Maja Krum, Mr. Sc., EI. Eng.

Prof. Zivotije Lazarevic,Ph. D., EI. Eng.

Ivica Kuzmanié, Mr. Sc.,El. Eng

Maritime Faculty, University of Split,

Zrinskofrankopanska 38, HR-2100 Split, Croatia,

e-mail: mkrcum

Abstract: An ever increasing degree of automation aboard a ship, as well as complex

requirements for functionality and competitiveness in the market, call for a development of

programmable systems. These systems must be easily adaptable, possessing an installation as

short as possible and a good Ilexibility with regard to the number of controllable parameters,

as well as a possibility of peripheral units being connected to the system. All these

components have to be united into an integral shipboard monitoring and control system which

makes an intelligent shipboard control system.

Keywords: management system, monitored control system , intelligent control, ship control,

electrical protection.

1. INTRODUCTION In order to make the functioning of the entire

shipboard system as eff cient as possible, it can be

Automation of shipboard processes is an important conveniently divided into smaller sub - systems,

issue in the improvement of the effciency aboard a

ship. It includes safety and protection of the vessel, as

well as training and education of the personnel and 2. MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATION

their adjustrnent to the new conditions. The staff SYSTEM

manning a particular unit or system is a significant

factor. By introducing monitoring and control devices A centralisation of information and remote control has

the bridge is relived and the number of staff responsible been carried out within shipboard systems. The

for the safe navigation reduced. Some navigation location of the central control unit depends on the

components, such as the steering course, approximate personnel organization, type and basis of the system

determination of the ship's position, radar, surveillance, ( propulsion etc.). By employing electronic element and

collision risk warning (within certain limits), date information system a fully - automated remote control

warning and recording of crucial navigation dates, of the systems, specially designed for marine

weather forecast, depth measuring, fire detection and applications, and guaranteeing reliability and simplicitv

fire fighting are easily adaptable to automation and of operation, has been accomplished.

semi - automation, whereas other components, as for

example manoeuvering in narrow channels, berthing 2.1. Management System

and unberthing, planing of the optimum course and

speed are not. Control engine room are, however, Particular sub - systems, as well as the ship as whole,

perfectly adaptable and enable the officer in charge are of a dynamic nature, which is why they are analysed

to operate the entire unit.

by applying the motion law. By means of appropriate as soon as the operator has received the information. It

mathematical models management system actions can is also a means of interrupting the sound alatrn.

be described and responses, stabilty etc. can be Indication of the disorder automatically stops when

predicted. It is therefore necessary to determine the tthe situation is back to normal, or it can last until the

environment system, the operated machine features and disorder is recognised and rectified by the operator.

the desďred response. The extent to which this method is to be employed

The enviroment system includes the following depends on the operator's estimation, as well as the

requirements to be met: number of personnel manning the control station.

- the operator's ability to perform certain actions,

maintenance and repairs; When giving an alatm it is important for the staff to be

- personnel avaitability; focused on the trouble area instead of "trouble -

- environment conditions ( temperature, humidity, shooting" operations. The actions rectifying the disorder

cleanliness, corrosion ...); must be the result of the instrument reading analysis and

- possibility of accommodating management system the operator's visual control. In case of unmanned

components. control stations, recording of the disorder or frequent

Management system characteristics include: sequencing can be of significant assistance as a rule,

- internal connection of various events which are to information systems have to be fitted with auto - control,

be managed regarding both dependent and independent which means that the disorder with the system must give

operation; the need for logical sequencing as regards the off a clear and easily discernible result.

need for computed figures;

- control variable characteristics depending on the Certain conditions can be recorded and displayed either

number of inputs and their characteristics, response digitally or analogously. If several input figures are

systems and permissible abetration &om ideal recorded, it is done by means of the data logger. A

conditions; digital display records within an automatic time-cycle or

- error effect. at a special order. The infotznation recorded is an

The desired response comprises: ephemeral figure within a certain interval and a sequence

- the staff participation concerning supervision and of actions leads to an estimation based on a series of

carrying out commands either manually or readings. Analogous instruments ensure a continuous

automatically; graphic display, which makes any change in the

- reliability of management including equipment testing, controlled figure easy to detect. Their basic

certain amount of supplies and the error effect; disadvantage is an excessive consumption of paper, and

- the number of outputs and their characteristics. the recorded piece of information can therefore prove to

be of limited value.

22. Information systems Infotmation and remote control centralisation takes

place in a single spot - the control station. If a such a

Automation does not only consist of a management station should happen to be left unattended, except

system: it also incorporates an information system during routine check - ups or at times of disorder, it is

serving simultaneously for supervision and maintenance recommended to locate it where readings can be easily

of the unit. Supervision itself may serve several done, e.g. immediately adjacent to the control engine -

purposes: room. This permits direct surveillance, which is of

- determining control variable figures for remote utmost importance, particularly if there is an imminent

controlled manual management; danger of fire and similar untoward occutrences.

- determinďng control variables for automatic operation;

- disorder warning; The control station design should be based on the so-

- warning of failure in the operator's performance; called "human-engineering" principle since it offers and

- providing information for "trouble - shooting"; determines the most effective criteria for the

- ensuring recording of operations performed. establishment of human environment. The conditions are

meant to maintain attention and concentration by

Instruments used for remote control of certain operations removing excessive vibrations, providing a good

must permit permanent reading in order for the response lighting, noise level, good ventilation etc. Should these

to be immediately recognised. Instruments tending to primary requirements fail to be met, it could lead to

have longer recording periods are not suitable for exhaustion, which in turn impairs the human faculties

manual control. In case of automatic control there is no and capacities, such as decision - making, which is

need for a permanent display, but when it comes to a basic human function enabling the man to establish

manual control mode as a resetve solution, it has proved control over the machine.

to be indispensable. Visual and sod alarms can be used

to draw attention to a certain disorder or operator's The man normally makes use of his senses ( sight,

failure, in which case it is necessary to have an smell, hearing) in estimating the operation of machines.

instrument indicating control variable figures. Visual When these senses are not used, they obviously need a

signal is usually a blinking light switching to permanent replacement which is made apparent when the control

station is located far from the engines. In that case it is "intelligent system", it also must have an output order

necessary to have devices sensitive to a rise in for limiting and avoiding the damage. Based on the

temperature, excessive vibrations and the like to assist parameter monitoring it is important to observe and

the operator injudging the operating conditions. notice the difference between normal and abnormal, as

for example if the voltage should drop by 50% in lops,

an intelligent system must estimate the damage that is

bound to occur due to such a drop in voltage. The

logical phase, having received the information from the

monitoring phase, must be able to discern between

normal and abnormal, as well as to make a decision



" ..:.t,.. . ·: · i . n concerning the appropriate action in case of a disorder




The development of the electronic and information

components has made monitoring and control systems

for marine applications much more demanding. These

systems are nowadays manufactured in the modular

design (Kerle,1995), as is the case with MTU company

Fig.l. Control room console section and their latest MCS-5 system (Modular Control

System). It provides good flexibility of the system (Fig.

When displaying information it is essential for the sub - 2.). Some time ago a much larger and more robust

systems to be sectioned and grouped. Information is equipment was used, but the advance of smaller and

shown in a logical display usually mounted onto a intelligent Peripheral Interface Module (PIM) has not

vertical, horizontal or sloping surface as can be seen in only reduced the space, but made an enormous

Fig. I . (Kerle,1995). A vertical design enables the contribution towards the automation of the process. It

situation to be estimated from a more remote place. represents local input and output and is a part of the

Whatever the choice, the situation has to be displayed modular system with an unlimited configuration.

simp(y and logically. The time needed to take in a

function has to be minimized, which is of particular Peripheral Interface Module acts as a converter for the

consequence in navigation due to the staff reduction. sensors. Their assigned field bus enables them to

communicate with higher-level processes. The field bus

is a super-fast powerful Controller Area Network

2.3. Electrical Protection System (CAN) bus. The advantage of these decentralised

peripheral module connected with local communication

If the electrical protection system is to be taken as one of lines enables the connection to preserve its cables and

the sub - systems (Krdum,1995), it should be noted that, gives safety to the whole distribution configuration.

due to a development of electronic and information

components certain data (e.g. the condition of a switch) The work of Peripheral Interface Module is controlled

can be collected and transmitted analogously or digitally by Programmable Process Station which is capable of

via optic fibers to the central control station used for the processing a large amount of data. Each PPS can control

automatic control of the power supply system. For approximately 25 PIMs simultaneously , at the same

example, by monitoring the condition of the switch all time establishing, communication with the system's

the relevant data, i.e. information, collected during the control and operational levels. These connections (PPS-

phase of surveillance, may give indication of preventive PPS and PPS - control desk) are made possible by a bus

maintenance before the actual damage has occurred. By link. For user's operation either CAN bus or Ethernet

diagnosing and data collecting the routine maintenance bus can be chosen. Should one communication line fail,

schedule can be eliminated altogether and replaced by another is automatically connected by the system.

maintenance as required. It is also possible to

automatically mount the switches over-current and low- These modular technologies are the simplest means of

voltage mode, depending on the operating conditions. As meeting the shipbuilder's requirements, because the data

has bee said before, the protection devices have a processing equipment takes up a relatively small space,

monitoring phase, as well as a logical and a remote particularly regarding the possible number of connected

control phase and the parameters usually monitored, i.e. process modules. The most significiant development in

input factors, are accuracy of voltages and currents the modular system is the optimisation of safety and

andtheir frequency (Krdum and Kuzmanic, 1996). This reliability which are ensured by distribution

system requires a knowledge of how long it can configuration and eployment of local networks.

endure a disorder before damage sets in. Being an Furthermore, the advantage of this system lies in the fact


CAN (ndícation Management Programmable Communication Perďpheral

ar Control Computer Process Process Interface

ECherneC Unit iJniC Sta3ion Stat:ion Mtodule

Fig2. Schematic Representation of the Monitoring and Control System

that it can be programmed and re-programmed, the displayed on the screen. The operator is warned by a

network management system has been optimised and blinking signal and an alarm hum, which is a signal for

cabling requirements have been minimised. It shuld be him to take action. By means of the cursor the operator

noted that the system is distinguisehed by individualised can directly act upon the work of the entire shipboard

solution and ease of maintenance. system. The system is equipped with an alarm log, trend

logging/display functions, journal files, on-line Help

The control centre constitutes the ship's control level. It functions and troubleshooting facilities. Should a large

is the place to which PPSs send their signals or from number of operating units be required, each operator has

which they receive them. The data are processed by access to all the information. Owing to the open system

means of Management Computer Units (MCU). The software and hardware structure, this system can be

compuers directly control the user's choice man- easily adapted to meet all additional requirements.

machine. Visualisation of the process is carried out by

color monitors (Indication Control Units). The system Naturally, such a system has to meet the appropriate

can be individually planned and designed by the user demands set by shipping societies, which is why all the

and applied to any kind of vessel. type research has to be done in compliance with them.

This system shuld make the operation as easy and

pleasant as possible. The basic principle implies that the 4. CONCLUSION

coplex sequencing commands, typical of other

computers, are in this case entirely avoided and The conditions of work aboard the ship often being

commands are easly understood. Programmed displays monotonous and dangerous, both for the personnel and

are usually divided into separate parts showing date, the equipment, there is primarily a need to replace the

time and alarm line, while the navigation line shows human work. Management system safety and protection

detalied position on the screen, the current screen title have to be taken into account in the process. Particular

and the process graphic and general control panel attention is being paid to designing control systems,

section. The operator normally views the system using thereby enabling the operator, both as regards software

the Overview screen displaying the most important and hardware, to work as simply and easily as possible,

components of the system which is thus incoporated into with special consideration being given to alarm systems.

the network. Each piece of information can be called at Due to the development of electronic components, these

any time, and if there is any alarm or a massage from the systems offer a substantial reduction of accommodation

system, its source, or the main group from which the space, relieve the command issuing load, contribute to

particular message has been transmitted, will be directly economy in cabling, accomplishing at the same tame the

essential aim: safety and reliability of the shipboard Electronics in marine, Pula, pp. 290-294.

system while paralelly facilitating certain functions. Krum, M., Kuzmanic, I. (1996). Electrical Power

Distribution in the Shipboard Electrical Network ,

Proc. ofthe 37'h Int. Symp. on Electronics in

REFERENCES marine, Zadar, pp.63-66.

Scott, A.J., (1983). Design of Electrical System for War

Kerle, R., (1995). MCS-5 - An Integrated Monitoring ship, The Institute of Marine Engineers, London,

and Control System for Marine applications, Electrical System of Vessels, Maritime and Traffc

MTU Report 1/95 Faculty

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Protection, Proc. of the 37" Int. Symp. on brodova, Hrvatski registar brodova, Split (dio 12)


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