Suggested Timeline for Standardized Tests:

Suggested Timeline for Standardized Tests:

|9th grade |10th grade |11th grade |12th grade |

|College admissions testing is not required for |September- Sophomores who are interested in |September- Juniors may register in the guidance |October through December- Seniors who wish to |

|9th graders. |taking the PSAT should register in the guidance |office for the PSAT/NMSQT. |retake the SAT, ACT or take an SAT Subject test|

|June- Students applying to highly selective |office. Cash or a check payable to Guidance |October- Juniors should take the Practice |for college admissions purposes may take it |

|colleges may consider taking an SAT subject test|Testing fund is accepted. |SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test |during the fall. |

|to demonstrate proficiency in a particular |October- Students may take the PSAT, but should |(PSAT/NMSQT). |February- Students taking Advanced Placement |

|class. |keep in mind that the test is geared to 11th |December through June- Juniors should take the |classes should register for AP Exams in the |

| |graders. Most 10th graders may not have had |SAT and/or the ACT. See your counselor to help |guidance office. |

| |enough math instruction to reach their potential|determine the best testing schedule for you. |May- Advanced Placement Testing is conducted |

| |on this test. However, taking this test for |Registration deadlines are typically 6 weeks |during the first two weeks of the month. |

| |practice is always helpful. |prior to the testing date. | |

| |February- Students taking Advanced Placement |February- Students taking Advanced Placement | |

| |classes should register for AP Exams in the |classes should register for AP Exams in the | |

| |guidance office. |guidance office. | |

| |May- Advanced Placement Testing is conducted |May- Advanced Placement Testing is conducted | |

| |during the first two weeks of the month. |during the first two weeks of the month. | |

| |June- Students applying to college may consider |June- Students applying to college may consider | |

| |taking an SAT subject test to demonstrate |taking an SAT subject test to demonstrate | |

| |proficiency in a particular class. |proficiency in a particular class. | |


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