-Create, write, and perform a skit using refusal skills

Group Members Names: ______________________________________________________________

Drug Chosen: ______________________

PD ________ EVEN/ODD Due: _________________

Say No to Drugs Skit

Your group will create a peer pressure scenario and write a skit using dialogue and dialogue writing techniques to show your understanding of how to use the refusal skills discussed in class and in the book. Your group will perform the skit and demonstrate the use of effective communication skills.

Example of how to write out dialogue for skit and play writing.

Lori: “Missy, come on! You know drinking beer under 21 is illegal! What did we learn in health class? You can get a fine and get into a lot of trouble if you get caught. Let’s go play the Wii instead.”

Missy: “Lori, you are so right. Sometimes I don’t always think before I act. Playing the Wii sounds like a better and healthier idea.”

To ensure success and to earn 35 pts. make sure to do the following:

-Include 2 or more refusal skill techniques in your skit

(They must bold or underline to earn points!!!)

*Name the trouble *avoid dangerous situations

*state the consequence *say “no!”

*ask questions *stand your ground

*suggest an alterative *use pages 28-29 and 296-297 for help

*walk away and leave the door open

*divide the group

-Completed 4 square (rough draft) must be handed in with final script

-Communication Skills must be demonstrated

*eye contact

*body position (your back should not be to your audience)

*clear, loud voice

-Skits must include at least 5 facts about the drug that the group had chosen. You must underline or bold each fact to earn credit!!!!!

-All group members must have a part in the story.

-Any props or costumes used must be school appropriate.

-Be ready to put on your show the day it is due! If someone is absent the skit will still be presented.

NO exceptions!!!

-Must have a typed script for each person in your group (4-5 per group)

-Must have a typed final copy script for the teacher to look at during the presentation

-Spelling, neatness, and dialogue punctuation count!

Refusal Skills Skit Grading Checklist

Names: 1.___________________________ 2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________

Communication Skills (6 pts.) ___ eye contact

___ body position

___ clear, loud voice

Refusal Skills (10 pts.) ___ name the trouble

*must use at least 2 skills* ___ state the consequence

___ ask questions

___ suggest an alternative

___ walk away and leave

the door open

___ divide the group

Follow Directions On Skit (9 pts.) ___ skills highlighted

___ quotation marks used

___ skit for each member

___ neat/clean appearance

___ typed skit (1 pt.)

Spelling (1 pt. off for each grammar, spelling, punctuation error) ___ # of errors

4 Square Completed (5 pts.) ___ All parts completed

Drug Facts (5 pts.) ___ 5 facts

TOTAL ___ / 35 pts.


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