Boulder Food Rescue

December 13th, 2016

In attendance: Ina, Becky, Cliff, Brenden, Janice, Hana (remote), Kate, Ashley, Wendy

Colorado Gives Day

• $12,235 out of 149 donations

• Last year: $15,000 with 160 donors

• We surpassed our projected revenue goals for 2016 with CO Gives Day!

• Ina: How many people on our mailing list? Hana: 700

• Hana: a lot of the donors are likely people who we sent letters to

• Largest donors (2 people) donated $1,000

• Average donation is $82

-Lindsey is going to be at Ignite Boulder tomorrow (12.14) for a donation ask

Rent: June to June lease

Janice: I wonder if it’s worth exploring shared space provided by a partner


Development support person: $12.50/hour for 10 hrs a week

Rent worst case scenario

Change in Net Assets overall: $8,000 out of reserves

Ashley: as a Board, let’s make sure that the “Development position” is actually focused on development. Not drift to program. Make sure that we get 10 more hours toward development.

Hana: concerns:

• increased rent

• Unsure of what the backend of the robot actually looks like. Might need to spend additional time sorting out with current developer what it looks like to clean up. Not sure of what the timeline is for the

• Hana has planned conversations with CO Springs and Denver Food Rescues to share costs of FRA robot

Hana is excited about spending money!

How are we actually calculating operating reserves?

Budget approved! Vote unanimously in favor, assuming the strategic plan does not alter significantly.

Ashley: instead of increasing any signal line item just to spend more (e.g. advertising, staff appreciation), let’s wait on how revenue is coming in and re-evaluate based on current information quarterly.

Strategic Planning

Board agrees that strategic plan is for 2 years (2017-2018)

Ashley: can we assign a Board sponsor for each strategic plan section?

We had initially suggested that there would be a Board “liaison” between staff and Board on plan… Ashley suggests (Board agrees) that Hana fill this in since none of the Board feels comfortable meddling in day-to-day program operations.

**Hana to create a map for each of the BFR focused items, with 3-6 ideas on what BFR will do/how to get there**

DEADLINE: February Board Meeting

Hana/staff will be managing 1-3

Board managing 4-6

If the Board has any ideas for 1-3, schedule time with Hana to discuss/hash out

Boulder Food Rescue

Proposed Strategic Plan Priorities for 2017 (-2018?)

Over the next two years Boulder Food Rescue will focus its efforts on the following:

Increasing, expanding, and improving efficiency of healthy food donations

Building infrastructure around FRA to make it an efficient, valuable resource to members

Continued advocacy through participatory, community based work

To support this work the Board has identified the following infrastructure priorities:

Develop and implement a strategy to increase revenue – Kate & Brenden

Continue to hone and deploy coordinated external messaging and branding  – Ina & Janice

Ongoing infrastructure development (identify needs/priorities from 15/16 SP) – Wendy & Becky

As funding becomes available the Board will prioritize:

Sustainable salaries and resources to improve quality of life for staff

Long-term workspace sufficiently large and with storage

(Need a spending map. What goes to programs and what goes to infrastructure?)

Ashley is a floater and overall facilitator.

Cliff: Spending map. “For the next dollar we raise, where does it get spent?” Great avenue for fundraising, can provide direction to development efforts.

Wendy: do we have a marketing skillset? The new intern is strong in marketing. Ina, Janice.

DEADLINE: February Board Meeting

Actual deliverable: what we are actually going to do.

Revenue example: HIRE a new development person.

#6. “Ongoing infrastructure development” directive is only for BFR, not for any specific program. #2 delegated to staff is how to improve FRA.

**Cliff to build historical cash flow model for BFR

For every $1 spent, we save $8 of food

**Do we need to change the way we do receipting?

Board unanimously approves exploring idea of reporting non-cash donations.

Bike Rack

Reevaluate if we event want to stay in current BFR office space. No space for storage, building just sold…

Bonuses for staff: tabled for the moment.

Ashley: would BFR ever consider shifting fiscal year to a June to June model since such a balloon happens at the end of the year?

Our relationship with CFS is unique. They do not have any other partner agency who are not food receipt sites. They are reporting our data to Feeding America, and Hana recently found out that they are reporting to donor recipients the food that we are picking up.

12/13/2016 Action Items:

*Kate to send final budget

*Hana to share development assistant job description - Done.

*Kate to ask Stu implications. - Done. We should be including non-cash contributions per GAAP guidelines/to receive any sort of federal funding. Kate sent info to Cliff and Hana.

*Cliff to double-check the implication of including non-cash donations on IRS 990.

*Cliff to build historical cash flow model for BFR

*Ashley to send/build a Google Doc template for strategic plan deliverables

*Hana to create a map for each of the BFR focused items, with 3-6 ideas on what BFR will do/how to get there. Deadline: February Board Meeting

*Board to create “map” of assigned section. Deadline: February Board Meeting.

Oct. 18th, 2016


1942 Broadway

3rd floor conference room

In Attendance: Cliff, Kate, Ashley, Ina, Wendy, Hana, Becky, Brenden


1. Check in on Thank You’s

2. BFR updates

3. Board retreat - Sunday, Nov 13th 10am - 4pm at BHP Diagonal Court POTLUCK

4. Fundraising Update/Goals: Last year we made $32,000 (10/1 - 2/1) $15,000 on CO Gives Day

4. 2017 budget thoughts

Ask nonprofits how they spend money and people they spend money on - how they spend money. Kate will spearhead this:

412 Food Rescue

Food Recovery Network

Paradox Sports - Ina will ask friend on board

BOHO - Cliff

Community Cycles


5. Fundraising envelope writing


Hana: FRA transitioning is happening. I am taking over. Everybody is stoked.

Ashley: Have you been able to delegate other things?

Hana: Right now it is fine. I have delegated some to Lindsey entering data. Kate is taking on some of Lindsey’s and increased their hours. Fundraising is good – money keeps coming. Still, we have a lot of work to do.

           Had a presentation with BHP. They talked about computer access and it’s link to food access. Looking up where and how to access food and where to get resources. For latino and houseless that info is often spread word of mouth. Most all could benefit from internet access for food.

Ashley: How are we doing with implementing data? I know we are in the middle of processing.

Hana: We are hearing theme of wanting voice, participation, choice, and giving back. When we ask what that would look like they often respond with this is good or this is a start. We form suggestions and people don’t implement. We want to do design workshops with people that are food insecure and let them design it.

Ashley: We want to loop those who are food insecure to form the plan, and unless we get someone who is at the table already the same problems could exist.

Hana: We have run into that issue.

Ashley: We need it to be participatory on food insecure side, but if it is not participatory on the people supplying assistance it is hard. I think too what is the goal of the research? If it is to get an organization to get a better food bank if they are not involved…

Hana: The goal at this point is to get goals from the community

Becky: We got an award from Colorado Department of Health and Environment

Becky: We were on ETown. Hasn’t aired yet.

Ina: Let me know so we can post. Also, CO gives day is on on the 6th.

Kate: Questions on data. I can excel raw data.

Hana: Oh yeah!?

Board Retreat

Becky: We want to lock in date and time

Hana: We haven’t had a retreat in a couple of years

Becky: Original goal was the 6th. No longer doable – The 13th or 12th

           13th at Boulder Housing Partners Diagonal Court

           10-4 time.

Objectives: Short term plan


           Bruch and enjoying company

Kate: We should incorporate an external facing strategic plan. For businesses and grantors.

Kate: Any todos before?

Becky: We will work on that, and send some specific asks.


Hana: We met with peter. He said he would write a letter. No research sample.

Ashley: Which is good because it takes pressure off the timeline.

Brenden: What is the date?

Ashley: the 14th. Pizza

Hana: October 1st to February 1st we raised 32,000. 15,000 was CO gives day. 700 was 1st Bank. Projection was 36,000 we have raised 21,000. Other donations goal is 23,000 short as of now.

           We need to decide on a goal.

           How does 32,000 sound?

Ashley: What about 35,000?

Kate: Do we know how much last year was returning or new donors for the year?

Hana: Both

Hana/Ashley: We are skipping fork over Tuesday this year. Keep efforts on CO Gives

Ina: Social media strategy for CO gives day?

Kate: Advertising?

Ashley: Could we partner with our food donors and table.

Kate: Maybe it’s not a CO gives day story but a big holiday black Friday pick-up story type of thing.

Ina: Tabling outside of Ideal for reunion

Hana: This tabling hasn’t been very effective in the past

Wendy: Were you thinking like a anniversary party?

Kate: Maybe we should spend some time on this at board retreat? Maybe pair with wonder?

Wendy: Dumpster Juice

Dumpster juice deliberation

Kate and Brenden will reach out to wonder.

Kate: And maybe a point person for writing.

Cliff: I have an MFA

Wendy: Did anybody see this 7,000 grant opp. I will forward to Hana.

Ashley: How are we on expenses?

Hana: We are generally under spending.

Ashley: Did we address the idea of if we are underspending if we give bonuses?

Wendy: Did we deal with this in our policy

Cliff: It is not a big deal

Hana: We also talked about a 6 month reserve

Cliff: We are pretty close to that

Ashley: If at some point we do decide to give the ED a raise can we do that even if they turn it down.

Wendy: We hear from funders that we will not give you money if you cannot fund little voyagers. This happened with Kyle.

Kate: There are laws about hours clocked that we need to be aware of. There are exceptions that I will look into the exemptions.

Hana: I think that we are at the point now that we are all getting higher hours and even. But it is best we see that. Is this averaged or in week.

Ashley: It is contained in workweek.

Kate: I have seen it averaged in pay period. We are at a lower risk for that. I can have info by the retreat.


Becky: This is broad strokes. We will have more detail at retreat.

Hana: My revenue projections are a little high. Expenses are based on actual from this year, excluding salary and guessed what we’d pay this year. Events increase, and insurance went up. Rent is steady but may be renovated soon.

           Salaries: Kate had a raise of 1 Lindsey - 1.5. Myself 1,000 raise. There was the biggest raise for healthcare.

Kate: That may be less beneficial than the tax credit for our employees. You can get disqualified if we give credit.

Kate: The more that you make the less you get credit for. 20,00 is midway point and you get $133 tax credit. They are trying to prevent double dipping. A basic employer says 40% of salary is benefits

Cliff – I will look into it.

Hana – There is credit reduction if we turn it into a raise.

Cliff: Well you usually come out on top.

Hana: Kate is in a weird position because if we give her a raise she loses medicare.

Ashley: Can we get this doc sent out with 2015 on there.

Kate: Another idea is worst case scenario, projected, best case scenario. We should look at a wish list.

Ashley: And what is scalable. Like not having people losing hours.

Ashley: Do others do stipends or heath programs?

Hana: I will look into Denver Food Rescues and Growing Gardens.

Kate: We could look into collective health insurance for multiple non-profits.  Community Foundation may know.

Hana: Colorado NP association could not help.

Kate: Let’s look at who’s where we want to be.

Hana: 412 is killin it!

Brenden: Also, revenue wise I hardly ever see individual donors higher than grants and businesses.

Ashley: Should we look at other organizations and benchmark?

Kate: And not just food rescues. Like brainstorm


Growing Gardens



Community Cycles


Kate: We could look at some individually and bring reports about what they are doing right? I will do general questions.

Action Items

Ina (I can help if you want): Research and organize social media plan for strategy for CO gives day?

Kate and Brenden will reach out to wonder to discuss BFR juice.

Cliff and Kate – Will explore and report on healthcare legality, strategy, and options for a modest sized 501(c)3 such as the illustrious Boulder Food Rescue. Goal by Board retreat

Kate: Format some general questions and plans for nonprofit exploration, inspiration, “benchmarking”, comparison. And assign to the board. Goal at least a week before board retreat

Becky: Develop retreat agenda including worst case scenario, projected, best case scenario / “Wishlist budgeting” to retreat agenda, grant writing and

Hana - will look into Denver Food Rescue’s and Growing Gardens’ health plans.

BFR Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 20th


1942 Broadway

3rd floor conference room


1. Welcome Cliff [all] (10 minutes)

2. Feast numbers and afterthoughts [Janice, Hana] (60 minutes)

- how did it go, e.g., attendance, food, drinks, vibe, band

- how much did we bring in overall and from tickets, silent auction, paddle raiser?

- in general, what went well, what didn't, thoughts for next year

Feast Feedback



|Ticket Sales |258 |$7,429 |

|Merch |1 |$25 |

|Paddle Raiser |15 |$840 |

|Pledges | |$175 |

|Silent Auction | |$4,310 |

|TOTAL | |$12,779 |



|Venue |$1700 |

|F&B |$371.49 |

|Printing |$91.08 |

|TOTAL |$2162.57 |

NET: $10,615.93

Compared to 2015 –

2016: 258 people + volunteers

Ticket sales were better this year

Silent Auction – almost the same as 2015

Pledges – monthly giving – the same as 2015

Lower this year was the one time gifts

Expenses overall a little higher

Space, food, music was better

Hana killed the ask!

Reg desk

Possibly use a different ticketing system, or explore Eventbrite capabilities for checking in, adding guest names, etc.

 possible non profit pricing; Eventbrite replacement

Minimum purchase qty – forces print tix

QR/scanner capability

Tables should block the entrance more

Group text – so we could easily round up additional help

Volunteers could potentially wear BFR shirts, to be more visible at door

This got crazy very quickly! We didn’t anticipate the # of people who weren’t sure who they were under, and the sign up sheet for those folks/on arrival attendees was one in the same.

Does the email confirmation allow for additional text? Include info that all guests must check-in under “group leader” name?

Have a sign out front that mentions attendees should go to the line that corresponds with the last name of the person purchasing tickets.

Have more volunteers from 6-7:30ish, to correspond with alpha list of name of person purchasing tickets. Include additional tables.

Have one volunteer with master list, to take walk-ins, and look up people that aren't found on printed lists

See if we can put signs (just sheet of paper) above reg desk with letters

See if Jim is willing to let us print up the list onsite about 30 prior to doors, or see if someone has a printer to lend.

Table for wristband people

Tables should block the entrance more

Also not a huge line out the door - maybe a group text or walkie talkies

Need to have Alphabet signs - for name of group purchaser


Publicly thank Jim next year!!

Couches/tables worked

Get more donated tables

Check with Jim if we can use the other side of the wall – additional rental

Longer lines at taco bar?

Silent Auction

Silent auction preview – for the bigger stuff; show logos/list of gift cards

Ruth rocked it the last few weeks

This was pushed back way too late; Ruth saved the day

Stressful to have the asks this late. Need to set a goal to have these set up X weeks out.

Some silent auction places need a longer lead time to approve by corporate

Follow up – thank you notes for donors; let them know we are planning for 2017

Check items that are sitting in office/donated

Half price “bid up” for expensive restaurants? If a gc was $50, the price donor paid was $50.

Instead of $50 gc, ask for 2 $25 gcs?

Can we do value vs. items brought in

Add an estimated retail value to silent auction sheet

Start bidding higher, and include higher increments to avoid $1 above bids

Raffle tix – 50% off price last year ($5) but sold double the amount. Agree that $5 is a good amount

Silent auction item – fermented products in a basket?

Lindsey had a plan in place, but suggest she have a second in command who also knew what was going on.

For gift cards - can we files these, so we can easily find them at the end of the night? Perhaps one volunteer filing these/writing winner on master list?

Ruth walked around Pearl Street and mentioned she didn’t initially have luck, but went out a second time and got a lot of items. Perhaps for items like this - just schedule teams to hit the street to get as many items as possible?

Start earlier - which we’ll be able to do if we secure a location earlier. Don’t see this as an issue for 2017 if everyone liked the Avalon.


Silent Auction took up lots of Lindsey’s time which was because of the exceptions where people brought up things late -

Different system for gift cards


Start way earlier so it isn’t 2-3 days worth of work straight

A good percentage of the places had 1-3 month lead time

We ended up with 4 items after the event because it came in late

Would be nice to know where to go and plan it out week by week

Target of how many items in what price ranges would have been good to know how to do the outreach, as well as target for items overall

Gift cards got a lot of attention and they were easy to get

Ruth spent 25 hours and got 50% of the places

How many people we have working on it → board members plus Ruth there may have been some overlap. No issues on our end but may have looked weird to people we were approaching

Ruth is going to look at which items are popular, what did well and what didn’t, and how much we made so that we can plan for next year


Having bid prices on the silent auction sheets were really good- things that didn’t have a price on it, people started really low.

Hang things, bring tape, so that we can put things up

Get a picture of the items that we don’t have the physical items for

Names on items afterwards

Point person with different goals: 100 items?

Don’t list the retail item

HAVE to put in increments


They sounded great!

Was there enough room to dance? It seemed like there was, but perhaps reserve tables in front for BFR folks, so we can move these at a certain point in the night for more space.


Need volunteers to help Jordan. They need to know what’s going on, be able to assist/provide Jordan

Jordan looking for additional kitchen space

Would like to start donation requests from grocery stores further in advance

Fermented products that were donated worked well

Pre chef meeting before cooking starts

More skilled kitchen volunteers

Food procurement

Asking grocery stores/farmer’s market for gift cards worked well – allows for flexibility

Fermented product donations made this easier (so Jordan didn’t have to prepare)

Home brew? They possibly brought a lot of people. Anyone who submitted got a ticket, and likely brought someone with them.

Might shift to a homebrew feature vs. competition

Bottle of homebrew isn’t necessarily worth $45 free tickets; perhaps offer a reduced ticket instead. Perhaps “$20 off of ticket” would still bring them in the door

Water station – need to clearly identify or get large jugs. Needs to be more obvious.

Consider moving bar; silent auction – taco bar

Food labeling would be better, gluten free/vegan

Labeling food, providing a map, etc.

Seemed like the right amount of food, but needed more tempeh, taco toppings

Can we get Jordan + 2 restaurants to handle the food

Strive for presenting and/or host sponsors

Food trucks? Permitting issue outside? Would that break up the energy flow of the event too much?

What is the overall capacity, and can we buy out the additional space (in particular, the hallway)


They brought a lot of people

Call it a feature not a competition

Bottle of homebrew, $45 is a lot to get - discounted ticket instead of $45 ticket ($20 off your ticket!)


Restaurant tie-in for food stations

Platinum, bronze, silver, sponsors

Maybe they would bring their people - staff members



We had plenty, the right number for set-up (maybe 1 or 2 more would have been helpful)

Hoping to do less on the spot organizing of people since I made list of descriptions and it was better than last year. More self-supported.

Would have liked the chef to have more direct contact with volunteers before the event to tell them what they need to do. It was different than what she needed and wanted. Planned for one thing and then in the moment, it was another.

One thing that they didn’t do was check in with Lindsey when they arrived. Didn’t know who was a volunteer at 6pm. Food in particular. Have a system that allows for check in and check out of volunteers.

People who cared about BFR did more than they would do for food in particular, but others we couldn’t find.

Some people unpacked things and we didn’t know where they were (plates).


Fun, relaxed and comfortable who are able to attend

Go for larger sponsorships, to bring in differing demographics


Really need a point person for each area: (JF: I volunteered logical (mostly board) members after our meeting)

Food Donations - Hana

Silent auction - Lindsey

Venue/Registration - Janice

Food prep/set up - Jordan

Beverage/alcohol permits - Kate

Compost/trash/clearing tables - Steve

We need a pre-event board meeting for the event, to walk everyone through expectations. Worked well this year – all pitched in – but could be more organized

Felt like this was more rushed than last year – silent auction, etc.

Steve – amazing volunteer who organized compost/recycling on the fly. At the end of the night, he said he’d be willing to organize in 2017. Would like to get him on board earlier, and get a crew for this, and clearing tables.

Need assistance clearing the tables, etc.

Trash can stations were full

Next steps

STARTED Thank you notes – board sending their own. Hana will divvy the list for:


Food donors

Silent auction

Jim @ Avalon

Attendees survey

Include a brief Intro  thanking feast goers for their participation in the event and support of Boulder Food Rescue. Consider including that you’ll be doing a drawing of all survey participants who complete it by X date for BFR gifies. Throw in a BFR shirt and water bottle, etc. You can then use that in the next newsletter - publicly thanking attendees, etc. and announcing the winner.

Please take a few minutes to let us know what you thought of the Feast of Fermentation, and how we can make it even better in 2017!

How did you hear about the Feast? (drop down, can choose multiple options)

Email from Boulder Food Rescue

Friend/Family member


Volunteer with Boulder Food Rescue


Were you familiar with Boulder Food Rescue before deciding to attend the event?

Yes, very familiar

Somewhat familiar

No, not until the event

Please rate the following using:  Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor

Food stations and choices

Beer, wine and non-alcoholic options

Venue and seating options

Silent auction items

Include additional comments on the above here

BFR is considering dates for the Feast of Fermentation in mid- to late September of 2017. Do you have a preference for day of the week?





Do you have any additional comments or suggestions to help improve the Feast of Fermentation in 2017?

Would you like to sign up for Boulder Food Rescue newsletter?

Add a donation button

Could also add other Q's

what did you like best about the event

what do you think could be improved for next year

add a demographic Q, like age range

Look at Avalon Dates

Thursday or Saturday for 2017? Arguments for both

Thursday we might be able to get a restaurant to sponsor/handle a food station

Hard to compete on Friday’s with other events

Thursday (for restaurant) or Saturday are better

Mid-end of September

Saturday could be better for older folks

Time frame:

November – too late, it’s cold (ppl waiting to get in) don’t want to bump into end of year fundraising?

October – competes with other fundraisers

September – mid to late – seems just right.

3. EOY Fundraising [Hana, Ashley] (20 minutes)

-where are we with our 2016 fundraising goals versus year-to-date actual numbers

-Q4 fundraising plan

Peter on advisory committee – communications guru. Has agreed to take on e-communications for end of year giving. Has 3-4 communications to go out, preferably in tandem with social media efforts.

In house solicitation (mailed out letters). Received less donations in 2015. Not sure why this is. Is the letter? people donating on line?

Will try A/-B testing 1. Accomplishment letter 2. Emotional story appeal.

This will drop during CO Gives week.

Need board support – stuffing those mailings. ~1000 will be sent?

November 15 – board meeting – letter/stuffing/return envelope. Will likely need to schedule a longer time-frame

Can we work with a group that will stuff envelopes for us? Or trifold these?

4. 2017 budget thoughts [Becky] (15 minutes)

-initial board input for drafting next year's budget, e.g. raises, hourly changes, benefits, changes in program focuses, etc.

August 16th


1. BFR updates and goings-on (Hana) [15 minutes]

Food rescue ride happened! We will be hearing about the results/turnout/fundraising numbers from DFR soon…

Fundraising could be better b/c (theories): location (in Denver), goofy ride not “athletic”, could have done more with social media, competing with lots of other fundraising events (FOF, Summer Giving, etc.)... Maybe we will not be doing it again next year.

Good News:

Hana will be on Etown Sept 1st

City of San Diego wants to talk to us about the Food Waste Audit!

Hana and BFR are featured in Redbook Magazine’s September issue!

Moving along with our participation based research: grant funding is in the works… research will take about another year. Invisible Project for inspiration to get this funded. Hana will send along our key themes of the presentations. Make a “package deal” type of resource for this kind of research model.

Want to revamp the website

Want to work on our organization-wide communication plan… How do we convey all the projects that we’re actively working on without diluting or overwhelming our audience?

2. FoF (Janice, Kate, Hana) [45 minutes] --- updates and board action items

We need a grocery store sponsor.

Here are our sponsors:

Twisted Pine

Sanitas Brewing

Hazel’s Beverage

Vapor Distillery

Dr. D’s

Rowdy Mermaid

34 Degrees (crisps)

Beyond Better

McCauley Family Farms


Vibrant Veggies

Local news promotions: KGNU, Daily Camera, 5280

Email blasts

Social posts

Posters out and about town

Need board members to call all of their friends and try to sell 10 tickets each

Get final asks out to silent auction places by August 23rd

3. FRA (Hana) [30 minutes] --- Helen, who is currently our FRA coordinator, will be transitioning out of the position. Hana will be sending out a proposal as to how BFR will adjust/absorb Helen's departure.  Look for an hours/budget proposal from Hana in the next couple of days so we can have some informed discussion on this proposal.

~4. Cliff's board application (Becky) [15 minutes] --- we have one more board application, Matt Clifford (goes by Cliff), BFR's accountant, pending.  I am working on arranging a meeting time with him to discuss his candidacy, but don't know if that will happen before Tuesday.  If it does, and we have time left to discuss and vote on his application, I will tack that on to our agenda.  Attached is his application for you all to review.

July 19th


1. Hello and Welcome to Kate Kingsbery! (all) [5 minutes]

2. Updates (Hana) [10 minutes]

          Online giving campaign, Spa Night, etc.

3. Key Messaging and Audience review (Ashley) [30 minutes]

          Review comments and create next steps in developing our fundraising strategy

4. Feast of Fermentation (Becky) [60 minutes]

          Updates from Hana and Janice

Create a list of food and alcohol vendors, planned sponsors, and who will be doing the "asks" for these groups

Review resources and materials available for sponsorship asks

          Silent auction expectations, brainstorming for high value items

Ticket pricing and sales, potential authorized businesses to sell tickets on our behalf

Homebrewing community outreach

June 21st, 5-6:45pm, 1942 Broadway

Snacks/Beer: Becky


BFR Happenings - Vegas/Grand Junction trips, Alley Cat, Spa Night, Food Rescue Ride

Hello to Brendan, Janice and Ina

Action Items!

Board recruitment (Kate Kingsbery)


Dairy can’t seat more than 100; Rembrandt Yard (catering costs are $30/person to $40-$45/person) has preferred caterers, can bring in outside alcohol

Online giving campaign

$5000 goal, ask for a donor training program, Crowdrise as platform (no tiers, no time limit, 3% fee of total, free for first month, all other sites are 8%)

Next meeting Ideas (from Hana):

Ashley’s notes from meeting with Peter on audience

Advocacy platform Ashley sent from EFAA tailored to BFR’s agenda

Tuesday, May 17th, 5-6:45pm, 1942 Broadway

Snacks/Beer: Becky

Facilitator: Becky

Attendance: Wendy, Suze, Hana, Ashley, Becky


Wine de-corking team-building exercise

Wendy is the winner!

Voting on Board Applicants (Becky/Hana) [60 minutes]


Jim was one of the first volunteers, machinist by nature, super hands oriented, fixed trailers when they broke. Passionate about BFR, don’t know twitter, not fundraiser, but is a doer. Task oriented and always do what I say I do.

What is it that the board is working on that he would contribute to?

Building diversity of board, more on the ground experience and insight to work

Very systems-oriented, good at operations and logistics

Janice -- Yes! Everyone is thumbs up.

Ina -- realtor for Becky and Caleb. Friend of Hana, does social media, networker, young and super into talking to people and getting the word out → Ina gets yes!

Brendan -- super sweetheart, comfortable with social media, networking, outreach worker bee kind of person

Jennifer -- Volunteer, works for a tech company, nerd-translator/ program manager, also from Ned, founded CorpCrop which fell through, innovative, learned something, managed financials, pitches, etc.

More of an extrovert than Jim, still an introvert

I don’t know if I will be good at social media, fundraising, etc.

Could be a systems person -

Who could fill Suze’s role?! Can we wait and find someone to fill this position?

Find people that we want and then ask them

Could we ask Matt Clifford to be on the board?

Boulder 40 under 40, Boulder Young Professionals -- Ashley

Can we bring on somebody that is good at fundraising?!

Strategies and work plan

Somebody with time

Ashley knows somebody with a masters in nonprofit work - Kate Kingsberry

Wendy knows SNAP Coordinator  - Jill Strange

Ball, Jar Corporation, Someone is quitting their job;

Ashley: If you leave you have to find somebody great to come on the board! Wendy likes it too

Waiting on Jennifer and Jim to know

Donor & Recipient Population → Bo Sharon? He likes us and has lots of money. Lucky’s sold to Kroger. Suze is going to reach out to him now.

Timmy Oneil -- ED of Paradox Sports, needs a cause -- Suze will reach out to him.

At the beginning of each board meeting we will check in on the fundraising and strategic plan. Decided yes to do this.

Update on Communications Plan: Ashley and Peter connected

Peter is committed

Weekly deliverable that you guys can do

He gathered information from brainstorm session last month, Ashley and him will tweek things, send it out to the board

He will put me in touch with tech people to try out the message and see how it feels with them. They won’t give but will give feedback

Then we will put it on newsletters, campaigns, etc.

We need to figure out a way to be accountable to each other and get things done.

Suze:, Stick goals -- create goals, money is attached to it, and hold each other accountable.

Having meetings with Hana has been a good way to do it

Working within the fundraising plan and strategic plan at the beginning of every meeting

Overarching board calendar; We did this for fundraising but not all board activities

Strategic plan has months attached but kind of arbitrary

Becky will put calendar together to see if we are on track

Action items: Follow up on action items at the beginning of next meeting**

Hana gives updates

Bernden hello (all)

Suze goodbye (all)

Soda Tax endorsement [15 minutes]:

Trying to upload endorsements, do we want to do it for BFR?

Obviously pro-community health, PRO-EQUITY, We believe in equitable healthy food access for all of our residents, this is a proven method. Not regressive tax and not going to pray on poor people. Wendy will write it! Hana will glean it. Lindsey is into it.

Professional development/conference attendance (Hana) [15 minutes]

Action Items:

Suze will reach out to Timmy Oneil, Bo Shannon

Wendy: Ball person, Jill Strange, Look at grant spreadsheet and then see who might not be on there, Endorsement for Soda Tax

Ashley: Kate Kingsberry, Sending out communications messaging, meeting with Hana on online giving

Becky: Will come up with calendar for entire board agenda, fundraising and strategic plan combined

Tuesday, April 19th, 5-6:45pm, 1942 Broadway

Snacks/Beer: Wendy & Becky

Facilitator: Ashley/Peter


Hana gives updates on Forward Food Summit and Food Waste Audit

Board recruitment updates, up/down vote on Brenden (Becky/Hana) [15 minutes]

Brenden is super cool, worker-bee type, canvasser -- we didn’t get to this.

Communications workshop (Ashley/Peter) [90 minutes]

Peter is leading this thing!!

Peter was a hunger fellow and now is a part of Strength in Members that does marketing and fundraising for nonprofits

Peter wants to help with our direct response fundraising program.

Who is supporting us today? Who we want them to be? What do we know about them? What motivates them?

Building out tactics we use that drive people to give us money.

From individual donors trying to raise $38,000. Major donors is anybody that gives us $1,000 (5) hundreds of people give us $5-50. Younger donors - 25-40, single,

Top 3: Young Employed people 25-35, Young Parents,

Lady outside of Spruce Confections - Prana wearing, baby wrap, dog, full-time white gym mom


Old fashioned way - earn it. Need some exchange with them, what’s valuable, why to participate. Give them value, when we ask them for money, they give us money.

Oprah (or Ellen) - Etown. There is a compelling story here. Boulder Start Up week, Ignite, etc.

Invest real dollars in a direct response program - email, telemarketing, direct mail -- too expensive for us.

1 +2 = Most effective for us. We need to also look at what the message is. We must figure out who we are talking to first.

(1) CEO’s, people who work in start-up/ tech people, Google People. ⅔ male, ⅓ female.

(2) People who give less than $1,000 would be soccer mom.

→ we have opportunity to hit younger audience, more diversified audience.

Tech Person: pitch it as an investment. 1. Get in to talk to employees 2. Rescue food 3. Can their business become a sponsor to the organization 4. Can this person give us $1,000

We function off of people giving food, employees, companies supporting, last person. You get to work with us, for $1,000 I can tell you exactly how many people we feed. -- you get to be a part of this organization as a member.

We don’t have a big footprint in terms of awareness.

Individuals: Spouses of tech executive that has ability to give under $500 year. $20/mo gift. People making household incomes between $60-150,000. Have children at home, under 18. Busy as fuck and bring children to board meetings. Want to be involved but don’t have time. Want to give consistently, so monthly donors are good, want to get monthly newsletters and go to event. Don’t care about being recognized. Care about innovation?

We feed children, families with kids that go to your kids schools. We feed our elders.

Utility: heavy bike interest crowd: we do things on bikes that they care about.

How do we tap into philanthropic people? We are 44 out of 64 counties in giving. Largest reason is because they feel like they cannot afford it.

Maybe a compost book -- get these people to find us. How to make compost with your kids.

Tuesday, March 15th, 5-6:45pm, 1942 Broadway

Snacks/Beer: Becky

Facilitator: Becky


Board recruitment update and second round of invites

Board: Anne Obenchain, Brendan, Janice Field, Kelle,

Advisory Board: Peter, David Harrison, Michelle, Summer, Lisa,

Client Advisory Board:

Advocacy Plan / Logic Model

Logic Model Feedback:

Wendy: need to condense goals of logic model (too general); need clear indicators of success; right side= clear indicators, left side=what we must do to get there

Get rid of “health equity”

Add “advocacy” as an activity

Ashley: “What do we know we achieved this?” Column

Pyramid format

Position Platform Criteria →  use criteria with logic model to evaluate proposals on a case-by-case basis

No proactive actions made by ED unless agreed upon the Board

Action Items:

All: read submitted applications by next meeting

Becky: conduct outreach to potential Board/Advisory Board members

Nina: meet with Becky and Hana to amend logic model

Tuesday, February 16th 5-6:45pm, 1942 Broadway

Snacks/Beer: Ashley

Facilitator: Becky


Meet the new Volunteer Coordinator, Kate Eno [beginning, 10 minutes]

Fundraising/grant sponsoring [Ashley, 10 minutes]

key areas: capacity building, general gifts and major gifts, grants/foundations, events, in-kind, corporate sponsors, businesses

Hana: grants, foundations, and events have staff’s responsibility in the past, need a Board champion

Lisa: businesses

Wendy: grants/foundations

Nina: grants/foundations, assist with general gifts and major gifts

Becky: mid-year online giving campaign

future ideas: “kickstarter” campaign. mid-year online giving campaign, increasing number of touchpoints

Board recruitment [Becky, 30 minutes]

Current Board demographics: 7 female-identifying individuals; good age diversity; sectors: healthcare, food systems, nonprofit (2), corporate, start-up, academia; white;

capacity to recruit four new members

Core Competencies: fundraising, strategic planning, communications (social media management), event planning, planning in general, nonprofit operations, technology knowledge, food industry, legal expertise, healthcare, community organizing, recipient population, food justice, trust fund, human resources, food donors,

strengths: health policy, nonprofit operations, event planning, strategic planning, technology, fundraising, social media management, communications, community organizing

needs improvement: donor/recipient population, food industry connection, legal expertise, event planning

weaknesses: legal expertise, financial management, communications (social media),

- Potential (Advisory) Board Members: Ann Obenchain (Chautauqua, fundraising and event planning), Patrick Bragg (usability expert, interface experience, connections with strong fundraisers), Brendan (nonprofit management, canvassing experience, donor development), Julie Imig (women in business leadership development, CU business school), Peter Genuardi (Strength in Members, digital marketing, helped with FoF), David Harrison (lawyer, helped with camping ban), Brownell Bailey (food industry, nonprofit experience)

- one recipient, two male-idenfied, communciations, event planning, legal expertise, food industry, communications (social media expert)

- resources for outreach: LinkedIn, volunteer list, GoodFoodjobs, Idealist, Craigslist, Colorado Nonprofit Association, social media, FFS, volunteer list, BHP sites, website

Conference Fees -- proposed budget change [Hana, 15 minutes]

expenses will be covered

(ED compensation/salary)

(Bonus criteria and budget reserve planning)

(Big picture fundraising events for 2016)

Action Items:

Suze: reach out to designated potential Board members, contact associates about conference funding

Hana: reach out to designated potential Board members

Thursday, January 21st, 4-6pm, 1942 Broadway

Snacks/Beer: Suze

Facilitator: Becky


Fundraising update (Individual Donor Campaign: $26,863)

Nov.-Dec.: $37,000

2015: $108,193

Individual donor total = low revenue in comparison to previous years

Recommendations: segmentation testing for 2016, revise messaging, access donor base with more capacity (relationships), workshop

ED employment contract review

Beneficiary prioritization bylaw change

clarification: decreasing barriers to accessing food rather than prioritizing specific types of recipients

categories: a) grocery programs b) organizations that serve food insecure populations c) community partners (low-income)

organizations can apply to be a category (c) recipient

Volunteer Coordinator hiring update

Michael Benko will resign in February, staff interviewed 6 candidates this week

Decision will be made next week  (1/30)

Action Items:

Suze: email Becky about Board application

Becky: talk to Caleb about Suze’s spouse

Wendy: talk to Development Director


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