Step 1: Plan your domain name and DNS zones

Step by Step Installation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations on Premise by Umesh PanditDynamics 365 On Premise installation in a Step by Step Process which includes the Hardware Setup, Software Installations, LCS Connectivity and SQL Installations and Configurations. The Steps Provided below are based on Microsoft with more in details for everyone can Install PerspectiveHardware Layout:The Below provided Hardware specification is for Optimum performance in the Production Environment.514350177038Step 1: Plan your domain name and DNS zonesTo Create or Plan your Domain. In the Server Domain go to Administrative Tools>Select Active Directory Domains and Trusts.Create a New Domain name as Local514350176896Based on the Domain, Now plan the DNS Zones for AX and SF, In our example, asAx.Sf.Step 2 : Plan your users and service accountsNow the users have to be created in the Domain Machines based on the Purpose of the users to the applied applications514350176628Step 3 : Create DNS zones and add A recordsTo Create the DNS Zones and A Records to browse the AOS Application and Service Fabric ClusterAs Planned in the Step 1 we need to Create the A records for ax. and Sf.ADD DNS ZONE:Sign in to the domain controller machine, select Start, and start DNS Manager by typing dnsmgmt.msc and selecting the dnsmgmt (DNS) application.Right-click the domain controller name in the console tree, and then select New Zone > Next.Select Primary Zone.Leave the Store the zone in Active Directory (available only if the DNS Server is a writeable domain controller check box selected, and then select Next.Select To all DNS Servers running on Domain Controllers in this domain: , and then select Next.Select Forward Lookup Zone, and then select Next.Enter the zone name for your setup, and then select Next. For example, enter .Select Do not allow dynamic updates, and then select Next.Select Finish.Set up an A record for AOSIn the new DNS zone, create one A record that is named ax. for each Service Fabric cluster node of the AOSNodeType type. Don't create A records for the other node types.Find the newly created zone under the Forward Lookup Zones folder in DNS Manager.Right-click the new zone, and then select New Host.Enter the name and IP address of the Service Fabric node.Do not select either check box.514350177911FileActionViewHelpDNS ManagerDNSForward Lookup ZonesNamemsdcssitesTimestampaName (uses parent domain name if blank):p p ppD CBReverse LoDkup ZonesTrustp oint5 Conditional ForwardersGI obal Logsu dpD. e . i FIDn ForestDnsZ (same as pa (same as pa(same as pacaracalcara caI1Fully qualified domain name {FQDN):IP address:carac....staticCreate assooated pointer {PTR) recordAllow any authenticated user to update DN5 records with th.eAdd HostThe same Procedure should be following for remaining AX and SF ax. for for for for for 4: Join VMs to the domainOn the Start screen, type Control Panel, and then press ENTER.Navigate to System and Security, and then click System.Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings, click Change settings.On the Computer Name tab, click Change.Under Member of, click Domain, type the name of the domain that this computer will join, and then click OK.Click OK, and then restart the Server.Step 5 Download setup scripts from LCSSign in to LCS.On the dashboard, select the Shared asset library tile.On the Model tab, in the grid, select the Dynamics 365 for Operations on-premises - Deployment scripts row.Select Versions, and then download the latest version of the zip file for the scripts.603593135008The Download will get a File with a Name Infrastructure Folder.Right-click the zip file, and then select Properties. In the dialog box, select the Unblock check box.Copy the zip file to the machine that will be used to execute the scripts.Unzip the files into a folder that is named infrastructure.Step 6: Config Template file configuration:Once the Infrastructure Folder is download, Copy the File in the C Drive.514350199994Update the Domain Name without. Com, .ae, .uk etcUpdate the users for each purpose with your domain NameIn the Second Session update the Certificate Subject Name and add the administrators’ group for the DomainUpdate the same for all the CertificatesUpdate the VM Name and the IP Address of the VM514350176884It is very Important to have Fault Domain and Update domain Identical514350178470Step 7: Service Accounts and User account Mapping:Execute the scripts from the Script Folder. Navigate to the Infrastructure Folder and Run the script with PowerShell administrator Privileges0 =| lnfrastructureScripts-131311Dpen new windowDpen command gromptOpen Windows PowerShellDpen a window you can use toPk1TypeFile folder File folder File folderFile folderSizeDptionsHelptype commands at a WindowsB ca r ??Rnqs-AIIVk\sBCreate-SQLTestCertB Create-SQLTestCert-AIIVMsB D?abIe-CredSSP-AINMsB + w *- AddEMSAsOnVMScriptB >>?-'?n?'???'?>'id5/a/ZDl864l PM t/Z/Z0l864l PM t/ /ZDl864l PM 5/2/2018 Q41 Pi\/I5/2/2018 641 Pk15/2/2018 Q41 Pk15/2/2D18 Q41 PITI5/2/2018 641 PITIWindouzs PowerS... Windows PawerS... Tezt Document Windows PawerS... XML Document Windows PowerS...Windouzs PowerS... Windouzs PowerS... Windows PawerS... Windows PawerS... Windows PawerS... Windouzs PowerS... Windows PowerS... Windouzs PowerS... Windouzs PowerS...14 KB12[B2 KB14 KB8 KB82356951003848235695328937l3[B 17[B l9[B 12 KB15[B18[B15[B l6[BScript:Run the below script to import usersImport-Module .\D365FO-OP\D365FO-OP.psd1New-D365FOGMSAAccounts -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml Step 8: Administrator Group addition in VMAdd Local\svc-AXSF$ and Local\AXServiceUser users to the administrator group in each VM514350944244To add to the administrator’s group, follow the below steps Local\svc-AXSF$ and Local\AXServiceUserSelect Local Users and Group514350186327Click Add to Group to Administrator GroupIf you must make changes to accounts or machines, update the ConfigTemplate.xml file in the original infrastructure folder, copy it to this machine and then run the following script.Update-D365FOGMSAAccounts -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xmlStep 9: Self Signed Certificate creationsNavigate to the machine that has the infrastructure folder.Run the Below comment to create the Self Signed Certificate.\New-SelfSignedCertificates.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xmlOnce the Certificate is created the certificate should be downloaded by running the below script.\Export-PfxFiles.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xmlStep 10: Setting up the VMsIn order to Setup the VMS for the Service Fabric Cluster Creation ,Run the below scripts.\Export-Scripts.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml514350185057The Script exports VM Machine Folder which has the script which has to Copied to each machine separatelyStep 11: Prerequsities Installation:1.Download the following Microsoft Windows Installers (MSIs) into a file share that is accessible by all VMs. Create a Folder with MSI and Copy all the Requsities Software FolderSNAC – ODBC driver - SQL Server Management Studio 17.5- studio-ssmsMicrosoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013- us/help/3179560Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable- the Infrastructure from Folder from Domain Machine to all the Machine VM C folder.\Configure-PreReqs.ps1 -MSIFilePath <path of the MSIs> .Replace the Path of the MSI with the Folder path C:\MSIRestart all the VMS after installing the PrerequsitiesRun the Below Scripts in all VM to set the VM for Service Fabric Cluster.Navigate to C:\InfrastructureScripts- 131311\VMs\AOS1 and execute the below comment.\Add-GMSAOnVM.ps1.\Import-PfxFiles.ps1.\Set-CertificateAcls.ps1Once the PowerShell Scripts are executed successfully, Run the Below script to test whether all the prerequisites are correctly installed and Configured514350135191The script should complete successfully to proceed to the next step. Step 12 :Set up a standalone Service Fabric clusterDownload the Service Fabric standalone installation package onto orch1 Machine . After the zip file is downloaded, unblock it by right-clicking the zip file and then selecting Properties. In the dialog box, select the Unblock check box in the lower right.Unzip the Files to the C FolderNavigate to the infrastructure folder and execute the following command to generate the Service Fabric ClusterConfig.json file..\New-SFClusterConfig.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml -TemplateConfig<ServiceFabricStandaloneInstallerPath>\ClusterConfig.X509.MultiMachine.jsonCopy the generated Clusterconfig.json from the infrastructure folder to the Servicefabric installation extracted Package FolderNow Navigate to the Service fabric and copy the clusterconfig.json fileNavigate to the <ServiceFabricStandaloneInstallerPath> in Windows PowerShell by using elevated privileges. Run the following command to test ClusterConfig..\TestConfiguration.ps1 -ClusterConfigFilePath .\clusterConfig.jsonOnce the test Configuration is successfully executed ,Run the below command to create the Service Fabric Clusture..\CreateServiceFabricCluster.ps1 -ClusterConfigFilePath .\ClusterConfig.json514350102060Step 13 : Service Fabric cluster AccessibilityAfter the cluster is created, open the Service Fabric explorer on any client machine to validate the installation.Install the Service Fabric client certificate in CurrentUser\My if it isn't already installed.Go to IE settings > Compatibility Mode and clear the Display Intranet sites in compatibility mode check box.Go to , where sf. is the host name of the Service Fabric cluster that is specified in the zone. If DNS name resolution isn't configured, use the IP address of the machine.Select the client certificate. The Service Fabric explorer page appears.Verify that all nodes are appear as green.Step 14 : LCS Connectivity for the TenantRun the below comment to Install AzureRm Module for the LCS connection Import-Module AzureRMConnect-AzureRmAccountSign in to the customer's Azure portal to verify that you have the Global Administrator directory role..\Add-CertToServicePrincipal.ps1 -CertificateThumbprint <OnPremLocalAgent Certificate Thumbprint> Copy the Onpremlocalagent certificate from config template file.Sometimes the LCS connectivity fails with an error Service Principal not foundThis is because I do not have the Microsoft Dynamics ERP application in my Azure Directory. You can activate the trial version for Dynamics 365 for Operations here: Dynamics 365 for Operations Partner Trial . You need to click on the top right on W ant To add this To existing subscription? - Sign In .Step 15 : Set Up File Storage.The Purpose of File Storage machine is to download the Installation File from LCS and Store the file in the Share Location to execute.Ideally the Fileshare can be done in the AOS 1 MachineOn the file share machine, run the following command.Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-FileServer -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools.AOS StorageIn Server Manager, select File and Storage Services > Shares.Select Tasks > New Share to create a new share. Name the share aos-storage.Leave Allow caching of share selected.Check Encrypt data access.Grant Modify permissions for every machine in the Service Fabric cluster except OrchestratorType.Grant Modify permissions for the user AOS domain user (Local\AXServiceUser) and the gMSA user (Local\svc- AXSF$).AgentIn Server Manager, select File and Storage Services > Shares.Select Tasks > New Share to create a new share. Name the share agent.Grant Full-Control permissions to the gMSA user for the local deployment agent (Local\svc-LocalAgent$).Step 16 : Set Up SQL Server.Install SQL Server 2016 SP1 with high availability. (Unless you're deploying in a sandbox environment, where one instance of SQL Server is sufficient. You may want to install SQL Server with high availability in sandbox environments to test high-availability scenarios.)SQL Server Version should be SQL Server 2016 SP1 or SP2 and other versions will not support and we have tested with 2017 version also which didn’t support for our deploymentSQL Server should be installed in Cluster Always-On SQL instance for the PerformanceRun the SQL service as a domain user.Self-signed certificate for a Single SQL instanceNew-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation "cert:\CurrentUser\My" -DnsName "SQL1." -Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider" -Subject "SQL1."Self-signed certificate for an Always-On SQL instance.\Create-SQLTestCert-AllVMs.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml `-SqlMachineNames SQL1, SQL2 `-SqlListenerName SQL.LSNRSTEP 17: Enabling SSL Encryption for SQL Refer the below link for SSL Encryption for SQL miSTEP 18: SQL ConfigurationsFor each node of the SQL cluster, follow these steps. Make sure that you make the changes on the non-active node, and that you fail over to it after changes are made.Import the certificate into LocalMachine\My, unless you are setting up Always-On, in which case the certificate already exists on the node.Grant certificate permissions to the service account that is used to run the SQL service. In Microsoft Management Console (MMC), right-click the certificate (certlm.msc), and then select Tasks > Manage Private KeysAdd the certificate thumbprint to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.x\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Certificate. For example, with SQL Server 2016 SP1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\CertificateFrom the start menu, type regedit, then select regedit to open the registry editor.Navigate to the certificate, right-click Modify, then replace the value with the certificate thumbprint. 5.In Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager, set ForceEncryption to Yes.SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand SQL Server Network Configuration, right-click Protocols for [server instance], and then select Properties.In the Protocols for [instance name] Properties dialog box, on the Certificate tab, select the desired certificate from the drop-down menu for the Certificate box, and then click OK.On the Flags tab, in the ForceEncryption box, select Yes, and then click OKRestart the SQL Server service.Export the public key of the certificate (the .cer file), and install it in the trusted root of each Service Fabric node.STEP 19: Creation of DatabasesSign in to LCS.On the dashboard, select the Shared asset library tile.On the Model tab, select the demo data for the release that you want and download the zip file.The zip file contains empty and demo data .bak files. Select the .bak file, based on your requirements. For example, if you require demo data, download the AxBootstrapDB_Demodata.bak file.514350176985Once the File is downloaded, Copy the database on a separate folder in the SQL Machine.Update the Config template file with the file Location of the downloaded Bak file600061177437Copy the infrastructure folder to the SQL Server machine and navigate to it in a PowerShell window with elevate privileges.Step20: Configure the OrchestratorData databaseExecute the following script..\Initialize-Database.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml -ComponentName OrchestratorThis Scripts creates the Orchestrator database for the Purpose of deploying all the applications in the Server Fabric Main Purpose of Orchestrator DatabaseCreate an empty database named OrchestratorData. This database is used by the on-premises local agent to orchestrate deployments.Grant the local agent gMSA (svc-LocalAgent$) db_owner permissions on the database.Step21: Configure the Finance and Operations databaseExecute the Following Script.\Initialize-Database.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml -ComponentName AOS.\Configure-Database.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml -ComponentName AOSThe Initialize-Database.ps1 script will do the following:Restore the database from the specified backup file.Create a new user that has SQL authentication enabled (axdbadmin).Map users to database roles based on the following table for AXDB.Map users to database roles based on the following table for TempDB.533400176304The Configure-Database.ps1 script will do the following:Set READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ONSet ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ONSet the specified database file and log settingsGRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO axdbadminGRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [Local\svc-AXSF$] Run the following command to reset the database users..\Reset-DatabaseUsers.ps1 -DatabaseServer SQL.LSNR.Local -DatabaseName AXDBStep 22: Configure the Financial Reporting databaseExecute the following Script.\Initialize-Database.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml -ComponentName MR The script will do the following:Create an empty database named FinancialReporting.Map the users to database roles based on the following table.523875177851Step 23: Encrypt Credentials:On any client machine, install the encipherment certificate in the LocalMachine\My certificate store.FileHomeShareView+--TB ? This PC ? Local Disk (C:) > InfrastructureScripts-131311 ? CertsS/2/2018 7:09 Ph/IPersonal Informati...5 KBDataEncryption5/2/20187:09 PMPersonal Informati...5 KBDataSigning5/2/20187:09 PMPersonal Informati...5 KBFinancialReporting5/2/20187:09 PMPersonal Informati...5 KBDnPremLocalAgent5/2/20187:09 PMPersonal Informati...5 KBReportingService5/2/20187:09 PMPersonal Informati...5 KBSessionAuthentication5/2/20187:09 PMPersonal Informati...5 KB5/2/20187:09 PMPersonal Informati...5 KB@ Quick acceo BB Thb PC§@ DesktopB Documents Downlands MusicVideosLocal D?k (Q)D\ID Drive ( ) SSS :Name2182367121978Date m odifiedTvoeSiteGrant the current user read access to the private key of this certificate.Create the Credentials.json file, as shown here.{"AosPrincipal": {"AccountPassword": "Dynamoic@123"},"AosSqlAuth": { "SqlUser": "axdbadmin","SqlPwd": "Dynamoic@123"}}Dynamoic@123 is the encrypted domain user password for the AOS domain user (local\axserviceuser).SqlUser is the encrypted SQL user (axdbadmin) that has access to the Finance and Operations database (AXDB), and Dynamoic@123 is the encrypted SQL password.Copy the .json file to the SMB file share, \\AOS1\agent\Credentials\Credentials.json.Why this accounts and Password has to be encrypted? While deploying the Application from LCS ,the script checks the encrypted Passwords and Users. If this step is not executed Properly, the deployment will fail.Install Install the Microsoft Azure Service Fabric SDK before executing scriptExecute the below script to get encrypted Values. The Script has to executed 3 times to get the ValueFor AccountPasswordInvoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText -Text Dynamoic@123 -CertThumbprint DSJIJDIJDFDIJFDFSLDSADLSAD968594504209UWEUW9 -CertStore -StoreLocation LocalMachine -StoreName My | Set-ClipboardExecute the Script and open a notepad and ctrl+V to paste the encrypted ValueFor SQL USERInvoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText -Text axdbadmin -CertThumbprint DSJIJDIJDFDIJFDFSLDSADLSAD968594504209UWEUW9 -CertStore -StoreLocation LocalMachine -StoreName My | Set-ClipboardExecute the Script and open a notepad and ctrl+V to paste the encrypted ValueFor SQLPasswordInvoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText -Text Dynamoic@123 -CertThumbprint DSJIJDIJDFDIJFDFSLDSADLSAD968594504209UWEUW9 -CertStore -StoreLocation LocalMachine -StoreName My | Set-ClipboardExecute the Script and open a notepad and ctrl+V to paste the encrypted Value Now Update the 3 encrypted values in the Credentials.Json fileStep 24: Setup SSISTo enable Data management and Integration workloads, SSIS must be installed on each of the AOS virtual machines. Complete the following steps on each AOS virtual machine.Verify that the machine has access to the SSIS installation and open the SSIS Setup Wizard.In the Feature Selection window, in the Features pane, select the Integration Services and SQL Client Connectivity SDK check plete the setup and verify that the installation was successful.Step 25:Setup SSRSTo Setup the SSRS Machine refer the MS Document below :Configure ADFSOpen the ADFS Server and add the ADFS feature addition from Server Manger Roles and FeaturesConfigure the AD FS identifier so that it matches the AD FS token issuer. Execute the Below code in Adfs machine in Powershell$adfsProperties = Get-AdfsPropertiesSet-AdfsProperties -Identifier $adfsProperties.IdTokenIssuerSet-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy -PrimaryIntranetAuthenticationProvider FormsAuthentication, MicrosoftPassportAuthenticationFor sign-in, the user's email address must be an acceptable authentication input.Add-Type -AssemblyName $fqdn = ([.Dns]::GetHostEntry('localhost').HostName).ToLower()$domainName = $fqdn.Substring($fqdn.IndexOf('.')+1)Set-AdfsClaimsProviderTrust -TargetIdentifier 'AD AUTHORITY' -AlternateLoginID mail -LookupForests $domainNameOnce after the ADFS necessary scripts are executed, Application group script should be executed.\Publish-ADFSApplicationGroup.ps1 -HostUrl after successfully deployed the ADFS, access the url in AOStype node step is highly important to complete is successfully since the Dynamics on premise user access page opens based on the ADFS redirection Configurationyou successfully access the URL, a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file is returned that contains your AD FS configuration, and you will see that your AD FS URL is trusted.Step 27: Configure a connector and install an on-premises local agent Sign in to LCS, and open the on-premises implementation project.Select the Project Setting TabCreate a On Premise Connector and Edit the Configuration DetailsDownload the Agent Installer and Verify that the zip file is unblocked. Right-click the file, and then select Properties. In the dialog box, select Unblock.Unzip the agent installer on one of the Service Fabric nodes of the OrchestratorType type.Enter the Configuration DetailsExecute the below script to get the configurations details.\Get-AgentConfiguration.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml515112-5774Edit agent configurationSeivice FabncAzure Active DirectoryConfiguration SettingsSERVICE FABRICEnter the details of your standalone Windows service fab?c cluster. The cluster should be secured with X509 cerbF<ates as specified here —us/azure/service— fabric/service-fabric—windows-cluster-x509-security.Coasnection endpointExample! <ip address or hastname of one of the cluster nodes > : 190001?3 0 3- 9 DD as 650s791870410976179187041010008055864234274no to *C sett nc s to act”'.’ate '.?' nc o'.','s.515112-5724Ediz agenz configurat“ionService Fa bricAzure Active DirectoryConfiguration Setti ingsSaveCancelAZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORYThe agent communicates with LCS on behalf of your Azure active directory tenant to orchestrate and manage deployments. Create a certificate to be used as the tenant certificate. This certificate will be used to authenticate requests to LCS on behalf of your Azure active directory tenant. See instructions for more details.Tenant service principle certificate thumbp rint Download the Configuration file and copy the file to the local agent folderIn a Command Prompt window, run the following command by navigating to the folder that contains the agent installer. The user who runs this command must have db_owner permissions on the OrchestratorData database.LocalAgentCLI.exe Install C:\InfrastructureScripts\Local\LocalAgent-163366\LocalAgent-163366\localagent-config.jsonAfter the Local agent is successfully executed, which will create 2 applications in Service FabricOn the Validate setup tab, select Message agent to test for LCS connectivity to your local agent. When a connection is successfully established, the page will resemble the following illustration.'i Setup host infrastructure3. Configure agentCli<t the button below and LC5 wiH vdidcte ?e co?inertion to your on-prem?as agantStep 28: Actual AX/Dynamics 365 FO Environment deployment starts here51435018505751511286241054102001520644Platform UpdatePlease select a to pa la?METHODOLOGY281635112882439197281288244968240122728V3V45Dyna'tics 365 TcE- On-Pre'tise1 2!GepIoy this emiroilicei5117591-181706SA127101633162Design and developTestDepl oyOperatePhase history?Description?Complete phase2.1Deploy development and test environment34288535156514288535286868O2.2Define test cases and create test scripts O2.3Sign-off FDDs428853514129O2.4Sign-off TDDs4288535103878O^- 5Analyze code4288535370816428853596551O2.6Identify gold build and signoff O2.7Revise milestone datesThe dev and test environment includes the core application functionality. The environment also includes tools, such as the Microsoft Visual Studio agent which assists in the management and version control of developed items within the development sprint cycles. The dev and test environment is also used during the development sprint cycle for functionality testing by developers and SMEs. The daily build is deployed to the dev and test environment to ensure that the most up-to- date customizations and configurations are available for testing each day. This environment is also used for overall solution testing when all sprints are complete and the final requirements sign off is complete..\Get-DeploymentSettings.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xmlData - Notepad—FileEditFormatViewHelpFieldActive Directory->OpenID metadata endpointACtiUe Directory->Client ID for AOS application groupACtiUe Dinectony->Client ID fon Financial Reporting application gnoup File Shane->Centificate ThumbpnintSSRS Configuration->Instance IP AddressSSRS Configuration->Communication certificate thumbprint Configure SenUice->DNS host name of Dynamics 365 instance Configure SerUice->AOS SerUice PrincipalConfigure SerUice->NR Application service gMSA Configure SenUice->MR Process service gMSA Configure Service->MR Click-once service gMSA Application Certificate->Data Encryption Thumbprint Application Certificate->Data Signing ThumbprintApplication Certificate->Session Authentication Thumbpnint Application Certificate->SSL (MCI/SOAP) Thumbprint Application Certificate->Nanagement Reporter ThumbprintValue ' 76-*“.c7 95^6-7*.360b48a2P87fh .4ac . "' ° ' .o-Ie -2e74d3d870fe5879591125249ax.moca.local local\axserviceuser local\sec-fras$ Local\sec-fnps$ Local\sec-fnco$ Click the Advanced Settings514350111713515112-782910Suppor ed versionActive Directory Settings SQL Database Configuration File Share Setti ng sSSRS Config urati on SettingsConfig ure Ser ce Setting s Aoplication Certificate Settings Customize solution assets Environment administratorACTIVE DIRECTORY FEDERATION SERVICES SETTINGS5794247354299The Email address of the user \\ho \\iII be the initial administrato r (E.g. adnJ inuser@yourdomain.cows5794247232134ADFS OpenlD metadata end point for the Dynamics 3s3 Application q roup. (E.g. https:,‘/'[federation-service-iJaive],?’adfs,?‘.\'.'ell-know'.n/openid -configurationsADFS OpenlD Co n nect client ID for the AOS ap plic atio n g rou pADFS OpenlD Co n nect client ID for the Financial RegortiiJg application group5794247110350515112-332026Supposed versionActive Directory Settings SQL Database Configuration File Share Setti ngsSARS Configuration Settings Confi gure Service Setti ng s Aoplication Cemificate Settings Customize solution assets Environment administratorSQL SERVER5669279345572The fully qualified domai n na me of the Microsoft SQL Ser\‘er a r Al\\'a} s on listener, e.g. sq linstance.onprem.contoso.conAX DATABASEThe business datak ase imam e5669279227724FINANCIAL REPORTING DATABASE56692791535865669279504036The Financial Reporting data base name Rin n iesin5669279180405515112-332026Supposed versionActive Directory Settings SQL Database Configuration File Share Setti ngsSARS Configuration Settings Confi gure Service Setti ng s Aoplication Cemificate Settings Customize solution assets Environment administratorSQL SERVER5669279345572The fully qualified domai n na me of the Microsoft SQL Ser\‘er a r Al\\'a} s on listener, e.g. sq linstance.onprem.contoso.conAX DATABASEThe business datak ase imam e5669279227530FINANCIAL REPORTING DATABASE56692791535865669279504036The Financial Reporting data base name Rin n iesin5669279180405515112-746252Supported versionActive Directory Setti ngs SOL Data oase Configuration File Snare SettingsSSRS Configuration Setting s Config ure Service Setting s Application Cenificate Settings Customize solution assetsEnvironment administratorFILE SHARE SETTINGS5690615343514The file share path fa r the Microsoft Dynamics 365 I nstaiJce. TUis share is used as the document store fa r files up loaded by risers.The File Share Certificate Thu nJ bprint for the Microsoft Dynamics 3G5 Insta wee5690615181502569061511589256906151189395690615177315515112-795368Supposed version Active Directory SettingsSQL Data case ConfigurationFile Share Setti ngsSSRS Configuration Settings Conf is ure Service Settin s s Aoplication Certificate SettingsCustomize solution assetsEnvironment administratorSSRS CONFIGURATION SETTINGSThe I F Address of the SARS i instance588873516695The thumb print used by the SSRS ^pF Iication to co nJ nJu nicate faith AX Service58887351466675888735131129588873512808258887351280815888735128082515112-5899Dep°!o, sent seztinn_s5715000454335715000398929Supported version Active Directory Settings571500044435SQL Data oase Configuration571500027564File Share Setting s5715000275635715000381060571500073455757150001085006SS RS Configuration Setting s Configure Service Settings Aoplication Certificate Settings Customize solution assets571500023180EnVironment administratorDYNAMICS 365 DN5 INFORMATIONThe DNS host name of the Microsoft DynanJ ics ds 5 instance. e.g. contosoinstance.onprem.contaso.coinAO5 SERVICE PRINCIPAL USER SETTINGSThe domai n user account to nin the AX Service, e.g. yourdomain‘,axserviceriser KaiserM R SERVICE PRINCIPAL USEK SETTINGSThe group managed service account (gMSA} to ru n the MR application service.. e.g. yourdo nJain*,Svc-FRAS5The group managed service account (gMSA) to ru n the MR process service, e.g. vourdo ma in*,Svc-FRPSS515112-752843Supposed versionActive Di recto ry Settings SQL Database Configuration File Share Setting sSSRS Configuration SettingsConfi S ure Service Settin Ss Application Certificate Settings Customize solution assetsEnvironment administratorAPPLICATION CERTIFICATE SETTINGSThe Thumbprint of the Data Encryption Certificate569366418837The Thuis bprint of the Data Signing CertificateThe Thumbprint of the Session Authentication CertificateThe Thum bpri nt of the SSL Certificate used for \VCF/SOAP SU F Ft5693664-16852The Thumbprint used by the Ma iJagement Reporter to co nJ nJu nicate \\ith AX ServiceAre you sure you want to deploy?512063522546Successfully installed!!!IF you need any help please send me mail at pandit.umesh@; I will be reachable at +91-8179810111Skype: pandit.umeshBlog: ................

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