Part I: Individual Greek god or goddess-work alone

← Research one Greek god or goddess (henceforth referred to as god)

← Write a one paragraph summary of the god- to be shared with the rest of class & turned in

← The paragraph should the following information on the god

✌ What are they the god of

✌ Powers

✌ Symbols

✌ Family

✌ Roman counterpart

✌ extra credit – find a depiction of them in a piece of artwork

Due: Aug 31

Part II: myth project-work in pairs

← Using the class generated information

← Choose one of the following:

✌ Create a piece of artwork using myth themes or symbols as visual clues

✌ Design a room décor with a god as the theme

✌ Create a high school or college w/ a god theme (mascot, yearbook, etc)

✌ Find examples in real life of myth symbols in use (ftd florist logo_

✌ Design an ad campaign for a product using myth information

✌ Cast a myth movie with present day actors

✌ Create a tabloid newspaper featuring Greek gods

✌ Create a myth based restaurant w/ a myth based menu

✌ Another creative idea of your choice pending the teacher’s approval

✌ Create a vacation package to ancient Greece

✌ Direct a wedding of a Greek god and goddess

✌ Create the theme for a cruise ship – and its tour itinerary

Due: Sept 8


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