Powershell convert base64 to pdf


Powershell convert base64 to pdf

Base 64 Encoding is a way to take binary data and transforming it into text so that it is easier transmitted to things such as e-mail and data HTML module. I had few requirements to convert / encode the text string to the base string64 and vice versa, from the base 64 coded string to convert / decode in normal string. Related articles: ?, PowerShell GUI encrypts the images decode in the first script to encode a text string that I am using .NET Object [System.Text.Encoding] and [System.Convert]. #Convert on base64 $ Readabletext = 'This is PowerShell!' $ encodedbytes = [system.text.encoding] :: utf8.getbytes ($ readabletext) $ encodedtext = [system.convert] :: tobase64string ($ encodedbytes) $ encodedtext This is vice versa the process to deciphering converted for format 64 . I am using the same .NET [System.Text.Chinding] and [System.Convert] object. #Convert base64 $ encodedvalue = 'vghpcybpcybqb3dlcnozwxsiq ==' $ decodedbytes = [system.convert] :: frombase64string ($ encodedvalue) $ decodededtext = [system.text.encoding] :: utf8.getstring ($ decodedbytes) $ decodedtext below Some other formats can be used to the BASE CONVERT text string (decode encodes) in. [System.Text.Encoding] :: Unicode.getString ([System.Convert] :: FROMSE64STRING ($ encodedtext)) [system.text.Encoding] :: ASCII.GETSTRING ([System.Convert] :: FROMSTRING64STRING ($ ENCODEDTEXT )) [System.text.centing] :: bigendianunicode.geystring ([system.convert] :: frombase64string ($ encodedtext)) [system.text.encoding] :: default.getstring ([system.convert] :: frombase64string ( $ encodedtext)) script script here or is also available on . Useful Items Powershell WPF Charts Deshboard Demo Part 1: Create WPF XAML PowerShell Form GUI with Visual Studio Part 2: PowerShell and WPF: Build GUI Applications Tutorial Part 3: Create Microsoft PowerShell WPF Automated Script PowerShell Poshgui: Convert user to SID and Vice Versa Using using Microsoft PowerShell GUI: Modifying the Internet Options LAN Connections LAN Settings LAN Server Proxy Proxy Getting-PSRepository WARNING Cannot find the repositories of the Invoke-Webrequest module: The connection below has been closed: An unexpected error has occurred on a sending by creating a repository of Internal PowerShell Modules on How to sign Powershell Script PS1 External Help file: Convert-help.xml Module Name: Convert online version: Scheme: 2.0 .0 synopsis Converts a string a base-coded string64. String syntax (default) convert-base64 -String [-comprensitive ] [-compress] [] MemoryStream Convert-Base64 -MemoryStream [-Necoding ] [-Compress] [] Description Converts a string to a base-coded string64. Examples Example 1 $ string = 'A String' Convert-Base64 String $ string QSBZDHJPBMC = Example 2 (Get-Module -Name PowerShellget | Convert-CLIXML | Convert-Base64). Length 1057480 (Get-module -Name PowerShellget | Convert- Clixml | convert-base64 -compress) .length 110876 Example 3 $ string = 'A string' $ string | Convert-base64 qsbzdhjpbmc = example 4 $ string = 'a string' convertbase64 -string $ string-enancoding qqagahmadabyagkbgnaa == 5 Example $ string = 'to string' $ string | Convert-base64 -ENcoding unicode qqagahmadabyagkabbnaaa == Example 6 $ string1 = 'A string' $ string2 = 'another string' convert-base64 -string $ string1, $ string2 qsbzdhjpbmc = qw5vdghlcibzdhjpbmc = example 7 $ string1 = 'a string' $ string2 = 'another string' $ string1, $ string2 | Convert-base64 qsbzdhjpbmc = qw5vdghlcibzdhjpdghlcibzdhjpdghlcibzdhjpbmc = Example 8 $ string1 = 'a string' $ string2 = 'another string' convert-base64 -string $ string1, $ string2-unicode codification '$ string2 =' another string '$ string1, $ string2 | Convert-base64 -coding unicode qqagahmadabyagkbgnaaaabyagkabbnaaaaabyagkabbnaaa == qqbuag8adabaguaaccagahmadabyagkabgagaahmadabyagkggagaaahmadabyagkgnaaa == Example 10 $ string = 'A string' $ stream = [system.memorystream] :: new () $ writer =: = :: $ Writer.Write ($ string) $ writer.Flush () ConvertTo-Base64 -MemoryStream $ flusso QSBzdHJpbmc = ESEMPIO 11 $ string = 'Una stringa' $ flusso = [System.IO.MemoryStream] :: new () $ scrittore = [System.IO.StreamWriter] :: new ($ stream) $ writer.Write ($ string) $ writer.Flush () $ flusso | ConvertTo-Base64 QSBzdHJpbmc = ESEMPIO 12 $ stringa1 = 'Una stringa' $ stream1 = [System.IO.MemoryStream] :: new () $ writer1 = [System.IO.StreamWriter] :: new ($ STREAM1) $ writer1.Write ($ stringa1) $ writer1.Flush () $ stringa2 = 'Un altro stringa' $ stream2 = \ [System.IO.MemoryStream \] :: new () $ writer2 = \ [System.IO.StreamWriter \] :: new ( $ stream2) $ writer2.Write ($ string2) $ writer2.Flush () ConvertTo-Base64 -MemoryStream $ stream1, $ stream2 QSBzdHJpbmc = QW5vdGhlciBzdHJpbmc = ESEMPIO 13 $ stringa1 = 'Una stringa' $ stream1 = [System.IO.MemoryStream] :: new () $ writer1 = [System.IO.StreamWriter] :: new ($ STREAM1) $ writer1.Write ($ stringa1) $ writer1.Flush () $ stringa2 = 'Un altro stringa' $ stream2 = \ [sistema. IO.MemoryStream \] :: new () $ writer2 = \ [System.IO.StreamWriter \] :: new ($ stream2) $ writer2.Write ($ string2) $ writer2.Flush () $ STREAM1, $ STREAM2 | ConvertTo-Base64 QSBzdHJpbmc = QW5vdGhlciBzdHJpbmc = PARAMETRI -String oggetto stringa per la conversione. Tipo: Set Corde [] parametri: String Alias: richiesto: Vero Posizione: named Valore predefinito: nessuno Accettare input da pipeline: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) Accettare caratteri jolly: False oggetto -MemoryStream Un MemoryStream per la conversione. Tipo: Imposta MemoryStream [] parametri: MemoryStream Alias: richiesto: Vero Posizione: named Valore predefinito: nessuno Accettare input da pipeline: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) Accettare caratteri jolly: False -encoding La codifica da utilizzare per la conversione. Il valore predefinito utf8. Le opzioni valide sono ASCII, BigEndianUnicode, di default, Unicode, UTF-32, UTF7 e UTF8. Tipo: String parametro imposta: (Tutti) Alias: richiesto: falsa posizione: named Valore predefinito: UTF8 Accettare input da pipeline: False Accettare caratteri jolly: False -compress Se in dotazione, l'uscita sar? compresso utilizzando gzip. Tipo: Imposta SwitchParameter parametri: (Tutti) Alias: richiesto: falsa posizione: named Valore predefinito: False Accettare input pipeline: False accettare i caratteri jolly: False CommonParameters Questo cmdlet supporta i parametri comuni: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction , -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction e -OutVariable. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere about_Commonparameters. INGRESSI USCITE [String []] NOTE Qual la codifica Base64? Dal momento che i colloqui computer utilizzando binari (numeri), l'American Standard Code for Information Interchange ( ASCII) ha deciso di mappare un numero per ogni lettera, la creazione di uno standard che tutti i computer possono follow.The Base64 algoritmo analizza i dati originali in formato testo e li codifica in maiuscolo (lettere AZ) inglese, minuscole (az) lettere inglesi, 0? 10 cifre, a + a e a / a characters.Base64 codifica spiegata con esempi | OpenTechTips Beh ho capito di lavoro. Chi sapeva Out-File ri-codificato Unicode per default? Risolto nel modo seguente: $ file = "C: \ input.txt" $ data = Get-Content $ file [System.Text.Encoding] :: ASCII.GetString ([System.Convert] :: FromBase64String ($ data) ) | Out-File -encoding "ASCII" out.html Questa one-liner conserva la codifica originale dei file codificato Base64, in modo che possa funzionare con i file binari, come un PDF o ZIP. Cambiamento e output.bin al bisogno "\ input.txt." - questo richieder? \ input.txt, base 64 decodificarlo, e poi scrivere i byte fuori a output.bin esattamente come erano quando il file stato codificato.. $ File = "\ input.txt."; [System.Convert] :: FromBase64String (($ file Get-Content)) | Output.Bin -Encoding byte on Windows 10, using PowerShell you can do: certutil -decode in.b64 out.txt The Azure with connector (AADC) User synchronize objects between local ads and AZURE AD / O365. In most situations, user synchronization uses the GUID (Global Unique Identifier) ?

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