Lab Exercise 1

Overview of SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search Connectors and the Business Data Connectivity (BDC) ServiceThis document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious.? No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred.This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes. ? 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Overview of SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search Connectors and the Business Data Connectivity (BDC) ServiceSummary: This is the lab for the Overview of SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search Connectors and the Business Data Connectivity (BDC) Service module.Applies to: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 | Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint FederationPublished: September 2010Provided by: Larry Kay, Education Partner Alliance Manager, SharePoint ESG | Leonardo Souza, Senior Technical Instructor, SharePoint ESG | Microsoft Corporation Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Lab Exercise 1 PAGEREF _Toc272997245 \h 3Task 1: Identify the SharePoint RSS feed PAGEREF _Toc272997246 \h 3Task 2: Modify a SharePoint page PAGEREF _Toc272997247 \h 3Task 3: Configure FAST Web Crawler PAGEREF _Toc272997248 \h 3Task 4: Check FAST Web Crawler logs PAGEREF _Toc272997249 \h 4Task 5: Search for your RSS content PAGEREF _Toc272997250 \h 5Task 6: Extract metadata from the RSS feed PAGEREF _Toc272997251 \h 5Task 7: Refeed your content PAGEREF _Toc272997252 \h 6Task 8: Verify your RSS metadata in the results PAGEREF _Toc272997253 \h 6Lab Exercise 2 PAGEREF _Toc272997254 \h 6Task 1: Create a new External Content Type PAGEREF _Toc272997255 \h 7Task 2: Connect your External Content Type with an external data source PAGEREF _Toc272997256 \h 7Task 3: Configure the Title for your External Content Type PAGEREF _Toc272997257 \h 7Task 4: Create Profile Page for your External Content Type PAGEREF _Toc272997258 \h 8Task 5: Verify that your External Content Type was saved successfully PAGEREF _Toc272997259 \h 8Task 6: Verify access permissions to your External Content Type PAGEREF _Toc272997260 \h 8Task 7: Create a new Content Source PAGEREF _Toc272997261 \h 8Task 8: Search your External Content Type PAGEREF _Toc272997262 \h 9Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc272997263 \h 9Lab Exercise 1ScenarioIn this exercise, you will configure your SharePoint installation to crawl a RSS feed and make this content available to search. To achieve this, you will configure the FAST Web Crawler to crawl a SharePoint RSS feed and then perform a query to confirm that the RSS content is now available to search.Note???In a typical scenario, you would crawl SharePoint content using the out-of-the-box connector. The purpose of this lab is only to show the steps involved in crawling any valid RSS feed using the FAST Search Web Crawler.Task 1: Identify the SharePoint RSS feedGo to Internet Explorer and open your SharePoint site: on the RSS icon on the Internet Explorer command bar and note the URL that is presented (e.g.: ). This is the URL that will be used to crawl the RSS feed.Note???If you have never changed anything in your SharePoint installation, your RSS feed may be empty. In this case, proceed to the next task, where you will modify a page, forcing the RSS feed to be updated.Task 2: Modify a SharePoint pageTo make it easier to verify later that the RSS content was crawled properly chose one of the pages listed in the RSS feed (e.g. ) and edit this page (e.g. add the text “This page can be crawled using RSS”).Write down the following information about this page that will be used later:URLText addedNote??? It may be necessary to press Ctrl+F5 on Internet Explorer, after updating the page, to force the browser to get a new version of the RSS feed (instead of using the cached version).Task 3: Configure FAST Web CrawlerOpen FAST Search for SharePoint 2010 PowerShell console and make a copy of the RSS configuration template:PS C:\FASTSearch\bin> copy C:\FASTSEARCH\etc\crawlerconfigtemplate-rss.xml rss.xmlOpen the file you just created (C:\FASTSearch\bin\rss.xml) on Notepad.Locate the definition of “start_uris” and modify it to use the RSS feed URL you identified in Task 1. E.g.: <!-- List of start (seed) URIs pointing to RSS feeds. --> <attrib name="start_uris" type="list-string"> <member> </member> <!-- <member> </member> --> </attrib>Change how much the crawler should wait to send another request to the same site to 10 seconds by modifying the attribute “delay”, as shown below: <!—Delay in seconds between requests to a single site --> <attrib name="delay" type="real"> 10 </attrib>Change how frequently the crawler should check for updates in the RSS feed to 30 minutes by modifying the attribute “refresh”, as shown below: <!-- Length of crawl cycle expressed in minutes --> <attrib name="refresh" type="real"> 30 </attrib>Add another section almost at the end of the file, right before </DomainSpecification> to authorize the FAST Web Crawler to download content only from your specific site: <section name="include_domains"> <attrib name="exact" type="list-string"> <member> intranet. </member> </attrib> </section>Add a section right after the previous one to configure the FAST Web Crawler to authenticate with the SharePoint site before attempting to download the pages: <section name="passwd"> <attrib name="" type="string"> Administrator:pass@word1:Contoso:auto </attrib> </section>Scroll all the way to the top of the configuration file and verify that the DomainSpecification is defined as “sp”. This is the collection that the FAST Web Crawler will feed into.Save your configuration file.Return to FAST Search for SharePoint 2010 PowerShell console and instruct the FAST Web Crawler to add your new configuration:PS C:\FASTSearch\bin> crawleradmin -f rss.xmlTask 4: Check FAST Web Crawler logsCheck FAST Web Crawler logs to verify that your command was executed successfully.First, open the log file C:\FASTSearch\var\log\crawler\crawler.log. You should see lines similar to these:[2010-03-19 11:36:27.016] VERBOSE sp Adding config for collection 'sp'[2010-03-19 11:36:27.048] VERBOSE sp Collection 'sp' will refresh in 29 minutes 59s[2010-03-19 11:36:27.105] VERBOSE sp Refreshing collection 'sp'[2010-03-19 11:36:27.106] INFO sp Added collection 'sp' for crawlingNext, go to C:\FASTSearch\var\log\crawler\node\dns directory and open the latest log file available there. This file will contain information about DNS lookup performed by FAST Web Crawler for your RSS feed site:2010-03-19-11:36:28 NOERROR intranet. ->, TTL=86400Last, go to C:\FASTSearch\var\log\crawler\node\fetch\sp directory and open the latest log file available there. This file will contain information about URLs that FAST Web Crawler attempted to download. It may take a few minutes to your page appear on this log, so wait a few minutes and then verify that you can see entries like these at the log file:2010-03-19-12:09:08 401 AUTHRETRY Scheme: NTLM2010-03-19-12:10:09 200 RSSFEED RSS noindex2010-03-19-12:11:09 200 NEW RSS nofollowIf you reached this point, FAST Web Crawler already located your RSS feed and downloaded the page(s) that must be indexed. Now it’s time to search for this content. Task 5: Search for your RSS contentOn Internet Explorer, open the QR Server query interface () to check directly against FAST Search for SharePoint 2010 that your RSS content is available.Search for some term present in the text you added on task 2 (e.g.: RSS).Check if the page you modified on task 2 is returned properly in the search results.Now check if the page you modified can also be found on SharePoint. To do this, click on the browser favorite called Custom Search and execute a search for the same term you used to query against the QR Server interface (e.g.: RSS). Verify if your modified page appear in the results.Task 6: Extract metadata from the RSS feedWe are now going to extract and map the <author> element that is available through the RSS feed to the Author Managed Property on SharePoint.First, inspect the RSS feed going to the URL you identified in Task 1 (e.g.: ). After you load the feed on Internet Explorer, right click any empty area on the page and select View Source.Locate the entry <author> for the document you selected in Task 2 (e.g.: <author>System Account</author>). Now we need to map this to the Author Managed Property on SharePoint. To do this, click on the favorite Central Administration, then select the following options General Application Settings Search – Farm Search Administration Search Service Applications – FASTQuery FAST Search Administration (left hand column) Property Management – Managed Properties.On this page, locate the Author property, click on it and select Edit Managed Property.Scroll to Mappings to Crawled Properties and click on Add Mapping. When the popup screen appears, select category Enterprise Crawler, then select from the list of Available crawled properties, click on Add to select this crawled property and then click on OK.After the popup screen closes, check that now appears on the list of Crawled properties mapped to this managed property. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click OK to confirm the changes.Task 7: Refeed your contentTo reflect your changes on the content already indexed you must now reprocess your content. To do this, execute the following commands on FAST Search for SharePoint 2010 PowerShell console:Stop the FAST Web Crawler: nctrl stop crawlerRefeed crawler content: postprocess –R spRestart FAST Web Crawler: nctrl start crawlerTask 8: Verify your RSS metadata in the resultsExecute the same steps you executed on Task 5 to search against the QR Server and note that the author field is now populated for your document:<FIELD NAME=”author”>System Account</FIELD>Then use the Custom Search site to query and get the search results on SharePoint and note that you now have an Author refiner containing the entry that was extracted from the RSS metadata (e.g.: System Account). You will also note that you now have an entry “Authors: System Account” in the results page for this document crawled through RSS.Lab Exercise 2ScenarioIn this exercise, you will configure your SharePoint installation to extract content from a database and make it searchable through a search center. To achieve this, you will create an External Content Type using SharePoint Designer, deploy it to SharePoint, create a new content source to crawl this External Content Type and then perform some queries to confirm that your content is now available to search.Task 1: Create a new External Content TypeGo to Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 using the link available in the desktop and open your SharePoint site: . If prompted to specify a username/password, please use the following:Username: AdministratorPassword: pass@word1Domain: ContosoOn the left side “Site Objects” menu select External Content Types.Select the option to create a new External Content Type at the ribbon and, when the screen to define a new External Content Type loads, change the name from “New External Content Type” to ProductsTask 2: Connect your External Content Type with an external data sourceClick on the option “Click here to discover external data sources and…” to “External System”.Click the Add connection button, select SQL Server as the Data Source Type and then enter the following information in the screen that appears:Database Server: localhostDatabase Name: AdventureWorksLT2008Name: AdventureWorksKeep the option Connect with User’s Identity selected and click Ok.Verify that you now have an entry AdventureWorks on the Data Source Explorer.Expand this tree view until you get to the list of Tables. Then right-click on the table Product and select Create All Operations.After this operation is completed you will be presented with a wizard that lets you customize the parameters and filters for these operations. Just press Finish to accept the default values.You should now see all the operations (Create, Read Item, Update, etc.) listed on the External Content Type Operations, at the right side of your screen.Task 3: Configure the Title for your External Content TypeClick on the option Summary View at the ribbon, to go back to this view, where you will be able to define which field should be used as the Title for this External Content Type.To do this, select the field Name from the list of Fields at the right side of this screen and then select the option Set as Title at the ribbon.Task 4: Create Profile Page for your External Content TypeBefore creating a profile page for your External Content Type, you must check if this is enabled and configured for your site. To do this:Open SharePoint Central Administration and go to Manage Service Applications Business Data Connectivity Service, then select the tab Edit on the ribbon and click on the option Configure.On the screen that appears, make sure that the option Enable Profile Creation is enabled and specify the following Host SharePoint site URL: . Click in OK to confirm the change.Now, go back to SharePoint Designer to create a Profile Page for your External Content Type. To do this, select the option Create Profile Page at the ribbon and, when prompted to save the External Content Type now, click Yes.At this point SharePoint Designer will save your External Content Type at the BDC Metadata Store and create the appropriate Profile Page. Task 5: Verify that your External Content Type was saved successfullyOpen SharePoint Central Administration and go to Manage Service Applications Business Data Connectivity Service. Your new External Content Type should appear on the list.Task 6: Verify access permissions to your External Content TypeIn order for your External Content Type to be crawled, you must check if the default content access account has permissions on it. To validate this, roll the mouse over your External Content Type on the list and, on the dropdown menu that appears, select the option Set Permissions.At the screen that appears, make sure that your default content access account (e.g. Administrator) is listed there with all permissions (Edit, Execute, Selectable In Clients, Set Permissions).Task 7: Create a new Content SourceOn SharePoint Central Administration select Manage Service Applications FASTContent and then select Content Sources at the left side menu.Click on New Content Source and at the next screen select the following options:Name: ProductsContent Source Type: Line of Business Data (after you select this option the page will reload to display your available options for this Content Source Type)External Data Source: Crawl selected external data source AdventureWorksStart full crawl of this content source: mark this optionClick Ok and follow the status of the crawl for your Content Source by clicking on Refresh.After the status of your Content Source change from Crawling Full to Completing to Idle, move to the next task (approx. 2 minutes).Task 8: Search your External Content TypeAccess your browser favorite Custom Search to access your search site and search for the term helmet. Verify that you have results coming from your External Content Type.Also, click on one of the results and you will see the Profile Page that was created for that item.ConclusionThis concludes the lab for the module: Overview of SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search Connectors and the Business Data Connectivity (BDC) Service. ................

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