Powershell read text file convert to html


Powershell read text file convert to html

Hi neally,basically i have a link, a internal link and displayed the result fine. but my problem is how can i pull out the result or export to html.i tried to out file the result to text file. but there is lot content that need to remove like rawcontent etc.and only i need to get is the content that i tried. i work a several -replace command to elimenate those

string and it was more than 36 replace command. before i clean the result from the text and is not feasible or not accurate to doing that things :(Then i found below script, it also display the result in html but still there is a lot content that need to replace.or maybe there a xml to html convert but i dont know on how to achieve.Thanks Text $content =

Get-Content C:\temp2\user.txt -raw $title = 'GroupMembers' $html = @" $title $($content.PSProvider) "@ $html | Out-File 'c:\temp2\file.html' Oct 9, 2012 Posted by newlife007 on Oct 9, 2012 in Powershell | 13 comments Recently I was tasked with creating a Cluster Health Report for the Windows 2008 R2 Clusters. I was able to do this with

PowerShell using the failovercluster cmdlets. This was outputted to a text file and emailed to the support for review daily. To expand / enhance the report it was suggested to create it in HTML format. So back to PowerShell we go and low and behold we find the ConvertTo-Html cmdlet. Looking at the get-help and document one would think that using

the command is straight forward, but in reality it is a bit more to it. For example, we could pass get-service | convertto-html -as LIST > c:\temp\services.htm and get Pretty simple, right? That¡¯s what I thought, so my inclination was to feed it the text file to ConvertTo-Html and Get_content and I will have a finished product. $SourceFile =

"C:\Support\clustercheck.txt" $TargetFile = "C:\Support\clustercheck.htm" Get-Content $SourceFile | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File $TargetFile No such dice, what I received was a bunch of garbage output. Upon further research found rather than just wrapping text in HTML, ConvertTo-Html will output properties of objects to HTML. When reading the

file using Get-Content you end up with an array of string objects. These objects are being passed to ConvertTo-Html through the pipe. The string objects contain properties. And these properties are being output to the HTML. In order to use ConvertTo-Html we will need to create objects that would contain text lines as properties. So things just got a

bit more complicated. What we have to do is read each line of the text file and create a PSObject and add-member for each of the lines, then run ConvertTo-HTML. What you end up with is this code. $SourceFile = "C:\Support\clustercheck.txt" $TargetFile = "C:\Support\clustercheck.htm" $File = Get-Content $SourceFile $FileLine = @() Foreach

($Line in $File) { $MyObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $MyObject -Type NoteProperty -Name HealthCheck -Value $Line $FileLine += $MyObject } $FileLine | ConvertTo-Html -Property HealthCheck -body "Cluster Healthcheck" | Out-File $TargetFile Now when it is ran we get what we were looking for in the

first place. So no we have a start towards an HTML outputted report. So if we wanted to make the report look nicer we could pass formatting in the ConvertTo-Html cmdlet. Using the above snippet as a shell you can use any text file to create html formatted reports in PowerShell. Related I have a script, which stores output in txt and I need to convert

this output into html. The format of txt file is following: This file is generated for commits from: 2018-07-15 to: 2018-07-21 for branch: repositories contains: mineq =============somerepo============= Branch is development 1234567 Merge pull request #1227 from qp-10421_service_version_information 1234567 Merge branch

'development' into qp-10421_service_version_information 1234567 merged with development 1234567 QP-2071: update packages =============Someotherrepo============= Branch is development =============MineqConfigApi============= Branch is development 1234567 QP-10881 Remove WindowsVpnSettings

service 1234567 Merge pull request #9 from quarti/QP-10881 1234567 QP-10881 Set SshClient ConnectionTimeout 10 minutes and Change sql query to skip Deleted Assets To send this text into html, I use following code: $SourceFile = "$env:WORKSPACE\commits.txt" $TargetFile = "$env:WORKSPACE\commits.html" $TextData = Get-Content

$SourceFile $LineData = $TextData -join '' New-Object psobject -Property @{Text = $LineData} | ConvertTo-HTML | Out-File $TargetFile But the output is following - How to rework script, to receive exact output, with linebreaks, as in txt file? Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. You can¡¯t perform that action at this time. You signed in with

another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Let's say you've developed this excellent script that pulls all kinds of information from various sources that save you and your team tons of time. This script pulls information from Active Directory, some HR database, your

VMware/Hyper-V nodes and so on. How it correlates all of that information is really a huge time-saver for you. You present it to a non-technical manager; he looks at the text output and his eyes glaze over. He can't understand the default PowerShell console output. Regardless of how useful you think the information is, if you can't convey that

usefulness to non-technical people, it probably won't work.PowerShell, as we know, is a command-line tool. It takes input from the command line and sends output to the console in text form. It doesn't have to be this way though. By using a built-in cmdlet and a little HTML/CSS wizardry, you can build reports in HTML that have tables, color and a

whole lot more. To do this requires using the ConvertTo-Html cmdlet.By default, when PowerShell returns a table of information, it will have multiple columns and rows. Default table outputThis is typically a useful way to present the information. However, it's not necessarily visually appealing. PowerShell provides a built-in cmdlet called ConvertToHtml. This takes objects as input and converts each of them to an HTML web page. To use this, just take the output and pipe it directly to ConvertTo-Html. The cmdlet will then return a big string of HTML.Get-PSDrive | ConvertTo-HtmlSince this big string of output isn't too useful, let's capture it to a file using the Out-File cmdlet.Get-PSDrive |

ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath PSDrives.htmlAfter doing this, check out the PSDrives.html file that this generated.Invoke-Expression C:\PSDrives.htmlHTML outputNotice it shows nearly the exact same output as the console, only in HTML. What did you expect, anyway? But at this point, we now have the opportunity to make it look better. First,

let's limit the number of properties to only those that show up when running Get-PSDrive from the console. Those properties are Name, Used, Provider, Root and CurrentLocation. You can limit the output to these properties by using the Property parameter of ConvertTo-Html.Get-PSDrive | ConvertTo-Html -Property

Name,Used,Provider,Root,CurrentLocation | Out-File -FilePath PSDrives.htmlBetter HTML outputNow it looks like the native console output. We can do much better though. I find it hard to differentiate between the rows since they're so close together. Let's add a border around the rows and columns. To do that requires knowing a little CSS, which I

was able to find online. The ConvertTo-Html cmdlet has a Head parameter that allows you to specify the HTML code that will go into the HEAD element. Below, I'm creating a simple CSS style tag to create a border.$Header = @" TABLE {border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse;} TD {border-width: 1px;

padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black;} "@ Get-PSDrive | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,Used,Provider,Root,CurrentLocation -Head $Header | Out-File -FilePath PSDrives.htmlHTML table borderYou should now begin to see the possibilities here. Although you'll need to know a little about CSS, you have the ability to make this report

look a whole lot better. For my final trick, I'll add a color to the table header values to make them more obvious.$Header = @" TABLE {border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse;} TH {border-width: 1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; background-color: #6495ED;} TD {border-width:

1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black;} "@HTML table with colorsGetting the output into HTML opens up a wide range of possibilities. Check out what else ConvertTo-Html can do and, if you're not a web developer, begin searching online for snippets to add to your reports. Remember that even though the resource might not talk

about PowerShell, you can use practically any CSS to style these reports in any way you choose.

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