Lesson Plan Form - Biology Teaching

LESSON TITLE:__ _____Photosynthesis______________GRADE: _____9-12__ Amount of Preparation Needed Prior to Class: 20-30 minutes (Lab preparation and setup)Number of 50 Minute Classes: 7-9Click here for the resource page on the website (login required): PhotosynthesisLearning/Lesson PlanStandards:HS-LS1-5.Use a model?to illustrate how?photosynthesis transforms light energy into stored chemical energy.?[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on illustrating inputs and outputs of matter and the transfer and transformation of energy in photosynthesis by plants and other photosynthesizing organisms. Examples of models could include diagrams, chemical equations, and conceptual models.]?Objective(s): (What will a student know [content] and be able to do [skills/process]?)Identify and describe the cell structures involved in processing energyIdentify and describe how organisms obtain and transform energy for their life processesDescribe the fundamental roles of plastids and mitochondria in energy transformationDescribe the role of ATP in biochemical reactionsEssential Question(s):How is the cell organized to maintain homeostasis in all organisms?Explain how the organelles work together to provide functions for the organism.Assessments Summative and Formative(What strategies will be employed? How will we know instruction has been successful?)Student responses during class discussionsBell RingersExit ticketsQuizzesTestPhotosynthesis LabPhotosynthesis ModelMaterials NeededSpinach Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda)-CO2 sourceLiquid Soap Syringe LeafHole PunchTimer Light Source (Compact Fluorescent/Incadence) Heat sourceStir sticks Plastic cupsBeakers Tin FoilModel building supplies (students can bring)Internet Access with youtube (or download video prior to class) and Projector (for animations and video clips)Setting the Stage/Beginning the Lesson/Engagement*(How will new learning be introduced? How will students get motivated/excited regarding new learning? How will prior knowledge be tapped and assessed?)Day 1 BR Engagement: Slide 1 of the Photosynthesis Presentation. Where does most energy come from? How do you get energy? What processes are involved with you obtaining energy. (list as many as possible)Day 2 BR: Slide 12- Why do plants appear green? What wavelengths of light does chlorophyll a reflect? What wavelengths of light does chlorophyll b reflect? What wavelengths of light does carotenoids reflect?Day 3 BR: SKIP Get students into the lab asap. Day 4 BR: Review the Photosynthesis using Bozeman Science video. Day 5 BR- Students will complete the photosynthesis concept map. Day 6- If needed- Slide 23 -Explain how increased global temperature could affect plants.Acquisition of Skills/Developing the Lesson/Exploration*/Explanation*/ Elaboration*(What will Modeling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, and Checking for Understanding look like?)Day 1: The teacher will review the Power point presentation titled “Photosynthesis Presentation” up to slide 11. Students will complete the guided notes slides 1-11. Students will the Photosynthesis Worksheet. Go over the worksheet or assign it for homework.Day 2: The teacher will present slides 13-22.The teacher will begin the Photosynthesis lab by showing a video on the lab setup.Students will be assigned a variable to test. Students will begin their procedures. Students can finish their procedures for homework if they did not finish them in class. Day 3:Students will get their procedures approved and begin testing their variables.Students will record their results on the board so other students can prepare to set up their attempt to optimize photosynthesis. Student will clean up their lab areas.Students can complete their lab analysis questions for homework.An additional day may be needed for this lab depending on the group of students.Day 4:Finish lab and begin the Photosynthesis model activity. Day 5Finish the photosynthesis model. Day 6-If NeededPresent the models if students wish. Review for the quiz. Study vocabulary with a partner or complete a quizlet.live activity if students all have a device. They can also partner up. Day 7-ASSESSMENT (choose your version here) Closing the Lesson/Summary of Learning/Evaluation*(How will learning be explained, summarized, applied to assure student understanding?)Day 1 – The teacher will use the beach ball to review structure of a chloroplast terms (thylakoid, grana, stroma, lumen, chloroplast)Day 2 -Students will be asked to stand up if they are wearing a certain color. Students will ask one question about what they do not understand. Use this time to review procedure writing.Day 3 –Lab cleanup inspection. Class discussion about the lab. Problems, Challenges, Findings.Day 4 – Place the student in groups of 3-4 (using the name cards), give the students 5 minutes to write down how sunlight becomes chemical energy. Have each group share out their answers. Use a timer. Day 5 –Ask for a volunteer to share their model. You could incentivize with extra credit or a homework pass. Day 6 (if needed)- Have student explain someone else’s model or finish will quizlet review.Differentiating the LessonDifferentiations will be based on students’ needs:Higher Differentiation- Be sure these students complete the last part of the lab and attempt to optimize the rate of photosynthesis. Make it a competition to see who can do it best.Lower Differentiation - The teacher should offer more guided one on one instruction whenever possible especially in the lab. Group a high level student with a lower level student may work well here. Modify assignments by reducing the length, extending time or chunking the assignment. The teacher may need to extend the unit 2 days to allow more time for students to practice. Student may also benefit from model building depending on their learning style. Learning/Lesson Reflection(What went well? What may need revision the next time I use this lesson? How did students react? etc.)Learning/Lesson Extension(What web sites, references, field experiences, related topics, or activities might offer enriched or enhanced learning opportunities?)Check out videos by Bozeman science, crash course or kahn academy to reinforce this concept. ................

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