Density and Significant Figures Practice Worksheet


Density and Significant Figures Practice Worksheet

Working with your tablemate, complete the following problems. All of your answers should have the correct number of significant figures and the correct units. Use train tracks where appropriate. Level 1 problems are required, and due by the end of class. All problems must be correct for credit. Get them initialed when you complete each level. Complete level 2 for extra credit.


1) 7.623cm2 + 85.0cm x 9.815cm = __________

2) 10.96g -5.5g = __________

3) 5.5mL - 3.325cm3 = __________

4) 2.5m2 + 2.34m x 3.6543m = __________

Using the densities below, answer the following questions: Show your train tracks. NO WORK = NO CREDIT

Densities at 20?C

Magnesium 1.74 g/mL


7.14 g/mL


8.9 g/mL


10.5 g/mL


Iron Copper Lead

19.3 g/mL

7.86 g/mL 8.96 g/mL 11.4 g/mL

5) A material has a mass of 112.8 g and a volume of 15.8 cm3. What element is it?

6) A material has a mass of 112.8g and a volume of 12.6 cm3. What element is it?

7) A sample of silver has a mass of 10.5g. What is its volume?

8) A sample of gold has a volume of 3.00 cm3. What is its mass?

9) A sample of iron has a mass of 70.74g. What is its volume?

10) A sample of gold has a volume of 7.00 cm3. What is its mass?

11) A block of aluminum occupies a volume of 15.0 mL and has a mass of 40.5 g. What is its density?

12) Mercury metal is poured into a graduated cylinder that holds 22.5 mL. The mercury used to fill the cylinder has a mass of 306.0 g. From this information, calculate the density of mercury.

Density and Significant Figures Practice Worksheet



13) What volume of silver metal will weigh exactly 2.50kg?

14) Find the mass of 250.0 L of benzene. The density of benzene is 0.8765 g/mL.

15) Calculate the density of sulfuric acid if 35.4 mL of the acid has a mass of 65.14 g.


1) 2.698mm x 33.20mm x 1.5611mm = __________


(3.2 x 103 J4.21 x 102 J) 5.74 x 10-2 s



3) (3.6543cm ? 2.34cm) x 2.5m = __________

Show all work for the following problems. NO WORK = NO CREDIT 4) 35% of a Blue whale body mass is fat. If a blue whale weighs 3.5 x 105 pounds, how many kilograms of fat does the whale contain?

5) A sample is known to be 50% gold by mass that has been mixed with one other element. The volume change after mixing is approximately proportional. The entire sample has a density of 13.22g/cm3. What element makes up the other 50% of the sample? (See side 1 for the density of gold and other metals).

6) A rectangular block of copper metal has a mass of 1896 g. The dimensions of the block are 8.4 cm by 5.5 cm by 4.6 cm. From this data, what is the density of copper? You must show your work for credit.

7) What is the mass of the ethyl alcohol that exactly fills a 200.0 mL container? The density of ethyl alcohol is 0.789 g/mL.

8) A flask with a mass of 345.8 g is filled with 225 mL of carbon tetrachloride. The mass of the flask and carbon tetrachloride is found to be 703.55 g. From this information, calculate the density of carbon tetrachloride.

9) What is the volume of a tank that can hold 18,754 Kg of methanol whose density is 0.788g/cm3?

10) In the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, 2000, there was a new float, the Cheerios' bee, Buzzbee. The jar of honey it was holding contained 36,763 L of helium. The honey jar was 1/10 of the total float size. If the density of helium is 0.000178 g/cm3, what is the mass of the helium for the entire float in kg?

Density and Significant Figures Practice Worksheet




Density and Significant Figures Practice Worksheet


1) 842cm2

2) 5.5g

3) 2.2 mL OR cm3

4) 5.5 x 104 kg fat

5) Zinc

6) Copper

7) 1.00 cm3

8) 57.9g

9) 9.00 cm3

10) 135g

11) 2.70 g/mL

12) 13.6 g/mL

13) 238 mL

14) 2.191 x 105 g

15) 1.84 g/mL


1) 139.8mm3

2) 2.3 x 103J2/s

3) 330 cm2 (or 3.3 x 102 cm2)

4) Magnesium

5) Zinc (Density = 7.4 g/cm3

6) 8.922 g/mL

7) 158g

8) 1.59 g/mL

9) 2.40 x 107mL

10) 6.54 x 101 kg

Density and Significant Figures Practice Worksheet



Density and Significant Figures Practice Worksheet



Density and Significant Figures Practice Worksheet




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