Dear Parents

Preparing For College & Careers

Dear Parent or Guardian

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! I look forward to a wonderful fall semester. My name is Jessica Bechtel, and I am your student’s Preparing for College and Careers teacher for the fall semester. Every student must pass this course in order to receive a high school diploma in Indiana. I will strive to make every effort to offer your student the most current and useful information as he/she starts out on their journey through high school and beyond. With the use of the laptops, we have an endless number of resources at our fingertips.

Attached are my classroom expectations and the Indiana State Standards regarding Personal and Employability Skills. We have discussed these in class, but please review them with your student and sign on both sides. This is generally a survey type course – in other words, there aren’t necessarily right or wrong answers. Most grades your student will earn are based on completion of tasks and ability to follow directions.

You can stay involved with the happenings in our class in the following ways:

1. Visit my website (jbechtel.) and click on the College & Careers link at the top of the page. Here, I will list all daily activities and homework. Any file from class that can be downloaded, will also be available on my website.

2. Check your student’s grade often in PowerSchool. Grades will be updated weekly (at the latest). You should have received login information from the school corporation at some point in the past. If you need assistance, please call Mrs. Lori Niehoff at the high school (861-4417, ext. 104).

3. Finally, please contact me via e-mail or phone if questions arise.

861-4417, ext. 291

I look forward to having a great year with your students!

Jessica Bechtel

Student Expectations

• No Food or Drink in Class! PLEASE respect this rule! Spills, food, candy, crumbs, wrappers, and sticky fingers are the fastest way to gunk up your laptop and attract unwelcome insects to our room.

• No Computer Games. Our class time is to be used for class assignments and activities. This rule is in effect 24/7. Completing your work for the day does not give you permission to play games. Recreational computer use and playing games interferes with the learning environment and distracts students who are not done with assignments.

• Be Prepared for Class. Use Stickies, Evernote or some other note-taking app/program to keep track of work due and due dates.

o Check jbechtel. and School E-Mail on a regular basis.

o Use Academic Labs to make up work if you fall behind.

o If you miss class, check my website first! Our daily agenda and assignments are posted there. If you still have questions, ask Mrs. Bechtel. Don’t forget, you can work on assignments at home if you are absent.

• Communicate. Take ownership and responsibility for your education. Ask questions if you are having trouble with a project, assignment or concept. I am here to help! Don’t wait until the last minute. Do not hesitate to email questions anytime.

• Effort & Attitude. Effort and attitude are the keys to success in my class… and in life! Come to class with a positive attitude. Work hard and take advantage of the opportunities you have at New Palestine High School. Poor effort and attitude will have a negative impact on your grade.

• Grading: Grades are based on total points earned each nine weeks. Be aware of all due dates. Any work turned in after a due date will receive 50% credit. Check PowerSchool often.

• Accountability/Productivity Grade. Each student starts this class with an A! To maintain this A, students must demonstrate Personal and Employability skills needed for success in personal, family, community, and life and work environments. Each nine weeks students start with 115 out of 100 points (15 bonus). You will lose points (possible 2 points per day) for not demonstrating Personal and Employability skills and/or for inappropriate class conduct.

All points lost will be detailed in PowerSchool. After the second offense (loss of points) I will email/mail parents/guardians and on the third offense I will call parents/guardians. After the fourth offense, students will be assigned detention and referred to the office.

o Conduct resulting in loss of points could include (but not limited to):

▪ Food or drink in class, sleeping, poor attitude and/or lack of effort.

▪ Computer games or Inappropriate computer use

▪ Not prepared for class – Bring computer and charger every day!

▪ Disrupting class and/or not following instructions

▪ Inappropriate cell phone use and/or display


Personal Skills: Students will demonstrate personal skills needed for success in personal, family, community, and career aspects of life. (Standard 6.0 –)

❑ Flexibility and Adaptability PCC-6.1

• Things change (i.e. schedules, assignments, technology issues, etc.). How well do you handle it?

• Do you find a way to succeed no matter what? OR Do you use it as an excuse?

❑ Initiative and Self-Direction PCC-6.2

• Prioritize what needs to get done, both short-term and long-term. Don’t wait until the last minute.

• Work independently and complete tasks without supervision.

• Show initiative – do what’s necessary to succeed but go the extra mile too.

❑ Social and Cross-Cultural Skills PCC-6.3

• Interact effectively with others in a respectful, professional manner

• Respect differences and work effectively with all people

• Respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values • Use differences to create new ideas and increase quality of work

❑ Productivity and Accountability PCC-6.4

• Work positively and ethically

• Manage time and projects effectively

• Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual

• Present oneself professionally and use good manners

• Work well as part of a team

• Be accountable for results – take ownership

❑ Leadership and Responsibility PCC-6.5

• Use communication and problem-solving skills to help others positively

• Inspire others to reach their very best through example and selflessness

• Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior – Do the Right Thing!

• Receive and give constructive criticism

• Act responsibly with the interests of our entire class (including your teacher) in mind

Employability Skills Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills needed to navigate life and work environments in the global economy. Standard 7.0

❑ Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for seeking employment. PCC-7.1

• Career opportunity research

• Personal and career portfolio

• Interviewing

• Networking

❑ Demonstrate knowledge and skills needed for effective communication in school, life and career settings. PCC-7.2

❑ Demonstrate understanding of employer and employee expectations. PCC-7.3

❑ Demonstrate standards of legal and ethical behavior in all issues related to technology and digital citizenship. PCC-7.4

❑ Demonstrate standards of personal appearance, attire, grooming, and etiquette appropriate for specific school, life and career settings. PCC-7.5

Print ___________________________________ Print __________________________________________

Student Name Parent Name

Signature _______________________________ Signature ______________________________________

Date _________________________ Date ____________________________

Please Return, signed by parent / guardian, by Friday, August 1, 2014.

5 Bonus Points will be awarded if returned by next class period (Wednesday, July 30)!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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