Alergológica 2015: A National Survey on Allergic Diseases ...


Alergol?gica 2015: A National Survey on Allergic Diseases in the Adult Spanish Population

Ojeda P1, Sastre J2, Olaguibel JM3, Chivato T4 On behalf of the investigators participating in the National Survey of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology Alergol?gica 2015.

1Cl?nica de Asma y Alergia Dres. Ojeda, Madrid, Spain 2Servicio de Alergia, Hospital Fundaci?n Jim?nez D?az, Madrid, Spain 3Servicio de Alergia, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain 4Facultad de Medicina, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, Spain

J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2018; Vol. 28(3): 151-164 doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0264


Background: The frequency of allergic diseases is increasing worldwide, particularly in industrialized countries. From a clinical, management, and public heath perspective, it is important to determine the reasons for consulting an allergist, the distribution by frequency of allergic diseases, and how health care is provided. Objective: Alergol?gica 2015 was carried out to obtain information on clinical practice in allergy departments in Spain, and compare it with the previous study editions. Methods: The data cover the year 2014 and the first quarter of 2015. The target sample was 6000 patients seen at public and private centers throughout Spain. A total of 500 allergists were invited to participate. Data were collected on an electronic case report form. Data were compared with the Alergol?gica surveys for 1992 and 2005 to identify differences. Results: The final study population comprised 2914 patients (mean age 33.6 [18.9] years, 58% women, 17% children), of whom 6.1% were foreign-born. The frequency distribution was as follows: rhinitis, 62%; asthma, 23.4%; drug allergy, 17.7%; urticaria/angioedema, 11.5%; food allergy, 10.4%; contact dermatitis, 4%; atopic dermatitis, 3%; insect venom allergy, 2%. A statistically significant increase was observed between data from 2005 and from 2015 with respect to the prevalence for allergic rhinitis, food allergy and drug hypersensitivity. An increase in the prevalence of a personal history of asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and eczema/atopic dermatitis were also observed. Besides, the number of relevant allergens in the same patient also increased. Most patients were referred from primary care, although a considerable percentage were referred by ENT specialists and dermatologists. Conclusions: Increasing trends were observed for allergic rhinitis, drug allergy, and food allergy, and a decreasing trend was observed for asthma. Findings for other diseases remained practically unchanged. Allergic patients are increasingly complex and present with a myriad of atopic manifestations. Key words: Allergic rhinitis. Allergic diseases. Asthma. Food allergy. Drug hypersensitivity. Epidemiology. Prevalence.


Antecedentes: La frecuencia de las enfermedades al?rgicas est? aumentando globalmente, particularmente en los pa?ses industrializados. Desde una perspectiva cl?nica, de gesti?n y de salud p?blica, es importante determinar los motivos de consulta al alerg?logo, la distribuci?n de la frecuencia de las enfermedades al?rgicas y c?mo se presta la atenci?n sanitaria. Objetivo: Alergol?gica 2015 se realiz? para obtener informaci?n de la pr?ctica cl?nica en los servicios de alergia espa?oles y comparar sus resultados con los de las ediciones previas del estudio. M?todos: Los datos cubren el a?o 2014 y el primer trimestre de 2015. La muestra diana fue de 6.000 pacientes atendidos en los centros p?blicos y privados de toda Espa?a. Se invit? a participar a un total de 500 alerg?logos. Los datos se recogieron en un formulario electr?nico. Se compararon los datos con lo de los estudios de los a?os 1992 y 2005 para identificar diferencias. Resultados: La poblaci?n final del estudio comprendi? 2.914 pacientes (edad media 33,6 [18,9] a?os), 58% de mujeres, 17% ni?os) de los cu?les el 6,1% fueron extranjeros. La distribuci?n por frecuencia fue: rinitis en el 62% de los sujetos; asma 23,4%; alergia a f?rmacos 17,7%; urticaria/angioedema 11,5%; alergia alimentaria 10,4%; dermatitis de contacto 4%; dermatitis at?pica 3%; alergia al veneno de insectos 2%. Comparativamente con los resultados obtenidos en Alergol?gica 2005 se observ? un aumento estad?sticamente significativo con respecto a la prevalencia de rinitis al?rgica, alergia a los alimentos e hipersensibilidad a los medicamentos. Tambi?n se observ? un aumento en la prevalencia de antecedentes personales de asma, rinitis, conjuntivitis y eccema / dermatitis at?pica. Adem?s, el n?mero de al?rgenos relevantes en el mismo paciente tambi?n aument?.

? 2018 Esmon Publicidad

J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2018; Vol. 28(3): 151-164 doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0264


Ojeda P, et al.

La mayor?a de los pacientes fueron remitidos desde atenci?n primaria, si bien un porcentaje considerable lo hizo por el especialista ORL y dermatolog?a. Conclusiones: Se observaron tendencias al alza para rinitis al?rgica, alergia a f?rmacos y alergia a los alimentos y una tendencia a la baja para el asma. Los hallazgos para otras enfermedades al?rgicas quedaron pr?cticamente iguales. Los pacientes al?rgicos son cada vez m?s complejos y presentan una diversidad de manifestaciones at?picas.

Palabras clave: Alergia a alimentos. Alergia a medicamentos. Asma. Rinitis al?rgica. Epidemiolog?a. Prevalencia.


The frequency of allergic diseases is increasing worldwide, particularly in industrialized countries. From a clinical, management, and public heath perspective, it is important to determine the reasons for consulting an allergist, the distribution by frequency of allergic diseases, how the patient is referred to the specialist, and the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches used.

Allergy has been considered a full medical specialty in Spain since 1978, and the allergist is fully trained to treat all kinds of allergic diseases and allergic patients of all ages, from infancy to old age. Therefore, in 1992, the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology set up and carried out the first nationwide epidemiologic study, Alergol?gica 1992 [1]. Subsequent Boards of Directors published 2 new editions of this survey--Alergol?gica 2005 [2] and Alergol?gica 2015--with the same scope and based on the same methodology in order to be able to compare data.

The 2015 edition also included 2 complementary surveys: the National Allergy Map and the National Pharmacy Survey. The first was addressed to all allergists in charge of allergy departments/units or private offices and inquired about material and human resources, diagnostic procedures, and availability of special therapies (eg, desensitization to drugs and/or foods), as well as educational and investigational activities. The National Pharmacy Survey was designed by a committee of the Spanish Society of Community Pharmacy and aimed at community pharmacists with the aim of knowing the allergy-related health and educational needs of people using a pharmacy [3]. In this study, we present the main results of the epidemiological survey Alergol?gica 2015 for the adult population. Findings for patients aged ................

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