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 US HistoryChapter 12 An Age of Reform Notables: Sections 1-4 Directions: Briefly define the importance of the following items.Section 1: Improving SocietySocial Reform -- An organized attempt to improve conditions in life. Age of Jackson -- A twenty year period that encouraged democracy and reform. Second Great Awakening -- Predestination -- The idea that God decided the fate of a person’s soul even before birth.Charles Finney --Revival -- A huge outdoor religious meeting. Utopian communities --Robert Owen -- He founded a utopian community at New Harmony, Indiana in 1825. New Harmony, IN --Temperance -- An organized effort to end alcohol abuse and the problems caused by it. Prohibition --Dorothea Dix -- She took up the cause of reforming U.S. prisons. Debtor --Asylum -- An institution that treated the mentally ill in the 1800’s and 1900’s.Public schools --Horace Mann -- He took the lead in educational reform.Prudence Crandall --Role of Massachusetts to African American Education -- 1855 -- 1st state to admit African Americans to public schools. Ashmun InstituteSection 2: The Fight Against Slavery 1st state to pass a law gradually banning slavery -- (1780) Pennsylvania1st state to ban slavery in its constitution --American Colonization Society -- An early antislavery group; Returned freed slaves to Africa. Role of Liberia --Abolitionists -- Reformers for the elimination, or abolishment, of slavery. William Lloyd Garrison --“Liberator” -- An antislavery publication created by William Lloyd Garrison. David Walker --Frederick Douglass -- Perhaps the most powerful speaker for the abolition movement. North Star -- John Q. Adams -- Former President; member of Congress; abolitionist; Defended Amistad slave. Amistad --Underground Railroad -- A network of people that helped slaves reach freedom in the north. Levi Coffin --Harriet Tubman -- Former slave that helped over 300 slaves escape on the Underground Railroad.“Black Moses” -- Section 3: A Call for Women’s RightsSojourner Truth -- African American woman that became a powerful voice on behalf of both enslaved African Americans and women. Lucretia Mott --Elizabeth Cady Stanton -- Abolitionist and women’s rights activist; Co-organized Seneca Falls Convention. Seneca Falls Convention --Declaration of Sentiments -- Demanded full equality for women in every area of life. Suffrage --Women’s Rights Movement -- An organized effort to improve the political, legal, and economic status of women in American society. Susan B. Anthony --Emma Willard -- Started an academy for girls in 1821 that became the model for girls’ schools everywhere. Mary Lyon --Mount Holyoke Female Seminary -- The first college for women in the United States.Margaret Fuller --Elizabeth Blackwell -- She became the first woman to graduate from an American medical school.Maria Mitchell --Section 4: American Literature and ArtsWashington Irving -- A writer whose work reflected American optimism and energy.James Fenimore Cooper -- A writer whose work reflected American optimism and energy.Rip Van Winkle -- A story about a lazy farmer who slept through the American Revolution. Natty Bumppo -- A popular frontier character by James Fenimore Cooper, who kept moving westward. Romanticism -- A movement that placed greater value on nature, emotions, and imagination. Transcendentalism -- A movement that sought to explore the relationship between humans and nature through emotions rather than through reason. Ralph Waldo Emerson -- The leading transcendentalist that asked Americans to question the value of material goods. Individualism -- This stresses the unique importance of the individual. Henry David Thoreau -- A transcendentalist that spent two years living at Walden Pond.Civil Disobedience -- The idea that people should peacefully disobey unjust laws if their consciences demand it. Moby Dick -- A story by Herman Melville about a sea captain who is obsessed with pursuing a white whale. The Scarlet Letter -- A novel about a young Puritan minister destroyed by secret guilt. Louisa May Alcott -- A writer that presented the gentler views of New England life. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- A poet that based his poems on American history. Francis Watkins Harper -- African-American poet that wrote poems condemning slavery.Hudson River School -- A group of artists that painted scenes of the Hudson River valley. George Caleb Bingham -- American painter inspired by everyday life. Stephen Foster -- most popular songwriter of the 1800’s.US HistoryChapter 12 An Age of Reform Notables: Sections 1-4 Directions: Briefly define the importance of the following items.Section 1: Improving SocietySocial Reform -- Age of Jackson -- Second Great Awakening -- Predestination --Charles Finney --Revival --Utopian communities --Robert Owen --New Harmony, IN --Temperance --Prohibition --Dorothea Dix --Debtor --Asylum --Public schools --Horace Mann --Prudence Crandall --Role of Massachusetts to African American Education -- Ashmun InstituteSection 2: The Fight Against Slavery 1st state to pass a law gradually banning slavery --1st state to ban slavery in its constitution --American Colonization Society --Role of Liberia --Abolitionists --William Lloyd Garrison --“Liberator” --David Walker --Frederick Douglass --North Star -- John Q. Adams --Amistad --Underground Railroad --Levi Coffin --Harriet Tubman --“Black Moses” -- Section 3: A Call for Women’s RightsSojourner Truth --Lucretia Mott --Elizabeth Cady Stanton --Seneca Falls Convention --Declaration of Sentiments --Suffrage --Women’s Rights Movement --Susan B. Anthony --Emma Willard --Mary Lyon --Mount Holyoke Female Seminary --Margaret Fuller --Elizabeth Blackwell --Maria Mitchell --Section 4: American Literature and ArtsWashington Irving --James Fenimore Cooper --Rip Van Winkle -- Natty Bumppo -- Romanticism --Transcendentalism --Ralph Waldo Emerson --Individualism --Henry David Thoreau --Civil Disobedience --Moby Dick -- The Scarlet Letter -- Louisa May Alcott --Henry Wadsworth Longfellow --Francis Watkins Harper --Hudson River School --George Caleb Bingham --Stephen Foster -- ................

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