The Cold War and the 1950's TEST - Weebly

The Cold War and American in the 1950's TEST


Mr. Walters

The Cold War and the 1950's TEST

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


1. Which of the following best describes satellite nations?

|a. |nations in debt to the World Bank |

|b. |nations that belonged to NATO |

|c. |nations west of the iron curtain |

|d. |nations dominated by the Soviet Union |

2. What did President Truman promise in the Truman Doctrine?

|a. |to support nations trying to resist Soviet control. |

|b. |to fight hunger anywhere in the world. |

|c. |to enforce the American foreign policy of brinkmanship. |

|d. |to reject the former policy of containment. |

3. The Berlin airlift was President Truman’s response to the

|a. |reunification of East and West Germany. |

|b. |German development of the atomic bomb. |

|c. |Soviet blockade of West Berlin. |

|d. |construction of the Berlin Wall. |

4. In response to the formation of NATO, the Soviet Union

|a. |created the Warsaw Pact. |

|b. |left the United Nations. |

|c. |ended the Berlin airlift. |

|d. |joined the Marshall Plan. |

5. What was the outcome of the Korean War?

|a. |Korea was unified under a Communist government. |

|b. |North Korea surrendered after the threat of atomic warfare. |

|c. |Korea remained divided at almost exactly the same place as before the war. |

|d. |China controlled North Korea while South Korea remained independent. |

6. What impact did Joseph McCarthy have on American society?

|a. |He encouraged a widespread fear of communism. |

|b. |He strengthened the United States Army. |

|c. |He encouraged Americans to stand up for their civil rights. |

|d. |He created opposition to United States involvement in Latin American affairs. |

7. At the Yalta and Potsdam conferences, the leaders of each nation decided to

|a. |keep the Soviet Union out of the war with Japan. |

|b. |divide the defeated Germany into four sectors—American, British, French, and Soviet. |

|c. |rearm Germany as soon as possible. |

|d. |set up a world organization that would share knowledge of atomic weapons. |

8. As World War II ended, a major disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union involved

|a. |Soviet domination of satellite nations |

|b. |the division of Latin America. |

|c. |the role of Britain in postwar Europe. |

|d. |the wording of the United Nations charter. |

9. George Kenan sent a message to president Truman. How did he communicate?

a. phone call

b. text message

c. telegram

d. He borrowed a courier pigeon from Omar the Giant.

10. President Truman demonstrated his determination to preventing communism by:

a. aiding nations through the Marshall Plan

b. dropping the A-bomb on Japan

c. declaring communism to be illegal

d. inviting Winston Churchill to the US

11. At the end of World War II, Korea was divided into

|a. |Southern pro-American government and a Northern pro-Communist government |

|b. |a Southern pro-Fascist government and a Northern pro-Communist government |

|c. |a Southern pro-Communist government and a Northern pro-American government |

|d. |none of the above |

12. Americans thought the invasion by North Korea was initiated by

|a. |the Chinese. |

|b. |the Soviet Union. |

|c. |Germans. |

|d. |Japan. |

13. General MacArthur favored breaking the stalemate in the war by

|a. |opening a second front by attacking the Chinese mainland. |

|b. |opening a second front by attacking the Soviet Union. |

|c. |backing Jiang Jieshi in an attack on Taiwan. |

|d. |pulling out of Korea altogether. |

14. The policy of making the military power of the United States and its allies so strong that no enemy would dare attack it for fear of retaliation is known as

|a. |deterrence. |

|b. |containment. |

|c. |brinkmanship. |

|d. |the Truman Doctrine. |

15. One long-lasting effect of the major highway-building projects of the 1950s was

|a. |a reduction in the number of cars built. |

|b. |the growth of suburbs. |

|c. |a shrinkage of the trucking industry. |

|d. |the disappearance of suburban housing. |

16. The 1957 launching of Sputnik

|a. |proved the superiority of American technology. |

|b. |greatly increased Eisenhower’s popularity. |

|c. |plunged the United States into a series of three recessions. |

|d. |caused Congress to increase spending on teaching science and mathematics. |

17. Which of the following best describes the beatniks of the 1950s?

|a. |They rebelled against conformity and traditional social patterns. |

|b. |They worked to revive organized religion. |

|c. |They organized campaigns against racial injustice. |

|d. |They valued American middle-class culture above diverse cultural heritages. |

18. William J. Levitt contributed to the growth of suburbs by

|a. |mass-producing houses. |

|b. |criticizing urban life. |

|c. |designing interstate highways. |

|d. |providing low-interest mortgage loans. |

19. American society in the 1950s expected women to

|a. |take part-time jobs. |

|b. |manage the household. |

|c. |go to college. |

|d. |work in day-care centers. |

20. Rock-and-roll gave the young people of the 1950s

|a. |a way to conform with their parents’ expectations. |

|b. |the values they needed to live through depression and war. |

|c. |a stable and secure cultural role. |

|d. |a style that they could call their own. |

21. Truman’s Fair Deal aimed to

|a. |revoke most New Deal programs. |

|b. |greatly shrink the federal government. |

|c. |extend the New Deal’s goals. |

|d. |appeal to conservative Republicans. |

22. Truman seemed unlikely to win the 1948 election because he

|a. |campaigned against civil rights. |

|b. |forced union officials to sign loyalty oaths. |

|c. |vetoed farm supports. |

|d. |lost the support of much of his party. |

23. The Truman Doctrine represented a

|a. |return to isolationism |

|b. |desire to aid Asia and its economic recovery |

|c. |new approach in Latin American affairs |

|d. |departure from the policy of isolationism |



Match each item with the correct statement below. You will not use all the items.

|a. |Berlin airlift |

|b. |containment |

|c. |HUAC |

|d. |Cold War |

|e. |satellite nation |

24. A(n) ____ in Eastern Europe was controlled politically and economically by the Soviet Union.

25. The term ____ refers to the competition that developed between the United States and the Soviet Union for power and influence in the world.

26. After World War II, American leaders developed a policy of ____ to resist and stop the spread of communism.

27. The ____ provided vital supplies to a region blockaded by the Soviet Union.

28. In the late 1940s, the ____ investigated the motion picture industry for Communist influences.


Match each name with the correct statement below. You will not use all the names.

|a. |Benjamin Spock |

|b. |Richard M. Nixon |

|c. |William J. Levitt |

|d. |Jonas Salk |

|e. |GI Bill |

29. doctor who developed a vaccine against polio

30. developer who mass-produced new communities in suburbs

31. pediatrician who wrote a highly influential book on child care

32. this helped former soldiers attend college and get loans

33. Gave the "Checkers Speech"

A Couple More Multiple Choice

34. What famous spy case involved a married couple who were executed?

a. Rosenbergs

b. Saccos

c. Vanzettis

d. Arnolds

35. Cold War refers to tensions between

a. China and Japan

b. Britain and Germany

c. Egypt and Israel

d. USSR and the United States

36. In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy was accusing people of what?

a. Criticizing the Congress

b. Plotting to kill the President

c. helping the Communists

d. Evading taxes

37. What was the most popular TV comedy in the 1950’s?

A. Scooby Doo

B. A-Team

C. I Love Lucy

D. Big Bang Theory

38. At the end of WW II, the Allies split control of what city?

a. Paris

b. Rome

c. Berlin

d. Moscow

39. What wad the name of the domestic policies that Truman pursued after 1948?

a. New Deal

b. Fair Deal

c. Square Deal

d. Straight Road

40. What new political party ran against Truman in 1948?

a. Populists

b. Dixiecrats

c. Omarcrats

d. Bull Moose Party


Gallup Polls of the Biggest Problems Facing America, 1950–1980

Gallup polls reported in the New York Times, August 1, 1999. Reprinted by permission.

41. Which of the following most contributed to the Gallup poll results in 1950 as shown in the table above?

|a. |World War II |

|b. |Concerns about the Middle East |

|c. |The Korean War |

|d. |The Vietnam War |

42. Which factor most likely led to the change in American sentiment about communism between 1950 and 1954?

|a. |The escalating military crisis in Latin America |

|b. |Growing U.S. military involvement in Vietnam |

|c. |Multiple oil crises in the Middle East |

|d. |Investigations of suspected domestic Communist activity |

43. Between 1950 and 1959, what contributed LEAST to the change in American sentiment regarding unemployment?

|a. |Fear of communism |

|b. |Growth in the private sector |

|c. |The rapid expansion of higher education |

|d. |Increased federal spending |

44. Which of the following represented the largest post-World War II effort to bolster the economies of non-Communist nations?

|a. |The League of Nations |

|b. |The North Atlantic Treaty Organization |

|c. |The Marshall Plan |

|d. |The Truman Doctrine |

45. Which of the following was the greatest setback to the U.S. policy of containment?

|a. |The rise of Communist China under Mao Zedong |

|b. |The formation of the Warsaw Pact, a multilateral Communist alliance |

|c. |The Berlin Crisis during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev |

|d. |Communism entering Latin America with Castro’s Cuban Revolution |

46.Which of the following provoked the greatest fear of internal Communist threats?

|a. |The influence of Communist actors and directors in the movie industry |

|b. |President Dwight Eisenhower’s allegations of Communist subversion |

|c. |The hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) |

|d. |The arrests and convictions of hundreds of spies in the federal government |

This question refers to the following quotation.

“In my opinion the State Department, which is one of the most important government departments, is thoroughly infested with Communists.…I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either card carrying members or certainly loyal to the Communist Party, but who nevertheless are still helping to shape our foreign policy. One thing to remember in discussing the Communists in our Government is that we are not dealing with spies who…steal blueprints of a new weapon. We are dealing with a far more sinister type of activity because it permits the enemy to guide and shape our policy…and will end only when the whole sorry mess of twisted, warped thinkers are swept from the national scene.”

Senator Joseph McCarthy, The Congressional Record, 1950

Congressional Record, 81st Cong., 2nd Session, vol. 96, part, 2, 1954–1957.

47. During the early 1950s, which of the following resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above?

|a. |Public debates over the proper balance between liberty and order |

|b. |Attempts to rein in the power of the executive branch |

|c. |Widespread concern about the military–industrial complex |

|d. |Strong domestic opposition to the Korean War |

48. Which of the following historical developments between World War I and World War II would the author of the passage most likely support?

|a. |The Great Migration |

|b. |The free speech movement |

|c. |Restrictive immigration quotas |

|d. |The growth of the American labor movement |


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