Curriculum Vitae - - CCMAR - | Centro de Ciências do Mar

Curriculum VitaePersonal detailsFull name:Aschwin Hillebrand EngelenTelephone: +531 934977238Born: 16 December 1971, Sneek, The NetherlandsNationality:DutchHome address:Quinta Velha, cxp 284Z, Barreiras Brancas, 8100-227 LouléE-mail: aengelen@ualg.ptOrcid?:Reasearchgate?: at Universidade do Algarve, CCMAR, Faro, Portugal2016-2018Postdoctoral fellow in the Marine Ecology and Evolution (MAREE) research group, CCMAR, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal.2010-2016Post-Doc researcher on marine biome degradation in the Marine Ecology and Evolution, (MAREE) group, CCMAR, University of the Algarve, Faculty of marine and environmental sciences, Faro, Portugal.2004-2010Post-Doc researcher on the invasion biology of Sargassum muticum, in the ALGAE group, CCMAR, University of the Algarve, Faculty of marine and environmental sciences, Faro, Portugal.16 Jan 2004Doctor degree in Mathematics and Natural Sciences from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.2002-2005Investigator within the EU project ALIENS studying the invasive population biology of Sargassum muticum at its most Southern distribution limit in Europe. CCMAR, University of the Algarve, Faculty of marine and environmental sciences, Faro, Portugal.1995-2004Ph. D Candidate, Centre of Ecological and Evolutionary Studies, University of Groningen, Department of Marine Biology, The Netherlands.1990-1995Doctorandus Cum Laude Degree in Marine Biology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (Degree is equivalent to a combined Bachelor’s Master’s Degree in US system).Research InterestsMicrobiomes and population biology of benthic marine organisms, especially algae, seagrasses and corals, with main interests in biological invasions, microbiomes and degrading marine biomes using the combination of metagenomics, genomics, transcriptomics, population genetics, population dynamics, ecology, demography, matrix modelling.Field ExperienceCoral reef, seagrass and seaweed ecology in the Caribbean, Atlantic, Red Sea and Pacific ocean.Project coordination2016 Nov-MC Portugal to COST Action ‘Phycomorph’ FA1406.2016 MC Substitute to COST Action ‘Phycomorph’ FA1406.2014-2017Acclimation and adaptation of invasive seaweeds. MARES PhD grant (121K Euros)2013-2016INVASIVES - Invasive seaweeds in rising temperatures: impacts and risk assessments. (SEAS-ERA/0001/2012 FCT 150K euros).2012-2015SEAPROLIF - Diversity and functioning of coastal marine biomes under siege: implications of seaweed proliferations across three oceans. (Netbiome/0002/2011 FCT 70K euros).2010-2013INVASEA – Shifts of seagrass systems to seaweed dominance. PTDC/MAR/098069/2008 (170K euros).2005-2008The invasive theory of the pest seaweed Sargassum muticum in Southern Portugal. POCTI/MAR/55377/2004 (85.5K euros).Project participation2019-20213B-VENT - Biodiversity, Biological interactions and Biotechnological products of coastal hydrothermal vents in Azores. (RIS3 – Research and Innovation Strategy for smart Specialization in Azores)2017-2019MARFOR – Functional variability and dynamics of responses of MARine FORests to global change. (Biodiversa 1 691 000 euro)2017-2019Caulerpa microbiomes in French Polynesia.2017-2020TeaComposition H2O – Global Aquatic Decomposition Initiative, Deakin University, Australia. - Induction of anti-herbivory defenses in seagrasses (EXPL/MAR-EST/0818/2013 50k euro)2014-2016ZEN2 Eelgrass experimental network (NSF grant E. Duffy).2010-2012ZEN Eelgrass experimental network (NSF grant E. Duffy).2010-2012MarinERA – Marine phylogeographic structuring during climate change: the signature of leading and rear edge of range shifting populations.2009-2012 BIOSEAMED – bio-active compounds from seaweeds of the Algarve.2009-2011collaboration with IFREMER Brest, development of population demographic modeling based on long-term monitoring of Kelp forest. Ecokelp, demographic modelling of kelp species and communities (CNRS)2008-2010 EU-project Envirophyte, responsible for genetic identification of species2005-2008 Collaboration with Green tides in the Ria Formosa and adjacent beaches. POCI/MAR/58427/20042004-2008Demography of Fucus serratus in the limit of its distribution. PI: Rosa Viejo and additional participants: Julio Arrontes and Brezo Martínez. Area de Biodiversidad y Conservación, Escuela Superior de Ciencias, Experimentales y Tecnología, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Tulipan s/n, 28933, Mostoles, Madrid, Spain.2002-2005 ALIENS - ALgal Introductions to EuropeaN Shores (EU project).1995-1998EVK3-2001-0008. Demography and population structure among windward, leeward and deep-water populations of the seaweed Sargassum polyceratium on Cura?ao: Coupling matrix population models with DNA fingerprinting. WOTRO grant W85-287.PublicationsH-Index: 23I-Index: 37Total citations: 1708Publications in progressTamara Stuij T, Aires T, Serr?o E, Muyzer G, Engelen AH (in prep) Invasive tropical seagrass has distinct bacteriome with higher rhizosphere diversity than two native seagrasses. Hendriks IE, van de Ven CN, Fitzpatrick S, Borges A, Engelen AH, Aires T, Muijzer G, Vonk JA, Tomas F (in prep) Introduced macroalgae affect Posidonia oceanica seedlings and their associated microbiome stronger than, and independent of CO2 enrichmentWichard T, Alsufyani T, Califano G, Deicke M, Grueneberg J, Weiss A, Engelen AH, Kwantes M, Frieder Mohr J, Ulrich J, Walter M (submitted). Bacterial-macroalgal interaction: Identification and role of??thallusin in morphogenesis of the sea lettuce. Journal of Experimental BotanySimon M. Dittami, Enrique Arboleda, Jean-Christophe Auguet, Arite Bigalke, Enora Briand, Paco Cardenas, Ulisse Cardini, Johan Decelle, Aschwin H. Engelen, Damien Eveillard, Claire Gachon, Sarah Griffiths, Tilmann Hader, Ehsan Kayal, Elena Kazamia, Francois Lallier, Monica Medina, Ezequiel M. Marzinelli, Teresa Morganti, Laura Nú?ez Pons, Soizic Pardo, José Pintado Valverde, Mahasweta Saha, Marc-André Selosse, Derek Skillings, Willem Stock, Shinichi Sunagawa, Eva Toulza, Alexey Vorobev, Catherine Leblanc, and Fabrice Not (in prep) Marine holobionts: concepts, challenges, and opportunities.Belattmania Z, Chaouti A, Engelen AH, Serrao EA, Machado M, Reani A, Sabour B (submitted) Are physical habitat attributes influence the epifaunal assemblages of the invasive macroalga Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt on the northwestern Atlantic coasts of Morocco? Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchWinters G, Beer S, Willette DA, Chiquillo KL, Viana IG, Beca-Carretero P, Azcárate-García T, Shem Tov R, Mwabvu B, Migliore L, Rotini A, Oscar M, Rilov G, Belmaker J, Gamliel I, Alexandre A, Engelen AH, Procaccini G, (in prep) The invasive tropical seagrass Halophila stipulacea: A review of what we know alongside identifying knowledge gaps.Publications in peer reviewed international journals201977. Raquel Vieira, Airam Martin, Aschwin H Engelen, Mads S Thomsen, Arenas (2020) Interactive effects of co-occurring anthropogenic stressors on the seagrass Zostera noltei. Ecological Indicators 109: 10578076. Simon M. Dittami, Enrique Arboleda, Jean-Christophe Auguet, Arite Bigalke, Enora Briand, Paco Cardenas, Ulisse Cardini, Johan Decelle, Aschwin H. Engelen, Damien Eveillard, Claire Gachon, Sarah Griffiths, Tilmann Hader, Ehsan Kayal, Elena Kazamia, Francois Lallier, Monica Medina, Ezequiel M. Marzinelli, Teresa Morganti, Laura Nú?ez Pons, Soizic Pardo, José Pintado Valverde, Mahasweta Saha, Marc-André Selosse, Derek Skillings, Willem Stock, Shinichi Sunagawa, Eva Toulza, Alexey Vorobev, Catherine Leblanc, and Fabrice Not (2019) A community perspective on the concept of marine holobionts: current status, challenges, and future directions. PeerJ e27519v375. Trevathan-Tackett et al. (2019) A horizon scan of priorities for coastal marine microbiome research. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3: 1509-152074. Le Cam S, Daguin-Thiébaut C, Bouchemousse S, Engelen AH, Mieszkowska N, Viard F (2019) A genome-wide investigation of the worldwide invader Sargassum muticum shows success albeit (almost) no genetic diversity. Evolutionary Application DOI: 10.1111/eva.12837 73. Chefaoui RM, Serebryakova A, Engelen AH, Viard F, Serr?o EA (2019) Integrating reproductive phenology in Ecological Niche Models changed the predicted future ranges of a marine invader. Diversity and Distributions DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12910 . Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH (2018) Seaweed loads cause stronger Bacterial community shifts in coastal lagoon sediments than nutrient loads. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 3283 . Vieira C, Aharonov A, Paz G, Engelen AH, Tsiamis K, Einav R, De Clerck O (2019) Diversity and origin of the genus Lobophora in the Mediterranean Sea including the description of two new species. Phycologia. Doi: 10.1080/00318884.2018.1534923201870. Vieira VMNS, Engelen AH, Huanel OR, Guillemin ML (2018) Differentiation of haploid and diploid fertilities in Gracilaria chilensis affect ploidy ratio. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:183 10.1186/s12862-018-1287-x69. Vieira VMNS, Engelen AH, Huanel OR, Guillemin ML (2018) Haploid females in the isomorphic biphasic life-cycle of Gracilaria chilensis excel in survival. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:174 10.1186/s12862-018-1285-z68. Serebryakova A, Aires T, Viard F, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH (2018) Summer shifts of bacterial communities associated with the invasive brown seaweed?Sargassum muticum?are location and tissue dependent. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0206734. . Engelen AH, Aires T, Vermeij MJA, Herndl GJ, Serr?o EA, Frade PR (2018) Host differentiation and compartmentalization of microbial communities in the azooxanthellate Caribbean cupcorals Tubastrea coccinea and Rhizosammia goesi in the Caribbean. Frontiers of Marine Science 5: 391. . Vieira VMNS, Engelen AH, Huanel OR, Guillemin ML (2018) Differentiation of?haploid and diploid fertilities in Gracilaria chilensis affect ploidy?ratio. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:183 . Mota CF, Engelen AH, Serrao EA, Coelho MAG, Marba N, Krause-jensen D, Pearson GA (2018) Differentiation?in fitness-related traits in response to elevated temperatures between leading and trailing edge populations of marine macrophytes. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0203666. . Bermejo R, Chefaoui R, Engelen AH, Buonomo R, Neiva J, Ferreira-Costa J, Pearson G, Marba N, Duarte C, Airoldi L, Hernández I, Guiry MD, Serrao E (2018) Marine forests of the Mediterranean-Atlantic Cystoseira tamariscifolia complex show a southern Iberian genetic hotspot and no reproductive isolation in parapatry. Scientific Reports 8:10427 . Cúcio C, Overmars L, Engelen AH, Muyzer G. (2018) Metagenomic analysis shows the presence of bacteria related to free-living forms of sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophic symbionts in the rhizosphere of the seagrass Zostera marina. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 171. . Duarte B, Martins I, Rosa R, Matos AR, Roleda MY, Reusch TBH, Engelen AH, Serra?o EA, Pearson GA, Marques JC, Cac?ador I, Duarte CM and Jueterbock A (2018) Climate Change Impacts on Seagrass Meadows and Macroalgal Forests: An Integrative Perspective on Acclimation and Adaptation Potential. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:190. 61. Buonomo R, Chefaoui RM, Bermejo Lacida R, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA, Airoldi L (2018) Predicted extinction of unique genetic diversity in marine forests of Cystoseira spp. Marine Environmental Research 138: 119-128. . Hendriks I, Wesselmann M, González-Wangüemert M, Serr?o E, Engelen AH, Renault L, García-March JR, Duarte CM (2018) Genetic and oceanographic tools reveal high population connectivity and diversity in the endangered pen shell?Pinna nobilis. Scientific Reports 8(1): 4770. . Aires T, Serebryakova A, Viard F, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH (2018) Acidification increases abundances of Vibrionales and Planctomycetia associated to a seaweed-grazer system: potential consequences for disease and prey digestion efficiency. PeerJ 6: e4377. . Belattmania Z, Chaouti A, Reani A, Machado M, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA, Sabour B (2018) Similar epiphytic macrofauna inhabiting non-native Sargassum muticum and native fucoids on the Atlantic coast of Morocco.?Cryptogamie, Algologie, 39(3): 269-292. . Belattmania Z, Chaouti A, Reani A, Machado M, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA, Sabour B (2018a). The introduction of Sargassum muticum modifies epifaunal patterns in a Moroccan seagrass meadow. Marine Ecology 39(3):e12507 . Belattmania Z, Chaouti A, Machado M, Engelen AH, Serr?o E, Reani A, Sabour B (2018) The paranthurid isopod crustacean Paranthura nigropunctata (Lucas, 1846): First record from the Atlantic coast of Morocco.?Acta Oceanologica Sinica 37(10):190-194. . Reynolds P, Stachowicz J, Hovel K, Bostrom C, Boyer K, Cusson M, Eklof J, Engel F, Engelen A.H., Eriksson BK, Fodrie F, Griffin J, Hereu C, Hori M, Hanley T, Ivanov M, Jorgensen P, Kruschel C, Lee K-S, McGlathery K, Moksnes P-O, Masahiro N, Tomas Nash F, O’Connor M, O’Connor N, Orth R, Rossi F, Ruesink J, Sotka E, Unsworth R (2018) Latitude, temperature and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass across the Northern Hemisphere. Ecology 99(1): 29-35. . Ruesink J, Stachowicz JJ, Reynolds P, Bostr?m C, Cusson M, Douglass J, Eklof J, Engelen AH, Hori M, Hovel K, Iken K, Moksnes P-O, Nakaoka M, O'Connor M, Olsen J, Sotka E, Whalen M, Duffy E (2018) Form-function relationships in a marine foundation species depend on scale: a shoot to global perspective from a distributed ecological experiment. Oikos 127(3): 364-374. A, Engelen AH, Santos R (2017) Competition between seagrasses and seaweeds for nitrogen pulses: winners and losers. Sci Reports 7: 13651 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-13962-452.Belattmania Z, Engelen AH, Pereira H, Serr?o EA, Custódio L, Varela JC, Zrid R, Reani A, Sabour B (2017) Fatty acid composition and nutraceutical perspectives of Brown seaweeds from the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Int Food Res J IFRJ16122151.Belattmania Z, Chaouti A, Machado M, Engelen A, Serr?o EA, Reani A, Sabour B (2017) Ampelisca lusit?nica (Crustacea: Amphipoda): new species for the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Marine Biodiversity Records 10:7-11 DOI 10.1186/s41200-017-0110-550.Chaouti, A., Reani, A., Silva, M., Hassouani, M., Belattmania, Z., Engelen, A. H., Vasconcelos, V. & Sabour, B. (2017). First records of Onchidella celtica (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from Atlantic rocky shores of Morocco. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 12(22), 64-72.49.Liu X, Bogaert K, Engelen AH, Leliaert F, Roleda MY, De Clerck O (2017) Seaweed reproductive biology: environmental and genetic controls. Bot Mar. 60(2): 89-108. Chaouti, Abdeltif Reani, Marisa Silva, Meryem Hassouani, Zahira Belattmania, Aschwin Engelen, Vitor Vasconcelos and Brahim Sabour (2017) First records of Onchidella celtica (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from Atlantic rocky shores of Morocco. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 12(2): 64-72. DOI 10.3923/jfas.2017.64.7247.Pereira T, Engelen AH, Pearson G, Serr?o E (2017) Population dynamics of temperate kelp forests near their low-latitude limit. Aq. Bot. 139: 8-18. S, Aires T., Serr?o E, Engelen AH, Thomas O, Pérez T (2017) The interaction between the proliferating macroalga Asparagopsis taxiformis and the coral Astroides calycularis induces changes in microbiome and metabolomic fingerprints. Scientific Reports SREP-16-16131A. doi:??10.1038/srep42625201645.ROBERTO BUONOMO, JORGE ASSIS, FRANCISCO FERNANDES, ASCHWIN H. ENGELEN, LAURA AIROLDI and ESTER A. SERR?O (2016) Habitat continuity and stepping-stone oceanographic distances explain population connectivity and dispersal of the brown alga Cystoseira amentacea. Molecular Ecology 26(3):766-780. VMNS, Engelen AH, Huanel OR, Guillemin ML (2016) Linear-in-the-parameter Oblique Least Square to estimate density-dependent survival in algae with isomorphic biphasic life-cycles. PloS one 11 (12), e0167418. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.016741843.Engelen AH, Joana Costa, Ricardo Bermejo, Nuria Marba, Carlos Duarte, Ester Serr?o (2016) Providing a population genetics toolbox for the threatened canopy forming brown seaweeds Cystoseira tamariscifolia and C. amentacea (Fucales, Sargassaceae). Journal of Applied Phycology,?29(1), 627-629. Z, Engelen AH, Pereira H, Serr?o EA, Barakate M, Elatouani S, Zrid R, Bentiss F, Chahboun N, Reani A, Sabour B (2016) Potential uses of the brown seaweed Cystoseira humilis biomass: 2- Fatty acid composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 7(6): 2074-2081. JC, Engelen AH, d?Oliveira E, Bandeira S, Serr?o EA (2016) First record of seagrass in Cape Verde, western central Atlantic. Marine Biodiversity Records 9:57. T, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH (2016) Host species and environmental specificity in bacterial communities associated to two highly invasive Asparagopsis seaweeds. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:559 úcio C, Engelen AH, Costa R and Muyzer G (2016). Rhizosphere microbiomes of European seagrasses are selected by the plant, but are not species specific. Front. Microbiol. 7:440. C, Engelen AH, Guentas L, Aires T, Houlbreque F, Gaubert, Serr?o EA, De Clerck O, Payri CE (2016) Species specifictity of bacteria associated to the brown seaweeds Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) and their potential for induction of rapid coral bleaching in Acropra muricata. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:316. J, Engelen AH, Costa R, Wichard T (2016) Algal morphogenesis induced by waterborne compounds and bacteria from the Ria Formosa lagoon (Portugal). PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146307. Fernández C, Paulo D, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH (2016) Differences in fish and benthic communities and cascading effects inside and outside a protected marine area in Sagres (SW Portugal). Marine Environmental Research 114: 12-23. 35.Custódio L, Laukaityte S, Engelen AH, Rodrigues MJ, Pereira H, Vizetto-Duarte C, Barreira L, Rodríguez H, Alberício F and Varela J. (2016). A comparative evaluation of biological activities and bioactive compounds of the seagrasses Zostera marina and Z. noltii from Southern Portugal. Natural Products Research 30(6): 724-728. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2015.1040791.201534.Bego?a Martínez-Crego; Pedro Arteaga; Alexandra Ueber; Aschwin H. Engelen; Rui Santos; Markus Molis (2015) Specificity in mesograzer-induced defences in seagrasses. PLOS ONE 10/2015; 10(10):e0141219. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.014121933.Martínez-Garrido J, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH, Cox CJ, Garcia-Murillo P, González-Wangüemert M (2016) Multi-locus analyses of genetic entities in the genus Ruppia provide insight into speciation and hybridisation events. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117, 177–191. Doi: 10.1111/bij.1266632.Pereira TR, Engelen AH, Pearson GA, Valero M, Serr?o EA (2015) Contrasting timing of life stages across latitudes – a case of a marine forests forming species. European Journal of Phycology 50:3 361-369. Doi: 10.1080/09670262.2015.106416731.Duffy JE, Pamela L. Reynolds, Christoffer Bostr?m, James A. Coyer, Mathieu Cusson, Serena Donadi, James G. Douglass, Johan Ekl?f, Aschwin H. Engelen, Britas Klemens Eriksson, Stein Fredriksen, Lars Gamfeldt, Camilla Gustafsson, Galice Hoarau, Masakazu Hori, Kevin Hovel, Katrin Iken, Jonathan S. Lefcheck, Per-Olav Moksnes, Masahiro Nakaoka, Mary I. O'Connor, Jeanine L. Olsen, J. Paul Richardson, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Erik E. Sotka, Jonas Thormar, Matthew A. Whalen, and John J. Stachowicz (2015) Biodiversity mediates top-down control in eelgrass ecosystems: A global comparative-experimental approach. Ecology Letters 18(7):696-705. doi: 10.1111/ele.1244830.Engelen AH, Serebryakova A, Ang P, Britton-Simmons K, Mineur F, Pedersen M, Arenas F, Fernández C, Steen H, Svenson R, Pavia H, Toth G, Viard F, Santos R (2015) Circumglobal invasion by the brown seaweed Sargassum muticum. Oceanography Marine Biology Annual Reviews 53: 81-126. /10.1201/b18733-429.Vieira, V.M.N.C.S., Oppliger V, Engelen AH, Correa J (2015) A new method to quantify and compare the multiple components of fitness - a study case with kelp niche partition by divergent microstage adaptations to temperature. PLoSONE 10(3): e0119670 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.011967028.Mineur F, Arenas F, Assis J, Davies AJ, Engelen AH, Fernandes F, Malta E-J, Thibaut T, Van Nguyen T, Vaz-Pinto F, Vranken S, Serr?o E, De Clerck O (2015) European seaweeds under pressure: consequences for communities and ecosystem functioning. Journal of Sea Research 98: 91-108. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2014.11.00427.Pereira T, Engelen AH, Pearson GA, Valero M, Serr?o EA (2015) Response of kelps from different latitudes to consecutive heat shock. JEMBE 463: 57-62. Doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.10.022201426.Mota CF, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA, Pearson GA (2014) Some don't like it hot: microhabitat-dependent thermal load and water stress in a trailing edge population. Functional Ecology 29(5):640-649 doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.1237325.Alsufyani T, Engelen AH, Diekmann OE, Kuegler S, Wichard T (2014) Prevalence and mechanism of polyunsaturated aldehydes production in the green tide forming macroalgal genus Ulva (Ulvales, Chlorophyta). Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 183: 100-109. Doi: 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2014.05.00824.Tanniou A, Vandanjon L, Incera M, Serrano Leon E, Husa V, Le Grand J, Nicolas J-L, Poupart N, Kervarec N, Engelen A, Walsh R, Guerard F, Bourgougnon N, Stiger-Pouvreau V (2014) Assessment of the spatial variability of phenolic contents and associated bioactivities in the invasive alga Sargassum muticum sampled along its European range from Norway to Portugal. Journal of Applied Phycology 26: 1215-1230. Doi 10.1007/s10811-013-0198-x2013 and before23.Cacabelos E, Olabarria C, Viejo R, Rubal M, Veiga P, Incera M, Gestoso I, Vaz-Pinto F, Mejia A, Engelen AH, Arenas F (2013) Invasion of Sargassum muticum in intertidal rockpools: patterns along the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula. Marine Environmental Research 90: 18-26. Doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.05.00822.Engelen AH, Ana L. Primo, Teresa Cruz, Rui Santos (2013) Faunal differences between the invasive brown macroalga Sargassum muticum and competing native macroalgae. Biological Invasions 15:171-183. DOI 10.1007/s10530-012-0276-z21.Pereira, H, Luísa Barreira, Filipe Figueiredo, Catarina Vizetto-duarte, Luísa Custódio, Cristina Polo, Eva Re?ek, Aschwin Engelen, Jo?o Varela (2012) Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids of Marine Macroalgae: Potential for Nutritional and Pharmaceutical Applications. Marine Drugs 10 (9), 1920-1935. Doi: 10.3390/md1009192020.Oppliger LV, Correa JA, Engelen AH, Tellier F, Vieira V, et al. (2012) Temperature Effects on Gametophyte Life-History Traits and Geographic Distribution of Two Cryptic Kelp Species. PLoS ONE 7(6): e39289. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.00392819.Young Yun H, Engelen AH, Santos RO, Molis M (2012) Waterborne cues from grazed macroalgae can induce chemical anti-herbivory defences in con- and heterospecific neighbours. PLoS ONE 7(6): e38804. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038 80418.Cacabelos Eva, Aschwin H. Engelen, Astrid Mejia, Francisco Arenas (2012) Comparison of the assemblage functioning of estuary systems dominated by the seagrass Zostera noltii versus the invasive drift alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Journal of Sea Research 72:99-105 (IF 2.444) doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2012.02.00317.Thomsen, Mads, Thomas Wernberg, Aschwin Engelen, Fernando Tuya, Mat Vanderklift, Marianne Holmer, Karen McGlathery, Fransisco Arenas, Jonne Kotta, Brian Silliman (2012) Impacts of seaweeds on seagrasses: generalities and knowledge gaps. PLoS ONE 7(1): e285 95. doi:10.1 371/journal.pone. 0028595.16.Monteiro, CA, Aschwin H. Engelen and Rui O. Santos (2011) Habitat related differences in recruitment and survival of micro-recruits of the invasive Sargassum muticum (Phaeophyta, Sargassaceae) in northern Portugal. Hydrobiologia 683:287–296. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-011-0966-z.15.Pereira, TR, Aschwin H. Engelen, Gareth Pearson, Ester Serr?o, Christophe Destombe, Myriam Valero (2011) Temperature effects on gametophyte development of L. ochroleuca and S. polyschides, kelps with contrasting life histories. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 52:395-403.14.Barradas A, Alberto F, Engelen AH, Serr?o E (2011) Fast sporophyte replacement after removal suggests banks of latent microscopic stages of Laminaria ochroleuca (Phaeophyceae) in tide pools in northern Portugal. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 52:435-439.13.Engelen AH, Lévèque L, Destombe C, Valero M (2011) Spatial and temporal patterns of recovery of low intertidal Laminaria digitata after experimental spring and autumn removal. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 52: 441-453.12.Engelen AH, Henriques N, Monteiro C, Santos RO (2011) Mesograzers prefer some native seaweeds over the invasive brown seaweed Sargassum muticum in some but not all seaweed communities. Hydrobiologia 669(1): 157-165. DOI 10.1007/s10750-011-0680-x11.Monteiro C, Engelen AH, Santos RO (2009) Macro- and mesoherbivores prefer native seaweeds over the invasive brown seaweed Sargassum muticum: a potential regulating role on invasions. Marine Biology 156: 2505-2515. doi: 10.1007/s00227-009-1275-1.10.Engelen AH, Santos RO (2009) Which demographic traits determine population growth in the invasive brown seaweed Sargassum muticum? Journal of Ecology 97(4): 675-684. (cover photo). DOI:?10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01501.xThis paper was nominated for the ESA Plant Population Ecology Postdoctoral Excellence Award in 20129.Leliaert F, Zhang X, Ye N, Malta E, Engelen AH, Mineur F, Verbruggen H, and De Clerck O. (2009) Identity of the Qingdao algal bloom. Phycological Research 57: 147–151. DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1835.2009.00532.x8.Monteiro C, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA, Santos R. (2009) Habitat differences in the timing of reproduction of the invasive alga Sargassum muticum (Phaeophyta, Sargassaceae) over tidal and lunar cycles. Journal of Phycology 45 (1): 1-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2008.00619.x7.Leliaert F, Malta E-j, Engelen AH, Mineur F and De Clerck O (2008). Qingdao algal bloom culprit identified. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56: 1516.6.Engelen AH, Espirito-Santo C, Sim?es T, Monteiro C, Santos R, Serr?o E, Pearson G (2008) Periodicity of egg expulsion and germling release in the competing native brown seaweed Cystoseira humilis and the invader Sargassum muticum, in Portugal. European Journal of Phycology 43(3): 275-282 DOI 10.1080/09670260801979279. 5.Engelen AH, Per ?berg, Jeanine L. Olsen, Wytze T. Stam, Anneke M. Breeman (2005) Effects of wave exposure and depth on biomass, density and fertility of the fucoid seaweed Sargassum polyceratium (Phaeophyta, Sargassaceae). European Journal of Phycology 40(2):149-158. DOI 10.1080/096702605001092104.Engelen AH, Breeman AM, Olsen JL, Stam WT, ?berg P (2005) Life history flexibility allows Sargassum polyceratium to persist in different environments subjected to stochastic disturbance events. Coral Reefs 24(4): 670-680. 10.1007/s00338-005-0052-y3.Vermeij MJA, Engelen AH, Bak RPM (2003) Deep formations (50-80 m) of the solitary coral Phacelocyanthus flos on southern Caribbean reefs. Coral Reefs 22: 107-108. DOI 10.1007/s00338-003-0297-22.Engelen AH, Olsen JL, Breeman AM, Stam WT (2001) Genetic differentiation in Sargassum polyceratium (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) around the island of Cura?ao (Netherlands Antilles). Marine Biology 139:267-277. DOI 10.1007/s10811-006-9147-21.Buma AGJ, Engelen AH, Gieskes WWC (1997) Wavelength-dependent induction of thymine dimers and growth rate reduction in the marine diatom Cyclotella sp. exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 153: 91-97.Conference proceedings and othersSerebryakova A, Aires T, Engelen AH, Viad, Serr?o EA (2017) Seasonal variation of bacterial communities associated with the invasive brown seaweed Sargassum muticum. Phycologia 56 (4): 171Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH (2017) The effects of grazing on the microbiome of an invasive brown seaweed (Sargassum muticum). Phycologia 56(4): 4.Aires T, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA (2015) Differentiation in bacterial communities associated to the red seaweed genus Asparagopsis, in the Western Atlantic, and their potential drivers. European Journal of Phycology. 50: 46.Engelen AH, Klaeui A, Aires T, Serr?o EA (2015) The Microbiome of a seaweed invader across its introduced European range. European Journal of Phycology. 50: 45.Airoldi L, Ballesteros E, Buonomo R, Van Belzen J, Bouma TJ, Cebrian E, De Clerk O, Engelen AH, Ferrario F, Fraschetti S, Gianni, Guidetti P, Ivesa I, Mancuso FP, Micheli F, Perkol-Finkel S, Serr?o EA, Strain EM, Mangialajo L (2014) Marine forests at risk: solutions to halt the loss and promote the recovery of Mediterranean canopy-forming seaweeds. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium Méditerranéen sur la vegetation marine, Portoroz, Slovenie, Oct 27-28, 2014, p28-33.Pamela L. Reynolds, J. Emmett Duffy, Katharyn E. Boyer, Christoffer Bostrom, James Coyer, Mathieu Cusson, James G. Douglass, Johan Eklof, Aschwin Engelen, Britas Klemens Eriksson, [...], Katrin Iken, Per-Olav Moksnes, Masahiro Nakaoka, Mary I. O'Connor, Jeanine Olsen, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Erik E. Sotka, John J. Stachowicz, Jonas Thormar, Matthew Whalen (2013) The ZEN of seagrass ecology: Biodiversity, environment, and ellgrass ecosystem functioning on a planetary scale. 98th ESA Annual Convention 08/2013.Pamela L. Reynolds, J. Emmett Duffy, Christoffer Bstrom, James Coyer, Mathieu Cusson, Masakazu Hori, James G. Douglass, Kevin A. Hovel, Johan Eklf, Aschwin Engelen, [...], Katrin Iken, Per-Olav Moksnes, Masahiro Nakaoka, Mary I. O'Connor, Jeanine Olsen, John Paul Richardson, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Erik E. Sotka, John J. Stachowicz, Jonas Thormar (2012) Role of environmental and biodiversity gradients in bottom-up and top-down control of seagrass communities: A collaborative field experiment across the Northern Hemisphere. 97th ESA Annual Convention 08/2012.Wichard T, Gruenenberg J, Engelen AH, Costa R (2011) Chemosphere of the marine green alga Ulva: induction of algal morphogenesis by bacterial compounds. Eur. J. Phyc. 46:86.Engelen AH, Santos RO (2009) Invasion ecology of Sargassum muticum, the invader par excellence. Phycologia 48(4):29.Leliaert F, Malta E-j, Engelen AH, Mineur F and De Clerck O (2008). Scientists identify algae that almost swamped the Olympics. Nature News doi:10.1038/news.2008.998Engelen, A.H. (2004) Flexibility without compromise. The population biology of the brown seaweed Sargassum polyceratium around Cura?ao. PhD thesis, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. pp. 180. ISBN 90-9017581-4.Engelen A.H., A.G.J. Buma, W.W.C. Gieskes (1995) Tentative UV action spectra of thymine dimer formation and growth inhibition in a marine diatom, Cyclotella sp. In: Veen A., A.G.J. Buma, W.W.C. Gieskes & L. van Liere (eds) Effects of ozone related UV-B enhancement on aquatic ecosystems. National Institute of Public Health and the Environment report 731054002. RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands pp 97-115.Book chaptersAires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH (in press) Unravelling seaweed bacteriomes – from field site to computer screen. In: Charrier B, Wichard T & Reddy CRK (eds) Macroalgal protocols. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.Mejia AY, Puncher GN, Engelen AH (2012) Macroalgae in Tropical Marine Coastal Systems. C. In: Wiencke and K. Bischof (eds.), Seaweed Biology, Ecological Studies 219, DOI 10.1007/978-3 -642-28451-9_16, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Professional serviceJournals - Specialist reviewer for Frontiers Marine Science, Proc. Royal Soc B, Molecular Ecology, MEPS, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, PLOSONE, Marine Environmental Research, European Journal of Phycology, Aquatic Botany, Aquatic Biology, Botanica Marina, Biological Invasions, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Phycological Research, Continental Shelf Research, Coral Reefs, Estuaries and Coasts, Hydrobiologia, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Phycology, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Evolution, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, Journal of Sea Research, Cahiers de Biologie Marine, Revista Tropical, Taxon, and Marine anizations – Specialist reviewer/ panel member for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (2017), Research Counsel of Lithuania (2010 and 2012), National Science Counsel of Romania, Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), European Science Foundation, National Science Foundation USA, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).Published abstractsS. Trevathan-Tackett, P. York, A. Ola, J. Li, J. Kelleway, K. Jinks, E. Jackson, G. Fletcher, F. Adame, E. Pendall, C. Lovelock, R. Connolly, A. Engelen, P. Macreadie (2019) Microbial decomposition in Australian wetland ecosystems. AMSN 2019: Wetlands of the Future, 18-20 June, 2019, Melbourne, Australia.Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH (2017) The effects of grazing on the microbiome of an invasive brown seaweed (Sargassum muticum). 11th Int. Phycology Congress, 13-19 August, Poland. Phycologia 56(4): 4.Serebryakova A, Aires T, Engelen AH, Viard F, Serr?o EA (2016) Seasonal variation of bacterial communities associated with the invasive brown seaweed Sargassum muticum. 11th Int. Phycological Congress, 13-19 August, Poland. Phycologia 56(4): 171.Pereira TR, Engelen AH, Pearson GA, Valero M, Serr?o EA (2016) Contrasting timing of life stages across latitudes – a case of a marine forests forming species. International Seaweed Symposium, 19-24 June Copenhagen, Denmark.Pereira TR, Engelen AH, Pearson GA, Valero M, Serr?o EA (2016) Population dynamics of temperate kelp near their low-latitude limit. International Seaweed Symposium, 19-24 June Copenhagen, Denmark.Engelen AH, Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o EA (2016) Microbiomes of macrophytes in the marine realm across species, tissues, latitudes and environmental conditions. Macumba conference, 27-30 June Berlin, Germany.Engelen AH, Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o EA (2016) Revealing the functional potential of seaweed and mesoherbivore-associated microbiomes. International Seaweed Symposium, 19-24 June Copenhagen, Denmark.Buonono R, Chefaoui R, Engelen AH, Airoldi L, Serr?o EA (2016) Marine canopies in a changing environment: projecting the distribution of species of Cystoseira under alternative climatic scenarios. Mares conference, 3-6 Febr, Olh?o, Portugal. Oral presentationSerebryakova A., Aires T, Serr?o EA, Engelen AH (2016) Effects of ocean acidification on the microbiome of an invasive brown seaweed and the gutmicrobiome of a native isopod consumer. Mares conference, 3-6 Febr, Olh?o, Portugal. Oral presentationPereira TR, Engelen AH, Pearson GA, Valero M, Serr?o EA (2016) Contrasting timing of life stages across latitudes – a case of a marine forests forming species. Mares conference, 3-6 Febr, Olh?o, Portugal. Oral presentationPereira TR, Engelen AH, Pearson GA, Valero M, Serr?o EA (2016) Population dynamics of temperate kelp near their low-latitude limit. Mares conference, 3-6 Febr., Olh?o, Portugal. Poster presentation.Airoldi et al. (2014) Mediterranean Marine Forests at risk: solutions to halt the loss and promote the recovery of “forests” of canopy-forming seaweeds. 5th Mediterranean Symposium on Marine vegetation. 27-28 October, Portoroz, Slovenia.Engelen AH, Daguin-Thiébaut C, Viard F (2014) Novel genetic insights into one of the most successful marine invaders: the brown seaweed Sargassum muticum. MARES conference Olh?o, Portugal.Martinez-Crego B, Engelen AH, Molis M, Ueber, A, Santos R (2014) Role of inducible defences in modulating seagrass-herbivore interactions. MARES conference Olh?o, Portugal.Buonomo R, Engelen AH, Assis J, Airoldi L, Serr?o EA (2014) Population connectivity and structure of the brown alga Cystoseira amentacea linked to genetic differentiation, habitat continuity and oceanographic distance. MARES conference Olh?o, Portugal.Engelen AH, Costa J, Coelho M, Neiva JM, Pearson GA, Marbà N, Duarte C, Serr?o EA (2014) Temperature resilience and genetic diversity of intertidal canopy forming seaweeds of the genus Cystoseira in Portugal. MARES conference Olh?o, Portugal.Engelen AH, (2014) Temperate gorgonians and invasive seaweed proliferation. MARES conference Olh?o, Portugal.Serebryakova A, Serr?o EA, Viard, F, Engelen AH (2015) Acclimation and adaptation of invasive seaweeds. MARES conference Olh?o, Portugal.Engelen AH. Ecological insights into one of the most successful marine invaders: the brown seaweed Sargassum muticum. “Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic” conference. November 20-22, 2013, Ostend, Belgium.Zubia Mayalen, Cambert Harold, Dijoux Laury, Viard Frederique, Engelen Aschwin, Perez Thierry, Greff Stéphane, Thomas Olivier, Petek Sylvain, Fiat Sylvie, Adjeroud Mehdi, Bouchon Claude, Parretti Paola, Monteiro Joao, Santos Ricardo, Quod Jean Pascal & Payri Claude (2013) SEAPROLIF program: Diversity and functioning of coastal marine biomes under siege: implications of SEAweed PROLIFerations across three oceans. Eighth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, Maputo, Mozambique 28th October – 2 November 2013. (poster).Rodrigo Costa, Ana C.B. Cucio, Ana C.M. Castanheira, Cristiane C.P. Hardoim, Gareth Pearson, Aschwin H. Engelen (2013) HOST SELECTION AND DISEASE-DEPENDENT STRUCTURE BREAKDOWN OF BACTERIAL COMMUNITIES IN GORGONIAN CORALS. FEMS - 5th Congress of European Microbiologists, Leipzig, Germany from July 21 - 25, 2013.Frédérique Viard, Sarah Bouchemousse, Aschwin H. Engelen, Nova Mieszkowska, Claire Daguin-Thiébaut (2012) The invasion of the seaweed Sargassum muticum in the Northern Hemisphere: high success without high genetic diversity. NEOBIOTA Halting Biological Invasions in Europe: from Data to Decisions. 7th European Conference on Biological Invasions, Pontevedra (Spain), 12-14 September.Frédérique Viard, Sarah Bouchemousse, Aschwin H. Engelen, Nova Mieszkowska, Claire Daguin-Thiébaut (2012) Linking neutral genetic diversity and invasive success: a time for reappraisal – the case of the invasive seaweed Sargassum muticum. Workshop “Evolutionary potential in marine populations”. 17-21 September; Sylt, Germany.Akkermans G, M. Thomsen, F. Arenas, M. Machado, R. Santos, J. Vermaat, A.H. Engelen (2012) The interactive effects of variable nutrient and macroalgal load on the intertidal seagrass Zostera noltii and associated fauna in the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal. ECSA 50 3-7 June, Venice, Italy.Pamela L. Reynolds,,J. Emmett Duffy, Christoffer Bostrom, Mathieu Cusson, James G. Douglass, Masakazu Hori, Kevin A. Hovel, Aschwin Engelen, Britas Klemens Eriksson, Stein Fredriksen, Katrin Iken, Per-Olav Moksnes, Masahiro Nakaoka, Mary I. O’Connor, Jeanine Olsen, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Erik E. Sotka, John J. Stachowicz (2012) Complex forcing in seagrass communities: a global, collaborative field experiment. Ecological Society of America Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA. August.Pamela L. Reynolds,,J. Emmett Duffy, Christoffer Bostrom, Mathieu Cusson, James G. Douglass, Masakazu Hori, Kevin A. Hovel, Aschwin Engelen, Britas Klemens Eriksson, Stein Fredriksen, Katrin Iken, Per-Olav Moksnes, Masahiro Nakaoka, Mary I. O’Connor, Jeanine Olsen, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Erik E. Sotka, John J. Stachowicz (2012) Complex forcing in seagrass communities: a global, collaborative field experiment. Benthic Ecology Meeting (BEM, in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. MarchPrieto A., TrillaA., Rodríguez S., Martinez.B., Engelen AH. and Arenas F (2012) Functional responses to temperature of Zostera noltii and Gracilaria vermiculophyla: Insights into the shifts from seagrass to seaweed-dominated assemblages under new climate scenarios. I Encuentro Iberoamericano de Ciencias del Mar, Jan 24-27, Cadiz, Spain.Eva Cacabelos, Aschwin H. Engelen, Astrid Mejia & Francisco Arenas (2011) Productivity changes of Zostera noltii meadows invaded by the drift seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla. 7th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, Barcelona, Spain.(Poster).Tellier F, Opligger VL, Destombe C, Engelen AH, Correa JA, Faugeron S, Valero M (2011) The role of haploid and diploid phases in kelp speciation. European Phycological Congress, Rhodes.Wichard T, Grueneberg J, Engelen AH, Costa R (2011) Chemosphere of the marine green alga Ulva: induction of algal morphogenesis by bacteria. EJP 46:86.Ayerdi P, Broitman BR, Contreras-Porcia L, Correa JA, Destombe C, Engelen AH, Faugeron S, Gomez G, Lopez-Cristoffanini C, Oppliger VL, Valero M (2011) Divergence adaptive entre deax espèces jumelles dálgues brunes à cycle haploid-diplo+relation avec leur limites dáires de distribution. 33ème reunion annuelle du Groupe dEtude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations. 29-31 August, Toulouse, France.Tellier, Florence, Ayerdi, P.; Broitman, B.; Contreras-Porcia, L.; Correa, J.A.; Destombe, C.; Engelen, A.; Gomez, G. Lopez, C.; Oppliger, V.L.; Valero, M. & Faugeron, S. (2010) Geographic segregation and ecological response to habitat selection in two sibling species of brown seaweeds: importance of the haploid microscopic and diploid macroscopic phases. Speciation 2010 meeting, in Vienna (13-15 dec 2010). Poster.Aschwin Engelen, Onno Diekmann, Márcio Coelho, Joana Costa, Gareth Pearson, Núria Marbà, Ester Serr?o and Carlos Duarte (2010) Climate change effects on canopy-forming ecosystem structuring species at leading and rear edges versus central distribution zones. Aquashift meeting, October 2010, Kiel, Germany. PosterJan Grüneberg, Aschwin Engelen, Rodrigo Costa & Thomas Wichard (2010) Induction of algal morphogenesis in Ulva mutabilis by its associated bacteria in the lagoon Ria Formosa (Portugal). VAAM Symbiotic Interactions Workshop, Würzburg, Germany. Poster.Jan Grüneberg, Aschwin Engelen, Rodrigo Costa & Thomas Wichard (2011) Induction of algal morphogenesis in Ulva mutabilis by its associated bacteria in the lagoon Ria Formosa (Portugal). British Phycological Meeting. Best poster award.Thabard M, Hellio C, Gros O, Engelen AH, Schaefer M, Marechal JP (2010) Sargassum polyceratium chemical and physical impact on major coral reef invertebrate recruitment in Martinique (FWI). Biofouling congress, New Castle, UK. Poster.Aschwin Engelen, Laurent Lévèque, Caroline Engel, Frédérique Viard, Christophe Destombe, Myriam Valero (2010) Unraveling population dynamics of Laminaria digitata using matrix models: life history and management strategies. Ecokelp workshop, Brest, France.Yun HY, Molis M, Engelen AH, Santos RO (2010) The invasive Sargassum muticum might talk native brown seaweeds into chemical defense. XX International Seaweed Symposium, Ensenada, Mexico.Engelen AH and Santos RO (2009) Associated fauna of the invasive brown seaweed Sargassum muticum in its native and introduced region. BIOLIEF world conference on biological invasions and ecosystem functioning, Porto, Portugal.Engelen AH and Santos RO (2009) Invasion ecology of Sargassum muticum, the invader par excellence. 9th International Phycological Congress, Tokyo, Japan. Phycologia 48(4):29.Engelen AH & Rui Santos (2008) Which demographic traits determine invasiveness in marine algae? 2008 ASLO Summer Meeting, St Johns, Canada, p 22.Engelen AH & Rui Santos (2007) Does the Enemy Release Hypothesis explain the success of the invasive seaweed Sargassum muticum? 4th European Phycological Congress, 23-27 July, Oviedo, Spain, p 62-63.Rosa Viejo, Brezo Martínez, Julio Arrontes, Aschwin Engelen & Laura Hernández (2007) Demography of marginal and central populations of the seaweed Fucus serratus. 4th European Phycological Congress, 23-27 July, Oviedo, Spain, p 68-69.Abraham Perez-Pastor, Aschwin Engelen & Rui Santos (2007) Structure and dynamics of two populations of Halopteris scoparia. 4th European Phycological Congress, 23-27 July, Oviedo, Spain, p 122.Engelen A.H., Varela-Alvarez E., Gouveia L., Serr?o E.A. & Santos R (2007) Advances in the invasion genetics of the brown seaweed Sargassum muticum. Book of abstracts of the XIXth International Seaweed Symposium, Kobe, Japan, p 108.Paulo D., Boavida J., Silva J., Santos R & Engelen A (2007) The compared photosynthetic performance of the invasive Sargassum muticum and the native seagrasses of southern Portugal. Book of abstracts of the XIXth International Seaweed Symposium, Kobe, Japan, p 68.Boavida J, Paulo D, Santos & Engelen A (2007) Population model of the recent subtidal invasion of Sargassum muticum in southern Portugal. Book of abstracts of the XIXth International Seaweed Symposium, Kobe, Japan, p 102.Engelen A.H., Pearson G., Serr?o E & Santos R (2005) Brown alien invasion: the seaweed Sargassum muticum at its southern distributional limit in Europe. Book of abstract of the ASLO summer meeting 2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, p 46.Engelen A.H., C. Espirito-Santo, T. Sim?es, C. Monteiro, R. Santos, E. Serr?o & G. Pearson (2004) Timing of gamete release in the native brown seaweed Cystoseira humilis and the invader species Sargassum muticum. Book of abstract of the 13th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Ennis, Ireland, p147.Engelen A.H., C. Espirito-Santo, T. Sim?es, C. Monteiro, R. Santos, E. Serr?o & G. Pearson (2003) Timing of gamete release in the native brown seaweed Cystoseira humilis and the invader species Sargassum muticum. Book of abstract of the 8th meeting of the Portuguese National Ecology Society, Evora, Portugal, p76.Engelen A.H., C. Espirito-Santo, T. Sim?es, C. Monteiro, R. Santos, E. Serr?o & G. Pearson (2003) Timing of gamete release in the native brown seaweed Cystoseira humilis and the invader species Sargassum muticum. Book of abstract of the 2th CIMAR meeting, Vale de Santarem, Portugal, p125.Engelen A., C. Monteiro, C. Faustino, G. Pearson, R. Santos, E. Serr?o (2003) The Portuguese coast as a biogeographic boundary: demography of fucoid seaweeds at their southern European distribution limit. Book of abstracts of the 38th European Marine Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal.Engelen A., C. Alves, G. Pearson, E. Serr?o, R Santos (2003) Demography of the alien species Sargassum muticum at its southern European distribution limit. Book of abstracts of the 3rd European Phycology Congress, Belfast, N-Ireland.Engelen A., C. Alves, E Zugasti, E. Serr?o, G. Pearson, R. Santos (2002) Population biology and invasive potential of the introduced seaweed Sargassum muticum. Book of abstracts of the 1st CIMAR meeting, Vale de Santarem, Portugal.Engelen A.H. and A.M. Breeman (2001) Effects of disturbance events on populations of Sargassum polyceratium. Phycologia, 7th International Phycology Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.Engelen A.H., J.L. Olsen, W.T. Stam & A.M. Breeman (1999) Genetic structure in Sargassum polyceratium on Cura?ao (Netherlands Antilles). Winter meeting of the British Phycological Society, Liverpool, UK.Engelen A.H., J.L. Olsen, W.T. Stam & A.M. Breeman (1999) Genetic structure in Sargassum polyceratium on Cura?ao (Netherlands Antilles). Book of abstracts of the 2nd European Phycological Congress, Montecatini Terme, Italy. p76.Presentations at scientific meetings/institutions2019 Engelen et al. 2019. 23rd International Seaweed Symposium, April 28-May 3, Jeju, Korea. 2018 Engelen AH 2018. Novel insights in the microbial ecology of seagrasses through metagenomics. International Symposium on Promotion of global network studies on seagrass ecosystem based on innovative new technology. February 18-19, TWIns, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Invited presentation.Engelen AH 2018. Novel insights in the microbial ecology of seagrasses through metagenomics. February 23, Sesoko field station, University of Ryukyu, Naha, Okinawa, Japan. Invited presentation.2017Engelen AH, Aires T, Serr?o EA. 2017. Phycomorph workshop: Crossing the kingdoms: seaweed substances & interaction with bacteria that promote seaweed growth. September 11-15, 2017, Jena, Germany. Invited presentation.Engelen AH, Aires T, Cucio C, Muyzer G, Serr?o E 2017. Insights in marine macrophyte associated microbiomes. ILC Metagenomics seminar, Catanhede, Portugal, June 6 2017. Invited presentation.Belattmania Z., Barakate M., Engelen A.H., Pereira H., Serr?o E.A., Zrid R., Reani A., Sabour B. 2017. Fatty acid composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of the brown seaweed Cystoseira humilis. 2ème Symposium ‘Santé-Environnement-Développement durable : Impact de l’environnement et des changements climatiques sur la santé et la biodiversité’. 25 Février 2017, Faculté des Sciences – El Jadida.Belattmania Z., Chaouti A., Engelen A., Machado M., Serrao E., Reani A., Sabour B. 2017. Macroepifauna assemblages colonizing the invasive Sargassum muticum and the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. 2ème Symposium ‘Santé-Environnement-Développement durable : Impact de l’environnement et des changements climatiques sur la santé et la biodiversité’. 25 Février 2017, Faculté des Sciences – El Jadida.Chaouti A., Belattmania Z., Engelen A., Machado M., Serrao E., Vasconcelos V., Reani A., Sabour B. 2017. Three new epifaunal species associated with seaweeds from the Atlantic coast of Morocco. 2ème Symposium ‘Santé-Environnement-Développement durable : Impact de l’environnement et des changements climatiques sur la santé et la biodiversité’. 25 Février 2017, Faculté des Sciences – El Jadida.2016Engelen AH, Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o E (2016) Seagrass microbiome shifts under experimental eutrophication and algal blooms. The 12th International Seagrass Biology Workshop, Wales. 16-21 October 2016.Engelen AH, Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o E (2016) Microbiomes of macrophytes in the marine realm. 1st International Conference on the Marine Microbiome, Discovery and Innovation, Berlin, Germany. 27-30 June 2016.Cucio C, Overmars L, Engelen AH, Muyzer G (2016) Rhizobacteria of the seagrass Zostera marina have a wide array of sulphur genes beneficial for their host. Poster. International Conference on the Marine Microbiome, Discovery and Innovation, Berlin, Germany. 27-30 June 2016.Engelen AH, Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o E (2016) Revealing the functional potential of seaweed and mesoherbivore associated microbiomes. International Seaweed Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark. 19-24 June 2016.Engelen AH, Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o E (2016) Halophila stipulacea microbiomes from Cura?ao. EuroMarinera foresight workshop on the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea. Eilat, Israel 3-6 July 2016.Engelen AH, Aires T, Muyzer G, Serr?o E (2016) Seagrass microbiomes. EuroMarinera foresight workshop ‘Bridging environmental and ecological data with integrated ‘omics to understand and predict future seagrass ecosystems under global / climate change. Odense, Denmark 12-14 December 2016.Engelen AH (2016) NGS metagenomics to study the interaction bacteria-seaweeds. Phycomorph meeting, 28-30 September, Limassol, Cyprus.2015Weinberger, Florian, Nylund, G., Culioli, G., Briand, J.-F. and Engelen, A.H. Innate receptors regulate the excretion of anti-settlement compounds by Fucus vesiculosus and other brown seaweeds [Talk] In: 6. European Phycological Congress (EPC6), 23.-28.08.2015, London, UK.Aires T, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA. Differentiation of bacterial communities associated to host populations and species of the genus Asparagopsis, invasive in the western Atlantic. European Phycological congress, 24-28 August 2015, London, England. Oral presentation.Engelen AH, Klaeui A, Aires T, Serr?o EA. The microbiome of a seaweed invader across its introduced European range. European Phycological congress, 24-28 August 2015, London, England. Oral presentation.Engelen AH, Frade PR, Aires T, Baraka S, Serr?o E, Pabon JT, Vermeij MJA A new coral on Cura?aoan reefs, comparison with an old invader. 37th conference of the association of marine laboratories of the Caribbean, 18-22 May, 2015, Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles. Oral presentation.Engelen AH, Henriques F, Coelho N, Vermeij M, Serrao EA. Molecular tools for population ecology and genetics of the proliferating seaweed Lobophora variegata. 37th conference of the association of marine laboratories of the Caribbean, 18-22 May, 2015, Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles. Poster presentation.Engelen AH, Aires T, Serr?o EA. Microbiomes across marine benthic hosts. Jacques Monod Conference on Marine eco-systems biology, 22-26 June 2015, Roscoff, France. Poster presentation.2014Martínez-Crego B, Arteaga P, Ueber A. Engelen A, Santos R, Molis M. (2014) Screening for inducible defences in seagrass-herbivore interactions. First Mares Conference Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation, Olh?o, Portugal, November 17-21. Poster presentation.Engelen AH, Costa J, Coelho M, Neiva JM, Pearson GA, Marbà N, Duarte C, Serr?o E (2014) Temperature resilience and genetic diversity of intertidal canopy forming seaweeds of the genus Cystoseira in Portugal. Mares Conference, 17-21 November, Olh?o, Portugal. Poster presentation.Engelen AH, Bouchemousse S, Mieszkowska N, Daguin-Thiébaut, Viard F (2014) Novel genetic insights into one of the most successful marine invaders: the brown seaweed Sargassum muticum. Mares Conference, 17-21 November, Olh?o, Portugal. Poster presentation.Buonomo R, Assis J, Fernandez F, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA, Airoldi L (2014) Population connectivity and structure of the brown alga Cystoseira amentacea linked to genetic differentiation, habitat continuity and oceanographic distance. Mares Conference, 17-21 November, Olh?o, Portugal. Digital object presentation.Engelen AH, Aires T, Cucio CB, de Lara Ruiz A, Mantzouki E, Fernandes F, Paulo D, Costa RS, Serr?o EA (2014) Temperate gorgonians & invasive seaweed proliferation. Mares Conference, 17-21 November, Olh?o, Portugal. Oral presentation.Mota CF, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA and Pearson GA (2014) Some don't like it hot: microhabitat-dependent thermal load and water stress in a trailing edge population. Mares Conference, 17-21 November, Olh?o, Portugal. Poster presentation.Martínez-Garrido J, Engelen AH, Serr?o EA, González-Wanguemert M (2014) Improving the knowledge of Ruppia sp.: microsatellite markers as a useful tool for species differentiation. Mares Conference, 17-21 November, Olh?o, Portugal. Digital object presentation.Engelen AH, Costa J, Coelho M, Neiva JM, Pearson GA, Marbà N, Duarte C, Serrao E (2014) Temperature resilience and genetic diversity of intertidal canopy forming seaweeds of the genus Cystoseira in Portugal. ECSA54 Coastal systems under change: tuning assessment and management tools. 12-16 May, Sesimbra, Portugal. Poster presentation.Engelen AH, Straub SC, de Lara Ruiz A, Mantzouki E, Fernandes F, Paulo D, Costa RS, Serr?o EA (2014) Temperate gorgonians under invasive seaweed proliferation and acidification pressure. ECSA conference 12-16 May, Sesimbra, Portugal. Oral presentation.Aschwin H. Engelen, Francisco Arenas, Mads Thomsen (2014) Experimental assessments of seaweed proliferation and eutrophication effects on intertidal estuarine seagrass ecosystems across hemispheres. Cost conference ‘Seagrasses in Europe: Threats, responses and management.’ March 4-6, 2014, Olh?o, Portugal.Ana Alexandre, Alexandra Baeta, Aschwin H. Engelen, Rui Santos (2014) Nitrogen competition dynamics between seagrasses and seaweeds: implications on phase shifts in seagrass-dominated ecosystems. Cost conference ‘Seagrasses in Europe: Threats, responses and management.’ March 4-6, 2014, Olh?o, Portugal.Catarina Cucio, Aschwin H. Engelen, Gerard Muyzer (2014) The seagrass microbiome. Cost conference ‘Seagrasses in Europe: Threats, responses and management.’ March 4-6, 2014, Olh?o, Portugal.Florian Weinberger, Melanie Schulz, Chi Guan, Anna Bockelmann, Aschwin Engelen (2014) Evidence of synergism among two different causing agents of eelgrass wasting disease, Labyrinthula zosterae and a yeast. Cost conference ‘Seagrasses in Europe: Threats, responses and management.’ March 4-6, 2014, Olh?o, Portugal.2013 Engelen AH. Ecological insights into one of the most successful marine invaders: the brown seaweed Sargassum muticum. “Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic” conference. November 20-22, 2013, Ostend, Belgium. Oral.Fernandes, Francisco; Engelen, Aschwin; Zubia, Mayalen; Cambert, Harold; Dijoux, Laury; Viard, Frederique; Perez, Thierry; Greff, Stéphane; Thomas, Olivier; Petek, Sylvain; Fiat, Sylvie; Adjeroud, Mehdi; Bouchon, Claude; Parretti, Paola; Monteiro, Jo?o; Santos, Ricardo; Quod, Jean Pascal; Payri, Claude (2013) SEAPROLIF program: Diversity and functioning of coastal marine biomes under siege: implications of SEAweed PROLIFerations across three oceans. Global Diving Conference, Portim?o, Portugal, 7th and 8th of December 2013. Poster.Engelen AH, Zubia Mayalen, Cambert Harold, Dijoux Laury, Viard Frederique, Perez Thierry, Greff Stéphane, Thomas Olivier, Petek Sylvain, Fiat Sylvie, Adjeroud Mehdi, Bouchon Claude, Parretti Paola, Monteiro Joao, Santos Ricardo, Quod Jean Pascal & Payri Claude. Diversity and functioning of coastal marine biomes under siege: implications of seaweed proliferations across three oceans (SEAPROLIF). “Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic” conference. November 20-22, 2013, Ostend, Belgium. Poster.2012G. Akkermans, M. Thomsen, F. Arenas, M. Machado, R. Santos, J. Vermaat, A.H. Engelen The interactive effects of variable nutrient and macroalgal load on the intertidal seagrass Zostera noltii and associated fauna in the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal. 50th Estuarines and Coastal Shelf Research Association conference, Venice, Italy.Aschwin Engelen & Rui Santos (2011) Invasion ecology of the brown seaweed Sargassum muticum. 7th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. Barcelona, Spain.Eva Cacabelos, Aschwin H. Engelen, Astrid Mejia & Francisco Arenas (2011) Comparison of the assemblage functioning of estuary systems dominated by the seagrass Zostera noltii versus the invasive drift alga Gracelaria vermiculophylla. ECClima, Porto, Portugal.Florence Tellier, Valeria L. Oppliger, Christophe Destombe, Aschwin Engelen, Juan A. Correa, Sylvain Faugeron & Myriam Valero (2011) The role of haploid and diploid phases in kelp speciation. European Phycological Congress, Rhode Island, Greece.Jan Grüneberg, Aschwin Engelen, Rodrigo Costa & Thomas Wichard. (2011). Induction of algal morphogenesis in Ulva mutabilis by its associated bacteria in the lagoon Ria Formosa (Portugal). British Phycological Society's Winter Meeting in Cardiff (Poster Prize).F. Tellier, P. Ayerdi, B. R. Broitman, L. Contreras-Porcia, J. A. Correa, C. Destombe, A. Engelen, S. Faugeron, G. Gomez, C. Lopez-Cristoffanini, V. L. Oppliger, M. Valero (2011) Divergence adaptative entre deux espèces jumelles d’algues brunes à cycle haplo?de diplo?de en relation avec leurs limites d’aires de distribution : Etude à différentes échelles spatiales. 33eme réunion annuelle du Groupe d’Etude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, 29-31 ao?t 2011. Oral presentation.Aschwin H. Engelen, Márcio Coelho, Joana Costa, Gareth Pearson, Ester Serr?o , Carlos Duarte and Núria Marbà (2011) Climate change effects on canopy-forming ecosystem structuring species at leading and rear edges versus central distribution zones. COST action Workshop Linking ecophysiology and ecogenomics in seagrass systems. March 1-2, Naples, Italy. Oral presentation.2010Aschwin Engelen, Onno Diekmann, Márcio Coelho, Joana Costa, Gareth Pearson,Núria Marbà, Ester Serr?o and Carlos Duarte. Climate change effects on canopy-forming ecosystem structuring species at leading and rear edges versus central distribution zones. Aquashift meeting Kiel, Germany.(Poster).Jan Grüneberg, Aschwin Engelen, Rodrigo Costa & Thomas Wichard. (2010).Induction of algal morphogenesis in Ulva mutabilis by its associated bacteria in the lagoon Ria Formosa (Portugal). 2nd VAAM-Workshop Symbiotic Interaction, Würzburg, Germany(Poster).The invasive Sargassum muticum might talk native brown seaweeds into chemical defense. Hee Young Yun, M Molis, A H Engelen and R O Santos . 20th International Seaweed Symposium, Ensenada, Mexico.2009 Invasion ecology of Sargassum muticum, important aspects of the invader par excellence. Invited seminar, Institute of Marine Sciences School of Biological Sciences University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, EnglandBrown macroalgal invaders of the genus Sargassum: flexibility without compromise? Invited seminar, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, EnglandBIOLIEF, Porto, PortugalDemographic matrix modelling of marine populations and communities under stress. Invited seminar, ZMT Bremen, Germany9th IPC, Tokyo, Japan2008YPEP Seminar on Marine Invasive Species, Brorefeld, Denmark.2007 IVth European Phycological Congress, Oviedo, Spain.XIXth International Seaweed Symposium, Kobe, Japan.2006European Science Foundation exploratory workshop, Tavira, Portugal.2005ASLO summer meeting, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.200413th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Ireland.2003European Phycology Congress, Belfast, North-Ireland.European Marine Biology Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal.8o Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, ?vora, MAR meeting, Santarem, Portugal.20017th International Phycology Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.Verwey PhD meeting of the Graduate School Functional Ecology, The Netherlands.Winter meeting of the British Phycological Society, Liverpool, UK.19992th European Phycological Congres 1997, Leiden, The Netherlands.1996 Verwey meeting, research school of Functional Ecology, Texel, The Netherlands.Scientific meeting of the Dutch Phycologists, Leiden, The Netherlands.8th Hanse meeting, Bremerhaven, Germany.Courses2017Phycomorph workshop & training school ‘Crossing the kingdoms: Macroalgae-bacteria interactionspromoting algal growth and development. Jena Germany Sept.R course for beginners, University of Algarve, May 29-30, 2017.2016Black Forest summer school: NGS in Phylogenomics, Phycomorph workshop, Germany2010 Amphipod taxonomy by James Thomas at VIMS, USA.2010 Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) by Jim Grace at VIMS, USA.2008BEAST course2003Analysing biological and environmental field data.2003Experimental design (by Prof. Tony Underwood).2000Writing Grant Proposals.1998Ecological and evolutionary consequences of spatial variation.1995Current topics in Algal Evolution and Ecology.Field Experience2019Field trip Masra Shagra, Egypt.Seaweed Field collection Cura?ao2018Field trip Red Sea, EgyptField trip Tokyo and Okinawa, Japan (on invitation). Caulerpa field collection, Cura?ao.2017Caulerpa & Lobophora field collection French Polynesia.2017Seagrass field collection, Cura?ao.2016Lobophora and field collection, Cura?ao.2012-2014 Monitoring Asparagopsis invasions, Portugal & Tahiti.2010-Seagrass – Seaweed interaction2010 Cystoseira genetic sampling expedition Mallorca2008- SeagrassNet, Ria Formosa Lagoon2008-Experimental ecology and population dynamics of kelps in Portugal and France2005Experimental ecology with Sargassum muticum and herbivores.2007Sargassum collection expedition along the Seto inland Sea, Japan.2002Demographic and experimental biology studies on Sargassum muticum and Cystoseira humilis in intertidal rockpools on the Atlantic coast of Portugal.2001Volunteer researcher on reef monitoring and reef restoration in Cura?ao 'Portomarie Reefball project' (2 weeks).2000Monitoring of Sargassum polyceratium stands around Cura?ao following the effects of Hurricane Lenny (2 weeks).1999 Monitoring of S. polyceratium stand dynamics around Cura?ao (1 month).19981 month fieldwork studying small scale disturbances and longterm dynamics of the S. polyceratium stands around Cura?ao.1996 fieldwork studying seasonal stand dynamics and demography, as well as genetic.1997 sampling of Sargassum polyceratium and Cladophoropsis membranaceae on Cura?ao.Underwater experience> 1000 scientific dives for monitoring, sampling and experimental purposes in cold to tropical waters, GUE Fundamental diver, CMAS 2*, PADI nitrox.Laboratory ExperienceMetagenomicsMultivariate statistics Experimental ecology with seaweeds and herbivores.Collection of intertidal and subtidal algae for culturing and molecular analyses.Several DNA isolation and purification methods.Cloning and plasmid isolation.Making and screening of genomic libraries.Primer development.DNA sequencing (radioactive 35S and 32P and automated sequencing on ABI 310).Matrix modelling (demography).Analysis of genetic population structure.Analysis of variance.Grants2018AquaExcell grant (60 days stay 3x800euro travel)2017ZymoResearch in kind sponsorship for TEAcomposition H2O: 9000 DNA/RNA preservation samplesTravel and collection grant from the University of French Polynesia2016 FCT post-doc fellowship (SFRH/BPD/107878/2015).2013SEAS-ERA/0001/2012 FCT 150K euros2012Netbiome/0002/2011 FCT 70K euros2010Assemble network grant2010 FCT-CNRS exchange grant2009FCT research project grant (PTDC/MAR/098069/2008); 170K euro)2009FCT post-doc fellowship (SFRH/BPD/63703/2009)2006 European Science Foundation exploratory workshop fellowship: Invasion of European Shores by Sargassum muticum: Research Integration towards the Future (EW05-065, 14 K euros).2005 FCT research project grant (POCI/MAR/55377/2004; 85.5 K euros).2004 FCT post-doc fellowship (SFRH/BPD/7153/2001).1998 SIR-Travel Grant.SupervisionPostdocTania Aires (2017-2023) PhD studentsX (starting) Caulerpa microbiomes. University of Amsterdam. Supervisor: Gerard Muyzer. Acting as external advisor.X (starting) A Sargassum Genomic Observatory: Comparative and population genomics of floating Sargassum species and their holobiomes. University of Amsterdam & NIOZ. Supervision: Linda Amaral-Zettler, Gerard Muyzer. Acting as external advisor.Cristiana Maia (on going) Halophytophthora spp. and Phytophtora in marine and estuarine ecosystems in Portugal: biodiversity, ecological roles and possible biotechnological uses. Universidade do Algarve. Supervisors: Thomas Jung, Luisa Custodio and Aschwin Engelen.Tamára Santos (on going) Microbiome mediated improvement of industrial Chlorella biomass production. Universidade do Algarve. Supervisors: Jo?o Varela, Joana Silva and Aschwin Engelen.Catarina Cucio (on going) Seagrass microbiomes. University of Amsterdam. Supervisors: Aschwin Engelen & Gerard Muyzer (UvA)Alexandra Serebryakova (2017) Acclimation and adaptation of invasive seaweeds – a case study with the brown alga Sargassum muticum (MARES: Ualg and UPMC). Supervisors: Ester Serr?o (Ualg), Frédérique Viard (UPMC), Aschwin Engelen (CCMAR).Roberto Buonomo (2017) Genetic background, range shifts and associated microbial responses of canopy algae under changing environment. Orientador: Laura Airoldi (University of Bologna), Ester Serr?o (UALG), co-supervisor: Aschwin Engelen (MARES: Ualg and University of Bologna)Tania Pereira (2015) Ecology of west Iberian kelps: Laminaria ochroleuca na Saccorhiza polyschides living near their distributional limits. Universidade do Algarve. Orientador: Ester Serr?o (Ualg), Myriam Valero (CNRS), Gareth Pearson (CCMAR) co-supervisor: Aschwin Engelen. (Universidade do Algarve)TechniciansTania Aires (2014-2017) Seas-Era Project InvasivesFilipe Henriques (2014-2015) Netbiome Project SeaprolifFrancisco Fernandes (2013-2014) Netbiome Project SeaprolifAna Alexandra (2012) FCT Project InvaseaPrevious technicians: Catarina Cucio, Ana Castanheira, Astrid Mejia, Licinia Gouveia, Ligia Primo, Catarina Alves, Kerstin WeidnerMaster students:2019Alena Sidow (Ualg) Exploration of Ulva holobiont diversity in Portugal: any lesson to learn for cultivation and use?Leona Ritter von Stein (Ualg) The potential of Ulva diversity in southern Portugal for a sustainable food and feed industry.Susana de Zwaan (UvA) Distribution of Renilla spp. around Cura?ao and the composition of their associated macrofaunal community.Nina LeTrocquer (UvA) Caulerpa associated microbiomes: phylosymbiosis across tissues.Corne van Teulingen (UvA) Niche differentiation in the diet of sea pancy (Renilla spp.) associated crustaceans.Giulia Marchioro (Ualg) Coupling shifts in the composition of coral tissue- and mucus-associated microbial communities to change in coral host physiology and environmental fluctuations. Co-supervision. 2018Dannie O’Brien (Ualg) Improving seagrass production for transplants: adventitious rooting and artificial substrates.Levi Biersteker (UvA) Microbial involvement in seagrass health and fitness.Tiago Jorge Saavedra Soares (Ualg) Environmental responses of Caribbean Lobophora seaweeds: niche differentiation among cryptic species.2017Sara Pereira (Ualg) Temperature responses of temperate gorgonians.Tamara Stuij (Utrecht University) Microbiomes of tropical seagrasses of Cura?ao.Glauco Favot (Ualg) Production and identification of Ulva sp. in multi-trophic aquaculture in earth ponds.2015Anita Klaeui (EMBC+) Microbiome of a brown seaweed invader.Tamara Moedas (Ualg) Aquaculture of Cystoseiras.2014Silke Bossers (UvA) The seacumcumber microbiome.Dario Nobre (EMBC) Impact of biological invasions on native meso-grazer fitness under ocean acidification and warming.Ana de Lara (EMBC) Integrated ecological and biological mapping of shallow water gorgonians in Southwest PortugalCarlos Gill (EMBC) Community assessment in a protected and non-protected area and top-down control on macroalgae in the Sagres coast.Ana Lúcia Soares (EMBC) Light and nutrient effects on seaweed communities.2013Sandra Straub (EMBC) Coral-seaweed interactions in temperate waters: the importance of species identity and environmental conditions. Now PhD student UWA plant Biology, Oceans Institute.Hilde van de Sande (EMBC) Azooxanthellate scleractinians; driving parameters, community structure and conservation value.Evanthia Mantzouki (University of Amsterdam) The microbiome of gorgonian corals under macroalgal stress across the Atlantic ocean. Currently PhD candidate in Switserland.Ana Cristina Montes Castanheira (2012) Temperature tolerance in temperate gorgonians and their associated bacterial communities – a short-term experimental study. Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Algarve, Portugal.Geert Akkermans (2012) The cumulative effect of nutrient and seaweed addition on Zostera noltei and associated macrofauna. VU University Amsterdam, section Earth Sciences and Economics, Faculty of Earth and Life Science.Ana Catarina Bernardino Cúcio (2011) Molecular exploration of bacterial communities associated with azooxanthellate gorgonians in the coast of Algarve, South Portugal. Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Algarve, Portugal. Currently PhD candidate University of Amsterdam Carla Monteiro (University of Evora), currently PhD candidate University of Algarve Diogo Paulo (University of Algarve), currently PhD candidate University of Algarve2007Joana Boavida (University of Algarve), currently PhD candidate University of Algarve2007Cortes Ramos. “Assessment of the Non-Indigenous Species in Ria Formosa” (University of Algarve).1996Mark Vermeij (University of Groningen) currently science director CARMABI1996Wobine de Sitter (University of Groningen).1996Yvon Geurts (University of Groningen).Recent InternsRobert Priester (2019) Ulva species and their morphologies in southern Portugal.Elena Schrofner (2019) Coral reef ecology at the research station CARMABI, Cura?ao.Ramona Negulescu (2019) Renilla associated fauna identification.José Carneiro (2019) Cura?ao Island coral reef ecosystem.Benedikt Brunner (2019) Coral reef and seagrass ecology in Cura?ao.Alena Sidow (2018) Mesograzer diet preferences. Marine Biology masters Ualg.Silvia Lomat (2017) Temperate coral restoration. Erasmus Mundus, Universita’ del Salento, Lecce, Italy.Catarina Campos Ferreira (2017) Temperature responses of intertidal seaweeds. EMBRC+Lina Matijevic (2015) Barcoding of scleractinians. Erasmus MundusIoannis Savva (2015) Mediterranean Seagrass microbiomes. EMBC+Chloé Moreau (2014) Zostera marina associated epifauna assemblage composition. Ualg.Zofia Halicka (2014) Isopod food preferences. UalgNina Rothe (2014) Isopod gut microbiomes. UalgAndré Silva (2014) Isopod population dynamics. Ualg.Victor Cano-Garcia (2014) Zostera experimental network.Jessie Viss (2014) Zostera experimental network.Rachel Connell (2014) Zostera experimental network.Mareike Babuder (2014) Distribution of Asparagopsis taxiformis and its interactions with native species. EMBC+Floriaan Devla-Devloo (2014) Distribution of Asparagopsis armata and its interactions with native species. EMBC+Carlos Lopez (2014) Asparagopsis interactions with the gorgonian Eunicella gazella. EMBC+Neus Figueras (2014) Temperature effects on Native and invasive seaweeds. EMBC+Alberto Moreno (2014) Temperature effects on grazer-seaweed interactions. EMBC+PhD jury memberKlein Jan H (2018) The influence of bacteria on the adaptation to changing environments in Ectocarpus: a systems biology approach. September 24, 2018.Olivier B.N. Coste (2018) Study of the green alga Ulva for its use as functional food in aquaculture: development of biotechnologic processes to determine the bioactivity of the sulfated polysaccharide ulvan. Universidade de Cádiz, Spain. Replacement jury member.Catarina Vizetto Guerreiro Duarte (2016) Biomedical properties of Cystoseira species: insights into nutra- and pharmaceutical applications. Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.T?nia Ribeiro Pereira (2015) Ecology of west Iberian kelps: Laminaria ochroleuca and Saccorhiza polyschides living near their distributional limits. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve.Vasco Manuel Nobre de Carvalho da Silva Vieira (2011) What drives distinct ploidy phases of isomorphic biphasic life cycles to occur at uneven abundances. Universidade do Algarve, Marine Biology, Portugal.Luz Valeria Oppliger Zan (2010) REPRODUCTION AT THE RANGE LIMITS OF LAMINARIALES AT THE CHILEAN AND EUROPEAN COASTS. l’UNIVERSIT? PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE, Paris, France & PONTIFICA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE, Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Biologicas, Mencion Ecologia.Master thesis jury member2017Jo?o Pedro Gomes Meireles (Ualg) The Aquaculture of Corals, the effect of temperature and modifications in photoperiod in performance and growth of stony corals.2015Inga Isabel Esteves Barata Ferreira da Silva, Universidade do Algarve.Teaching/Knowledge dissemination2020Coral reef ecology course, University of Amsterdam on Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles.2019 Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.Coral reef ecology course, University of Amsterdam on Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles.Practicals Ecology, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal2018 Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.Coral reef ecology course, University of Amsterdam on Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles.2017 Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.Coral reef ecology course, University of Amsterdam on Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles.2016 Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.Coral reef ecology course, University of Amsterdam on Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles.European Marine Biodiversity and Conservation+ Spring School, Tjarno, Sweden.2015 Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.Coral reef ecology course, University of Amsterdam on Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles.Marine Botany, Programa de Pós-gradua?ao Ciência para o Desenvolvimento, University of Cabo Verde, Praia, Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde.2014 European Marine Biodiversity and Conservation spring school, Tjarno, Sweden.Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.Coral reef ecology course, University of Amsterdam on Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles.2013 European Marine Biodiversity and Conservation summer school, Gouves, Crete.Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.2012 European Marine Biodiversity and Conservation summer school, Piran, Slovenia.Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.Tropical Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Cura?ao, Netherlands Antilles.2011 Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.2010 Bachelor Marine Biology course, University of Amsterdam in Algarve.2008 Population dynamics course University of the Algarve.Additional skills:Drivers licenseGUE Fundamental2* CMAS. SCUBA diving certificatePADI Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty DiverOver 1000 hours scientific underwater experience LanguagesDutch: excellentEnglish: excellentFrisian: good reading and listening comprehensionGerman: goodPortuguese: goodFrench: basic ................

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