Powershell get env


Powershell get env

Powershell get environment variable list. Powershell get environment variable. Powershell get env variables. Powershell get env variable value. Powershell get environment variable value. Powershell get environment variable remote computer. Powershell get env path. Powershell get environment variable by string.

You can't run that action right now. You logged in with another card or window. Reload to update your session. You signed in another card or window. Reload to update your session. Page 2 You can't run the action right now. You logged in with another card or window. Reload to update your session. You signed in another card or window. Reload to update your session. Overview This project serves as a set of "Wrapper" commands that use the Lability module that is a formidable tool for creating a laboratory environment of Windows-based systems. The reverse of the coin is that it is a difficult module for less experienced PowerShell users. Control configurations and controls for the Hyper-V virtual machines in this module are written in PowerShell using the desired status configuration (DSC) and distributed through labilities. If you feel sufficiently skilled, you can jump with this project and use the labilities module alone. Note that the Lability module is no properties or managed by Pluralsight. This project and all files are released under a MIT license - it means that you can copy and use as your, edit, borrow, steals - whatever you want. Although this project is under the PluralSight flag, it is offered as well as and as a free tool without any official support from Pluralsight. Pluralsight does not provide any guarantee or guarantees. This project is intended to be used only for educational purposes. Starting from version 4.17.0 of the module, you can run Open-PSAutolaBhelp to view a local PDF version of the module documentation. Requirements This module is intended to run on a Windows 10 client that supports virtualization. Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise should be sufficient. This is assumed this will be installed on a Windows 10 desktop running Windows PowerShell 5.1. This module will not work and is not supported on Windows 10 home or any student edition. Although there are module work reports on Windows 10 Edition. The module can run on Windows Server (2016 or 2019) platforms, but this capacity has not been completely tested n? ? supported. The use of this in a nested virtual environment can work, but not surprise if there are problems, especially those connected to the network and NAT. The host computer, where you are installing, must meet the following requirements: Windows PowerShell 5.1. A high speed internet connection. 16GB minimum RAM (it is recommended 32GB). Minimum 100 GB free space preferably on a fast or equivalent SSD device. An Intel i5 processor or equivalent. An i7 is recommended for the best performance. Windows PowerShell Remoting enabled. You need to log in with a local or domain user account. The installation process may not work properly if you use an O365 or Microsoft account for Windows access. It is necessary to have access as an administrator and be able to update the TrustedHosts setting for Powershell remote communication. If you are in a corporate environment, these settings can be blocked or limited. If this applies to you, this module cannot work properly, if not entirely. This module and configurations are not tested running from Powershell Core or PowerShell 7 and is not supported right now. Pester Requirement The module uses a standard PowerShell tool called Pester to validated laboratory configurations. Without entering technical details, if you run the Pester out-of-the-box version on Windows 10, you need to manually update Pester before attempting to install this module. In a Windows PowerShell with elevated privileges run this command: Get-Module Pester -ListedVailable If the only result you get is for version 3.4.0, then you need to run: Install-Module Pester -RequiredVersion 4.10.1 -force -SKIPPUBLISHERCHECK RE-RUN GET-MODULE To verify that version 4.10.1 is installed. If you have more recent installed versions, which will have no effect on this module. Once Pester version occurred version 4.10.1 You can install the PSAutolab module. Installation This module was published at the Powershell Gallery. Powershell. It is advisable to have at least version 2.2 of the Powershellget module that manages module systems. Open a high Powershell Execution Ready and: Install-module PSAUTOLAB -force -SKIPPUBLISHERCHECK Installation should install required dependencies. This is why additional parameters are required. If requested, yes answer to update the Nuget version and to install from a non-trusted repository, unless you have already marked the PSGallery as trusted. If you have an old copy of this module from before Pluralsight took possession, you will get a mistake. Manually remove the files of the old modules and try again. Do not download or use one of the release packages from this github repository. You need to install this module from the Powershell Gallery. See the Changelog for update details. Do not perform this form on any mission-critical or production system. In case of problems with the basic installation and configuration, you should read and use the detailed installation instructions. You can check the form with these commands: ps c:> import-module psautolab -force ps c:> get-module psautolab moduletype version name exportedcommands ---------- ------ - ---- --------------- script 4.18.0 psautolab {enable-internet, get-labsnapshot, ...} Your version number may be different. Hyper-V This module and configurations should not conflict with any existing Hyper-V virtual machine or networks. But you must be aware that the module will create a new one., Internal Hyper-V switch called Labnet. This switch Use a NAT configuration called Labnat. PS C: \> Get-NetNat LabNat Name: LabNat ExternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix: InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix: IcmpQueryTimeout: 30 TcpEstablishedConnectionTimeout: 1800 TcpTransientConnectionTimeout: 120 TcpFilteringBehavior: AddressDependentFiltering UdpFilteringBehavior: AddressDependentFiltering UdpIdleSessionTimeout: 120 UdpInboundRefresh: False Store: Local Active: True Instructions .md file in each configuration folder should provide an indication of what virtual machines will be created. You can also check the VMConfigurationData.psd1 file. PS C: AutoLAB Configurations Multirole> (ImportPowerShellDataFile VMConfigurationData.psd1.) Configurations .allnodes.Nodename * DC1 S1 CLI1 Current will use these names for the machine and the computer Virtual name: DC1 S1 S2 CLI1 CLI2 PullServer Dom1 Images SRV1 SRV2 SRV3 Win10 Win10ent S12R2 S12R2Gui Nano Server have been removed from the configurations. These configurations have been using the perpetrated Nano version now. Microsoft has changed direction with regard to Nano Server and none of the existing configurations use this new version. Previous versions If previous versions of this module has been installed (V3.x) and fought, hopefully, this version will be an improvement. To avoid other complications, we strongly recommend that you manually remove the old version that is more likely in C: Program Files WindowsPowershell modules PSAutolab. You can run a command such as: Get-Module PSAutolab -ListedVailable | SELECT-OBJECT Route to identify the position of the module. Use this information to delete the PSAutolab folder. The previous version was not installed using the Powershell module cmdlets so that it cannot be updated or removed except manually. Note For VMware users this project was designed to run with Hyper-V. If you are going to build a host of virtual server 2016 or Windows 10 machines, in the general settings for your VM, you need to change the type of operating system for Hyper-V (not supported) or the host doesn't work hyper- V! This module and configurations have not been For VMware compatibility. Alias ? Get-Labsummary Computer name: S1 VMName: S1 Lab iPaddress MEMGB ROCS Role Description --- --------- ----- --- - ---- ----------- SINGLESERVER-GUI-2016 4 1 RDP Windows Server 2016 Standard 64 Bit English Rating English The module includes a custom format file. You may also run the command like this: PS C: AutoLab Configurations Singleserver-GUI-2016> Get-Labsummary | Select-Object * ComputerName: S1 VMName: S1 InstallMedia: 2016_x64_standard_en_eval Description: Windows Server 2016 Standard 64 Bit English Role: RDP iPaddress: MemoryGB: 4 Processors: 1 Laboratory: SinglesServer-GUI-2016 Computer-sound and VMNAME properties could Different if you are using an environmental prefix. The computer is the way virtual machines refer to each herself. The VMNAME is the way you refer you to Hyper-V. The creation of a Lab Lab information is stored in the AutoLab Configuration folder, which is C: AutoLAB configurations by default. Open a high powershell prompt and change the position in the desired configuration folder. View the readme.md instructions.md files and / or in the folder to learn more about the configuration. Where possible information on which course goes with a particular pluralsight course will be indicated. A note on Pluralsight Labs This module started several years ago and there are several Pluralsight courses that are based on configurations that may not exist more. The configurations denominated as a test or POC were not allegedly used in any course. But this is to be not the case. If you are looking to configure a laboratory for a specific course, and you can't find the configuration that requires the instructor, publishes a problem that indicates the configuration you are looking for and the title of the Pluralsight course. We hope there is an existing configuration that you can use. O The module can be updated with an appropriate laboratory configuration. In some cases, the course can take a different password. All configurations use P @ SSW0RD for all passwords. The first time you have A laboratory, labileness will download the versions of evaluation of the operating systems required in ISO format. This may take some time depending on your internet connection. These downloads occur only when the requested ISO is not found locally. When cleaning and reconstructing a laboratory, you will not download files a second time. Once the laboratory is created, you can use PSAutolab commands for it. If you have additional Powershell experience, you can manage individual virtual machines using the Hyper-V manager or cmdlets. It is assumed that you will only have a laboratory configuration created at a time. Please be aware that all configurations have been created for an en-US culture and keyboard. MAULT MANUAL CONFIGURATION Most, if not all, configurations must follow the same manual procedure. Run each command after the previous one was completed. Setup-Lab Run-Lab Enable-Internet To verify that all virtual machines are configured correctly, you can run validate-lab. This will invoke a set of tests and continue to looping until everything passes. Due to the nature of the DSC and the complexity of some configurations, this may take up to 60 minutes. You can use CTRL + C to exit the test loop at any time. You can manually run the test once to see the current status of the configuration. PS C: AutoLAB Configurations Singleserver> invoke-pester vmvalidate.test.ps1 This can be useful for troubleshooting. Unattended setting as an alternative, you can set a laboratory environment with a minimum prompt. PS C: AutoLab Configurations SELPESERSERVER UNTEND-LAB Assuming that you do not need to install a more recent version of Nuget, you can leave the configuration alone. Perform all manual steps for you. Starting from version 4.3.0 you also have the possibility of running the untted process in a powershell background job. PS C: AutoLab Configurations Singleserver UNTEND-LAB -SJOB Use the PowerShell work cmdlets to manage. Stop to a laboratory to stop the VMS laboratory, go to the configuration folder in a Windows PowerShell elevated session: PS C: AutoLAB ConfigurationsServer SHUTDOWN-LAB You can also use Hyper-V Manager or Cmdlet for manually Close the virtual machines. If the laboratory contains a domain controller like DOM1 or DC1, which should be the last virtual machine to turn off. Starting a laboratory The configuration process will leave virtual machines running. If you stop the laboratory and you need to start it, go to the configuration folder in a high Windows PowerShell session and run: PS C: AutoLAB Singleserver> Run-Lab You can also use the HYPER-V manager or cmdlets to manually start virtual machines. If the laboratory contains a domain controller like DOM1 or DC1, which should be the first virtual machine to start. Laboratory checkpoint You can install the entire laboratory very easily. Go to the configuration folder in a high Windows PowerShell session and run: PS C: AutoLab Singleserver Snapshot-Lab To quickly reconstruct laboratories from checkpoint, Run: PS C: AutoLAB Singleserver Update-laboratory or you can use Hyper-V cmdlets to create and manage VM snapshots. To remove a laboratory to completely destroy the laboratory, go to the configuration folder in a Windows PowerShell session elevated: PS C: AutoLab Configurations SELPHERVERVER WIPE-LAB This remove virtual machines and DSC configuration files. If you intend to reconstruct the laboratory or another configuration, you can keep the Labnat virtual switch. This is the default behavior. If you want to remove all that you need to execute a command like this: PS C: AutoLab Configurations SELPHERSERVER WIPPE-LAB -FORCE -REMOVESWITCH Customizing a laboratory can customize a laboratory configuration by modifying the PSD1 file that is in each configuration folder. You need to edit the file before creating the laboratory. For example, the My Use server core configuration and want the desktop experience on the server. Open the file in the script editor and scroll down to find the node definitions. @ {Nodename = 'dom1' ipaddress = '' role role = @ ('dc', 'dhcp', 'adcs') lability_booterord = 10 lability_bootdelay = 60 lability_timezone = 'us mountain standard time' lability_media = '2016_x64_standard_core_en_eval' lability_minmemory = 2 gb lability_processorcount = 2 custombootstrap = @ '# This must be set to manage larger .mof .mof Set-item -path wsman: localhost maxenvelopesize -value 1000 '@}, @ {nodename =' srv1 'ipaddress =' 'role role = @ (' domainjoin ') lability_booterder = 20 lability_timetzone =' us mountain standard Time 'lability_media =' '2016_x64_standard_core_en_eval'}, you can change the lability_media setting. Change the setting using one of these ID values. ID Arch Media Description - ---- ----- ----------- 2019_X64_STANDARD_EN_EVAL X64 ISO of Windows Server 2019 64-bit standard evaluation with desktop experience 2019_X64_STANDARD_EN_CORE_EVAL X64 ISO of Windows Server 2019 A 64 bit standard English evaluation 2019_x64_datacenter_en_eval x64 ISO of Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 64-bit English experience with desktop experience 2019_x64_datacenter_en_core_eval x64 ISO of Windows Server 2019 Data Center Evaluation in the Core Model 2016_x64_Standard_Eval X64 ISO of Windows Server 2016 Standard 64-bit English Evaluation 2016_x64_Standard_Core_en_Eval X64 ISO of Windows Server 2016 Standard 64-bit English EVALUATION 2016_X64_DataCenter_en_Eval X64 ISO Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 64 bit english Rating 2016_x64_dazenter_Core_en_Eval X64 ISO Windows Server 2016 DataCenter Core 64 bit English Rating 2016_x64_Standard_Nano_en_Eval X64 ISO Windows Server 2016 Standard Nano 64bit English Evaluation 2016_X64_Datacenter_nano_en_eval x64 Serviera Windows er 2016 Datacenter Nano 64bit English Evaluation 2012R2_x64_Standard_EN_Eval x64 ISO Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64bit English Evaluation 2012R2_x64_Standard_EN_V5_Eval x64 ISO Windows Server 2012 R2 English 64bit Standard evaluation with WMF 5 2012R2_x64_Standard_EN_V5_1_Eval x64 ISO Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64bit English Evaluation with WMF 5.1 2012R2_X64_STANDARD_CORE_EN_EVAL X64 ISO of Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64-bit English EVALUATION 2012R2_X64_STANDARD_CORE_EN_V5_EVAL X64 ISO of Windows Server 2012 R2 STANDARD 64-bit English Rating with WMF 5 2012R2_X64_STANDARD_CORE_EN_V5_1_EVAL X64 ISO of Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Core A 64 Bit English Evaluation with WMF 5.1 2012R2_X64_dataCenter_en_eval X64 ISO of Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 64 bit English Evaluation 2012R2_X64_DataCenter_EN_V5_EVAL X64 ISO Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter English Rating 64 Bit with WMF 5 2012R2_X64_dataCenter_en_v5_1_eval x64 ISO Windows Server 2012 R2 DataCenter 64 bit English Rating with WMF 5.1 2012R2_X64_dataCenter_Core_En_Eval X64 ISO of Windows Server 2012 R2 DataCenter 64-bit English EVALUATION 2012R2_X64_DataCenter_Core_EN_V5_EVAL X64 ISO of Windows Server 2012 R2 DataCenter 64-bit English evaluation with WMF 5 2012R2_x64_Datacenter_Core_EN_V5_1_Eval x64 ISO Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter core 64-bit English evaluation with WMF 5.1 WIN81_x64_Enterprise_EN_Eval x64 Windows 8.1 ISO 64-bit Enterprise English evaluation WIN81_x64_Enterprise_EN_V5_Eval x64 Windows 8.1 ISO 64-bit Enterprise English assessment with WMF 5 WIN81_x64_Enterprise_EN_V5_1_Eval x64 ISO of Windows 8.1 to 64 bit Enterprise English Evaluation with WMF 5.1 Win81_X86_Enterprise_en_Eval X86 ISO Windows 8.1 to 32 Bit Enterprise English Evaluation Win81_X86_Enterprise_en_V5_EVAL X86 ISO Windows 8.1 32 bit Enterprise Enterprise Evaluation with WMF 5 Win81_x86_enterprise_en_v5_1_eval x86 ISO Windows 8.1 Rating English 32-bit WMF 5.1 Win10_X64_ENTERPRISE_20H2_EN_EVAL X64 ISO Windows 10 64-bit Enterprise 2009 Evaluation English (20h2) Win10_x86_enterprise_20h2_en_enterprise_20h2_en_eval x86 ISO Windows 10 32-bit Enterprise 2009 Evaluation English Win10_x64_enterprise_ltsc_en_eval x64 ISO Windows 10 64-bit Enterprise LTSC 2019 English Rating Win10_x86_Enterprese_LtSC_EN_EVAL X86 ISO Windows 10 32bit Enterprise LTSC 2019 English evaluation It is also possible to make changes to values such as minimum memory and counting of the When you run Untend-Lab or Setup-Lab you can use the -USELOCTIMEZONE to set all virtual machines to use the time zone. You can make small changes to the IP address as the modification of the address from to A To change the entire subnet, request the virtual switch and should not be attempted unless it is very skilled with PowerShell and Hyper-V. Note that if changes are made, the validation test may fail unless you change it. But you can always try to run the laboratory without validating it. If you make a mistake or want to restore the original configurations, run the update-host command. Windows updates When creating a laboratory, you are creating virtual Windows machines based on the evaluation software. You may still make sure that the virtual machines are updated with patches and security updates. You can use Update-Lab to call up Windows Update on all laboratory members. This can be a process that takes time, so you have an option to perform updates as a background job. Make sure you don't close the PowerShell session before completion of the work. Ps c: autolab configurations powershelllab> update-lab -sjob id name id psjobtypename state hasmondata location command - ---- ------------- -------- -------------- 18 WUUPDATE REMOTEJOB running TRUE DOM1 WUUPDATE 21 WUUPDATE REMOTOJOB running TRUE SRV1 WUUPDATE 24 WUUPDATE REMOTEJOB running TRUE SRV2 WUUPDATE 27 WUUPDATE REMOTEJOB RUNNING TRUE SRV3 WUUPDATE 30 WUUPDATE REMOTEJOB IN Execution True Win10 WUUPDATE PS C: AutoLAB Configurations PowersHelllab> Reception-job -Id -ID 27 -Keep [22/04/2019 12:05:43] Found 5 Updates to be installed on SRV3 [11/22 / 2019 12 : 25: 13] Complete update process on SRV3 WARNING: SRV3 requires a restart Run the update process as a background work. Use the PowerShell work cmdlets to manage. PSAUTOLAB UPDATE Since this module is updated over time, new configurations or fixed bugs can be added in existing configurations. There may also be new labilities updates. Use Powershell to check for new versions: and Update: PSAutolaB module - Performing module - Perform if you update, you recommend updating the AutoLab configuration. This will update the responsibility and Pester modules if necessary and copy all new configuration files in the AutoLab Configuration folder. You will not delete any files. Removing PSAutolab If you want to completely remove the PSAUTOLAB module, use Princare Wipe-Lab to remove existing laboratory configurations, including the Hyper-V switch. Run this command to uninstall the module and its uninstall-module PSAUTOLAB dependencies, the responsibility may need to manually delete the C folder: AutoLAB. If you want to remove the NAT configuration "If you want to remove HYPER-V you can use the control panel to manually remove the optional function. Or try using PowerShell. Get-WindowsOptionalFeatures -Featurame * IPER * -Line | Disabling- WindowsOptionalFeature -Line is almost certainly you will need to restart to complete the removal process. Pester If you run Pester V5.x you need to run at least 4.11.0 version of this module. Validation tests for each configuration are written for the Pester module . This is a widely adopted test tool. In June 2020 version 5 has been released. This version of Pester has introduced several breaking changes on how tests are written. The tests in this module are incompatible with Pester 5.0 and They must be king --Written. As an intermediate step, this tester module for Pester V 4.10.1. If you do not have that version you will be installed Q When you run the host installation. Or if you have already set AutoLab you can perform update -host. If you have pes ter 5.x, it will not be uninstalled, but will be removed from the session of powershell. Troubleshooting Package providers or module installation If you try to install a module or update the Nuget supplier, you can see warnings like these: Warning: Unable to download from Uri ' /? Linkid = 627338 & clcid = 0x409 'a' '. WARNING: Unable to download the list of available suppliers. Check your internet connection. PackageManagement Install-PackageProvider: No game was found for the search criteria specified for the 'Nuget' supplier. The package supplier requires and tag 'provider'. The first thing to control is to make sure you are using the valid TLS settings. You can try to execute this command in PowerShell: [Net.ServicePointManager] :: SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocoltype] :: TLS12 Starting with V4.17.0 of this module, this change is done when the module is imported. It's just the last until the powershell session is running. You could also change the registry in a high powershell session for a more permanent solution. Set-etemproperty -path 'HKLM software Microsoft .NetFramework V4.0.30319' -Name 'SchusestrongCrypto' -Value 1 Changing the log Request a reboot so that the changes have effect. If the problem is the Nuget supplier, after making the TLS changes, they are looking for: Install-PackageProvider nuget -force -forcebootstrap you may also need to update the packagemanagement and / or PowerShellget modules. Update-module PowerShellget, PackageManagement Force AutoLab Configurations The commands and configurations of this module are not infallible. When testing a laboratory configuration will be run quickly and without errors on a Windows 10 desktop, but fail or take much longer on a different Windows 10 desktop. Most configurations should be complete in less than an hour. If the validation fails, manually run the validation test in the configuration folder. PS C: AutoLAB Configurations Singleserver> invoke-pester vmvalidate.test.ps1 Take note of which virtual machines generate errors. Check the virtual machine is running in Hyper-V. Sometimes, for reasons still indefinitely, sometimes a virtual machine stop and not reboot. This often happens with the client nodes of the laboratory configuration. Verify that all virtual machines are running and manually starts those that have stopped using the Hyper-V or CMDlet manager. Sometimes, even if the virtual machine is running, closing manually and restart can solve the problem. Remember to wait at least 5 minutes before performing the validation test manually when you restart each virtual machine. As a last resort, to manually break out of each test cycle, clean the laboratory and start all-over. If you still have problems, clean the laboratory and try a different configuration. This help will determine if the problem is with configuration or a larger compatibility problem. At this point, you can open a problem in this repository. Open a high prompt powershell and run Get-PSAutolabsetting that will provide useful information. Copy and paste the results in a new issue with any error messages you are seeing. Notice problems I get a mistake when importing the module starting from version 4.12.0 of this module, you could see this error when importing the form. Import-module: Operator name assertion 'Well' has been added more times. This is probably due to a conflict in Pester versions. The solution is to remove the Pester module of the current session. Get-Module Pester | Remove-module then import this form again. I get a mistake in an attempt to update labilities if you try to run refresh-host you can view an error on a certified disadaptment. Between V0.18.0 and V0.19.0 Lability module changed signature certificates Code. If you verify this problem, run refresh-host -skippublishercheck multiple DSC resources cause of what is probably a bug in the desired status current configuration implementation in Windows, if you have more versions of the same resource, a previous version may be Used instead of the one requested. You could see this With the XetWorking module and the Xipaddress resource. If you have an older version of you may encounter problems. Run this command to see what you are installed: Get-DScresource Xipaddress If you have earlier versions of the module, uninstall them if you can. Uninstall-module XNetworking -RequiredVersion Starting from version 4.20.0, you could see the same type of errors with the XDHCP resource. If errors occur as invalid MOF MOF For the 'DC1' node: Exception calls "ValidateInstanceText" with "1" Topic (s): "The property does not define IssingleInstance you could have a previous version of a DScresource module installed Run Get-Module XDHCPSERVER -LIST and remove everything previous To version 3.0. Januszko, whose efforts are very appreciated. Starting from V4.0.0, this module is foreign to any project or Jason Missy can be development with similar names. We also appreciate all the work that went into the labilities module. Labilities and PSAutolab modules are completely separate. And independently maintained Road Map these are some of the elements that are taken into consideration for future updates: while lability a Tighted just for Windows, it would be nice to distribute a Linux V M. offer an easy way to customize the laboratory configuration such as names of nodes and operating systems. A complete list of improvements can be found in the Github Repository Problems section of this form. Last update 2021/04/26 21: 19: 54z 21: 19: 54z

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