Craigin High School –PowerPoint presentation tasks

Communication in Administration


Name: _____________________________________

Using Presentation Software

Presentation software eg Microsoft PowerPoint, allows users to create interesting and eye-catching slide shows to communicate information. There are many business uses that can be made of presentation software, including:

Providing information on workplace legislation;

Providing information on following procedures eg first-aid provision;

Staff training sessions;

Communication during meetings eg sales performance or implementing marketing campaigns etc.

There are many benefits to using presentation software to prepare and deliver a slide show presentation, including:

• Use of colour, word art, sound and slide movements/animation can make presentations more interesting/stimulating for the audience (maintain interest and attention).

• Setting automatic slide transition can allow presentations to be played continuously without the need to click the mouse etc.

• Notes can be added to slides to aid the presenter in effective delivery – timing and fluidity of the presentation can help to engage the audience.

• Handouts can be printed for the audience to take notes for each slide.

• Use of the master slide can save time as features of all slides can be altered at the same time.

• Hyperlinks can be inserted which can be used to move quickly to linked documents/web pages/video clips.

• Incorporation of graphs/tables can make information more easily understood.

• Sounds/graphics can be incorporated which are relevant to the content of the presentation which can improve understanding for the audience.

A Guide to Using Microsoft PowerPoint

Change Design Template

← Click on the Design tab then right-click on the slide design of your choice.

← Choose either apply to selected slides or apply to all slides as appropriate.

Use the Slide Master

← Changing the slide master affects all slides. Changes that can be made include text formats for headings, bullets and footer areas and inserting action buttons/graphics. To use it:

o Click on the View tab then Slide Master.

o Make changes as requested.

o If you want to make changes to all slides, then use the top master slide.

o If you only want to change slides which have a particular layout, hover your mouse over each of the master slides and change the appropriate one.

Insert Action Buttons

Action buttons can be inserted into each slide to allow slides to move forward one, back one, forward to end (last slide) and back to the start (first or home slide). Action buttons will only operate when running your slide show.

← If you wish to add action buttons to all slides then click on the Insert tab then Shapes. Action button appear at the bottom of the list of shapes.

o Select the action button required.

o Drag a square in the correct position on the master slide.

o Click on the View menu and choose Normal.

← If only inserting action buttons on specific slides then you do not need to use the slide master.

Apply Slide Transitions/Animations

← Select the text you wish to animate.

← Click on the Animations tab and select the type of animation you wish to apply. Scroll down to see more animation options.

← Select Effect Options to see more animation options.

← Click on Add Animation to see a wider variety of animation options.

← If you no longer want to apply a chosen animation then simply click on the number of animation and press the delete key on the keyboard. The animation effect should then be removed.

Exercise 1

Open the file Craigin High School. Complete the task using the following instructions.

1. Apply a design template of your choice to the slides.

2. Use the slide master to:

• Add a graphic (filename Crest) to all slides.

• Change the font size and style of each slide heading to Cooper Black, 40 point.

• Change each level of bullet to one of your choice.

• Change the Footer Area and Number Area formats to italics.

• Insert Next and Previous Action buttons at appropriate places on each slide. Hint – will all slides need both buttons?

3. Practise promoting and demoting the bullet points.

4. Delete slide 8.

5. Using slide sorter view, reverse the order of slides 6 and 7.

6. Insert a suitable clip art graphic on slide 6.

7. Add the following bullet points to each slide.

|Slide 5 |Parents must sign the permission slip. |

|Parental Permission |Parents must read the letter carefully. |

| |Parents must provide a contact number. |

| |Parents must pay fee in full by January. |

|Slide 6 |Walking shoes. |

|Appropriate Clothing |Warm clothing. |

| |Change of clothing. |

|Slide 7 |£5 should be sufficient for each day. |

|Spending Money |Bring no more than is required. |

| |All main meals are provided. |

| |The Tormore Centre has one shop only. |

8. Add the following Notes to each slide.

|Slide 1 |The trip is only offered once a year. |

| |The trip is for those interested in outdoor activities. |

| |The trip is to Tormore. |

| |Other school students are likely to be there. |

| |Only S5/6 students can apply. |

| |Open to boys and girls. |

|Slide 2 |3 full days and 2 nights. |

| |The £40 covers bed, breakfast and dinner. |

| |Lunch is provided in the form of sandwiches. |

| | |

| |* show a video clip/pictures of the area. |

|Slide 3 |Activities are always in groups. |

| |There are other activities too: Fishing, Basketball and Swimming. |

| |The centre provides expert tuition and equipment. |

|Slide 4 |Application forms can be picked up at the end of the talk. |

| |Students must check the workload before they apply. |

| |Ask if there are any exams during the trip time: |

| |Dates are 25-27 February. |

|Slide 5 |Parental permission should be handed in with the deposit. |

| |Remaining £30 must be paid by 21 January. |

|Slide 6 |If the wrong clothing is taken students will miss some of the activities. |

|Slide 7 |Anyone with excessive cash will have it confiscated and returned at the end of the trip. |

9. Add the following Header/Footer to notes/slides.

• Notes Header – Craigin High School, Session 2009/2010. Insert page number.

• Slide Footer - Outdoor Adventure Trip. Insert slide number.

10. Do not show the date on either the notes or slides.

11. Insert the following hyperlinks on slide 3:

• Hill walking -

• Mountain cycling -

12. Apply animations to each slide.

13. Print one copy of the notes pages for you (presenter), and one copy of the handouts (3 slides per page).

Exercise 2

Open the file Cities of the USA. Complete the slide show using the following instructions.

1. Insert your name in the subtitle placeholder on the title slide.

2. Add a design template of your choice to all slides.

3. Using the slide master:

← Change all city names to Cooper Black, 54 point.

← Change levels 1 and 2 bullets to ones of your choice.

← Add the graphic (filename USA Flag) to the top right side of all slides.

← Change the Footer Area and Number Area formats to italics.

4. Insert the appropriate graphic to each city slide.

5. On slide 2 (Washington DC), demote the 2 bullets about temperature.

6. Reverse the order of slides 3 and 4.

7. Insert a new slide in between slides 2 and 3 for Seattle. Insert the relevant graphic and the following information:

← Population 563,374

← Biggest employer is Boeing aircraft manufacturer

← Area is 84 square miles

8. Use the Internet to find a web page containing further information on each city. Insert a link to this URL on the appropriate slides.

9. Apply animation effects to each slide.

10. Print the slide show in handout view (6 slides per page).

Exercise 3

Create a PowerPoint slide show on a subject of your choice eg film, TV personality, pop star etc. You will give a presentation to the rest of the class. Use the following instructions.

1. Your slide show must contain a title slide and at least 3 other slides.

2. At least one of the slides should contain a graphic or picture related to the topic of the slide show.

3. A suitable design template should be applied to all slides.

4. The slide show should contain bullet points of at least 2 different levels.

5. Use the slide master to insert Next and Previous action buttons and apply a consistent font style and size to slide headings.

6. Insert slide numbers.

7. The last slide should contain a link to a web page/site containing further information on your chosen topic.

8. Prepare and print notes to help you give a confident presentation.

9. Print your slide show in handout form.

Preparing for the Unit Assessment

To pass the unit assessment, you must be able to demonstrate the following skills when working with presentation software.

| |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Create slides, selecting appropriate slide layouts | | | |

|Apply an appropriate design template | | | |

|Insert text accurately | | | |

|Apply bullets and various formats (eg bold) to text | | | |

|Insert appropriate graphics, ensuring consistency in size and orientation | | | |

|Use the slide master to insert a graphic in the footer of all slides | | | |

|Insert notes on selected slides (speaker notes) | | | |

|Insert slide number | | | |

|Print in handout format | | | |


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