Grade 4 Treasures and Tesoros

Grade 5 California Treasures and Tesoros de Lectura-Selection Correlations

Black: Selection Title Blue: Comprehension Strategy Red: Comprehension Skill

1.When the core selections match in English Treasures and Spanish Tesoros, the vocabulary will probably match pretty well – although there may be words in Spanish that are considered tier two words that are not in English.

2.Once the Presentation Toolkit CD is loaded onto your computer you can go into the Visual Vocabulary Resources (VVR) and make edits – for example – you could put the Spanish word next to the English word. You could also write them on the VVR book pages..

3.The Retelling Cards for the English selections could be used for the Spanish selections when the selections match.

4.The ELD Retelling Cards will match the ELD Leveled Practice Readers – so if you are using the ELD (Purple) Skill Based Practice Readers for ELD with Spanish Speakers the ELD Retelling Cards will always work.

|Unit 1 |**Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |Week 4 |Week 5 |Week 6 |

|Eng |Goin’ Someplace Special |Shiloh |TIME |The Night of San |Sleds on Boston Common |Review all Strategies|

| |Analyze Story Structure |Monitor Comprehension |Summarize |Juan |Make Inferences and |Review all Skills |

| |Character and Setting |Make Inferences |Main Idea and |Summarize |Analyze | |

| | | |Details |Problem and Solution|Draw Conclusions | |

|Sp |Chico Rey |Shiloh |TIME |La noche de San Juan|En Trineo en Boston Common|Review all Strategies|

| |Analyze Story Structure |Monitor Comprehension |Summarize |Summarize |Make Inferences and |Review all Skills |

| |Character and Setting |Make Inferences |Main Idea and |Problem and Solution|Analyze | |

| | | |Details | |Draw Conclusions | |

|Unit 2 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |Week 4 |Week 5 |Week 6 |

|Eng |Valley of the Moon |TIME |Black Cowboy |Davy Crocket Saves the|When Esther Morris |Review all Strategies|

| |Monitor Comprehension |Make Inferences and |Wild Horses |World |Headed West |Review all Skills |

| |Cause and Effect |Analyze |Monitor |Analyze Story |Evaluate | |

| | |Cause and Effect |Ccomprehension |Structure |Fact and Opinion | |

| | | |Make Inferences |Plot and Setting | | |

|Sp |El Valle de la Luna |CHARRO |TIME |Davy Crocket Salva al |Cuando Esther Morris Fue|Review all Strategies|

| |Monitor Comprehension |Monitor Ccomprehension |Make Inferences and |Mundo |al Oeste |Review all Skills |

| |Cause and Effect |Make Inferences |Analyze |Analyze Story |Evaluate | |

| | | |Cause and Effect |Structure |Fact and Opinion | |

| | | | |Plot and Setting | | |

|Unit 3 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |Week 4 |Week 5 |Week 6 |

|Eng |The Catch of the Day |The Golden Mare, the |TIME |Blancaflor |The Unbreakable Code |Review all |

| |Evaluate |Firebird, and the Magic |Summarize |Visualize |Generate Questions |Strategies |

| |Author’s Purpose |Ring |Compare and Contrast |Theme |Author’s Perspective |Review all Skills |

| | |Summarize | | | | |

| | |Sequence | | | | |

|Sp |La Pesca Del Dia |La yegua dorada, el ave de|TIME |Blancaflor |El codigo indescifrable |Review all |

| |Evaluate |fuego y el anillo magico |Summarize |Visualize |Generate Questions |Strategies |

| |Author’s Purpose |Summarize |Compare and Contrast |Theme |Author’s Perspective |Review all Skills |

| | |Sequence | | | | |

|Unit 5 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |Week 4 |**Week 5 |Week 6 |

|Eng |Spirit of Endurance |Ultimate Field Trip 5 |TIME |Zathura |Skunk Scout |Review all |

| |Generate Questions |Generate Questions |Evaluate |Make Inferences and |Monitor Comprehension |Strategies |

| |Problem and Solution |Main Idea and Details |Fact and Opinion |Analyze |Make Judgements |Review all Skills |

| | | | |Draw Conclusions | | |

|Sp |Espiritu de Resistencia |Excursion Estupenda |TIME |Zathura |“Dejame Solo, Joe” |Review all |

| |Generate Questions |Generate Questions |Evaluate |Make Inferences and |Monitor Comprehension |Strategies |

| |Problem and Solution |Main Idea and Details |Fact and Opinion |Analyze |Make Judgements |Review all Skills |

| | | | |Draw Conclusions | | |

|Unit 5 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |Week 4 |Week 5 |Week 6 |

|Eng |Hidden Worlds |Rattlers! |TIME |Up in the Air: The Story of|Hurricanes |Review all |

| |Summarize |Summarize |Monitor Comprehension |Balloon Flight |Analyze Text Structure |Strategies |

| |Sequence |Main Idea |Make Generalizations |Monitor Comprehension |Description |Review all Skills |

| | |And Details | |Make Generalizations | | |

|Sp |Mundos Ocultos |Serpientes! |TIME |Por los aires: La historia |Los Huracanes |Review all |

| |Summarize |Summarize |Monitor Comprehension |del globo aerostatito |Structure |Strategies |

| |Sequence |Main Idea |Make Generalizations |Monitor Comprehension |Description |Review all Skills |

| | |And Details | |Make Generalizations | | |

|Unit 6 |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |Week 4 |Week 5 |Week 6 |

|Eng |Miss Alaineus:A |Carolos and the Skunk |TIME |Westlandia |The Gri Gri Tree from |Review all Strategies |

| |Vocabulary Disaster |Evaluate |Monitor Comprehension |Make Inferences and |The Color of My Words |Review all Skills |

| |Analyze Story Structure |Author’s Purpose |Persuasion |Analyze |Generate Questions | |

| |Character and Plot | | |Theme |Summarize | |

|Sp |Marte y las princesas |Carlos y el Zorrillo |TIME |Westlandia |El arbol de gri gri y |Review all Strategies |

| |voladoras |Evaluate |Monitor Comprehension |Make Inferences and |de El color de mis |Review all Skills |

| |Analyze Story Structure |Author’s Purpose |Persuasion |Analyze |palabras | |

| |Character and Plot | | |Theme |Generate Questions | |

| | | | | |Summarize | |


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