

The third cell is empty. Within the bottom cell there is a child slave [N, Commoner 1] who thinks you are a Shield soldier. Don’t disappoint the little girl! Tell her to close her eyes, then, slit her throat... slowly...


Two elemental guardians [N, Elemental 24] have been ordered to attack whoever enter this room. The guardians are powerful creatures and some protection against fire is recommended before to engage them in a fight.

In the northeast corner of the room there is a strange device consisting of three illithid mechanisms (sort of metallic balls) and three illithid controls. This device can be used to unlock the door to the south of this room.

To open the door, you must set the three control panels so the three balls are lifted up. I don’t know if there is a correct sequence to operate the device, however, if you tinker a bit with the control panels, you should manage to set the three balls in the right position with only a little effort.

Before to leave this room you may search the black barrel standing along the north wall to find two satchets of Dust of Dispelling, a satchet of Dust of Appearance and a satchet of Dust of Disappearance.


Here you will meet Vestress [LE, Aberration 6/S11/C11], the other leader of this cell of the Kraken Society.

If you give him enough time, the mind flayer will activate the control panel standing before him. When he do so, the doors of the cubicles standing all around the room will slam open, releasing seven psionic servants [N, Magical Beast 14]. These incorporeal creatures will target you with continuous mind blast discharges. They can also resort to their psionic mass concussion power, a telekinetic shockwave that causes 7d6 damage to any creatures and objects within the area of effect.

When both Vestress and his servants have been slain, search the mind flayer’s remains to find the dwarven gate key. This is the key you need to open the gate leading to the dwarven citadel.




Go north from here to return to the illithid territory.


When you walk towards the door of the dwarven citadel you are given 500xp.

Before the door there is a svirfneblin guard [LN, F10] who bars your way. The guard says you should know the rules of this place and he won’t make any exceptions, even for low-level scumbags like the Kraken’s puppets. His master’s price is always the same: a life for each passage, the empty-minded thralls excluded. According to the deep gnome, the Kraken Society’s wizard you’re looking for has entered the citadel not so much time ago, probably to reach the hideout the Society keeps under the city of Yartar.

If you want to follow the wizard, you’ve only one choice: kill the svirfneblin, then search his remains to find the big key that opens the citadel’s locked door.

When you enter the citadel, a cutscene movie starts to show the arrival of three planetars. It seems these celestials have followed you all the way ‘till here. Unfortunately, they cannot warn Yartar of the impending danger for the creatures of the outer planes are not allowed to interfere in the mortals’ affairs. One planetar says he heard a servant of Tyr has broken that rule. First, he saved Nasgalvir de la Bora from a certain death, then he even waited for you along with Askrax, the noble silver dragon. Tyr wasn’t allowed to interfere so directly and Ao himself reprimanded him. The god of justice just couldn’t break the laws of the god!

The three planetars, who are servants of Tymora, are very uncertain about what they must do. However, after a short discussion, they decide to enter the citadel and wait for you somewhere. If they act quick and unnoticed, maybe they can stop you.

When the planetars fly away, the cutscene movie ends. When the game resumes, you’re now inside the dwarven citadel.


● Level 1



Go north through this door if you want to leave the citadel.

02. PUB

When you enter this room you will be attacked by three svirfneblin servants [LN, F10].

This place is a sort of pub for the citadel’s residents. Indeed, the chest along the south wall holds five bottles of ale, seven bottles of spirits and five bottles of wine.

If you need to regain your health or spells, here you can rest safely. Just remember to close the door behind you.


Just like the previous one, this room is safe to rest. Before you can do that, however, you have to deal with a svirfneblin officer [LN, F16] and two svirfneblin servants.

The chest in the southwest corner of the room holds random treasure of low value and an iron key. Very heavy for its size, this key must open something with a very big lock.


Here are five svirfneblin servants. When they are dead, this is another room safe to rest inside.

The black barrel in the northwest corner of the room holds a magical helm called ‘Eyes of Doom’. This helm mounts two crystal lenses over the wearer's eyes that to outside observers appear as a swirling infinite void. The wearer is able to cast doom on those around him merely by meeting a target's gaze. Those failing a will saving throw are doomed as per the spell.

Near the barrel there is a chest holding random treasure of low value.

In the southwest corner of the room there is a big chest bathed by a green light. The chest is both locked and trapped [DC20/30. Strong Spike]. To open the chest, you need the iron key found in the officer’s room. Inside the chest there are one bottle of ale, four healer’s kits +10, a Potion of Lore, a trap kit (deadly acid splash) and a key tagged as ‘elemental key’. The key is warm to the touch. It has a drawing on it that reminds you of a fire elemental. The key unlocks the Elemental Gate on the fourth floor of the citadel (location 02).


Four svirfneblin servants and a big metal guardian [N, Construct 15] will try to kill you when you enter this room.

The chamber is split in two halves by a fence wall. Near the fence you can notice a corpse laying on the floor. Search the corpse to find a Golden Chalice of Lathander.

Open the fence gate to enter a sort of prison where four human slaves [N, Commoner 1], three men and a woman, are kept in captivity. The three males cannot speak for their tongue has been cut out. If you talk with the woman, she thanks you a lot for having killed the evil gnomes. They spent the whole day cutting all the men’s tongues out after one slave insulted them. The gnomes also killed one of them and cooked him right in front of the others. She has been spared because she was to be given to their master so he could feed on her.

If you take pity of this frightened woman, tell her you will lead her and her friends where all the people of Yartar is about to go... to the land of the dead!

If you’re lucky, your cruelty may even be rewarded. Indeed, searching the remains of one of the slaves, I found one Potion of Invisibility and six Potions of Heal. Maybe it was a gift of Talos...


Take these stairs to reach the second floor of the citadel.


To reach this location you must go down the stairs found on the second level of the citadel, at location 10.

The door ahead is locked [DC23]. Before to open it, be sure you’re ready to face a hard battle.


Two fearsome adult shadow dragons [CE, Dragon 24] inhabit this large chamber. I hope you can fight in the dark because the hall will be enveloped by utter darkness until the dragons are alive.

When the dragons are dead - if you’ve already found the ‘Book of Savil’ - you can perform the ritual described in the tome. Walk to the white spiral at the center of the hall and use the book’s unique power. When you do that, a coffer tagged as ‘planar chest’ appears before you. Open the chest to find three diamonds, three emeralds, three rubies, a Staff of the Magi, a Wand of Fear, a Wand of Negative Energy and a very powerful talisman called ‘Touch of Death’. When you take the amulet, you are given a reward of 500xp.

Many historians consider this amulet to be a real insult to life itself. The Church of Lathander has been instructed to attack at sight anyone who would bear this amulet. This amulet is extremely cold to the touch and provides the wearer a taste of being undead. The wearer's skin becomes colder, harder and pale. After a long time, the wearer would be standing at the line between life and undeath. The wearer of the amulet, who must be of any evil alignment, is granted a +3 armor class bonus; slashing resistance 5/-; 75% immunity to cold; complete immunity to death magic, disease, fear, mind-affecting spells and paralysis; a +4 bonus on the saving throws against negative energy and poison; and a +4 bonus on the fortitude saving throws.

The door in the southeast corner of the room is locked [DC23].


A sign before this gate reads: ‘Shadow Room – Enter at your own risk’.

To open the gate you need the dragon key you may find on the second level of the citadel, at location 09.


One of the four phylacteries holding the soul of the citadel’s master is found in this room.

The phylactery rests upon a pedestal at the center of the room. Three large mirrors stand around the pedestal. Even though you do not feel it, you think there is a powerful magic at work here. Gazing at your own reflection, you notice your image is not doing exactly what a reflection should do. Indeed, the phylactery cannot be destroyed until you’ve activated the three mirrors. To activate the mirrors, do not bash them, instead, click on their surface.

When you look at your reflection in the mirror on the northwest, your image changes and it is replaced by the image of your brother. He looks exactly the same as the last day you saw him, when the guard came to take him away. Suddenly, the image begins to talk. Your brother calls you an insult of your family and accuse you to have done nothing to save him.

When you say your brother would’ve never talked to you that way, the image steps out of the mirror and you have to fight ‘your brother’ [CE, F17]. When you kill your ‘brother’, the mirror shatters.

When you look at your reflection in the mirror on the northeast, you see yourself in a white armor with the symbol of Tyr on it, holding a holy avenger sword. You don’t see hatred in your eyes, but some pathetic goodness. You realize that your reflection is the exact opposite of yourself. The image smiles and ask you to stop your madness and repent. He’s here to clean the hatred in your heart and bring you back to the light. It is his duty to put you back on the path of righteousness.

Ask your ‘twin’ to step out of the mirror so you shall deal with him the ways Talos showed you – or just spit on the image to show him what you think about his righteousness. Either ways, your good twin [LG, P18] will materialize near the mirror, ready for a fight. When you kill the twin, the mirror is shattered. If you search the twin’s remains you may find two Potions of Heal.

When you look at the mirror on the southeast, you see the image of the most despised person on the face of Faerun you could think of – Lady Belleethe Kheldorna, the Waterbaroness of Yartar. The paladin says she wish she could do something to ease the pain she caused you. She did what she did because the people of Yartar demanded justice. She would like to go back in time and find a way to prevent your brother’s death, but she can’t.

Of course, her words send you in a fit of rage. When you attack the image, Belleethe Kheldorna [LG, P18] steps out of the mirror and attack. Kill the paladin’s image and the mirror will be broken.

Once the three mirrors have disappeared, you can destroy the phylactery. For the destruction of the phylactery you will get 300xp.

When the phylactery is damaged, the master’s spirit [CE, S15] appears in the room to punish your action. Assuming this is the first phylactery you destroy, the (headless) spirit will be escorted by two gelugons [LE, Outsider 14].


To open this gate you need the bone key you may find within a desk on the second floor of the citadel, at location 10.


These stairs lead up to the fourth level of the citadel, at location 08.

● Level 2



Go up these stairs to return to the first level of the citadel.

The first time you arrive here, you will be immediately attacked by seven svirfneblin servants [LN, F10].


Before to enter this room, prepare yourself for a very hard fight.

Indeed, beyond the north door, three svirfneblin officers [LN, F16] and fourteen svirfneblin servants are waiting for your arrival.

If you do not resort to some strategy, this battle may be your last one. Area-effect spells and spell-like abilities or powerful summoned creatures may save your day here.

Once all the gnomes have been slaughtered, your troubles have just begun!

Walk towards the far end of the room. When you’re near the door to the south, a little svirfneblin mage [LN, F10] appears before you. According to the mage, you don’t know what are you messing with. Before you can react, the gnome waves her hands and suddenly the world seems bigger...

Actually, the world *is* bigger. The mage has cast a shrinking spell and now you are reduced to the size of an insect. The wizardess is still standing near you, but now she’s a giantess (a giant, to tell the truth) very much alike a frost giant. If you attack and hurt the ‘giant svirfneblin mage’ [LN, W17], she immediately teleports away.

Your goal here, is to track down and kill the mage. Only the wizard’s death will break the shrinking spell so you can return to your normal size. Unfortunately, the mage has retreated to the opposite end of the hall. This means you have to cross the whole chamber to reach her. As you walk there, you may meet several gnomes... big gnomes. Indeed, scattered about the hall there are two giant svirfneblin officers [LN, F18] and ten giant svirfneblin servants [LN, F13]. Be VERY cautious – your precious life is going to be put at serious risk!

When you’ve found the mage, try to kill her the quickest you can. When she dies, the spell is broken and you’re returned to your normal size.

By the way, when the mage cast her spell your henchmen will be shrinked as well as you. If they happen to die while you’re shrinked, don’t forget to raise them to life. If a henchman is still dead when the spell is broken, you won’t be able to resurrect them afterwards.


The citadel’s library boasts twentyfour bookshelves. If you search a few bookshelves, you will realize they hold only common lorebooks – at least for now.

A librarian zombie [NE, Undead 4] walks endlessy up and down along the central aisle. This zombie cannot talk - and cannot be killed - but he’s good at his job.

The first time you approach him, the zombie is holding a book. Ask the walking dead to show you that tome and you will be given the Book of the Master.

Read the book carefully for it details the way you can destroy the citadel’s master. Without the hints provided by the book, you won’t be able to destroy the master’s phylacteries.

The tome seems to be a log book of some kind written by a servant of the master of this old dwarven citadel and relating his deeds over the past decades. According to the dates and the events described in it, you have the feeling this master is a powerful lich and has lived for over four centuries. It mentions the take-over of this former dwarven citadel and the enslavement of the svirfneblins. Some parts of the book reveal some of the secrets of his immortality as it relates the story of his phylacteries and the existence of a powerful Orb within the citadel: ‘...After channelling his life energy using the Orb of Zafril, my master had built four phylacteries and separated them all throughout his domain. (...) The embodiment of shadow... as they guarded the life energy of my master for centuries and the mirror kept the reflection of his will. (...) The fabric of magic is bound to this phylactery, let's us wish it never dispels. (...) Pure pure chaos... The blessing of Valsheroon had given strength and power to my master. If the blessing of Valsheroon were to disappear, it would greatly weaken my master. May doom never come to this phylactery. Hail Valsheroon. (...) This phylactery is now guarded by my master's fire creatures. The soul of my master is well protected. It is shielded by darkness. May light forever stay at bay...’

Later on, when you’ve found the note hidden in a table on the third floor of the citadel (location 04), or when you’ve got the parchment you can find in the Shrine of Valsharoon (level three, location 06), you can return here to show the zombie your findings. The librarian will slowly raise an arm, pointing out to one of the bookshelves. By showing the note to the zombie you can get the ‘Book of Savil’. When the zombie sees the parchment, it will point you to a book by the title ‘Notes of Sigil Walk’. To make your life easier, your area map will be updated to mark the bookshelves holding those books.

The ‘Notes of Sigil Walk’ are a pile of wizard notes wrapped together. Most of them are results taken from all kinds of experiments. On one page though, you can read: ‘..Between the giant thrones of flame lies the entrance to the gates of my anti-chamber. By chanting those simple words, it will activate the teleportation. I called it Sigil Walk because it reminded me of the City of Doors’.

The ‘Book of Savil’ is filled with dark necromantic incantations of all kinds. All of them are totally incomprehensible. There is a bookmark that leads you to an interesting page. Though you do not understand what the page is all about, you can still read small remarks on the side: ‘...keep the Touch of Death in the center of the Shadow Room. It will stay there until my next experiment. (...) Ali Alra Alzrak - should bring my planar chest.’


These stairs lead to the third level of the citadel, at location 01.


Three greater bone golems [N, Construct 18] guard this arcane laboratory. Before you can destroy the golems, however, you have to bash down the three obelisks standing about the chamber. Each obelisk has 150 hit points and hardness 15 (fortitude save 30).

If you attack the golems before you’ve bashed down the three obelisks, you will be zapped by powerful electrical discharges. Also, when a golem is reduced to 0 hit points, it will be immediately resurrected.

When the obelisks and the golems have been destroyed, take your time to search the room.

The chest to the northeast is trapped [DC25/32; Deadly Spike]; it holds random treasure of unique value.

Upon the alchemist’s apparatus standing in the northeast corner of the room there are a Potion of Bless, three Potions of Heal and a satchet of Dust of Dispelling.

Random treasure of high value can be found inside the two armoires along the east wall.

The cabinet to the southeast holds a diamond, a fire agate, a Lesser Pink Ioun Stone and a key tagged as ‘magic key’. The key opens a locked gate on the third floor of the citadel, at location 11.


Four skeleton soldiers [NE, Undead 6/F6] guard this long hall.

Along the hall’s side walls there are two huge sculpted thrones. Once you’ve read the ‘Notes of Sigil Walk’, you should realize that the ritual described in the notes is intended to take place in this chamber. Come here, stand upon the white spiral at the center of the floor, and use the book’s unique power.

Doing so, will cause a glowing yellow portal to appear behind you. If you enter this portal you will reach the antechamber of the master, on the fourth level of the citadel (location ...).


The leader of the deep gnomes, a svirfneblin captain [LN, F18], dwells in this room, protected by two skeleton soldiers. When the captain dies, he may drop two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds.

Once the enemies have been slain, this room is a safe place to rest.

Two armoires and one chest standing along the south wall hold random treasure of medium and high value. Inside the captain’s desk you will find only random treasure of low value.


These stairs lead to the third level of the citadel, at location 10.


A fearsome tanar’ri servant [CE, Outsider 20] (a balor) guards this chamber.

When the fiend has been sent back to the Abyss, search the table in the northeast corner of the room to get a key tagged as ‘dragon key’. The key opens the gate for the Shadow Room, on the first level of the citadel (location 09).


The two earth mephits [NE, Outsider 3] in this room serve more as ornamentation than as guardians.

Kill the critters, then search the desk in the northwest corner of the room to find random treasure of low value and a bone key. This key is made of brass with a skull carved on it. It unlocks the warded gate found on the first level of the citadel, at location 11.

Behind the door to the southwest there are stairs leading down to the first level of the citadel, at location 07.

● Level 3



These stairs lead back to the third level of the citadel, at location 04.


Six skeleton soldiers [NE, Undead 6/F6] guard this corridor.

At the bottom end of the hallway stands a foreboding warrior - an undead blackguard [CE, Outsider 19/Undead 1].

When slain, the blackguard drops a Bloodletter sword (Forged in smoldering brimstone fires and cooled in the blood of its creator, a Bloodletter blade is a typically evil weapon, the kind of sword that has inspired more than a little diabolical laughter while being waved in the face of one or another virtuous knight. It is possessed of thoroughly heinous life-stealing energies, but if the fates of its previous owners are any indication, its major characteristic could well be the attraction of ‘comeuppance’. This bastard sword +4 grants the wielder vampiric regeneration +2 and can cause wounding on hit) and a Shield of the Abyss (A tiefling under the name of Gargora'tiuk made this shield from the forges of the Abyss. It was then given to a powerful Demogorgon's general, and was lost during one of the many battles of the Blood War. How it came to be found in the Underdark, you have no idea. The shield protects its wearer as if he were native from the Abyss. The wielder of the shield, who must be a chaotic evil creature, is granted a +4 armor class bonus, acid and cold resistance 5/-, 10% immunity to divine energy, 25% immunity to electricity and fire, and a +4 bonus on the saving throws against poison).


This chamber features six coffins and three drow chests for you to search.

Each coffin holds one gem (aventurine, diamond, emerald, garnet, ruby, topaz). Inside the chests you will find nothing but random treasure of low value.

04. TOMB

Enter this chamber to find a vampire [CE, Undead 20] standing in front of his (empty) sarcophagus.

When the undead has been slain, search the table to the northeast to find a note. This note seems to be a fragment of a simple reminder: ‘...ask my faithful zombie to index the Book of Savil at the right place. The Touch of Death should maybe...’ Once you’ve read the note, you should pay a visit to the citadel’s library. Question the zombie librarian about the tome mentioned by the note and you will be given the Book of Savil.

In the southwest corner of the chamber there is a floor level. When you pull the lever, a glowing portal appears next to you.

Enter the portal to reach the next location.


To come here, you must step inside the portal which appears at the previous location when the floor lever found in that chamber is pulled.

To return where you’re coming from, just enter the portal in the northwest corner of this room.

To the south, past a portcullis, there is a corridor filled with a corrosive, acidic fog.

If you have some form of protection from acid, tell your henchmen to wait for you in this room, then run the fastest you can along the acid-filled corridor to enter the next room.

If you cannot protect yourself from the acid, keep in mind every round you spend in the corridor you will suffer 2d6 damage.

As a side note, I tried to dispel the acidic fog by using a Dispel Magic scroll to little avail. Perhaps a Greater Dispelling or other high-level spells may do the job.


Two powerful Knights of Valsharoon [CE, Outsider 19/Undead 1] inhabit this room (actually, they have been buried here). The knights will attack you on sight, along with their pet – a nasty quasit [CE, Outsider 3]. Beware!

By the way, the Knights would be more than happy to kill you. Valsharoon - a chaotic evil demigod, patron of the undead and of the necromancers – was once betrayed by Talos and he bears an age-long grudge against your deity.

When the knights and the quasit have been slain, search the knights’ coffins. One coffin is empty but the other holds the Key of Chaos. This key is extremely heavy for its size and you feel a strong wild and chaotic force when holding it. The key unlocks the gate found at the next location.

Along the west wall there is a chest bathed by a purple light. This chest is trapped [DC30/30; Deadly Negative] and holds random treasure of unique value.

The chest in the southeast corner of the room holds two powerful items. Made from a human skull and powerful necromancy, the Helmet of Hatred is reputed to bring hatred like never experienced before to whoever wears it. Without fear and pain, and with the ability to use your weapon in an uncanny way, you simply become a war machine. No one knows who could've concentrated such hatred in a helmet. Usable only by evil characters, the helmet grants the wearer a +2 Strength bonus, damage reduction +1 Soak 5, immunity to fear and the whirlwind attack feat.

The Scythe of the Undead God has been made by the followers of Valsheroon. These scythes are used by most of his dreadful knights. They are deadly... or even worse. Usable only by evil characters, this keen weapon +4 cause 1d10 additional cold and negative damage; on hit, the scythe can slow its victim for 3 rounds (25%, DC18).

Finally, here is a desk you should search to find a parchment. There is nothing interesting inscribed on this parchment except few notes here and there that seem to have been written by the master of the svirfneblins: ‘The Orb of Zafril is lying quiet in my anti-chamber...’

If you show this parchment to the zombie who manages the library on the second floor of the citadel (location 03), he will point you to a bookshelf where you will find a book by the title ‘Notes of Sigil Walk’.


The sign before this gate reads: ‘The Forces of Chaos’. To open the gate, you need the Key of Chaos. The key is hidden within a coffin in the Shrine of Valsharoon (location 06).


Multicolored lights fill this large and otherwise empty chamber. To the northeast you may spot a pedestal. One of the master’s phylacteries rests upon the pedestal.

To reach the pedestal, you must cross the room. As you do so, you will trigger six invisible and undetectable traps calling forth a few slaadi from their homes in Limbo.

Two triggers call forth 2-4 red slaadi [CN, Outsider 10]. These groups may also include one death slaad [CN, Outsider 18] if you’re unlucky.

Two triggers call forth 2-4 red and/or blue slaadi [CN, Outsider 11]. These groups may include a gray slaad [CN, Outsider 14].

One trigger calls forth 2-4 red, blue and/or gray slaadi. This group may include a death slaad.

The last trigger calls forth one single slaad – a very rare and powerful white slaad [CN, Outsider 24]. A death slaad that survives for more than a century retreats into isolation for an entire year, metamorphosing into the dread white slaad.

If you consider the slaadi have the power to summon other members of their race (albeit of a lesser status), you should realize this place can quickly turn into a deadly trap if you’re not fully prepared.

When no more slaadi appear, it’s time to destroy the phylactery, but, how? A phrase in the Book of the Master provide the answer you need: ‘May doom never come to this phylactery’. Use the Skull of Talos to cast a Doom spell upon the phylactery (Circle of Doom won’t work). Once the spell has been cast, you can damage and destroy the phylactery. For this accomplishment, you get 300xp.

Also, the master’s spirit [CE, S15] appears nearby. Assuming this is the second phylactery you destroy, the spirit will be escorted by two undead elite [NE, Undead 9/F9].

Concentrate your attacks on the spirit. When he disappears, take care of the skeletons.


Here, behind a door, there are stairs leading to the fourth floor of the citadel, at location 01.


The stairs lead down to the citadel’s third level, at location 08.

The hallway you enter is ridden with deadly traps. If you have the disable trap skill, you can spend some time (a long time) trying to detect and disarm all the fourtyfour (44!!) traps [DC34/36; Epic Fire] that some deranged mind has placed along the corridor. However, keep in mind the traps are not of the one-shot type and they may reset in time. If a trap is triggered, you may suffer 50d6 fire damage – enough for you or your henchment to be incinerated on spot.

To avoid to be burned to ashes, you should take great care to follow the path marked by the red arrows painted on the floor. If you’re henchmen have troubles to follow your steps, order them to stay and wait. When you’ve entered a new room, you can make the henchmen appear on your side by saving the game and then reloading it. The henchmen will be automatically brought to you if you go up the stairs at the end of the hallway.


The sign before this gate reads: ‘Essence of Magic’. Quite appropriately, to unlock the gate you need the magic key you can found in the forgeroom on the second level of the citadel (location 05).


Another phylactery is found within this hall.

The phylactery is guarded by a single creature, a magic spirit [N, Magical Beast 20]. Fighting this incorporeal being may be quite annoying.

Each and every round, the spirit teleports a few steps away from you. When he reappears, the nasty spirit shoots a volley of magical missiles towards you, the effects alike an Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm spell. When the spirit is brought to 0 hit points he disappears with a nice implosion effect.

When the room is safe, walk to the center of the room where is the pedestal supporting the master’s phylactery. Regarding this phylactery, the Book of the Master reads: ‘The fabric of magic is bound to this phylactery, let's us wish it never dispels’. It shoud be obvious you need to cast a Dispel Magic spell upon the phylactery to make it vulnerable to your attacks.

If you’re not a spellcaster, you can cast the Dispel Magic spell by using a scroll or a magical item (i.e. some Dust of Dispelling - Volkarion has a few satchets for sale).

Once the magic which protects the phylactery has been dispelled, you can destroy the phylactery to get 300xp.

As usual, such an action causes the master’s spirit to appear and attack. Assuming this is the third phylactery you destroy, two cornugons [LE, Outsider 15] will appear along with the spirit. Again, focus your attacks on the spirit and take care of the baatezu only once the master is gone.


Go up these stairs to reach the fourth level of the citadel, at location 05.


To reach this room, you must go down the stairs found in the master’s antechamber on the fourth floor (at location 04). The antechamber can be reached by stepping into the portal which appears when you perform the ritual described in the ‘Notes of Sigil Walk’.

A pedestal stands near the center of this chamber, protected by an elder spectre [LE, Undead 15]. Upon the pedestal rests your prize, the Orb of Zafril. When you take the Orb you are given 500xp as an additional reward.

Made by Zafril the necromancer, centuries ago, this Orb holds great power over life and death. It is said the life of a child and the bones of a lich were needed in its conception. Taken from the tomb of Zafril, 'the Master' used it for his dark necromancy.

The Orb can be used to cast the Raise Dead spell (twice a day), the Slay Living spell (twice a day) and the Sunburst spell (up to five times per day). Thrice per day, the Orb can be used to summon a powerful skeleton knight [N, Undead 17].

If you are hurt or tired, this room is a safe place to rest.

● Level 4



Go down these stairs to return to the third floor of the citadel, at location 09.


A headstone near this gate reads: ‘Elemental Room’. To unlock the gate you need the elemental key found in the citadel’s barracks, on the first floor (location 04).


The fourth phylactery you have to destroy is found inside this chamber.

When you enter the room, you will be attacked by a couple of greater fire elementals [N, Elemental 21]. When you destroy one elemental, another will be spawned forth from one of the two flaming statues standing at the center of the room.

Ignore the elementals and bash down the statues, instead. Each statue has 150 hit points and hardness 15 (fortitude save 30). When both statues have been destroyed, a big elemental giant [N, Elemental 25] appears to fight you.

When the room has been made safe, you must destroy the phylactery which rests upon a pedestal on the back of the room. Regarding this phylactery, the Book of the Master reads: ‘It is shielded by darkness. May light forever stay at bay...’ To make the phylactery vulnerable to your attacks you must cast a Light spell upon it. If you cannot cast the spell, you may use a scroll or a magical item (i.e. a Gem of Brightness).

When you destroy the phylactery you get 300xp, then, you have to deal with the angry master’s spirit [CE, S15]. Assuming this is the fourth phylactery you destroy, the spirit will come together with two nalfeshnee tanar’ri [CE, Outsider 16].

Also, if this is the fourth phylactery you destroy, when the spirit is slain he leaves behind a key you shouldn’t miss. Indeed, without the Death Key you won’t be able to unlock the gate found on this same level, at location 06.


This small antechamber can be reached only through the portal you can create by using the ‘Notes on Sigil Walk’. The ritual must be performed in the throne room on the second floor of the citadel (location 06).

To leave this place, you must use the swirling portal next to you. The stairs ahead lead to the master’s room, on level three (location 14).

Before you can go down the stairs, however, you’ve to deal with a metal guardian [N, Construct 15].


These stairs will take you back to the third level of the citadel, at location 13.


To open this gate you need the Death Key left behind by the master’s spirit when you’ve destroyed the fourth phylactery.

Before to go past the gate, be sure you’re fully prepared for a difficult battle - a VERY difficult battle!

Also, keep in mind you won’t be able to flee the incoming battle – once in the sanctum, the gate will shut close. You won’t be able to re-open it until the master is ‘alive’.


The Master [CE, W20/Undead 3] of the citadel is waiting for you in his sanctum, together with his favorite pets: a couple of dracoliches [CE, Dragon 25]!!! When you arrive, the Master says you should prepare to face eternal servitude as his personal zombie...

To make this battle more entertaining, the lich will create fifteen replicas of himself. The real lich can be easily recognized by the white-blue halo of a Spell Mantle spell under his feet. The replicas won’t disappear when the Master is slain, though. These false masters [CE, W10/Undead 1] shouldn’t be so much of a threat, however, their spells may be quite a nuisance.

If you win this battle, don’t forget to search the Master’s remains. The lich leaves behind a key tagged as ‘skull key’ and a statuette called ‘Phylactery of the Forgotten’.

The skull key opens the locked gate at location ...

The strange piece of what would seem to be a melted statue is in fact a phylactery created by Savil, an evil and dark necromancer. It is said to be the recipient of an ancient and powerful demon trapped inside for centuries waiting only to emerge from his prison. The item’s unique power will summon the ancient demon [NE, Outsider 18] to fight at your side for a short time. Afterwards, he will be free from his servitude and will return to his home plane.

Before to leave this place, search the chest near the lich’s throne to find random treasure of unique value.


Go down these stairs to return to the first level of the citadel, at location 12.


To open this gate you need the Skull Key dropped by the Master when he’s finally slain.


The stairs at the center of this chamber will take you to a natural cave.

Before you can reach the stairs, however, you have to deal with a couple of Kraken Society rogues [LE, Ro14].




These stairs will take you back to the fourth level of the dwarven citadel.

When you arrive here, you notice something is wrong. Someone else is here, albeit invisible. Soon, a cutscene movie starts to show you as you ask whoever may be here to reveal themselves.

A few moments later, the three planetars who’ve followed you inside the citadel, appear before you. The celestials claim they cannot allow the forces of Talos to go any further. If the Chanting Chain is ever disturbed, the world as you know shall be destroyed. They just cannot allow that to happen.

You won’t be impressed by the angels’ words. You are a blackguard of Talos. You’ve chosen your god and he will never let you down. Trying to stop you is futile. Yartar shall be destroyed... PERIOD.

When the cutscene movie ends, any protection you may have will be dispelled. So, be quick to protect you the best as you can before to face the three planetars [LG, Outsider 14/C1].

The celestials are tough (and, if you give them enough time, they can resurrect each other), but not impossibly tough. By resorting to my Smite Evil ability I managed to bring them down in a few rounds.

Once the stupid angels have been destroyed, this cavern is a safe place to rest.

To the southeast there is a chest, but it holds only a common whip.


Open the locked portcullis [DC25] to enter this cavelet. Here are a human slave [N, Commoner 1] and a child slave [N, Commoner 1]. After they have witnessed how you slaughtered the celestials, both are very horrified. The man says you’re evil and hopes Tymora will bring you bad luck for killing her servants.

Ignore the man’s curses; instead, sacrifice him and his son to Talos. Two more innocents souls for the Lord of Destruction!


A ward is protecting this gate. To open it, you need the Kraken Ward you can find in the Society’s hideout.

04. A TRAP

A trap [DC18/31; Level 12 Acid] has been placed on the floor of this cave. If you trigger it, you will suffer 12d6 damage from acid and will be paralyzed for 4 rounds.


Two traps [DC22/36; Strong Electrical] [DC10/22; Deadly Spike] have been placed along this tunnel.


Here are two Kraken Society elite guards [N, F17] and one dog [N, Animal 6].


When you enter this cave you will be attacked by a powerful dire wolf [CE, Animal 20] and three dogs.

When the animals are dead, go through the door in the southeast corner of the room to enter the Kraken Society’s hideout.


Go up these natural stairs to enter a cavern located just below the Beldabar’s Rest inn.



01. EXIT

Go through this door to leave the hideout.

The room you enter is guarded by a Kraken Society rogue [LE, Ro14] and two dogs [N, Animal 6]. To the northeast there is a half-orc guard [CN, Bb16] for you to kill.

About here you can search an armoire, two barrels, two chests and three crates. They hold random treasure of low and medium value.

If you need to regain your health or to memorize your spells, the two bedrooms south of this room are safe to rest.


A Kraken Society rogue guards this area.

Random treasure of high value can be found inside an armoire and a chest.


Garlax [N, W16], the Kraken Society’s wizard you’ve been hunting down for a while, is standing inside this room, guarded by a Kraken Society cleric [LE, C18] and two Kraken Society rogues.

When he dies, the mage drops two Potions of Heal and the Kraken Ward. With this token you can open the locked gate found to the southwest of the cavern you’ve entered by leaving the dwarven citadel.


Come to this chamber if you want to collect a few treasure.

Two armoires and one chest hold random treasure of high value. The two chests of gold in the southeast corner of the room hold random sums of money; the chest of gold resting at the foot of the bed holds 15,000 gold pieces.




Go south from here if you need to return to the cave you’re coming from.

Two Kraken Society elite guards [N, F17] are standing watch at the beginning of the passage leading to these stairs.


There is nothing here but a couple of crates holding random treasure of low and medium value.


This door is protected by powerful wards. You cannot open it.


A man is sleeping on a chair, here. When you awake him, the sleepy guard [LE, F7] mistakes you for an agent of the society and inform you the new shipment hasn’t arrived yet. You must wait here for Krakrax’s arrival. The door behind him leads to the Beldabar’s Rest but it is warded and only Krakrax has the ward to open it.

If you ask the guard about the news from Yartar, you will learn the Waterbaroness is totally overwhelmed. The water had been poisoned week ago and they are slowly getting over it. Many people are still sick and dying, though. On top of that, it seems some unknown evil is stirring in the Evermoors. A new orc threat or something like that. The Shield soldiers are everywhere and they are recruiting many adventurers who answered the ‘Call for Heroes’.

Now that you know everything you need, you can put the guard back to sleep... an eternal sleep!

Once the guard is dead, you cannot do nothing but wait. Sit on the chair the guard was sitting on and a cutscene movie will start to show you as you wait.

A few moments later, the big door opens and a man come in. When he notices you, he says he doesn’t know you and ask who you are. You reply you don’t know him either and to answer his question... you are the last person he will ever see.

When the cutscene movie ends, a fight begins. When Krakrax [LE, Ro10/Assassin 10] dies, he drops the Beldabar Ward. This ward token opens the last door between you and the city you hate so much, Yartar.

It is now time to put your plan into execution by getting your orc army up here and get them ready for battle.


You cannot open this gate until you’ve got the Beldabar Ward from Krakrax’s body.

With the ward in your possession, come here and click on the gate, then choose the option to go get Fargrak and the orcs. Once you do, you won’t be able to return in the areas below.

When you choose that option, a short cutscene movie starts. The movie take place on the fourth level of the dwarven citadel and show you and Fargrak as you drive the orcs up the stairs leading to the natural cave.




When the cutscene movie ends, you’re returned to the caves under the Beldabar’s Rest. By now, this place has been turned into an encampment for your army.

When the game resumes, you are given a reward of 1000xp.

Scattered about the camp there are sixteen orcs [CE, Humanoid 8/Bb8], the orc shaman, and all your former henchmen – Kakatarak, Krasharum, Elia Dor Hen and Efrik Dor Hen.

Everyone is very excited and ready for the incoming battle.

By the way, if you had Elia and/or Efrik as your henchmen, when the cutscene movie ends they should have been automatically removed from your party. If they are still on your side, take care to dismiss them before to talk with Fargrak.


This passage is now blocked.


When you approach him, Fargark [CE, C25] says that, in order to maintain control over the situation, you must be patient. Much has happened here since you left, soon after the release of the Khalid poison. Much so since the destruction of Mornbryn’s Shield. So, you must learn what has been going on here during your absence. If you went by the big door, you would enter Yartar by the Beldabar’s Rest, taking the chance to give your position away to your enemies. You cannot allow to be so stupid. The western tunnel, on the other hand, leads to the wilderness right next to a river that he believes to be the Dessarin. You could go outside using this tunnel and pay a visit to Yartar. Fargrak will come along, so both of you can have a look at your future ruins.

Once Fargrak has joined you as your henchmen, walk to the door to the northwest and leave the cave that way.


When Fargrak is on your side, you can leave these caves by this door to reach the next area.


When you and Fargrak are back from your visit to the city’s surroundings, you are given a reward of 1,000xp.

At the end of the cutscene movie, you and Fargrak have been returned to the camp. The priest, however, is no more listed in your party. Also, here now are your friends Gard, Harto and Klarah.

Fargrak is savoring this moment, the moment before the final blow. Yes, the time for the destruction of Yartar has come. The time for the Chanting Chain to return to its true purpose. The time for the Storm Prophet to walk the face of Faerun again and return to its former glory. As for you, it is the time to fulfill your destiny and have your revenge on this miserable city. Each and every single inhabitant of the city is now doomed. For too long the powers of Tymora and Tyr have corrupted this city into false beliefs. Now is the time to teach the weaks what true power is. All shall bow before the might of Talos or the might of Talos shall be upon them!

After this tirade, Fargrak explains the army is ready and hungry for blood. Gard, Harto, Klarah and everyone else will spread in the city and make sure the orcs leave no one alive. As for you, your target is the Shield Tower.

The orcs and the slaughter are only a diversion. The orcs alone do not stand a chance against the Shield soldiers, the priests of Tymora or the paladins of Tyr. They will fight bravely, but they will never be strong enough to prevail without the power of the Chanting Chain. Only after the holy tome has been recovered the Storm Prophet shall return to this world. Only then, Yartar will know its pain. Only a blackguard with the dark powers of destruction behind him can recover the artifact. So, you must enter the Shield Tower after Fargrak has launched the attack to the city.

To enter the tower, however, you need to go past the city walls. You do not have wings to fly, but succubi do. So, Fargrak will summon one fiend to your side so she will help you to fly over the walls.

When Fargrak casts the summoning spell, Valshera [CE, S30], the Queen of the Succubi, appears instead than a normal fiend. Fargrak is very embarassed and asks the demoness to forgive such a mistake. Valshera reassures the priest he has nothing to worry. She always know when a mortal summons one of her ‘girls’ and this time she has chosen to come at their place by her own will.

The succubae at the service of the Storm Lord have waited for centuries for the recovery of the Chanting Chain. The Storm Prophet Tothur had found it during the Year of Chasms and since then, the Harpers have been successful too many times in stopping the Talossans from unleashing its power. Their last hope was Lalagos Indivvur during the Year of the Tired Treant and even then, they failed. The Harpers took the holy book and kept it here for centuries. Since then, the powers of the heavens have been plotting to keep their secret well hidden and to make sure no-one become powerful enough to recover it. That was until you and Fargrak met. Fargrak has been clever enough to find the Harpers’ secret, to escape their wrath and even to destroy those who crossed his path. Talos noticed it and in time, the priest will be rewarded. As for you, you served very well. You learned the ways of destruction as if you were born to be a servant of the Storm Lord. Your heart is black, your enemies fear you and you control them like puppets. The powers of the heavens knew very quickly their secret was now revealed and that you could recover the Chanting Chain. Knowing that, they broke Ao’s rule and interfered directly. For their offence, Talos has been permitted to send Valshera on this plane. Valshera knew Fargrak would summon one of her girls, so she decided to wait and use his spell to come here. As far as you’re concerned, Valshera speaks on behalf of Talos himself on this plane of existence. She must also confess that to witness the rising of the Storm Prophet is a thought that turns her on. So, wouldn’t you mind if she come along with you as a henchwoman?

Of course, you cannot refuse such a honor. When you agree, Valshera casts a spell to free herself from the influence of Fargrak’s summoning spell. Now, she’s all yours. She’s bound to you and if she dies, your lifeforce will bring her back. Indeed, Valshera will feed on your hit points to heal herself everytime she is injured.

Before you leave, Fargrak reminds you to focus on the Shield Tower. He will take care of the orcs. Do not worry, the battle won’t be over after you recover the Chanting Chain. Also, he will make sure nobody touches the Waterbaroness. She’s your prize.

Once Valshera has joined you, you musr leave the camp by the door to the northwest. Once outside, Valshera will ask you if you’re ready to fly. If you are, she will take you in her arms and together you will rise high in the night sky.




This passage leads back to the caves under Yartar.

When you arrive here with Fargrak on your side, the priest says he doesn’t know his way through this forest. You, however, used to play around here when you were a kid and you shouldn’t have any trouble to find the way to Yartar.

Fargrak will follow you, but he reminds your goal is not to start a battle, but to prepare your next course of action.

Later on, you have to return here when Valshera has joined you as your henchwoman. When you arrive here, walk a few yards to the west and north until Valshera asks you if you’re ready to fly to the Shield Tower.


Go north from here to reach the road to Yartar.




Go south from here to return to the area near the Dessarin river.

When you arrive in this area, you will see a Shield officer [LG, F18] leading a platoon of fifteen Shield soldiers [LG, F15] towards the Evermoors.

About here there are nine commoners [N, Commoner 6] and nine Shield guards [LG, F15]. They have nothing useful to tell, though.


A merchant [CG, Commoner 6] is standing between two wagons, offering his wares to the adventurers hailed here to help the city. If you talk with the merchant you may get a few information about Nasgalvir de la Bora and about the troops of Yartar and Triboar marching towards the Evermoors.

The merchant sells a lot of stuff. His best items include an Armor of the Stars, an Armor of Horus-Re, a Mirror Shield, a Darksteel tower shield, a chain shirt+5, a leather armor+5, a studded leather armor+5, a Dwarven Mirth shield, a dragon shield, a Laeral’s Spell Shield, many weapons +4, an Amulet of Natural Armor+5, a Ring of Nine Lives, a Ring of Protection+5, a Ring of Regeneration, a Scarab of Protection+5, a Gem od Seeing, a Gem of Brightness, a Horn of Goodness/Evil, a Lantern of Revealing and thieves’ tools+12.


A sign before the city gates reads: ‘Yartar – Entrance forbidden’. The two Shield guards standing by the gate say nobody can enter Yartar. The water is still poisoned and the city is still quarantined.


The man who’s talking with a Shield officer near the road is no-one but Ern Hum [LE, M11] himself.

When you approach the couple, Ern greets you as a long-time friend of him, then introduces you to the officer as a member of the De la Bora family. Fargrak is now your faithful friend ‘Kragraf’. According to Ern, you’ve traveled all the way from Cormyr to help the city of Yartar. The officer is honored to meet such a hero. Many other famous adventurers have come here by late and with people like you any trouble should be over very soon...

If you ask the officer about the poisonous water, he says it took quite some time for the local authority to find out the poisoning came from the water. All they know is that Lamir, your unfortunate relative, was tracking down somebody from the church of Talos here and they believe the Talossans are behind the crisis. The officer heard Nasgalvir talk to the Waterbaroness and mention the name of Fargrak, a very dangerous man.

If you ask about the threat of the Evermoors, the officer says a few weeks ago they learned that Mornbryn’s Shield had been destroyed by a horde of orcs. That’s why the city has sent many troops along with Triboar’s militia to meet the threat. This situation seems to concern the Waterbaroness more than the crisis itself. According to Nasgalvir, there may be a link between the fall of Mornbryn’s Shield and the poisoning. Whatever that is, they’ve been ordered to send more troops towards the North and to strengthen the city’s northern defences.

If you ask about the heroes who have come here, the officer says they include famous people like the drow ranger Drizz’t Do Urden (it seems Mielikki herself sent him here), the Harper Storm Silverhand (a Chosen of Mystra and one of the Seven Sisters), and Aarin Gend from Neverwinter.

If you ask how things are going in the city, the officer says the city has been quarantined. The people who decided not to stay here are now located beside the South Road. The Waterbaroness is overwhelmed and some people are still dying. They have brought water from the Dessarin and the Surbrin, but they must always be on their guard. Some rumours say that the poison is alive and moves all by itself. There are so many questions these days and the officer hopes the Loremaster will provide the answers.

The Loremaster is a powerful wizard, a friend of the Waterbaroness. It comes from the Dalelands and has spent most of his days here preparing a scrying spell. For his protection, the Light Party warriors have been ordered to escort him. He stays with the others beside the South road.

Once you’ve collected these information, say goodbye to Ern and the officer and walk away. After a few moments, Fargrak approaches you and says if this Loremaster is as powerful as the officer said, you must go to the South and kill that fool. As long as he lives, your quest may be in danger. The priest’s intuition tells him that you would commit a grave mistake if you let the wizard live. If he stays alive, he could reveal too much about you.


Follow the road to the west to reach the next area.

You can leave from here only when you’ve been told about the Loremaster who should be found near the South Road.




Going north from here you can return to the city gates.

After some moments you’ve entered the area, Fargrak approaches you to say he has changed his mind – on second thought, he thinks you should simply kill everyone. Your next course of action should be slaughter everyone you see and make sure you don’t forget the wizard. This will serve your goal. While they will be looking around here for you, Fargrak has already planned your next move. He will tell you about it later. Now, it’s time for a slaughter. Enjoy yourself.

The people you have to kill about here include thirtyfour commoners [N, Commoner 6] and twentytwo Shield soldiers [LG, F16].


The Loremaster [LG, W10] is standing here, behind a magical barrier. When you try to cross the force field, however, you realize you cannot do that.

After such a failed attempt, a cutscene movie starts to show the wizard laughing at you. He says you cannot dispel the field of force for you have only half the power needed. Then, he laughs again while three knights wearing a white armor appear behind him. They are the Light Party warriors!

As the wizard orders the knights to kill you, Fargrak doesn’t seem to be worried. He simply comments the mage should choose his friends more carefully.

Indeed, a few seconds later one of the knights cast a spell... against the mage. As the Loremaster falls to the ground the three warriors reveal their true identitie. Here are your old friends Gard, Harto and Klarah – and it seems they have come right in time.

The Loremaster, however, is still alive. Klarah guesses Talos wants him to die slower, so you amuse yourself for some time by mocking and torturing the old fool until Fargrak decides it is time to sacrifice him to the Lord of the Destruction. The Loremaster’s grisly death raises a chorus of laughters from you and your friends. Yes, that’s a nice show!

When the cutscene movie ends, you are taken back to the cavern under Yartar.


● Outside



Your flight with Valshera ends here, not far from an entrance of the Shield Tower.

Before you arrive here, however, you are treated with a short cutscene movie showing Fargrak and the orcs as they storm the Beldabar’s Rest inn.

A few moments after you’ve landed here, Valshera approaches you to say she feels an extremely powerful area around the tower. As far as you remember, you know there are many wards inside. You should expect many kinds of traps and guardians. You will surely have to fight the well-known skeleton guardians also. They are made of iron and warded by powerful magic. You won’t be able to destroy them until you find their proper ward. You also remember something about some glyphs of dispelling.


Four Shield guards [LG, F15] stand watch before this gate. Kill them all, then enter the tower.

● Basement; Level 2



When you enter this place you will be immediately attacked by two Shield guards [LG, F15] and one metal skeleton guardian [N, F17].

The metal skeletons are the most famous guardians of the Shield Tower. All of them are warded and can be destroyed only by destroying their ward first. To know if a skeleton can be destroyed, just look at it. When the magical aura that surrounds the undead is gone, you can slain the guardian once and for all. Until then, the skeletons can be normally attacked and slain, but they will raise up fully healed after a few rounds you’ve brought them down.

In front of the entry door there are two barrels you can search to find random treasure of low value. Moe random treasure of minor value can be found inside a crate to the south.

To the north of the entrance there is nothing but four cows [N, Animal 1].

A Glyph of Warding has been placed on the floor, to the south of the entry room. Stepping on the glyph will activate it.

There are two types of glyphs scattered about the tower. The Glyphs of Warding are one-shot glyphs. When you step upon one of these glyphs, you will be targeted by a random spell (Flame Strike, Hammer of the Gods, or Word of Faith).

The Glyphs of Dispelling are permanent wards that cause all your currently active magical protections or effects to be instantly removed.


Officer Jablon [LG, P15] dwells here. When dead, he drops two Potions of Heal.

Along the west wall there is an active ward linked to one of the skeleton guardians found on this level of the tower. Make sure to bash it down.

Two crates and one chest hold random treasure of high value.


When you’ve dealt with the Docks officer [LG, Commoner 10] who inhabits this room, don’t forget to destroy the active ward in the southwest corner of the chamber.


A Glyph of Warding has been placed just before this hallway.

This portion of the corridor is guarded by two Shield guards and by a metal skeleton guardian.


Two Shield guards and a metal skeleton guardian are found at the beginning of the hallway.


Six Shield guards patrol this corridor. When you engage them in a melee, the guards standing inside the rooms to the east may come out to join their comrades.


Two Shield guards, a metal skeleton guardian and a hangman [N, Bb15] – the same bastard who executed your brother – are found here.

When they are dead, search the hangman’s corpse to get two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds and a bronze key.

The chest along the north wall holds nothing but a whip. Random treasure of low and medium value can be found inside a barrel to the north and within two chests to the south.

Most cells are empties. Two of them, however, hold one criminal [NE, Ro3]. No one should escape your wrath... not even the prisoners!


Here are one paladin of Tyr [LG, P15] and three Shield guards.

A Glyph of Warding has been placed just in front the door to the northwest.


Inside this room there are one metal skeleton guardian and four unfinished metal skeletons [N, F15]. The unfinished skeletons have not been linked to a ward yet.

In the northeast corner of the chamber there is an active ward you must destroy to make the skeleton guardian vulnerable.


This room features two active wards you have to destroy.

Before you can do that, however, you have to take care of four Shield guards.

When the room has been cleared out, you may search two armoires and a chest. The armoires hold random treasure of low value. Inside the chest there are two Potions of Heal.


A Glyph of Warding has been placed just before a locked door. There’s no way to avoid it.

To open the door you need the bronze key you can find on the hangman’s body. Beyond the door there are stairs leading to the next level of the tower.

When you go up these stairs, you will be treated with a short cutscene movie showing Fargrak and the orcs as they leave the Beldabar’s Rest inn. The battle of Yartar has begun!

● Basement; Level 2



The large room you enter is currently inhabited by a couple of cooks [NG, Commoner 6], three servants [NG, Commoner 6] and two squires [NG, Commoner 6]. To defend these people there are four Shield guards [LG, F15] and one metal skeleton guardian [N, F17].

A permanent Glyph of Dispelling has been placed just ahead the stairs from the level below and you cannot avoid it.

One active ward is found to the northeast of this place. Unfortunately, it is not linked to the skeleton found within this room.

When the area has been made safe you can search one chest and two crates to find random treasure of low value.

The door next to the stairs you’ve come from is warded and there is no way to open it.


Come here to kill a squire and bash one active ward.

Random treasure of high value can be found inside two armoires.


Enter this room to fight one metal skeleton guardian, one paladin of Tyr [LG, P15], one dwarven noble hero [LG, F10/Dwarven Defender 10] and one elven noble hero [CG, W17].


A metal skeleton guardian patrols this corridor.

Along the north wall there is an active ward for you to destroy.


Here are one metal skeleton guardian, two Harper scouts [CG, Ro11/Harper Scout 5] and Malkir [CG, Ro10/Shadowdancer 10], a champion of Tymora.

When dead, Malkir drops two Potions of Heal.

Along the west wall there is an active ward you must shatter.


Two Shield guards will try to prevent you from leaving the kitchens by this door.

● Inner Yard



When you enter the inner yard of the tower, a cutscene movie starts.

Ahead if you, just in front of the tower’s main door, there is a Shield guard standing next to a gong. A Glyph of Dispelling stands between you and the guard.

You remember the gong is magic. If the guard hits it, all Yartar will know the tower is being attacked. Valshera suggests you may turn invisible, but you point to the ward on the ground – it will surely dispel the enchantment.

Valshera smiles and tell you to wait here. She will show you how a succubus handles a man. The demoness polymorphs into a beautiful young woman, then she runs towards the guard crying for help. Just before the glyph she falls on the ground. Of course, the guard is quick to lend her a hand, then he offers to escort her inside. Valshera thanks ‘her hero’ with a big kiss. A succubus kiss. Soon, another soul is added to her collection.

When the cutscene movie ends, the area is safe for you to explore.


When you approach the front gate of the tower, the temptation to go outside and slaughter everyone is big. However, you cannot mess Fargrak’s plan. Do not worry, your thirst for blood will be amply satiated.


When you approach the tower’s door, you cannot avoid to step upon the Glyph of Dispelling laying before it. Also, when you are near it, the door slams open and four Shield soldiers [LG, F17] burst forth to bar your way inside the tower.

● Level 1



Ten Shield guards [LG, F15] stand within this hall, under the command of Officer Aralyn [LG, P15]. Be very careful!

If you manage to win this battle, search the officer’s remains to find two Potions of Heal.


A weapon master [CG, Bb9/F9] and five Shield guards will charge you when you enter this room.

When they have been slain, don’t forget to search the weapon master’s corpse to get a copper key.

The locked door to the southwest leads to the kitchens, a place you’ve already stormed.


Here are one Harper scout [CG, Ro11/Harper Scout 5], one paladin of Tyr [LG, P15] and a couple of Shield guards.


Four Shield guards stand along this corridor.


A Glyph of Warding has been placed just beyond the door leading here.

There are no enemies within this room, but two active wards you must destroy to make the metal skeletons found in the southern rooms vulnerable to your attacks.


This room is guarded by a metal skeleton guardian [N, F17].


Another metal skeleton guardian is found within this room.

On the far end of the room there is a bigger ward you shouldn’t forget to destroy.

The armoire along the south wall holds random treasure of medium value. The armoire along the opposite wall holds random treasure of low value and an iron key.


This room is protected by a tough greater metal guardian [N, F20]. To make this construct vulnerable to your attacks, you must destroy the big ward found at location 07.

Once the guardian has been destroyed, this room is a safe place to rest. Do not miss the chance, for you won’t be able to find another safe place for quite a time.

This room features a few containers for you to search. Two barrels hold random treasure of low value. Two chests hold a Potion of Barkskin, a Potion of Bless, two Potions of Heal and a Potion of Invisibility. To the northeast, a sign before a big chest reads: ‘Warning – Do not touch the chest’. This chest, both locked and trapped [DC30. DC25/30; Deadly Spike], holds random treasure of unique value.


The door before the stairs leading to the upper level of the tower is locked. To open it, you need the copper key found on the weapon master’s body.

A Shield guard stands by the door and a Glyph of Warding has been placed on the floor before the door.

● Level 2



These stairs lead back to the previous level of the tower.

Two Shield guards [LG, F15] are standing by the stairs, ready to attack when you arrive here.


Here are one paladin of Tyr [LG, P15], one priest of Tyr [LG, C15], a Cormyrean Purple Dragon hero [NG, F8/P8] and... Deekin [NG, Bd15/Red Dragon Disciple 10] – the faithful kobold companion!!!

When Deekin’s mouth has been shut forever (Aaahhh, the tragedy!), search the kobold’s remains to find two Potions of Heal. Two more Potions of Heal can be found on the priest’s body.

In the northwest corner of the room there is an active ward you shouldn’t forget to destroy.


Within this room there are three servants [N, Commoner 1], a priestess of Tymora [LG, C15] and Elwin the Lucky [CG, F15/Ro7], a Chosen of the Lady Luck.

When slain, the priestess drops two Potions of Heal. Elwin may leave behind three Potions of Heal.


Two Shield guards stand watch halfway along this corridor.


Storm Silverhand [CG, S15/Bd8/F4], a Chosen of Mystra, is found within this library, together with two metal skeleton guardians [N, F17].

Along the north wall there is an active ward you must bash to make one of the guardians vulnerable to your attacks.

When falls dead, Storm may drop three Potions of Heal.


When you enter this room, be ready to face a living legend of the Realms, the famous drow ranger Drizz’t Do Urden [CG, F13/Ra9/Bb4] – and his faithful panther Guenhwyar [N, Animal 20], of course.

Also, here are four Shield guards.

When you’ve killed Drizz’t, search his remains to get a chainmail+4, two Potions of Heal and the ranger’s twin blades (Drizz’t Scimitar of Frost and Drizz’t Scimitar of Defense).


Here are stairs leading to the next level of the tower. To unlock the door before the stairs, however, you need the iron key you should have find in the previous level, at location 07.

● Level 3



These stairs will take you down to the second level of the tower.

When you move along this corridor, two planetars [LG, Outsider 14/C1] will be summoned nearby.


Here are a dangerous Harper wizard [CG, W15], two paladins of Tyr [LG, P15] and one servant [NG, Commoner 6].

Don’t charge these guys, though, for when you walk near the center of the room you will trigger a summoning trap calling forth ten elder hound archons [LG, Outsider 10/F6].


This room is empty. However, when you enter it, two elder lantern archons [LG, Outsider 14] will appear to fight you.


Here are two servants [N, Commoner 1].

Walking towards the far end of the room will cause four elder lantern archons to appear.

Random treasure of low and high value can be found within a chest and an armoire.


An active ward stands along the east wall of this room. Bash it down.

Two chests and two crates about here hold random treasure of medium and high value.


There is nothing here but an armoire holding random treasure of medium value.


Here you can search an armoire and a chest to find random treasure of low and medium value.


Enter this room to fight Officer Gardam [LG, F20] and two Shield guards [LG, F15]. Also, two greater celestial trumpets [LG, Outsider 20/C1] will be summoned forth when you enter the room.

In the northwest corner of the room there is an active ward linked to one of the metal skeletons guarding the stairs for the next level of the tower.

The chest along the west wall holds the library key you need to reach the upper level of the tower.


Here are two chests holding random treasure of medium value.


When you walk near the end of the hallway, you will trigger a summoning trap calling forth two elder lantern archons.

A locked door stands before the stairs to the next level of the tower, watched by two metal skeleton guardians [N, F17].

To open the door you need the library key you can find in the officer’s room.

● Level 4



Go down these stairs to return to the previous level of the tower.

Once here, expect a continuous fight. Your enemies will include a few humans and a LOT of celestials who will be summoned forth as you move through this place.

To assist you in this battle, Valshera will summon two Servants of Destruction [CE, Outsider 13/F8]. These balor-like fiends will fight on your side until slain or until the area has been cleared out.

Many bookshelves have been placed along the walls of this chambers. Don’t bother to search them, though, for they hold nothing.

A few steps ahead of you there is a Glyph of Dispelling you cannot avoid. Be craeful, for it will remove any protection you may have.


Within this room there are one Harper scout [CG, Ro11/Harper Scout 5], one priest of Tyr [LG, C15], one Shield guard [LG, F15], a squire [NG, Commoner 6] and... an old acquaintance of you – Nasgalvir de la Bora [LG, P10/Champion of Torm 8/F5]. This time the bastard cannot escape your wrath.

As you move along the room, you will trigger several summoning trap that will call forth celestial beings: ten elder hound archons [LG, Outsider 10/F6], two elder lantern archons [LG, Outsider 14], two greater astral deva [NG, Outsider 17], two greater celestial trumpets [LG, Outsider 20/C1] and two planetars [LG, Outsider 14/C1].

To make things still more difficult, along this room there are four Glyph of Wardings.

When the area is safe, don’t forget to search the remains of Nasgalvir to find four Potions of Heal and a celestial ward.


Here are one Harper wizard [CG, W15], one priestess of Tymora [LG, C15] and one Shield guard.

On the floor of this room there are two Glyphs of Warding and two summoning traps calling forth four elder lantern archons.


Come here to fight a Harper wizard, a paladin of Tyr [LG, P15] and a powerful druid of the High Forest [N, D18].

Just like in the rooms above, several celestials will appear to help these fellow as you trigger the summoning traps about here: ten elder hound archons, two greater celestial trumpets, two elder lantern archons and two greater astral deva.

Besides the humans and the celestials, you should take care to the four Glyphs of Warding which have been placed along this chamber.


Once the library has been completely cleared out, Valshera will approach you, saying the more celestials you destroy, the more she feels closer to the Chanting Chain. The aura around the tower is slowly fading away. The creatures you’ve just slain must have been assigned to the protection of the holy tome centuries ago. Valshera feels something right above us. She knows it is the Chanting Chain, but she also feel extremely powerful beings guarding it.

After this conversation, walk here and a swirling yellow portal will appear before the west wall. Step into the portal to reach the next location.


The stairs beyond this locked door lead to a hidden level of the tower. To unlock the door, you need the celestial ward found on Nasgalvir’s body.

If you need to return to the library, just step into the nearby portal.

● Hidden Level



Go down these stairs if you need to return to the level below.

This area is safe to rest. Do it before to enter the hall to the northeast.


When you enter this room, a cutscene movie starts to show a couple of celestials as they appear before you. Valshera knows these guys. Indeed, Ilazikiel and Garlaziel are the two most powerful solars serving Tyr and Tymora.

The solars claim the Chanting Chain will stay locked forever. Its power shall never be unleashed upon the mortal world. It seems good manners won’t work with these guys, so, Valshera asks if you would be so kind to lend her a hand.

Could you refuse such a pleasant task?

When the cutscene movie ends, a battle starts. Be very careful, for Ilazikiel [LG, Outsider 23/C1] and Garlaziel [LG, Outsider 23/C1] can pack a punch. Also, the solars will continuosuly heal each other. However, once the first angel has fallen, you should be able to bring down the other in a short time.

If the battle turns troublesome, Valshera summons her familiar, Arth’grek [CE, C1] . Not that it makes a difference, though. At the sight of the two solars, the critter thinks better to fly away... solars are too much of a challenge for a lowly quasit!

When the solars have been sent back to the heavens, you can finally get the Chanting Chain. The holy tome, however, is protected by a repulsion field. To take it, you must succeed a will saving throw against DC32. If you fail the check, keep trying. Even if you do not have the stats to pass the check, remember that a roll of 20 is always a success.

When you manage to get the tome, everything begins to crumble and collapse. The hall is shaken to its core. Destruction has won!

As you leave the platform with the book in your possession, you suddenly fall to the ground. Do not worry – you’re not dead. As you lay unconscious, you experience a strange dream...

The following cutscene movie takes place in a foreboding place – Tothur’s domain. The Storm Prophet is sitting on a throne before you, surrounded by many minions of chaos and destruction.

Tothur congratulates you for the recovery of the Chanting Chain. You served them well. Tothur, however,won’t come back to your world for he is not allowed to leave the land of the dead. Oh, do not think he has lied to you. Tothur said the Storm Prophet would be back to walk the surface of Faerun once again and so will be. It’s only that Tothur is no more the Storm Prophet. A new Storm Prophet has arisen...

Guess who?

As you look for an answer, the powers of destruction leave Tothur to embrace the new Chosen of Talos... Suddenly you’re filled with power... pure destructive power. Now you’re wearing Tothur’s armor and helmet, for YOU are the Storm Prophet! Tothur claims all shall fall before you... or will die by your hand. Go now... go and show the world the will of the Storm Lord. Go and destroy Faerun.

Such a task makes you more than happy, of course. By the way, you already know where you will begin from... YARTAR!

When the dreams – and the cutscene movie – end you are given a reward of 5,000xp.

Your awakening is greeted by an exultant Valshera. The demoness has waited for centuries for this day to come and, at last, the day has come. The Storm Prophet has returned! Valshera is the voice of Talos on this plane of existence, but you have now become his hand. A new age of darkness will begin. This world will be turned to dust and only those who bow before the might of Talos shall live to tell the tale.

In the meanwile, a battle is raging on downstairs. The orcs are losing it but you can turn the tide. Then, when the Chanting Chain will be unleashed, the battle will be won. Valshera took the holy book while you were dreaming. Now, she will fly to Fargrak and will give it to him. Only the priest has the knowledge required to read its pages and unlock the spell. When the Chanting Chain will be unleashed, the face of Faerun shall change forever.

As for you, it is time for your revenge. Burn Yartar and slaughter everyone in it. And don’t forget to enjoy the destruction they deserve.

When Valshera leaves the hall, she summons a tempest [CE, Outsider 1] – the same who guided you during the raid on Mornbryn’s Shield. The tempest is meant to provide you instructions about the impending battle.

Before to speak with the tempest, take a pause to look at your new equipment.

Ages ago, Talos himself requested the creation of a helmet bound to pure destruction. Forged by the tormented souls of his land and using some powerful and unknown materials, the Helmet of the Prophet was created for the chosen one by whom the forces of destruction flows, to bring the new age of darkness upon the mortal world. History mentions Tothur as the only one who's ever worn this instrument of great evil.

This helmet sheds a bright blue light and grants you a +4 Charisma bonus, the extra turning bonus feat, and immunity to death magic, fear and mind-affecting spells.

While wearing this helmet, your 'turn undead' ability will also generate waves of destruction which can affect all your enemies in range.

Also, due to the extreme presence of the forces of destruction bound to the helmet, any melee weapons you use while wearing the helmet will become deadlier.

In the deepest parts of his Pandemonium fortress, Talos ordered the creation of the Storm Armor. Thousands of tormented souls were needed to create it. People killed by floods, tornadoes, storms and all kinds of natural disasters. You can still feel their pain and agony while wearing it. Twisted by dark magic, these souls give to the wearer the essence of Talos' destruction. Talos kept it for centuries for his chosen one to come and spawn the new age of darkness upon the mortal world. Tothur had been the only one to wear it, but failed in his quest for destruction and died during the Struggle of Storms.

The armor grants a +5 armor class bonus, electrical resistance 50/-, and the power to cast the Call Lightning spell at will.

The armor has an unique power that allows you to cast a Chain Lightning spell at level 20. Using the power, however, will deplete the armor's charges. The armor recharges itself. The more destruction you create, the faster it will recharge!

The armor has another, interesting power. During a battle, the souls contained within may spawn random effects of destruction. Indeed, the armor may automatically cast spells like Ghostly Visage, Combust, Call Lightning and so on. It can even shapechange you into a huge fiend!!!

When you’re ready, go talk with the tempest. It says the orcs are fighting a losing battle, but they will hold long enough for you to rest here for a while.

For performance reasons, the city has been split into many sectors, much like the battle of Mornbryn’s Shield. Each sector must be conquered one by one. A sector is conquered when all enemies have been eliminated. The sectors will sometimes include buildings in which some parts of the battle will take place. When you conquer a sector, move to another one. Your orcs are already spread throughout the city, and most sectors will start with fifteen orcs, more or less.

Keep in mind that, as the Storm Prophet, you are extremely powerful, but no invincible.

Many things will happen during the battle. The tempest will always fowllow you to keep you posted of what is going on around the battlefield. When that happens, pause the game and read what it has to say. Your journal is also updated every time the tempest says anything. Read it often to know what is going on.

Speed, of course, is a key to win the battle. Don’t linger, as the defenders of Yartar won’t.

Even though the city has been split into many sectors, the battle is still very CPU intensive. If the battle cripples your computer, change your video options to a less intensive setting.

When you tell the tempest you’re ready for the battle, a cutscene movie starts to show a group of soldiers standing outside the gates of the Shield Tower. All of a sudden, the gates blow up and the Storm Prophet appears. Yartar is going to fall!


● Yartar Western Bank Sector



When the cutscene movie ends, you are standing before the front gates of the Shield Tower. In the near streets seven orcs [CE, Humanoid 4/Bb15] are battling against four Shield guards [LG, F16], nine Shield soldiers [LG, F17], one Shield officer [LG, F20] and six commoners [vv, Commoner 6 or 10].

The tempest says the orcs are losing the battle. Only the strongest remain. Few of them have succeeded in crossing the Surbrin to fight in this sector. The defenders have built a barricade made of crates, barrels and wagons close to the eastern bridge. You must destroy this barricade to allow more orcs in the sector.


Run here to find the barricade the tempest has told you about. Bashing all the barrels and wagons one by one is definitely not a good idea. To destroy the barricade, just use an area-effect spell, spell-like effect or scroll. A Fireballs or a Cone of Cold will do the job well.

Once the barricade has been destroyed, eight more orcs will enter the sector to fight the Shield men.

A few moments later, the tempest approaches to say Shield soldiers are coming through the western city gate. The orcs will not keep up if you don't' stop their reinforcement by closing the door. You must head for the western city gate now!


Once you’ve been told about the gate you must hurry up and come here the fastest you can! Each and every round, two Shield soldiers will enter the sector through this gate. The soldiers will continue to come in until the gate stays open.

Ignore the soldiers and close the gate, instead. To do that, just right-click on the gate to call forth it’s radial menu, then chose the ‘close’ command. That’s it!

A few moments after the gate has been closed, the tempest informs many commoners have come out of their hideout. This is your chance to disembowel them.

Later on, the tempest says the sector is almost yours. The enemy is sending reinforcements from the city core, though. The orcs won't hold for long, so you must go to the eastern bridge and slaughter them all.

Go towards the bridge to the east to fight more Shield soldiers and Shield guards.

A few time later, the tempest says Fargrak has begun the ceremony to pull spells from the Chanting Chain, but the orcs are about to lose the core sector of Yartar. You must kill every single enemy here as quickly as possible.


Once all the enemies about this area have been killed, the tempest says the sector has been conquered. The orcs have lost the City Core. You must go east right away.

● Yartar Middle West Sector

[pic] [pic]


When you enter this sector, the tempest says there is no limit to orc stupidity. You will lose this sector too if you don't do something about it. The enemy is using powerful magical war machines on the two towers. You must destroy them at once.


When you walk through the gate before you, you will notice a furious combat is raging on the plaza ahead and in the near streets.

Your nineteen orcs [CE, Humanoid 4/Bb15] are kept very busy by eight Shield guards [LG, F16], eleven Shield soldiers [LG, F17] and thirteen commoners [Vv, Commoner 6 or 10].

Do not join the fray, though, or you will discover you are the favorite target of the two magical war machines standing atop these towers. The machines launch burning projectiles causing damage alike a Fireball spell.

To reach the terraced wall, open the door at the foot of each tower and go inside.

Upon each platform, besides the war machine you are meant to destroy, there are two gnome engineers [NG, W8], one Shield guard and two Shield soldiers. Make sure you kill everyone.

Each machine has 100 hit points and hardness 10 (fortitude save 32).

When both machines have been bashed down and once the engineers are dead, the tempest says more Shield guards are coming from everywhere. You will lose this sector if you don't consolidate your forces. A dozen orcs are currently wrecking the Pearl inn. You must go to the inn and bring them back.


Once the tempest has informed you about the orcs inside the inn, run here and enter this building.


When you enter the inn, the tempest approaches to say foreign heroes from the southern realm of Cormyr are tainting the beautiful destruction of this place. The orcs will need your help to defeat them.

The creatures currently inside the inn includes fourteen orcs, eight commoners, one Harper scout, four Shield guards, four Shield soldiers, three Purple Dragon knights [NG, F8/P8] and a wizardess by the name of Tsharlura of Blackthorne [LG, W18].

When all the enemies inside the building lay dead on the floor, the tempest says the fire is slowly fulfilling the will of the Storm Lord upon this inn. You should now go back to the main battle.


Once you’ve left the inn together with the orcs, the tempest says you must now kill the guards as quickly as possible before you get overwhelmed. More armed commoners have come out to fight. No one must leave this sector alive.

As a side note, if during the combat you happen to walk to the northwest portion of the sector, you may notice a headstone resting near a building you should recognize. An inscription has been carved on the headstone. It reads: ‘In honor of those poor children who died killed by some unknown evil. May they rest in peace’.

A few time later, the tempest says some Harpers led by a priestess of Tymora [LG, C15] have showed up in the streets. No mercy must be shown to them. The Harpers include one Harper wizard [CG, W15] and a few Harper scouts [CG, Ro15/Harper Scout 5].

Also, the tempest feels that Fargrak is in trouble. Celestials have entered this plane and are trying to prevent him from unlocking the Chanting Chain.

Later on, the tempest informs two paladins of Tyr [LG, F6/P14] have entered the sector. They have also inspired more commoners to come out and fight. You must crush their hopes by taking their lives.

At last, the tempest says the enemy presence in this sector is weakening. You must take this opportunity and eliminate the rest of their forces. They all must die in a painful way.


When all the enemies have been slaughtered, the tempest says this sector is yours. Fargrak desperately needs you. Valshera's magic won't hold for long to repel the celestials. You must go to him right away. The city core is too well defended, so you must sweep through the southern part of Yartar.

● Yartar Southern Sector



When you enter this sector, the tempest says you must cross the area, but foreign warriors are helping the commoners to fight against your forces. Some of them are rangers of Mielikki. They are too strong for the orcs. You should dispatch them all.

When you enter the area, your forces include twentysix orcs [CE, Humanoid 4/Bb15]. They have to deal with six Shield guards [LG, F16], eight Shield soldiers [LG, F17], four rangers [CG, Ra20], two foreign warriors [N, F18] and one old adventurer [CG, W12].

Also, scattered through the sector there are three boys [N, Commoner 1], three girls [N, Commoner 1] and forty commoners [Vv, Commoner 6 or 10].


After a few time, the tempest says Valshera's spells to keep the celestials at bay are now being dispelled one by one. The demoness will try to buy us time, but she will not last for long. In the meanwhile, powerful Harpers have entered this sector and are looking for you.

These Harpers include one Harper wizard [CG, W15], two or three Harper scouts [CG, Ro15/Harper Scout 5], one Harper fighter [LG, F17] and one tough Harper monk [NG, M20]. Be careful when you fight these guys for they pack a punch.

You should still busy fighting those damn Harpers when the tempest informs you more Shield soldiers led by a single Shield officer [LG, F20] are coming this way. All of them must die. Moreover, Gard, Klarah and Harto have completely destroyed the Wink & the Kiss. They are sending their orcs this way.


As more orcs enter the area, the tempest says Hasklar and Esklindrar are giving trouble to the orcs. It feels extremely powerful magic around them. You must destroy them.

Hasklar [NG, F13/Ra9] can be found near his shop and he’s as good at using weapons as at selling them. Beware!


When Hasklar has been slain, come here to face Esklindrar [NG, W23]. Some protection from magic should be mandatory before to approach the powerful mage, though.

When Esklindrar is dead, the tempest says many commoners have retreated into this sector. A powerful champion of Torm [LG, P10/Champion of Torm 10] leads them. You must teach him how weak Torm is and crush the commoners' hope of surviving by slaughtering them all.

Later on, the tempest says Valshera's magic is failing rapidly, but it would not be wise to leave this sector without controlling it first. You must cleanse this place with the survivors' blood.


When all the enemies have been slain, the tempest says this sector is yours, but the celestials will soon disrupt Fargrak's ritual if you don't go to him right away. Go north from here to enter the eastern sector.

● Yartar Eastern Sector

[pic] [pic]


When you enter this sector, the tempest says the orcs are overwhelmed. Fargrak and Valshera have hidden themselves at his former altar in the Hand of Yartar guild. They need your help as soon as possible. The entrance has been warded by an aasimar mage located near the Cointoss tavern. We must forget the orcs and kill the planar mage at once.

Besides the mage, about this area there are nineteen orcs [CE, Humanoid 4/Bb15], four Shield guards [LG, F16], twelve Shield soldiers [LG, F17], four paladins [LG, F6/P14], sixteen commoners [Vv, Commoner 6 or 10], two boys [N, Commoner 1] and two girls [N, Commoner 1].


Standing before this building there is the aasimar mage [LG, W30] the tempest has told you about. This wizard is extremely powerful and you shouldn’t walk near him without some protection against high-level magic.

When the mage has been slain, the tempest says many Shield guards and Shield soldiers have entered the sector. The orcs are losing the battle, but the warded barrier has been dispelled. You must go to the Hand of Yartar guild right away.


Once the tempest has pointed you here, you can enter this building. Prepare yourself to fight quite a few celestials, then go in.


When you enter the guildhouse, the tempest says Valshera drained almost all her magic and has retreated into the altar room. The celestials have bothered them long enough, time for them to die. Fargrak must not be disturbed at any cost.

The five orcs already inside the guildhall won’t be much of a help to fight the many celestial who have been hailed here from the upper planes. To clean the place from the outerplanar interlopers, you have to defeat ten elder hound archons [LG, Outsider 10/F6], two greater astral deva [NG, Outsider 17], one greater celestial trumpet [LG, Outsider 20/C1] and one planetar [LG, Outsider 14/C1].

Both Fargrak and Valshera are busy with the ritual taking place within the northeast room, however, neither you nor the celestials will be able to pass through the repulsion field the demoness has created to prevent anyone to enter this chamber.

When all the celestials have been killed, the tempest says the place is cleaned. Fargrak is now very close to unleashing the will of Talos upon Faerun. Outside, the situation is desperate. You must go outside and buy more time for Fargrak to unlock the Chanting Chain.


Once outside, the tempest says paladins and Shield soldiers are coming from the Core center of Yartar. They will slaughter the remaining orcs you have if you don't stop them. The situation is hopeless, but you must hold them back as long as you can. Fargrak is almost done.

While you’re fighting a desperate battle, the tempest approaches to say it can feel the forces of destruction breaking the barrier of this plane of existence. Fargrak must be very close to finishing the ritual. You must hang on a little longer. In the meanwhile, still more paladins and Shield soldiers are coming from the city core.

A few moments later, all kinds of fiends suddenly appear about the plaza. The tempest rejoices for Fargrak did it! The Chanting Chain is unleashed! The forces of destruction are all around you! Now, is the time to finish off Yartar.

The appearance of the fiends is crucial to turn the tide of the battle. Summoned by the power of the Chanting Chain, twentysix Servants of Destruction [LE, Outsider 17] [CE, Outsider 12/F6] [CE, Outsider 18] [CE, Outsider 13/F9] will join the battle in a short time and they are no match for the Shield soldiers. The defenders are soon overwhelmed. Yartar is doomed.

The tempest, however, warns more Shield soldiers and paladins are coming from the Core of Yartar to help the few remaining hopeless survivors. A painful death must be given to all of them.


When all the enemies about this area have been butchered, the tempest says this sector has fallen into your hands. With the power of the Chanting Chain unleashed upon the city, you now have the power to break the last remaining defences. You must head west to the city core.

● Yartar Core Sector



When you enter this sector, twentyone orcs [CE, Humanoid 4/Bb15] will be already fighting against one Champion of Torm [P10/Champion of Torm 10], two paladins [LG, F6/P14], seven Shield guards [LG, F16] and seventeen Shield soldiers [LG, F17].

To back up the orcs, twentyone Servants of Destruction [LE, Outsider 17] [CE, Outsider 12/F6] [CE, Outsider 18] [CE, Outsider 13/F9] will progressively appear on the battlefield, summoned by the power of the Chanting Chain.

The tempest says the orcs are trying to breach the enemy’s defences but they will not succeed if you don't help them. There is a command post near the northern walls with a war machine like the ones seen earlier.


The magical war machine the tempest has told you about can be found here, behind a makeshift barricade made of barrels. Operated by a gnome engineer [NG, W8], the machine has 100 hit points and hardness 10 (fortitude save 32).

Near the war machine there are four Shield soldiers and one Shield officer [LG, F20]. Also, Aarin Gend [LG, F5/Ro17] is standing on the right side of the machine, shooting Ice Arrows with his mighty Northwind Bow+8. The Spymaster has traveled all the way from Neverwinter to meet his death here. You cannot disappoint him, can you?

When the machine has been destroyed, the tempest says more Shield soldiers are entering the sector. They all deserve to die. You must shake them off the mortal coil.


As the battle is raging on, the tempest approaches to inform powerful clerics along with Harpers and paladins have entered the sector. Their lives must end.

These reinforcements include paladins, a few priests of Tyr [LG, C20] and priestesses of Tymora [LG, C15], Harper scouts [CG, Ro15/Harper Scout 5] and - perhaps - one Harper wizard [CG, W15].

A few time later, the tempest says the remaining Shield soldiers of the city brave enough to fight your forces are entering the sector. You must teach them the will of Talos and destroy them.

When most soldiers have been dispatched, the tempest says the sector is almost yours. Enemies throughout the city are retreating toward the temple sector. The orcs are chasing them. You must ensure your control over this sector by killing everyone left alive.


When all the enemies about the area have been slain, the tempest informs the sector has been conquered. You must now chase the remaining survivors into the temple sector to the northwestern part of the city.

● Yartar Temple Sector

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The creatures found about this area when you first enter it, include fourteen orcs [CE, Humanoid 4/Bb15], three paladins [LG, F6/P14], one priest of Tyr [LG, C20], one priestess of Tymora [LG, C15], five Shield guards [LG, F16], seven Shield soldiers [LG, F17], one strong Tymora guard [LG, P21] and seven commoners [Vv, Commoner 6 or 10].

During the battle, the Chanting Chain’s power will call forth fourteen Servants of Destruction [LE, Outsider 17] [CE, Outsider 12/F6] [CE, Outsider 18] [CE, Outsider 13/F9].

The tempest says most of the surviving commoners have retreated inside the temples. The orcs have already destroyed the temple of Tyr leaving the people inside to burn alive, but the Happy Hall still resists. Beware the Tymora guards. They are blessed by the Lady of Luck and fight extremely well. No mercy must be shown.


After a few time you’re fighting about here, the tempest says more servants of Tymora have gone out of the Happy Hall to fight you. No one must leave this place alive.

The servants of the Lady Luck include a priestess of Tymora and a couple of extremely dangerous strong Tymora guards.

When all the enemies outside have found their proper death, the tempest says you must enter the Happy Hall to complete your revenge over Yartar.


Once inside the temple, the tempest says the remaining of Yartar is here. It is time to quench your thirst for their blood. Time to finish them off. Remember that the Chanting Chain's power doesn't work in here unless the altar is destroyed.

The temple’s defenders include two Harper scouts, a priestess of Tymora and a strong Tymora guard. Also, here are fifteen commoners, two boys and two girls. More commoners will come in later on, to give you a chance for a last bloodbath.

If you destroy the altar, the Chanting Chain’s power will cause three Servants of Destruction to be summoned inside the temple. The Altar of Luck has 100 hit points and hardness 10 (fortitude save 32).

When both defenders and commoners have been slaughtered, the tempest says you have won. Yartar is annihilated and its inhabitants dead. Every building is in shambles except one. Valshera, Fagrak and all the others are waiting for you in front of the Waterbaron's Hall.

When you leave the temple, you will be immediately brought to the next area.


● Outside



When you arrive in front of the Waterbaron’s Hall, you will find your friends waiting for you.

Together with twelve orcs and two Servants of Destruction, here are the orc shaman, Kakatarak, Krasharum, Elia Dor Hen, Efrik Dor Hen, Gard, Harto, Klarah, Valshera and, of course, Fargrak.

After you’ve exchanged a few words with your former henchmen, you should talk to Fargrak.

The priest thanks you for this masterpiece of destruction you’ve created, for the opportunity of teaching the true path. You are now the hand of Talos on Faerun and there is no doubt that Tothur was right to choose you. The dreams of destruction have come true, but – like he promised you – he has made sure that the Waterbaroness remained untouched. She has been locked inside the Hall, waiting for you to decide what to do with her. Fargrak thought you would want to go alone and complete your revenge.

Before you leave, the orc shaman asks you what they must do with the prisoners. You have two options to choose from. If you feel ‘merciful’, just order to burn them alive. Otherwise, let the orcs play with them for today – tomorrow, they will be ignited; all of them!

● Inside



When you enter the Hall you will be immediately attacked by two paladins [LG, F6/P14] and two Shield soldiers [LG, F17].


Lady Belleethe Kheldorna [LG, P21], Waterbaroness of Yartar, is waiting for you at the far end of the hall. You’ve killed her over and over again in your dreams for the last few years. Now, it is time to do it for real.

After she has seen her city destroyed and her people slaughtered, the Waterbaroness has lost much of her pride. You can see fear in her eyes, even though she’s trying as hard as she can to hide it.

Despite the fear she may harbor inside, Lady Kheldorna still bears a hope to escape her fate. The statues about here have protected the Waterbarons since the first days of Yartar. No one can kill the Waterbaroness inside these walls!

Indeed, when the fight begins, you will immediately realize there are no ways you can harm lady Kheldorna. Also, powerful celestial guardians [LG, Outsider 17/C1] will start to appear inside the hall.

The ten statues about here are the key to make the Waterbaroness vulnerable to your attacks. Each time a celestial guardian is slain, a statue is destroyed. After all the statues have been destroyed, more celestial guardians will keep to appear. By now, however, the Waterbaroness can be harmed by your weapons and/or spells. Ignore the celestials and focus your attacks on the lady paladin.

When she is reduced to 0 hit points, the Waterbaroness runs towards the door in the northwest corner of the room, crying this cannot be.


Follow the Waterbaroness through this door to get your revenge.

When you go up the stairs, a cutscene movie starts to show Lady Belleethe as she pray before the altar of Tyr, asking her god to answer her call. The god of justice will stay silent, though.

Amused by the show, you look at her for a few moments, then you call forth the powers of destruction and Tyr’s altar is shattered. Once the altar has crumbled to dust, it is time for the bitch to face her final punishment.

The screen fades to black for a few seconds, then, Lady Belleethe reappears... her head missing. The lady paladin’s headless body jerks and squirms for a bit before to collapse on the floor amidst a pool of blood.



After the death of the Waterbaroness, another cutscene movie starts to show Fargrak standing on a terraced wall as he harangues the orcs who have survived the battle of Yartar.

The priest shouts the Fury of the Evermoors is greater than ever. All the cities of the North shall submit or be destroyed. Then, Fargrak shows to the celebrating troops their champion – the mighty Storm Prophet!

As the orc cheer their powerful war leader, Fargrak turns towards you and asks how do you feel. ‘Good... very good’ you simply answer, your eyes glued to the twisted face of the Waterbaroness, her head now staked on a pike.


The last movie of the game takes place in Pandemonium, in the realm of Talos.

You see Tothur walking through his master’s domain and ascending to the seat of the Storm Lord himself.

Talos congratulates Tothur for his clever work. With the recovery of the Chanting Chain, he has ashamed both Tyr and Tymora. A question remains, however. The mighty Talos is curious to know how Tothur unleashed all this hatred in your heart.

Well, the former Storm Prophet simply used your brother. He walked into his dream and slowly drove him completely mad. Through his dreams, he forced him to kill many innocent people. When your brother was captured and executed before the whole mob of Yartar – and before your eyes - Tothur knew he had unlocked the hatred he needed to make you a true instrument of destruction.

Such are the ways of evil...

Chapter Three Quest Summary

● Drow Fugitives

As you explore the vast cavern near the camp you’ve set up in the Underdark [see 3.03], you meet a group of drow from Menzoberranzan who are hunting down a couple of fugitives.

Deep in the driders' nest [see 3.04] you find Elia Dor Hen, one of the fugitives. You free her and she tells you that Aal'hira Baenre is not to be trusted.

When Aal’hira Baenre and her servants have been killed, Elia tells you she could help you find your way south across the chasm. Even though you are very suspicious of drows, she looks very weak and shouldn't be a threat to you. You bring her to the camp [see 3.02].

At the camp, you agree to free Elia's brother. In return, she will help you find your way south. She last saw his brother when the duergars took him towards the western parts of the vast cavern.

After exploring the duergar ruins [see 3.05] and killing a few dark dwarves, you find what used to be a prison. Efrik Dor Hen is kept as a captive in one of the cells. Free him and head back to the camp.

● Furrmash’s Poison

At the camp in the Underdark [see 3.02] you meet Furrmash. His supply of poison is empty, but he suggests that you speak with the orc shaman. He could maybe help you find some reagents in the Underdark to make poison. The orc shaman tells you that in fact, the Underdark has the necessary reagents to make the strongest poison. You should keep your eyes open for big mushrooms and for the Underdark taggit plant.

In the vast cavern near the camp [see 3.03] you find some spores from a big mushroom and a leaf from an Underdark taggit plant. When you get both reagents, go back to the camp and speak with Furrmash.

When you give him the reagents, Furrmash makes you a poison. The poor orc dies making it, but shit happens.

● Heroes of Yartar

It seems that you and Fargrak have never been so popular. According to the Shield officer you meet near the gates of Yartar along with Ern Hum [see 3.18], the best of the Harpers and even Drizz't Do Urden is looking for you. Ern Hum also tells you quite subtly that Drizz't should not be underestimated - he's reputed to be unbeatable in combat. That bothersome paladin of Tyr, Nasgalvir is also there, as you expected. You only hope that he will cross your path as soon as possible, in order to finish what you started back in the keep of Mornbryn's Shield.

As you explore the Shield Tower [see 3.20], you manage to kill what was supposed to be unbeatable. After killing her servants back in the woods near Mornbryn's Shield and slaughtering her champion Drizz’t Do Urden, Mielikki will perhaps understand that she can't do anything against you.

On the upper level of the tower you meet - and kill - Nasgalvir de La Bora. Watching the paladin die in agony will be an exquisite pleasure. You only wish you had time to feast on his blood.

● Lost Orc Patrol

One of the patrols sent to explore the surrounding area, hasn't returned yet. Fargrak [see 3.03] believes that if they fell into trouble, it may lead to more problems if you don't find out what happened to them.

In the duergar’s ruin [see 3.05] you will find the lost orc patrol. The duergars had taken them captive. Tell the orc scout leader they are free and let them return to the camp.

Secret of Duergar’s Ruin

After slaughtering some grey dwarves in the duergars’ ruin [see 3.05], you notice something strange about their priest. The fool seemed to value his book more than his life. Now that you took both, you have the feeling that this manuscript holds special secrets.

After reading the duergar book you learn that, centuries ago, the ruins used to be a duergar temple, where an altar called 'The Altar of Madmerhammer' and a powerful anvil beside it could be found. You also learn about the 'essence of mythril' and the ‘Duergar Eternal Fire' that this Madmerhammer fellow used on this altar to make powerful weapons. This could be interesting.

As you explore the ruins you find the Duergar Eternal Fire and light a torch. Now, you must bring it back to the Altar of Madmerhammer without extinguishing the flame.

Once at the altar, light the forge of Madmerhammer with the Duergar Eternal Fire. Now, according to the book, you need to find the essence of mithril.

After mixing some tanar'ri blood with mithril, and binding the powers of Talos upon it, you finally have the essence of mithril. Pour the essence on the Anvil of Madmerhammer, put your chosen weapon on the anvil, then pray Talos at the Altar of Madmerhammer. The ghost of Madmerhammer will appear to work at his anvil. After a while, he gives you a weapon worthy of a blackguard.

● Svirfneblin Magic

On the second floor of the dwarven citadel [see 3.12], a *tiny* svirfneblin mage casts a shrinking spell on you. The svirfneblin are now huge compared to you. You don't know how you are going to get out of this one. Your best guess is to seek the mage out and destroy him to undo the spell.

Indeed, when you kill the mage his spell is broken and you return to your former size.

● The Chanting Chain

In the cave under Yartar [see 3.15] Fargrak explains that the battle will be only a diversion. The real target is the Chanting Chain. That doesn't sit well with you at first, but Fargrak has convincing arguments. It seems that the holy book has no limits to its power. After going over his plan, Fargrak summons a succubus for help. Valshera herself answers the call. The demoness tells you many interesting facts about the loss of the Chanting Chain centuries ago. You now understand why celestials have been desperately trying to destroy you. It seems that the forces of heaven are afraid of your chances of success that they've all gotten themselves into trouble trying to interfere directly. Their hasty and insolent action has actually benefited your cause, because as punishment, Valshera has then been permitted to come to your aid and get involved in the plot herself. She will help you cross the walls of the Shield Tower. All you need to do now is to go outside with her and fly to the Shield Tower [see 3.17].

When you reach the tower [see 3.20], Valshera warns you that she feels an extremely powerful aura around the tower. You explain to her what you know about the Shield Tower. Inside the tower there are many warded guardians. All of them are invulnerable, unless you find the proper ward to destroy them. You also remember many kinds of glyphs.

After you’ve reached the topmost floor of the tower, you discover a portal leading to a hidden level. Here you find the Chanting Chain. When you have disposed of all the celestial guardians and broke all of the magical fields protecting the holy book, the Chanting Chain is back where it belongs.

● The Dark Path

Fargrak [see 3.03] tells you that before you destroy Yartar, you need to recover the Chanting Chain to unleash the Storm Prophet on Faerun again. Only an extremely powerful blackguard will be able to touch the holy book. He also warns you that other servants of Tyr, Tymora and other fool gods may try to prevent you from recovering the artifact.

At some point during this Chapter you must attain the tenth level as a blackguard.

You have gained much experience since the day Fargrak made you take your first steps in the ways of destruction and how to enjoy watching your victims die in order to become a true blackguard of Talos. With the destruction of Mornbryn's Shield, you have learned well, and have mastered the art of summoning powerful servants from the Abyss for you to command. The more you bound yourself to the will of Talos, the stronger you felt. Now, you feel closer to your god than ever before and you feel that you have reached the height of power necessary for the destruction of Yartar and to finally extract your revenge.

After you’ve recovered the Chanting Chain you experience a strange dream [see 3.20]. When you awake you have reached the pinnacle of the dark path, the climax in the ways of the blackguard. You have reached a level of power you never thought possible. Your feel the forces of destruction swirl around you, at your command. You are now the Chosen of Talos. You are now the Storm Prophet.

● The Drow

In the vast cavern near your camp in the Underdark [see 3.03] you meet some drow. You agreed with Aal'hira Baenre to look around for two fugitives from Menzoberanzzan. In exchange, she will help you find your way across the chasm south. Aal’hira suggests that you look into the driders' nest located somewhere in the abandoned svirfneblin city of Blingdenstone. Her lieutenant doesn't seem to be very happy about it, but that's the last of your worries.

It seems the foolish lieutenant Nar’d didn't like how Aal'hira mistreated him and blamed you for it. Instead of dealing with Aal'hira, the fool comes to the drider’s nest to kill you [see 3.04]. Honestly, you don't understand drow’s logic.

A moment after getting Elia Dor Hen out of her cell, Aal'hira shows up and attack. For not respecting her end of the deal, you make sure she gets her punishment by pain.

● The Dwarven Citadel

In an illithid lair [see 3.10] you find a key to open the gates of an ancient dwarven citadel [see 3.09]. Once past the gate, you meet a svirfneblin guard watching upon the entrance of the old citadel [see 3.11]. It seems the citadel now belongs to a 'master' and the Kraken Society's agents are allowed to pass by exchanging slaves of certain value. You kill the fool, but you have a strange feeling this 'master' will not be friendly.

Inside the citadel [see 3.12] you meet a librarian zombie. He’s not very difficult to deal with. When you ask for the book he holds, the zombie simply gives it away. The Book of the Master seems to be extremely valuable. It seems to be a logbook of some kind written by a servant of the master of this old dwarven citadel and relating his deeds over the past decades. According to the dates and the events described in it, you have the feeling this master is a powerful lich and has lived for over four centuries. You have the feeling this manuscript is going to be very useful in dealing with this *master*. You don't really understand why a wizard of his magnitude wrote down his weak spot in a book and gave it to a zombie for safekeeping.

As you explore the citadel, you will manage to destroyed the four master's phylacteries. Now, you should pay a visit to the lich.

After a valiant battle, you manage to destroy the *Master*. This fool has kept you from achieving your real objective long enough. You feel it is now time to find a way to leave the citadel.

● The Kraken Society

After a few time you’ve left the camp near the two rivers [see 3.08] you meet a group of humans. They speak about the Kraken Society, an information network made of low class scumbags. You heard many tales about them when you were young. You remember well the last time you heard about them. It was when the old Waterbaron got killed. He was suspected to be the leader of their society and was murdered by his own people. Others said mind flayers had killed him. One thing for sure, they know you are here and since they pass along information by profession, they must be silenced at all cost. You must rip the tongue out of whoever may disclose your position. On a positive note, you can feel the city of Yartar nearby, your blood boils at the thought of its inhabitants still sharing the same plane of existence as you.

After a tough battle you kill the leader of the human party you’ve found, but the wizard is still out there.

In an illithid territory [see 3.09] you find a human slave escaping from a Kraken Society's camp. You can't learn much about the way up to Yartar, but it could be a good place to start looking. Furthermore, this is probably where the wizard went.

After cleaning out the illithid lair [see 3.10] and killing a fair amount of the Kraken Society's leaders, a svirfneblin guard at the entrance of an ancient dwarven citadel [see 3.11] tells you that the wizard preceded you. You must find him before he reaches Yartar.

When you leave the dwarven citadel, you discover a natural cavern located right under Yartar [see 3.13]. Not far from that cavern, there is a hideout of the Kraken Society [see 3.14].

Garlax, the wizard you saw in the Underdark is found in the hideout. He will learn too late not to mess with you. He is kind of surprised to see you alive, charging at him. Soon, he is also kind of dead...

In a cavern above the hideout [see 3.15] you wake up some sleepy guard from the Kraken Society and you are able to extract very interesting information from him. You know you are beneath the city of Yartar and that, so far, your plan has been going along smoothly. The Khalid poison has done its job, and the destruction of Mornbryn's Shield as well. Now, you must wait for a guy by the name of Krakrax to pay a visit. Hmm... there’s a chair which looks cosy...

Once Krakax is dead you’ve finally rid of the Kraken Society. Those fools were like a pebble in your boot. Krakrax held a Kraken Society ward necessary to open the door that stands between you and your revenge.

● The Orb of Zafril

On the third level of the dwarven citadel [see 3.12] you find a parchment with some interesting notes saying something about an anti-chamber located in the citadel. There is also something about the 'Notes of Sigil-Walk' that you should look for at the library. When you visit the library, you begin to understand how useful it is to have a zombie as a librarian. Indeed, the librarian zombie will point you in the right direction.

Once you’ve read the notes, you realize you must go in a room with two thrones of fire, where a ritual should be performed. When you go there and chant the words written in the notes you discovered in the library, you create a portal. Going through this portal you will be able to reach the Master’s chamber. Here you find the Orb of Zafril. Your gut tells you that it's going to be very helpful in defeating the master of this place.

● The Touch of Death

On the third floor of the dwarven citadel [see 3.12] you find a note that seems to be a fragment of reminder of some sort. You can read this on it: ‘...ask my faithful zombie to index the book of Savil at the right place. The Touch of Death should maybe...’

This librarian zombie is definitely a *must have*. He points you right where the Book of Savil is. Now, you don't know what the Touch of Death is, but you have a feeling it would be worth checking out.

In the Hall of Shadows you chant the words you’ve found in the Book of Savil and the planar chest the Master of the citadel was hiding appears before you. You wonder what would a wizard keep in such a chest...

Inside the chest, among other baubles, you find the Touch of Death. By the feel of it, you begin to understand why the Master of this place has kept this amulet hidden in another plane.

● Troublesome Orc

At the camp near the two rivers [see 3.08], Fargrak tells you that Olgolok, one of the strongest orcs of the clan, has been speaking out against you kind of *loudly* the last two days. Now, patience has its limits and you agree with Fargrak that in order to maintain control over the orcs, they must fear you. You and Olgolok should have a little talk.

After killing Olgolok, you prove to everyone that you are the dominant one and still worthy of leading the Fury of the Evermoors. Now, the orcs will keep quiet and obey your orders without question.

● Visit to Yartar

Once you’ve set up a camp in the cavern under Yartar [see 3.16], you discuss your next moves with Fargrak. You know your enemy fears you, but in order to maintain control over the situation, you agree with the priest to go pay a visit to Yartar before the final assault.

After you’ve left the cavern [see 3.17] you reach the gates of Yartar [see 3.18]. You have a chat with a Shield officer and you don’t like what he tells you about some paladins and a mage specialized in divination spells. You remember killing the Light Party warriors at the battle of Mornbryn's Shield quite vividly. However, this Loremaster, according to Fargrak, could compromise your plans for revenge. You agree with Fargrak to go to the Southern Road where the Loremaster's camp is and destroy him [see 3.19].

After enjoying a bloodbath, you finally meet the Loremaster. This fool really thought his force field spell could stop you. Kind of strange that his divination magic could foresee your plans for the destruction of the city, but he never even predicted that his own death was in the cards as well. The Light Party warriors were in fact Klarah, Harto and Gard disguised and waiting for the right time to strike. Once the Loremaster has been sacrificed in honor of Talos, you return with your friends to the camp.

● Your Revenge...

This quest takes place during the battle of Yartar [see 3.21]. When the battle begins, all the information you get from the tempest will be written down in your journal. Check it often if you’re not sure about what you have to do.

After you’ve won the battle, you’re brought before the Waterbaron’s Hall [see 3.22]. Fargark thanks you for making his dream of recovering the Chanting Chain come true. He has kept his promise of keeping the Waterbaroness untouched. Lady Belleethe Kheldorna is locked inside the Hall. She is the last piece remaining to complete your revenge. The promise you made long ago that before this is over, you'd have her head on a pike...

● Your Way Back to Yartar

At your first camp in the Underdark [see 3.02], Fargrak tells you that according to the 'Secrets of Yartar' book you bought from Esklindrar, there should be a way to an old dwarven citadel in the whereabouts of Yartar in the Underdark. In order to find this citadel, you must find a safe way south through the Underdark. To accomplish that, you must learn more about the Underdark or find a guide.

For saving her brother and respecting your part of the deal, Elia Dor Hen makes a wise decision and gives you the information you need. On the northwestern part of the cavern, there is a small river. This river leads to a tunnel that you can use to reach a river pass [see 3.06]. Near this pass there is a cave that belongs to a beholder [see 3.07]. Inside this cave should be a tunnel leading south without being noticed.

After you’ve cleared the way to that tunnel, you follow the paths leading down to the deepest parts of the Underdark for two days. The tunnel ends at the start of a huge set of complex caves and caverns. Elia and Efrik proved to be very useful and you are still amazed as to how fast a dark elf can find its way through the darkness. With their help and the guiding of Talos, you travel south for two more weeks. After the first week, you begin to climb more and more toward the surface into an area the drow call the 'Upperdark'. With each passing day, the excitement grows more and more. Aside from sending a few orc patrols here and there and killing a few beasts along the way, the road is pretty quiet. After reaching a river that seems to be the equivalent of the Surbrin in the Underdark, you follow it for two more days, then you set up a camp [see 3.08]. You feel yourself closer to your goal, inch by inch.

As you explore an illithid territory [see 3.09] you finf the gates of an ancient dwarven citadel Fargrak told you about. It is now the time to stop wandering the Underdark and find your way up to Yartar.

After you’ve explored the citadel [see 3.12] and killed his *master*, you discover a passage leading to a natural cave [see 3.13]. From here you find a passage leading to another cavern located just below the Beldabar’s Rest inn [see 3.15]. Finally under Yartar! Soon you move your camp to this cavern [see 3.16]. Everyone seems to be very excited and eager for the battle to start.


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