Monitoring Global Poverty - World Bank

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Monitoring Global Poverty

Report of the Commission on Global Poverty

Monitoring Global Poverty

Monitoring Global Poverty

Report of the Commission on Global Poverty

? 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet:

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ISBN (paper): 978-1-4648-0961-3 ISBN (electronic): 978-1-4648-0962-0 DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0961-3

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Members of the Advisory Board


Key Features of the Report





1 Monitoring Extreme Poverty 2Beyond Goal 1.1: Complementary Indicators and

Multidimensionality 3 Making It Happen Index


1.1 World Bank Classification of Countries (Economies) 1.2 2015 Sustainable Development Goals 1.3 National Poverty Statistics Reports 2.1Two Examples of Studies of Basic Needs at the

Global Level 2.2Recommendations in Chapter 1 Relevant to

Nonmonetary Indicators 2.3Possible Portfolio of Complementary Indicators at

Country Level



99 189 199

8 12 26 128 153 175





1.1Measuring Global Poverty: A Tripod (with an

Additional Leg)


1.2The Impact of Change from 2005 ICP-Based

Estimates to 2011 ICP-Based Estimates on the

Poverty Line in India Measured in Rupees


1.3 National Poverty Calculation, Ghana


1.4Percentage of Prices from Poverty-Specific

Surveys below Prices from ICP


1.5 ADB Analysis of ICP for the Poor, 2005


2.1 Calorie Requirements in Different Countries


2.2 Absolute and Relative Poverty


2.3 Global Poverty and the Developing World


2.4Growth in Real Consumption (Income) per Head

for Bottom 40 Percent, 2007?12


2.5Growth of Real Income of Bottom 40 Percent

and Bottom 20 Percent of World Distribution


2.6 Long-Run View of Real Income of B40 and B20


2.7 Child Nutrition Indicators in Bangladesh


2.8 The Overlapping of Deprivation



1.1 Illustrative Checklist for Nonsampling Errors


1.2Linking Household Survey (HS) and National

Accounts (NA) Concepts of Consumption


2.1Characteristics of Different Approaches to Poverty



2.2Dimensions in Official Multidimensional Poverty

Indexes in Latin America


2.3 Nutrition Domain in the SDGs


2.4Indicators of Deprivation Contrasted: Global MPI

and EU Social Indicators


2.5 Illustration of Overlapping Poverty Index


2.6Multitopic Household Surveys with Global or

Multiregional Coverage



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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