5th Grade Science SOL Review - LCPS

5th Grade Science SOL Review

|Website |Comments |

|1. SOL Pass – Interactive Ac |The password is roundhill. |

| |This is an excellent site for Science|

| |Review quizzes for 5th grade. |

| |Can be used with SMARTBOARD |

|2.Tami Maloney Interactive Quizzes |This is a good overall site for |

| |review, especially for released SOL |

| |tests and practice quizzes. The |

| |drawback is the site is very big and |

| |somewhat confusing to navigate. |

| |Can be used with SMARTBOARD |

|3. Mullen Elem |Another good, comprehensive quiz |

| |site. Short quizzes. |

| |Can be used with SMARTBOARD |

|4. Science Practice Test 25 questions | |

|5. Virginia SOL (scroll down to science practice test) | |

|6. Hartcourt (activities) | |

|7. Science Online |Fabulous interactive site on each SOL|

|8. I Know |Great interactive activities on all |

| |areas. |

|Jefferson Lab |Online test – can select the number |

|9. |of questions |

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