Roups name : -Grade

St Mary Church – Ottawa SS Group’s name : …………………………………………….. – Grade : …5……

|Preparation date | |Service date | |

|Lesson’s title |A respectful Conversation |

|General purpose |( ) Love |( ) Faith |( ) Hope |

|Specific purpose |Avoid saying the wrong words. |

|Verses of the lesson |“But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” (Matthew 12:36) |

|References |The Holy Bible. |

| |Sermon: Be Careful What You Say, By: Fr. Bishoy Andrawes. |

|illustration tool |ppt |

|Psalm of the week |Psalm 50 |

|Personal meditation | |

|Introduction |Has anyone ever told us something that made us very upset because of the words they used or the way they said it. Did we feel hurt, did|

| |they offend us or bring us down? How did it feel? |

| |Have WE ever said things that we later wished we hadn’t, things that we regretted saying, felt like it didn’t do any good, and that our|

| |words hurt someone else? |

| |Every day, we spend a lot of time talking. Sometimes we don’t even think about what we’re saying, we just say words. This happens |

| |especially when we’re angry, or when we get in an argument with our friends or parents. |

|Lesson |1) What can words do? |

| | |

| |Sometimes we forget how powerful words can be. |

| |Can you guys give me an example of words used that become destructive, that hurt others |

| |-If we’re sitting with a group of our friends at school, and someone starts to talk in a bad way about one of our classmates. They |

| |start spreading rumors, or saying oh, I heard this person did something bad, and in two minutes, the conversation is all about that |

| |person, and the friends we’re sitting with all get engaged, and start making fun of that person, and talking behind their back. |

| |Can we imagine what it would feel like to be in that person’s place? |

| |Did this conversation do any good to anyone? Did anything good or constructive come out of it? Is anyone better off? Was this |

| |conversation necessary? Did it help anyone or comfort anyone? NO. |

| |This conversation on the other hand hurt someone else. |

| | |

| |What to avoid? –hateful words, bad language, gossip |

| | |

| |1 Peter 3 |

| |8 Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; 9 not |

| |returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may |

| |inherit a blessing. |

| | |

| |So what should we try to make our conversations like. |

| |OUR words should |

| |Inspire |

| |Bring joy |

| |Lift up |

| |Comfort |

| |Encourage |

| |Help |

| |Reflect God’s love |

| | |

| |Our words can bring others closer to God, and they can also drive people away from Him. |

| |People listen to us, we can have influence on others, even if we don’t notice it. |

| | |

| |Don’t underestimate words. |

| |-don’t underestimate the power of the tongue |

| |“death and life are in the power of the tongue “ |

| | |

| |Good words are constructive, evil words are destructive. |

| |The mouth of the righteous is a well of life, “let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good, for necessary |

| |edification that it may impact grace to the hearers” words that build up, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, a positive word, The word|

| |of God, the word of the Spirit, a word that builds the knowledge, a word that comforts, a word that gives peace, peace between people, |

| |not useless words. |

| |There are words that put down, negative words, words with no hope that put other people down. |

| |Also, Lies, exaggerations( these words destroy! |

| | |

| |2) How can I control my words? |

| |The words that come out of our mouth reflect a lot what’s in our hearts and in our thoughts. Examining the heart, words come from our |

| |hearts and thoughts, if we think positively positive things will come out. Matthew 12:34 |

| |For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. |

| |We should constantly be thinking about good and positive things, about the Word of God, about the Love of God |

| | |

| |Meditate on that which is pure holy, |

| |Don’t let bad things come to your eyes ears, bad words |

| |“8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever|

| |things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these |

| |things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.” |

| |(Philippians 4) |

| | |

| |If we want good and pure and constructive words to come out of our mouth, then what should we be thinking about ? Should we be judging |

| |people in our thoughts and hearts , or should we be looking for the good qualities they have and encouraging them. Focus, even on ONE |

| |thing that’s good in someone else, don’t focus on the bad |

| |Should we watch anything with bad words ? why? The more bad things we watch, the more that gets stuck in our heads, and the more we |

| |become used to saying bad things. |

| | |

| |When should I speak? –speak when I have something good to say. |

| |When should I be silent?-when I don’t have any necessary thing to say |

| |Think before I speak |

| | |

| |James 1: 19 |

| |“let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;” |

| | |

| |Silence is good |

| |Silence is good when I need to listen, when I don’t have anything necessary to say, |

| |Let everyman be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath,,, must think before we speak |

| |Silence is a good chance to meditate with God, |

| | |

| |Proverbs 10 |

| |19 In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, -( it’s good to be silent |

| |      But he who restrains his lips is wise. |

| | |

| |The verse of today: “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” |

| |(Matthew 12:36) |

| |An idle word doesn’t just mean a bad word, it means any useless or worthless word. |

| |3) Important: |

| |- Ask God to help me control my tongue, and never say words that are useless, hurtful or destructive. |

| | |

| |Psalm 141, (Psalm 142 in the Compline hour ) |

| | 3 Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; |

| |         Keep watch over the door of my lips. |

| | 4 Do not incline my heart to any evil thing, |

| | |

| |-Know that the Holy Spirit is in me, and ask Him to always help me say the right words, and to always be with me when I speak, and make|

| |me say that which is good, and true, and pure, and constructive. |

| | |

| |1 John 4:4 “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is with you is greater than he who is in the world”|

| | |

| |God is there to help us. |

| | |

| |-That’s why whenever I’m in a situation, I should think before I speak, and I should listen to what the Holy Spirit tells me. For |

| |example if I’m in a conversation, and the other person starts getting angry and starts yelling. I shouldn’t just yell back and say bad |

| |words. We feel in our hearts that voice telling us not to do that, and we should listen because when we feel like no, that’s not the |

| |right thing to say, that’s the Holy Spirit working in us. It might help to remember that every idle word I say, I will have to give |

| |account for it! |

| | |

| |So what Can I do? Instead of yelling back, or getting angry myself, I should ask God to help me remain calm, to help me say the right |

| |words to make the best out of the situation. |

| | |

| |“A soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1) |

|Conclusion |-words hurt, even if we say we’re sorry, they could still hurt the other person, the damage they do doesn’t always go away when w |

| |apologize, “toothpaste example, once we squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube, we can never take it back in” same thing with words |

| |-use words to build others up, to encourage, to lift up |

| |-think before we speak |

| |-am I saying something meaningful or worthless, useful or useless? |

|Lesson application |In conversations or arguments, must always remember that words are very powerful, and that I will have to give account for every idle |

| |word I say. So must think before I speak, will what I say hurt anyone, or will it benefit or help anyone? Should listen to the Holy |

| |Spirit inside me and ask Him to help me say the right words. |

|Homework |This week, we should be very aware of every word we say. |

| |At the end of every day, we should try to write down any words that we used that we shouldn’t have, or any bad reactions we had in a |

| |conversation. This can help us keep them in mind and try to not say them again the next day. |

| |We should ask the Holy Spirit to help us say every right and good word, and stop saying idle words. |

| |-keep in mind that words can hurt and bring down, the other person could still be hurt even if we apologize and they forgive us. That’s|

| |why it’s better not to say the bad words in the first place. |

|Weekly report |# of kids : |Atten. : |Commun. |

|Personal notes |Confes. Date : |Commun. ( ) |# of visited kids : |

| |Bible ( ) |Spiritual book : |

|Notes of servant’s servant | |


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