Nazarene Church PM Service

Power of the Resurrection I shared parts of this word at a local Church some time back. I believe it would be of benefit to the Body of Christ at large. As always, the verbal message has much more in content as the written outline below. This material has been reformatted to fit intended audience. With that, it highly advisable to follow along in your Bible as to where and how a certain truth was obtained.A] Mathew 27:50-53 and 28:1-2;Note: The Feast of First Fruits (Easter) celebration is a yearly event, but the truth it portrays is eternal. A] Notice; there were two (2) earthquakes. Earthquakes are usually caused by one of two things, instability in the earth’s crust or mantle, or the Lord sends one, see Ezekiel 38:19 (battle of Gog and Magog) and other places. 2] From the text verses, I would say these were of the Divine origin, considering the timing and location. The first one signified the Lord’s death, the second His resurrection.a] How many know that earthquakes don’t show up exactly when you want one and where you want it.3] These earthquakes act like “quotation marks” encircling a great event, maybe like, bookends! Actually, could this event have been any bigger? No, it doesn’t get any bigger. 4] In my estimation these earthquakes were a “deliberate act”, God wanted the world to be startled, awakened to a very supernatural event. The Death and Resurrection of the Son of God gets no bigger! God never does anything for show; these events should make us say; what is God trying to show us, are we to look deeper, is there something maybe bigger than the event itself? a] I might remind you; people die and are buried every day, however no one has ever died causing an earthquake, nor coming back to life heralded by another earthquake. How in the world did people miss this? b] Consider; in the natural when earthquakes occur, there is usually a great release of power and energy. Some volcanoes actually blast ash and soot for miles into the air, and level just about everything for miles around. c] There is no doubt these earthquake/s were a metaphor (a physical representation of a spiritual truth or event).The first earthquake signaled the death of the Lord Jesus, and something big/bigger concerning His death. The 2nd earthquake would pronounce the “Resurrection”. That God was releasing some huge Spiritual Power in and through the Resurrection of our Lord? I think yes! 5] As the earthquake releases great energy into the atmosphere, did Jesus’ death release anything of note into the world and/or spiritual realm? We’ll examine some of the many verses concerning Jesus’ death, 1st; a brief only.a] Romans 5: 12; Wherefore, as by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men; for that all have sinned. 1] As we all know this verse is the bad news for humanity. Even though we are not accountable for what Adam did personally in the beginning, none the less, Adam’s sin was passed down through humanity thus corrupting the human race. The nature within us before salvation reveals we are capable of sin, and should receive the punishment rightfully due us. But thank God, that is not the end of the story! b] Hebrews 2: 9; But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death, crowned with Glory and Honor; that He by the Grace of God, (should taste death for every man). Hebrews 2: 14; For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil. 1] These two verses reveal a great truth; Jesus came and died on the Cross in our place. Though we deserved the punishment due, Christ took our place at Calvary. 2] The human race was in a hopeless condition, all our lives we looked forward to the day of Judgment, then a devils hell.3] What could we do, a thousand or a million good works could not reverse the curse; our help would have to come from somewhere else, above. c] Romans 5:8; But God commended His love toward us, in that; while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.1] Say it’s not so; someone took my/our place of death? Yes! You mean I don’t have to die for my sins, who would do or who could do that? Jesus! This is Amazing Grace! d] Hebrews 9: 15; And for this cause He is the mediator of a New Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament (Old Testament) they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. 1] Jesus’ death brought forth a New Covenant/Will between man and God. Walk in Covenant with the Lord, accept His vicarious death on the Cross, and live in the newness of life provided. 2] Hebrews 2: 15; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.3] Many people were on hand to witness the death of our/their Saviour, and felt the earthquake shake the whole area, but never connected the dots to these great truths. This was such earth shattering news no wonder there was an earthquake to herald it. 4] There is so much that could be said concerning the Lord’s death that brought life to all of us, that pages could be filled and never cover all these great truths. B] Mathew 28:2; And behold there was great earthquake; for the Angel of the Lord descended from Heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it. 1] The 2nd earthquake heralded Jesus’ Resurrection from the grave. Once again the metaphor of great power being released, some say concerning an earthquake that many mega tons of explosive power is released. We’ll examine some of the many verses that reveal the Power of the Resurrection. 2] Revelation 1: 18; I Am He that liveth, and “was” dead; and behold I Am alive for evermore, Amen; (and) have the keys of hell and of death. a] An absolutely incredible verse; consider the devil was thinking “I won”, I did it, the planet stays mine, he was no doubt gloating over his victory with his top generals, when all of a sudden, he hears the same earthquake as everyone else. What could this be? All of a sudden in walks Jesus, He’s not dead, He’s quite alive, and get this; He demands, not asks for, the keys of which the devil possessed of hell and of death. I would venture to say the old devil about had a coronary. b] To the victor goes the prize, the devil did not win the battle for the souls of men, Jesus came forth, death could not hold Him or us either if we are in Him. Would there be any signs of a changing of power taking place? 3] Ephesians 1:19-23; Read all. a] Verse 21; Far above “all” principality (satanic level) and power. and might and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. 1] Translations Jesus is “In Charge”, Verse 22; and put all things under His (Jesus’) feet, and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the Church. There’s more!4] Colossians 2:15; And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them; a] The Amplified Bible says; God disarmed the principalities and powers that were ranged against us and made a bold display and public example of them (parading them around as in subjection, mine?), in triumphing over them in Him and in it (the Cross). b] I dare say many don’t seem to realize the power satan had/has, not to mention these demonic spirits and the like. It doesn’t take much reading in the New Testament to see the afflictions these spirits put on people.c] This is huge! The resurrection assures us that satan has been overthrown and no longer in charge, remember, the Lord won the battle at the Cross! d] These spirits used to run roughshod over anyone they wanted, you/me/us were powerless to stop them; before we got saved. 1] So there you have it, the Lord vanquished his foes, (ours too). 2] By knowing these great facts provides great victory in one’s life in Christ. That is only part of it though, not using or applying these great truths would be like going into battle with a gun, but no bullets. e] These few verses have highlighted the Power and Authority the Lord has wrought at Calvary for us individually and corporately; the Church; thus giving us the “Authority” to live and perform our walk with the Lord. 5] Acts 1: 8a; But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you. More Resurrection Power available. a] Not only do we have “power” as in authority over the devil and demonic adversaries, but the Lord wants us to have; “dynamic” power,” as in dynamite over the devil as well. No more waiting for the preacher to show up, we all have access to the same power. b] Acts 2:1-4, And when the day of Pentecost had fully come, Good News No more waiting, He the Holy Ghost has already come, You aren’t waiting on Him, He’s waiting on you!!!!!6] Acts 6: 7; For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them, and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed.a] As we see, the Resurrection changes things dramatically, before Christ the people were doing the crying because of the devil, now after Jesus came, we see the devil and his bunch doing the crying. b] Please note; Philip was a Deacon in the early Church, designated to wait on tables in the daily food distribution to the elderly. That diffuses the idea that only big name people are anointed to work the works of God. c] It’s time for the Church to rise up armed with these great truths and put the devil to flight in our lives. Walk like a winner, remind the devil when he shows up, devil you didn’t win!“Footnote” If you feel this outline has enriched you in some way, please drop this Ministry a line to let us know on our Contact Page/E-mail, Blessings, Pastor Tom ................

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