Trinity College Dublin: Department of History

Trinity College Dublin: Department of History

Europe, c. 1500-1700: Power and Belief

(10 ECTS)

Module Tutor: Graeme Murdock (3149) or email

Teaching and Assessment

There are two hours of lectures each week this semester. Lectures will outline different aspects of the period and discuss particular themes. Relevant reading from the bibliography will be brought to your attention so that you can investigate subjects in greater detail. Seven tutorials will complement the lecture course (beginning in week 3). You must read key texts and relevant secondary literature from the bibliography in advance of tutorials. You must be prepared to engage in discussion, submit short written assignments, and give presentations on assigned topics at the direction of your tutor. Your tutor will also give advice about essay-writing and presentation skills. Your tutor will also provide feedback on the essay which you must submit. Please consult the History Junior Freshman handbook for details about dates for handing in essays, regulations on attendance and other important information about examinations.


Week 1 Introduction


Week 2 Print


Week 3 Reformed religion

Catholic reform

Week 4 Tolerance and persecution

Hunting witches

Week 5 The French monarchy

The French civil wars

Week 6 The Dutch revolt

The Ottoman Empire

Week 7 Reading week

Week 8 The Holy Roman Empire

Confessional Europe

Week 9 The Thirty Years’ war

The peace of Westphalia

Week 10 The Dutch republic

The Dutch ‘golden age’

Week 11 French absolutism?

Louis XIII and Richelieu

Week 12 Louis XIV’s France

Europe in 1700


Tutorial 1: Introduction

Tutors will discuss some of the key themes of the course, discuss required reading, assign presentations for the semester, plan group presentations for tutorial week 7, and discuss essay-writing and presentation skills.

Tutorial 2: Religious reform

Discussion of humanist criticisms of the Church and the intentions of religious reformers. What were reformers trying to achieve? What was Luther’s agenda of reform? Assess Luther’s attitude towards ordinary German men and women. Set texts: Desiderius Erasmus, The Praise of Folly (1509) and in particular read ‘Oration: Monks’ . and Martin Luther, Short Catechism (1529) in particular the preface at smallcatechism.php

Tutorial 3: Catholicism and Calvinism

Contrasting Catholic and Calvinist reform. What were the key elements of Calvinist or Reformed religion? What did Catholic reforms aim to achieve? Compare Reformed and Catholic attitudes towards sight and material culture. Set texts: Council of Trent- Session 25 (1563) ‘On Sacred Images’ and Heinrich Bullinger, Second Helvetic Confession (1562/1566) chapter 4, ‘Of Idols or images’ at creeds/helvetic.htm

Tutorial 4: Witch-hunting

Discuss the causes and nature of the witch-hunt in early modern Europe. What did Europeans believe about witches? Who were the prime victims of the witch-hunt? How were witches tried and punished? Why did the witch-hunt come to an end? Set text: ‘The persecution at Bamberg, 1628’

Tutorial 5: The French monarchy

Discussion of conflict and power in France. What were the causes of the violence which afflicted France during the civil wars? Assess arguments about religion and culture in France in Natalie Zemon Davis, ‘The rites of violence: religious riot in sixteenth-century France’, Past and Present 59 (1973) (access online from Jstor)

Tutorial 6: The Thirty Years War

Discussion of the causes, nature and resolution of the Thirty Years’ War. Was this conflict a war of religion? Why did the conflict begin in Bohemia? Why did the war go on so long and how was peace restored to Europe? Set texts: ‘The Destruction of Magdeburg, 1631’: . ‘The Treaty of Westphalia, 1648, especially intro. and articles 1, 2, 3, 122, 123.

Tutorial 7: Group Presentations

Group presentations on one aspect of the politics, society or culture in a European state (either the Holy Roman Empire, Habsburg monarchy, Ottoman empire, Spain, or the Netherlands). Groups will be organised by your tutor, and you must agree the subject of your presentation in advance with your tutor. A written text of the presentation must be handed in by the group to your tutor.

Essay titles

1. Assess the impact of printed texts on the lives of ordinary men and women in sixteenth-century Europe.

2. What was distinctive about EITHER Lutheran OR Calvinist OR Catholic ideas for religious reform?

3. Why was religious tolerance in such short supply in sixteenth-century Europe?

4. What were the chief causes of the Dutch revolt?

5. Why did ordinary French women and men take part in ‘rites of violence’ during the civil wars?

6. Why was the Ottoman Empire able to conquer and rule so much of south-eastern Europe during the sixteenth century?

7. Why were so many women accused of being witches during this period?

8. Why did the Thirty Years’ War go on so long?

9. What factors explain the ‘golden age’ of the Dutch Republic.

10. Is absolute monarchy an accurate description of the power held by EITHER Louis XIII OR Louis XIV?


Early modern Europe: surveys

R. Bonney, The European dynastic states 1494-1660 (1991)

J. H. Elliott, Europe Divided 1559-1598 (1968)

J. R. Hale, Renaissance Europe 1480-1520 (2000)

H. Kamen, European Society, 1500-1700 (1984)

H. Kamen, The Iron Century: social change in Europe, 1550-1660 (1978)

H. Koenigsberger, G. Mosse, G. Bowler, Europe in the Sixteenth Century (1989)

G. Parker, Europe in Crisis 1598-1648 (2001)

M. Wiesner-Hanks, Early Modern Europe, 1450-1789 (2006)

B. Kumin (ed.), The European World (2009)

E. Cameron (ed.), Early Modern Europe (1999)

A. Pettegree, Europe in the sixteenth century (2002)

D. Nicholas, The Transformation of Europe, 1300-1600 (1999)

R. Mackenny, Sixteenth-Century Europe. Expansion and Conflict (1991)

E. Cameron (ed.), The Sixteenth Century (2006)

H. Koenigsberger, Early Modern Europe, 1500-1789 (1987)

R. S. Dunn, The Age of Religious Wars, 1559-1715 (1979)

J. Hale, War and society in Renaissance Europe 1450-1620 (1998)

G. Parker, The Military Revolution: military innovation and the rise of the West, 1500-1800


J. Tracy, The Rise of Merchant Empires, 1350-1750 (1990)

T. Munck, Seventeenth-Century Europe (2005)

J. Stoye, Europe Unfolding, 1646-1688 (2000)

D. Sturdy, Fractured Europe, 1600-1721 (2002)

J. Bergin (ed.), The Seventeenth Century: Europe 1598-1721 (2001)

J. Tracy, The Rise of Merchant Empires, 1350-1750 (1990)

A. Upton, Europe, 1600-1789 (2001)

J. Elliott, ‘A Europe of composite monarchies’, Past and Present 137 (1992)

Economy and Society

R. Davis, The Rise of the Atlantic Economies (1973)

H. Miskimin, The Economy of Later Renaissance Europe, 1460-1600 (1977)

C. Wilson, E. Rich (eds), Cambridge Economic History of Europe IV, The economy of

expanding Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (1967)

P. Burke, Popular culture in early modern Europe (1994)

J. Dewald, The European Nobility, 1400-1800 (1996)

A. G. Dickens (ed.), The courts of Europe: politics, patronage and royalty (1977)

V. Gattrell, B. Lenman, G. Parker (eds) Crime and the law: the social history of crime in

western Europe since 1500 (1980)

K. Crawford, European sexualities, 1400-1800 (2007)

M. Wiesner, Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe

R. Jütte, Poverty and Deviance in Early Modern Europe (1994)

V. Kiernan, State and Society in Early Modern Europe (1980)

C. Lis, H. Soly, Poverty and capitalism in pre-industrial Europe (1979)

R. Muchembled, Popular culture and elite culture in France, 1400-1750 (1985)

M. Mullett, Popular culture and popular protest in late medieval and early modern Europe


A. Cowan, Urban Europe, 1500-1700 (1998)

T. Scott (ed.), The Peasantries of Europe (1998)

R. Asch, Nobilities in transformation, 1550-1700 (2003)

O. Musgrave, The Early Modern Economy (1999)

H. Kamen, European Society, 1500-1700 (1999)

P. Aries, Centuries of Childhood (1960)

S. Cavallo, L. Warner, Widowhood in medieval and early modern Europe (1999)

M. Wiesner-Hanks (ed.), Christianity and sexuality in the early modern world (2000)

R. Darnton, The Great Cat Massacre (1985)

J. De Vries, The Economy of Europe in an age of crisis, 1600-1750 (1976)

P. Clark (ed.), Small towns in early modern Europe (1995)

T. Scott (ed.), The Peasantries of Europe (1998)

R. Asch, Nobilities in transformation, 1550-1700 (2003)

P. Musgrave, The Early Modern Economy (1999)

J. Edwards, The Jews in Christian Europe, 1400-1700 (1991)

European expansion

J. Elliott, The Old World and the New, 1492-1650 (1992)

F. Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (1972)

S. Greenblatt, Marvellous possessions: the wonder of the New World

J Parry, The Age of Reconnaissance

W. Phillips, C Phillips, The worlds of Christopher Columbus

G. Scammell, 'The New Worlds and Europe in the sixteenth century', Historical


G. Scammell, The World Encompassed: the first European maritime empires, c. 800-1650

The Renaissance

A. Brown, The Renaissance (1988)

P. Burke, The European Renaissance (1998)

R. Porter, M. Teich, The Renaissance in National Context (1992 )

D. Jensen, Renaissance Europe (1992)

J. Najemy, A History of Florence, 1200-1575 (2008)

J. Hale, The Civilisation of Europe in the Renaissance (1993)

S. Fletcher, Renaissance Europe, 1390-1530

G. Ruggiero, A Comparison to the Worlds of the Renaissance (2002)

M. King, The Renaissance in Europe (2003)

R. Kirkpatrick, The European Renaissance, 1400-1600 (2001)

J. Brotton, The Renaissance (2006)


D. R. Kelley, Renaissance Humanism (1991)

C. Nauert, Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe (1995)

A. Goodman, A. Mackay (eds), The Impact of Humanism on Western Europe (1990)

S. Ozment, The age of reform, 1250-1500 (1980)

J. Tracy, Erasmus of the Low Countries

M. Philips, Erasmus and the northern Renaissance (1981)

J. McConica, Erasmus (1991)

A. G. Dickens, Erasmus the reformer (1994)

L. Halkin, Erasmus. A critical biography (1993)

C. Augustijn, Erasmus: His life, works and influence (1991)

D. Fenlon, ‘England and Europe: Utopia and its `aftermath’, Transactions of the Royal

Historical Society (1975)

Renaissance Italy

L. Partridge, The Renaissance in Rome, 1400-1600 (1996)

J. Marino, Early modern Italy, 1550-1796 (2002)

P. Burke, The Italian Renaissance: culture and society in Italy (1999)

P. Simons (ed.), Patronage, art and society in Renaissance Italy

P. Burke, Culture and Society in Renaissance Italy, 1420-1540 (1972)

W. Connell (ed.), Society and Individual in Renaissance Florence (2002)

L. Martines, Power and Imagination: city states in Renaissance Italy (1988)

M. Hollingsworth, Patronage in Renaissance Italy (1994)

G. Holmes, Art and politics in Renaissance Italy (1993)

B. Pullan, Rich and poor in Renaissance Venice (1971)

D. Hay, J. Law, Italy in the age of the Renaissance (1989)

J. Burns (ed.), The Cambridge History of Political Thought 1450-1700 (1991), chapter 2

Q. Skinner, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought: vol.1 The Renaissance (1978),

chapters 4-6

I. Berlin, ‘The originality of Machiavelli’ in Gilmore, M.P.(ed.), Studies in Machiavelli


M. Mallett, J. Hale, The military organisation of a Renaissance state: Venice, c. 1450 to 1617

G. Bock, Q. Skinner, M. Viroli (eds), Machiavelli and Republicanism (1990)

F. Chabod, Machiavelli and the Renaissance (1958)

Q. Skinner, Machiavelli (1981)

M. Viroli, Machiavelli (1998)

J. G. Pocock, The Machiavellian moment: Florentine political thought and the Atlantic

Republican tradition (1975)

F. Gilbert, Machiavelli and Guicciardini: Politics and history in sixteenth-century Florence


J. Najemy, ‘Baron’s Machiavelli and Renaissance Republicanism’, American Historical

Review (1966)


R. Chartier, G. Cavallo (eds), A History of Reading in the West (1999)

N. Davis, ‘Printing and the people’ in Davis, Society and Culture in Early Modern France

(1985), 189-226.

E. Eisenstein, The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe (1983)

E. Eisenstein, The Printing press as an agent of change (1979)

E. Eisenstein, A. Grafton, A. Johns, ‘Forum on the Print Revolution’, American Historical

Review 107 (2002), 84-128

A. Pettegree, Hall, ‘The Reformation and the book: a reconsideration’, Historical Journal 47


G. Strauss, ‘Lutheranism and literacy: a reassessment’ in K. von Greyerz (ed.), Religion and

society in early modern Europe (1984)

R. Houston, Literacy in early modern Europe. Culture and education, 1500-1800 (1988)

L. Fevre, H-J. Martin, The Coming of the Book: the impact of printing, 1400-1800 (1997)

M. Edwards, Print, Propaganda and Martin Luther (1994)

R. Gawthorp, G. Strauss, ‘Protestantism and literacy in early modern Germany’, Past and

Present 104 (1984)

R. Scribner, For the sake of simple folk: popular propaganda for the German Reformation


R. Crofts, ‘Printing, reform and the Catholic Reformation’, Sixteenth Century Journal (1985),


B. Richardson, Printers, writers and readers in Renaissance Italy (1999)

S. Nalle, ‘Literacy and culture in early modern Castile’, Past and Present 125 (1989)

D. Julia, ‘Reading and the Counter-Reformation’ in R. Chartier, G. Cavallo (eds), A History

of Reading in the West (1999), 238-68

G. Fragnito (ed.), Church, censorship and culture in early modern Italy (2001)

H. Robinson-Hammerstein (ed.), European Universities in the age of Reformation and

Counter-Reformation (1998)

The Reformation

J. Bossy, Christianity in the West 1400-1700 (1985)

E. Cameron, The European Reformation (1991)

P. Collinson, The Reformation (2003)

G. Elton, Reformation Europe (1963)

A. Ryrie (ed.), Palgrave advances in the European Reformations (2005)

A. Dickens, Reformation and Society in sixteenth-century Europe (1966)

B. Kaplan, Divided by Faith. Religious Conflict and the Practice of Toleration in Early

Modern Europe

R. Scribner, R.Porter. M.Teich (eds.), The Reformation in National Context

K. von Greyerz, Religion and Culture in Early Modern Europe 1500-1800

D. MacCulloch, The Reformation: Europe’s House Divided (2003)

A. Pettegree (ed.), The Early Reformation in Europe (1993)

A. Pettegree, The Reformation World (2006)

A. Pettegree, Reformation and the culture of persuasion (2006)

U. Rublack, Reformation Europe (2005)

J. Tracy, Europe’s Reformations, 1450-1650 (1999)

R. Po-Chia Hsia (ed.), A Companion to the Reformation World (2002)

A. G. Dickens, Reformation and Society in sixteenth-century Europe (1996)

O. Grell, R. Scribner (eds), Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Reformation (1996)

R. Po-Chia Hsia (ed.), The Cambridge History of Christianity. Volume 6 Reform and

Expansion 1500-1660 (2008)

A. Cunningham, O. Grell (eds), Religion, war, famine and death in Reformation Europe



J. Atkinson, Martin Luther and the birth of Protestantism

R. Bainton, Here I Stand: Martin Luther (1987)

A. G. Dickens, Martin Luther and Protestantism

A. G. Dickens, The German Nation and Martin Luther (1974)

S. Hendrix, ‘Luther's impact on the sixteenth century’, Sixteenth Century Journal 16 (1985)

H-C. Rublack, ‘Martin Luther and the urban social experience', Sixteenth Century Journal 16


J. McCue, ‘Luther and the problem of popular preaching’, Sixteenth Century Journal 16


M. Mullett, Martin Luther (1986)

H. Oberman, Luther: Man between God and devil (1989)

Reformation Germany

C. S. Dixon (ed.), The German Reformation (1999)

C. S. Dixon, The Reformation and Rural Society: the parishes of Brandenburg-Ansbach

-Kulmach, 1528-1603 (1995)

B. Moeller, Imperial Cities and the Reformation

S. Ozment, The Reformation in the Cities

S. Ozment, When Fathers ruled: family life in Reformation Europe

G. Parker, ‘Success and Failure During the First Century of the Reformation’ in Past and

Present 136 (1992)

L. Roper, The Holy Household: women and morals in Reformation Augsburg (1989)

L. Roper, ‘Going to church and street. Weddings in Reformation Augsburg’, Past and Present


C. S. Dixon, The Reformation in Germany (2002)

R. Scribner, Popular religion in Germany and Central Europe, 1400-1800 (1995)

R. Po-Chia Hsia, The German people and the Reformation (1988)

J. Harrington, Reordering Marriage and Society in Reformation Germany (1995)

H. Schilling, ‘The Reformation and the Rise of the Early Modern State’ in J. Tracy (ed.),

Luther and the Modern State in Germany

R. Scribner, The German Reformation (1986)

R. Scribner, 'Is there a social history of the Reformation', Social History 4 (1977)

G. Strauss, 'Success and Failure in the German Reformation', Past and Present 67 (1975)

G. Strauss, Enacting the Reformation in Germany (1993)

R. Scribner, Popular culture and popular movements in Reformation Germany (1987)

R. Scribner, 'Ritual and popular religion in Catholic Germany at the time of the Reformation',

Journal of Ecclesiastical History 35 (1984)

R. Scribner, ‘Incombustible Luther: the image of the reformer in early modern Germany’,

Past and Present 110 (1986)

R. Scribner, ‘Civic unity and the Reformation in Erfurt’, Past and Present 66 (1975)

C. Christensen, Art and the Reformation in Germany (1979)

S. Michalski, The Reformation and the Visual Arts (1993)

G. Strauss, Luther's House of Learning: indoctrination of the young in the German

Reformation (1978)

R. Po-Chia Hsia, Social Discipline in the Reformation: Central Europe, 1550-1750 (1989)

J. Bak (ed.), The German Peasant War of 1525

M. Baylor (ed.), The Radical Reformation

P. Blickle, Communal Reformation: the quest for salvation in sixteenth-century Germany


P. Blickle, The revolution of 1525: the German Peasants' War from a new perspective (1985)

H. Cohn, ‘Anticlericalism in the German Peasants' War, 1525', Past and Present 83 (1979)

R. Scribner, G. Benecke (eds), The German Peasant War of 1525: new viewpoints (1979)

R. Hsia Po-chia, The Myth of Ritual Murder: Jews and Magic in Reformation Germany


B. Gordon, Calvin (2009)

M. Prestwich (ed.), International Calvinism, 1541-1715 (1985)

L. Wandel, Voracious Idols and Violent Hands (1995)

C. Eire, War against the idols: The Reformation of Worship from Erasmus to Calvin (1986)

W. Naphy, Calvin and the Consolidation of the Genevan Reformation (1994)

B. Gordon, The Swiss Reformation (2002)

P. Benedict, Christ's Churches Purely Reformed. A Social History of Calvinism (2002)

G. Murdock, Beyond Calvin, The Intellectual, Political and Cultural World of Europe’s

Reformed Churches (2004)

R. Kingdon, ‘International Calvinism’ in Tracey et al. (eds), Handbook of European History,

1400-1600. Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation (1995) (vol. 2), 229-247

A. Pettegree, A. Duke, and G.Lewis (eds), Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620 (1994)

A. Spicer, Calvinist Churches in Early Modern Europe (2008)

C. Wood, ‘In Defense of images: Two local rejoinders to the Zwinglian iconoclasm’,

Sixteenth Century Journal 19 (1988), 25-44

H. Oberman, ‘Europa Afflicta: The Reformation of the Refugees’, Archiv für

Reformationsgeschichte 83 (1992), 91-111

A. Pettegree, ‘The exile churches and the churches ‘under the cross’: Antwerp and Emden

during the Dutch revolt’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 38 (1987), 187-209

R. Evans, ‘Calvinism in East Central Europe: Hungary and her Neighbours’ in M. Prestwich

(ed.), International Calvinism (1985), 167-196

A. Duke, G.Lewis, A.Pettegree(eds.), Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620 (1994)

B. Nischan, Prince, People and Confession. The Second Reformation in Brandenburg

M. Prestwich (ed.), International Calvinism, 1541-1715 (1985)

G. Murdock, Calvinism on the Frontier, 1600-1660. International Calvinism and the

Reformed church in Hungary and Transylvania(2000)

R. Kingdon, ‘International Calvinism’ in Tracey et al. (eds), Handbook of European History,

1400-1600. Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation (1995) (vol. 2), 229-247

Catholic Reform

J. Bossy, 'The Counter-Reformation and the people of Catholic Europe', Past and Present 47


J. Delumeau, Catholicism between Luther and Voltaire: a new view of the Counter

Reformation (1977)

A. Dickens, The Counter-Reformation (1968)

M. Mullett, The Counter-Reformation and the Catholic Reformation in early modern Europe

A. Wright, The Counter-Reformation: catholic Europe and the non-Christian world (1982)

S. Ditchfield, Liturgy, Sanctity and History in Tridentine Italy (1995)

M. Mullett, The Catholic Reformation (1999)

N. Davidson, The Counter Reformation

H. Evennett, The Spirit of the Counter Reformation (1968)

P. Janelle, The Catholic reformation

D. Luebke (ed.), The Counter Reformation (1999)

P. Soergel, Wondrous in his saints: Counter-Reformation propaganda in Bavaria (1993)

R. Bireley, The refashioning of Catholicism, 1450-1700: a reassessment of the Counter

-Reformation (1999)

J. Bossy, ‘The Mass as a social institution, 1200-1700’, Past and Present 100 (1983)

P. Burke, ‘How to be a Counter-Reformation saint’ in K. von Greyerz (ed.), Religion and

Society in early modern Europe (1984)

R. Bireley, The Refashioning of Catholicism, 1450-1700 (1999)

J. O’Malley, Trent and all that: Renaming Catholicism in the early modern era (2000)

J. Olin (ed.), The Catholic Reformation: Savonarola to Ignatius of Loyola (1992)

J. O'Malley, 'Was Ignatius Loyola a Church reformer? How to look at early modern

Catholicism', Catholic Historical Review 77 (1991)

J. O’Malley, The First Jesuits (1993)

S. Ostrow, Art and spirituality in counter-reformation Rome (1996)

W. Meissner, Ignatius of Loyola. Psychology of a saint (1992)

J. Scarisbrick, The Jesuits and the Counter-Reformation

B. Shaw, Julius II: the warrior pope

M. Jones, The Counter Reformation

A. D. Wright, The Early Modern Papacy (2000)

R. Pörtner, The Counter-Reformation in Central Europe. Styria, 1580-1630 (2001)

R. Bireley, The refashioning of Catholicism, 1450-1700: a reassessment of the Counter

-Reformation (1999)

S. Ostrow, Art and Spirituality in Counter-Reformation Rome (1996)

N. Courtright, Papacy and the art of reform in sixteenth-century Rome (2003)

J. Bossy, 'The social history of Confession in the age of the Reformation', Transactions of the

Royal Historical Society 25 (1975)

L. Chatellier, The Europe of the Devout: the Catholic Reformation and the formation of a new

Society (1989)


N. Davidson, 'Rome and the Venetian Inquisition in the sixteenth century', Journal of

Ecclesiastical History 39 (1988)

J. Edwards, The Jews in Christian Europe 1400-1700

S. Haliczer (ed.), Inquisition and Society in early modern Europe (1987)

H. Kamen, Inquisition and society in Spain (1985)

R. Martin, Witchcraft and the Inquisition in Venice, 1550-1650

W. Monter, Frontiers of heresy: the Spanish Inquisition from the Basque lands to Sicily

B. Pullan, The Jews of Europe and the Inquisition of Venice 1550-1670 (1977)

C. Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms (1980)

Catholic Mission

J. Elliott, The Old World and the New, 1492-1650 (1992)

C. Ronan, B. Oh(eds), East meets west: the Jesuits in China, 1582-1773 (1988)

A. C. Ross, A Vision Betrayed: the Jesuits in Japan and China (1994)

I. Clendinnen, ‘Disciplining the Indians: Franciscan ideology and missionary violence in

sixteenth-century Yucatan’, Past and Present (1982), 27-48.

C. R. Boxer, The Christian century in Japan, 1549-1650 (1967)

B. Pullan, The Jews of Europe and the Inquisition of Venice 1550-1670

Persecution and Tolerance

Perez Zagorin, How the Idea of Religious Toleration Came to the West (2003)

J. Laursen, C. J. Nederman, Beyond the Persecuting Society: Religious Toleration

Before the Enlightenment (1998)

Alex Walsham, Charitable Hatred. Tolerance and Intolerance in England, 1500-1700 (2006)

Ben Kaplan, Divided by Faith. Religious Conflict and the Practice of Toleration in Early

Modern Europe (2007)

B. Kaplan, ‘Co-existence, conflict and the practice of toleration’ in R. Hsia (ed.), Blackwell

companion to the Reformation world (2003)

O. P. Grell and Bob Scribner (eds), Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Reformation


C. Scott Dixon, D. Freist, M. Greengrass (eds), Living with Religious Diversity in Early

Modern Europe (2009)


S. Schapin, The Scientific Revolution (1998)

M. Jacobs, The cultural meaning of the scientific revolution (1997)

J. Henry, The Scientific Revolution and the origins of modern science (1995)

A. Hall, The Revolution in Science, 1500-1750 (1983)

P. Harman, The Scientific Revolution (1983)

H. Kearney, Science and change, 1500-1700 (1971)

R. Watson, The Life of Rene Descartes

P. Phemister, The rationalists: Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz

D. Adamson, Blaise Pascal (1995)

Confessional Europe

W. Reinhard, ‘Reformation, Counterreformation, and the Early Modern State. A

Reassessment’, Catholic Historical Review 75 (1989)

H. Schilling, ‘Confessional Europe’ in J. Tracey, T Brady, H Oberman (eds), Handbook of

European History, 1400-1600. Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation (2 vols), (vol. 2), 641-81

J. F. Harrington, H. W. Smith, ‘Confessionalization, community and state building in

Germany, 1555-1870’, Journal of Modern History (1997), 77-101

M. Forster, ‘With and without confessionalization: varieties of early modern German

Catholicism’, Journal of Early Modern History 1 (1997), 315-343

Hunting Witches

N. Cohn, Europe’s Inner Demons (1975)

B. Ehrenreich, Witches, Midwives and Nurses: a History of Women Healers

G. Ginzburg, The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and

Seventeenth Centuries

G. Henningsen, The Witches’ Advocate: Basque Witchcraft and the Spanish Inquisition


R. Martin, Witchcraft in Venice, 1550-1650 (1989)

M. Wiesner (ed.), Witchcraft in early modern Europe (2007)

J. Barry, O. Davies (ed.), Palgrave advances in witchcraft historiography (2007)

C. Larner, Witchcraft and religion: the politics of popular belief

B. Levack, The witch-hunt in early modern Europe (1987)

E. W. Monter, Ritual, Myth and Magic in Early Modern Europe (1983)

E. W. Monter, Witchcraft in France and Switzerland (1976)

E. W. Monter, European Witchcraft

G. Quaife, Godly zeal and furious rage: the witch in early modern Europe

G. Scarre, Witchcraft and Magic in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Europe (1988)

H. Trevor-Roper, The European Witch Craze

B. Ankarloo, S. Clark, E. Monter, Witchcraft and Magic in Europe (2002)

B. Ankarloo, G. Henningsen (eds), Early Modern European Witchcraft (1990)

J. Barry et al. (eds), Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe (1996)

R. Briggs, Witches and neighbours. The social and cultural context of European witchcraft


C. Ginzburg, The Night Battles (1983)

C. Ginzburg, Ecstasies. Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath (1989)

W. Behringer, Witchcraft Persecutions in Bavaria (1997)

E. Midelfort, Witch-Hunting in South-western Germany, 1562-1684 (1972)

L. Roper, Oedipus and the devil. Witchcraft, sexuality and religion in early modern Europe


L. Roper, Witch Craze. Terror and Fantasy in Baroque Germany (2004)

A. Rowlands, Witchcraft narratives in Germany. Rothenburg, 1561-1652 (2003)

S. Ferber, Demonic Possession and Exorcism in early modern France (2004)

R. Rapley, A Case of Witchcraft. The Trial of Urbain Grandier (1999)

S. Clark, Thinking with Demons. The idea of witchcraft in early modern Europe (1997)

The French monarchy

F. Baumgartner, France in the Sixteenth Century (1995)

R. Briggs, Early Modern France, 1560-1715 (1998)

J. Garrisson, A History of Sixteenth Century France, 1483-1598 (1995)

R. Knecht, Catherine de Medici (1998)

R. Knecht, The Rise and Fall of Renaissance France, 1483-1610 (1996)

M. Holt (ed.), Renaissance and Reformation France, 1500-1648 (2002)

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