Mani 2.0 | Oracle.PeopleSoft.Movies.Technology.Life.

Copy the downloaded VirtualBox zip files(around 32.3 GB) from the Oracle site to a new directory say DPK_INSTALL in C drive (as mentioned in the Installation guide)Extract the first file and copy the setup folder to the same directory DPK_INSTALLOpen the setup folder, locate the PowerShell script - psft-dpk-setup.ps1 and open it using notepad or the PowerShell editorGo to line number : 82 (Ctrl + G) You would see this line :?$dpk_platform = get_dpk_platform "${dpk_dir}"Just below that line, add$dpk_platform = "$dpk_platform".trim()Save and close the fileOpen PowerShell IDE command prompt, right Click and select Run as administratorNavigate to C:\DPK_INSTALL\setup Type Set-ExecutionPolicy UnrestrictedProvide input as ARun the PS script ./psft-dpk-setup.ps1And the zip file extraction process starts:Select options to confirm settings for the VM and confirm if the OVA file generated should be imported to VirtualBox automatically and the installation process commence:Enter the root password – this would be used later on during the installationEnter hostname(only in lowercase)Important:This part would ask you to setup passwords for different items:For PeopleSoft, go with the default username of people and provide the password as peop1eYou can skip entering information for the Optional ones by pressing the Enter keyFor Weblogic, enter Weblogic1 as the password. I believe entering different passwords will require you to update the same for the Web server’s OPRID in PSOPRDEFN tableThe installation and setup part is now done and you would be required to login to the server. The username is root and the password is the one that you had provided in Step #11Once you login, type ifconfig on the command prompt to determine the IP address of your VM – against the inet addr field ................

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