Powershell find string in files
Powershell find string in files
The Get-ChildItem cmdlet supports wildcarding through three parameters: Path The -Path parameter is the first (and default) parameter. While you can enter simple paths such as ., C:\, or D:\Documents, you can also supply paths that include wildcards--such as *, *.txt, [a-z]???.log, or even C:\win*\*.N[a-f]?\F*\v2*\csc.exe. Include/Exclude The -Include and -Exclude parameters act as a filter on wildcarding that happens on the -Path parameter. If you specify the -Recurse parameter, the -Include and -Exclude wildcards apply to all items returned. The most common mistake with the -Include parameter comes when you use it against a path with no wildcards. For example, this doesn't seem to produce the expected results: Get-ChildItem $env:WINDIR -Include *.log That command produces no results because you haven't supplied an item wildcard to the path. Instead, the correct command is: Get-ChildItem $env:WINDIR\* -Include *.log Or simply: Get-ChildItem $env:WINDIR\*.log Filter The -Filter parameter lets you filter results based on the provider-specific filtering language of the provider from which you retrieve items. Since PowerShell's wildcarding support closely mimics filesystem wildcards, and most people use the -Filter parameter only on the filesystem, this seems like a redundant (and equivalent) parameter. A SQL provider, however, would use SQL syntax in its -Filter parameter. Likewise, an Active Directory provider would use LDAP paths in its -Filter parameter. It may not be obvious, but the filesystem provider's filtering language isn't exactly the same as the PowerShell wildcard syntax. For example, the -Filter parameter doesn't support character ranges: PS > Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name Name ---- A Long File Name With Spaces Also.txt A Long File Name With Spaces.txt PS > Get-ChildItem -Filter "[a-z]*" PS > Get-ChildItem "[a-z]*" | Select-Object Name Name ---- A Long File Name With Spaces Also.txt A Long File Name With Spaces.txt Provider-specific filtering can often return results far more quickly than the more feature-rich PowerShell wildcards. Because of this, PowerShell internally rewrites your wildcards into a combination of wildcards and provider-specific filtering to give you the best of both worlds! For more information about PowerShell's wildcard syntax, type Get-Help about_WildCards. When you want to perform even more advanced filtering than what PowerShell's wildcard syntax offers, the Where-Object cmdlet provides infinite possibilities. For example, to exclude certain directories from a search, use the following: Get-ChildItem -Rec | Where-Object { $_.DirectoryName -notmatch "Debug" } Or, in a simpler form: Get-ChildItem -Rec | ? DirectoryName -notmatch Debug For a filter that's difficult (or impossible) to specify programmatically, use the Out-GridView cmdlet as demonstrated in Recipe 2.4 to interactively filter the output. Because of PowerShell's pipeline model, an advanced file set generated by Get-ChildItem automatically turns into an advanced file set for other cmdlets to operate on: PS > Get-ChildItem -Rec | Where-Object { $_.Length -gt 20mb } | Sort-Object -Descending Length | Select-FilteredObject | Remove-Item -WhatIf What if: Performing operation "Remove File" on Target "C:\temp\backup092.zip". What if: Performing operation "Remove File" on Target "C:\temp\slime.mov". What if: Performing operation "Remove File" on Target "C:\temp\hello.mov". For more information about the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, type Get-Help Get-ChildItem. For more information about the Where-Object cmdlet, type Get-Help Where-Object. Because PowerShell isn't just a scripting language but is also an interactive shell, Select-String is a mighty alternative to find and findstr. Whereas find is a somewhat limited tool from the DOS times, findstr implements at least the most important functions of grep for Windows. However, PowerShell goes beyond the capabilities of those tools, among others, because of a full implementation of regular expressions. In addition, it offers the common advantages of a cmdlet that is well integrated in PowerShell.In the simplest usage scenario, you just have to pass a filename (or, with the help of wildcards, a pattern of filenames) and the search string: Select-String -Path index.html -Pattern "Home"Select-String -Path index.html -Pattern "Home"This command returns all lines that contain the search string, including the line numbers. The comparison is case-insensitive, which is an advantage compared to the old tools where you always have to add the parameter /i. In PowerShell, it is just the other way around: the more uncommon case-sensitive search has to be activated explicitly with the -CaseSensitive switch.The -Pattern parameter is reserved for the search with regular expressions. For a simple text search in a file, you can use the SimpleMatch parameter instead: Select-String -Path index.html -SimpleMatch "Home"Select-String -Path index.html -SimpleMatch "Home" Reverse search with -NotMatch ^With -NotMatch, PowerShell's grep counterpart Select-String also supports reverse search, which finds only lines that don't contain the search pattern. You may further restrict your search by excluding files with the parameter -Path, together with wildcards: Select-String -Path *.* -Exclude *.pdf,*.zip -Pattern "DO.*=" -NotMatchSelect-String -Path *.* -Exclude *.pdf,*.zip -Pattern "DO.*=" -NotMatch Search in subdirectories with Get-ChildItem ^In the above example, Select-String searches only in files in the current directory, excluding ZIP archives and PDF files. In contrast to find and findstr, Select-String cannot search recursively in subdirectories. However, you can accomplish this by piping the output of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet into Select-String: Get-ChildItem *.* -Exclude *.pdf -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "DO.*="Get-ChildItem *.* -Exclude *.pdf -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "DO.*="Because Get-ChildItem selects the files, Select-String only has to take care of the search pattern. Search results as MatchInfo objects ^As opposed to text-oriented tools such as find, a cmdlet returns an object (in the case of Select-String of the type MatchInfo). Compared to flat text, objects have the advantage of offering methods and properties that allow you to process their output in a more sophisticated way. If you pass the output of Select-String to Get-Member, you'll receive a list of all methods and properties. Usage of MatchInfo properties ^For instance, properties are useful for changing the output of the cmdlet if you are unhappy with the relatively confusing presentation of path, filename, and line number of Select-String. (The parameter -Context also displays lines before and after the line with the match.)For example, the command below only displays filenames and lines that contain the search string: Select-String -Path index.html -SimpleMatch "Home" | Select FileName, LineNumberSelectString -Path index.html -SimpleMatch "Home" | Select FileName, LineNumberIf you work with regular expressions, Matches is another particularly helpful property. With complex regular expressions, you are often uncertain about the strings they actually match. The example below shows the exact matches: Select-String -Path *.* -Pattern "DO.*=" | Select MatchesSelect-String -Path *.* -Pattern "DO.*=" | Select MatchesBy default, you only see the first match in each line. To get all matches, you have to add the -AllMatches switch. String processing of matches ^Because you can pass the result of Select-String to a variety of cmdlets, you have almost unlimited possibilities to process the results. One example would be to format the output in a much easier-to-read layout by piping the result into Format-List or Out-GridView. Of course, various functions exist that enable you to modify the found substrings.The following example converts the output into lowercase letters: Select-String -Path *.cmd -Pattern "do.*=" | ForEach {$_.ToString().ToLower()}Select-String -Path *.cmd -Pattern "do.*=" | ForEach {$_.ToString().ToLower()}You could also extract a substring or concatenate it with another string. Date Published: 10 October 2009This week I found myself wanting to search within files of a given extension for a particular substring. I often find myself missing UNIX's grep tool. In any event, I tried using the default Windows Vista file search dialog, but found that if I wanted to search for "connection" or "database" within all files ending with ".cs" or ".config" I was unable to do so. I'm guessing there actually *is* a way to do this from the GUI, but after spending a couple of minutes either searching all files for the text ".cs" or else searching for files named "connection" I opted to just do it from the command line using PowerShell. PowerShell is just freaking amazing. Seriously. Being able to easily store collections of objects in ad-hoc variables (named $something) and then to further be able to pipe the output of anything to anything (using | just like most other shells), you can quickly do some amazing stuff. I use PowerShell all the time now to make downloading pictures from my camera and organizing them by date easy To get a list of all files with a given extension that contain a given string, you can use the following steps (click on the screenshot to see it full size) Move to the appropriate folder. While not strictly necessary, this will make your life easier. The standard "cd" command from DOS works for this, but remember you can't do "cd" you have to do "cd " to move to the root of the current volume. Get a list of all files. This isn't strictly required but again using an intermediate step like this can ensure you catch any mistakes in your operation earlier. To get a collection of all the files in and below your current folder, use:$AllFiles = Get-ChildItem ?recurse Next we'll filter our list to only include files with the extension we want. If we're looking for all of our C# source files, we would search for extensions that end with ".cs". Note that the $_ value refers to the current item in the collection as we loop through them applying our filter condition. The "-eq" means "equals". The full command to create a new collection named $CSharpFiles is:$CSharpFiles = $AllFiles | where {$_.extension ?eq ".cs" } The next step is again not strictly necessary since we could simply write out the command, but it does show another useful PowerShell feature, namely the ability to alias commands with shorthand strings. For example, the Select-String command is useful for matching files that contain a particular string, but if you'd prefer to just type "ss" for this, you can alias it like so:Set-Alias ss Select-String Finally, we'll use the ss alias on our filtered list of files to find all files containing the string "SqlConnection" which might be useful if you're trying to ensure nobody is using when they should be using your ORM:ss SqlConnection $CSharpFiles | format-table Path The result will be the paths of all files that contain that string. If you leave off Path from the end of the command, your table will include the line number and the actual Line of the file that matched the string you specified. So there you go. It took much longer to write this blog post than to figure all of this out in PowerShell and find the files I was after. Here are a couple of links that helped me get here: Select-String and Grep PowerShell Script to List Files Find-String is a PowerShell script whose purpose is to emulate grep and/or ack. PowerShell already has the built-in Select-String cmdlet, but this script wraps Select-String and provides match highlighting on top of the searching capabilities. It currently highlights matches in a similar style to ack. Examples Find all usages of form in all .cs files: Find the unique file extensions from all of the files that have the string 'jquery' in them: find-string jquery -passThru | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path | Select-String '.\.(\w+)$' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value } | Select-Object -Unique Or the same example using built-in aliases (more succinct, likely reflects more typical usage): find-string jquery -pass | select expand path | select-string '.\.(\w+)$' | select -expand matches | %{ $_.groups[1].value } | select -uniq Installation PowerShell Gallery Install This method of installation requires PowerShell v5 or higher. Run Install-Module Find-String See Find-String on PowerShell Gallery. PsGet Install Install PsGet Run Install-Module Find-String See Find-String on PsGet for more details. Manual Install Clone (or download) the repository to: If PowerShell 5 ~/Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/Find-String If PowerShell Core on Windows ~/Documents/PowerShell/Modules/Find-String If Mac/Linux ~/.local/share/powershell/Modules/Find-String Alternative Tools I like options, so I want to ensure everyone is aware of the other tools out there. My current preferred tool is RipGrep. Grep - "Grep searches one or more input files for lines containing a match to a specified pattern." Ack - "ack is a code-searching tool, similar to grep but optimized for programmers searching large trees of source code." The Silver Searcher (aka AG) - "A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster." The Platinum Searcher (aka PT) - "A code search tool similar to ack and the_silver_searcher(ag). It supports multi platforms and multi encodings." RipGrep (aka RG) - "ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern" Editor Integration Vim See find-string.vim. Installation should be a simple Plug 'drmohundro/findstring.vim' if you use vim-plug. Options -pattern Specifies the text to find. Type a string or regular expression. Required -filter Specifies the file types to search in. The default is all file types (*.*). -include Specifies the file types to search in. This allows you to search across multiple file types (i.e. *.ps1,*.psm1). -excludeFiles Specifies the file types to exclude from searches. If set, this overrides any global defaults or configuration. Comma-separated list of files to exclude from the search -excludeDirectories Specifies the directories to exclude from searches. It really only makes sense for recursive searches. If set, this overrides any global defaults or configuration. Comma-separated list of directories to exclude from the search -path Specifies the path to the files to be searched. Wildcards are permitted. The default location is the local directory. -recurse Gets the items in the specified path and in all child directies. This is the default. -caseSensitive Makes matches case-sensitive. By default, matches are not case-sensitive. -context Captures the specified number of lines before and after the line with the match. This allows you to view the match in context. Example: find-string foo *.cs -context 2,3 Would return a context of 2 lines before the match and 3 lines after the match -passThru Passes the literal MatchInfo object representing the found match to the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not send anything through the object pipeline. This is useful if you wish to do additional processing on the results, such as collect any matches in a regular expression that you searched for or to gather unique results. -pipeOutput Sends all output along the object pipeline. By default, this command uses color to help with readability; however, this prevents the output from being piped to another command. If you wish to pipe the output of this command to something else, be sure to use this parameter. This is useful if you wish to pipe the output to the clipboard. Example: find-string foo *.cs -pipeOutput | clip -listMatchesOnly Returns all files that have matches existing in them, but doesn't display any of the matches themselves. Changelog See CHANGELOG for a list of all changes and their corresponding versions. License Find-String is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. Page 2 Find-String is a PowerShell script whose purpose is to emulate grep and/or ack. PowerShell already has the built-in Select-String cmdlet, but this script wraps Select-String and provides match highlighting on top of the searching capabilities. It currently highlights matches in a similar style to ack. Examples Find all usages of form in all .cs files: Find the unique file extensions from all of the files that have the string 'jquery' in them: find-string jquery -passThru | Select-Object ExpandProperty Path | Select-String '.\.(\w+)$' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value } | Select-Object -Unique Or the same example using built-in aliases (more succinct, likely reflects more typical usage): find-string jquery -pass | select -expand path | select-string '.\.(\w+)$' | select -expand matches | %{ $_.groups[1].value } | select -uniq Installation PowerShell Gallery Install This method of installation requires PowerShell v5 or higher. Run Install-Module Find-String See Find-String on PowerShell Gallery. PsGet Install Install PsGet Run Install-Module Find-String See Find-String on PsGet for more details. Manual Install Clone (or download) the repository to: If PowerShell 5 ~/Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/Find-String If PowerShell Core on Windows ~/Documents/PowerShell/Modules/Find-String If Mac/Linux ~/.local/share/powershell/Modules/Find-String Alternative Tools I like options, so I want to ensure everyone is aware of the other tools out there. My current preferred tool is RipGrep. Grep - "Grep searches one or more input files for lines containing a match to a specified pattern." Ack - "ack is a code-searching tool, similar to grep but optimized for programmers searching large trees of source code." The Silver Searcher (aka AG) - "A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster." The Platinum Searcher (aka PT) - "A code search tool similar to ack and the_silver_searcher(ag). It supports multi platforms and multi encodings." RipGrep (aka RG) - "ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern" Editor Integration Vim See find-string.vim. Installation should be a simple Plug 'drmohundro/find-string.vim' if you use vim-plug. Options -pattern Specifies the text to find. Type a string or regular expression. Required -filter Specifies the file types to search in. The default is all file types (*.*). -include Specifies the file types to search in. This allows you to search across multiple file types (i.e. *.ps1,*.psm1). -excludeFiles Specifies the file types to exclude from searches. If set, this overrides any global defaults or configuration. Comma-separated list of files to exclude from the search -excludeDirectories Specifies the directories to exclude from searches. It really only makes sense for recursive searches. If set, this overrides any global defaults or configuration. Comma-separated list of directories to exclude from the search -path Specifies the path to the files to be searched. Wildcards are permitted. The default location is the local directory. -recurse Gets the items in the specified path and in all child directies. This is the default. -caseSensitive Makes matches case-sensitive. By default, matches are not case-sensitive. -context Captures the specified number of lines before and after the line with the match. This allows you to view the match in context. Example: find-string foo *.cs -context 2,3 Would return a context of 2 lines before the match and 3 lines after the match -passThru Passes the literal MatchInfo object representing the found match to the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not send anything through the object pipeline. This is useful if you wish to do additional processing on the results, such as collect any matches in a regular expression that you searched for or to gather unique results. -pipeOutput Sends all output along the object pipeline. By default, this command uses color to help with readability; however, this prevents the output from being piped to another command. If you wish to pipe the output of this command to something else, be sure to use this parameter. This is useful if you wish to pipe the output to the clipboard. Example: find-string foo *.cs -pipeOutput | clip -listMatchesOnly Returns all files that have matches existing in them, but doesn't display any of the matches themselves. Changelog See CHANGELOG for a list of all changes and their corresponding versions. License Find-String is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
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