Lineage of John Rolfe and Pocahontas

Lineage of John Rolfe and Pocahontas

To Rebecca Powell Dowdle

John Rolfe m. Pocahontas – 1614

Son Thomas Rolfe born – 1615 m.

Jane Poythess in England in 1644

Daughter Jane Rolfe born – 1645 m.

Robert Bolling in 1675 who came

from England in 1660

Son John Bolling I born – 1676 m.

Mary Kenon in 1697

Son John Bolling II born – 1700 m.

Elizabeth Blair in 1728

Son William L. Bolling – 1731 m.

Amelia Randolph in 1753

John Bolling born – 1780 m. Samuel L. Bolling – 1758 m.

Sara A. Rayburn in 1800 Abigale Choice in 1777

s. Samuel J. Bolling born – 1789 d. Elizabeth Bolling born – 1777

m. Mary Ann Ewing 1814 m. James Dunklin 1800

d. Lucinda E. Bolling born - 1839 d. Abigail Dunklin born – 1800

m. Jonathan L. Powell – 1861 m. Dr. Hillary Herbert 1818

s. John Bolling Powell born – 1862 d. Elizabeth Herbert born – 1818

m. Archibald McCoy Reid 1835

d. Virginia Reid born – 1862

John Bolling Powell married Virginia Reid in 1881

Rebecca Powell born – 1903

m. Ruble Charles Dowdle


1. Bolling and Powell connection: Moses Powell moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina in 1766 around the area of Raleigh. His son Henry moved to Greenville, Butler County, Alabama in 1774 – he had 15 children. His 5th child, William married Mary Ann Yeldell in 1824. Their son Jonathan Lewis Powell born 1836 married Lucinda Elizabeth Bolling, daughter of Samuel Jackson Bolling in 1861. Their son (our grandfather) John Bolling Powell was born in 1862. He married Virginia Reid in 1881. John was the oldest child of Johnathan Powell whereas Virginia was the youngest child of Archibald Reid.

2. The Samuel Bolling family divided in the middle 1700’s with the line rejoining in 1881 through the marriage of John Bolling Powell and Virginia Reid.

3. A final note: In my research into this lineage I found a comment in some data on the Powells that is worth the effort to list. It is a connection to great grandfather Powell and his Civil War service. It stated that he was in the 17th Alabama Infantry Regiment in Captain Burnett’s Company, and later promoted to captain. In reviewing the records of the 17th Alabama I found him listed as John L. Powell rather than Jonathan L. Powell. I am sure this is the same person for the family history and the 17th Alabama records track.

He enlisted on April 1, 1862 and was assigned to Captain Burnett’s

Company B as a private. At this time he was 25 years old. However, on

July 25, 1862 he was elected to 1st Lieutenant, later promoted to captain

of Company C on April 10, 1865 during the reorganization of the

Regiment just prior to the end of the war. He was involved in the battles

at Pensacola and Shiloh, spent a lengthy assignment in Mobile, involved

in all the Atlanta Campaigns, and the battles of Franklin and Nashville,

and the final surrender on April 26, 1865 in Greensboro, North Carolina.

He was wounded in the left foot and had a toe amputated. This occurred

in the battle of Peachtree Creek near Atlanta. He was also listed as being

in the hospital with dibilitas, which is “a condition of the body in which

there is a weakening of the vital signs.” This sounds like exhaustion to

me. He was paroled May 1, 1865, and was present at the Confederate

Veterans Reunion in Greenville on August 21, 1897.

A side note in this regard: Hillary Herbert Reid (older brother to grandmother Powell) was also in the 17th Alabama, but in Company K. He enlisted some five months after great grandfather Powell. It is obvious they knew each other since they were 2nd cousins four years apart in age and from the same town.

Carleton Dowdle 6-10-08



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