What is the difference between powershell ise and powershell x86


What is the difference between powershell ise and powershell x86

Windows 7 / Getting StartedWindows PowerShell is an extensible version of the command prompt. It is integrated with the Microsoft .NET Framework, which gives it extensive capabilities well beyond the command prompt. Windows 7 comes with Windows PowerShell 2.0 installed (the same version that's installed on Windows Server 2008 R2).The PowerShell commands can be used to perform and automate many administrative tasks such as managing services, managing event logs, modifying the Registry, and interacting with Windows Management Instrumentation. PowerShell was designed with scripting in mind, so you'll find that you can create elegant scripts that can automate many of your administrative tasks.One of the challenges with PowerShell is that it is so rich in capabilities and features that it can be intimidating. However, you can start using it without understanding everything about it. You can learn as you go.You'll get the most out of this section if you're able to launch PowerShell, execute the commands, and see them in action You can launch Power- Shell normally or with administrative permissions To launch it with administrative permissions, you'd right-click and select Run As Administrator However, I strongly recommend that you launch it normally unless you need specifically to use administrative permissions (such as when you need to change the execution policy, as shown later in this tutorial)Just as the command prompt has its own environment, PowerShell too has its own environment. It also has a distinctive look and feel. Launch it and see for yourself by clicking Start All Programs Accessories Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell.While the look and feel are a little different, you can right-click the title bar and have access to the same menu as the command prompt. You can also copy and paste to and from the PowerShell window and enable QuickEdit mode, so this is a little easier. Copy and paste works exactly the same as shown with the command prompt earlier in this tutorial.In addition to the Windows PowerShell, you'll see the Windows PowerShell ISE, which is the Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). If you're running a 64-bit system, you'll see the following four choices:Windows PowerShell (x86)Windows PowerShell ISE (x86)Windows PowerShellWindows PowerShell ISI haven't run across any issues using the 64-bit Windows PowerShell and ISE for all my scripts, but if you need to step down to the 32-bit version, you can.[Previous] [Contents] [Next] I've recently used Powershell, but there appear to be several different versions of this utility. Some of them work--some of them merely report not being able to find something or call up something else. For instance, when I call up Powershell from an elevated command prompt, Powershell does not let me use a script to retrieve the chkdsk log. However, when I click the search button and bring up Windows Powershell (x86), Powershell appears in a dark-blue window and does work when I paste the same command. And it seems these versions of Powershell are located in different places. So what are the differences between these apparent different versions of Powershell? Attached Thumbnails The reason you can at the moment not run your scripts when running PowerShell (PS) from Command Prompt (CP) is most probably the execution policy set by the system; by default it is restricted. You need to launch the PS in CP with the ExecutionPolicy switch telling what kind of policy you want to be used, for instance Unrestricted. As I have changed the policy earlier, for this screenshot below I deliberately set it first to Restricted to show you an example: #1 = Checking the current execution policy, noticing it's Restricted. Exiting PS#2 = Launching the PS again, this time setting the policy to Unrestricted#3 = Checking the current execution policy again, now it is Unrestricted. The ISE (Integrated Script Editor) version of the PS is just PS on steroids . You can for example open multiple tabs and do some other stuff not possible in the traditional PS (click the screenshot to enlarge): The x86 versions of PS and PS ISE are what the name says, 32 bit versions made available on 64 bit Windows. Basically they are useless for you, I have difficulties to think even a single scenario where you would need a 32 bit PS instead of a 64 bit in modern Windows. By the way, as you are interested in PowerShell, did you know that with it you can install most of your software, install all applications with one command, silently in the background without any user interaction, without any "Click Next", "Click Install", "Click this", "Would you also like to install that" and without any unwanted content being installed? Check the tutorial: PowerShell OneGet - Install Apps from Command Line - Windows 10 Forums Kari Thank you, Kari, for this explanation. I've set the execution policy to unrestricted (I confirmed that after the initial command wouldn't work), but I can't get this command--get-winevent -FilterHashTable @{logname="Application"; id="1001"}| ?{$_.providername ?match "wininit"} | fl timecreated, message | out-file Desktop\CHKDSKResults.txt--to work when I bring up PS from an elevated CP, even with the policy is set to unrestricted. It does work, however, in Powershell ISE (x86) and Powershell x86. Any idea why? Thanks again. Attached Thumbnails This is very simple. When you run Powershell in an administrative prompt, your "current directory" defaults to C:\Windows\System32 When you run it from an icon, it's not running in administrative mode, and the default "current directory" is your user profile.. There is no "Desktop" directory under C:\Windows\System32, which is what the error is telling you. You're telling it to output to a file that cannot exist because the directory does not exist. There is, however, a desktop directory in your user profile. If you look closely at the error, it tells you exactly what the problem is. "DirectoryNotFoundException" This is very simple. When you run Powershell in an administrative prompt, your "current directory" defaults to C:\Windows\System32 When you run it from an icon, it's not running in administrative mode, and the default "current directory" is your user profile.. There is no "Desktop" directory under C:\Windows\System32, which is what the error is telling you. You're telling it to output to a file that cannot exist because the directory does not exist. There is, however, a desktop directory in your user profile. If you look closely at the error, it tells you exactly what the problem is. "DirectoryNotFoundException" Thank you, Mystere. So is it then possible to change the directory so that PS works in my administrative prompt? Or do I change the command to reflect the current directory? Just edit your command by changing the path where the file will be written. At the end of the command line you have now path as Desktop\CHKDSKResults.txt. Change it as you wish, for instance C:\Users\YourUserProfileName\Desktop\CHKDSKResults.txt would write the file to your desktop. Thanks, Kari. Works perfectly! PowerShell comes in 4 versions and 4 flavors! Choosing the right one ensures scripts run correctly, the best performance, and future compatibility. Microsoft doesn't really guide your selection out of the box. How do you choose the right one? How do you know when to use ISE and which ISE to use? Easy ? let's find out how! What Version Should I Run? 99.99% of the time, you should be running the latest version. As of today, that version is 4. If you are running Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2, PowerShell 4 is installed by default. If you are running Windows 7/Server 2008 (or R2), you can (and should) upgrade to version 4. If you are running Windows 8, you should upgrade to Windows 8.1. PowerShell 4 is a part of the Windows Management Framework. You can update to PowerShell 4 by downloading the Windows Management Framework 4.0 installer. Be sure to choose the correct OS/architecture update. If you are running Windows Vista or below, you are out of luck. You will need to update to Windows 7 or above. If you are curious, you can see what PowerShell version you are running very quickly. In PowerShell, type $PSVersionTable. You should see an output like this: There might be a few occasions where you need to run PowerShell in version 2. This is almost always caused by an external plugin or module. If you have an issue like this, launch powershell with a -version 2 as an argument (powershell.exe ? version 2). Console or ISE PowerShell comes in two versions: Console and Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). The console is very similar to the Command Prompt, very fast, and runs on any modern Microsoft OS (including Server Core). However, the console is about as user friendly as the Command Prompt and has nonstandard hotkeys. This is really important when you are copying and pasting a lot! The ISE has a combination of a scripting pane and command window. ISE is user friendly and scalable for novices and experts but can't run on Server Core. As long as you are not running PowerShell on a Server Core installation, always use the ISE for most of your work. It combines the console like experience with a script editor and a GUI help window (the commands pane). If you are just interested in speed, the console will be your choice. I only use the console when I am launching prewritten scripts and embedding them into management consoles or when I am using a scheduled task. This is one that I had wrong for a long time! I defaulted to the X86 version thinking it would be more compatible. With PowerShell, Microsoft's main focus is on the X64 version. The X86 version is supported for backward compatibility and is used in certain instances (such as SCCM integration). The X64 version has more performance and is the default supported architecture. When given the choice, always choose the X64 version for the console and ISE. So does that clear up the myriad of PowerShell choices? If not, let me know in the comments and I'll be happy to help you!

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