Rangers Fanfiction 1 Powerful Power


Powerful Power Rangers Fanfiction

By: Sean Kelley, Age 15

Power Rangers is owned by SCG Power Rangers LLC. Forever Red was originally written by Amit Bhaumik. Stories based on Timeranger, Gaoranger, Hurricanger, Abaranger, and Dekaranger from Toei Company LTD, from the Japanese series originated by Saburo Hatte. All original material in this book created by Sean Kelley. This book has been released in print and digital format for no profit. All funds put into the purchase of this copy go solely to those involved with the printing and distribution of this collection of stories.


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Crazy Kids Animal Protectors The Real Animal Protectors Off World Animal Protectors Animal Protectors Extreme Book 1 Animal Protectors Extreme Book 2 Crazy Kids: The High School Years Animal Protectors Extreme Book 3


Foreword by Sean Kelley, Age 25:

Truth be told, I am a long time and loyal fan of the Power Rangers franchise. I've been watching the show since the very first season and haven't stopped since. It's an amazingly fun action adventure show that continues to change with the times and has reinvented itself over the years in so many clever ways. I definitely owe Power Rangers a lot in terms of how it inspired my initial creativity when it came to writing. Even though Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was the first "hero show" I ever watched, Power Rangers simply gave me more variety to be inspired from. Power Rangers had more seasons, more characters, more styles of storytelling, and more visuals than any other type of series I had come across in my young age. When I was young, to me: Power Rangers the true model to what a super hero story should look like.

Now my enthusiasm towards the series has gone up and down over the years, but it was definitely at its highest when I was in high school. First off, the 9th season: Power Rangers Time Force got me more excited about the Power Rangers than I had in years simply because it was the best written, best acted, and most mature Power Rangers season ever. This was the first season that pretty much said: yes, Power Rangers can be very well written. Then of course over the next several seasons, the fun factor of the show just seemed to be going higher and higher and I was loving every minute of it.

To me, it was a good time to be an enthusiastic Power Rangers fan during my high school years. And of course my enthusiasm led to myself in 2003, at the age of 15 creating something almost every hardcore Power Rangers fan has made at some point: Fanfiction! My first fanfiction work was actually less of an original work, and more like an extension of the very famous 10th season episode: Forever Red. I loved the episode but I always felt like it needed to be expanded in a way that it only could in the written form.

After writing the extended version of Forever Red, I decided to write an original story about my personal favorite Power Rangers season: Power Rangers Time Force. My goal was to create a new ending to the series. Now let me get it straight. I have absolutely no problem with the season finale of Power Rangers Time Force. It's very emotional, very tragic, and contains some of the best acting in the history of the Power Rangers franchise. But then when the Time Force rangers returned for several episodes in Power Rangers Wild Force, the series kinda left some doors open for a


continuation of the Time Force story which the franchise didn't follow up on. So I created a feature length story that I felt would give more closure to the main characters of the series and give fans like myself the more positive ending they had been craving for these characters.

After writing those two stories, I decided that every year I would write a new "lost story" for each current Power Rangers series while it was on. This resulted in the creation of a special story for Power Rangers Ninja Storm that many fans wished would've happened on screen. Later down the line: I created a fun adventure tale for Power Rangers Dino Thunder in 2004 at the age of 16, and an epic drama story for Power Rangers SPD in 2005 at the age of 17. Unfortunately, I lost my desire to write Power Rangers fanfiction for future seasons after this. However I did write one more Powers Rangers story in 2006 at the age of 18. This particular story focused on one of the characters from Power Rangers SPD: Bridge. The story was my attempt to create a much more serious story for the Power Rangers universe, and bring an unexpected yet compelling backstory to this well-loved character.

Now for the first time, all of my Power Rangers fanfiction has been collected into one book for you all to read. Now, the style of presentation varies from story to story. Unlike the stories in my other books, I actually wrote many of the stories on different computers and had different intentions of where each story would originally be shown. Thus, the quality of what you're going to see is going to change dramatically as you move from one story to the next. And I will say right now that I am sorry for any spelling or grammar errors you find in this book. The reason why they are kept is that simply because my goal for releasing this book is to show you what my original written works looked like long ago. Since I believe even with some errors, the stories are still presentable, I simply choose to present it exactly the way it was originally written.

So with all that being said: sit back, relax, and enjoy these very powerful fan made stories. From the creative mind of a high school teenager in the early 2000's, here it is: my powerful Power Rangers fanfiction!

-Sean Kelley


Table of Contents:

Power Rangers - Forever Red: The Novel

- Page 6 -

Power Rangers Time Force: The Final Journey Through Time

- Page 21 -

Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Wild Ninjas

- Page 33 -

Power Rangers Dino Thunder: The Ultimate Adventure

- Page 40 -

Power Rangers SPD: Full Blast Action

- Page 48 -


- Page 57 -


Power Rangers - Forever Red:

The Novel

Adapted from the Original Story by: Amit Bhaumik Extended Version by: Sean Kelley

A great surge of good energy was going through out the universe. To bring peace to the universe Andros the Red Space Ranger had destroyed Zordon. The energy from Zordon's destruction was creating a huge wave that would destroy all evil villains in the area of the universe he was in. In the planet of Triforia the Machine Empire had Trey the Gold Ranger captured. That was when all of the villains could see in the sky the surge of energy made from Zordon's destruction. A confused King Mondo then said "What's going on?" Then a black beetle like robot then yelled "King Mondo. Activate your portable shield. It should protect you." Then King Mondo said "What did you say General Venjix?" Then all of a sudden General Venjix saw the light was closer as he activated a small purple shield around him. He then said "King Mondo. Quickly before it destroys you." But then it was too late. The energy beam had turned all of King Mondo's empire into sand. General Venjix then deactivated his shield and said "Did anyone else survive?" Four other beetle type robots were shown turning off their shields as one of them said "Yes. We were able to survive. What about King Mondo?" Then General Venjix looked at the sand pile where King Mondo was standing. General Venjix mad said "Rrrr. The Power Rangers have destroyed our great leader. I won't stop until we destroy their planet." Then one of the robots said "But how shall we do it? The rest of the Machine Empire has been destroyed." General Venjix said "We will regroup somewhere and build up our forces and then at one point in the future... invade the Power Rangers home planet Earth. Aha ha ha."

~4 Years Later

In space Andros the red space ranger was flying through space. As Andros flew through space he was looking hard for something. For the last four years he and the other Space Rangers had been looking for any evil villains that may have not been destroyed by Zordon's energy wave. Andros then held out his morpher and then using it as a communicator talked through it and said "Alpha. Do you have a lock on where they are?" Then from Earth in a Nasada hanger Alpha 7 was working in the new Astro Megaship Mark 2, which had just been made by the people of KO35. The people of Eltar had just recently created Alpha 7. Alpha 7 talking to Andros said, "I actually do have a reading Andros. It seems they have created base right on the Earth's moon." Andros then said "Hmm. It seems like the perfect place to begin. I'll go there now." Then Andros began going towards Earth's moon. For the last few months he had picked up signals that remains of the Machine Empire had come and were building up their forces again on different places and now Andros knew they had sent all of their rebuilt forces to Earth. Andros had to get to Earth and stop the Machine Empire before they invaded the Earth.

On Earth's moon many Cogs were digging in a created excavation site. The Cogs were digging away rock around the giant zord known as Serpentera. Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa last used this evil zord when they were both


trying to destroy the Power Rangers. Now it was going to be used for evil again. Coming up to the robot was General Venjix and his four other fellow generals were looking over the excavation of the giant zord. General Venjix looked at the evil Serpentera seeing that it would be soon fully out of the ground where rocks had buried it when the Machine Empire had taken the moon from Lord Zedd's forces. General Venjix then said, "We finally found it. Cogs. Keep digging. Zedd was a fool to leave this buried here. His loss. Our gain." None of the generals or Cogs could see watching them was Andros in his cloak he had used many times in the past to shield his face from others. Andros was now sure the Machine Empire was on the moon and was also sure Serpentera would be ready to attack as well. As Andros looked down with his binoculars even closer he said "It's worse than I thought. They're almost finished digging it up." Andros then knew he had to tell a former Power Ranger who had been helping about what was going on. As Andros turned and walked away a few rocks he stepped on making them fall down the cliff he was on. Two of the Machine Empire robot generals then saw Andros running away. One of them said, "What's that?" Then when they were able to get a good look at Andros the same robot general said, "Stop!" Then the robot general looking at the other one said, "Let's go." The two robots got on two robotic horses. These horses were created by the Machine Empire and were made to look like real Earth horses and almost looked like the real kind. The two generals on horses when after Andros as they went fast in the Earth created environment Rita Repulsa had created on the moon when she was first freed. Andros kept on running as he went through the evil Sea of Tranquility which where many years ago the evil Master Vile had kidnapped the Power Rangers' Ninja Zords and Shogun Zords. Andros then realized the robots were soon going to get him. Then Andros knew what to do. He held out his morpher and activated it and the galaxy glider at the same time as he yelled "GALAXY GLIDER. HANG TEN!" Then Andros morphed and became the Red Space Ranger again and appeared on his galaxy glider. He then quickly took off into space. The two generals stopped as they saw Andros getting away. One of the robots then said "Let him run. It's too late anyway."

On Earth in the city of Angel Grove a recently opened pool and outdoor juice bar was doing good business. Then nearby the pool the juice bar's manager Bulk was playing a game of chess with his best friend Skull. As they were using Power Ranger pieces that the Power Rangers in Space team had given them as a gift, Bulk who was trying to show off to his friend Skull said "Yeah. So when I was out there exploring space on Terra Venture I was right there in the action when the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers saved us all." Then Skull said "Wow. That sounds cool." Bulk said "Yep. I was glad I was able to come back here and start my own business though." Skull said "Wow Bulky. It sounds like you've seen a lot of interesting stuff." Bulk said "Yep. I've seen it all. Why I even once met Lord Zedd and Rita." Skull hit one of his chess pieces with his own as he said "Yeah?" Then all of a sudden Skull could remember the time Zedd and Rita's forces had taken over the Earth and made their base in the juice bar. "So did I." Skull said as he jogged Bulk's memory. Then the two both heard their shared cell phone nearby the pool ring. They both ran towards it as Skull was about to grab it but Bulk pushed Skull in the pool. Bulk laughed as he answered his cell phone and said "Bulk Meyers. Bulk speaking." Then on the other line the voice of Andros said "Bulk. Listen I need to speak to Tommy." Bulk then looked on the other side of the pool as he saw Tommy reading a newspaper. Ever since he had been told Tommy was one of the greatest Power Rangers he had treated him with much respect then when he did when he knew him in high school. Bulk replied to Andros by saying "Just a minute."


About a minute later Bulk and wet Skull were walking over towards Tommy. Skull had already been told what was going on as he said, "Do you really think we ought to bug him?" Bulk said, "It sounds important." Bulk then talking nicely to Tommy said, "Excuse me sir. You have a phone call." Tommy who was sitting with his sunglasses held out his left hand and took the cell phone from Bulk. As Bulk and Skull backed away Tommy said "Hello?" On the other line Tommy could hear Andros' voice saying "Tommy. It's Andros. Listen. Alpha and I were able to pinpoint the Machine Empire's location. They're on the moon and they're digging out Lord Zedd's old zord Serpentera. It seems they're planning to use that to invade Earth." Tommy said, "This is worse than we thought. We have to get the best Power Rangers we can find to stop those guys." Andros said, "Okay but how are we going to pick out these best Power Rangers?" Tommy said, "We need lots of different kinds of rangers. We need to get a hold of every red ranger that we know of to help out. I'll call two I already know." Andros said "Good. I'll get any others I can find." Tommy said "Well we've got to hurry up Andros. The fate of the Earth depends on us."

On a long road in Angel Grove no cars were on it. Then coming down the road were two special cars that had belonged to the Power Rangers Turbo team called Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster. In Storm Blaster Justin was in his blue Turbo Ranger suit. He had regained his turbo powers when Storm Blaster had come to help the Power Rangers in Space team and was able to reconstruct his morpher and give Justin his old powers back. In Lightning Cruiser T.J. was in his Blue Space Ranger suit. After helping Andros look for any evil villains left in the universe he was glad he was finally having a break. The two cars stopped. Both T.J. and Justin then got out of their cars as they both said "Power down!" T.J. appeared in his normal Astro Megaship uniform as Justin power downed showing himself to be a pretty tall teenager now wearing blue all over. Justin said "Boy T.J. You were going pretty fast back there." T.J. said "Hey. It was Lightning Cruiser that was doing most off the work. Right buddy?" Lightning Cruiser made a humming sound indicating he agreed with T.J. All of a sudden T.J.'s cell phone rang. T.J. said "Hey. Someone's calling me." T.J. answered his cell phone and said "Hello?" On the other line T.J. could hear Tommy's voice say "T.J. its Tommy." T.J. said "Oh hey Tommy. It's good to hear from you. I was just having some fun with Justin right now." Tommy said, "That's cool but I'm calling on serious business. Some of the evil villains that weren't destroyed by Zordon's energy wave are massing their forces of the moon to invade the Earth. I've decided to get every red ranger that we know of to help us." T.J. said "That's cool Tommy but you know I'm not a red ranger anymore. I'm a blue ranger." It was hard for T.J. remembering when Divatox's forces and defeated him and the other Turbo rangers. It was in that battle he lost his red Turbo Ranger powers. Tommy said, "Look. You were once the red Turbo Ranger and that's what you're going to be when you help me." T.J. said "But you were the red Turbo Ranger too you know." As Tommy could remember when he passed his Turbo powers on to T.J. and knew he was right. He replied by saying "Well I'm going to be helping as the red Zeo Ranger. You see the Turbo powers were created off of the Zeo powers and zords but not all of the power was taken from my Zeo powers in case. I'm going to use just the little bit of the Zeo power I have left to help out and you're going to use yours to help too. Now we're all meeting at the Nasada spaceport. See ya then." Then Tommy hung up. Justin said, "What was that about?" T.J. then said, "Tommy wants every red ranger to come help destroy a bunch of evil villains on the moon but everyone knows I'm not a red ranger anymore." Then all of a sudden Lightning Cruiser began making some humming sounds. T.J. then said "What is it Lightning Cruiser?" T.J. went over to the Lightning Cruiser's driver seat and then saw the glove


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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