
A-Level History: Cold WarWrite statements of significance for the following terms regarding the Cold War. What is it, and how is it significant to the Cold War?These should be ready for submission during the first week of school either hard copy or digital.Wilsonianism/American Values/14 PointsMarxismBolshevik Revolution 1917/US and European ResponseComintern 1919Spanish Civil War 1936-1939Munich Conference 1938Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact 1939The Big ThreeLend-Lease Act 1940Atlantic Charter 1941Soviet War Effort/LossesAtomic Bomb (Britain v. USSR)Teheran Conference 1943Bretton Woods Agreement 1944IMF (International Monetary Fund)/World Bank 1944Percentages Agreement 1944Yalta Conference 1945Declaration of Liberated Europe 1945London v. Lublin PolesPotsdam Conference 1945Use of Atomic Bombs in Japan 1945Soviet Security Needs/Capitalist FearsUS Capitalist Needs/Communist FearsSoviet Occupation of Manchuria August 1945-May 1946Soviet Occupation of Iran Until 1946Stalin’s Capitalism Speech February 1946Kennan’s Long Telegram February 1946NV Novikov’s Telegram to Stalin 1946Clifford-Elsey Report 1946Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech March 1946Stalin’s Reply to Churchill’s Speech March 1946Byrne’s Stuttgart Speech September 1946Henry Wallace Speech September 1946Molotov Speech October 1946Truman Doctrine March 1947Cominform October 1947Marshall Plan June 1947Kennan’s X Article July 1947Vyshinsky on Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan September 1947Red Army Occupation of Eastern Europe 1945-1947Czech Coup February 1948Berlin Blockade June 1948COMECON 1949NATO established April 1949West Germany established September 1949East Germany established October 1949Soviets Get Atomic Bomb 1949China Becomes Communist 1949 Nitze’s NSC-68 1950Korean War 1950 ................

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