Powershell base64 decode pdf


Powershell base64 decode pdf

Powershell base64 decode image. Powershell base64 decode online. Powershell base64 decode to byte array. Powershell base64 decode unicode. Powershell base64 decode and execute. Powershell base64 decode file. Powershell base64 decode to binary file. Powershell base64 decode command.

This is the way you incorporated resource files directly into the PowerShell script, meaning ? ?,? |. If you have loose files required by your script, you can include these files within the script. Very nice! Encoding / decoding a text file delete-host # coding $ file1 = "C: setup yourfile.txt" $ content1 = get-content $ file1 $ bytes = [system.text.encoding] :: utf8.getbytes ( $ content1) $ coded = [System.Convert] :: Tobase64String ($ bytes) # $ coded | Set-content ($ file1 + ".B64") Write-host host "coded:" $ coded # decoding [system.text.Encoding] :: ASCII.GeyString ([System.Convert] :: FROMSE64STRING ($ codified)) | Out-file -Coding "ASCII" C: Setup yourFiledecoded.txt $ content2 = Get-Content C: Setup YourFileDecoded.txt-Host Writing "Decoded:" $ content2 Encoding / decoding an EXE Clear-host # Coding $ coding $ FilePath = "C: Setup Foo.exe" $ File = [System.io.file] :: Readallbytes ($ Filepath); # Returns the base string64 $ base64String = [System.Convert] :: Tobase64String ($ file); # Convert-stringtobinary decoding function {[cmdletbinding ()] param (string] $ encodededstring, [string] $ filepath = (? ?,? ~ {0} {1 ? ? ?,? ? "? -F $ EPS: Temp, [System. Guid] :: Newguid (). Tostring ())) Test {if ($ encodededstring.length -ge 1) {# decodes the base string64 $ bytearray = [System.Convert] :: Dabase64String ($ encodedstring); [System.io.file] :: WriteAlbytes ($ Filepath, $ ByteArray); }} Catch {} Write-output -InputObject (Get-element -Path $ FilePath); } $ Decodedfile = convert-stringtobinary -ENcodededstring $ base64string -filePath C: Setup Foo.exe Notes Base64 DECODIFICATION IMAGE STRING $ BASE64STRING = 'TheBase64Stringe' $ image = "$ ENV: TEMP imagename.png" [Byte []] $ Bytes = [convert] :: frombase64string ($ base64string) [system.io.file] :: WriteAlbytes ($ image, $ bytes) Read the file in byte array [byte []] $ bytes1 = Get-content "C: Powershell Foo1.exe "-Necoding Byte Write Array Byte A File [System.io.file] :: WriteAlbytes (" C: Powershell Foo2.exe ", $ Bytes2) Convert hexagonal string into byte array $ bytes2 = [ Byte []] :: new ($ hex.length / 2) for ($ i = 0; $ i -LT $ hex.length; $ i + = 2) {$ bytes2 [$ I / 2] = [Convert] :: Tobyte ($ hex.substring ($ i, 2), 16)} Convert byte matrix to Hex $ hex = [bitconverter] :: Tostring ($ bytes1) .Replace ("-", ""); or $ hex = [system.text.Stringbuilder] :: New ($ bytes.length * 2) Foreach ($ byte in $ bytes) {$ hex.appendformat ("{0: x2}", $ byte) | Out-null} Returns the hexagonal values Function Get-HexValues ?

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