Palestine has been under military occupation for more than ...

Modern Palestine & Roots of 21st Century Muslim Jihad.

© John Puzzo 2006


In its most recent history, Palestine has been under military occupation for more than 800 years.

The ‘Palestine’ of today is Israel.

Palestinian authority is confined to an area within Israel known as the ‘West Bank’ and the Gaza Strip.

Curiously, the “Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel,” a US ‘tax-exempt’ organization, retained control of 51 ‘nature preserves’ covering more than 38,270 hectares of land in the West Bank, control that is enforced by the Israeli Army operating under authority of ‘Military Order 363 (1969).’ (1)

The Muslim Jihad will continue until it is destroyed or until it conquers the world. It is the mandate of Islam to rid the planet of Infidels and usher in the Islamic World Order under Shaira law.

"Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, La Allah Il Allah, La Allah Il Allah U Mohammed Rassul Allah.”

…is the Muslim call to prayer. It is also the Islamic War Cry. It is heard by more people around the globe than any other sound of the human voice. It is recited by every Muslim suicide bomber, executioner, and terrorist before, during, and after the act that defines them.

This prayer is recited by the Mullah’s from each of the four corners of the minaret as Muslims all over the world face toward Mecca and kneel at sunset. It means: "[our] God is greater. There is no God but [our] God, and Mohammed is the prophet of God."

Their Crusade is ‘Jihad,’ and it is inexorably linked to Palestine.

Islamist proselytizing agents are arrogant and cruel and see themselves above all rules of conduct regarding others, infidel and faithful alike. Accepted boundaries of conduct in every arena of human behavior are used for their purposes or considered meaningless.

Their callousness is demonstrated when they legitimize the killing of innocents and demonstrate remorseless pride in their actions. They intend to vanquish the ‘infidel’ even as they seek immortal life through unlawful means. They would destroy the entire world rather than submit to authority other than that of the Wahabist Allah. Western civilization must wage a war of biblical proportion yet seems not to have grasped the threat it is under.

Islamist crusaders (Jihadist’s) have with much success used the Palestinian issue to gain converts and strengthen adherents to their vision. It is a compelling argument for them.

Creation of the State of Israel

The Zionist movement that resulted in the creation of Israel modern Palestine in the 20th Century took shape among influential power-brokers in British dinner clubs and gained momentum among Russian, German, and Polish Jewry, especially in the wake of the Dreyfus Affair, in the first decade of the 20th Century.

US President Woodrow Wilson was a strong supporter of Zionism. The resulting ‘Balfour Doctrine’ came to fruition decades later, in 1948, with the arbitrary creation of a new nation – Israel.

A fair question asked in the Muslim world – and elsewhere – is this:

Are the Jews of present day Israel a ‘Semitic’ peoples – or are they are Jews descended from the medieval Jewish communities of the Rhineland who migrated eastward between the 10th and 19th century and formed communities in Germany, Poland, Austria, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, as some suggest?

In the 11th century the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe and the Steppe comprised 3% of the world's Jewish population. Today they account for over 80% of world Jewry. Most Jewish communities with ancestral histories to Europe are Ashkenazim. A significant majority of the Jews who migrated from Europe to other continents in the past two centuries are Eastern Ashkenazim.

From medieval times until the mid-20th century, the lingua franca among Ashkenazi Jews was Yiddish. They developed a distinct culture and a Jewish liturgy influenced by interaction with surrounding nations. Ashkenazi Jews created the framework for ‘Reform’ Judaism which exists in sharp disagreement with Orthodox Judaism.

DNA research on Ashkenazi origins may establish Jewish migration from the Southern Mediterranean to the Northern European regions. One study indicates that the Y chromosome of both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are of Middle Eastern origin, similar to Lebanese and Syrian DNA types. Since the Y chromosome is only passed from father to son, it may be used to trace Jewish male origins.

Another study examines Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). mtDNA can only be passed from mother to child, thus allows the tracking of maternal origins. According to this study the mtDNA of most Israeli Jews generally match that of European populations and not Middle Eastern populations. This would seem to indicate that the Jews of Israel are not Semitic.

DNA Research and Genetic mapping: A role to play in Middle East Realpolitik?

The Institute for Biological Research is one of the most secret places in Israel. Only Dimona, the country’s nuclear facility in the Negev desert, is surrounded by more secrecy. Most of the Institute’s 12 acres of facilities are underground. Laboratories are only reached through airlocks.

There have been persistent reports that the Institute is engaged in DNA sequencing research. One former member of the Knesset, Dedi Zucker, caused a storm in the Israeli Parliament when he claimed that the institute was “trying to create an ethnic specific weapon” in which Arabs could be targeted by Israeli weapons, something that could backfire on the Jews…if they were Semites…

The Israeli government source kept silent toward this information, which was attributed to Israeli military sources. In a 1998 issue of the British 'Sunday Times’ it was reported that Israel had embarked on a program to develop biological weapons which can affect people according to their ethnicity by engineering DNA-specific bio-weapons.

The paper reported that Israeli scientists were trying to exploit recent genetic discoveries in order to isolate Arab-specific genes and develop designer 'germs' that can attack only those who carry the 'distinctive genes' by targeting their 'DNA.’

Historical evidence indicates that there were Jewish communities north of the Alps and Pyrenees as early as the 8th and 9th Century. By the early 900s, Jewish populations were well-established in Northern Europe; they followed the Norman Conquest into England in 1066 and also settled in the Rhineland during this period.

With the onset of the Crusades and the expulsions of Jews from England (1290), France (1394), and parts of Germany (1400s), Jewish migration pushed recurrently eastward into Poland, Lithuania, and Russia.

Jewish economic activity has historically focused on trade, business management, and financial services, the latter not necessarily (as some suggest) due to early Christian European prohibitions restricting certain activities by Christians (usury) and between Christians and Jews.

Where they could not possess landed estates, Jews historically have possessed wealth in the form of portable and fungible assets - gold and silver coin and currency. With this form of wealth and the alliances kept among the closed society of Jews, their influence extended well beyond Jewish enclaves. The rise of the “House of Rothschild” from banker to Barony demonstrates that fact.

By the 1400s, the Ashkenazi Jewish communities in Poland were the largest Jewish communities in the world. By 1931, Ashkenazi Jews accounted for nearly 92 percent of world Jewry.

These Jews claim to have an unchallengeable, eternal, historic right to the Land of Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza, which they say is their inheritance…

from God…

But the Jews’ celestial claim to ‘Palestine,’ a nation-state inhabited in the great majority by Semitic Arabs since Rome destroyed the Jewish temple in 73 AD is unique in world history. Many other countries and peoples have been defeated by conquest and their populations wiped out, dispersed, or absorbed, and they have not been given a nation…

For example, Armenians and Kurds are dispossessed peoples that have been subjected to genocide. Today, the Kurds are the largest dispossessed minority in the world: some 30 million people without a country, mostly living in Turkey, Northern Iraq, and Iran.

The Palestinian issue lies at the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict and by extension it is used to justify Arab/Muslim hostility towards the West. European and American power created modern day Israel. America supports Israel today in every way.

The governance of ‘Palestine’ has been more by occupation than by representation of the Arab populace, a fact since Roman times. The inhabitants of Palestine since Roman times have remained overwhelmingly Arab Semites.

Palestine may be ‘Palestinian,’ but it is a nation within a nation and there are Jewish checkpoints into and out of Palestine and internal checkpoints as well, all of them manned by Israeli soldiers. To a nearly universal extent, Israel also controls the Palestinian economy.

When Jewish immigration to Palestine began nearly 18 centuries after the destruction of the Temple, it was mostly to very small Jewish communities within an overwhelmingly Arab region: the "four sacred cities" of Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias, and Hebron. This migration increased at the end of Ottoman rule, when national boundaries were subjectively redrawn by treaty at the close of WW I.

The Ottoman Turks occupied Palestine as part of the Ottoman Empire since 1516. In World War I, Turkey allied itself with Germany. The prosecution of the war in North Africa led to the British capture of ‘Palestine’ from the Turks at the close of WWI and defeat of the Central Powers by the Entente Powers:

“No other war had changed the map of Europe so dramatically — four empires disappeared: the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and the Russian. Four defunct dynasties, the Hohenzollerns, the Habsburg, Romanov’s and the Ottomans together with all their ancillary aristocracies, all fell after the war. Belgium was badly damaged, as was France with 1.4 million soldiers dead, not counting other casualties. Germany and Russia were similarly affected. The war had profound economic consequences. In addition, a major influenza epidemic that started in Western Europe in the latter months of the war, killed millions in Europe and then spread around the world. Overall, the Spanish flu killed at least 50 million people.”

Turkey's loss of its Middle East Empire at the end of WWI was formalized at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference and codified in Treaty of Versailles.

“The Ottoman Empire was to be partitioned by the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920. The treaty, however, was never ratified by the Sultan and was rejected by the Turkish republican movement. This led to the Turkish Independence War and, ultimately, to the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.” The entire region was thrust into repression, internecine conflict, civil war and genocide.

In the interim, the British had made two agreements – one with the Arabs and another with Zionist Jews:

In exchange for the enlistment of disparate Arab tribes to enter WW I against the Turks – an effort made famous by ‘Lawrence of Arabia,’ a nation-state for Arabs was proposed – Palestine. The Arab tribes that entered the war on the side of the Allies believed that their involvement on the Allied side during the ‘Great War’ held the promise of an Arab country from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf.

At the same time, the British ‘proclaimed’ the Balfour Declaration of 1917, "in…favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." For nearly 90 years, this duplicitous, bifurcated, diplomatic oddity has dominated the history of the Middle East.

The Balfour Declaration:

Dated November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration took the form of a letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour, to Lord Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild) for transmission to the Zionist Federation, a private Zionist organization controlled in the main by European Jews and the House of Rothschild.

The letter stated a position agreed on at a British Cabinet meeting – not Parliament – on October 31, 1917, that the British would support Zionist plans for a "national homeland" in Palestine for the Jewish people.

Only national rights for Jews were spoken of in the Declaration, but language in the informal letter ‘hoped’ that nothing should be done which would ‘prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine’ – the majority Arabs – who had lived there for several thousand of years...Such ‘hopes’ would prove misplaced. Israel maintains an apartheid system for controlling Arabs living in Israel to this day.

Dear Lord Rothschild:

I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty's Government the following declaration of our sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. "His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely

Arthur James Balfour



At the time of the ‘Declaration,’ most of the area of Palestine was still under the control of the Ottoman Empire. ‘Palestine’ included all of what is now Jordan, other areas not currently within the borders of Israel, and what is now Israel.

Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the League of Nations ‘granted’ the British and the French temporary colonial administration over former Ottoman provinces south of present day Turkey. These regions were henceforth referred to as mandates by the League of Nations.

Arbitrary borders were drawn and re-drawn, dividing the area into four sections: After eliminating Kurdistan and making refugees of the Kurdish peoples who lived there, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon survive to this day as national states.

The fourth section, created from the geography of southern Syria, was officially named the British Mandate of Palestine.

This single region was divided along the Jordan River. The portion east of the Jordan River became first, “Trans-Jordan,” then the Kingdom of Jordan; the area to the west of the Jordan retained the former name of “Palestine” and included Jerusalem and what would one day become modern Israel. Geographically, modern-day Palestine exists today on the immediate West Bank of the Jordan River.

It is surrounded, and in some regions, walled-in, by Israel. Additionally, Israel exerts enormous economic control on the Palestinian population. Nothing comes into or out of the West Bank without Israeli cooperation, and Israel has the power to withhold from the Palestinians revenues collected from taxes that are levied against them by Israel, taxation ostensibly raised to benefit the Palestinians.

By 1922, the population of Palestine consisted of approximately 589,200 Muslims, 83,800 Jews and 71,500 Christians. However, this area became the center of Zionist agitation for a Jewish state and a large influx of Jewish immigrants began to move there.

The resulting immigration and the accompanying call for a Jewish state within Palestine drew immediate and violent opposition from Arabs who rebelled against what they considered an arbitrary British authority. They attacked the growing Jewish population repeatedly.

“…the period was marked by Arab initiatives and Jewish reprisals, although the [Jewish] Irgun and Lehi reverted to their 1937-1939 strategy of placing bombs in crowded places such as bus stops, shopping centers and markets…” ; from: Morris, B.(2003). The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521009677.

In the 1930’s, Vladimir "Ze'ev" Jabotinsky founded in Poland the militant, nationalist, ‘Revisionist Zionism’ movement. After WW II, many Jews joined the Jewish national movement for a homeland in Palestine.


Palestinian Refugees, 1948

When the UN formally created Israel by declaration in 1948, the Jews occupied ‘Palestine’ as the nation of Israel. The Palestinian people were dispossessed of their property, their assets, their ancestral homes, and livelihoods. Three generations after the original dispossessed Palestinians were made homeless, they continue to inhabit ‘camps’ in present-day Palestine, which is the ‘West Bank’ and the ‘Gaza Strip.’ Unemployment there approaches 70%.

“By May 1, 1948, two weeks before the Israeli Declaration of Independence, nearly 175,000 Palestinians had fled Israel.”

(see: Howard M. Sachar: A History of Israel from the Rise of Zionism to Our Time; Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 1976. p. 332. ISBN 0-394-48564-5

“In 1950, the Absentee Property Law was passed in Israel. It provided for confiscation of the property and land left behind by departing Palestinians, the so-called "absentees." Arabs who never left Israel, and received citizenship after the war, but stayed for a few days in a nearby village had their property confiscated. (Fischbach, 1999, p. 23; p. 39) About 30,000-35,000 Palestinians became "present absentees" - persons present at the time but considered absent (Benvenisti, Meron (2002) Sacred Landscape;University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-23422-7 2002, p. 201).

“…Custodial and Absentee land comprises 12% of Israel's total territory.” Israel Lands: Privatization or National Ownership?; Jewish Virtual Library [[May 24, 2007]]. Given that a great deal of the geography in that region is harsh or nearly uninhabitable, ‘12%’ does not reflect the totality of that observation.

“In 1954, more than one third of Israel's Jewish population lived on absentee property and nearly a third of the new [Jewish] immigrants (250,000 people) settled in urban areas abandoned by Arabs. Of 370 new Jewish settlements established between 1948 and 1953, 350 (94%) were on absentee property (Peretz, Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, 1958).”

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East declares that, Palestinian Refugees are “…persons whose normal place of residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict'. UNRWA's definition of a refugee also covers the descendants of persons who became refugees in 1948.

“The final UN estimate was 711,000, but by 1950, according to UNRWA, the number of registered refugees was 914,000. Today (2003)that number has grown to over 4 million, one third of whom live in the West Bank and Gaza; slightly less than one third in Jordan; 17% in Syria and Lebanon (Bowker, 2003, p. 72) and around 15% in other Arab and Western countries. Approximately 1 million refugees have no form of identification other than an UNWRA identification card (Bowker, 2003, pp. 61-62).”

Some Jewish Historians declared the ‘transfer’ of Palestinian Arabs as a precondition to the establishment of a Jewish state. Benny Morris (born in 1948) is “an Israeli historian and unofficial leader of the New Historians, a group of [Israeli] scholars who dispute the mainstream historical view – sympathetic to the state of Israel - of the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” ; see: Morris, Benny (2003). The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-00967-7

The 1948 Arab-Israeli war marked the beginning of the events referred to by Arabs as "The Catastrophe." It established the expanded State of Israel, dividing the remaining areas of the British Mandate of Palestine into areas controlled by Egypt and Jordan and was the first in a series of wars in the Arab-Israeli conflict which persists today.

The existence of Israel, a nation carved out of Palestine, is the rallying point for Jihadists everywhere in the 21st Century. Palestine is to Muslims what the Alamo is to America.

Seeds Deeply Planted: The Great Arab Revolt and Its Aftermath

Responding to an unwelcome immigration into their lands that they were powerless to stop or influence, in the late 1920s and early 1930s several factions of Palestinian society engaged in grass-roots anti-British and anti-Zionist activism organized by groups such as the Young Men's Muslim Association.

There was also support for the growth in influence of an Arab nationalist Independence Party which called for political action through civil disobedience and a boycott of all things British in the non-violent manner of the Indian Congress Party headed by Mahatma Gandhi.

Arabs, however, do not make good pacifists.

In 1935, as a result of the death in police custody of a popular local Arab leader, an Arab national general strike broke out which lasted until October 1936. During the summer of that year thousands of Jewish-farmed acres and orchards were destroyed and many Jews were attacked and killed.

In the wake of the strike, the British ‘Peel Commission’ recommended a partition of Palestine into a Jewish state with an Arab state to be attached to Jordan. An armed Arab uprising ensued and quickly spread throughout Palestine as horrified Arabs reacted violently to what they viewed as a diplomatic betrayal.

Over the next 18 months the British lost control of Jerusalem, Nablus and Hebron.

During the period 1936-1939, known as the ‘Great Arab Revolt’ or the ‘Great Uprising,’ British forces, supported by 6,000 Jewish ‘auxiliary’ police armed by the British, suppressed the widespread riots with overwhelming force.

This resulted in the deaths of some 5,000 Palestinians and 10,000 more wounded. In total, 10 per cent of the adult male population of Arab Palestine was killed, wounded, imprisoned, or exiled.

In another significant development during this time, British officer Charles Orde Wingate organized ‘Special Night Squads’ composed of British soldiers and Jewish Haganah volunteers. This combined force conducted raids on Arab villages in contested areas. With the stated aim of diffusing an increasingly hostile environment, the British imposed a general disarmament and they confiscated 13,200 firearms from Arabs…500 weapons were confiscated from Jews.

From 1936 onward the British government facilitated the training, arming, recruitment and funding of a range of security and intelligence forces with Jews recently immigrated to that area. Prior to WW II, these included the Israeli Guards, which were divided into 14,000 Jewish Supernumerary Police, 8,000 Jewish Settlement Police, and those ‘Special Night Squads’ formed by Wingate. The intelligence and counter-espionage apparatus of the Haganah was the forebear of Mossad.

Attacks on the Jewish population by Arabs fearful of losing their national identity and religious autonomy proved early that the two communities would not be reconciled. Arabs saw that the Western powers favored the Jews and were anything but neutral, and thus began a war of terror against the Jews and their Western allies which remains in full blossom to this day (written in 2006).

Palestine is recognized by about 100 nations, but not by most Western powers, nor is it recognized by the United Nations. The Palestinians today control less than 1/6th of their own territory. There are 3.7 million stateless Palestinian refugees.


Gaza Strip (from: ()

The Gaza Strip is a narrow coastal strip of land along the Mediterranean in the Middle East. It is not currently recognized as part of any sovereign country. It takes its name from Gaza, its main city. It is one of the most densely populated territories on earth with about 1.6 million residents in an area of 360 km².

The Strip is under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority but the official Palestinian position is that the territory remains under military occupation and that Israel holds the status of occupying power, even after Israel officially withdrew its forces and moved out of their settlements in late 2005.

Beginning on August 15, 2005, all Israeli settlers and military bases were withdrawn from the Strip, a process that was completed on September 12, 2005 as the Israeli cabinet formally declared an end to military rule in the Gaza Strip after 38 years of control.

However, Israel retains offshore maritime control and control of airspace over the Strip. Israel also controls the formidable system of walls and barriers that separate Gaza from Israel proper. Hence, the Strip is entirely surrounded by Israeli forces. As with Palestine, Israel controls the flow of goods and services into and out of the Gaza strip and it retains economic supremacy there.

Following the Palestinian elections of 2006 when the openly militant faction, Hamas, won a stunning victory, Israeli forces closed Gaza's main cargo crossing. Milk, cheese, and flour virtually disappeared, fruit was hard to find, and economic activity nearly halted. Israel had declared its intention to seal its borders with Gaza altogether when the Hamas leadership formed a government.

Geographically, the Gaza Strip forms the westernmost portion of the Palestinian territories in Southwest Asia, having land borders with Egypt on the south-west and with Israel on the north and east. On the west, the Strip is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea. The Gaza Strip essentially is an island.

The Strip's borders were originally defined by the armistice lines between Egypt and Israel after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which followed the dissolution of the British mandate of Palestine and the creation of the modern Nation of Israel.

The future political status of the Gaza Strip remains undecided but it is claimed by Palestinians as part of any prospective Palestinian state.

Gaza's population is composed almost entirely of Muslim Palestinians but a small Palestinian Christian community does exist there. A massive influx of Palestinian refugees swelled Gaza's population after the 1948 Arab Israeli war.

By 1967 the population in the Gaza Strip had grown to about six times its 1948 size and the city's population has continued to increase since that time. Poverty, unemployment, and poor living conditions are widespread. Gaza has serious deficiencies in housing and infrastructure and an inadequate sewage system has contributed to serious problems for hygiene and public health.




The New Israel

Edwin Wright was born in Iran of missionary parents and knew the area well. He also studied Hebrew, and when assigned to the Near East issues at the U.S. State Department during the Truman years, he went to Palestine to find out for himself what was really going on. Here are some of his findings as given in his "Oral History" interview for the Truman Library.

“This period is very important for what I have to say about serving under President Truman, because while I was there I realized that there was going to be a war between Jews and Arabs; that was just certain. This was because of the concepts of the two societies. One has to get into the attitude of mind and the philosophy of these two societies to understand this problem.

“I made a special study of Zionism, and I talked with as many people as I could find who were the leaders of the Zionist community. I interviewed Golda Meir at that time; she was then labor secretary. I had conversations with Reuven Zaslani, who later was called Shiloah (all these people changed their names later on); Dov Joseph, who became the mayor of Jerusalem during the war; and Teddy Kolleck. I made a special effort to meet them, talk with them, and find out what Zionism is; what it stands for.

“I also found that there was a school in Tel Aviv, known as the Gymnasia Herzliya. It was the training school in which most of the modern leaders of Israel had gone; Moshe Dyan and others. I talked with a number of the teachers and professors there. I felt that this was a school dedicated to inculcating and indoctrinating [Theodor] Herzl's ideas into the minds of the young Jews in Palestine. [See: Moshe Menuhin, The Decadence of Judaism in our Times, Exposition Banner Book, 1965. He was a graduate of this school.]

“At that time many of Herzl's writings were not yet translated into English. In fact, they were not translated until 1952, so no one had really any easy access to this material unless he knew German or Hebrew. I don't know either one of these very well. I studied some German and some Hebrew, but I talked with the people who were the professors there and also got to know Edwin Samuel, the son of Lord Samuel who was the first High Commissioner of Palestine.

“With Edwin Samuel, I made trips all through the kubbutzim. We spent several days at Ein Geb, Mishmar Ha-Emek, and at various other of the kubbutzim. During this period I became convinced that Americans didn't know what Zionism was at all.

“The material was not in English. There was very little of it known to America, and I came to the conclusion that it was a very dangerous type of philosophy of living.

“What I found out was that Herzl had taught that all the Jews of the world should go to Israel. This was the idea that dominated the Yishuv (the Yishuv means the Jewish community of Palestine) and even Ben Gurion, who was at that time Secretary of the Jewish Agency.

“The Jewish Agency was a shadow government. It already was a government of Israel; simply waiting for the veil to be pulled and it would emerge. It had all the functions of government. I found their ideas were that all Jews should leave the Gentile world.

“This is in Herzl: "Gentiles hate Jews, they are going to destroy the Jewish world."

“It's a paranoiac view of things. As Herzl put it in his book, the only way Judaism can be saved is for the Jews to leave the Gentile world completely; to go to a Jewish state. There they would rule themselves and be able to get away from the hatred of the Gentile world. The Gentiles are out to destroy Judaism. [See: Theodore Herzl, The Jewish State, N.Y., 1943. Diaries in II Volumes] – A curious view, in light of the historical record, for the ‘Gentile world’ created the modern state of Israel…

“I did not believe this. I think it's a false concept of society, and especially false of American society. Nevertheless, this is the foundation of Zionist thinking.

“The second step was that this Jewish state must be in Palestine. This is the sacred home of the people; its literature was developed there, and their attitude was that Judaism cannot survive in any other place except Palestine itself. That's where it grew and germinated, and it's got to get back there in order to save itself. Otherwise, Jews are going to assimilate in other countries. Herzl himself made the statement that, when the Jewish state is set up, if a Jew does not go to live in it he is anti-Semitic because he chooses to live with Gentiles rather than live with Jews which are his real community.

“I got all these ideas through talking with people who were Zionists. The third step in Zionism was that they must have large enough a state in order to keep the whole Jewish population there. At that time there were about fourteen million Jews, and now that meant owning a very large territory.

“It is not brought out in Zionist propaganda in America, but what they claim is all the territory from the Suez Canal clear north to the mountains of Cappadocia, in southern Turkey. [Statement by Herzl.] Also see KJV Bible, Numbers 34; Genesis 15:18, Joshua 13, II Samuel 8:5-6.} It includes all of Lebanon, much of Syria, Jordan, and Sinai. This is the territory they call "Eretz Israel," the land of Israel, which is mentioned in the Bible.

“One of the men whom I discussed this with was Rabbi Meyer Berlin, the Chief Rabbi in the Mizrachi group. These are the ultra-orthodox group, who accept the Old Testament literally. Everything that it says is exactly just as it's described.”


Author’s Bio:

John Puzzo is a 1977 graduate of the University of Connecticut. He attended Yale University (1973), the Sorbonne, Paris (1974), the University of the Americas, Mexico (1975), Boston University (1979), the Art Institute of Boston (1979), and holds certificates of study from UConn and from the French Ministry of Education. A U.S. Army volunteer (1968-1971), John volunteered for combat in Vietnam where he served in 1970 with US Army Rangers and as an Artilleryman, Infantryman, and Combat Engineer. In 2004 and 2005, he served in Iraq as a U.S. Department of Defense contractor with private military companies. John is creator of “The Viet Nam War Veterans Oral History Project,” archived at the Connecticut Historical Society in Hartford, Connecticut and which received original funding from the US National Endowment for the Humanities. Forty of his photographs are permanent acquisitions of the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian. He has appeared as a guest on Larry King Live and on Crossfire and has served as a resource for various print and broadcast media on the subject of the Vietnam War and its impact on America. He is in the Investment and insurance business in Connecticut and Florida.

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John Puzzo, 2006 RANGER John Puzzo, 1970 US DoD, Iraq, 2004/2005


1. The American Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (ASPNI) was founded in 1986, to help raise awareness and support for the work of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI), founded as a non-profit, non-governmental organization in 1953. ; see also: .il/doingzionism/resources/view.asp?id=1033

2. “For most Jews, the existence of the state was already a fait accompli. Theodor Herzl, the late-19th century founding visionary of modern Jewish nationalism, had willed it so at the First Zionist Congress, in Basel, Switzerland in 1897 and in 1917, the Balfour Declaration confirmed the right of the Jewish people to a national homeland in Eretz-Israel Palestine. But for the Jews living in Palestine, the State of Israel came into being on November 29, 1947, the day the United Nations General Assembly passed the Partition Plan by a two-thirds majority vote. Throngs of people filled the streets in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa and in settlements throughout the yishuv [The Jewish community within Palestine]…The Jews were to be granted their own state, albeit small, and the British mandatory officials were to depart by August 1, 1948. See: Shelley Kleiman - The State of Israel Declares Independence;27 Apr 1999; Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Copyright ©2004 The State of Israel.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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