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PowerPoint Assignment 2Effective PowerPointsFollow the directions below to make the PowerPoint example more effective.Change the theme - You have two options here. You can use one of the Design themes, or you can find one online.Design Theme—easier, but less effective. ChooseGo to the variants section and change the color scheme and other elements of the theme.Find your own – Go to Google and do a search for FREE PowerPoint Templates. In your search, make sure you still choose something professional looking. Many of the downloads available are still obnoxious or are made for a particular subject. Pick something more general.When you download the zip file, unzip it. There will be a PowerPoint file and image files. Use the image files as your background.Change the background on the bullet points on slide 3 to no fill.Transitions Change all transitions on all slides but the first to a basic simple one like fade or split. (remember to hold the CTRL key and highlight all relevant slides.)Change the transition on the first slide to a more fancy one. Fonts – Go to the Design tab and pull down the arrow in the variants section. Change the fonts to the fonts of your choice. You will probably still need to change the fonts on the titles of each slide. Make sure ALL TITLES have the same font!Change all colored fonts to black (or the same color you are using throughout the whole PowerPoint.)Change the title page font to WordArt.Bullet Points Many of the bullet points are too wordy or unnecessary. Make the following changes:Slide 2: Deleted the 4th bullet point, reword the 3rd bullet point to be shorterSlide 3: Condense the information into three bullet points. Only include the most important information. (Don’t just delete some of them—re-write them and the most important info.)Slide 4: Condense the information into 3-4 bullet points. Only include the most important information. Slide 6: Condense each bullet point into 1-3 words. Slide 9: Condense the information on this slide to 3-4 bullet points. Remove the final bullet with the website. Slide 11: Shorten each bullet point so it’s not as wordy.Change the bullet points on all slides to something other than the default, but something professional. Images – Move or change the imagesSlide 1: Move the Powerpoint logo to a good spot, resize as necessary, and use picture tools to give it another look.Slide 2: Do a google search three different backgrounds. Make one of them a good example and two of them a bad example. Insert them into this slide, and use resize/crop to make them the same size.Slide 4: Insert the provided image, “animation” in your source folder. Insert this into the page and resize your text box to make it fit.428625039116000561975810260Slide 6: Delete ALL the ugly clipart on this slide. Using SmartArt, recreate the graphic on the left to look like or similar to the one on the right. You can find the images in the same file as the starter for this assignment. 4944110186436000Make sure to resize the text box so that both text and graphic can be seen.Slide 9: Go to design- and choose a color that matches your theme background. Then copy and paste 1-3 different color scheme ideas into your document. Slide 10: Insert the provided file FontsMatter, and resize the text to accommodate it. Crop it down smaller, and add a shadow.GraphsSlide 8: Delete the image of the very bad graph. Create one right there in PowerPoint with the following information: 387667511874500Make sure to use the graph features to change the style and color so yours is original.VideoSlide 11: Remove the annoying .gif on this page.Insert the video provided: Life After Death by PowerPoint either as a file or using the Youtube link.Either keep it small and move it to one side, resizing your text, OR, add a new slide and put it on it’s own slide and make it big.AnimationsAll Slides: Remove all animations from every slide. Add a block animation to each text box on every slide. Use the SAME animation for all of them, and use a simple one. Slide 1: Animate the PowerPoint image on this slide to spin, and have it go automatically. Slide 2: Highlight the two “bad” examples you did for step 4, and animate them first to pulse, then to disappear. Make this automatic. Slide 6: Animate your SmartArt to appear after the text.Slide 8: Drag the graph you created over so it’s on the outer area and not your slide. Use a custom motion path to bring it back into place. Keep it simple!Slide 10: Add the “bounce” animation to the image.Slide 11: Animate the video with a simple entrance animation. AudioAdd two types of sound:Slide 1: Add a PowerPoint sound to the title entrance animation. Slide 11: Add a PowerPoint sound to the entrance transition.HyperlinksSlide 6: Highlight “for free online” in the first bullet and hyperlink it to a free backgrounds website. Go to Google and find a free site (type in “free powerpoint templates” or something like that.) Copy the URL in to link it.Slide 9: On slide 9, add a bullet point that says: “Find cool color schemes at:”Then add a shape button and type the text: design-.Use the eyedropper to color the button the same color as one of the color samples on your page. Add a bevel.Hyperlink the button to the website. ................

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