Powershell substring after character


Powershell substring after character

It is important to understand that strings in PowerShell are always objects, whether you are dealing with literal strings or variables. Consequently, the methods of string objects provide most of the functions you need. As usual, you can display them with the Get-Member cmdlet. "Hello world" | Get-Member"Hello world" | Get-MemberThe result list is impressive: CloneCompareToContainsCopyToEndsWithEqualsGetEnumeratorGetHashCodeGetTypeGetTypeCodeIndexOfIndexOfAnyInsertIsNormalizedLastIndexOfLastIndexOfAnyNormalizePadLeftPadRightRemoveReplaceSplitStartsWithSubstringToBooleanToByteToCharToCharArrayToDateTimeToDecimalToDoubleToInt16ToInt32ToInt64ToLowerToLowerInvariantToSByteToSingleToStringToTypeToUInt16ToUInt32ToUInt64ToUpperToUpperInvariantTrimTrimEndTrimStart Concatenating strings ^However, some tasks require the use of operators. For example, PowerShell doesn't have a concat function. Instead, you can just concatenate two or more strings with the plus operator: $h = "Hello" $w = "world" $h + " " + $wAlternatively, you can expand the two strings within double quotes:In the example, the space guarantees that the two words don't stick together. However, you could insert any other delimiter.Concatenating strings in PowerShell This method is also suitable for concatenating the elements of a string array: $st = @("Say hello", " world") "$st"$st = @("Say hello", " world")PowerShell automatically inserts a space here between the linked array elements.Another option for concatenating strings is the join operator. Its usage is perhaps a bit counterintuitive. Normally, you place the operator in front of the string unless you want to separate the strings with a delimiter after the merge:If you don't like the result "Helloworld" in the example and you want to add a space between the two words, you have to call -join this way: Splitting strings ^For the opposite task (that is, for splitting strings), you can use either the split method or the split operator. The former is simpler and only allows for use of explicit delimiters; the operator, on the other hand, supports regular expressions.In the following example, the string is split at the double "ll" and at the space. The delimiter itself falls by the wayside: ("Hello world").split("ll"" ")("Hello world").split("ll"" ")You can specify the maximum number of substrings in which the string is split. PowerShell will then produce an array with the corresponding number of elements: ("Hello world").split("ll"" ", 2)("Hello world").split("ll"" ", 2)The result array in the above example has two elements. Extracting substrings ^The method Substring has a similar purpose because it can extract a part of the string. However, instead of using delimiters, you have to specify the position and length of the string that you want to extract: ("Hello world").Substring(2,5)("Hello world").Substring(2,5)This command results in "llo w", which corresponds to the substring with a length of five characters that begins at the third character (counting begins at 0!).The counterpart method to Substring is Remove. It deletes the specified range from the string: ("Hello world").Remove(2,3)("Hello world").Remove(2,3)In this example, "llo" is removed from "Hello world."To eliminate leading or trailing spaces, you can use TrimStart, TrimEnd, or Trim. Searching and replacing characters ^PowerShell knows a variety of techniques to find and replace substrings. For the more demanding tasks, regular expressions are available, which can be applied with the -match or -replace operators.In addition, the string object offers several methods for this task. Of course, each of these methods has its specific purpose. Replace is the simplest of these methods and doesn't support regular expressions. ("Hello World").Replace("Hello","New")("Hello World").Replace("Hello","New")A counterpart to the -match operator doesn't exist. However, PowerShell supports several methods that specialize on a particular search type. For instance, StartsWith and EndsWith determine whether a string begins or ends with a certain character or string, respectively. Likewise, Contains tells you if a string contains a certain substring: ("Hello world").Contains("ll")("Hello world").Contains("ll")The above command results in True. To calculate the position of a character or substring in the string, IndexOf is at your disposal: ("Hello world").IndexOf("ll")("Hello world").IndexOf("ll")Don't forget that counting starts at 0!Searching and replacing characters in PowerShell Comparing strings ^In general, you can work with the same comparison operators as for numerical values to determine differences between strings. Primarily, this includes -eq and -ne, as well as -like, which supports wildcards.String objects also offer methods for this purpose. If the first string is "bigger" than the second string (that is, if it comes first in the sort order), the cmdlet returns 1; if the first string is smaller, the result is 1. ("Hello world").CompareTo("Hello" + " " + "world")("Hello world").CompareTo("Hello" + " " + "world")In the above example, CompareTo returns 0 because the strings are identical. In contrast, the comparable call with Equals returns True: ("Hello world").Equals("Hello" + " " + "world")("Hello world").Equals("Hello" + " " + "world") %dw 2.0 import * from dw::core::Strings output application/json --- { "a": substringAfter(null, "'"), "b": substringAfter("", "-"), "c": substringAfter("abc", "b"), "d": substringAfter("abcba", "b"), "e": substringAfter("abc", "d"), "f": substringAfter("abc", "") } Page 2 Each DataWeave function in the DataWeave Reference is identified by its function signature. A function specifies a function name, zero or more parameters, and a return type. Basic syntax of a two-parameter function signature: function(parameterType,parameterType): returnType For example, the signature contains(String, String): Boolean for the contains function has two parameters, each of which accepts a value of the String type. The function returns a Boolean value. Parameters in the function signature correspond, in order, to their named parameters, which are described in Parameters tables for each signature. For example, in contains(String, String): Boolean, the Parameters table indicates that text is the first parameter and toSearch is the second. Many DataWeave functions are overloaded to handle different data types. There is a unique function signature for each variant of the function. For example, isEmpty is overloaded to support an input value of an Array, String, Object, or Null type. For more information on the data types, see Type System. Function signatures can contain type parameters, which are similar to generics in some programming languages. For example, the Array in contains(Array, Any): Boolean indicates that the array can contain elements of any type (T) that DataWeave supports. By contrast, an array of a specific type or types specifies the type, for example, Array, Array, or for both types Array. Functions can be passed as arguments. Some parameters within function signatures are function types that take one or more parameters of the form parameterName:Type and have a return type ( ReturnType). For example, the function type (item: T, index: Number) R) is a parameter type of the map function (map(Array, (item: T, index: Number) R): Array). The function type accepts a value of any type T and a value of type Number, which serve as parameters to return a value of type R. Page 3 This module contains functions that allow you to interact with the DataWeave engine. To use this module, you must import it to your DataWeave code, for example, by adding the line import * from dw::Runtime to the header of your DataWeave script. Page 4 The page you're looking for does not exist. It may have been moved. If you arrived on this page by clicking on a link, please notify the owner of the site that the link is broken. If you typed the URL of this page manually, please double check that you entered the address correctly. 2013/10/19 | 4 minute read | Last week one of my colleague asked me if I could help him with some Regular Expression (Regex) to select some text inside a String. I don't work a lot with RegEx but when I do, I use tools like PowerRegex from Sapien, RegExr,the technet help forabout_Regular_Expressionsor . And to be honest, most of the time I'm trying to avoid it...trying to find a solution the "PowerShell Way" before trying with Regex... Problem So here is what he asked: Out of the following string OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB (Which is a Distinguished Name), he wanted to get the name MTL1, (The site code for Montreal). Solutions I came up with the following solutions: Using PowerShell ("OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB" -split ",")[0].substring(3) Using RegEx ("OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB" -split ',*..=')[1] Note: Please leave a comment if you know a better way, I would be curious to learn more. Steps to solution: Using PowerShell First let's check the methods and properties available using Get-Member PS C:\> "OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB" | get-member TypeName: System.String Name MemberType Definition ---- ---------- ---------- Clone Method System.Object Clone(), System.Object ICloneable.Clone() CompareTo Method int CompareTo(System.Object value), int CompareTo(string ... Contains Method bool Contains(string value) CopyTo Method void CopyTo(int sourceIndex, char[] destination, int dest... EndsWith Method bool EndsWith(string value), bool EndsWith(string value, ... Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj), bool Equals(string value)... GetEnumerator Method System.CharEnumerator GetEnumerator(), System.Collections... GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode() GetType Method type GetType() GetTypeCode Method System.TypeCode GetTypeCode(), System.TypeCode IConvertib... IndexOf Method int IndexOf(char value), int IndexOf(char value, int star... IndexOfAny Method int IndexOfAny(char[] anyOf), int IndexOfAny(char[] anyOf... Insert Method string Insert(int startIndex, string value) IsNormalized Method bool IsNormalized(), bool IsNormalized(System.Text.Normal... LastIndexOf Method int LastIndexOf(char value), int LastIndexOf(char value, ... LastIndexOfAny Method int LastIndexOfAny(char[] anyOf), int LastIndexOfAny(char... Normalize Method string Normalize(), string Normalize(System.Text.Normaliz... PadLeft Method string PadLeft(int totalWidth), string PadLeft(int totalW... PadRight Method string PadRight(int totalWidth), string PadRight(int tota... Remove Method string Remove(int startIndex, int count), string Remove(i... Replace Method string Replace(char oldChar, char newChar), string Replac... Split Method string[] Split(Params char[] separator), string[] Split(c... StartsWith Method bool StartsWith(string value), bool StartsWith(string val... Substring Method string Substring(int startIndex), string Substring(int st... ToBoolean Method bool IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider provider) ToByte Method byte IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider provider) ToChar Method char IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider provider) ToCharArray Method char[] ToCharArray(), char[] ToCharArray(int startIndex, ... ToDateTime Method datetime IConvertible.ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider p... ToDecimal Method decimal IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider pro... ToDouble Method double IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider provi... ToInt16 Method int16 IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider provider) ToInt32 Method int IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider provider) ToInt64 Method long IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider provider) ToLower Method string ToLower(), string ToLower(cultureinfo culture) ToLowerInvariant Method string ToLowerInvariant() ToSByte Method sbyte IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider provider) ToSingle Method float IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider provider) ToString Method string ToString(), string ToString(System.IFormatProvider... ToType Method System.Object IConvertible.ToType(type conversionType, Sy... ToUInt16 Method uint16 IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider provi... ToUInt32 Method uint32 IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider provi... ToUInt64 Method uint64 IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider provi... ToUpper Method string ToUpper(), string ToUpper(cultureinfo culture) ToUpperInvariant Method string ToUpperInvariant() Trim Method string Trim(Params char[] trimChars), string Trim() TrimEnd Method string TrimEnd(Params char[] trimChars) TrimStart Method string TrimStart(Params char[] trimChars) Chars ParameterizedProperty char Chars(int index) {get;} Length Property int Length {get;} So how can I get the MTL1 ? Notice how each elements are separated by a comma , Let's try to split them, there is Split() method! ("OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB").split(',') OU=MTL1 OU=CORP DC=FX DC=LAB Awesome... but instead of the Split() method, let'suse the PowerShell -Split Operator. PS C:\> "OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB" -split ',' OU=MTL1 OU=CORP DC=FX DC=LAB Now, Out of the 4 items, we want to select the first one.[0] will do it. PS C:\> ("OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB" -split ',')[0] Finally we can use the method SubString() to select the piece of text we want. The first letter of the Site code comes after the = sign, so it will be charactere number 3. PS C:\> ("OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB" -split ',')[0].substring(3) Steps to solution: Using Regex RegEx a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern, mainly for use in pattern matching with strings, or string matching (example: validate an Email format). RegEx allows you to search on Positioning, Characters Matching, Number of Matches, Grouping, Either/Or Matching, Backreferencing. Important to note that you can also use RegEx to replace substring or split your strings. In my solution I used the following part: The first part ,* will match zero or more timeof the preceding element. The second part ..= will find anypatternthat contains 2charactersfollowed by = A period matches one instance of any character PS C:\> ("OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB" -split ',*..=')[1] Other solutions from the readers Jay 'OU=MTL1,OU=CORP,DC=FX,DC=LAB' -match '(?

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