Powershell redirect output to file


Powershell redirect output to file

The Out-File cmdlet and redirection operators share a lot in common. For the most part, you can use either. The redirection operators are unique because they give the greatest amount of control over redirecting individual streams. The Out-File cmdlet is unique primarily because it lets you easily configure the formatting width and encoding. If you want to save the objects from a command into a file (rather than the text-based representation that you see on screen), see Recipe 10.5. The default formatting width and the default output encoding are two aspects of output redirection that can sometimes cause difficulty. The default formatting width sometimes causes problems because redirecting PowerShell-formatted output into a file is designed to mimic what you see on the screen. If your screen is 80 characters wide, the file will be 80 characters wide as well. Examples of PowerShell-formatted output include directory listings (that are implicitly formatted as a table) as well as any commands that you explicitly format using one of the Format-* set of cmdlets. If this causes problems, you can customize the width of the file with the -Width parameter on the Out-File cmdlet. The default output encoding sometimes causes unexpected results because PowerShell creates all files using the UTF-16 Unicode encoding by default. This allows PowerShell to fully support the entire range of international characters, cmdlets, and output. Although this is a great improvement on traditional shells, it may cause an unwanted surprise when running large search-and-replace operations on ASCII source code files, for example. To force PowerShell to send its output to a file in the ASCII encoding, use the -Encoding parameter on the Out-File cmdlet. For more information about the Out-File cmdlet, type Get-Help Out-File. For a full list of supported redirection operators, see "Capturing Output". Can anyone tell me how I can output the data to text file?I do get the output on my screen, but I would love to get it to a txt file as well. $Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -result unlimited $Mailboxes | foreach{ for ($i=0;$i -lt $_.EmailAddresses.Count; $i++) { $address = $_.EmailAddresses[$i] if ($address.IsPrimaryAddress -eq $false -and $address.SmtpAddress -like "*yourdomain" ) { Write-host($address.AddressString.ToString() ) } } Set-Mailbox -Identity $_.Identity -EmailAddresses $_.EmailAddresses } sindbad wrote: But I just dont understand why it's not possible to have the data written to the host (console) + to the file. This would be the best. Why is it not possible? Have you looked at fids's suggestion'tee-object' would be one way. Write-output "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" | tee-object "C:\whatever.txt" writing it twice another Write-output "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" Write-output "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" | out-file "C:\whatever.txt" for logging , many people use a log function to make things easier. there are manu ways.1. don't use 'write-host', but use 'write-output'2. you can use transcript logging. Start-Transcript -path "c:\file.log" # your regular code stop-transcript 3. you can write to a text tile on the fly Write-output ($address.AddressString.ToString()) | out-file "c:\logile.log" -append 4. you can write it to a variable and write that later. $log = @() foreach($stuff in $morestuff){ $log += Write-output($address.AddressString.ToString() ) } $log | out-file "c:\logfile.txt" 5. you assign the whole thing to a variable: $data = $Mailboxes | foreach{ for ($i=0;$i -lt $_.EmailAddresses.Count; $i++) { $address = $_.EmailAddresses[$i] if ($address.IsPrimaryAddress -eq $false -and $address.SmtpAddress -like "*yourdomain" ) { Write-output($address.AddressString.ToString() ) } } Set-Mailbox -Identity $_.Identity -EmailAddresses $_.EmailAddresses } $data | #more code to write it to a file Edited Apr 23, 2020 at 22:23 UTC Unfortunately I couldn't get them all to work. But I do thank you. sindbad wrote: Unfortunately I couldn't get them all to work. But I do thank you. Can you elaborate? Does it work? What does not work?I just gave you a list of various ways to do it, of course you wouldn't do all of that for the same use case. I tried all the 5 ways. None of them will write the text on my screen and output it to a text file.The script does remove all the smtp from Exchange (I guess you did understand that part).For example, the first one did give me a lot of code in the log file.I liked the variable way, but that kept the text file empty when exported.I tried finding another script to get my work done. foreach($Tmailbox in Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited) { $Tmailbox.EmailAddresses | ?{$_.AddressString -like '*@'} | %{ Set-Mailbox $Tmailbox Write-host "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" $N++ } } Then I tried your suggestion: $Content = foreach($Tmailbox in Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited) { $Tmailbox.EmailAddresses | ?{$_.AddressString -like '*@'} | %{ Set-Mailbox $Tmailbox Write-host "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" $N++ } } $Content | Out-File "C:\test.txt" In my PowerShell screen, I am getting:[PS] C:\scripts>.\test1.ps1WARNING: The command completed successfully but no settings of 'tlab.local/Company/Users/Finance/Jack Oss' have been modified.Removing smtp:jack.oss@ from Jack Oss MailboxThat is good. But the text file is empty... Got it working foreach($Tmailbox in Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited) { $Tmailbox.EmailAddresses | ?{$_.AddressString -like '*@'} | %{ Set-Mailbox $Tmailbox Write-output "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" | Out-File C:\whatever.txt } } or $content = foreach($Tmailbox in Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited) { $Tmailbox.EmailAddresses | ?{$_.AddressString -like '*@'} | %{ Set-Mailbox $Tmailbox Write-output "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" } } $Content | Out-File "C:\test.txt" Yeah that's write-host is a bit controversial.it only writes to the host ( console ) not to file. I think they changed that with powershell 5.1 But still, know when to use write-host vs write-output Neally wrote: Yeah that's write-host is a bit controversial.it only writes to the host ( console ) not to file. I think they changed that with powershell 5.1 But still, know when to use write-host vs write-output Yes, now I do know. Thank you for your patience.But I just dont understand why it's not possible to have the data written to the host (console) + to the file. This would be the best. sindbad wrote: But I just dont understand why it's not possible to have the data written to the host (console) + to the file. This would be the best. Why is it not possible? Have you looked at fids's suggestion'tee-object' would be one way. Write-output "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" | tee-object "C:\whatever.txt" writing it twice another Write-output "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" Write-output "Removing $_ from $Tmailbox Mailbox" | out-file "C:\whatever.txt" for logging , many people use a log function to make things easier. Tried both options. It's writing content on host. But only 1 line gets exported to txt file. Hmmm Out-file has an `-append' parameter you keep adding to the file, rather than overwriting Introduction:Often you will be in situations when you want to perform an operation at the same time suppress any output sent to the PowerShell console.The best use case could be when creating a new directory an output is sent to the console with the name, size, time and other details. In some scripting scenarios, you won't be willing to see this output on the console and send it to NULL.Like, creating a temporary file/directory during the script execution which may mess up the desired/custom script output on the consoleor, loading assemblies in the PowerShell script like in the following screenshot which outputs the success indication once the assembly has been loaded.Ways to send console output to NULL:Following are 4 methods to send output to null and suppress these outputs in the console ? Using Out-Null Cmdlet: Hides/discards the output instead of sending it down the pipeline or displaying it. Typecasting to [void] : This is more of a very C#-flavored trick Redirection to $NULL: Redirecting the output to the Automatic variable $Null Assignment to $NULL: Assigning the output to the Automatic variable $NullNOTE: The performance varies in all 4 approaches, in the following screenshot you can clearly see the difference. Using Out-Null is the slowest but, the usage of Automatic variable $NULL is faster compared to other approaches.If you like this article read more articles similar articles under `N ? Ways to' categoryPlease do follow me on twitter and thanks for reading. Cheers! Follow @SinghPrateik Browse Popular Code Answers by Language map merge elixir elixir random number elixir length of list comment in pascal comments in pascal producto de matrices pascal for loop groovy groovy wait time groovy implementation of the interface how to push an element to array in julia julia dereference pointer clojure get list first item how to make a range clojure abap loop example abap concatenate table how to pass unction in scheme how to make a list in scheme Browse Other Code Languages From TechotopiaPreviousTable of ContentsNextWindows PowerShell 1.0 Comparison and Containment OperatorsWindows PowerShell 1.0 Flow Control with if, else and Purchase and download the full PDF version of this PowerShell eBook for only $8.99Two features of PowerShell which will no doubt be familiar to users of UNIX and Linux based shell environments are pipes and redirection. The primary purpose of pipes is to chain commands together, passing the output from one command through to the next command. Redirection, on the other hand, allows the output from a command to be sent to a file. Unfortunately, whilst UNIX and Linux based shells allow input to be redirected to a commands (such as input from the keyboard), version 1.0 of PowerShell does not yet support this feature.ContentsPipelines in PowerShell are essentially a sequence of commands in which the result of each command is passed through to the subsequent command for processing. One point to note is that, unlike other shell environments, the result passed from one command to the next need not be a string, in fact it can be any type of object. Each command in a pipe is separated by the pipe character (|).A common example of the use of pipes involves piping output from a command through to a second command which in turn formats that output. In the following example the output from the Get-Childitem command is piped through to the format-table command:PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-childitem mydata.txt | fl Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Users\Administrator Name : mydata.txt Length : 30 CreationTime : 11/14/2008 12:33:23 PM LastWriteTime : 12/1/2008 12:39:44 PM LastAccessTime : 11/14/2008 12:33:23 PM VersionInfo : Windows PowerShell Redirection OperatorsThe operators implemented by Windows PowerShell to facilitate redirection are similar to those used in other shell environments. The full complement of these operators is outlined in the following table: ADSDAQBOX_FLOWOperatorDescription>Redirects output to specified file. If the file already exists, current contents are overwritten.>>Redirects output to specified file. If the file already exists, the new output is appended to the current content.2>Redirects error output to specified file. If the file already exists, current contents are overwritten.2>>Redirects error output to specified file. If the file already exists, the new output is appended to the current content.2>&1Redirects error output to the standard output pipe instead of to the error output pipe.Windows PowerShell RedirectionThe operators outlined above are, perhaps, best demonstrated using some examples, the first of which sends output to a file, deleting any pre-existing content:PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-date > date.txt The file, date.txt, now contains the output from the get-date command, as demonstrated by displaying the contents of the file:PS C:\Users\Administrator> type date.txt Monday, December 01, 2008 1:11:36 PM Having created the file, it is also possible to append more output to the end of the existing content using the >> operator as follows:PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-date >> date.txt This time, the original content remains in the file, with the new output added to the end:PS C:\Users\Administrator> type date.txt Monday, December 01, 2008 1:11:36 PM Monday, December 01, 2008 1:13:45 PM As mentioned previously, other shell environments allow input to be redirected. This would ordinarily be achieved using the < operator to read input from a file or even the keyboard. As of version 1.0 of Windows PowerShell this feature has not been implemented, although there is every reason to expect it will appear in subsequent versions.Redirecting Error OutputWindows PowerShell has the concept of different output streams for standard output and error messages. The main purpose of this is to prevent error messages from being included within legitimate output. In the following example, only the valid output is redirected to the file. Since we have not redirected the error output, it is displayed in the console:PS C:\Users\Administrator> dir mydata.txt, myfiles.txt > error.txt Get-ChildItem : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\Administrator\myfiles.txt' because it does not exist. At line:1 char:4 + dir redirection operator:PS C:\Users\Administrator> dir mydata.txt, myfiles.txt 2> error.txt Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Users\Administrator Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a--- 12/1/2008 12:39 PM 30 mydata.txt In this case, the error did not appear on the console. Instead, it was sent to the file named error.txt:PS C:\Users\Administrator> type error.txt Get-ChildItem : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\Administrator\myfiles.txt' because it does not exist. At line:1 char:4 + dir $null The 2>&1 operator redirects the error stream to the standard output stream, enabling both the regular output and any error messages to be directed to the same file:PS C:\Users\Administrator> dir mydata.txt, myfiles.txt > output.txt 2>&1 If we now take a look at the contents of the output.txt it is clear that output to both streams was redirected to the file:PS C:\Users\Administrator> type output.txt Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Users\Administrator Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------ ------ ---- -a--- 12/1/2008 12:39 PM 30 mydata.txt Get-ChildItem : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\Administrator\myfiles.txt' because it does not exist. At line:1 char:4 + dir

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