Learn powershell scripting in a month of lunches download


Learn powershell scripting in a month of lunches download

How to learn powershell in a month of lunches. Learn powershell scripting in a month of lunches pdf download.

Belgian web developer .NET and technical content creator You can run automated tests of the UI browser using technologies like Selenium. The UI test technology will communicate with a "webdriver" which, in turn, will guide the browser. An analogy: consumers without a driver's license use a taxi to go to a specific location. Consumers do not know how to drive themselves, and instead provide the desired position to the driver. The taxi driver knows how to drive the vehicle to the instructed position. In this analogy, consumers are your UI test code instructing the webdriver, the taxi driver is the webdriver, and the web browser is the vehicle. ChromeDriver is the webdriver implementation for Google Chrome. ChromeDriver and Selenium work together very well, but given enough time it will run into the following error: Exception not handled. System.Invalid operation Exception: Session not created: Function of ChromeDriver.Opening the system. Program.Main (String[] args) in C:\Usersiels\source\repos\SeleniumConsole\Program.cs:line 10Google Chrome updates very frequently, often leaving the ChromeDriver out of date. When the ChromeDriver is incompatible with the installed version of Google Chrome, it will run in the error above. The fix is quite simple, go back to the ChromeDriver site and download the latest version. But after you do this manually every time, Chrome updates will quickly become unmanageable ? especially when you run UI tests on multiple servers, on a periodic basis, or within an ongoing integration and distribution pipeline. Even worse, failure of these tests can be linked to email, SMS and/or phone alert systems. How to download the correct version of ChromeDriverLuckily, the ChromeDriver site provides a systematic way to download the correct version of ChromeDriver given a specific version of Google Chrome. Here are the instructions provided: First, find out which version of Chrome you're using. Let's say you have Chrome 72.0.3626.81. Take the Chrome version number, remove the last part, and add the result to the URL " For example, with Chrome version 72.0.3626.81, you would get a URL " Use the URL created in the last step to retrieve a small file containing the version of ChromeDriver you want to use. For example, the URL above will get a file containing "72.0.3626.69." (The actual number may change in the future, of course.) Use the version number recovered from the previous step to build the URL to download ChromeDriver. With version 72.0.3626.69, the URL would be " After the initial download, it is recommended to go through the above process from time to time again to see if there are any bug fix releases. In the previous passages, a small detail has been omitted. You need to download the correct file which will work on the operating system (OS) you are using. You will have the following three options forthrough the URL determined in the previous steps:chromedriver_linux64.zip (for Linux)chromedriver_mac64.zip (for macOS)chromedriver_win32.zip (for Windows)It is self-explanatory which file you need to download depending on your operating system, which is why it was probably omitted by the steps. But you need to consider this to automate this process. Build a Shell script Power to install the correct ChromeDriverLet's build this PowerShell script step by step based on instructions provided by Google. If you just want to use the final result, do not hesitate to scroll to skip this section. First, you need to determine the version of Chrome installed on your local machine. This is probably the most difficult step because this is different for each operating system installs software differently. There are also several ways to determine the version, some more robust than others. On Windows, you can query the log for Chrome location and then get the version stored within the VersionInfo property. (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe'). VersionInfo.FileVersion To correctly manage the scenario where Google Chrome is not installed, you should surround this line with a TryCatch block and also specify -ErrorAction Stop to ensure errors the Catch block is activated. (Get-Item (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe' -ErrorAction Stop).'(Default)' VersionInfo.FileVersion; }Catch{ Throw "Google Chrome not found in the registry"; } Recently, you just want to run this on Windows, so you should surround this code with the following Se-block: #$IsWindows PowerShell Core but not on PowerShell 5 and below, but $Env:OS does # so you can safely check if the current machine is running Windows pre and post PowerShell Core If ($IsWindows -or $Env:OS) { }On Linux, the google-chrome command should be globally available when installed. Use the command to get the version using --product-version topic. To manage the scenario in which Chrome is not installed, you will test the availability of the command before you perform this way: Try{ # this will check if google-chrome command is available Get-Command google-chrome -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; google-chrome -product-version; }Catch{ Throw "'google-chrome' command not found"; }Use these commands only run on Linux, using the following ElseIf-block: On macOS, you can test if the application has been installed in the expected location. If so, run the application with the topic --version. In this case, the Chrome application will prefix the version with "Google Chrome ". Remove the prefix using the string replacement method.$ ChromePath = '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome'; If (Test-Path $ChromePath) {$Version = & $ChromePath --version; $Version = $Version.Replace("Google Chrome ", "); $Version; } Run only Google Chrome not found on Mac PowerShell is not supported on other operating systems, but in case you add the following Else block: More { Launch "Your operating system is not supported by this script." ; }Put the code together and wrap it in a function like this: Get-ChromeVersion { #$IsWindows PowerShell Core but not on PowerShell 5 and below, but $Env:OS does # so you can safely check if the current machine is running Windows pre and post PowerShell Core If ($IsWindows -or $Env:OS) { Try {Get-ItemProperty'HK VersionInfo.FileVersion; } Catch { Throw "Google Chrome not found in the registry"; } ElseIf ($IsLinux) { Try {#this will check if theGoogle-Chrome is available Get-Command Google-Chrome -Erroraction Stop | Out-null; GoogleChrome --Product-Version; } Catch {Throw the "Google-Chrome" command not found; }} ($ Ismacos) {$ chromepath = '/ Applications / Google Chrome chrome.app/contents/macos/google'; If (Test-Path $ chromepath) {$ version = & $ chromepath --version; $ Version = $ version.Replace ("Google Chrome", ""); $ Version; } Else {Throw "Google Chrome not found on the MacOS computer"; }} Else {Throw "The operating system is not supported by this script."; }} In Powershell, when a value is not captured, it is returned to the consumer of the function. (Except when the value is in wireless toa out-null). After the function declaration, put the following code lines to call up the function, capture the chrome version, and print it for output: # instructions from https: / / Chromedriver. downloads/version-selection # First, find out which version of Chrome you are using. Let's say you have Chrome 72.0.3626.81. $ Chromeversion = Get-chromeversion -erraction stop; Write-output "Google Chrome version $ Chromeversion Find on the machine"; (Comments are the steps provided by the Chromedriver site.) Remove the last part of the version, query the latest Chromedriver version corresponding to the Chromedriver site, and print the Chromedriver version at the output: # Take the version number of Chrome, Remove the last part, $ chromeversion = $ chromeversion.substring ("0, $ chromeversion.lastindexof ()); # And add the result of URL " . # For example, with Chrome version 72.0.3626.81, you would get a URL " . $ Chromedriverversion = (invoke-webrequest " chromeversion").content; Write-output "Last corresponding version of Chrome Driver is $ ChromedriverVersion"; Create a temporary file and store the path to a $ tempfilePath variability. Change the TMP-extension to the zip-extension.lastly, create another variable $ tempfileunzippath, to store the folder path and simply use the temporary file path without extension.You will need toa $ tempfileunzippath, to specify where you decompress the zip file afterwards. $ TempfilePath = [System.o.path] :: GetTempFilename (); $ TEMPZIPFILEPATH = $ tempfilepath.Replace ("TMP.", ".Zip"); Rename-Item -Path $ TempfilePath -NewName $ TempzipFilePath; $ Tempfileunzippath = $ tempfilepath.Replace ("TMP.", ''); Second of the operating system, download the correct zip file from the Chromedriver site, unpack it using, ExpandArchive and move the driver to the desired position: # Use the URL created in the last step to retrieve a small file containing the version of Chromedriver all ' use. For example, the above URL will have its a file containing "72.0.3626.69". (The actual number could change in the future, of course.) # Use the version number retrieved from the previous step to build the URL to download Chromedriver. With version 72.0.3626.69, the URL would be " . IF ($ Iswindows -O $ eps: OS) {Invoke-Webrequest " chromedriverversion/chromedriver_win32.zip" -Outfile $ tempzipfilePath; Expand-Archive $ TempzipfilePath -DestinationPath $ tempfileunzippath; Move-Item "$ tempfileunzippath / chromedriver.exe" -destination "Path / to / save / chromedriver.exe" -force; } Elseif ($ Islinux) {Invoke-Webrequest " chromedriverversion/chromedriver_linux64.zip" -Outfile $ tempzipfilePath; Expand-Archive $ TempzipfilePath -DestinationPath $ tempfileunzippath; Move-Item "$ TempfileOnzippath / Chromedriver" -Destination "Path / to / Save / Chromedriver" -force; } Elseif ($ Ismacos) {Invoke-Webrequest " chromedriverversion/chromedriver_mac64.zip" $ TempZipFilePath; Expand-Archive $ TempZipFilePath -DestinationPath $ TempFileUnzipPath; Move-Item "$ TempFileUnzipPath / chromedriver" -Destination "path / to / Save / chromedriver" -Force; } Else {throw "The operating system is not supported by this script."should update the string "path/to/save/chromedriver" in hard code to the desired location or ideally a variable. See the final result script to accept the desired path as a parameter. Finally, clean by deleting the zip file and temporary folder: # Clean the temp files Remove-Item $TempZipFilePath; Remove-Item $TempFileUnzipPath Recurse;Running all this code will download the latest ChromeDriver corresponding to the installed instance of Chrome. Final Result: Power boosted Shell script to download Chrome Driver The code so far has only focused on executing the instructions provided by Google to keep things easy to digest and slimmer. The final result below will be executed with the same commands, but the adjustments make the script more reusable, flexible and powerful. Here's a list of changes: Add parameters: ChromeDriverOutput Path: The path to save the ChromeDriver to ChromeVersion: Specify the Chrome version you need a ChromeDriver for. Use this parameter in case you want to download a ChromeDriver for a different version of Chrome than the one you installed. You can also use this parameter to specify the correct version yourself instead of letting the script detect the local Chrome installation. ForceDownload: Download the latest ChromeDriver regardless of whether the ChromeDriver at $ChromeDriverOutputPath is the same version. A check has been added to avoid needlessly downloading the ChromeDriver if the same version of ChromeDriver is already present on the specified path using $ChromeDriverOutputPath. You can bypass this control by specifying the -ForceDownload switch. By default, Power Shell displays a progress bar when downloading files using InvokeWebRequest. This progress bar can decrease download performance a lot. Here is the final result:[CmdletBinding () ] param ([Parameter (Mandatory = $True) ] [string] $ChromeDriverOutputPath, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false) ] [string] $ChromeVersion, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false) ] [Switch] $ForceDownload) # store the original preference to go back later $OriginalProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference; # Setting Progress Preference to continue silently will massively increase the performance of downloading the ChromeDriver $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Get-ChromeVersion function { # $IsWindows will be PowerShell Core but not under PowerShell (GetItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe' -ErrorAction Stop). VersionInfo.FileVersion; } Catch { Throw "Google Chrome not found in registry"; } } ElseIf ($IsLinux) { Try { # this will check if the google-chrome command is available Get-Command google-chrome -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; googlechrome --product-version; } Catch { Throw "'google-chrome" command not found"; } } ElseIf ($IsMacOS) { $ChromePath = '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome'; Se (Test-Path $ChromePath) { $Version = & $ChromePath --version; $Version } } Instructions from # First, find out which version of Chrome you're using. Let's say you have Chrome 72.0.3626.81. If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty ($ChromeVersion) { $ChromeVersion = Get-ChromeVersion -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output "Google Chrome version $ChromeVersion found on machine"; } # Take the Chrome version number, remove the last part, $ChromeVersion = $ChromeVersion. Substring (0, $ChromeVersion.LastIndexOf (")); # and add the result to the URL " # For example, with Chrome version 72.0.3626.81, you would get a URL$ChromeDriverVersion = (Invoke-WebRequest ` ChromeVersion'). Content; Write-output "The latest version of the Chrome driver is $ChromeDriverVersion"; If ($ForceDownload -eq $False) -e ($ChromeDriverOutputPath trial) {#Chrome Driver 88.0.4324.96 (68dba2d8a0b149a1d3afac56fa74 648 032bcf46b-refs/branch-heads/[email]{ If ($ChromeDriverVersion -eq $ExistingChromeDriverVersion) { Write-Output ?Chromedriver on the machine is already latest version. Greeting?. ?Usa -ForceDownload writing release to reinstall independently?; Exit; } $TempFilePath = [System.IO.Path]:GetTempFileName (); $TempZipFilePath = $TempFilePath.Replace (?.tmp?, ?.zip?); Rename -Path $TempFilePath -NewName $TempZipFilePath; $TempFileUnzipPath = $TempFilePath.Replace (?.tmp?, ?); # Use the URL created in the last step to recover a small file containing the ChromeDriver version to use. For example, the URL above will give you a file containing "72.0.3626.69." (The actual number can change in the future, of course.) # Use the version number recovered from the previous step to build the URL to download ChromeDriver. With version 72.0.3626.69, the URL would be ` If ($IsWindows -o $Env:OS) {Invoke-WebRequest ? ChromeDriverVersion/chromedriver_win32.zip? -OutFile $TempZipFilePath; Expansion of the $TempZipFilePath archive Sync: } # After the initial download, it is recommended to re-pass the above process from time to time to see if there are bug fix releases. # Clean temporary files Remove-Item $TempZipFilePath; RemoveItem $TempFileUnzipPath -Recurse; # restore original advance preference $ProgressPreference = $OriginalProgressPreference;Save this code in a file called 'InstallChromeDriver.ps1' and call the script from PowerShSh Chrome's basic is to have it locked.\InstallChromeDriver.ps1 -ChromeDriverOutputPath .\chromedriver.exe If you want to specify the Chrome version by yourself, add the test -ChromeVersion?:.\InstallChromeDriver.ps1 -ChromeDriverout. If you have any problems, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me on Twitter or comment on this GitHub gist.Also on:Hacker Mezzogiorno Create your free account to unlock your custom read experience. experience. experience.

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