First Grade

First Grade Homework

April 19-23, 2010

|Monday |Practice writing spelling words and sentences three times each. |

| |Practice vocabulary words. |

| |Partner read with a parent for 20 minutes. |

|Tuesday |Practice spelling words and sentences. |

| |Practice vocabulary words. |

| |Read and discuss Too Tight Shoes. |

| |Partner read with a parent for 20 minutes. |

|Wednesday |1. Take a practice spelling test. |

| |2. Practice vocabulary words |

| |3. Partner read with a parent for 20 minutes. |


| |2. Practice vocabulary words. |

| |3. Partner read with a parent for 20 minutes. |



| |3. Have a great weekend! |


Spelling Words

“New Shoes for Silvia”

1. bark 6. star

2. car 7. sharp

3. dark 8. yard

4. park 9. spark

5. part 10. farm

Review Words:

1. were 3. saw

2. give 4. now


S1. Can I park the car?

S2. The dog will bark in the dark.

S3. Surprise Sentence

Please study these words and the sentences with your child every night. There will be a spelling test on Friday. Your child should be able to write the sentences using capital letters and punctuation appropriately. They must also spell the words in the sentences correctly. We have added four review words to the list. Thank you!


1. every 6. thought

2. morning 7. whole

3. took 8. certainly

4. once 9. wear

5. or 10. perhaps

Please read these words with your child every night. They should become very familiar with the words. On Friday they will be required to read the words to me. Thank you for your help!

New Shoes For Sylvia

Vocabulary Cards

|every |thought |

|morning |whole |

|took |certainly |

|once |wear |

|or |perhaps |


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