Collins Thesaurus A-Z: Complete and Unabridged

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Collins Thesaurus A-Z: Complete and Unabridged


Collins Thesaurus A-Z: Complete and Unabridged * Now with headwords in colour, "Collins Thesaurus A-Z, Complete and Unabridged" is the must-have reference book for all language lovers. Not only does it provide a generous choice of synonyms and antonyms, it also offers many other useful features to make it an invaluable reference source for any home. As part of the Collins wordlovers range, the "Collins Thesaurus A-Z, Complete and Unabridged" in colour is ideal for everyone searching for that elusive word. As well as having the most up-to-date words and a vast number of synoyms and antonyms, this thesaurus also provides illustrative examples from real English. Related words, fixed phrases, and cross-references are also included to help expand your vocabulary. Handy word power notes give advice on good English and subject word lists ensure you access the information you want in the quickest time possible. Have confidence, through unrivalled coverage of the most up-to-date words with all the latest alternatives. Get it right, with illustrated examples from real English demonstrate usage. Get there fast, with clear colour layout for easy accessibility. Go further, with quotations and lists for crossword solving and word games. Where does this fit in the range? "Collins Thesaurus Complete and Unabridged", "Collins Concise Thesaurus Words" are tools for life. And a "Collins Dictionary" makes them work for you.

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