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Josiah V. Thompson

Family Record

Uniontown, Pa


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Hotel Shawnee, Springfield, O Room 728 Dec 5, 1926 11:17 AM

Mr Ursha Jobe of 219 W. Cecil St has come in to see me & says he does not have the familiarity of the records that his Uncle Dr Jones of Columbus, O told me last March that he had. He says his sister, aged 52, Mrs Osa Baird, now at Miami University Oxford, O finishing up her own college course after putting her children through, can tell more about it than he can & probably has her parent's bible record. Write her. There were seven children being a Brother in Alva in addition to the ones I had. Ursha is the youngest. Alva did live at 2578 N. 4th St on a corner in Columbus, O where he worked in a restaurant. Married & has one child. Floyd is a widower with two children & lives here on Main St.

Selmon, another brother, is married & has one child & lives out in the country six miles from here. I am leaving him, Ursha, a questionnaire & my address.

Ursha is son of Henry Jobe & his wife Sarah Thoroman Jones, daughter of Samuel of Mathew & his wife who was a Thoroman. He was born in Jacktown, Adams Co, O where all the children were

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born, on Jany 3, 1890 & was married Oct 3, 1916 here in Springfield to Lulu Amelia Adams born in this Co near here Nov 8, 1888, daughter of George Adams & his wife Amelia Eglinger. Have had but one child born here in Springfield, O viz:

1. Robert Earl Jobe born May 5, 1921. Both living at 219 W. Cecil St here where he is engaged in running a bakery, his real trade, a grocery & meat market.

His sister Cora married Peter Wilbur Louderback, a grocer & both living in Wash C.H., Ohio & have one child. They live on Columbus Ave.

His other sister, Faye, lives near on Court St, at Wash C.H. where she is teaching school & is unmarried. The one who could have given data was Jennie Holt, sister of his mother, who died last year leaving two married daughters: Mrs Mecca Moore, Wilmington, O Mrs Sophia Locke. She gave Ursha the following addresses of the relatives viz:

George Jones, half brother of his mother, wife Lola living at 55 W. Church St Newark, O & their daughter, Gerard married a Nichols & lives there & has children Katherine & Mark.

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Paul K. Jones, full brother of his mother did live at Farmington, Ills & moved across in to Iowa not long ago. Dahl Jones is a farmer living on the old home farm, P.O. Peebles, O RD 3

Ella Wamsley half sister to his mother lives at Otway, O

Mr Jobe left at 12:30 PM

See bk 16 p 503

I phoned Frank A. Crothers 39 Ardmore Road & he said he would be glad to talk to me today after 2:30 PM. Mr Jobe said he was a very fine man & a very busy one & was Secy of their Masonic Lodge.

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At home of Fernando Wood Kilgore (goes by Wm Wood Kilgore) No 22 N. Spring St, Springfield, O Dec 5, 1926 1:40 PM

I walked around here from the hotel over very slippery sidewalks & have met Mr & Mrs Kilgore. He says to see his Aunt, Mrs Amanda Wright, Jeffersonville, O or her brother, Albert Kilgore living at Culpeper or Washington C.H., O. He don't know his great grandfather Kilgore's name, but says he stepped out on his back porch & was struck by lightning & killed instantly, the stroke unlacing his shoes as well as he could have done it. Mr K. has been told this by both his father & grandfather & thinks his gf Perry Kilgore, lived about 5 miles north of Jeffersonville & where Perry's father was killed was a mile north of that on what was known in my informant's time as the Huston farm. See the records at Wash C.H. for settlement of his estate or will.

He says his Aunt Mary Jane Kilgore married Moses Hawk

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& went to about Celina, O where some of their children live. Says he has seen the old bible & thinks it was the Perry Kilgore record. Thinks it is about Acy's as many of his mother's things were boxed up & sent there. Thinks Mr Wright has the dates all written down & can give them.

Mr Kilgore was born on his gf's farm in Fayette Co, O on Oct 24, 1876 & was married Jany 17, 1901 here to Miss Emma Dell Ferguson born June 5, 1877 in Indiana, Pa the daughter of William Ferguson and his wife Sarah Ann Patterson. Both living here where he is a machinist & makes wires for baling. Have had one child born in Jackson Co, O viz:

Stillborn son born July 22, 1905.

Don't know of any other more distant relatives out, thinks his Uncle & Aunt will.

Leaving 2:11 PM

He & his wife recall hearing his father & gf speak of the Jacks & he thinks his ggf Kilgore's name was "Jap" or Jasper

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At residence of Frank Anderson Crothers, No 39 Ardmore Road Springfield, O 3:11 PM Dec 5, 1926

Mr Crothers was born here in Springfield, O Dec 7, 1878, the son of Wm Benjamin Crothers (who was son of Rev Dr Samuel Crothers & his 4th wife) & his wife Sarah Elizabeth Anderson.

William Benjamin Crothers was born in Greenfield, O Apr 1842? He served in the Civil War before he was of age being one of the 90 days men & thinks served in the winter of 1862-3. He was in an Ohio Co. He got the pneumonia while serving in KY & was invalided home. Thinks he was married about 1868 or 1869 when he came here & went into the grocery business. He died here in Apr or May 1883 & is buried in Fern Cliff Cem here. First said there was a marker & then was not sure. He was 40 when he died of tuberculosis which might make the year of his birth 1843. Mr C's mother was the daughter of Isaac Anderson & his wife. She was born in Fayette Co, O Dec 14, 1846 or 1847 & died here Sept 7, 1916 & they thought she was 72. She never would tell her age, but her husband would tell

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his & then say she was just 5 yrs younger. She is buried same place. They had but two children both born here viz:

1. Flora Crothers born about 1871 & died aged 18 mos say in 1872 or 1873 as she died 5 yrs before her brother was born.

2. Frank Anderson Crothers born Dec 7, 1878 & was married May 20, 1914 here to Gracie Vernon Dugan born Oct 8, 1887 here in Springfield, O daughter of Dr John Parks Dugan & his wife Carrie Mae Tibbetts. No issue. Both living here where he is in the real estate business. Mr C. says that the cousins of his father William & John Crothers lived here & died before his time. He says there are but two Crothers lots in the cem, located near the center & S.E, of the soldiers monument. One is their own monument & he don't know who the other is. Thinks William (possibly John) had a son & daughter.

1. Mitchell, married twice & went to Los Angeles & died there a yr or so ago. No issue. His wife is also Decd

2. Martha. Old maid & died in Chicago, Ills

3. Venie, Old maid & died in Chicago, Ills

Mrs M.W. Hamma living at 643 N. Fountain Ave, Tell Main 4194-J was a Crothers or related to them. Phone her.

Mrs Frank W. Geiger of 733 S. Limestone

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St, Tel Main 633 is a Crothers descendant, her mother being a Crothers of one of the above families. Her maiden name was Winger. Look for wills of Wm B, William or John.

He says his father's mother was a Dunlap & he thinks Mary Dunlap Crothers would be a full sister of his father & the infants also. He says his Uncle Rev Saml D. Crothers got his father's library & thinks would have gotten his father's records, but he don't know what became of them. He read from the small history of his gf's life that he got the degree of D.D. from Miami University, Oxford, O.

He says that the father of Saml McChord Crothers of Cambridge, Mass was a half brother of my informant's father (son of Rev Dr Samuel) & his mother was a half sister of my informant's father, (being daughter of 4th wife of Rev Saml by one of her former husbands) She was Rev Saml Crothers 4th wife & he was her 3d husband. He said John Mason Crothers or Oswego, Ills, was a member of the Illinois Legislature & his daughter, Mrs Isabella Jolly was an intimate personal friend of Frances Willard.

Mr Crothers says Rev Crothers grandson Chauncy Waddell (grandson, I think of his Aunt Mary

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Narcissa living at Cuyahoga Falls O) married Secy of State Chas E. Hughes (now judge) daughter.

Mr Crothers says he is a member of the Presbyterian Church

Ursha Jobe told he me was Secy of the Masonic Lodge here.

Leaving 4:33 PM

See book 7 P 442

I intended getting the text of the small handsomely bound Octavo (I believe) volume of "History of Life & labors of Rev Samuel Crothers D.D." by Ritchie printed in 1857. He says there were 1500 of them printed & he thought a copy might be had in second hand book store in Greenfield, O.

It is just midnight & I will get ready for bed.

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Hotel Shawnee, Room 728 Springfield, O Dec 6, 1926

I phoned to residence of Addison S. Rodgers Main 3416 & was told he was out until 12:30 PM

I then phoned Mrs Frank W. Geiger & was told she was out & wd be back by 11:30 AM. Her tel Main 633.

Then at 9:42 AM, I telephoned to Mrs M.W. Hamma of 643 N. Fountain Ave, Tel Main 4194-J & she said she was M.W. Hamma's second wife & that his first wife had been a daughter of John Crothers & she did not have any of her late husband's bible records. Said he had but one child, a daughter, by his first wife & the child died young & she could not give any dates, but thought her sister, a Mrs Knapp, a widow, with one child, a daughter, living in Beatrice, Neb could. She said Mrs Geiger was a cousin (2d cousin) of Mrs Hamma.

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At residence of Mrs Thos A. Wood, 509 E. Madison Ave, Springfield, O Dec 6, 1926 11:07 AM

I came out here on the street car & find Mrs Ethel Marie Wood, stepdaughter of Mrs Violet Finley Gowdy who arrived here on a visit on 4th. Mrs Wood has the two vol Gowdy genealogy gotten out by Hon Mahlon M. Gowdy, Providence R.I. & from the Journal Press, Lewiston, Main 1919 edited by Rev G.T. Ridlory, Sr, Portland Me. IN the 2d Vol page 525 it says Grace Belle Gowdy 3d daughter of Robert & Elizabeth (Phillips) Gowdy born near Garnett, Kansas Apr 13, 1871 was married Sept 5, 1893 to Harry Lincoln Finley who was born Feby 19, 1865, son of Leander Finley born Aug 20, 1828 & died Oct 17, 1891 & his wife Sarah Stevenson born Jany 29, 1828 & died June 4, 1889. Harry L. Finley was educated at Hiawatha, Kan & at Tarkio [Tarkis?] MO & in June 1895 graduated fr Jeff Med College Phila & for many yrs has been a doctor at Assint Hospital, Assint Egypt. Mrs Finley was living at New Concord, O with her her children & he was in Egypt. Their children:

1. Esther Elizabeth Finley born June 28, 1894

2. Leander Finley born Jany 3, 1896 & with the Hospital Corp on U.S. Navy, Boston, Mass.

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3. Harry DeCosta Finley born June 22, 1899. At home with her mother

4. Grace Esther Finley born June 11, 1903

5. Alice Moneeva Finley born Oct 12, 1912

On page 488

Abigail Joanna Gowdy, eldest daughter of James & Sarah (Brown) Gowdy born at Xenia, O Oct 1, 1824, married Nov 22, 1843. Rev Wm G. Findley son of Rev Samuel Findley of Guernsey Co, O. He was pastor of Associate Ref Ch Chillicothe, O Nov 1843 & had children:

1. James Gowdy Finley [sic] b Dec 16, 1844 ob Apr 16, 1850

2. Sarah Margaret Finley b July 25, 1846 ob Aug 7, 1852

3. Julia Findley [sic] b Feby 22, 1849

4. William Findley b June 11, 1851

Leaving 11:42 AM

See bk 18 p 479

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At residence of Mrs Frank W. Geiger, NO 733 S. Limestone ST Springfield, O Dec 6, 1926 1:30 PM

Mrs Geiger has gotten the bible record of her parent's which shows that:

Amaziah Winger was born Sept 13, 1835

Mary Ann Crothers was born Nov 6, 1841 & they were married Oct 30, 1867

Their children:

1. Fannie Crothers Winger born Apr 17, 1869

2. Laura Winger born Oct 23, 1871


Mary Ann Winger Apr 15, 1873

Amaziah Winger Aug 14, 1907

Mary Barr Winger Feby 20, 1909

Burt E. Marshall Jany 14, 1918


Amaziah Winger married 2d Mrs Mary Barr Torbet June 8, 1876 (nee Barr)

Fannie Crothers Winger married Oct 16, 1906 to Burt E. Marshall

Laura Winger & Francis William Geiger on June 11, 1910

Burt E. Marshall was born May 21, 1870 in Iowa, son of Alonzo Marshall & wife Margaret. No issue. She is living here as his widow at No 1001 E. High St at the Allen Apts Tel Main 795. He was 48 yrs old when he died.

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Francis William Geiger was born Dec 28, 1867 here in Springfield, O son of Hezekiah Rhubush Geiger & his wife Nancy Malvina Hartford. Both living here where he is practicing law after having served as Probate & Common Pleas judge for 19 years. No issue.

Amaziah Winger was son of Jacob Winger & his wife Catharine Trout. Amaziah was born in Lancaster Co, Pa

Mrs G's mother was the daughter of Wm L. Crothers & there are no other grandchildren except she & her sister of Wm L. Crothers.

Mrs G. says that her gf's brother John Crothers died here many years ago, who has one daughter living & two granddaughters viz:

Dr Frances Knapp Osteopath, living No 1000 N 7th St Beatrice, Neb. has plenty of money & traveled in Europe. She is daughter of Mrs India Crothers Knapp who was the daughter of Mr John Crothers & widow of C.C. Knapp of Beatrice, Neb. She & her daughter are living together & are rich & interested & are D.A.R. members.

Almira Crothers married M.W. Hamma, his first wife & died in Wash D.C. without issue.

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He married again & died about 1911 here. He was a D.D. & a Lutheran. See bottom page.

Anna Crothers, daughter of John Crothers married McConnell & she got a divorce from him & died in 1914, a month before the war in Swarthmore, Pa & is buried here in Fern Cliff Cem. Her only living child is:

Mrs Elizabeth Crothers McConnell lives at Maitland, Orange Co, Fla which is her P.O. address. Write to her for gf's record.

Mrs G. when in NY some 12 yrs ago went out to see Dr McCracken, Pres Emeritus of the college of NY City (Jews) & he had a book or papers & showed her the will of her ggf or gggf Crothers. He died some yrs ago & his widow died within the past year. Ask Elizabeth C. McConnell. The doctor had 2 sons & a daughter.

One son is President Dr McCracken likely Phd of Vassar College

The other son has just retired from being Pres of Lafayette College & the daughter married a very rich man & lives in Brooklyn or NY

Leaving 2:33 Pm

See book 7 p 480-481

Mrs Geiger said that her great Uncle John Crothers, thought a great deal of Dr M.W. Hanna [sic] & made him an heir

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as well as his wife, so that got two shares in the estate. His wife dying first, Dr Hamma got all she had & he made his will leaving his entire estate to Wittenberg College with income to go to his widow. for life. She said there was another daughter of John Crothers who married Rev Haldeman, but died after a short married life.

She said there was another daughter of either John or William who was married & divorced her husband for infidelity & who took her maiden name, but who I think she said had a daughter there. She had sent her a fine history of their branch of the family nine pages, which she loaned me & I have made arrangements to have the stenographer here, Min Metzgar copy it in the morning & the envelope it came in postmarked "Los Angeles, Calif, Jany 29 bears 1919 in another place & marked in upper left corner: From M.E. Crothers 5864 Brentwood St, Los Angeles, Calif"

She now gives me her address as "Miss Martha E. Crothers 2407 West 9t St, Los Angeles, Calif"

I think she said she was her Aunt & from the Hist I conclude she is daughter of Wm L. Crothers & Aunt

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of Mrs Geiger, sister of her mother, viz: Martha Emily Crothers, born Jany 5, 1845, the middle one of nine children.

A part of a letter, no doubt from here, refers to Saml McChord Crothers of Cambridge, Mass & says "The McCrackens are not related to us through grandmother Crothers, her name was Ann Wilson (when writing ask if she knows more of the Wilson or whether Chancellor McCracken had traced it) but I don't remember just how the relationship is". Says too that Dr James Worden of Phila, the great S.S. worker is the same relation that Chancellor McCracken is. Says Vena? has never got rid of her cold.

Mrs Geiger drove me downtown in her electric.

I then went to the P.O. & the man at the Genl Delivery window sent me to the P.M. & he sent me upstairs to Mr Martin & he called on one of his clerks who said that Edward & Rosa A. Knisley had moved to the new Lime Crest Addition 3 miles out reached by going south out S. Limestone St & after crossing Leffels Lane, the City limits to turn to the left at the first grocery store beyond & ask there for directions

I then went to No 9 Foster St, very steep icy & dangerous & on a solid board gate where 9 should be had chalked on it "Hoar Houst Free" so I ceased my hunt for Chas Crothers.

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Probate Court office of Clark Co, O Springfield, O Dec 6, 1926 4 PM

General Index

File No Record

*June 8, 1917, Crothers, Frank E, ward 7663 Bk 12 p 107

*Nov 5, 1883 Crothers, Wm L. decd a6195 Bk 7 p 122

Closing at 4:30 PM

Back at 8:11 AM Dec 7/26

June 22, 1867 Finley, David A., ward a3509 Bk 17 p 571 Bk 4 p 543

*May 20, 1884 Finley, James P., decd a6319 Bk 7 p 257

*Apr 12, 1839 Findley, Nathan C. decd a816 Bk 2 p 90

*Aug 7, 1913 Hamman, Michael W. decd 6554 Bk 22 p 57

noJany 24, 1878 Kingore, Chas T. decd a5396 Bk 2 p 2 gdn

*Oct 24, 1867 Kilgore, Ellen decd a3539 Bk 8 p 458 Acct

Mch 8, 1880 Rodgers, Robert decd a 5691 Bk 6 p 125

no Dec 6, 1895 Rodgers, Sarah H. decd 977 Bk 12 p 432

no June 30, 1909 Rodgers, Richd H. decd 5030 Bk 20 p 49

*Aug 20, 1907 Winger, Amaziah decd 4399 Bk 19 p 76

no Williams, John J.A. decd 2140 Bk 14 p 574

Do not find any Jacks, Markle, Redburn, Rothermel or Van Kirk. Are however plenty of Rayburns, Reyburns & Rathburns. Nor was there an Simerals. JVT 10:51 AM

Admr Docket No 12 guardian's shows appointment of J.M. Pierce of Springfield, O as Trustee of Frank E. Crothers, beneficiary under will of Sarah E. Crothers & by statement filed June 8, 1917, he is entitled to rents of $1000 yearly from R.E., valued at $15,000

& I find:

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Will of Sara E. Crothers Will Book 24 page 168

Application Nov 10, 1916 to admit her will to probate which says she was late a resident of Springfield Tp & died abt Sept 6, 1916 leaving no widower & the following next of kin viz: only Frank A. Crothers, son, Springfield, O. Laurence E. Laybourne, Petitioner & on testimony on Nov 16 of Sd Laybourne & Harry W. Snodgrass, the other witness, her will dated Aug 17, 1915 & covering a page & a half was admitted to probate & it gives:

2d To son Frank A. Crothers, all household furniture, books pictures & al other household effects.

3d Gives farm of 101 A in Fayette Co, O & lot in Springfield No 4405 in Gards & being No 1018 & 1020 S. Fountain Ave, in trust to my Exr during the life of my said son upon the following trust: Income to go semi-annually to son etc & to his issue if any. If none, then at his death, half to go to Ohio Masonic Home & other half to Clark Memorial Home.

Sara E. Crothers.

See page 27

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At residence of Edward Newton Knisley, Lyle Ave Limecrest Addition to Springfield, O Dec 6, 1926 6:55 PM P.O. Lime Crest RD 4 Springfield, O.

We drove out here three miles from the Shawnee & find Mr Knisley baching in this forlorn out of the way place & his wife Rosa Alice, daughter of Hiram Thoroman is cooking through the day until 7 PM at the Star Restaurant on West Main St, near Center, he thinks, & rooms with their three youngest sons across the street. He says he paid $1500 with the house nearly completed & half acre of ground. He says her mother lived with them & when she went to her son John B's at Upland, Ind, she took the bible with her to Indiana & in it was the record of the births of his children, but he thinks he can give the dates from memory. His wife Rosa Alice Thoroman was born he thinks at or near Dunkinsville, O Feby 29, 1876 & was married 1st to Clarence Mendenhall who was son of Thomas Mendenhall & wife. She got a divorce from him in Dec 1898 at Chillicothe, O

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Had two children by him. Married 2d Jany 1, 1899 at Bainbridge, O Edward N. Knisley, my informant who was born in Rainsboro, O Oct 14, 1873 son of James Hughes Knisley and his wife Nancy McCord. Mr K is a woodworker at the Ever Wear Mfg Co here. Have had six children five sons living & one daughter dead, the three oldest born at Bainbridge, Highland Co, O, the next one & the last one born here in Springfield & the fifth child born at Lima, O. Her children are:

1. Edwin Mendenhall born Jany 6,

2. James Thoroman Mendenhall born Jany 7, 1896

3. Eugene Knisley born Nov 1, 1900

4. Oney Raymond Knisley born Sept 4, 1902

5. Lurene Knisley born Sept 22, 1904

6. Clinton Harold Knisley born July 12, 1912

7. Clark Richard Knisley born Feby 8, 1915

8. Stanley Robert Knisley born Feby 22, 1918

1. Edwin Mendenhall married Clara Jones. Both living in Akron, O where he works in a rubber plant. Have had four children, 3 living & one dead. The 3 first born in Columbus & last Akron, O.

1. James, dead




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2. James T. Mendenhall was married Sept 21, 1921 to Miss Emma Mates, here. She was born at South Webster, O Nov 16, 1902, daughter of Lemson Mates & his wife Mary Frances Butler. Both living here at No 1560 S. Belmont Ave where he is a woodworker at the Incubator plant. Have had but one child born here in Springfield & died:

1. Thurman Lawrence Mendenhall born Nov 25, 1925 the day before Thanksgiving & died about last of August 20, 1926.

3. Eugene Knisley was married Sept 29, 1923 to Pauline Edna Wunderly, born at Springfield, O Oct 8, 1906, daughter of Sigfried Wunderly & his wife Louise Christen Demmler. Both living at No 1722 Sunset Ave here where he works at the Metallic Casket Co. NO issue.

4. Oney Raymond was married Nov 5, 1923 in Boston, Mass to Mildred Higgins born July 14, 1902 at Yarmouth, Maine, daughter of Benj Lowell Higgins & his wife Myrtle May Bennett. Both living on Burnett Road RD 4 this City where he is a cabinet maker. Have two children, oldest born in Boston, Mass & the other one here:

1. Raymond Oney Knisley Jr born Aug 27, 1924

2. Lowell Edwin Knisley born Apr 4, 1926

5. Lurene died Apr 3, 1908

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6,7, & 8. They are all going to the public schools in Springfield, O.

James Thoroman Mendenhall enlisted in the World War in June 1917 & went overseas in Oct or Nov 1917 in the Rainbow Division. He was in seven battles on seven fronts was slightly gassed, but otherwise escaped. They were 5 mos in Germany in the army of occupation. He got back in May 1919 in 166th Ohio. Eugene & Oney R. were both in the Navy for 3 yrs since the close of the war, serving on the U.S. Repair ship Bridgeport.

Leaving 7:55 PM

See book 18 p 544

See book 19 p 16

He said he had been married before he married Rosa Alice & had a son & a daughter by his first wife. Said his wife could give the record of Curtis P. Puckett & his wife Eliza Luella Thoroman who was her sister. He said Puckett was no good. He said the Lulu V V [sic] Wilfred T. Thoroman, whose names I found in the Directory as living at 727 Olive St were jet black niggers.

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At residence of Addison Sturgeon Rodgers No 1209 N. Limestone St Tel Main 3416 Springfield, O Dec 6, 1926 8:20 PM

He has the Belle McKinney Hays Swope book of the McKinney, Quigley, Hays genealogy & spoke of Dr Daniel Sturgeon of Uniontown & says he met his daughter once when she was here on a visit. He didn't know much about the Finley, Peebles or Quigley connections except what he might dig out of the Swope book. He had recently gotten a "Genealogical History of the Sturgeons of North America", Cincin, O 1926 by Claudius T. McCoy of Lancaster, O which a letter dated May 16, 1926 shows it is for sale by Mrs W. M. Sturgeon 6703 Reynolds St, Pittsburgh, Pa & he thinks the price is $5.

I told him I would look up the Quigley records I got last August at Shippensburg, Pa & might write him & he said he would give any help he could. His mother was Jane M.? Sturgeon.

He spoke of a chest that came from his Harrison ancestor in England, the father of Isaac

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Harrison, who followed his sweetheart to America, married her & settled in Lebanon Co, Pa. He & his cousin Robert S. who died last Oct were both graduated of Princeton College & attended their class reunions last spring or summer & intended to go to Lebanon & Cumberland Co Pa on their return, but a couple of Robt S's friends attached themselves to the party & prevented it, much to his regret. He said Robt S. had bowel trouble & he went to Dr John M.T. Finney, Balto, Md & they found by X Rays & removed a tumor as big as your fist & had to remove two inches of the bowel to get it out & peritonitis set in & he died in 7 hrs there.

Speaking of the Presidents of Princeton College & among them Rev Jonathan Edwards & Rev Aaron Burr of our families, he said that Rev Dr Jonathan Edwards, he that was President of Jefferson College, had preached here & he knew him well & said he was a most able preacher & the gossip here was that he was the illegitimate son of Aaron Burr, who when he had his nefarious Empire Scherme [best guess, Schermer?] on hand, had seduced Edward's mother, a Cin. woman. He said Edward bore a striking resemblance to the Elder Jonathan & Burr & in all of his talks, never mentioned his father. He went from here to Peoria, Ills where he

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preached & died leaving two sons & two daughters.

He showed me pictures of his wife & children, two daughters & a son. The older daughter has a fine good face. His wife & daughters are now in NY & his son, 18, is in Norway where he went with a relative. I mentioned briefly the closing of our bank.

Left 10:05 PM

It is 2:33 AM 7th & I must get ready for bed as I left a call for 6:30 AM

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Will of William L. Crothers, Will book 7 page 122

Recites he is of City of Springfield, O

II. To my daughter Martha E. Orner? $1000

III. to my son Abner M. Crothers $1000

IV. to my daughter Lavenia B. Crothers $1000

V. If I should die in the minority of Lavenia B., Exrs shall set aside $4000 for her education & comfortable support during her minority.

VI. Wants all children & their issue to receive an equal share viz:

my daughter Martha E. Omer one fourth

my son Abner M. Crothers, one fourth

my daughter Lavenia B. Crothers, one fourth

children of my decd daughter Mary A. Winger, on fourth

All subject to advancements etc. Appoints son Abner M. Crothers & son-in-law Amaziah Winger, Exrs. Dated Jany 6, 1875 William L. Crothers (seal) Two witnesses


Gives to wife Adda Crothers all my household goods, furniture & bedding, also $1000 & 1/5 of my property after all specific legacies are paid. Gives Library to surviving children. Dated Oct 12, 1876 William L. Crothers (seal) Two witnesses. Filed for Probate Nov 3, 1883 & two pages follows in pale ink which I have not time to read.

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Will of James P. Finley Will book 7 p 257

States he is of the city of Springfield, O. Gives:

to wife Isabella Finley, all the bals of my estate & $7500 in Life Ins. Dated Apr 16, 1884. James P. Finley (seal) Probated May 20, 1884.

He died leaving his widow & following next of kin:

Margaret Smith, daughter, Springfield, O

James Finley, son residence unknown.

Will of Nathan C. Findlay Will book 2 p 90

2d Gives to American Bible Soc $200

3d Gives to Wm Hatch of Cincin $160, Iowa AM.

4. Gives to Am. Board of Foreign missions $50 etc

5. Gives to Am. Board of Home missions $50

6. Gives to Am. S.S. Union $50

7. Gives sister-in-law widow of my late brother Jonathan Findlay $150

8. Gives brother Thomas Findlay of Balto, Md $150

Gives AM. Bible Soc $500 of money in hands of my brother James Findlay of Cincin, O estate who willed it to me.

Gives my brother Wm Findlay of Phila $50

11. Gives residue to Foreign Mission & S.S. Union equally. Dated Dec 8, 1835. Nathan C. Findlay (seal) Probated Apr 11, 1839.

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Will of Michael W. Hamma, Will book 22 p 57

Application to probate will on June 19, 1913, states he was late of Springfield Tp & died abt June 3, 1913, leaving to survive him a widow, Clara Hamma & 20 nephews & nieces, Names & addresses given his only next of kin. The petitioner is his widow & the proceedings are before Frank W. Geiger, Probate judge. The will first gives:

3d A.. my artistic furniture, paintings, pictures, bric-a-brac etc to Wittenberg college of Springfield, O & to be housed in a room called "Alvira V. Hamma Art Room".

4. Gives his Library to sd college

5. Personal property to wife

6. Gives home place No 3226 Anchentoroly Terrace corner Bryant Ave, Balto, Md to wife etc.

7. Has conveyed land in Neb to Wittenberg College etc. Dated Apr 2, 1906

Michael W. Hamma

Codicil Adds wife as an Exrx Dated Dec 22, 1906. Michael W. Hamma

Then another codicil

Probated Aug 7, 1913

Robert Rodgers will covers 5 pages

Sarah H. Rodgers will covers 3 1/2 pages

Richard H. Rodgers will covers 6 pages

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Will of Amaziah Winger will book 19 p 76

Petition of Geo W. Winger says he was late of Springfield Tp & died on or about Aug 14, 1907, leaving only next of kin Mary B. Winger, his widow residing in Springfield, O. Fannie W. Marshall, daughter, Palmyra, NY, Laura Winger, daughter, Springfield, O.

I, Amaziah Winger on this Feby 23, 1906:

2d to the Y.M.C.A. of Springfield, O $10,000

3. to nephew Stanley D. Winger my gold watch & chain

4. to daughter Fannie C. Winger, my diamond stud

5. to daughter Laura Winger, my hand painted escutcheon & my bade of the Loyal Legion of Honor, also my Masonic charm

6. to my Exr $1000 for his services as Exr. 7. to my wife & two daughters equally, all the residue of my property, real & personal

8. Appoints brother Geo W. Winger Exr. Amaziah Winger. Witnesses: George C. Rawlins, Clem V. Collins,


Revokes bequest to Y.M.C.A. dated May 11, 1906. Amaziah Winger Nov 27, 1907 widow accepts under will.

Probated before Frank W. Geiger, probate judge.

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Ellen Kilgore's estate

Record of Settlement Book no 8 p 458

This is of date of Oct 24, 1867 & shows at end of account covering four pages equal payments to several which seem to be distribution to heirs or nearly equal viz:

H.G. [best guess] Kilgore gdn $875

A.J. McDowell & wife 875

Accountant 875

R.H. Rodgers & wife 875

C.B. Fisher & wife 875

William Kilgore 875

also $800 each to all of above

also $190 each to all of above

Daniel Kilgore is the Admr

Leaving 2:36 PM

As I went in the old C.H. at 8:08 AM this morning, I noticed the building commission for building the court house in 1902 was composed of seven men, the 7th being Capt Amaziah Winger.

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At residence of Mrs Edith Winwood Rodgers, No 830 N. Limestone Ave Springfield, O Dec 7, 1926 3:55 PM

Robt Sinclair Rodgers married June 5, 1900 here in Springfield O in 2d Pres Ch Edith Ann Winwood, born in Cincin, O on Nov 16, 1874, daughter of George Moody Winwood & his wife Kate Cox. Mr Rodgers died in Balto, Md Oct 3, 1926 & is buried in Fern Cliff Cem here. Have had but two children both born here viz:

1. Alice Kilgore Rodgers born Aug 4, 1904

2. Lucinda Winwood Rodgers born Nov 4, 1908

1. Alice K. was married Jany 9, 1924 here to Jonathan Harshman Winters born Nov 27, 1898, son of Valentine Winters & his wife Helen Cleggs. Both living 8 miles from Dayton, O (P.O. Alexandria & Bellbrook Rds Dayton, O where he is with the J.H. Winters Co) Have one child born in Dayton O:

Jonathan H. Winters III born Nov 11, 1925

2. Lucinda W. is at home single with her mother & is my informant for this record.

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Chas Kilgore Rodgers was married to Florence Mast. Both dead, he at Springfield, O & she in Arizona & both buried in Fern Cliff Cem. Had but one child born here:

1. Richard Mast Rodgers born Dec 16, 1897. He was married Sept to Jeanne Westcott, daughter of Burton J. Westcott & wife Orpha Gilchrist Both living 4 miles out north on the Urbana Pike (P.O. Springfield, O RD 3) & have three children born here in Springfield, O)

1. Florence Ann Rodgers born Jany 19, 1919

2. Jeanne Elise Rodgers born Nov 7,

3. Patricia Rodgers born Feby 20

See Book 14 p 383

Leaving 4:17 PM

I then walked back two blocks & was soon at the:

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Clark Memorial Home for Aged Women, No 616 N. Limestone Ave Springfield, O 4:42 PM Dec 7, 1926

I came here to see Mrs Elizabeth Markle who has roomed here she says since 1913 & am very glad I came as she is a very frail but interesting & attractive woman & says she is 88 yrs old. I found her name in the City directory. She says she is the widow of Francis Marion Markle who was son of Gabriel Markle & Gabriel's father was also Gabriel. Gabriel, her father-in-law, lived & died in Madison Co, Ohio & my informant knew him well since she was a child being brought up in Madison Co but not born there.

She says to try & see Jacob Markle, son of Philip Markle, who was a first cousin of her husband. He would be about Summerford or London, O. He was abt 14 when she was married in 1858 in her 20th year & wd then be born about 1844. She says Gabriel, her father-in-law died during the first year of the Civil War in 1861 or 1862 when her child was about a year old. He was buried at

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Summerford, O but don't know whether he has a tombstone or not. She remembers him as a real old man & says he was of medium build. She has his old Family bible which he brought out to Missouri with him when he came out there in 1859 to visit them & gave it to them. He was only married once & his wife was Rebecca Acheson. The bible contains his own record & that of all of his children with their names & dates of birth. She & her husband Francis Marion Markle went to Mo in 1858 & settled in St Clair Co, MO Osceola on the Osceolia [sic] River was the nearest large town in the county, Monaga Springs, a resort, is in the county. Gabriel's children were:

1. Mary Markle

2. Ann Markle

3. Gabriella Markle

4. Emarille Markle

5. John Markle

6. Gabriella "Senior" named for his grandfather Gabriella called "Sene" abt the hotel for his grandfather.

7. Francis Marion Markle, her husband

8. And Harris Patrick Markle

She says her mother-in-law had a brother-in-law named Harris Patrick Markle who

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lived in Urbana, O years ago. Gabriel was a farmer in Madison Co, O where he had a farm on the National Road. She thinks Jake's grandfather was Jonathan. He has a sister living in London, O & thinks her married name is Foster, but is not sure.

Philip Markle, the father of Jake was married three times. She thinks Jake's grandmother Markle's name was Rachel. She has the bible tied up & in the bottom of a box in the attic here which she hasn't seen since putting it there in 1913. She has it tied up & addressed to Mrs Gertrude Williams, London, O who is the oldest daughter of Emarilla, the youngest daughter of Gabriel Markle, her father-in-law. Emarilla Markle married Milton Gardner & her daughter, Gertrude Gardner married Chas Williams, both living in London, O where he usually has a restaurant.

Francis Marion Markle was born in Madison Co, O on the big farm of his father in Oct 1837 & died about 1898 on the Markle farm in Madison Co, O & is buried in the Wilson Cemetery something like 8 miles north of Sum-

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Merford, O. He was married Apr 15, 1858 in Madison Co, O to Elizabeth Hewitt, born at St Mary's Anglaize Co, O, my good informant, on Aug 23, 1838 daughter of Jeremiah Hewitt, who was son of Alden Hewitt of the family that came over in the Mayflower. Aldens' wife was Candacy Hayes & her father was a brother of the father of President Rutherford B. Hayes. Alden Hewitt & two brothers came from France, one coming here to Ohio, one went to Ky & one to NY & from this latter one, former Major Abram S. Hewitt descended.

She shows me a picture of her father's son by his first wife viz:

Samuel Jeremiah Hewitt which is strikingly like R.B. Hayes. She was the oldest child of her father by his second wife, Matilda Mahoney of Harpers Ferry, Va of which place she was a native. She had but one child born in St Clair Co, Mo Viz:

1. John Marion Markle born Mch 18, 1861. He married Apr 24, 1885 Ida Burdick daughter of ______ Burdick & his wife Belle & had one child:

1. Gertrude Markle born Mch 5, 1886, eleven months after their marriage & died on its birthday

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Mch 5, 1888 aged 2 yrs.

He was a traveling man & went west. When last heard of abt 28 yrs ago, he had the pneumonia in Colorado & his mother hasn't heard of him since & thinks he died there. His wife got a divorced & married again.

She thought her father-in-law came from Balto Md & when I told her about the Abram Markle of Markle's Mill about Terre Haute, she thought he was of that family. If Jake's grandfather was Jonathan, he was probable [sic] of a Berks Co, Pa family. She said they came originally from Holland & spoke of a fortune the family had coming from there.

She said that Mrs Williams had no interest in the old family matters & wouldn't appreciate the old bible & I don't think she should get it as she will likely throw it away. I made arrangements to go out after 9 o'clock in the morning & help her up to the attic where she will point out the box & I am to get the bible out & copy the record.

Left 5:55 PM in the rain.

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I came to my room at the Hotel & called Mrs Burt E. Marshall on the telephone & she said her husband was born in Iowa, May 21, 1870 & was 48 when he died. Entered on page 13. Asking her about Mrs Frank M. Bookwalter her neighbor, she said she had died a few months ago & that he was critically ill in Florida. She told me to phone their grandson Harold A. Prout & he could give the information I wanted.

Rang off 7:20 PM

I called Harold A. Prout on the phone & he said his grandmother Bookwalter's name before marriage was Mary Elizabeth Leffel, so she was not the one I seek.

After coming in from Mrs Markle's, I went to 8 or 10 restaurants on Main St a square each way from Center trying to find Rosa A. Knisley, but without success & got my dinner there at the Mull Cafeteria. I then went out on the St Car at abt 7:50 PM to Mrs Geiger's at 733 S. Limestone St & returned the Crothers papers she loaned me with a carbon copy. They had motored east on the National Road

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& noticed Oak Hill as they passed & stayed overnight at the Summit House. I invited them to stay overnight with me the next time. Speaking about having been to see Mrs Markle, Mrs Geiger said she was President of the Clark Memorial Home.

Left at 8:11 PM

I then came to the PRR Sta & was told could get a Big Four train at 10:45 AM tomorrow that would connect at 1:11 PM with a train at Columbus, O on the PRR for Pgh.

Not finding Mrs Knisley, I will have to write her & among other thinks of her immediate family ask:

1. For date of Curtis P. Puckett's birth & his parentage

2. Dates of his wife Eliza Luella Thoroman's birth, marriage & death. She was Mrs Knisley's sister

3. Ask what she knows of Virginia McClanahan

4. Ask if she ever knew of Dr Edwd A. Crawford, son of Harper Crawford of Adams Co, O here in Springfield.

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I could not find anything on the records of Andrew Simeral. Refer to Book 14 p 75 & write to him c/o John Durst, Mad River Tp, say Springfield, O RFD 8 & ask for his record viz: date of his marriage & date of his wife Emma French's birth & death & her parentage. No issue.

See book 14 p 75

I found in the tel book

S.S. Carothers, bonds, Fairbanks Bldg cor N. Fountain & Main ST Tel Main 486. Have telephoned 2 or 3 times without getting him. Write him.

It is 1:30 AM 8th & I must get ready for bed. JVT

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At residence of Ira Bookwalter No 302 N. Claremont Ave, Springfield, O Dec 8, 1926 8:30 AM

Mr Bookwalter's wife is Mary E., daughter of Arthur Jack & her daughter by her first husband, Grace Cornwell has admitted me. Her mother was born in Kingston, O. She married 1st to Preston Cornwell. He died at Columbus, O & had three children, the youngest, Grace, my informant being born in Kingston, O 3 mos after his death viz:

1. Dorothy Sarah Cornwell born Jany 9, 1905

2. Jack Ballard Cornwell born Oct 11, 1908

3. Grace Elizabeth Cornwell born Oct 16, 1911

1. Dorothy S. married June 5, 1921 Ralph Lemley born Apr 29, 1903 son of Edward Lemley & his wife Lillian May Myers. Both living here on E. Main St. where he is Asst chief clerk at the Big Four. Have 2 children born here in Springfield, O viz:

1. Ralph Thomas Lemly b Apr 27, 1923

2. Phyllis Jeanne Lemley b Dec 22, 1924

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2 & 3 Jack B. & Grace E. are here at home, single.

Mrs Cornwell married 2d Ira Bookwalter. Both living here where he is a machinist & she does clerical work. No issue.

Grace says her Aunt Kate Leopard, sister of her mother who lives at No 43 Charles St, Hagertown, Md, took the old bible back to Md for her son Arthur Leopard who lives at Emans, Pa where he is mgr of a store.

Leaving 8:55 AM

See bk 16 p 179

See bk 14 p 232

Dorothy with her children has come in & she says she would be interested in getting a book. Notify her & write her mother to complete record. Dorothy & Grace are both beautiful, graceful & refined.

Dorothy says her Uncle Thomas Jack living in St Louis, MO where he works with the St Louis "Star" would be interested. He is the last one left & has a daughter Marion abt 7 yrs old. Look up my records when there Feby 15th last.

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At Clark Memorial Home for Aged Women No 616 N. Limestone St Springfield, O Dec 8, 1926 9:30 AM

We came direct here from the Bookwalter residence & found Mrs Elizabeth Markle who is in her 89th year sitting in her room waiting. She said she finally remembered last night that Jacob Markle's younger sister, living in London, O is now Mrs Rose Gaines. She is a daughter of Philip Markle.

Mrs Markle said there were thirteen women in the Clark Home there & nine of them are past 80. One is in her 91st year. Mr B.F. Hawkins went in with me & we both assisted her to the attic filled with many trunks, boxes etc & scrupulously clean. She is exact & precise about packing & unpacking her things as I am myself & we found tied up in a 1906 newspaper the big Markle Bible but the back is loose, a leather one & there is no date. The only record in the bible are the births of eleven children form 1822 to 1844 of Gabriel Markle as she said last night, but the bible don't say so. It does not give his or his wife's birth, marriages or death & there are no marriages or deaths in it & there are three of the children she never heard of

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from which I would infer they died young

The record was written as she says by Gabriel Markle himself & is as follows:


See page 386

1. Maryann Markle bornd [sic] June 20, 1822

2. John Hamilton Markle bornd Mch 1, 1824

3. Roasann [sic] Markle bornd Sept 19, 1826

4. Charles Atchison Markle bornd May 10, 1828

5. Catharine Markle bornd Aug 17, 1830

6. Gabriel Senior Markle bornd Jany 15, 1832

7. Jonathan Markle bornd Dec 12, 1834

8. Francis Marion Markle bornd Nov 30, 1836

9. Harris Patric [sic] Markley [sic] bornd Feby 15? 1839

10. Gabarilla Markle bornd Feby 11, 1842

11. Emarilla Markle bornd Feby 7, 1844

She says Gabriel Senior was called for his gf Markle & was always called "Sene".

Harris Patric was named for a brother of his father

She says she never heard of Charles A., Catherine, or Jonathan, brothers & sister of her husband.

Finished copying record at 9:44 AM. We then helped her up to the attic again to supervise putting the things back in the box as they were & then back to her room.

She says her mother-in-law has told her of their wedding trip from Urbana, O to Madison Co, O on horseback through an unbroken forest. She thinks her

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father-in-law, Gabriel Markle would be 23 to 25, or perhaps more, when he was married & thinks he was up in the 70s when he died. She thinks her husband's grandfather, Gabriel Senior was living out in Ohio when he died. See if any tombstone can be found & write her for whereabouts of the descendants of above brothers & sisters of her husband.

Left 10:05 AM

We then drove to the Shawnee & paid my bill, got my satchel & drove to the Big Four Station to take the 10:45 train which came in 15 minutes late & we left at 11 AM, changed to 1:11 PM eastern time train on the Penna RR Co at Columbus, O & got in Pgh at 6:35 PM, went to the Wm Penn Hotel, got a big dinner at the cafeteria, have written up what I penciled down at Mrs Markle's & I am at room 912 & it is now 10 PM JVT

See page 386

Jany 6, 1927 7:07 AM have worked all night & made all slips to here having commenced Dec 11, 1926 at Page 104 Book 18 on trip of Sept 22, to Dec 1/26 JVT

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Oak Hill, Jany 7, 1927 6:54 PM

I am commencing tonight to read over the 300 letters on family record matters that accumulated during my two trips June 26 to Aug 17 & Sept 22 to Dec 9, 1926 inclusive & the first being three letters from Mrs Sylvia Smelser (nee Rothermel) Richmond, Ind in which she says in hers of Dec 20, 1926 that a niece from Logansport, Ind had written that their papers had recently reported that a Charles Rothermel of Logansport, Ind had been run down by an auto & fatally hurt. Make slip to look up the family when I get there.

Her letter of Dec 6, 1926 gives record of Henry Curtis Rothermel son of Silas (see book 19 page 120) who lives at 1636 Pleasant St, Indianapolis Ind as follows:

Henry Curtis Rothermel was married 1st Dec 23, 1897 by Rev Hunter, Chaplin to Fernie D. Burris, daughter of William Burris & his wife Elizabeth White of Connerville, Ind. Fernie D. was born Aug 11, 1878 & died Mch 30, 1913 aged 34 yrs 7 mos & 19 days. They had three children all born in Indianapolis, Ind:

1. Erwin E. Rothermel born July 24, 1899

2. Walter C. Rothermel born May 12, 1901

3. Irene A. Rothermel born July 18, 1903

Erwin E. has been married, but is separated & lives with his father. He served in the U.S. Navy during the World War as radio man & Walter also served in the U.S. Navy during the World War

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an aviation gunner's mate & re-enlisting for 4 yrs after the war, this 4 yrs being served on the Pacific as gunner's mate, attached to a number of Destroyers which made cruises to all U.S. possessions in the Pacific, the last 17 mos being spent at Radio Control Sta, San Diego, Pt Loma, Calif.

Married 2d Aug 4, 1915 at Indianapolis, Ind to Sarah Pierson, daughter of James Pierson & wife Julia Howard who was born say Sept 24, 1873 & died Dec 10, 1924. When his first wife died H.C. was city fireman & only home one day in the week &his 3 children were placed in an orphan home. After his 2d marriage, he took them to his own home & they are all there with him now.

Her letter of Jany 6, 1927 gives record of her brother Wm M. Rothermel's children on next page. Refer back to book 19 p 125.

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See book 19 page 125

Emma Ruth Rothermel had a natural son to George Miller who was born near Salisbury, N.C. in Aug 1888, names of his parents now known & afterwards, she married Feby 12, 1913, Albert James Foreman born Mch 25, 1884, the son of Columbus, Foreman & his wife Henrietta Austerman. Emma Ruth's children then were five in all, all born in Wayne Co, Ind except LaVern, who was born at Peoria, Ills:

1. Everett Edward James Rothermel Miller b Jany 15, 1910

2. Alva William Foreman Miller born Sept 29, 1913

3. Martha Bell Foreman Miller born Sept 14, 1914 & died Dec 24, 1915

4. LaVern Columbus Miller born June 8, 1920

5. Clarence Melvin Miller born Feby 10, 1922

Cleo Rothermel was married Oct 4, 1913 to Ertie Richards born Sept 12, 1896 in Darke Co, O daughter of George J. Richards & his wife Susie Stump. They have had 4 children all born in Wayne Co, Ind.

1. Frederick Denver Rothermel born June 16, 1916

2. James Rothermel born Sept 25, 1919 & died Sept 26, 1919

3. William George Rothermel born May 12, 1921

4. Betty Jean Rothermel born Jany 23, 1925

John Dewey Rothermel was married June 21, 1919 to Laura McDonald born June 27, 1894 daughter of Frank McDonald

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& his wife Amanda Ellen Thomas. They have had 4 children all born in Wayne Co, Ind.

1. John Richard Rothermel born June 21, 1920 & died June 22,


2. Harold Christina Rothermel born Oct 3, 1922

3. Lois Emma Rothermel born Aug 24, 1924

4. Doris Helen Rothermel born Nov 7, 1926

John Dewey Rothermel P.O. is Richmond, Ind RR B. He works in the RR yards at Richmond, Ind.

Eva Percillia Rothermel was married May 5, 1920 to Leonard Addison Brown, born in Franklin Tp, Wayne Tp, Ind July 28, 1899, son of Fred Norval Brown & his wife Emma L. Townsend. Their P.O. address is Fountain City, Ind B.R. where he is a farmer working for his father. They have 3 children all born in Wayne Co, Ind.

1. Maxine Marie Brown born New Garden Tp May 13, 1920

2. Wilhemina Jenetta Brown born Franklin Tp May 29, 1921

3. Keith Charles Brown born Franklin Tp Mar 5, 1925

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Oak Hill, Jany 8, 1927 2 AM

A card from cousin Fanny Schaeffer of 238 N. Ludlow St, Dayton, O announces the birth of an 8 lb boy at Dahlgren, Va to her son Valentine H. Schaeffer & his wife Grace, which has been named Val H. Schaeffer Jr born Dec 25, 1926.

A notice in the Morning Herald announced the death of Joseph Cook Cronshore at the home of his parents, Mrs & Mrs Harry R. Cronshore Fayette City, Pa Sunday Dec 19, 1926 6:30 PM aged 35 yrs. He was Asst Cashr of the Fayette City NBK & Treas & member of the Meth Epis Ch. He is survived by his wife Mary E. Cronshore & three sons, Richard Lee, Donald Chester & Joseph C. Jr, also his parents, two sisters, Mrs Harris Masten, Mrs Edward D. Steinman Jr both of Fayette City, Pa & 4 brothers viz: Edward of Fayette City, Walter of Manatee, Fla, James E. of Ann Arbor, Mich & John W. of Akron, O. See record of that family in these records.

In a letter enclosed with that of Jany 3, 1927, small env from Miss Annie J. Fort, Stronghurst, Ills, Alexander Graham Sillars evidently gives his own record as born at Winneconna, Wis June 1, 1894 son of Angus Sillars & his wife Janet Margaret Rodger. [sic] I am not able to place him in the Rodger Carothers tree where I think he belongs. See book 16 page 234.

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Winnie C. Baird wrote me Dec 23/26 enclosing a letter dated Dec 20, 1926 from Miss Jane Burroughs Tilton of 229 Maple St, Carlisle, Ky who she had met last fall at Chautauqua, NY, stating that Judge Wilson of Lexington, Ky was preparing an address for delivery before the Filson Club on the "Days of 1773 in Kentucky" & was going to give a sketch of Maj. John Finley 1754-1837, her great grandfather & asking for information about Genl William Thompson who came down the Ohio River with Major Finley in 1773. She asked Winnie to see me about it. I have written her today giving her the address of E.H. Bell, great grandson of Genl Thompson.

A letter of Sept 24, 1926 in answer to mine of 17th from Edmund H. Bell, evidently came just after I had left home on my last trip. Geo H. Stewart of Shippensburg, Pa having spoken of the two Finleys in Princeton with his brother Judge John Stewart I wrote to Mr Bell & his answer shows they were Findlays, descendants of Gov Wm Findley, 4th Gov of Penna. I however, am recording the information he gave in a genealogical table on page 54 for handy reference preservation.

See bk 17 p 522

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[descendant chart]

Samuel Findlay, Scotch Irish & his wife Elizabeth Brown were of Phila Pa.

[their son]

Samuel Findlay married Jane Smith. They lived at or near Mercersburg, Pa.

[their son]

William Findley born June 20, 1768 & lived at Mercersburg, Pa. He was married Dec 7, 1791 to Nancy Irwin, daughter of Archibald Irwin of Franklin Co, Pa. He began life as a farmer & getting in politics, was a Democrat. He was elected to the Legislature in 1797 & 1803, was State Treas 1807-1817, became 4th Gov. of Pa & served two terms 1818-1824. Elected to U.S. Senate 1822 & served 6 yrs. Was appointed Treasurer U.S. Mint at Phila by Pres Jackson which he held until 1841 when he retired to private life. He was a life long member of the Pres Ch & died Nov 12, 1846. Had issue:

Samuel Findlay, lawyer, Cincinnati, O. d.s.p.

James Findlay, lawyer, Greensburgh & Pgh, Pa under Frances R.S. Durk [best guess] d.s.p.

Archibald Irwin Findlay b Jany 21, 1799 lawyer Chambersburg, Pa ob Oct 8, 1839 married Oct 1829 his 1st cousin Sophia Van Lear & has issue:

Nancy Irwin Findley, b Sept 28, 1831

James Irwin Findley, b Sept 30, 1837

John Van Lear Findley, B Dec 21, 1839 A.B. Princeton, lawyer & city solicitor Balto, Md M.C. from 1883-1887 Umpire in Venezuelan Claims commission. Married 1 Mary C., daughter of J.I. MacKenzie M.D. Balto, Md. Married 2 Mary, daughter of V.K. Keevey of York, Pa. Issue by 1st wife one child d.y. & by 2d had:

Mary V.L. Findley

V.K. Findley

Jane Findley, married Francis Rawn Shunk & had issue

John King Findley b May 12, 1803 graduated at West Point, lawyer & judge at Phila ob Spring Lake, NJ Sept 13, 1885. Married 1 Susan Oglesby of Hagerstown, Md Issue. Married 2 Sibilla S. Kennedy nee Morris. No issue.

Most of the above data is taken from "The Ancestry of Benjamin Harrison, Pres of the U.S." by Charles P. Keith. E.H.B.

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Oak Hill Jany 9, 1927 11:33 AM

The Session Book of the congregation of Dunlaps Creek commencing with 1787 which was loaned to me on Sept 27, 1924 by Johnston D. Van Kirk of Merrittstown, Pa & which I commenced reading over this morning pursuant to returning same, commences with a "Sacramental Season" on June 24, 1787 & gives a list of the Communicants that were admitted to the ordinance that day "though many was absent who should have been admitted" & I list them here for preservation in my record.

"Elders in full standing at the above season with their wives" Charles McClain, Andrew Frazer, Robert Baird, John Parker, Samuel Torrence, Daniel Reeder, Ebenezer Finley, William Fraim (Frame)

William Rose & wife

Elizabeth Adams Sen

James Fraim (Frame) & Susanna

Richard Watts & Else

James Adams jr

Benjamin Adams, suspended

Georg [sic] Smith

William Linn Senior Sarah Willson

John Moore & Jane Samuel Sprout & Elizabeth

Margaret Smith Mary Alton

William Norris & Ann Mary Willson, removed

John Jones John Baird

Linn Oliphant William Powl [sic] & wife

Linn Gillilen Elinor McClain

John Miller & Sarah Absalom Little & wife

widow McKim William Conwell & wife

James Adams & Margaret Lewis Davidson & wife

Thomas Gallaher & Ann Joseph Moss

Samuel McKinley & Agness Reuben Winget

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Samuel Adams Sen & wife James Laughlin & Agness

Jacob Rider & Eleanor James Veech & Rebecca

George Hill Martha Work

William Grey & Mary Samuel Adams & wife

Stephen Reeder George Lee

Susanna Adams, suspended

James Brown

David Reeder & Mary

Eliza Reeder & Jemima

Mary Hubbell

Rev James Dunlap seems to have then been the pastor, followed later by Rev Jacob Jennings, Rev William Johnston & Rev Samuel Wilson.

Also many meetings of the Session in which both Ebenzer Finley Senr & Ebenezer Finley Junr father & son were present at the same time.

June 29, 1842 Baptized Ebenezer Finley, infant son of Robert Finley & [1]*Catharine Finley decd

Dec 16, 1847 Johnston Van Kirk Junr, Miranda Van Kirk, Nancy Wilkins & William T. Kerr, after due examination were recd as members of the church.

Saturday Feby 16, 1850 Miss Synthia Van Kirk & Mr Phineas Rotruck were after due examination received as members of the church on profession of their faith Oct 15, 1852 Miss Harriet Kerr was examined & received as a member of this church on a profession of her faith

Feby 25, 1853 Session met in the new church at New Salem for the first time, present

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the Moderator (Rev Samuel Wilson), Ebenezer Finley, Finley Chalfant & Jacob Deffenbaugh (of McClellandtown) as a corresponding member. The first session after my birth was on Apr 30, 1854 present the Moderator Ebenezer Finley, James Ewing, Joshua V. Gibbons, Saml Lynn, E.T. Gallagher, M.B. Porter & Cephas Porter (four of them my relatives) Miss Margery Finley (my 1st cousin) after due examination was received as a member of the church.

May 19, 1854, Mr Thomas Wilson of the session of McClellandtown being present was invited & took his seat as a corresponding member

May 20, 1854 Mr Thomas Wilson sat again with the session

May 21, 1854 session met with the Moderator J.V. Gibbons & C. Porter present in the sick chamber of Mr John Wilson who was duly examined & received to the communion of the church on a profession of his faith in Christ.

Aug 5, 1855, the Moderator reported to session that it was well known through common fame that Eliza Jackson, a member of this church had been departing from the paths of duty by the sin of fornication, the evidence & proof of which she was now bearing in her arms. Stated that because of her illness & that of her child's, he had not sooner called attention to it. The Moderator, Cephas Porter & E.T. Gallaher were appointed a com. to wait upon her & report.

Sept 2, 1855. The above Com reported that they had called on Eliza Jackson, but she declined to see them as she was in a very weakly condition of health, subject to fainting & much troubled in mind that her mother Elizabeth Jackson, a member of this church informed the Com that Eliza freely

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confessed her sin & did not pretend to deny it & expected the session to do what they deemed right. After consideration, she was suspended until she gave satisfactory evidence of repentance.

Quit at 5 Pm 9th

Beginning at 8:44 AM 10th

June 28, 1856 Thos Wilson of McClellandtown Session sitting as a corresponding member, Mary Moore & Hannah McCombs joined church

Rebecca Miller & Lydia M. McCombs had joined the day before.

May 15, 1857, the case of Miss Mary Finley by common fame charged with fornication was taken up & the Moderator & Cephas Porter were appointed to confer with her & report.

July 5, 1857, the Moderator reported that he & Mr Porter had an interview with Mary Finley in reference to her recent fall from Christian integrity that she had ackd her sin, the evidence of which was manifest & undesirable & she was hence suspended from the sealing ordinances of the church for the sin of fornication until she give satisfactory evidence of Godly repentance, the Moderator to give public notice to the church from the pulpit at New Salem.

Aug 21, 1858. Miss Mary Finley appeared & made her declaration of deep sorrow & repentance for the sin of fornication & she was restored to the communion of the Church with exhortations for earnest prayer & greater watchfulness.

Mch 19, 1859 Miss Clarissa Hibbs, Fermine, Finley, Mrs Sarah W. Finley, Samuel Elliott Finley, Lynn S. Herbert, Geo H. Poundstone,

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Susannah Poundstone, Margery Moore & Mrs Elizabeth Rose were duly examined & recd as members of the church. James Gilmore & wife Margaret Gilmore were recd on cft from the Church of Ozark & Canton, Iowa

Apr 9, 1859 Moderator announced that in pursuance of a previous appointment, he had had a free conversation with Wm Searight Colley (no doubt our Searight W. Colley) regarding an alleged crime of antenuptial fornication & Mr Colley candidly acknowledged the truth of the matter, declared his deep sorrow & contrition for it & his desire to be retained in the church & inasmuch as he had done what he could to wipe out the reproach by marrying the person & manifesting deep sorrow for the sin, session voted that he be not suspended, but Moderator was to make a public statement of the case to the Church on next Sabbath.

Feby 15, 1861 Miss Margaret Graham, Ellen Abigail Van Kirk, & Elizabeth Breading Ewing were examined & recd members of the church. Mr Cephas Porter brought up the question of music for their devotional services & the request of the young people to form themselves into a choir was granted.

May 17, 1861 Mr Thomas Davis Ewing was recd on letter from Ebenezer Ch Pres of Saltsburg.

Aug 3, 1861 Albert Wilson Finley was recd on examination

Aug 15, 1863 Miss Violet Finley & Ann Eliza Finley recd on Exam.

Sept 2, 1864, Miss Sallie Ann Swan & Miss Margaret Dearth on exam

Quit at 1:30 PM when Schupp came

Resuming at 9:33 AM Jany 12, 1927. See page 68

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Oak Hill Jany 9, 1927 7:25 PM

See book 17 p 223 line 21

Frances McCord Brandon was born May 26, 1879 at Paola, Miami Co, Kansas. Married Dec 25, 1902 at Paola, Kansas to Charles Lisbon Carrico who was born June 10, 1877 at Agency, Wapello Co, Iowa, son of George Walter Carrico & his wife Mary Isabel Campbell. He is in the Real Estate & Oil business at Osawatomie, Kansas. So writes Mrs Carrico Sept 26, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 17th mailed 22d.

See book 16 p 75 bottom

Lloyd Montrose Rankin born May 30, 1896 was married Apr 28, 1926 to Anna Swanson daughter of John & Anna Swanson. He didn't give her birth nor her mother's maiden name

This letter is from Ralph W. Rankin, Stronghurst, Ills, dated Sept 22, 1926 in which he says his other 4 children are unmarried. See Book 16 page 75. His mother was Caroline Carothers 1827-1899, daughter of Andrew Carothers of Rodger. He says "About 40 years ago (say 1886) mother told me a story which her father had told her to the effect that a young woman, Eunice by name, had run away from England to this country & married a man by the name of Penwell. Their daughter married a man by the name of Carothers or Caruthers (spelled differently by different members of the same clan) Whether this

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was Rodger, or Rodger's father I have forgotten.

When mother asked what her name was Grandfather said it was Eunice, but refused for some reason to give her family name. He said she was of noble blood & he hinted at royalty, but for some reason would not answer when mother asked further questions. I do not know anything of the ancestry of Rodger Carothers, nor of his burying place, nor do I know the names of his brothers.

As to that tradition as given above, your guess as to what it might mean is as good as any. It might be a clew [sic] & yet it is probably worthless for your purpose".

This royalty hint may help to connect up another family or two that claim royal descent from instance Ladie Carothers at Fort Scott, Kan & it would more probably be the father of Rodger that she married.

A letter dated Frankfort, Ind Sept 22, 1926 from Miss Alice Ethel Price, gives address now of 857 E. Wabash St & speaks of Colyn Clark Warden - Mrs George H. Warden as of Eudesvor [best guess] Pa & she perhaps may not have gotten my letter addressed to her as Colyn Clark. Make new slip. 11:40 PM

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Oak Hill Jany 10, 1927 10:44 PM

Refer to Book 17 p 273 & also pages 108 item 36 for will of Wm Carothers will & page 111 item 39 for will of John Carothers father of the above William being gf & ggf of Wm Carothers Line of D'Mer, Neb whose letter of Sept 26, 1926 in answer to mine 16th I am making notations from below.

Isabella Jane Carothers see book 17 page 273, was daughter of William Carothers, who was son of John who was son of William & Isabella & this William was son of James Half brother of my gggf John Caruthers. She, Isabella Jane was born June 2d, 1824 at Carlisle, Pa & died June 20, 1905 at Bristol, Pa & is buried in Dickinson Tp in Line g.y. She married Feby 15, 1844 William Line born 1814 at Carlisle, Pa & died Mch 28, 1891 in Dickinson Tp & is buried in Line Cem in Dickinson Tp. He was son of Emanuel Line Sr & his wife Elizabeth Myres (perhaps Myers). They had six children all born in Dickinson Tp except Mary R.C. who was born in Greason, Pa. 1. Elizabeth Arabella Line born June 12, 1845

2. Emma Matilda Line born Nov 27, 1847

3. William Carothers Line born Sept 27, 1850

4. Albert Calvin Line born Aug 8, 1853

5. Mary Rebecca Cornelia Line born Aug 22, 1859

6. Lincoln Grant Line born Aug 8, 1865 at Carlisle, Pa

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He says he has the bible of his grandfather William Carothers see book 17 pages 108 & 273. He says there is no record of William's father or his father's brothers or sisters, but there is a record of Jean Carothers, married to Joseph Connelly, Apr 24, 1817 which I take to be a sister of William Carothers (In this he is correct, see will of their father John Carothers item 39 p 111 in book 17. He is brother of Armstrong & son of William & Isabella)

3. Mr Wm C. Line says he was born Sept 27, 1850 & married Apr 6, 18922 to Jennie Lindsay Weigel born Mch 25, 1867, daughter of Henry Weigel & his wife Mary Ellen Lindsey. They had six children born at Diller, Neb.

1. William Harrison Line born Jany 12, 1893, married June 18, 1921 to Lulu M. Gunderson born Jany 29, 1892 daughter of Garus Gunderson & his wife Mary Blade. She, Lulu, was born at Crofton, Neb. Wm H. is a lawyer & lives at Loup City, Neb. No issue.

2. Henry Reid Line born Feby 14, 1894 died July 30, 1894

3. Florence Belle Line born Mch 28, 1895 married Oct 4, 1916 to Richard Clarence Steffen born Oct 16, 1892 son of Fredk Wm Steffen & wife Wilhelmina Stock. R.C. was born in Jefferson Co, Neb 3 miles from Diller & he is a farmer & lives in the County. No issue.

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4. Mary Ellen Line was born July 9, 1896, married July 9, 1918 to Paul Seibert Beckwith born Mch 28, 1896 son of Francis W. Beckwith & wife Aldoret Seebers. Paul is a farmer in Jeff Co Neb where he & his three children were born:

1. Pauline Ellen Beckwith born July 4, 1919

2. Richard Dwain Beckwith born June 17, 1920

3. Evaline Lucile Beckwith born Mch 25, 1923

5. Dr Eva Jane Line born May 26, 1900

[no #4 listed]

6. Alice Matilda Line born Sept 1, 1903

1. Elizabeth Arabella ("Belle") Line was married Dec 16, 1869 to [2]*William Woods born Dec 28, 1839. He died Apr 7, 1905 at Diller, Neb. Have 4 children. She died July 22, 1920 & is buried in Diller, Neb Cem.

1. William Line Woods born Oct 11, 1870 married Oct 6, 1896 to Adda Augusta Handshew born Sept 7, 1874 daughter of ____ Handshew & wife Adaline Hubble. She was born at Steele City Neb. He is a farmer & lives 5 miles est & south of D'Mer. Have 2 children born at Diller, Neb.

1. Claud Woods born June 13, 1898

2. Ethel May Woods born Aug 31, 1900

2. Samuel Allen Woods born Jany 12, 1872 married Feby 26, 1902 to Ida Zenana Friday born June 27, 1878 daughter of John Henry Friday & wife Rebecca Foreman. Ida Z. was born at Steele City, Neb.

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3. Edward Thomas Woods born Apr 17, 1874, married Aug 26, 1920 to Mrs Sophrona Brickell born Jany 15, 1873, widow of Orville Brickell & daughter of John McConnell & wife Margaret McClintock He was a farmer, but now a coal dealer. Live in Fairbury [or Fairburg?] Jefferson Co, Neb. No issue. Left Carlisle, Pa in Spring of 1878, when he was 4 yrs old & has never been back.

4. Jane Eliza Woods born Apr 22, 1880 married Nov 15, 1925 to Chas Emory Faulder born Jany 21, 1863 son of David S. Faulder & wife Elizabeth Ann Snyder. He was born in Washington Co, Md is a retired farmer & lives in Beatrice, Neb. No issue.

5. Mary Rebecca Cornelia Line was married Oct 11, 1888 to Eugine [sic] E. Weigel born Jany 7, 1865 in Plainfield, Pa son of Henry Weigel & wife Mary Ellen Lindsay. He is a farmer. Both living. Have three children born on the farm 3 miles S.W. of Diller, Neb.

1. Earl J. Weigel born June 27, 1890 married Apr 29, 1914 to Cora Emma Hilder born Jany 6, 1894, daughter of John Hilder & wife Martha Garrett. He is a farmer living 3 miles south of Diller Neb where his two children were born.

1. Lawrence Waldo Weigel born July 20, 1915

2. Eleanor Darlene Weigel born Mch 20, 1923

2. Bruce Henry Weigel born Mch 3, 1893 married Nov 30, 1916 to Mabel Hess, born Apr 17, 1892 daughter of ____ Hess & wife Ellen McVey. She was born at Parkersburg, Iowa. They live at Decatur, Ills where he works for Armour & Co. No issue.

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3. William Line Weigel born Oct 1, 1895 married Dec 30, 1919 to Martha Ruby Hilder born Aug 23, 1899 daughter of John Hilder & wife Martha Garrett. He is an optician & lives in Lincoln, Neb. Have one child:

1. Beverly Eugene Weigel born Mch 25, 1922

6. Lincoln Grant Line's address is South Langhorne, Bucks Co, Pa. He married Feby 6, 1901 Fannie Burt Liebfreid born at Phila, Pa Feby 28, 1863 daughter of Frederick Leibfreid & his wife Eliza West Higgins. He is a builder & lives on Bellevue Ave, South Langhorne, Pa. No issue.

4. Albert Calvin Line born Aug 8, 1853 in Dickinson Tp, Cumb Co, Pa died there Sept 1, 1878 & is buried there, evidently unmarried.

2. Emma Matilda Line born Nov 27, 1847 is single & lives with her brother Wm C. Line, my informant in Diller, Neb.

See pages 469-477

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Oak Hill, Jany 11, 1927 10:30 PM

I find among my unanswered letters, one dated Sept 21, 1926 from W.D. Robertson [written above this is] Robinson, 154 W. Main St, Columbus, O who says he would like to talk with me. He says he is a grandson of Edward Jack 1785-1861 of the old brick house, Alexander Tp, Athens Co out from Albany, O. He had seen John Lewis Jack, Columbus, O who I had seen Mch 15th 1926, see book 16 p 142 et seq & book 14 pages 154, 144, 145 et seq & 152. I am making slip tonight to go call on him & am also writing him.

Miss Estelle Finley of 307 W. 9th St Columbia Tenn, sent me Sept 28, 1926 a copy of a letter dated Oct 8, 1909 at 215 E. Pitkin Ave, Pueblo, Col from Mrs V.C. Buhrman of Meadowview, Washington Co, Va a small village between Abingdon, Va & Emory & Henry College. She had been out to visit her son, a preacher & had met Miss Mary T. Finley, sister of Estelle to whom the letter was addressed on the train between Knoxville & Nashville. She said her father John Wesley Price & Alexander Finley were members of first board of Trustees of sd college. Says she lives 7 miles from Abingdon, Va where there are several families of Finley. Make slip to see them.

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From page 59 & from Session Book of Dunlaps Creek Pres Church

Feby 4, 1865, Maggie Finley & 4 others recd on exam

June 17, 1865 Mrs Malinda Niccolls recd of cft fr 1st Pres Ch of Bloomington, O

Oct 2, 1865, Sarah Dorcas Higinbotham, Margaret Ellen Ewing & Matilda Ruth Van Kirk recd on examination.

Mch 9, 1866 Johnston Van Kirk, Thomas Wilson Finley, John Evans Finley, Johnston Steel Craft, Wm Edwin Dunaway & 10 others were recd in the church on professions of faith.

Apr 13, 1866 Miss Jane Moore & 4 others recd on exam

Feby 9, 1867 the case of Miss Margery Moore whom common fame charged with fornication came up & the Moderator & Ebenezer Finley were appointed to see & converse with her about it.

May 12, 1867 the com. to visit Margery Moore reported that they had seen her & found filled with sorrow & sadness & by reason of her Godly sorrow advised that she be not suspended from the sealing ordinances, but otherwise suspended for six months.

Roll of members in the Presbyterian church of Dunlaps Creek Apr 1, 1869 as listed (the first 192 of them) by Rev Dr Samuel Wilson (The remark after different names, particularly the deaths of some which partly affords the reason of recording the list here, are in another handwriting.)

1. Samuel Wilson, pastor resigned Apr 1869

2. Anna Maria Wilson dismissed by letter Aug 9, 1869

3. Moses B. Porter, ruling elder dismissed May 27, 1864

4. & Mary Porter

5. Ebenezer Finley (ruling elder)

6. Phebe Finley

7. James Ewing (ruling elder) died Sept 26, 1878

8. & Harriet B. Ewing

9. Finley Chalfant (ruling elder)

10. & Prudence Chalfant

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11. Cephas Porter (ruling elder)} dismissed to Dwight, Ills

12. & Sarah Porter } Dec 6, 1870

13. Ebenezer T. Gallaher (ruling elder)

14. & Rachel Jane Gallaher died Dec 25, 1877

15. Rachel Porter (of Hon Charles) died Oct 19, 1870

16. Hannah Porter

17. William Dunaway

18. & Elizabeth Dunaway

19. Robert Finley decd Oct 7, 1874

20. & Ann Finley

21. Eli H. Finley

22. & Sarah Finley died Dec 1876

23. Johnston Van Kirk Senr died Aug 22, 1870

24. & Elizabeth G. Van Kirk dismissed to Uniontown

25. Zenas Van Kirk

26. & Mary Van Kirk

27. Theodore Van Kirk

28. & Jane Van Kirk

29. Elijah Van Kirk

30. Jane Brown (widow of W.B.) certificate

31. William K. Gallaher

32. & Nancy Gallaher

33. Mary Christopher died

34. Mary Jane McGinness

35. John McMullen died Sept 11, 1872

36. & Phebe McMullen

37. William Moore

38. & Ruth Moore

39. Elizabeth Conwell (of John)

40. Ann Conwell (of Stokely) died Dec 31, 1870

41. Tamar Dearth (of Maxwell) died

42. Lydia Brown

43. Ann Elizabeth Brown dismissed

44. Warwick Miller

45. Elizabeth Jackson died Oct 11, 1870

46. Eliza Jackson (suspended 1885) restored

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47. Amanda Cooke

48. Margaret McCrea (should be McCray)

49. Rebecca McCrea (should be McCray)

50. Mary Ann Moss (of Jno M.)

51. Samuel Hibbs

52. & Elizabeth Hibbs deceased

53. Jane Hibbs (of Jno H.)

54. Aaron Hibbs

55. Hannah Jane Brown dismissed

56. James W. Porter dismissed

57. Mary Porter dismissed

58. Druscilla Roderick (of Jas R.) dismissed

59. Nancy Riley

60. Mary McCormick (widow) died Dec 1876

61. Jane Dixon died Oct 4, 1877

62. William McCormick & Phebe McCormick

63. Jonah Dearth

64. & Naomi Dearth

65. Ruth Dearth (of George)

66. Mary Moore (of Aaron) died Aug 26, 1873

67. Levi Francis dismissed

68. & May C. Francis died July 30, 1870

69. John M. Gallaher

70. & Elizabeth Gallaher

71. Margery Baird (of Jeremiah)

72. Irenia Ensly (of Porter)

73. Albert McMullen (first on the list still living.

74. Andrew Davis died Dec 1871

75. & Leah Davis died Aug 12, 1873

76. L.S. Herbert dismissed

77. & Harriet Jane Herbert dismissed

78. William Laby dismissed

79. James Wilson (of Major J.W. decd) dismissed Jany 1, 1879

80. Margaret Wilson (of Pastor) dismissed by letter Aug 9, 1869

81. Mary Ann Deffenbaugh

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82. Mary Eastman (of Dr E) (still living)

83. Elizabeth Roberts

84. Caroline Chalfant

85. Rebecca Chalfant

86. Anna Maria Porter dismissed May 27, 1884

87. W. Searight Colley

88. & Catharine Colley

90. [here JVT's number gets off & he corrects it in the margin noting all numbers will be one higher. I'll put in the correct numbers CW]

90. Rebecca Woods (of Thos)

91. Hannah Campbell (of Saml)

92. Thomas Dixon

93. & Priscilla Dixon

94. Eliza Ellen Dixon (married)

95. Rachel Jefferies (of W.J.)

96. John Dixon

97. Mary Ann Keyes dismissed to East Liberty near Pgh

98. Sarah Jane Dixon

99. Elizabeth Jackson Jefferies (of W.)

100. Caleb McCormick

101. Mary Jane McCray (of Frank W.)

102. Matthew Johnston (Suspended 1865) restored, dismissed

103. Samuel Elliott Finley (of Robt)

104. & Sarah Maria Finley, living

105. Fermine Finley

106. Mary Youler (of A.Y.)

107. Elizabeth Rose (widow) died

108. Margery Moore

109. Sarah Elizabeth Dearth (of C.B.)

110. William Elliott Finley (of Eli H.)

111. Jane B. Ewing (widow of Dr E.) dismissed

112. Samuel Wilson Porter dismissed Aug 27/69 by letter to Farm Ridge, Ills

113. & Elizabeth Porter dismissed Aug 27/69 by letter to Farm Ridge, Ills

114. John H. Stone dismissed

115. Elizabeth Stone (widow of W.S.) died July 4, 1874

116. Elizabeth Stone died Feby 5, 1872

117. Mary E. Stone dismissed

118. Rebecca Stone dismissed

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[numbers are now all in proper sequence]

119. Mary Barker (widow) died 1877

120. Margaret Craft (of Capt W.S.)

121. Ellen A. Van Kirk now wife of Jeff W. Hibbs

122. Elizabeth B. Ewing dismissed

123. Lewis Durnal

124. & Henrietta Durnal

125. Robert Vance died Feby 28, 1876 aged 73 yrs

126. Albert Wilson Finley

127. William Hartford } moved away

128. & Sarah Hartford }

129. Abigail Van Kirk

130. Ann Eliza Finley

131. Sallie Ann Swan

132. Margaret Ann Dearth (of J.D.)

133. Aaron Baird died Nov 18, 1870

134. Robert Moss died June 1871

135. Persis Baird

136. Joseph Rogers Wilson, dismissed

137. Annie Louisa Ewing

138. Sarah Margaret Porter dismissed to Dwight

140. Adaline Van Kirk

141. Jennie Persis Gallaher dismissed to Peoria

142. Maggie Ann Finley (of R.F.) dismissed to Streator

143. Lizzie Hibbs (of Saml C.) dismissed to Farm Ridge

144. Marie Van Kirk

145. Robert B. Porter, dismissed

146. James Gideon Wilson dismissed by letter Aug 8, 1869

147. Malinda Niccolls (widow of J.N.) dismissed to Normal, Ills

148. Elizabeth Van Swearingen (widow of Wm)

149. Clark R. Hess dismissed

150. Sarah Dorcas Higinbotham died 1877

151. Matilda Ruth Van Kirk dismissed to Streator, Ills

152. Margaret Ellen Ewing dismissed to Uniontown

153. Margaret Krepps (of Cl [best guess] Krepps)

154. Emily Sevilla Gilmore Margaret Hibbs (of Aaron) [unnumbered]

V20 Page 73

155. Sallie Van Kirk

156. Harriet C. Ewing dismissed to Hopewell

157. Ann Elizabeth M. Gallaher

158. Harriet Izabella Porter, dismissed to Dwight, Ills

159. James Murray, died

160. Johnston Van Kirk Junr

161. John Palmer, died

162. Thos Wilson Finley

163. Jno Evans Finley

164. Hannum Cooke (of Jas C)

165. Johnston S. Craft, dismissed

166. Susan Durnal

167. Wm Edwin Dunaway, dismissed

168. Miranda Ellen Deffenbaugh, dismissed

169. Mary Ann Deffenbaugh, dismissed

170. Ellen Seaton Herbert, dismissed

171. Delina Bell Herbert, dismissed

172. Margaret Jane Francis, dismissed

173. Alexander Wilson, now a minister Jany 1877

174. Barbara Ann Brooks

175. Mary L. Hess (of Geo Hess)

176. Mary Jane McCombs

177. Mary Ann Core

178. Mary Ann Hess

179. Margaret Moore

180. Jane Moore

181. Malvina Murray, dismissed

182. Eliphalet Hayden Baird

183. Mary Catharine Freeman

184. Dr F.C. Hazlett dismissed

185. & Mrs Nancy E. Hazlett dismissed

186. Harriet Jackson Dixon

187. Elizabeth L. Crago, dismissed

188. Ellenor C. Hart died Mch 1870

189. Joseph Hanna

190. & Jane Hanna

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191. Fermine M. Deffenbaugh (of Jno D. ) dismissed

192. Mary Margaret Baird (of E.H.B.)

Approved thus far

Long Run Apr 28, 1869 Saml Wilson the connection existing between Moderator Saml Wilson D.D. Dunlaps Creek & McCellandtown churches was this day dissolved at Long Run.

Ebenezer Finley

George Porter


193. Eliza Jane Brown from C.P. Church

194. William Freeman

196. Mary Freeman

197. Margaret C. Poundstone, dismissed

198. Ann Maria Alice Scott, dismissed

199. Ruth Ann Johnston,

200. Kate Grace Herbert, dismissed

201. John A. Moss

202. Joseph Moss

203. S.D. Finley

205. Charles S. Francis

206. John Moore

207. Hannah R. Moore

208. Winfield Scott

209. George McCray

210. Albert Poundstone

211. John Morgan Messmore

212. Mary Caroline Herbert, dismissed

213. Eliza Jane Deffenbaugh

214. Margaret Jane Lincoln

215. Eliza Bell Freeman

216. Adaline Moore

V20 Page 75

Sept 13, 1869 the congregation of Dunlaps Creek, met & made out a unanimous call for Rev J.P. Fulton of Pulaski, Lawrence Co, Pa Pres of Beavor for 3/4 of his time.

Nov 2, 1869 the Pres of Redstone met at New Salem, Pa for the purpose of installing Rev J.P. Fulton

Rev E.P. Lewis preached the sermon. Rev L.Y. Graham charged the minister, Rev W.W. Ralston charged the congregation, Rev H.O. Rosborough moderated Presbytery. Mr J.M. Thompson, Elder was secretary Pro Tem

217. Nancy Hart died

218. Sarah E. Hess

219. Joseph Woodward

220. Agness Woodward

221. Robert Kerr dismissed deceased

222. Harriet A. Hibbs

223. Frances C. Fulton

224. Wm S. Fulton dismissed now a minister

225. Elizabeth McCombs

226. Martha Lackey

227. Levinia Jane Strawn

228. Harriet A. Chalfant

229. Leonora Harford

230. Winona Baird

231. Anstress [sic] Eastman

232. Maria Johns } dismissed

233. Margaret Flood} dismissed

234. Margaret Conwell died Feby 29, 1876

235. Elizabeth Conwell

236. Harriet Porter, dismissed

237. Amelda Johnson dismissed

238. Jane Violet Swan dismissed

Jany 12, 1927 10 PM

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Oak Hill Jany 13, 1927 10 AM

continuing records from Dunlaps Creek Session book

Jany 9, 1870. The cases of Miss Adaline Van Kirk & Mrs Fermine Brown whom common fame charge with scandalous offences were considered & separate committees appointed to talk with them & report to next meeting.

Jany 23, 1870. The committees appointed to visit Miss Adaline Van Kirk & Mrs Fermine Brown reported & session unanimously by reason of humble penitent & Christian spirit displayed by these offenders thot [sic] they be allowed to continue in full communion. Eliza Jane Brown was recd into the church on cft fr the Cumb Pres Ch.

I notice that those listed as members of the church from No 193 to 238 are in the handwriting of Rev J.P. Fulton as are also the remarks viz: "dismissed", deaths etc.

Oct 18, 1871 Miss Eliza Jackson who had been suspended from the sealing ordinances of the church appeared before Session & asked for a restoration to the privileges of the church. Unanimously voted that she be restored to full privileges.

Winona Baird, Anstriss [sic] Eastman, Jane Violet Swan & eleven others were admitted to the church.

Feby 6, 1872 the Com. appointed to visit Mrs Ellen Hibbs & ascertain her views & feelings in regard to a scandalous offence of which she was guilty reported that she frankly acknowledged her sin

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& with apparent penitence expressed her great sorrow & the session in view of all the circumstances & that she had been virtually suspended from Communion for the past six months & her expressions of penitence voted to restore her to the communion of the Church.

Mch 25, 1874, the following were recd on profession of their faith, James A. Chalfant, Joseph Newton Chalfant, Noble McCormick, John G. Dixon, Robt M. Moxley, John W. Gallaher, Lacy Hibbs, John Newton Hibbs, Ethelbert Courtney, John McCray, Lizzie E. Colley, Quindora Dearth & eleven others were recd into the church.

Apr 4, 1874 at Bunker Hill School house Session met & recd in the church George Roberts, Johnston Van Kirk, William Kefover, Charles F. Kefover, Joseph A. Woodward, John E. Craft & 19 others.

Apr 18, 1874 session met at Dunlaps Creek & recd the following on profession of faith: John Conwell, Capt W.S. Craft, J.P. Power, W.J. Burelinal & 9 others, the latter on cft

Mch 8, 1875 session met at New Salem Pa. The following persons having given satisfactory evidence of their faith in Jesus, were recd into full communion of the church: Wm L. Moore, Cyrus P. Carothers, Ada Belle Van Kirk, Mary Elizabeth Dearth & Margery Ann Moore

June 19, 1875 Samuel W. Boyd & Mrs Sarah Boyd on cft fr Uniontown, Pa & Miss Hattie Boyd on cft fr Louisville, Ky were recd in the church

Nov 10th, 1875, it was reported that at a Congregational meeting Oct 31/75 Theodore Van Kirk was elected Trustee of the Church & E.H. Baird &

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Johnston Van Kirk had been added to the eldership.

Apr 26, 1876 minutes approved at McKeesport, Pa by Samuel S. Gibson June 4, 1876 Jeremiah Baird applied for admission to the church & after examination & profession of his faith was recd. There are about six pages of later members of the church listed but I am not transcribing but note therefrom that Cyrus P. Carothers died Apr 16, 1876. Among adult baptisms noted were Elliott & Mary Ann Hibbs Apr 12, 1874. Quindora Dearth Dearth [sic] Mch 1874 & among children were:

August 1871 Geo Hayden Baird of Jer & Margery

Sept 1872 Ruth Steel of Wm S. & Maggie Craft

Mch 8, 1874 Lulu Etna & Theo Van Kirk of Jeff & Ellen Hibbs & Clara Jane of Eli & Tillie Cope

Aug 1871 Anna Catharine Finley of S.E. & S. Finley

Oct 1874 Eliza Jane of Wm S. & Maggie Craft

June 19, 1875 James Fulton of Jeremiah & Margery Baird

June 18, 1876 Winona Bertha of John S. & Josephine Finley

Nov 4, 1876 Elijah, son of Capt Wm S. & Maggie Craft

Apr 14, 1877 Robert Baird son of Cyrus A. & Mary Jane Porter

& of further adults baptized were:

Feby 27, 1876 George Gribble & his grandfather John Gribble in his 86th year.

Nov 4, 1876 John S. Conwell

The last meeting of the session reported in this book was at Dunlaps Creek July 20, 1877 when Mrs Adaline Taylor & Mrs Annie Miller, both guilty of prenuptial fornication were restored to the full privileges of the church. This session book

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proper had commenced Aug 25, 1837 with Rev Wm Johnston then pastor as Moderator.

There are saved loosely in the front of the book, sixteen pages of the records of the sessions of the church from June 24, 1787 to Aug 28, 1804 & is I believe in the handwriting of Ebenezer Finley whom I knew, son of Ebenezer 1760-1849 who at the end thereof about Jany 1, 1840 has written "To Revd Samuel Willson, Dear Sir. The above was taken from an old book in part with often leaves torn out together with scraps of papers as picked up among my father's old papers, the consequence of which is, the dates are very [sic] irregular. Yours affectionately, Ebenezer Finley"

Rev James Dunlap was then pastor. The session book during the pastorships of Rev Dr Jacob Jennings & Rev Wm Johnston are evidently in some other hands, the latter, I believe probably in the hands of James G. Johnston son of Rev Wm now living here in Uniontown, Pa in his 92d yr since last Apr.

I borrowed this book on Sept 27, 1924 from Johnston D. Van Kirk, son of Elijah who for over 50 yrs has been an elder & is perhaps or no doubt the senior Elder of the Church & probably has the Session records of the past 50 yrs & who on the 5th inst wrote asking me to wrap up the book & mail it to him at Brownsville, Pa RFD 1 which I am now ready to do & will do or take it to him. 1:07 PM Jany 13/27 JVT

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Oak Hill, Jany 13, 1927 5:33 PM

Mrs Thos A. Carothers 305 S. Hanover St, Carlisle, Pa writing Sept 27, 1926 in answer to mine of 16th Sept gives the sole information that her mother was the daughter of William Moore & says she has no Moore record & has inquired of Johnston Moore's nephew & he says he does not have any Moore records. I am writing her today to give her gf Moore's line & making slip to go see her & Miss Euphemia Moore to get Mrs C's connection in line below

Eleanor Thompson 1746-1817 youngest daughter of Wm Thompson, brother of My gggf Thomas married John Moore 1740-1822. Their son James Moore 1765-1;813 married Nancy Johnston 1769-1823 & their son was Johnston Moore who was married in 1836 & Euphemia is his daughter.

V20 Page 81

Chas E. Hoke of 401 Trust Bldg Chambersburg, Pa whose record is given in Book 17 pages 578-9 wrote Sept 30, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 17, giving record of his three children which I enter below:

1. Henry Reed Hoke born Oct 1, 1894 married Oct 28, 1918 Lucille Helen Hearn born Chicago, Ills July 24, 1898 daughter of Leslie Hearn & wife Martha O. Myers. They have children. Lives Wilkinsburg, Pa

1. Henry Reed Hoke Jr born May 27, 1920 at Pittsburgh, Pa

2. Charles Hearn Hoke born May 19, 1922 at Pittsburgh, Pa

3. John Ray Hoke born Feby 15, 1924

He is in the Mail Ad service Inc at 342 Second Ave Pgh, Pa

2. John Lindsay Hoke born Sept 13, 1899 married May 30, 1923. Helen Jean Lamb born at California, Pa July 20, 1903 daughter of Harvey Lorenzo Lamb & wife Mary Ellen McFadden. Have child. He lives California, Pa & with Calif Sentinel newspaper

1. John Lindsay Hoke Jr born June 26, 1925 Wilkinsburg, Pa

3. Sara Reed Hoke born Dec 4, 1903 married Oct 12, 1923 Harold Fay Diehl born at Chambersburg, Pa Jany 1, 1903 son of John Clayton Diehl & wife Olive Priscilla Bowers. Have child. Live Pgh Pa where he is in electrical work.

1. Ann Louisa Diehl born Feby 23, 1925

Chas E. says when set up, he would like four copies

V20 Page 82

Miss Mary Glenn Davidson of Enola, Pa whose line is noted in Book 17 page 301 writes Sept 23, 1926 in answer to mine of 17th Sept gives the full complete record of her grandmother as follows: Mary Jane Elliott born May 13, 1822 see book 17 page 263 on Nov 10, 1846 married William Mills Glenn born June 28, 1817 & died June 13, 1884 son of Alexander Glenn & his wife Maria Laughlin. They had four children:

1. Anna Maria Glenn B Mch 23, 1848 ob Feby 7, 1852

2. Robert Elliott Glenn born Mch 23, 1850 & died Apr 2, 1912. Married Tacy Cornelia Davidson born 1856 & died Nov 14, 1908 & both buried in Big Spring g.y. She was daughter of James Davidson & wife Nancy Knettle. No issue.

3. Mary Catharine Glenn born July 24, 1853 & died June 17, 1916. Married Nov 12, 1879 to Oliver Cromwell Davidson born Feby 28, 1854 & died on Feby 11, 1917, son of William Miller Davidson & his wife Margaret Eleanor Sharp. They had two children born at Mt Rock Pa 5 miles east of Newville:

1. Mary Glenn Davidson born Aug 18, 1885 my informant for this record. She is single & living with her sister at Enola, Pa

2. Eleanor Sharp Davidson born June 4, 1889 married June 4, 1914 James Alexander Huston, born Feby 14, 1887 son of Samuel Fulton Huston & Margaret

V20 Page 83

Belle Sharp. He is car inspector in the yards of the Penna RR Co at Enola, Pa where they live & where their three children were born:

I. Katherine Glenn Huston b Feby 9, 1916

II. Margaret Sharp Huston b Oct 4, 1917

III. James Alexander Huston Jr b May 8, 1921

4. Atcheson Alexander Glenn b Sept 13, 1856 & died Jany 9, 1857

V20 Page 84

Miss Adaline Seibert Walker of Fannettsburg, Pa see book 17 p 303. Sends record of her husband's father, see book 17 page 302 & I am supplying part of his mother's record, see book 17 p 262-3 to form the connecting link:

Caroline Holliday Elliott born Feby 14, 1831, youngest child of Robert Elliott married Dec 11, 1856 Capt John Henderson Walker born Apr 27, 1834 & died Dec 16,l 1900 son of James Walker & Ann Skinner. Their five children are listed in book 17 p 302. This letter treats of their youngest child the husband of my informant, he being the 5th child.

5. Samuel Elmer Walker born May 15, 1872 died Feby 9, 1924 married Apr 14, 1897 Adaline Seibert, my informant for this record born Apr 12, 1874 in Fannettsburg, Pa where her 12 children were born daughter of James B. Seibert & wife Priscilla Skinner.

1. Walter Seibert Walker born June 8, 1899 ob June 11, 1899

2. Caroline Gail Walker born Dec 1, 1900

3. Priscilla Evelyn Walker born Apr 15, 1902 ob Aug 1902

4. Richard Ramsey Walker born July 26, 1904, ob Feby 2, 1924

5. Owen Linn Walker born July 26, 1904

6. Clarence Elmer Walker born July 14, 1905 ob Sept 1905

7. John Alexander Walker born June 15, 1908

8. James Horace Walker born Mch 21, 1910

9. Joseph Erdman Walker born July 14, 1911

10. William Howard Walker born Dec 28, 1914

11. Charles Linn Walker born Apr 14, 1917

12. Robert Elliott Walker born Jany 29, 1919

V20 Page 85

Miss Ailsie Carothers Ewalt of Silver Spring Church Mense, P.O. Mechanicsburg, Pa See book 17 pages 94-95 writes Sept 27, 1926 in answer to mine. Says that Jane, daughter of Capt John Carothers married John Orr & left one child:

Jane Orr who married 1st John Wolf & married 2d William Fuller. She left a daughter Martha Fuller who married Rev Bergstresser & they had a son Rev Fuller Bergstresser, a Lutheran, who preached in Middletown, Pa but left there this last year. (Hunt him up). She does not know where he is now located. She knows nothing of Jesse Caruthers who married Ailsie Carothers. She never knew there was a James who is mentioned in his father's will, but I think the will of James mother. Ailsie indicates that he died young without issue. She says they do not have any old records & does not believe her grandmother or her sister Mrs T.B. Bryson got the bible of their father John Carothers who got his father, Capt John Carothers bible by his will. In all probability, this younger John's widow Martha (nee Quigley) who later married Wm Orr & had six children see book 17 p 95 & 96 took it & it no doubt went to her Orr children.

V20 Page 86

Carolyn S. Saxton of Mechanicsburg, Pa writes Sept 23, 1926 for her cousin Ellen Mateer saying she doesn't know anything about the matters I wrote about, but gives the address of cousin Will McTeer of Marysville, Tenn who she says has collected a lot of data. I am writing him today. It might be well to see Wm Carothers will & get data abt his daughter (sister, I think of Capt John Carothers) marrying a Mateer & go then to Mechanicsburg & see Ellen.

See B. 17 p 82 & 87. Look for wills of Wm McTeer & his wife nee Margaret Carothers at Carlisle. They had a daughter, Jean McTeer.

V20 Page 87

Oak Hill, Jany 15, 1927 9:11 PM

A letter from Chas M. Deatrich of St Thomas, Pa dated Sept 30, 1926 in answer to mine of about Sept 17 which I had written with reference to book 17 p 605 & 487 (& see my cousin Kate Smith Stenger tables) asking about the old Capt Conrad Stenger, Rev. Soldier bible which his son Lewis gave to his son Jacob Lewis. The father of Jacob was brother of Conrad fr the father of Peter 1795-1885. Jacob had children:

Samuel born 1829, dead

Elizabeth born Sept 19, 1828 & died Mch 25, 1911 both I think unmarried &

Keziah who Mr Deatrich writes married Jacob Kriner of the St Thomas locality. Both dead, but says her descendants are Margaret Stouteagle, Lemasters, Pa & William Christinan [sic] Williamson, Pa both of whom I have written to tonight.

V20 Page 88 & V20 Page 89

[descendant chart]

Samuel Weakley was born Oct 11, 1751 & died Feby 10, 1819. On Sept 20, 1775, he married Hester Luck born Oct 8, 1755 & died Oct 1, 1819. Both buried in Big Spring Pres g.y. Newville, Pa

[Their son:]

James Weakley, born July 27, 1787 & died Apr 3, 1863 married Feby 23, 1819 Eliza Finley Geddes born Nov 29, 1796 & died June 20, 1849. She was daughter of John Geddes & his wife Elizabeth Peebles who was daughter of Capt Wm Peebles & his wife Elizabeth Finley 1742-1832. See Book 14 page 320-1 & See also Book 17 p 376-7. They had six children born at Huntsville, Cumberland Co, Pa

[their children:]

Henrietta Luck Weakley, born Nov 20, 1825 & died Aug 22, 1915 in Humansville, MO. Married Jany 1, 1843 James McGinley Miller born in Gettysburgh, Pa Mch 10, 1822 & died Mch 30, 1904, son of Genl Thos Craig Miller & his wife Margaret McGinley. He died in Missouri. They had nine children born (see book 17 p 377)

Margaret McGinley B Aug 20, 1844

Eliza Geddes B Aug 24, 1846 married. She lives with her sister Mrs Rivers a widow. No issue. Married Ward.

Dr Thomas Craig b Apr 17, 1848 Ash Grove, Mo ob Jany 6, 1931 see b 25 p 303

James Weakley, B Mch 28, 1850 Lowery City, MO

John Matthew, b July 21, 1854, married May 1, 1877 to Missouri Kate Moore B Aug 31, 1856 in Moniteau Co, Mo daughter of Granville W. Moore & wife Sarah Bailey. Both living out fr Clinton Mo where he is a farmer. No issue. Sept 17, p 377

Calvin Melancthon b May 5, 1859 Lowery City, MO

[3]*Emma Lee Miller b Dec 5, 1861 my good informant for this record was born in Henry Co, Mo. Married Sept 5, 1879 John Walter Rivers who died Mch 22, 1918. Had 5 children, the first four born in Honey Co MO & the last in Omega, Okla. She now lives at Kingfisher, Okla. He, son of John Campbell Rivers & wife Rutha [sic] Ellen Wade of KY.

Hettie Ellen Rivers, B Aug 1, 1885 married Dec 3, 1903 at Kingfisher, Okla George Smith. Have 4 boys.

Earl Rivers, B Jany 8, 1905, single

Lester Weakley, b July 25, 1907

Alden, b 1914

Ray Miller, b Feby 1, 1916

Mary McGinley Rivers, B Aug 16, 1887 married Dec 20, 1908 Henry L. Kordis. Have 7 children

Walter lee, B Sept 17, 1909

Mary Lucile B Feby 25, 1911

Louis b May 30, 1912

Hettie Ellen b Dec 24, 1914

Thelma B Dec 25, 1916

Emma Ruth B July 30, 1918

Leland Weakley b Aug 31, 1922

Chas William Rivers b Nov 1, 1890 married Dec 3, 1910 to Jessie Page. Have 6 children

Ruby Fern, B 1911

Clyde B Dec 6, 1913




Fay Ruth, b Sept 10, 1922

Euel Miller Rivers B Sept 14, 1892 married Aug 1, 1913 at Watonga, Okla Ethel Mackey. Have 2 children.

Ida Emma b Apr 25, 1914

John Alden b May 22, 1918

Ruby Lee Rivers born May 17, 1899 married Sept 27, 1926 the day her mother wrote this record to Fred Walker.

Edward Payson [son of Henrietta L. Weakley & James McG Miller] (twin) born Sept 11, 1863

Chas Elmer (twin) born Sept 11, 1863

Elizabeth Weakley [daughter of James & Eliza F. (Geddes) Weakley] b 1828 ob Aug 1, 1840

William Luck Weakley (twin) b 1830 ob Mch 23, 1897 at Aspen, Colo. He entered the Civil War from Altoona, Pa & then went & practiced law in St Louis, Mo with his twin brother.

John G. Weakley (twin) b 1830 ob Sept 28, 1864 at Baton Rouge, La was in the Civil War & was then heard of at Baton Rouge, La. Think he never married. He practiced law in St Louis, Mo. He was Capt of Co G 2nd Ills Cav.

Martha Edge Weakley, B Nov 8, 1832 & died Sept 30, 1882 married Oct 26, 1854 to Dr Alexander Elder Sharp born Sept 1826 & died Dec 13, 1860 in Newville, Pa aged abt 35 & are buried in Big spring g.y. there. He was son of Dr Wm M. Sharp & wife Jane Wilson, daughter of Rev Saml Wilson, Pres. They had 2 children born in Newville, Pa bk 17 p 376

James Weakley Sharp, b Nov 5, 1855 married Jany 25, 1883 to Ida Grace Hursh b Jany 16, 1856 in Newville, Pa, daughter of Joseph B. Hursh & wife Henrietta Wogan. Both living in Newville, Pa where their only child was born & where he is Pres of the Newville Knitting Co.

Henrietta Wogan Sharp, b Sept 1, 1889

Jane Wilson Sharp, B Nov 19, 1856 ob Aug 17, 1857

James Geddes Weakley B May 27, 1837 ob Oct 6, 1922. Abt 2 or 3 yrs ago at his home in Kansas & left issue there. He was in the Civil War He died at Coffeyville, Kan & is buried there. Married Jany 10, 1865 Catherine Ann Heuier born in Penna Nov 27, 1840 daughter of George Heuier & wife Catherine Eylers. Had six children, the first three born in Pa the next two in Dorrance, Kan & the last one at Russell, Kan. She lives at Burlingame, Kan with her daughter Martha M.

Hattie Elizabeth, B Nov 1, 1865

Martha Mary B Mch 13, 1868 married Dec 17, 188- at Dorrance Ks to Wm A. Meggison. Have had 4 children. Live at Burlingame Ks.

Mearl Rebecca b Oct 5, 1889 married at Burlingame, Ks to Geo Dickerhoof

William Earl Meggison B Jany 3, 1892 married July 25, 1925 in Colo Gwendolyn Jenkins

Lawrence b Aug 25, 1896

Leila Meggison b Mch 1, 1904 ob Feby 17, 1910

William Elmer B Oct 27, 1870 ob July 7, 1925 at Burlingame Kan

John Geddes Weakley b May 27, 1873 married Grace Kill & living at Dorrance Kan

Emma Jane Weakley b Oct 27, 1875 my informant for this record married Nov 29, 1900 at Russell, Kan to Wm F. Bolan born near Wilson, Kan Aug 2, 1872 son of Michael Bolan & wife Maria Weigle, both of Cumb Co, Pa. Have one child born at Lucas, Ks. They live at 1621 West Topeka, Kan. She wants a book

Ralph William Bolan B Oct 24, 1901 unmarried. Graduated from Washburn College.

James Edgar Weakley b Feby 14, 1878. He is a bachelor & lives at Falls City, Neb.

The table on the two pages was made up Jany 16, 1927 from a 7 page letter written Sept 27, 1926 fr Kingfisher, Okla, supplemented by my own data at references in books 14 & 17. JVT

V20 Page 90

Oak Hill, Jany 16, 1927 7:11 PM

A letter from Carothers J. Eckard of 516 E. Main St, Mechanicsburg, Pa dated Sept 27, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 16, gives a copy of his parents, Andrew Eckard & his wife Ella M. or Mary Ellen Carothers, daughter of Martin Carothers, see book 17 p 193-6. The bible record as he sends it is as follows: (I have copied these dates in on Book 17 p 195)

Andrew Eckard b Mch 17, 1832 ob July 17, 1919

Ella M. Carothers b May 31, 1841 ob Mch 23, 1899

Their children:

1. Cora Gertrude Eckard born June 15, 1868

2. Carothers J. Eckard born Sept 30, 1870

3. Henry Carson Eckard born Aug 19, 1872

4. Clyde C. Eckard born Dec 20, 1873

5. William Clarence Eckard born June 11, 1875

2. Carothers J. Eckard was married June 4, 1906 to Ella C. Bricker born in Mechanicsburg, Pa July 5, 1876 daughter of Joseph Bricker & his wife Clara A. Sipe. They have had two children:

1. Joseph A. Eckard born July 10, 1897 married Nov 24, 1921 5o Grace Fough. No issue

2. James C. Eckard b Aug 11, 1899 ob Sept 11, 1899.

He does not know who got the bible of his gf Martin Carothers, nor where Martin's father Andrew came in see bk 17 p 193.

V20 Page 91

A letter from Mr Laverna L. Rice West North St, Carlisle, Pa successor to F.E. Thompson in the coal, grain, baled hay & straw business, dated Oct 13, 1926 says so far as he knows, the Blacks are not connected with the Carothers family. I am writing him of the connection. His wife's mother, Annie S. Black was daughter of Robert M. Black & his mother Isabella Carothers was the wife of John Black & daughter of Armstrong Carothers, see book 17 pages 107 & 66-70. He says Annie S. Black (see also p 132) was born Sept 30, 1851 (slight discrepancy) & died Mch 20, 1914. She was married to Frank Eckels Thompson born Dec 1, 1849 & died Apr 23, 1916 being son of Joseph C. Thompson & his wife Jane Smith. (Joseph C's children were Mrs Annie Hecker, Frank E., Sarah, Harriett (see bk 17 p 71) J. Marlin & J. Miller all dead except Harriett whom I saw, but she has no dates.) He had two daughters. No boys.

1. Nellie Thompson married June 2, 1909 to Laverna L. Rice born Mch 22, 1884 in Perry Co, Pa son of Joseph A. Rice & wife Clara Shelly. No issue.

2. Laura Thompson married Swartz

V20 Page 92

A letter from Wm S. Hoerner, Atty at Law, Chambersburg, Pa dated Oct 1, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 17, says that Bridgeport is a small village formerly Markes, but the P.O. is discontinued & service is by rural route from Mercersburg. Says John McLucas is the father of David & Lloyd. See book 17 p 565

He says the family bible shows no marriage of William Stenger, brother of his gf Peter Stenger of C & that neither his Aunt, Mrs Diehl or himself know anything further about it. See book 17 p 380-91 & book 5 p 43.

He says his mother, Martha Ann Stenger & his father John H. Hoerner were married Jany 22, 1867.

He says he himself was married June 29, 1905 to Gail Gilmore born Oct 28, 1870 & died Oct 28, 1916, the daughter of Blair S. Gilmore & his wife Alcesta Lull. Gail is buried in Cedar Grove Cem, Chambersburg, Pa.

It is now 11:44 PM 16th

V20 Page 93

A letter from Mrs Nelle Cowan Walker of Fannettsburg, Pa dated Oct 15, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 16, says that her husband see bk 17 p 303, Charles Linn Walker b Aug 28, 1867 ob Nov 24, 1925, married May 10, 1923 Nelle Adaline Cowan born Oct 23, 1884 at Fannettsburg, Pa the daughter of Robert Denton Cowan & wife Emma Witherow. They have one child born at Fannettsburg, Pa

1. Charles Linn Walker Jr B Mch 23, 1925.

V20 Page 94

Oak Hill Jany 17, 1927 11:20 PM

A letter from Mrs Howard Johnson Welsh (widow) of 1117 Schwabe St, Freeland, Pa dated Oct 28, 1926 in answer to my Sept letter. See book 16 pages 550-1 & book 10 pages 266-7. Says she does not have the Airgood Bible, but has the Welsh bible, the record in which she says is as follows:

"Lean Markle Airgood died Feby 18, 1855

Charlotte Airgood was born Aug 7, 1833 married Oct 14, 1849 to Reuben Welsh. She died Apr 19, 1915. She was a daughter of Leah Markle Airgood. Charlotte's son Howard Johnson Welsh was born Jany 2d 1863 [best guess], married Jany 1, 1888 Laura Croll, my informant. She lives at address above. He died Apr 22, 1924. There are no other names in the bible outside of the Welshs. Write her for that record which I am doing tonight.

Save this & next page for record if she sends it as I think she will

V20 Page 95 [blank]

V20 Page 96

A letter from Clinton P. Paul of 2006 Swatara St, Harrisburg, Pa dated Oct 26, 1926 in answer to my Sept letter, see book 17 p 276, gives incomplete records of his four children which I am partly crowding in there, but am transferring that of his son Joseph B. here.

Joseph Boyd Paul was born Feby 12, 1896, married May 31, 1917 to Anna Mary Wert. They have three children:

1. Joseph Boyd Paul Jr

2. Frank Wert Paul

3. Margaret Jane Paul

V20 Page 97

Oak Hill Jany 18, 1927 7:17 PM

A letter from Frank B. Carothers of 1442 W. Walnut St, Shamokin, Pa dated Oct 14, in answer to mine of Sept 16, See Book 17 p 138, says:

"Frank Bettyhoover Carothers born Apr 3, 1877 at Carlisle, Pa, married Sept 15, 1899 at Fleetwood, Pa to Cora Agnes Rollman born Jany 23, 1881 in Greenwich Tp near Kutztown, Berks Co, Pa daughter of Isaac Heister Rollman & wife Annie Deisher Kohler. They have had four children, the first three born at Fleetwood, Berks Co, Pa & the fourth & last one at Lyon Sta, Berks Co, Pa viz:

1. Lawrence William Carothers born Sept 19, 1900

2. Leroy Isaac Carothers born Jany 2, 1902

3. Annie May Carothers born Dec 31, 1904

4. Edward Frank Carothers born Nov 9, 1907

1. Lawrence William married Dec 16, 1922 at Shamokin, Pa Margaret Eve Dunn born Nov 8, 1903 at Shamokin, Pa daughter of Joseph A. Dunn & his wife Elanor Sterling. They have one child:

1. Joseph Frank Carothers born Aug 8, 1923

2. Leroy Isaac married June 21, 1924 Catherine Elizabeth Wetzel at Shamokin, Pa born May 28, 1905 at Trevorton, Pa, daughter of Howard P. Wetzel & wife Lizzie Osman. No issue

3 & 4. Annie May & Edward Frank are at home, single.

V20 Page 98

I have two letters from Albert B. Shaw of 418 Whiting Ave, Wilkinsburg, Pa, one a large env dated Oct 11, 1926 & the other a small env dated Oct 31, 1926. He says Col Wm Crawford's son John was married twice, first to Frances Bradford & second to a Van Sant. Also that he gave a bill of sale on his cattle, slaves etc & getting in financial trouble here was sold out (make memo to examine our Fayette Co records about this) & went to Ky or Ohio abt 1788 & died in Adams Co, O in 1816 which is correct, see my records reciting this tombstone. See book 15 p 255. He says he is descended from Col Wm Crawford through his daughter, Effelie (Effie) who married William McCormick & who he says appears to have died in Ohio in 1825. I am writing him tonight to let me know where in Ohio.

The record I had of our Crawfords show them located at Glasgow 400 yrs ago & remained for over 200 yrs.

He refers to Ellis Hist of Fayette Co Pages 75-85, which see. It gives reference to Lieut John Crawford, evidently the son of Col Wm. He says John's children by 1st wife Frances Bradford were: William, Moses & Richard & by 2d wife Van Sant that he had a daughter

V20 Page 99

Margaret married to William Yancey Rowland & is buried in the family bury ground near Huntsville, Mo. I find them buried on the farm in Monroe Tp, Adams Co, O

V20 Page 100

[fermata mark appears here]

Oak Hill Jany 19, 1927 4:11 PM

I have a fine letter from Mrs Ida J. Gilmore of 1201 Polk St, Topeka, Kansas dated Oct 10, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 16, 1926 in which she gives a fine record with fine penmanship with many dates which she has taken from her parents bible record. I have interlined & inserted many dates & some names in Book 17 Page 223 & the additional which she gives for which there is no room there, I am entering below, retaining the numbers there used.

III. William Whitley Brandon born on Nov 30, 1872 & died June 17, 1924 at Norwalk, Calif. Married 1, Sept 1, 1896 at Des Moines, Iowa to Lida Hall, daughter of T.S. Riley. Married 2d Aug 3, 1913 at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho to Chelia Warner.

His son is:

a. White Paul Brandon born Aug 11, 1902 & living at 1549 W 37th Place, Los Angeles, Calif. He was born at Dallas, Texas. Married June 4, 1921 at Santa Barbara, Calif, Adele Carrisosa born at Anaheim Calif Feby 25, 1904 daughter of Santos Carrisosa & wife Josephine Corona. Have 3 children born in Los Angeles, Calif.

1. Leonard Whit Brandon born Jany 18, 1923

2. Claude Brandon born June 23, 1924

3. Richard Paul Brandon born Mch 15, 1926

V20 Page 101

IV. Ida Jane Brandon born Sept 19, 1876, my good informant was married Dec 22, 1897 at Paola, Kansas to William Roy Gilmore born Jany 29, 1874 at Joy, Ills, son of Erasmus Ephraim Gilmore & his wife Nancy Alice Kiddoo. Have three children the first born at Paola, Kan & the other two at Topeka, Ks.

a. Brandon Gilmore born June 13, 1899 ob Dec 24, 1899 at Paola Ks.

b. Josephine Gilmore born Dec 22, 1901 married Feby 13, 1926 at Lawrence, Kans to Clement Arthur Graham born Mch 3, 1901 at Topeka, Ks son of Clement Ross Graham & his wife Edna Trusdale. Live 812 Topeka Blvd, Topeka, Ks. He is in R.E. Business.

c. Kenneth Roy Gilmore born May 6, 1905

d. Doris Gilmore born Sept 19, 1907

3. Wilbur Gilmore born Aug 12, 1909 ob Nov 26, 1909 at Topeka Ks

She said her brother, Sam died at Paola, Kan & now says he died at New Orleans, La. Apr 1/27. He died at New Orleans & is buried at Paola. See book 5 page 252 where I have record that her oldest & youngest children both d y. Apr 1/27 see now their record above. She cannot get further records of her brother Wm Whit's wives.

Oak Hill Feby 9, 1927 8:22 PM

A letter dated Feby 4, 1927 in answer to mine of Sept 16/26 from Mrs Ellen Ikana Borst 1733 Browning Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif See bk 17 p 223 says she married Sept 1, 1904 Fred Vliet Borst born July 28, 1881 at Sheffield, Iowa, son of Joseph Borst & wife Eliza McLyman & have one child:

1. Mary Elizabeth Borst born Aug 15, 1909

V20 Page 102

Oak Hill Jany 29, 1927 8:25 PM

A letter from John Herron Maclay of 601 Wise St, Hagerstown, Md dated Oct 1, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 17, gave much data which I have recorded in place in book 17 page 428 & the overflow is recorded here & I am writing him tonight for the names & births of his grandchildren etc which he did not give.

II. Earl Herron was married July 31, to Leatha Harter. Have two children.

III. Bessie was married Oct 20, 1919 to Stewart Battee born Aug 8, 1900 son of Lewis Battee & his wife Marian Tavaner, both of Balto, Md. Have one child.

V20 Page 103

Oak Hill Jany 21, 1927 1:15 PM

A letter from Mrs H. Mayme Miller No 11 Boston St Carrollton, Mo dated Oct 3, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 16, to her father John Furst Carothers of Ottumwa, Iowa see book 17 p 154-5 says he does not know who got the bibles of his father, George Clark Carothers or his grandfather "Red Billy" Carothers, son of Armstrong. She gives a record of his father's descendants & his own children with exact dates which are evidently taken from his bible record:

George Clark Carothers was born Oct 21, 1814 near Carlisle, Pa & died at Moorefield, Neb Mch 3, 1887 aged 72 yrs & is buried at Curtis, Neb. He as a carpenter by trade & in later years an ordained minister. He married 1st say 1839 to Catharine Furst born Jany 1816 & died 1871 & is buried near Toledo, O (am writing for name of cem) She was daughter of John Furst & his wife Catherine. They had four children, the first two born near Carlisle, Pa & the last town near Toledo, O (or was it not at or near Tontogany, O). Married 2d near 1873 Mrs Harriet Pray a widow who died. Lived together 6 mos & parted. No issue. They don't know her record.

V20 Page 104

1. Eliza Jane Carothers born Dec 11, 1841 & died 1924 & I think is buried near Plainfield, Cumb Co, Pa, Married 1884 to Andrew Young who died. Had one child:

1. Pearl Young born 1885, married Lewis Brymesser & live near Plainfield, Pa. I was to see them last July. See book 17, but they were not at home.

I believe Eliza Jane may have gotten her father's bible. Ask Pearl.

2. George William Carothers born Nov 3, 1843 married at Stockville, Neb to Catharine Lockwood. He died 1883 near Stockville, Neb. He was in the 130th Penna Volunteers in the Civil War. No issue. He is buried at Indianola, Neb & she is living in Oregon. Has married 3 time since his death & no good. In Oregon when last heard from.

4. Martin Carothers was born Oct 7, 1852, married Dec 23, 1884 at Indianola, Neb Augusta Fritsch born Sept 29, 1865 in Germany, daughter of Frank Fritsch & wife Johannah Hillers. Both living at Glendale, Calif where he is a retired farmer. Had one child & have an adopted daughter.

1. Edna Rose Carothers born Dec 23, 1885 & died at Moorefield Neb June 27, 1887 see page 255.

V20 Page 105

Ask if he got his father's bible. In her letter of Feby 10, mailed Feby 21, Mrs Miller gives his address as "Martin Carothers 344 W. Milford, Glendale, Calif." Wrote Feby 25, 1927

3. John Furst Carothers born Feby 10, 1848, married Oct 19, 1869 at Martinsburg, WVA to Donna Isabell Virginia Turner born in Jefferson Co, WVA June 15, 1850 daughter of Anthony Turner & his wife Harriet Pitzer. He is a butcher by trade & for the past 15 yrs has had a responsible position with the Loga Marcino Grape Co, Ottumwa, Iowa, where he lives. His wife has been ill for two years with Brights disease. Have had nine children, the first six born at Smithfield, Wetzel Co, WVA, the next one at Summit Point, Jefferson Co, WVA, the next one at Moorefield, WVA & the last one at Curtis, Neb. She died from a stroke of paralysis Oct 27, 1926 in Carrollton, Mo & is buried there in Oak Hill Cem on Oct 31, 1926.

1. Harriet Catharine Carothers b Oct 16, 1870

2. Harry Turner Carothers b Sept 16, 1872

3. Lula Rose Carothers b June 4, 1874

4. Anna Jane Carothers b June 28, 1877

5. Hannah Mayme Carothers b May 8, 1879

6. Edith Eloyd Carothers b June 9, 1881

7. James William Carothers b Dec 30, 1883

8. Addie Bell Carothers b Mch 23, 1886

9. George Carothers b Aug 27, 1888 & died July 25, 1892 & buried at Curtis, Neb.

1. Harriet Catherine Carothers married Oct 14, 1891 at Curtis, Neb to Perry Coykendall born in Bushnell, Ills Feby 5, 1869, son of Cyrus Walter Coykendall & wife Martha Amelia Sprague. Have two children. They live at Maywood, Neb. See page 109

I. Ora Ray Coykendall born June 24, 1892

II. Donna Gladys Coykendall born Apr 12, 1900

V20 Page 106

2. Harry Turner Carothers married Sept 22, 1896 at Stockville, Neb Emma Schwartz born July 16, 1881 near Berlin, Germany, daughter of Leo Schwartz & his wife Caroline Lenz. Have five children the first two born at Curtis, Neb & the other three at Maxwell, Neb. Both living at Maxwell Neb where he is a merchant proprietor of the city meat market.

I. Donna Virginia Carothers born Apr 28, 1898

II. Walter John Carothers born Aug 28, 1902

III. Dorothy Carothers born Mch 21, 1905

IV. Margaret Carothers born Mch 14, 1912

V. Wilbur Carothers born Jany 31, 1920

See page 254

3. Lula Rose Carothers married Mch 1, 1890 at Curtis, Neb to Wm Jasper Wright of Litchfield, Ills born at Florida, Ills Dec 7, 1862 son of Felix Fletcher Wright & his wife Amanda Potter. Have seven children, the oldest one born at Curtis, Neb, the next three at Carrollton MO & the last three at Ottumwa, Iowa

I. Jessie Rea Wright b Dec 29, 1891

II. Hoyl Isabel Wright b Feby 3, 1894 & died Sept 8, 1895

III. Maude Eloyd Wright b July 14, 1896

IV. John William Wright b Jany 18, 1899 & died May 3, 1915 at Lead S.D.

V. Myrle Edwin Wright b Apr 15, 1902

VI. Anna Lucille Wright b Oct 10, 1904

VII. Ester Lorain Wright b Feby 15, 1908

See pages 109 & 252

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4. Anna Jane Carothers, see page 252, married June 27, 1894 at Curtis, Neb, Fred Magee born Dec 21, 1865 at Leonidas, Mich son of John Magee & wife Sarah Jane Waterman. Have three sons all born at Carrollton, Mo where they both live.

I. Ernie Bert Magee born Oct 10, 1895

II. Harold Willis Magee born Jany 12, 1899

III. Fay Alma Magee born Apr 3, 1902

5. Hanna Mayme Carothers married Mch 5, 1898 Alma Joseph Miller at Carrollton, Mo born Mch 1, 1877 at Carrollton, Mo son of Francis Marion Miller & his wife Martha Jane Crank. Have one child born at Carrollton, Mo where they both live.

I. Dovette Pearl Miller born Feby 19, 1899

See page 253

Edyth Eloyd Carothers married Apr 12, 1900 at Carrollton, Mo Walter Wakefield Watson born June 6, 1880 at Carrollton, MO son of Thomas Jefferson Watson & his wife America E. Crank. Have one son born in Ottumwa, Iowa. Both now live at Carrollton, MO.

I. Otto Thomas Watson born Apr 16, 1901 is unmarried.

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7. James William Carothers is single & lives at Ottumwa, Iowa where he is billing clerk for the Milwaukee RR. Jany 29/27. He married two weeks after his mother's death on Nov 13, 1926, Bertha May Miller born at Ottumwa, Iowa Sept 11, 1896 daughter of Wm Allen Miller & wife Louisa Edwards.

8. Addie Bell Carothers married Nov 22, 1911 in Ottumwa, Iowa Charles Schafer born Nov 3, 1879 at Ottumwa, Iowa, son of Ludwic [sic] Schafer & wife Angelica Horn. Both live at Ottumwa, Iowa. No issue.

She says her father & herself will each want a book. She & Mrs Schafer are very anxious to join the D.A.R. & I am writing her they can do so through her great gf William Carothers' wife, Fannie Clark, daughter of George Clark & his wife Jean Carothers see book 17 p 83, the said George Clark being a son of Col Wm Clark of the Rev. Look up at Carlisle for wills of Wm Clark & George Clark & also for an Armstrong who had a daughter Isabella Carothers, wife of Wm book 17 p 83 as I think she was an Armstrong. Make slip.

V20 Page 109

A letter dated Feby 10, 1927 mailed 21st in answer to mine from Mrs H. Mayme Miller No 11 Boston ST, Carrollton, MO gives enlarged data from her brothers & sisters families which I will commence entering here:

I. Ora Ray Coykendall see page 105 married May 19, 1920 at North Platte, Neb Freda Hanner born at Lincoln, Neb May 14, 1901 daughter of August Hanner & wife Emma Bucholz. Have one son born at Maywood, Neb.

1. Orval Coykendall born Apr 8, 1924

II. Donna Gladys Coykendall married Aug 8, 1917 at North Platte Neb Julian Calkins born at Friend, Neb Feby 23, 1897, son of James Turner Calkins & wife Mary Elizabeth Hoschoner. Her served in the World War & was gassed. Have one son born while his father was in France. He was born at Curtis, Neb:

1. Duane Calkins born Nov 19, 1918

I. Jessie Ray Wright see page 106 married Aug 1, 1909 at Ottumwa, S.Dak Harry Wilson Funston born Aug 29, 1882 at Westboro, Mo son of Emit [sic] Eldon Funston & wife Mary Ann Widney. Have two children, first born at Lead, S.Dak & second at Ottumwa S.Dak

1. Clair Wilson Funston born July 5, 1916

2. Verl Leah Funston born Jany 15, 1919

III. Maude Eloyd Wright married May 10, 1921 at Fort Pierre So.Dak Ernest Eldon Stearns born at Eagle Lake, Minn May 5, 1888 son of Robert Palmer Stearns & wife Lydia Augusta Fay. Have one child born Grand Junction, Colo

1. Mavis Virginia Stearns born Jany 30, 1922 see page 252

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Oak Hill Janay 23, 1927 11:55 AM

A letter from Wm G. Wild, publisher of the Lanark Gazette, Lanark, Ills dated Oct 3, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 16th see book 17 p 298 says his mother died at Boulder Montana, but was buried at Lanark, Ills. She was Margery Thompson Davidson born at Newville, Pa July 12, 1837 & died Apr 27, 1901. She married at Newville, Pa Oct 21, 1858 Samuel George Wild, son of George Wild & his wife Anna Barbara Miller who was born at Newville, Pa Dec 1, 1834 & died May 3, 1911 at Lanark, Ills where he is buried. They had four children, the first three born at Newville, Pa & the last one at Paola, Kansas. See Book 17 p 298. The oldest of these children, William Greaver Wild, my informant married on July 29, 1885 at Mount Carroll, Ills Annie Dorthea Harman. They have four children listed in book 17 page 298 all born at Lanark Ills & as he reports, all married but he has only given the dates of marriage & the names of the parties married for which further record & their children I am writing.

a. Claude Monroe Wild married Apr 1, 1909 at Freeport, Ills Helen Lucile Jones. They live at Lakeside, Wash.

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b. Hazel Eleanor Wild married Nov 12, 1908 at Lakeside, Wash Charles Cornelius Lafferty.

c. Anna Marjorie Wild married Jany 31, 1912 at Mount Carroll, Ills Thomas Ward Wilson. Reside at Rockford, Ills

d. Helen Elizabeth Wild married Feby 25, 1924 at Rockford, Ills Dwight Harry Spealman. Reside at Chadwick, Ills

V20 Page 112

A letter from Mrs Elizabeth Crawford Wise See b 17 p 364 of 803 W. 4th St, Sterling, Ills dated Oct 16k 1926 small envelope filed. Says she is a gggdaughter of James Kilgore & his wife Elizabeth Jack through their son William whose son Ezekiel was her grandfather. The J.K. Johnston, Tyrone, Pa Kilgore records that this William resided in Cumberland Co, Pa dates of birth & death unknown. Make slip to look for his will. He gives these as his children:

Jane (Mrs McFarlane)

Elizabeth (Mrs McFarlane)

Nancy (Mrs Montgomery)




She says Samuel Mathers Kilgore, brother of her gf Ezekiel married Susannah Thompson & says some of his family did live in Whiteside Co, Ills but don't think they are there now. Says that several years ago, she had correspondence with their ggdaughter who gathered the records extensively & intended getting out a book & is intensely interested & would willingly give me the records. Her present address is:

Mrs Edith Barnes Bishop 754 Hobart Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif. I am writing her today. She says there is an Ezekiel Thompson at Fulton, Whiteside Co, Ills who might be able to help me. Says he married his full cousin

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Mary Montgomery, both grandchildren of Ramsey Montgomery & his wife Nancy Kilgore, a sister of Ezekiel above. I am writing him tonight.

She says she is the daughter of John Buyers Crawford & Nancy Jane Kilgore (daughter of Ezekiel above). He was son of Letitia Buyers & Thomas Crawford of Lancaster Co, Pa. Thomas was son of Col James Crawford & Ann McCausland & Col James was son of David of Lampeter Tp, Lancaster Co, Pa. These Crawfords were from the North of Ireland & were Scotch Irish Presbyterians. She doesn't know names of any of David's brothers or sisters, but says James was his only son. He was born 1741 married 1765 & died 1825. She is anxious to know when David was born, married & died & who is wife & parents were. All she has is a copy of his will dated Mch 23, 1799, Lampeter Tp, Lancaster Co, Pa. Her dates do not agree with Anjou's who gives Col James Birth as 1730 in my original Crawford Hist pages 109-113 where he is surely identified as the same on page 113 by his son Thomas marrying Letitia Buyers & going to North East Pa. The father of Col James, however is not David but John, the oldest brother of Edward, my gggfather. Col James had a brother Isaac Crawford of Franklin Co, Pa. Make slip to look for his will & descendants at Chambersburg & see Geo H. Stewart & his cashier Reed. Col James had another brother (Anjou Hist p 113)

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John Crawford born 1736, died Apr 8, 1789 buried in Hanover. Make slips for both Hanover, York Co & for Hanoverdale, Dauphin Co, & look in both counties for his will & descendants if any from his two sons:

William who married Polly Cain &

John who died Feby 8, 1811

Col James had another brother:

Richard Crawford born 1740. Went to Anthony (no such place now) Col. Co now Mortonsville, Lycoming Co, Pa, died in 1813 & is buried at Warriors Run. Make slip & try to trace his desc.

Page 115 & 116 Anjou's original Crawford Hist says Hugh Crawford born May 3, 1703 brother of my gggf Edward, died in Cumb Co, Pa in 1772 on whose estate Wm Graham of Phila administered. Says he died seized of land then in Cumb Co, now in Bedford (says letters were granted Mch 6, 1770) sells for the education of the daughter, sells land on the Youghiogheny River 20 miles from Pittsburgh viz: 1200 A called Crawford Keeping Place, 300 A on the Great Road 18 miles from Ligonier & 500 A at the foot of Laurel Hills, sold to James Pollock of Carlisle Feby 14, 1772. Look up this deed or order. May be at Carlisle or Bedford & make slips for both places & examine as related to John who went to Butler Co, O & also examine at Carlisle will of Robert Crawford, brother of Hugh who had a son John with same reference. look too for a Thoroman will.

V20 Page 115 [blank]

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A letter dated Oct 28, 1926 from Mrs N.C. Hamilton 207 E. Mulberry St, Kokomo, Ind, says Miriam & Isabel came down & took her for a ride & in getting records from their oldest g.ys found this afternoon:

Nancy W. wife of Hugh Carothers died Jany 12, 1867 aged 67 yrs 7 mos 27 days & it started raining & they had to go home but the girls will take her back. She speaks of two grandchildren of Hugh Laughlin still living viz:

1. Robert Wm Laughlin, Kenton, O over 80 yrs old. Write & ask if this is son of Alexander see page 36 Laughlin Hist

2. James Hugh Laughlin, Zenia, Trinity Co, Calif & ask also if he is a Wilson & whose son. She says he is past 80. She says her daughter, Isabel, Mrs Ralph Clifford has a baby daughter:

Constance Anne Clifford born Aug 29, 1926. See Laughlin Hist page 24.

She writes Jany 31, 1927 that the two Laughlins above are brothers of her father Josiah Robe & sons of Alexander of John & Deborah. See Laughlin Hist pages 17, 36 & 38. Am making slip to see Robert W. She says Nancy W. Carothers named above came there about 1853 from Ky & lived in Rush Co, Ind where they think her husband Hugh was buried. She brought with her a son & a daughter viz:

Thomas M. Carothers & Rebecca. Thomas had a son James & James is father to Hugh Carothers living now in Kokomo, Ind. Make slips & note daughters name was Rebecca.

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Oak Hill Jany 24, 1927 1 PM

A letter dated Jany 19, 1927 from Mrs Ruth McGrew (wife of Chas T.) 2501 E 4th St Long Beach Calif states that while cleaning out her papers tonight, she found a scrap of paper reading:

"Revolutionary Associators 1778-1787 page 42 Thomas Thompson Aug 20, 1778 From Roads of Cumberland Co"

which she thinks is my gggfather & I feel she is correct as all of his five sons Alexander, Samuel, William, George & Joseph as shown by cfts I have were in the Revolutionary War.

V20 Page 118 & V20 Page 119

[Descendant Chart]

Jonathan Gaddis see book 9 p 208. The dates in this table below are given me by Mrs "Nette" R. Leaming of New Burlington, O in her six page letter of Nov 11, 1926 small env see also book 18 p 468-470. Had 10 children born in Clinton Co, O. Married Ammy Disbrow, daughter of Banks Disbrow & wife Hannah Conger


Banks Davis Gaddis B July 15, 1826 ob Apr 1900 or 1901. Married Drucilla Mann born Mch 27, 1831. Had 7 children:

Francis Marion, ob, married Nancy Jane Snider, daughter of James Snider & wife Lucinda Kelly. They had 5 children all born in Decatur, Ills.

Zinnetta Ruth, B Oct 18, 1874, married Nov 24, 1924 Joseph S. Leaming, the seed corn man, ob, son of Jacob Leaming & wife Lydia Middleton. No issue. She was his 2d wife & she is my informant for this record.

Jesse Grant B June 24, 1876 married Jany 26, 1898 Susie Albright. Have 4 children living & 2 dead.

Earl b Mch 29, 18-- ob Apr

Irene Edna, b July 7, 1884 married Dec 11, 1901 Lee Roy Bremengton [sic]. Had had 8 children born the 3 one in Hot Springs Ark, all the others in Kingman, O. See page 164

Laura Bell, B May 14, 1887 ob Jany 3, 1920 married Aug 12, 1912 Geo McNeman born at Annapolis, Md, son of Geo McNeman & wife Katie Philips. Have 4 children.

Delmar Jane b June 16, 1913

Francis Milton B Feby 9, 1915

George Hubert B Jany 26, 1918

Paul Mann b Sept 10, 1920 ob Sept 4, 1921.

Elvira [daughter of Banks D. Gaddis] ob married Chas McGlellan [sic]. Had 2 children.

John, died unmarried

Maude married a Smith & lives west

Volney Alaska, b June 26, 1857 in Clinton Co, O married Feby 26, 1881 Delphi, Ind Elizabeth Wolf, b Mch 11, 1857 in Schuylkill Co, Pa daughter of John Wolf & wife Elizabeth Lemon. Have 5 children. Lives 1904 N. Church St, Decatur, Ills See b 21 p 250.

Levi Clinton married Edna Snider daughter of James Snider. No issue.

Sally Mary married Willis Miller. No issue

Wesley Grant married Marmine Kussick. No issue

John, ob d.y.

Eliza Ann Gaddis [daughter of Jonathan Gaddis & Ammy Disbrow] b Oct 7, 1830, ob.

William Allen Gaddis b Apr 29, 1883 ob, married

John Peairs Gaddis, B June 3, 1836, ob

Levi Duffy Gaddis b July 29, 1839 ob, married.

Jacob Wesley Gaddis b Aug 15, 1841 ob in the Civil War, unmarried.

Henry Lewis Gaddis b July 29, 1843 ob married

Willis Davis Gaddis b Feby 8, 1846 ob, married

Hannah Sophia Gaddis b Aug 23, 1848 ob

Oscar Morgan Gaddis b Dec 4, 1851 ob in Civil War, unmarried.

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Oak Hill, Jany 25, 1927 6:11 PM

A letter dated Nov 5, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 16, from Rev Jordan F. Wohlfarth of 3817 William St Denver Col See book 16 page 541 says he was born at Buckhorn, near Bloomsburg, Pa Feby 24, 1853 son of Frederick Rosamond Wohlfarth & his wife Catherine Ebner. He married 2d Nov 25, 1923 Mrs Gale, a widow nee Rawlings a native of England. The additional information he gave was crowded in the table book 16 p 541.

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A letter dated Nov 8, 1926 in answer to mine of June 24, from Mrs Marie Bankhead Owen director of the Dept of Archives & Hist of Ala, at Montgomery Ala writes that her grandfather, James H. Brockman died at the age of 22 yrs & his only child, her mother, was born 3 mos after his death. He married Nov 15, 1843 Mary Elizabeth Stairley who died aged 93 yrs & is buried in Jasper, Ala. She was the daughter of George Stairley & his wife Parmelia Lester of Greenville Dist S.C. where she was probably born. See bk 16 p 348. Their only child:

Tallulah James Brockman b Dec 12, 1844 married Col John Hollis Bankhead for 33 yrs congressman & U.S. Senator from Ala. He was born Sept 13, 1842 in Old Marion Co, Ala now Lamar Co & died Mch 1, 1920 in Washington D.C. & is buried in Jasper, Ala. He was the son of James Greer Bankhead & his wife Susan Hollis, native of Union Dist S.C. His parents were George Bankhead & his wife Jane Greer also of Union Dist S.C. who migrated to Ala & his other grandparents, John Hollis & wife Lititia [sic] Holliday were of Union Dist S.C. but removed to Ala abt 1813. For great grandparents, he had:

1. James Bankhead of Union Dist, S.C. where he died abt 1799 & his wife Elizabeth Black.

2. Daniel Holliday & wife Patsy Knighton of Kershaw Dist S.C. who removed to Ala, where he died in 1837 in Lamar Co

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3. John Hollis a native of Fairfax Co, Va who removed to Fairfield Dist S.C. & was Capt in the Revolutionary Army under Gen Francis Marion. His gggfather was Daniel Holiday [sic] of Kershaw Dist S.C.

She gave me among others the name of Pro Theo Henley Jack, Emory Univ, Atlanta GA to whom I am writing tonight.

A letter dated Nov 11, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 16, from Mrs Nellie Davidson McFarland of 1009 9th Ave, Helena Montana see book 17 p 298 says she was born May 10, 1861 at Newville, Pa & married June 5, 1895 at Boulder,Montana to Lucius Griswold McFarland born at Cambridge, Vt Mch 24, 1853 & died Feby 23, 1896 son of Osgood McFarland & his wife Caroline M. Griswold. Had but one child born in Helena, Mont:

1. Earl Osgood McFarland b Aug 30, 1898 married Nov 19, 1919 at Great Falls, Montana Ruby Pearl Von Sampson born at East Helena, Mont May 24, 1900 daughter of Raoul Edgar Von Sampson, a Russian & his wife Bertha Von Pamson of Germany. Have 2 children born in Helena, Mont:

1. Jack Richard McFarland born Aug 16, 1921

2. Phyllis Jean McFarland born Feby 6, 1926

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Oak Hill Jany 26, 1927 1 AM

A letter dated Nov 8, 1926 in answer to mine of June 3, 1926 from Mrs Andrew C. Allison of Stroughurst, Ills see book 16 p 75 where so much of the record as there was room for is recorded & the balance giving records of the husband & children of her three daughters is recorded here.

1. Clara E. married Wm D. Gearhart born Oct 27, 1885 near Raritan, Ills son of Henry Gearhart & wife Minnie Cavins. He is a farmer & lives near Raritan, Ills where all of their five children were born except the first one which was born in Stronghurst, Ills viz:

1. Minnie Evelyn Gearhart born June 4, 1910

2. Mildred Eleanor Gearhart born Dec 13, 1912

3. Francis Lucile Gearhart born Apr 16, 1915

4. Margaret Anne Gearhart born Mch 3, 1922

5. Robert Leon Gearhart born May 8, 1924

2. Merle Leonetta married Roy W. Hixson born June 3, 1886 near Raritan, Ills son of Winfield S. Hixson & his wife Ella Hill. He is a farmer & lives near Raritan, Ills where all their three children were born except the first one which was born near Stronghurst, Ills viz:

1. Gwendolyn Beth Hixson born Feby 6, 1908

2. Allison Leroy Hixson born Feby 18, 1910

3. Liligene Kay Hixson born Feby 2, 1923

3. Bessie P. married Elbridge Carothers Fort born Sept 11, 1891 near Stronghurst, Ills, son of Charles Edward Fort & wife Anna Marshall

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He is a farmer living near Stronghurst, Ills where their two children were born:

1. Elbridge Allison Fort born Oct 20, 1917

2. Lyman Rankin Fort born June 8, 1922

Oak Hill Jany 26, 1927 12:44 PM

A letter dated Jany 24, 1927 in answer to mine of 10th from O.L. Carithers of Carithers Drug Store, New Castle, Ind No 1304 Broad St says he has referred my letter to his sister at Princeton, Ind the old home where he was born & when he hears from her, he will advise me. Says his mother's name was Eliza Townson Carithers & says her gf & father came to Indiana from Oneida Co, NY. Says his father came to Indiana from Londonderry, Ireland where he lived 7 miles north on the coast. His name was James & his gf's name was Alexander. Says were four boys & one girl in the family, all dead but the youngest, Joseph Carithers. Says his grandmother was from Glasgow, Scotland, name Luckhart.

See page 356

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A letter dated Jany 24, 1927 in answer to mine of 10th from George M. Markle, Albion, Mich see book 19 page 233 bottom saying he had referred my letter to his sister, Mrs Mary E. Davis 707 Rock Hill, Webster Grove MO (he said Wibster Grove, but there is no such place in MO) who was more able to give information than he. My record shows her the oldest & he the youngest of 13 children.

A letter dated Feby 18, 1927 from Mrs Mary E. Davis 707 Rock Hill Ave, Webster Grove, Mo says she is there for the winter but in six weeks she will be rtg to her home 704 Mt Clinton St, Albion, Mich where her records are & will do the best she can to assist & remarks "some job, I say". She asks if I will attend the next reunion.

V20 Page 126

A letter dated Jany 25, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 7 inst from David Paul Brown of 123 Dayton St, Hamilton, O see book 18 p 293 a Crawford descendant, undertakes to give the record of his mother, Mary Ann Beckett, but does it very imperfectly by giving only the years & not the days & months which I feel sure he has & for which I must write again.

His mother, Mary Ann Beckett, daughter of Robert Beckett & Mary Crawford was born in Butler Co, O May 11, 1832 & was married June 16, 1852 & died Feby 9, 1911. Her husband William Edward Brown was born Nov 13, 1825 at Xenia, O & died June 3, 1904 at Hamilton, O the son of Edward Robert Brown & his wife Ann MacCue

Her children were born at Hamilton, Ohio. He lists six. Miss Aten said seven. The chart shows that he missed his sister Anna & some nephews & nieces but I will insert them in order from the chart.

1. Clara Brown b 1853 & ob 1892 married Nov 13, 1873 Barton Carr died June 7, 1924. Had four children born in Hamilton, O

1. Elizabeth James Carr b 1873 ob 1905 single

2. Maynard Brown Carr b 1876 ob 1901 single

3. Mary Carr ob

2. Anna Brown, died.

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3. Robert Edward Brown born Dec 27, 1856 & died June 10, 1910 married Nov 24, 1883 Minnie Lindley born June 25, 1863 in Reiley, Ohio, daughter of John C. Lindley & wife Elizabeth King. Had one child born in Hamilton, O:

1. Helen Lindley Brown born Jany 10, 1885 married July 10, 1926 George Wesley Keeling born Mch 24, 1878 at Springtown, Tex, son of James Keeling & wife Mary Angelina Gilliland. He is a rancher & stock raiser. Both living at For Worth, Texas RFD. Helen's mother is living at Tombstone, Arizona Feby 27, 1927 P.O. is Springtown, Parker Co, Texas.

4. Ella Brown born Aug 1860 ob Apr 1902 died unmarried

5. Mary Brown born 1863 ob 1922 married 1887 Richard E. Sloan born at Morning Sun, Preble Co, O. Had three children. He is living at Phoenix, Arizona.

1. Eleanor Brown Sloan born 1888, single

2. Richard E. Sloan born & ob

3. Mary Sloan born Oct 8, 1900 married June 25, 1923 ______ Wilbur. Have two children:

I. Richard Wilbur born 1924

II. Charles Wilbur born 1926

6. William Beckett Brown born Aug 13, 1865 married Jany 20, 1886 & died Feby 24, 1925. He married Alice Thomas born Sept 21, 1864

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at Hamilton, O. Have had two children born in Hamilton, O:

1. Edith born & ob

2. Florence Vincent Brown born 1889, single

Alice Thomas Brown died.

7. David Paul Brown born May 13, 1871 married May 1, 1916 Nellie Freshman born Sept 14, 1870 at Galt, Ontario, Canada, daughter of Charles & Matilda Freshman. Live at 123 Dayton St, Hamilton, O. He is my informant for this record. He writes that his parents, brothers & sisters are buried in Greenwood Cem, Hamilton, O. Says above record is given from memory that he don't have his parent's bible & don't know who has. He can't give inf to fill the remaining blanks.

A letter dated Jany 24, 1827 in answer to mine of Jany 7 from Mary H. Whitson sister of Mrs Alonzo W. Moore to whom I wrote see book 18 p 440. She lives at 1005 N. Main St, Kokomo, Ind & says they are interested in genealogy & will be glad to hear from me & I have written. She says John A.M. Passmore died & his daughter Harriet sold the Moore books awhile & then turned them over to Learys Book store, Phila, Pa who 3 yrs ago had 100 sets which they were then selling at $3 for 2 vols. I have written ordering a set.

V20 Page 129

A letter dated Jany 24, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10 from the Marion National Sanatorium, National Military Home, Ind signed by F.A. Cleveland executive officer, see book 19 p 340, says their records show that John Markle, late Private B. Co 19th & Corporal C Co 20th Indiana Infantry was admitted to the Marion Branch Sept 10, 1908 & died in the Marion Branch Hospital Apr 27, 1909. The records further show that he was a resident of Hagerstown, Ind & was 77 yrs of age at time of admission & that he was born in Schuylkill Co, Penna & that he enlisted July 29, 1861 at Hagerstown, Ind & was finally discharged July 12, 1865 at Jeffersonville, Ind. The exact date of birth is not of record.

F.A. Cleveland, executive officer

He was son of Gideon Markle. Make slip to see if Schuylkill Co wills or deeds disclose his father's name.

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Oak Hill Jany 27, 1927 1:06 AM

A letter dated Jany 25, 1927 in answer to mine of 7th from Rev Robert Crawford Falconer of No 20 St Paul's Place, Nutley NJ where he is pastor of St Paul's Congregational Church See book 18 page 127 says he collected genealogical material on both the Crawford & Falconer families & loaned it all to his sister, Mrs S.D. Fitton at a time shortly before her death & is was apparently lost in the confusion following her death & diligent inquiry he made of her two sons who administered her estate failed to find the material. Says he traced the Crawfords out of Washington Co, Pa & found them he thinks back of Pa in Va.

When in Scotland, he found the Crawford records concentrated at Ayr & Dumfries.

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A letter dated Jany 25, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 8, from David Crawford Beckett of 1663 Roosevelt Ave, Lakewood, O See book 19 p 93

David Crawford Beckett born Apr 23, 1878 see book 10 p 92 & 93 is the son of Robert of Robert & wife Mary Crawford, married Nov 30, 1905 to Edna Kerr born Sept 21, 1881 near Troy, O daughter of Perry Kerr & wife Susan Emmaline Kessler. They have had three children born, the first one at Dayton, O & the other two [no birth place listed]

1. Dorothy Kessler Beckett born Oct 25, 1906

2. Marthabelle Beckett born May 11, 1908

3. Sara Helen Beckett born Mch 21, 1920

All at home single.

V20 Page 132

A letter dated Nov 7, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 17, from Rose Jane White of No 42 Montgomery Ave, Shippensburg, Pa See book 17 p 412 & 409 et seq. Speaking of the Green relatives says the only one of this family she ever knew was John Thompson Green buried in the Dickinson Cem, Dickinson Church, who married a McCune of Middle Spring & had 3 children, all dead:

1. Elder, a son, unmarried

2. Oliver M. a minister & foreign missionary who died unmarried when home on a furlough.

3. Elizabeth married to a Rev Logan of Pgh (York Co? what does she mean). She died in Dublin while on a trip to Europe & is buried in Pittsburgh. She left a daughter now married, who try to find as she might have old records of the Green family.

See also book 17 p 278 top.

V20 Page 133

A letter dated Nov 16, 1926 from Newton Craig Thompson, Cananea, Sonora, Mexico in answer to mine of Sept 17, to his father Robert Blean Thompson of Steele City, Neb see book 17 page 247 says he had recently rtd from a visit to his father who will be 91 on Feby 2d next, who handed him my letter for answer & from his father's memory & data at hand, he gathers the following:

Robert B's father was Alexander Newton Thompson (see bk 17 p 246 showing he was son of Alex of John of our John). Said he knew of no Mathew in their branch. He says however that there was a Mathew in Mifflin Tp who was a distant relative. Don't know who he married, but knows he had a son & daughter. Says there was some objection to the daughter's marriage, she being quite prominent in Society, but he is sure she married the man of her choice. He says if I will look up the descendants of Alexander Davidson who lived on Rock Road between Mount Rock & Plainfield, he believes I will be able to get some accurate data, as to Mathew Thompson (see if this is an ancestor of Eleanor D. & Mary B. Woodburn at Newville, Pa make slip covering entire data) see bk 17 p 290. Says there was a Jane Anne Davidson who seems to have had an interest in the Mathew Thompson family.

Robert Blean Thompson was born Feby 2, 1836 near Smicksburgh, Indiana Co, Pa

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He married Feby 22, 1860 Rachel M. Connelly born in Cumberland Co, Pa in 1831? don't know her birthday & died at Steel City, Neb Oct 11, 1910. She was daughter of Joseph Connely [sic] & his wife Jane Crothers, both of Cumberland Co, Pa (see book 17 page 111 for will of her father, John Carothers son of Wm & Isabella). Write about this line. They had four children all sons born at times & places indicated below:

1. Newton Craig Thompson born Nov 9, 1861 in Newton Tp Cumb Co

2. William Connely Thompson born Oct 7, 1866 in Newville, Pa

3. Charles Sumner Thompson born Oct 15, 1868 3 miles south of Newville, Pa

4. Robert Blean Thompson Jr born Aug 7, 1872 3 miles south of Newville, Pa.

1. Newton C. has never married. He is in the copper business & lives at Cananea, Sonora, Mexico & is with the Can. Consol Copper Co.

2. William C., not married

3. Charles S. married Sept 17, 1904 Ethelred Baldwin born May 15, 1878 at Vergenneo, Vermont, daughter of Guy Lawrence Baldwin & his wife Julia A. Spooner. Their children:

1. Julia Rachel Thompson born June 21, 1908

2. Robert Blean Thompson born June 10, 1910

3. Charles Sumner Thompson Jr born Dec 19, 1911

All single & at home.

His address is Bisbee, Arizona, c/o Bank of Bisbee.

V20 Page 135

4. Robert B. Jr married Jany 30, 1901 Mary Jane Wallace born Mch 29, 1874 in Butler Co, Pa daughter of Francis Wallace & his wife Mary Eveline Garrett. No issue.

Robert B. said his father was brought up & lived at Green Springs, 2 miles west of Newville, Pa. His mother Mary Blean born near Big Spring, between Springfield & Newville Pa Apr 5, 1807 & died. He further suggests that I may be able to get some valuable data from Thomas L. Thompson, Soldier, P.O. Jackson Co, Kansas. I am writing him tonight.

V20 Page 136

Oak Hill Jany 28, 1927 2:30 PM

A letter dated Jany 25, 1927 in answer to mine of 7th inst from Katherine & Rose Crawford, Jeffersonville, Madison Co, Ind says they have no Crawford family records see book 18 p 296-7 except a part of our own family says:

"Our father, James F. Crawford was born at Cumberland Gap, Va June 1, 1820 & died Oct 28, 1884 (the 3d figure is indistinct). I never heard him speak of any relatives living in Penna. All of our family came from Va.

If you will write to Dr W.E. Buxton, West Salem, Edwards Co, Ills, he can probably tell you more than we can. His mother & our father were brother & sister. The Doctor is older than we & knows more about the family. He told us that our grandfather, Alexander Crawford, a cooper by trade, came from Wellsburg, Va (Am writing him now) This is about all I know of the family history" signed Katherine & Rose Crawford.

See page 221

A letter dated Jany 26, 1927 in answer to mine of 7th from Mrs Claudine Crawford Losey of 311 S. 5th St, Streator, Ills, see book 18 p 296-7. Says her father who died 2 yrs ago could have told much about the family. She says he told her when on a visit shortly before his death,

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told her that his father & Col Wm Crawford were very small, they played together (this could not be). She says her gf was William Crawford & his father was Alex & that he & Col Wm Crawford's father were brothers (this statement abt her gf's name & her former statement book 18 p 297 are not in harmony with the letter above. I am writing her about it). She says the Alex Crawford people came from Dublin, Ireland (I wd say probably sailed from there) & settled in Va, from where Col Wm formed a Regiment & was captured & burnt at the stake of sapling bent over to the ground. It was said as he was being tortured, he never opened his mouth. Says her father told her they had Crawford reunions at Sandusky, O.

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[fermata mark appears here]

Oak Hill Jany 30, 1927 10 AM

When Emma E. Laughlin was here on Sept 21, 1926 she spoke of Mrs John A. Thompson, daughter-in-law of William Thompson who married Deborah Laughlin. She was Mary Todd, born Mch 10, 1853 & lives on the old Wm Thompson farm abt 2 miles north of Lore City, Guernsey Co, O P.O. Lore City, O RFD. Her husband, John Alexander Thompson was born 1849, see page 86 "Laughlin Hist" & refer thereto & get data when making slip to go see her. She will have we think the old Thompson records of that line. Ask about her Todds.

A letter dated Jany 25, 1927 in answer to mine of 12th from Mrs Frances Anna Langley of Uniondale, Ind, daughter of Hercules S. Kilgore see bk 19 p 451 says her father was married 1st June 9, 1861, married 2d Dec 23, 1911. His first wife Margaret Newkirk was born Feby 1, 1840 in Adams Co, O & died Dec 17, 1902. She was daughter of Cyrus Newkirk & his wife Cassa Ann Phillips. His children by her were six but Mrs Langley only reports five, giving their married names. She says she can't give their records & for me to get them from them, so I am writing to them all. She says her brother, Austin Kilgore of Gas City

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Ind has the family bible.

See bk 23 page 331.

1. Retta Gordon Russiaville, Howard Co, Ind

2. Evaline Bloxham, Fairhope, Baldwin Co, Ala

3. Lucinda Kelley, Rochester, Fulton Co, Ind

4. Austin Kilgore, Gas City, Grant Co, Ind. She thinks he has the family bible

[5. not listed]

6. Frances Ann Kilgore born Oct 3, 1867 married May 3, 1891 Henry C. Langley born Mch 20, 1865 son of Isaac Langley of Ky & his wife Almira Overton. Henry C. was a teacher & farmer. She has three children:

1. Gertrude Irene Langley born Mch 3, 1893

2. Gladys Ione Langley born Oct 3, 1894

3. Florence Fredith Langley born Oct 31, 1897

2. Gertrude Irene was married Sept 28, 1911 to Guy C. Conrads & has two children born at Marion, Ind.

I. Leta Mae Conrads born Aug 29, 1913

II. Charles Conrads Jr born Apr 4, 1917

Mrs Langley writes Feby 9, 1927 that her fathers' widow, Mrs Anna Kilgore is at Columbus, O. I have name Hannah Shaffer. Make slip to see her & get dates of birth & death & her parentage.

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A letter dated Jany 26, 1927 in answer to mine of 12th from John W. Stillwell of Swayzee, Ind only surviving child of Joshua Stillwell & his wife Margaret Kilgore see book 19 page 451 give records of the family as follows & says he is the only one who could give it:

Joshua Stilwell born Dec 13, 1826

Margaret Kilgore born July 17, 1830

Joshua Stilwell & Margaret Kilgore married Nov 3, 1849

Joshua Stilwell died Mch 11, 1887

Margaret Stilwell died July 19, 1911. Both buried at Pt Isabel Cem, Grant Co, Ind.

There were 8 children born to them viz:

1. William Stilwell born Dec 17, 1850 died Jany 24, 1893

2. Joseph Stilwell born Oct 23, 1852 died Oct 26, 1871

3. Emaline Stilwell born Nov 9, 1854

4. Francis M. Stilwell born May 26, 1857

5. Mary D. Stilwell born May 26, 1857

6. Amanda A. Stilwell born Aug 25, 1859

7. John W. Stilwell born Aug 8, 1863

8. Susana Stilwell born Aug 8, 1863, died July 19, 1872

John W. Stilwell born in Grant Co, Ind as above married Feby 6, 1887 Elizabeth Hannah, daughter of William Hannah & his wife Mary.

William Stilwell was married to Catherine

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Eakins, daughter of Johnson Eakins & his wife. No date. Two children: Hattie Green, Marion, Ind & Ellsworth Stilwell, Howard Co, Ind.

Emaline Stilwell was married to David John, son of Ebenezer John & his wife. NO date. Two children living: Forest John & Pearl Downing.

Francis M. Stilwell married Belzona Williams, daughter of Elameson Williams & his wife Catharine. No date.

I have nine children:

1. Mrs Anna Gustin, Swayzee, Ind

2. William Stilwell, Swayzee, Ind

3. Mrs Halcie Masterson, Marion, Ind

4. Myrl Stillwell, Swayzee, Ind

5. Mrs May Owings, Marion, Ind

6. Mrs Fay Gale, Marion, Ind

7. Wayne Stillwell, Swayzee, Ind

8. Ruth Stillwell, Swayzee, Ind

9. Wendell Stillwell, Swayzee, Ind.

[variation in Stilwell/Stillwell spelling noted]

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A letter dated Jany 25, 1927 in answer to mine of 8th from Miss Cora B. Traber, Waterloo, Neb says that John Treber, born 1782 died 1856 brother of Jacob Treber 1776-1872 who married Jane Thoroman & his wife Elizabeth Crawford see book 19 p 113 were her grandparents & says her father, James R. Traber was their only son (see three daughters listed b 19 p 113) Cora B. says her grandfather, John Traber had died before her parents were married. She says she had an only brother John Crawford Traber who has been dead a number of years. Says she knows nothing of relatives of her grandparents. See page 263. She says Miss Lucy Crawford, a teacher for many years in the high schools at Hamilton, O is a daughter of John Crawford, who Cora thinks was a cousin of her father. I am writing her.

Writing again Feby 10, 1927 Cora B. Traber says her father & Mother separated when she was a small child & they were not on friendly terms with her grandmother Traber (nee Elizabeth Crawford, sister she thinks of Mary Crawford who married Beckett or her two daughters that lived in Hamilton, O & never knew th Humes. She says her father, James Robinson Traber born in Hamilton, O 1829 died at Waterloo, Neb June 1883. He married Apr 1857 at Cincin, O Mary Cullen born Oct 1833 & died July 20, 1885 at Hamilton, O. They had 2 children:

1. John Crawford Traber born May 22, 1858 ob July 25, 1901 at Waterloo, Neb.

2. Cora Belle Traber born Oct 11, 1861 at Hamilton, O.

John C. Traber married Sept 30, 1897 at Omaha, Neb Mary Belle Austin born at Pittsburg, Pa Mch 14, 1866. They had one child, John Cullen Traber born Sept 27, 1898 who is single & he, his mother & Cora B. my informant all live at Waterloo, Neb. Mary Belle Austin is daughter of William Henry Austin & his wife Mary Findley.

Mary Cullen was daughter of John & Julia Cullen. Don't know Julia's maiden name.

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Oak Hill, Jany 31, 1927 8:50 PM

A letter dated Jany 28, 1927 from Mrs Margaret Carrithers, 1937 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, Ky in answer she says to letters from me to her husband & niece. Says the name is spelled three ways in KY Carothers, Caruthers & Carrithers. She says their ancestor, Adam Carrithers had an Act of Legislature passed (see if by Ky Legislature as I expect) changing it from Carothers.

"Our ancestor, Adam, came here with his parents in 1796 & settled near Wakefield (Spencer Co) Ky. We are not able to establish the names of his parents, but we do know they came from Pa & we think from Allegheny Co" (It was from Allegheny Co see book 9 p 55 & book 16 p 390 et seq)

"This Adam established a home in Spencer Co (Taylorsville is Co seat) & donated funds to build a church which was named for him. This church is 124 yrs old. His remains are buried nearby.

Adam was married three times & eleven children (he had 12, one d.y.) Francis, William, Charles, James (Jane?) & Robert by first wife Mary Cunningham. His second wife Elizabeth Montgomery, a widow with one child bore him six children (were 7) Ruth, Mary, John, Joseph, Ada & Isaac. His third wife was Asenith Harding

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& they had no children.

I can give the names of all the children of the eleven named. If you can furnish any data that could establish the father of Adam & his connection in Pa, I will be so glad to exchange with you. One reason for our delay in replying was to establish our line with Adam. I hope for a very early reply & promise to furnish names & connections if desired.

Sincerely, (Mrs W.D.) Margaret Carrithers, 1937 Frankfort, Ave Louisville, Ky"

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Oak Hill Feby 1, 1927 3:25 PM

A letter dated Jany 28, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 12, from Martha E. Crothers of 2407 W 9th ST, Los Angeles, Calif see page 16 this book enclosed an old yellow family record, which was marked recd from Isabella Jolly June 2, 1892 & is the same paper recd from Mr Geiger in Springfield, O & which I had copied there Dec 6, 1926 at Hotel Shawnee, on comparison, I find this paper lists the children, 8 of them, of Jane Crothers & John Williams which were not given in the other record & I am listing them here viz:

4. Jane Crothers, daughter of Benj Crothers, who died July 10, 1800 on his farm near Lexington, KY. He was over 6 ft & had 9 children. His wife Susanna remained in Ky until 1811 when she moved to Ohio. Benj was a Revolutionary soldier & a member of the Flying Camp. He was one of the 5 children of William Crothers & Mary Doak, natives of Ireland. Jane married John Williams & moved to Dayton, O where they lived & died. Left 8 children:

1. Lockhart

2. Herbert

3. Mary, married Mr King

4. Sarah married Mr Boal

5. Anna married Mr Wallace 6. Elizabeth married Mr Wallace

7. Lucinda married Mr R.S. Douglass

8. Susan married Mr Henry Stoddard.

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5. William bought land in sight of Washington D.C., was mortally wounded at battle of New Orleans, married the widow Pool & had 3 children:

1. Mary Ann

2. Samuel

3. Abner

6. John Crothers learned the tanning trade, married & moved to Madison, Indiana

8. Mary never married. She died of a disease of the stomach.

Martha E. says she is the daughter of William Lockart [sic] Crothers & his wife Susannah Barnett Crothers. Wm L. was a son of James born July 29, 1777 & died Apr 2, 1853 & his wife Ann Wilson born 1782 & died Aug 26, 1850. They were married in 1800. Both were born in Franklin Co, Pa & had nine children. He was son of Benjamin who died in 1800. James children were:

1. Benjamin Lowry born Feby 1, 1802

2. Samuel W. born Jany 27, 1806

3. William Lockhart born Apr 1, 1809 ob Oct 29, 1883

4. Martha Wilson born Apr 27, 1813 ob June 14, 1894

5. John P. born Sept 12, 1815

6. Susan J. born May 18, 1818 ob Dec 31, 1839

7. Margaret A.N. born Nov 14, 1821 ob 1898

8. Abner born June 22, 1825 ob Aug 18, 1830

9. James P. born July 1, 1827 ob Aug 21, 1830

See pages 304-5 & p 388

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See Bk 22 p 2

William Lockhart Crothers & Susannah Wilson Barnett were married at her father's on a farm near Monroe, O by Rev Saml P. McGrew May 28, 1835. They had nine children:

I. Samuel Barnett B May 7, 1836 ob Sept 17, 1841

II. James Prestley b Feby 15, 1839 ob Oct 9, 1841

III. Mary Ann b Nov 6, 1841, ob Apr 15, 1873

IV. Sarah Elizabeth b Oct 3, 1843 ob Aug 25, 1844

V. Martha Emily b Jany 5, 1845

VI. Nancy Jane b Oct 23, 1847 ob July 24, 1849

VII. Abner Mitchel b Nov 24, 1851 ob Aug 26, 1922

VIII. Hester b June 18, 1857 ob Oct 20, 1857

IX. Lavinia Barnett b Nov 5, 1863 ob Dec 22, 1915. She was never married.

Mary A. Crothers & Capt Amaziah Winger were married in our home 425 S. Fountain Ave,Springfield, O by Doctor Jos Clokey & Rev Bauman Oct 29, 1867.

Martha E, my informant & Dr C.T. Orner were married at Rev M.W. Hamma's, Reading, Pa Aug 3, 1868. Were divorced on acct of his infidelity June 22, 1895.

A. Mitchel & Stella Reid were married at her home in Jackson, Mich Oct 26, 1885. Mitchel afterwards married Marie Moore May 27, 1911.

Susannah W. Crothers died Mch 7, 1873 in their home at 425 S. Fountain Ave Springfield, O. She & her husband buried in Ferncliff Cem. Samuel, James, Sarah & Nancy buried in a little cemetery east of Monroe. Hester is buried in an old cemetery east Springfield, O. Susannah Wilson Barnett was daughter of Samuel Barnett & his wife Mary Mitchell

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The last half of above record is not from the record she sent, but from the one Mrs Geiger loaned me & from which I have copied & am filing both with large envs & with my typed records. Martha E. says she has heard her father Wm L. say many times that he did not claim relationship with any that did not spell their name as he did.

Oak Hill Feby 23, 1927 9:42 AM

A letter dated Feby 18, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 2d, from Martha E. Crothers 2407 W 9th St Los Angeles, Calif see above says:

1. Benj Lowry Crothers, her Uncle died in Sparta, Ills, was married but she "don't know anything of his family"

2. Samuel W. "don't know date of death"

4. Martha W. born 1813-1894

7. Margaret A.N. born Nov 14, 1821-1898

6. Susan J. she thinks she was unmarried when she died.

3. the maiden name of Susannah Wilson Barnett's mother was Mary Mitchell

V. Dr C.T. Orner born Sept 17, 1846 son of Jesse Orner & his wife Evelyn Petitt were married 1868 & divorced 1895 & never had any children. "Judge granted me my maiden name". "I don't know date of Dr Orner's death"

Don't know Stella Reid's birth or parentage. She & Al Mitchel Crothers were divorced abt 1902 never had any children. She afterwards married a lawyer named Johnson in Cleveland, O who has since died. A Mitchel Crothers & Marie Moore were married in 1910. She was born in Bowling Green, Ky Oct 2, 1852 & died Feby 4, 1926 "A Mitchell never had any children". "He died Aug 26, 1927"

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Received the paper below Oct 14, 1926 from Miss Ella Carruthers, Xenia, O.

"the derivation of the name Carruthers is a matter of some dispute, one authority gives it as coming from Caer-Rythyris (the fort of Rydderch) while another derives it from Cuir-Ruther (the fort of Ruther). The family is one of the oldest in Scotland. They possessed lands there at the time when Gaelic was spoken over the South of Scotland. Their original possessions, no doubt, consisted of the Parish of Carruthers in Dumfriesshire from which in all probability their surname was derived in the beginning of the 11th century, when surnames were first adopted, the name of the parish having previously been derived from either Caer-Rythyris or Cuir Ruther. The parish however, was united to Middlebie in 1609 along with the Parish of Pennersaughs which belonged to the Carlisles.

In the time of Wallace & Bruce, other parishes were added to the lands of Carruthers such as Mouswald, Dalton, etc. In the churchyard at Mouswald, there is still to be seen a recumbent effigy of Sir Simon Carruthers who was killed in 1484. It has now suffered much from exposure to the weather & neglect. Carruthers churchyard, an interesting relic of a forgotten parish, may still be seen."

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Three Creeks, Ark

Mch 5, 1858

Hon David Kilgore

Dear Sir:

I recd a note from Hon E.A. Warren enclosing one from yourself to him making inquiries of him respecting my name, parentage etc. for the purpose of ascertaining whether we (you & myself) were of the same family. My knowledge of my own genealogy is somewhat limited. However, know that my great grandfather came from Ireland about 200 yrs ago with four sons & settled either in Penna or Maryland. The names of his sons were Ralph, William, Charles & Thomas. The last named was my grandfather who settled in an early day in North Carolina, from whence he, in company with my father, then quite a youth, removed to Tennessee, immediately after the Revolutionary War. Tennessee was then an unbroken wilderness & they were forced to build & live in a fort as a protection against the Indians. This fort was called Killgore's Station & was situated near where Nashville now stands. My grandfather died since my recollection at the advanced age of 110 years. My fathers name was also Thomas. He had a traditionary [sic] history of the family, origin of the name etc. As nearly as I can recollect, it was about as follows: The name originated in Scotland during some of the wars between that country

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& England. An individual by the name of Douglass, who it appears was "a man of blood" being met was asked where he had been. He answered: "To kill men". He was then asked where he was going & he replied "To kill more" & thus the name in time became Killgore. This appears frivolous, but such is the legend, & there must be some truth in it as all the family have some such tradition, and one of the name, a native of Scotland, whom I met a few years ago, had about the same tradition about the origin of the name & doubtless if you are of the same family, you have heard some such legend. My father had three brothers, all of whom were actively engaged in the Revolutionary War & one of them was shot through at the battle of Kings Mountain. If you are a relative to us, you will have no cause to blush on account of those four then young men as they all fought & shed their blood freely in battling for the liberty we now enjoy. We have relations in Indiana & Kentucky. I remember having seen at my father's house in Tennessee, many years ago, four men of our name whose given names were John, Huey, David & Charles. I have heard my father speak of an Obed Killgore who was a relation. Where he lived I do not know. The name James was a common one in our family. I recollect hearing my grandfather say that all of the

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of the name were related, which must necessarily be true according to the legend. I think sir, we have a right to be proud of the name as I have never yet seen it associated with crime or infamy. So may it ever be. I enclose you a short obituary notice of my father who recently died at the age of ninety four years. I close sir with the request that you write to me & let me know the history of your immediate family which I will take as a great favor.

Respectfully yours etc

G.L. Killgore


Original owned by Mrs Mary Orlena Nelson of Yorktown, Indian route 2, Delaware Co, Mt Pleasant Tp.

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Oak Hill Feby 4, 1927 10:18 AM

A letter dated Jany 31, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 12, from James A. Hanlin, St Cloud Florida see book 19 p 505 gives the following for record of his wife & himself & their children etc.

For date of his mother's birth, married & death he refers me to his sister, Mrs Mary Van Kirk, Arch St, Portland, Ind. Make slip to go see her as she must be old (her brother is 89) & see if her husband is of those from Dayton, O & Long Beach Calif & get line if so. Hotel Adan is where I stopped here. He says for date of his own marriage & for record of his daughter Jennie he refers me to her, Mrs Geo W. Clark at No 2522 Station St, Indianapolis, Ind, who has the records & to whom I am writing today.

Phoebe Isenhart born July 14, 1840 died in Union City, Ind May 1, 1911 & is buried in Fort Recovery, O aged 70 yrs 9 mos 17 days. She married Oct 23, 1862 James Alexander Hanlin born Mch 23, 1838 in Stark Co, Ohio, son of Alexander Hanlin who was born Apr 1, 1813 in Wash Co, Pa & died Apr 7, 1870 in Jay Co, Ind & his wife Jane Gearhart. They had five children:

1. infant daughter, stillborn July 27, 1863

2. Elizabeth Jane born Jany 19, 1865 in Mercer Co, Ohio

3. Perry Elmer born Apr 12, 1868 in Kankakee Co, Ills

4. Florence Bell born Oct 11, 1869 in Kankakee Co, Ills

5. Gracie May born May 5, 1877 in Union City, Ind & died Aug 30, 1877 in infancy aged 3 mos & 25 days.

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2. Elizabeth Jane (Jennie) No 2522 Station St, Indianapolis, Ind who has 4 girls see book 19 p 505. I am writing for her record see page 227.

See page 226

3. Perry Elmer. He says to write direct to him at Hilton Village, Warwick Co, Va which I am doing today. His sister, Mrs Clark says his address is Newport News, Va c/o Noland Co Plumb & heating supplies

4. Florence Bell married Jany 1st 1895 William W. Worl, born May 22, 1866 in Randolph Co, Ind, son of Geo W. Worl & wife Anne Ripley & living at corner 7th & Carolina Ave, St Cloud, Fla where her father also lives. Have three children born as stated below. P.O. Box 932

1. George Hanlin Worl born June 7, 1897 at Farmland, Ind

2. Mary Elizabeth Worl born Dec 24, 1902 at Union City, Ind

3. Lulu Adine Worl born Feby 21, 1905 in Jay Co, Ind.

1. Geo H. lives in Chicago, Ills

2. Mary Elizabeth married Sept 16, 1919 Eli Winfield Hutchens born Mch 12, 1870 see below, son of Winfield Hutchens & his wife Lillie Holliday. Both living at Losantville, Ind. He was born at East Bend, Yadkin Co, N.C.

3. Lulu A. at home single

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A letter dated Feby 2, 1927 in answer to mine of abt Jany 10th from Mrs Gladys Martha Markle Mosey daughter of Geo B.O. Markle of David of Adam see book 19 p 345-6. Says she now lives at 914 Linden Grove Ave, Lansing Mich. Married 1st June 28, 1920 to Percy D. Haven born July 28, 1899 at Onondaga, Mich son of Nelson G. Haven & wife Elizabeth Ryan, divorced Apr 1924. No issue. Married 2d Nov 4, 1924 to Elza F. Mosey born Sept 8, 1898 & living at above number son of Frank Emerson Mosey & wife Irene Mote. He is a salesman. No issue. She wishes to buy a book.

A letter dated Feby 2, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 28th from the Soldiers Home, Dayton, O says that Thos A. Conley was admitted in Sept 1926 & that he then stated he was 84 yrs old & further state that he died at the Home Dec 14, 1926 & was shipped to Muncie, Ind for burial. The address of his son there is J. Wm Conley No 1436 W. 15th St Muncie, Ind who no doubt could furnish the other dates requested.

See page 218

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A letter dated Feby 1, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 8 from Mrs Cora Kilgore of 144 Linwood Ave, Dayton, O who signs herself as "Private Investigator" says she has been separated from her husband for six years. Says she does not know much about her husband's family, but knows where she can obtain same if compensated, as she is on good terms with her ex-husband's father, but would have to go out of Dayton to get it. See page 262

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Oak Hill, Feby 5, 1927 10:50 PM

A letter dated Feby 2, 1927, small env in answer to mine of Jany 28, from Prof Theodore H. Jack see book 16 page 102 prof of American History in Emory University, Ga (a P.O.) enters heart & soul in my work & says to send him a book with a bill for it when it comes out. His father, James Jack was a great grandson of James, the bearer through Patrick 1769-1821 & his son James 1800-1875 a Confederate Capt see book 16 pages 98, 99 & 102, he being the youngest son of the latter James. He says his oldest brother, Senator Edwin S. Jack of Greensboro, Ala is better informed & he has sent my letter to him. I wrote him in June & he answered but I have not yet reached it to record & acknowledge. Theo H. says he has manuscript lists of our ancestry in this country back to the early days of the 18th century & as soon as he can bring them to light, he will forward me a copy.

He says Fanny Jack, daughter of his father's oldest brother Edward Jack has prepared a pamphlet of the family (which she has sent me). Says her address is Brandon, Miss c/o Mrs S.L. McLaurin. He says he is "outrageously proud" of being a Jack to which in the language of U.S. Senator T.C. Platt of NY I can say "me too".

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Oak Hill, Feby 6, 1927 9:15 AM

A letter dated Feby 3, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 8, 1927 from Miss Laura B. Skinner, Hagen Ave, Morrow, O see book 18 p 497-9 enclosed some obituary notices & post cards note of which I am making & then returning.

1. obituary of her mother Elizabeth Smith Skinner. Have her record in book 18 p 408

2. obituary of her father, Richard A. Skinner. Have record pages 407 & 408. Says his grandfather, see p 407, Cornelius Skinner came from Va abt a century ago say abt 1810 where he was given 4000 A of land for his services in the Revolutionary War & it was on said land that his grandson died.

3. obituary of Miss Susan Skinner daughter of Richard A. Skinner & his wife Eliza Jack (daughter of James Jack 1774-1816) who was born Mch 31 1836 & died Dec 10, 1916 "aged 80 yrs 8 mos & 9 days"

Says that in her early childhood, the family circle was broken by the death of her father, leaving a widow, 5 sons & 4 daughters & her aged grandmother. Susan was the nurse & ray of sunshine in the family & community & went about always doing good.

4. obituary of the wife of Alfred Skinner, Uncle of Laura B. who was Mary Elizabeth Murrell, older daughter of Bennett & Nancy Murrell who was born near Clarksville, O Jany 5, 1847 & died Dec 4, 1913

She married Jany 20, 1870 Alfred Skinner & they had three daughters & one son. Two of the daughters died in childhood within five

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days of each other. Her husband, son John M. & daughter survive.

5. Obituary of Alfred Skinner, Her Uncle born Feby 14, 1847 & died Oct 17, 1919, survived by his son & daughter & two grandchildren.

6. a post card showing picture of a young boy, Arnold LaRue Thompson 2 yrs 9 mos old (but no date) great grandson of Laura B's great Uncle Elijah Jack, brother of her father's mother Eliza Jack Skinner.

7. post card showing home of Elijah Jack near Oasis, Iowa

8. post card Street View Oasis, Iowa.

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A letter dated Jany 31, 1927 in answer to mine of say Jany 10, to his brother Harley O. Kilgore at Point Isabel, Ind, from Ward M. Kilgore see book 19 p 452, Trustee of Green Tp, Grant Co, Ind P.O. Swayzee, RFD 2 Ind, says he is very much interested in the history & will gladly give me all the help he can. The early part of the history he gives me about his ggf & his gf is taken, he says, from a History of Grant Co, Ind, published in 1886. He hears of other relatives getting letters from me & says one Thos Jefferson Kilgore of Point Isabel, Ind is very old & sick & the only surviving child of Jonathan Kilgore, a brother of Ward M's gf. He is enlisting his granddaughter in getting up his line. I am putting the information he gives in table form commencing on page 162.

Apr 1, 1927. Another letter dated Mch 1, 1927 from Ward M. Kilgore Swayzee, Ind says his & brother Vienna & Auston, page 162 were born & died before his birth & he can't get the dates. Look for tombstones at Knox Chapel Cem. Am making slip.

He says Thos Jefferson Kilgore, see above & page 163 does not know the name of his great grandfather. His granddaughter is Miss Helen Kilgore RFD No 2 Swayzee, Ind to whom Ward M. suggest I write, so I am doing so.

He says the County Supt of Schools of Noble Co, Ind is a Kilgore. I am writing to Albion, Ind. He says he ran across a Kilgore a few

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yrs ago in St Paul, Minn who was a clothing merchant, who said his people came from Penna. Am writing James F. Sperry.

V20 Page 162 & V20 Page 163

[descendant chart]

David Kilgore Sen, a native of Penna & was a second cousin of Judge David Kilgore of Muncie, Ind. He owned a poor farm in Clarion Co, Pa which he sold about 1824, see book 19 p 447 & went down the river on a raft to Dearborn Co, Ind. Ward M. copying no doubt from the "History" says this was in 1821 & says his wife Margaret Baird also a native of Penna. The wife died the same year in Dearborn Co, Ind. David Sr, then moved to Franklin Co, Ind where he lived & died. I am listing below such of his children as his grandson Marcus M. Kilgore told me Nov 23, 1926 at his home in Marion, Ind, he had heard of. There may have been others. The grandfather of this David Senr was evidently one of the 18 sons of James & Elizabeth & the indications point to its being Hugh. David Senr taught school in Franklin Co, Ind.


Hugh Kilgore ob, married. Lived in Penna

Return Kilgore [sic] Living near Clarion, Pa in 1883-4

John Kilgore, ob, married. Lived & died in Tippecanoe Co, Ind at Monroe, Ind.

Orlando Kilgore lived in Tippecanoe Co.

Ellen Kilgore, ob. married to a Larkin. Lived & died at Monroe, Ind. Had issue, one a son.

David Kilgore, born in Penna July 31, 1808 ob Jany 3, 1892, married Apr 9, 1829 Charity Sizelove who Ward says was born in Hamilton Co, O Jany 15, 1812 (see statement of her son Marcus M. book 19 p 450) & died July 26, 1879 in Green Tp, Grant Co, Ind. They had nine children, all born in Franklin Co, Ind. In 1851, he moved to Grant Co, Ind. See book 19 p 450.

Margaret Kilgore, b July 17, 1830, ob, married

Joseph Kilgore, b Sept 21, 1832 ob Aug 1, 1834

Susannah Kilgore, b Dec 11, 1834, ob, married

James Kilgore, b Dec 11, 1836, ob, married

Hercules Snow Kilgore, b Dec 23, 1839, ob married

Sophronia Ellen Kilgore, B Apr 5, 1841, ob married

John Murray Kilgore, B Oct 2, 1844, ob married

George Wesley Kilgore, B Jany 2, 1847 ob Dec 8, 1917, married Jany 27, 1872 Mary Angeline Rybolt born Sept 8, 1856 in Grant Co, Ind, died May 14, 1925. Both buried at Knox Chapel Cem. Green Tp, Grant Co, Ind. She was daughter of Jarret Rybolt & wife Rachel Foster. They had 4 children born in Green Tp, Grant Co, Ind.

Vienna Kilgore, ob

Auston Kilgore, ob

Harlan Oral Kilgore b Sept 26, 1877 married June 21, 1896 to Mabel Clair Roe born at Cambridge City, Ind Feby 17, 1882, daughter of Augustus B. Roe & wife Julia A. Smith. Have 3 children born in Green Tp, Grant Co, Ind.

Ina Clair Kilgore, B Jany 18, 1897 married Sept 10, 1916 Eddie Smith Jr born Jany 27, 1896 in Hancock Tp Tipton Co, Ind, son of Eddie Smith & wife Nora Cage. Have 2 children born in Wildcat Tp Tipton Co, Ind.

Norman Merril Smith, B Dec 14, 1917

Harlan Smith, B July 26, 1919

Merril Jack Kilgore, B June 11, 1898 married June 1919 to Helen Schorr. Have 1 child born in Marion, Ind.

Marian Kilgore, B Feby 4, 1920

Waldo Emerson Kilgore B June 26, 1902 married Mch 20, 1920 to Ethel Figgins born Jany 4, 1904 in Sims Tp Grant Co, Ind, daughter of Valentine Figgins & wife Evaline Slaughter. Have 3 children born near Swayzee, Ind.

Jean Kilgore B Feby 1, 1921

Max Kilgore b Oct 13, 1922

Joann Kilgore B Dec 3, 1924

Warden Milo Kilgore, my informant, b Oct 16, 1887 married 1st Feby 5, 1908 Golda John, daughter of Lewis Allen John & wife Nancy Ellen Sallee [Saltee?] who was born in Green Tp Jany 21, 1885 & died Sept 18, 1918. Had one child. Married 2d Feby 18, 1922 Mrs Zoa Opal Conway born Feby 1, 1884 in Walnut Tp, Marshall Co, Ind daughter of John Jackson & wife Cynthia Davis & widow of Littleton Everett Conway.

George Rupert Kilgore B Nov 25, 1910 born in Green Tp .

Marcus Miller Kilgore, [son of David & Charity (Sizelove)

Kilgore] b June 26, 1850, married.

Jonathan Kilgore [son of David Kilgore Sr & Margaret Baird] ob, married. Lived & died at Pt Isabel, Ind. Had 6 sons & 2 daughters. See bk 19 p 449.

Cynthia Kilgore, youngest, ob, married.

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[descendant chart]

Irene Edna Gaddis born July 7, 1884, daughter of Francis Mason Gaddis see page 118, married Dec 11, 1901 Lee Roy Brewington from whom she writes Feby 4, 1927, she is separated.


Anna Irene Brewington b July 21, 1902

Ruth Jennett Brewington, b Nov 23, 1903 married Feby 13, 1926 at Cleveland, O. to ______ Frick

Donald Gaddis Brewington b Feby 17, 1906

Wayne LeRoy Brewington b Aug 22, 1908

Laura Bernice Brewington b Dec 3, 1911

Mary Christine Brewington b Dec 25, 1912

Wesley Eugene Brewington, B Aug 27, 1915 ob Dec 18, 1916

Hattie Louise Brewington, B Nov 14, 1918

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A letter dated Jany 31, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10, from Frank Long Pleasant Hill, O See book 19 p 549 & item 201 there, says the Andrew Jack Long there mentioned was a brother of his grandfather, John Long who had two other brothers, James & William Long. He says his father's name was John T. Long. Am writing to know what his ggfather's name was & whether his wife was a Jack

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Oak Hill Feby 7, 1927 10:46 PM

A letter dated Feby 4, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10, from Harry H. Jack, florist, Landscape Architect & Gardener RR #2 Muncie, Ind says he does not know much about his ancestors as he did not have a home after he was about 6 yrs old. Says however that his father has one sister still in Indianapolis, Ind & he has written to a sister living there to go & see her. He gives some dates of his father & grandfather that leads me to think he may have an old bible. He gives: "Grandparents: Matthew G. Jack born July 8, 1812, Penna

Liza Ann Akins born Jany 3, 1815"

Father: Lewis L. Jack born May 26, 1838 Gintown, Ohio, died Mch 12, 1925 enlisted in Northern Army June 4, 1863 discharged Feby 29, 1864. Says he will be very much interested in the history if found to be of same family. See book 19 page 383. I have in my records somewhere reference to this Mathew & think it is the Chester Co, Phila family & Mrs Shoemaker's. Am writing him.

Feby 26, 1927 10:25 AM

He writes Feby 21, that his father was born at Gintown, Warren Co, O & that he thinks his ie his father's sister has an old bible & her address is: Miss Nellie Jack 967 W. 29th St c/o J. Ullery, Indianapolis, Ind & that the inf sent me before was from his own sister in Logansport, Ind who had gotten it from this Aunt. See page 257

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A letter dated Feby 4, 1927 in answer to a recent one from me, from Prof W. Shaffer Jack of 1926 Diamond St, Phila, Pa where he is Prof of Romantic Languages & Literature in the University of Penna & whose name I saw in Red & Black where notice was made of his sonnets & strays [sic] which were added to the library. He is a W & J graduate & is intensely interested in the history. He sends record of his gf & others which I am noting here. He also says a certain Michael J. is of the Revolutionary times. He says:

My grandparents:

William Jack, Sept 16, 1804, Nov 21, 1886, eldest child, born near Braddock?

Grace Vance Jack (nee Holmes) Oct 24, 1804, Apr 13, 1885

Married June 12, 1828

Great grandparents:

Robert Jack, Ellen Jack (nee Stewart)

Great great grandparent:

Thos Jack

In 1915, I has some correspondence with a Mr S.E. Eshleman, 71 N. Emily st, Crafton, Pa on the Columbia Steel & Shaping Co, Pgh on the subject of the Jack family, but never had a reply to my last letter to him. It might be, however that he has some further information than I possess. Make slip to hunt or look him up. He says he

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should have some further data.

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Oak Hill, Feby 10, 1927 9:20 PM

A letter dated Feby 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Sept 1926 & Jany 1927 from Robert Bruce Hemphill of Keota, Colo see bk 17 p 453 where I have recorded much of the data given, but not having room there to give his own record, I am recording here what he has so far given & writing to bring it down to date.

Robert Bruce Hemphill see b 17 p 453, married Feby 26, 1897 Fannie Ralston, born near Ottumwa, Iowa July 24, 1875 daughter of O.P. Ralston & his wife Jane Harlan. Their children are:

1. Perry Ralston Hemphill born March 22, 1898

2. Robert Clark Hemphill born Apr 10, 1899

3. Harold Jennings Hemphill born Aug 27, 1900

4. Mary Helen Hemphill born July 7, 1902

5. Forrest Harlan Hemphill born Feby 25, 1904

1. Perry R. Hemphill married Sept 13, 1925 Lorena B. Cowel, daughter of Arthur & Grace Cowel who was born at Unadilla, Neb Feby 18, 1907. He is a farmer, P.O. Eaton, Colo. Have one child born at Keota, Col.

1. Arthur Bruce Hemphill born Apr 29, 1926

2. Robert C. Hemphill married June 14, 1925 Hazel E. Dinsmore, daughter of Herbert & Mary Dinsmore who was

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born near Austin, Minn July 23, 1902. He is a farmer near Ft Morgan, Colo. No issue.

3. Harold J. is unmarried & works in the mineral Mills at Cheynne, Wyo

4. Mary H. Hemphill married Aug 26, 1921 Guy T. Vawter, son of Hiram & Minnie Vawter, who was born Mch 1, 1898 near Chariton, Iowa. They live in Keota, Colo & have two children:

1. Rose E.

2. Elsa M.

5. Forrest H. is unmarried & is in business in Keota, Colo

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A letter dated Feby 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 7, to his mother Harriet Jack St John of Ottawa, Kansas who writes now from her winter home at El Campo, Texas see book 18 page 361-2 from her son Bert Edward St John, who lives at 2458 Wabash Ave, Kansas City, Mo, says he was born near Lebanon, O July 31, 1879. He married June 19, 1904 Minnie Elizabeth Spurgeon born Aug 14, 1879 daughter of Joseph Spurgeon & wife Leota Bell Catlett. They have one child

1. Dora Alberta St John.

A letter dated Feby 8, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 12 from Mrs Elizabeth Markle, see page 45, gives the names of the children of Gabriel's children that I had written her for:

1. Mary Ann Markle Talbot's children as I know them: Rebecca, William, Emma & Laura

2. John H. Markle's children: Welcome, Eleanora, Charles, Kenton, John Dennis, Nora, Horace.

3. Rose Ann Markle Judy's: Laura, Charles, Arthur Markle

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6. Gabriel Seniors [sic] Markle's: Charles, William, David

8. Francis Marion Markle: one son: John Marion

9. Harris Patric [sic] Markle: Cora, William, Samuel

11. Emma Markle Gardner's: Naomi Gertrude, Arthur Markle, John Harris, Ickabuds [sic], Frances Rebecka, Josephine, Harry, Homer.

She says she has been sick (is 89 yrs old) & "haven't seen the etic (attic) since you two boys helped me up and down". Says she can't tell about the ages of the Talbots so will have to send my request to Los Angeles, Calif. "I know Rebecka is the oldest & Laura the youngest. Do not know whether William is older than Emma, neither do I know how many of their children died". "I have just put the names down as I remembered them. Perhaps you can straighten what I missed". The address of William Talbot is Tujunga, Calif. signed

Mrs Elizabeth Markle

Make slips with above names & go back to see her. Am writing her to get the data from the Talbots

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Oak Hill Feby 11, 1927 (Thos A. Edison's 80th birthday anniversary)

A letter dated Feby 6, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 7th from Mrs Cora S. Bennett, Merom, Ind see book 18 p 378 says her husband, Rev Austin Hutson Bennett was born at Bridgeport, Lawrence Co, Ills Feby 16, 1862 son of William Thomas Bennett & his wife Martha Emily Carter. He was educated at the Union Christian College, Merom, Ind & is now doing Pastoral & Evangelistic work at Harrisburg, & Greenup, Ills.

She writes that her grandmother (her mother's mother) see book 18 p 374-8 was Sarah Jack daughter of Samuel S. Jack, a very friendly religious soul & she loved her very very much.

They had two children, both born in White Co, Ills the older at Carmi & the youngest at Norris City, Ills

1. Mabel Caroline Bennett born Aug 22, 1897

2. Ruth Wanda Bennett born Aug 31, 1908

1. Mabel Caroline was married Aug 24, 1915 to Rev Lloyd Reich at Louisville, Ills. They are located at present at RR "H" Box 348 Indianapolis, Ind & have 4 living children [five spaces listed, no names]






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2. Ruth Wanda, graduated from Morton High School, Richmond, Ind in 1925 in June & was valedictorian in a class of 177. She is now a sophomore in Earlham College, Richmond, Ind.

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A letter dated Feby 7, 1927 from Mrs Sylvia Smelser, gives record of her brother Stephen Lewis Rothermel which I recorded in place book 19 page 123.

Also of her niece Della Rothermel see bk 19 p 120 which I am transferring here for record:

Della Rothermel born Aug 28, 1878 daughter of Silas Rothermel married 1st Sept 9, 1896 at Connersville, Ind Edward Simmons, who was born in Tennessee abt 50 yrs ago, son of Joseph Simmons & his wife Jane. They separated at Indianapolis, Ind Jany 1906 & were divorced May 12, 1906. He is reported to have died in Oregon abt 2 yrs ago. Married 2d Dec 9, 1918 at Steubenville, O Perry L. Bache born Jany 11, 1877 at Isleta, O son of Frank J. Bache & his wife Harriet Marlatt. He is an engineer on the Penna RR Co & both living at RR 1 Uhrichsville, O.

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A letter dated Feby 8, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 12, from Miss Zella Elizabeth Tice see book 19 p 599 & book 18 p 589 to whom I wrote at Council Bluffs, Iowa, but who now lives at 3011 Starr St, Lincoln, Neb says she is glad to give all the information she possibly can & says she will be glad to have the Thompson Family History if we are able to connect the families. She says they have an old bible record of our grandmother McCoy's brothers & sisters & the date of their deaths, but not of their births. She sends a genealogical table, which starts with these brothers & sisters, ten of them, which I will reproduce on the next two pages & write her for those dates & other information.

Zella says her mother died a few years ago & we have forgotten our ggmother McLucas maiden name, but believe it was Thompson. We know we are related to the Thompson but don't know just how. Our great grandfather's name was John McLucas & we have his family names back to Ireland. Mother has often told us of an Uncle Sam Thompson that was one of the first settlers of Dayton, O. The Thompson family was one of a party that came from Penna by boat down the Ohio & then up the Little Miami River to what is now Dayton, O. They camped & cooked the first meal where the soldiers monument now stands on Maine St. We have distant cousins at Centerville, O who are desc of Sam Thompson. The name Westmoreland Co, Pa is familiar to me as I have heard mother speak of it. See page 306

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[descendant chart]

Dr Samuel Thompson, brother of ggfather, William Thompson

[his daughter:]

Martha Thompson b say 1770 ob May 12, 1839 aged 69 married John McLucas.


Margaret McLucas b Dec 28, 1795 ob Oct 25, 1824, married Mch 5, 1812 David Hole. Note that the McGrews settled in Hole Creek Valley in Ohio. See b 26 p 518

Sarah McLucas ob Aug 29, 1835, married _____ Russell, See b 25 p 388

John McLucas b 1796 ob Oct 2, 1838 see page 496 & 441 see book 21 page 220 see p 494-9

Mary McLucas, b June 28, 1789 ob Oct 16, 1838 married Geo Petro. See page 441. See b 26 p 353.

Nancy McLucas b Jany 17, 1806 ob Nov 9, 1844 aged 38 married Mch 18, 1835 Alexander McCoy b in Highland Co, O Apr 16, 1808 & died 1846.

Martha Jane McCoy, B Nov 23, 1836 ob Aug 25, 1909 married Aug 24, 1858, James M. McLucas, her 1st cousin. Lived & died in Redfield, Iowa. No issue. She was his 2d wife. See book 21 p 220

Sarah Elizabeth McCoy b Dec 20, 1838 ob Mch 31, 1921, married Feby 12, 1862 Anthony H. Tice B Jany 17, 1841 ob Jany 10, 1909

Mary Lillian Tice, B Mch 13, 1863 married _____ Phillips

J. Thos Phillips



Jean Mary Hazel Phillips, married Geo Steinmeyer

C.F. Phillips, married

See b 26 p 360

Araminta Jennie Tice b June 16, 1865 ob Apr 15, 1917, single

Joseph Jerome Tice, b Apr 10, 1869 ob Mch 13, 1905 see b 26 p 355.

Mildred Tice, married Henderson

Marjory Henderson

Howard Henderson

David Henderson Dale Tice, married

Martha Eleanor Tice, B Feby 6, 1871 married Mch 10, 1897 Ivan W. Smith b Feby 9, 1872 at Greencastle, Pa, son of David Robt [best guess] Smith & Sarah B. Osbangle. Has:

Lyle J. Smith, B Mch 16, 1898 married June 1, 1920

Richard Smith, B May 7 [best guess] 1921

Shirley Lyle Smith b Aug 20, 1924

Roy Smith B July 6k 1902 see b 26 p 354

Gale Martin Tice, b Mch 15, 1896 married 1902





Zella Elizabeth Tice, b Nov 18, 1882, my informant for this record single. Lives 3011 Starr St, Lincoln, Neb.

Mary Ann McCoy [daughter of Nancy McLucas & Alexander McCoy] b Jany 16, 1841 ob Feby 4, 1918 married John Claybaugh

Jessie Claybaugh married McCurdy

John Claybaugh

Clem Claybaugh

Sadie Claybaugh

William McLucas [son of Martha Thompson & John McLucas] b Dec 1787 ob Feby 7, 1842 married Mch 2, 1817 Polly Scott, b June 28, 1789 & ob 1864. Lived at Logansport, Ind. Had 5 children see p 440.

1. Alexander McLucas b June 1, 1819 see book 21 p 452

2. Martha Jane McLucas b Feby 11, 1823 see b 21 p 453

3. Belinda McLucas, b Dec 20, 1825 see p 21 p 453

4. John McLucas b Feby 19, 1827 ob July 20, 1903 married July 4, 1847 Sallie Anne Boyles b Mch 30, 1820 & ob Mch 9, 1861, daughter of _____ Boyles & ______ Concannon. Had children. See p 180.

Mary Eliza McLucas b Jany 11, 1849 ob Jany 4, 1906 see b 21 p 454

Julia Ann McLucas b Nov 12, 1850

Evangeline McLucas b Aug 31, 1855 ob Dec 5, 1909

William-Alexander McLucas [this may be twins] born Oct 7, 1852

Elizabeth Jane McLucas, b Jany 6, 1858

Catharine McLucas b Jany 17, 1861 ob July 21, 1861. She & her mother were both buried at Wiscotte Cem 1/2 miles south of Redfield, Iowa. She was born at Martha Jane Maulsby's home there & she cared for the baby. No marker.

John Dayton McLucas by 2d wife [not listed above] b Jany 4, 1865, ob

James Perry McLucas, by 2d wife b July 16, 1870, ob 1882

Ina McLucas by 2d wife b Feby 14, 1863 ob Apr 22, 1864

Addie McLucas by 2d wife b May 12, 1867 ob Sept 5, 1868. 5. William McLucas b May 1, 1830 ob, bachelor

Samuel McLucas [son of Martha Thompson & John McLucas] ob Sept 27, 1865. See book 21 p 440, married.

James McLucas ob July 15, 1851, married

Elizabeth McLucas b 1801, ob Oct 11, 1876 age 75. Never married.

Martha McLucas b 1803, ob Mch 13, 1889 age 86. Never married.

Jane McLucas, b Jany 2, 1805 ob Feby 5, 1878 married William Young who was born Dec 8, 1797 in Scotland & died Dec 1853 & was a tailor by trade. See bk 23 p 414-5

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[descendant chart]

John McLucas, grandson of Martha Thompson McLucas, see other side p 179 b Feby 19, 1827 died July 20, 1903 aged 76 yrs & 1 day. He was born at Hagerstown, Wayne Co, Ind & is buried at Emmon, Kansas. No marker. He died at Washington Kan at Mrs & Mrs Henry A. Parks. Married 1st July 4, 1847 to Sally Ann Boyles born Mch 30, 1830 & died Mch 9, 1861, only child of _____ Boyles & his wife _____ Concannon & had children born in Indiana. Married 2d Sept 21, 1861 to Emily Haworth born Nov 21, 1833 & died Mch 31, 1895, daughter of James Haworth & wife [4]*Penninah Mandlin. Had 4 children born in Indiana. She was buried at Willow Springs, MO.


1. Mary Eliza McLucas b Jany 11, 1849, married Oct 27, 1867 at Kankakee, Ills to John Alexander. She died Jany 4, 1906 see b 21 p 454. Married by Rev J.M. Whitehead.

2. Julia Ann McLucas b Nov 12, 1850 at Logansport, Ind, married Oct 1, 1868 to Geo Bowdle, born in Allen Co, O Sept 6, 1843, son of Henry W. Bowdle & his wife Catherine Rush. Had 3 children born near Kankakee, Ills. He died Jany 14, 1928 in Des Moines, Iowa.

Edward J. Bowdle b Sept 22, 1870 married Oct 15, 1905 Louisa Rolles [best guess, blotted] No issue.

Frances Mary Bowdle, b May 9, 1873 married Oct 12, 1896 Wm C. McLucas born Sept 16, 1866 near Redfield, Iowa, son of John Ritter McLucas & his wife Eliza Ellen Bates. Have 3 children born the first two at Hamilton, Mo & the last one at Des Moines. See bk 21 p 221 P.O. route 3 Des Moines.

George Ray McLucas b Oct 16, 1897 married June 14, 1925 Marydella Dunlap of Macon, Mo born Jany 11, 1899 daughter of Chas Arthur Dunlap & wife Ida Luella Warner.

Opal Fay McLucas b Mch 24, 1900, single

Hazel May McLucas, b Apr 29, 1903 married Mch 10, 1923 John Lehman born Sept 6, 1899 son of Simeon Andrew Lehman & Emma Kupkee. Have 2 children born Des Moines.

Arlene Elizabeth Lehman b Dec 30, 1923

Richard John Lehman b Aug 26, 1925

Eva Ora Bowdle b Oct 28, 1879 ob Oct 15, 1899 married Dec 24, 1896 [5]*Louie H. Petro, b May 10, 1871 in Kankakee, Ills son of Geo Washington Petro & wife Mary E. Kelly

Katie Eva Petro B Aug 31, 1899 married May 13, 1917 Otto Forrest Zent b Aug 10, 1877, son of Geo Stephen Zent & Mary Jemima Fuller. Ottoe Forrest Zent is a carpenter & was born at Hartford, O. Live at 210 W. 23 & Adams, Hutchinson, Kan. Have a son & daughter born at Hutchinson Kan.

Freddie Lester Zent b Jany 13, 1920

Charlotte Esther Zent b Oct 24, 1922

3. William Alexander McLucas [son of John & Sally Ann Boyles] b Oct 7, 1852 ob Dec 12, 1853 in infancy.

4. Evangeline McLucas, b Aug 31, 1855 married July 1[blotted], 1878 at Washington, Ks to Henry H. Parks born in Martinsburg, O Apr 27, 1853 ob Dec 15, 1923. He was son of Wm Hervy Parks & Hannah Dillon. Had 5 sons:

George D. Parks b Jany 15, 1880, married Nov 29, 1922 Theersie [sic] Talcott born Jany 22, 1885 daughter of Peter Walter [sic, no Talcott follows ?] & Eva Housekneeke [best guess, very smeared] P.O. Box 68 Hollenberg, Kan. No issue.

Walter Parks, B Jany 1, 1884 ob Mch 1884 in infancy aged 8 weeks.

Perry Glenn Parks, B May 20, 1888 married Apr 27, 1910 Anna Steinlein b Nov 22, 1885. Lives RR 6 Washington, Kan. Have 3 children.

Theodore Glenn Parks b Apr 10, 1912

James Parks b Apr 5, 1916

Harriet Parks b Apr 3, 1919

John Dwight Parks b July 24, 1890 married Sept 2d, 1914 Alta May Pilses b May 16, 1888 in Kansas, daughter of William Pelses [sic] & wife Flora E. Have 2 children born at Hollenberg, Kan.

Alta May Parks b May 7, 1916

Maxine Evangeline Parks b July 24, 1920

5. Elizabeth Jane McLucas [daughter of John & Sally Ann Boyles McLucas] b Jany 6, 1858, married Nov 14, 1889 John Fee near Washington Kan. He was born June 17, 1849 ob May 7, 1918 son of Isaac Fee & wife Louisa Adna Slaughter. No issue. She lives at Ellsworth, Kan & is my informant for this record & the dates on these two pages except Julia A. Bowdle's record & on page 179 of her father's & gf's records are taken from their old bible record which she has. She was married by Rev Geo Hagerman, pastor of Pres Church. He was born in Des Moines, Iowa & enlisted in Co H 19th Kan Cav. in Oct 186-. He died at the National military Home, Leavenworth Ks & since then, she has been a member of Mother Bickerdyke Home at Ellsworth, Kan.

6. Catherine McLucas b Jany 17, 1861 ob July 21, 1861 aged abt 6 mos. No record of death

7. Ina McLucas, B Feby 14, 1863, ob Apr 22, 1864

8. John Dayton McLucas, b Jany 4, 1865 ob Sept 1926 at Hood River, Oregon, married Winifred

9. Ida May McLucas b May 12, 1867 ob Sept 5, 1868.

10. James Perry McLucas b July 16, 1870 ob Mch 10, 1882 at Siloam Springs, Ark aged 12 yrs. No other record of his death.

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Oak Hill Feby 12, 1927 10:11 PM

A letter dated Feby 9, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 12, from Richard Davis Hawkins RFD #3 Frederick Md see book 19 p 612 father of my good helper B.F. of the Shawnee in driving me about Springfield, O. He says his mother was the daughter of Richard Thompson who was son of Nathan, which was as far back as he could go. His mother had two Uncle Solomon & Nathan & Aunts Lucy, Betsy, Katherine & Ashy [sic]. Said that 75 yrs ago, his mother's father was visited by Wilkerson & Nathan Thompson of New York. It is generally thought they were first cousins either of his mother or her father.

The P.O. address of Josias & Will Thompson both now dead was Boyds, Montgomery Co, Md route 2. Will's son Grover of same address might give some inf. Am writing him tonight.

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A letter dated Feby 11, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 8, from Albert Baker Shaw of 418 Whitney Ave Wilkinsburg, Pa says he has a correspondent in Iowa who claims she is descended from John Crawford, son of Col Wm Crawford by "an alleged second wife Margaret Van Sant"

He understands that John Crawford's wife was Frances Bradford. He says to examine our Fayette Co records for a bill of sale given by John Crawford to Richard Graham in Jany 1788 before he went to his farm in Ohio & see if it gives his wife's name.

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Oak Hill, Feby 13, 1927 11:40 AM

Last night, Joe Decatur Kilgore of 914 U.B. building, home address 918 Five Oaks Ave, Dayton, O called from the White Swan Hotel & I arranged to send in for him this morning which I did & brought him out for 10 o'c breakfast with me. He was born in Washington, Ind Mch 5, 1873, the son of Benjamin Franklin Kilgore & grandson of Stephen Kilgore. Mr K. is a traveling salesman with McClaren Consolidated Cone Co, Dayton, O selling ice cream cones. He was married at Lawrenceville, Ills Apr 12, 1898 to Bertha Estella Gordon born Jany 13, 1875 at Merom, Ind, daughter of Gilbert Peter Gordon & his wife Sarah Elizabeth Lisman & have had two children, the oldest born in Lawrenceville, Ills & the youngest at Dayton, O viz:

I. Marjorie Elizabeth Kilgore born July 29, 1899

II. Dorothy Lucile Kilgore born Jany 2, 1909 at home a senior in the high school.

I. Marjorie E. was married Dec 26, 1923 at Dayton, O to Frank Ray Car born Feby 22, 1896? at Lawrenceville, Ills son of Peter J. Carr & his wife Nell Riley. Both living at 1635 Collingwood Ave, Detroit, Mich where he is a mechanician. He was overseas 17 mos as a mechanician in the World War in the 12 Aero Squadron. Have one child born in Detroit, Mich:

a. Nancy Lucile Carr born Nov 6, 1926

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Mr Kilgore thinks his grandfather, Stephen Kilgore came from Georgia or one of the Carolinas to Raglesville, Daviess Co, Ind as Mr K. thinks he was married at Raglesville to a Fulkerson who was his second wife. His children by a first wife were:

1. Jane Kilgore who married an Adams & lived in Iowa, he thinks at Osceola. She had a daughter, Rachel

2. Andrew Kilgore never married. Lived & died at Osceola, Iowa 4 or 5 yrs ago, up in years.

3. Thomas Kilgore married Sarelda Edwards, daughter of William Edwards. He moved from Indiana to Concord, Calif, abt 1879 or 1880. He died there. He had 2 sons, Ira & William. Ira killed a man in self defense & is living somewhere. William is dead. Ira married his Uncle Uriuthers [sic] Edwards widow

His children by his second wife:

4. Millard Kilgore married & went to Kansas

5. Michael Kilgore married & went to Kansas

6. Jefferson Kilgore married & went to Kansas

Some Kilgores in Omaha, Neb are children of one of above

7. Benjamin Franklin Kilgore, born July 6, 1844 at Raglesville, Ind. He enlisted in the Civil War at Washington, Ind in 18th Indiana Infantry, Consolidated later with 27th & then 70th, was in service 4 yrs. Will send dates giving his service. He married Nov 5, 1865 Sallie Edwards, daughter of Wm Edwards & wife Lizzie Fish. In 1880, he moved

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to Olney, Ills & ran the first roller process flouring mill there. From there moved in 1883 to Sumner, Ills & then to Chattanooga, Tenn for a short time & then to Lawrenceville, Ills where he died Feby 4, 1898 aged 54, dying from the effects of a gunshot wound over his heart & through his right lung received at the battle of Antietam. He was a member of the Christian Church & was a Republican. He had three children all born at Washington, Ind viz:

1. Ida Isis Kilgore born Aug 24, 1868

2. Joe Decatur Kilgore born Mch 5, 1873

3. Warren Beharrell Kilgore born Aug 19, 1875

Sallie Edwards was born Dec 20, 1843 & died Aug 26, 1899.

1. Ida Isis was married Feby 12, 1897 at Lawrenceville, Ills to Rankin Robert Sheridan born Jany 11, 1866 near Sumner, Ills son of John Lawrence Sheridan & wife Mary Jane Robinson. Both living at RR 5 Sumner, Ills where he is a farmer. Have one child born there viz:

1. Madge Kilgore Sheridan born Feby 12, 1898, unmarried. She is a registered nurse.

2. Joe B. see record above.

3. Warren B. was married Oct 20, 1898 at Lawrenceville, Ills to Elizabeth Tibbetts Salter born Nov 7, 1874 near Odell, Ills daughter of Wm Tibbetts Salter & his wife Mary Ellen Holcomb. Both living on 2013 South East 6th St, Des Moines, Iowa where he is a druggist. Have two

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children born in Des Moines, Iowa:

I. Benjamin Franklin Kilgore b Aug 31, 1899. He is single & is an M.D. at Waterloo, Ills

II. Sallie Louise Kilgore b Oct 28, 1902 married Sept 19, 1925 James Coleman Grant born Oct 8, 1897 at Anaconda Montana, son of James Joseph Grant & wife Margaret Ann McDonough. Both living at Toledo, O where he is head of the publicity dept of Wyllis Overland Motor Car Co. Has one child born in Toledo, O. His address is 3809 Drexel Drive, Toledo, O.

a. James Coleman Grant Jr B Aug 5, 1926

Ida has her father's bible record. Stephen Kilgore about 1879 or 1880 moved from Raglesville, Ind to Pawnee Rock, Kansas & died there about 1885 aged 82 or 84 yrs & is buried there & no doubt has a tombstone. He wrote a letter back during his last illness to his son Benj F. which Joe D. thinks he can find & send me to be rtd. He was a Whig & then a Republican. Mr K. will send me addresses of such Kilgores as he can. Mr K. does not know the name of Stephen Kilgore's father, nor of any brothers & sisters, nor does he know of his uncles who went to Kansas, but will get me addresses. Mr K's mother-in-law, Sarah E. Gordon lives with him aged abt 68 yrs & she had an aunt Polly Rothermel, who lived at Merom or Sullivan, Ind, sister of her mother & he will find name of her husband

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& about his family & let me know. There is a grocer named Carothers in Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co, Ills. Joe D. once visited a widow Kilgore in Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs Joseph Kilgore, who has considerable data about the family & said they were from Va.

Mr Kilgore weighed 179 lbs & I 181.

Pallini took him back to the White Swan at 4:05 PM

Mch 30/27

From letter of Mch 28/27 of Warren B. Kilgore Des Moines, Iowa:

Stephen Kilgore born Sept 1803 died in Kansas Oct 1883

Rosannah Owens 1st wife born Aug 1803 died Sept 1838

Catherine Fulkerson 2d wife born Jany 1807 died Aug 4, 1892

Stephen Kilgore & Rosannah Owens were married 1825 at Lawrence Co, Ind.

Their children were:

1. Sarah Jane Kilgore born June 21, 1826 died 1900

2. Joshua Kilgore born Oct 18, 1827 died Aug 20, 1846

3. Andrew Kilgore born Aug 25, 1829 died Mch 24, 1915 Bachelor

4. Thomas Kilgore born Sept 10, 1832 died in Calif married Shrelda Edwards.

5. Irene E. Kilgore born Apr 19, 1835 died Apr 10, 1916 married Adams & lived at Osceola, Iowa

6. Charles Owen Kilgore born Feby 23, 1838

Stephen Kilgore & Catherine Fulkerson were married Apr 17, 1843 at Davis Co, Ind. Their children were:

7. Benj. Franklin Kilgore born July 6, 1844 see above

8. Michael M. Kilgore born Dec 20, 1848

10. Millard Fillmore Kilgore born Sept 3, 1851

He says their family tradition is that Stephen Kilgore came from the Carolinas. See page 396

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A letter dated Feby 11, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 7, from Mrs Alice Gilmour & her sister Eva Parker see book 18 p 362-3 gives enlarged record of Eva & her brother John Jack as follows: see book 18 p 363

1. Myrtle Parker married Mch 18, 1903 Heber S. Leonard born Mch 15, 1882 son of Ebenezer Leonard & wife Julia Hudson. He was born near Woodville, O. She died the day her only child was born viz:

1. Alice E. Leonard born Mch 8, 1907

2. Albert M. Parker born Jany 31, 1890 married June 18, 1908 Pearl Urton born Oct 27, 1889 near Fort Ancient, O daughter of Warren Urton & wife Sallie Stratton. They have had four children all born near Morrow, O.

1. Karl Parker born Feby 24, 1909

2. Wayne Earl Parker born June 6, 1910

3. Alberta Parker born Jany 9, 1914

4. Rex Jno [best guess, blotted] born Apr 28, 1917

3. Walter H. Parker born Nov 14, 1898 married Nov 24, 1907 Leticia Burr born Feby 11, 1899 at Mayeville, Ky daughter of George Burr & wife Rose Colburn. Have two children born near Mason, O.

V20 Page 190

1. Rosevlyn Parker born Sept 16, 1918

2. George S. Parker born Jany 8, 1920

John Jack see No 7 book 18 p 363 had a daughter born near Morrow, O viz:

1. Susan Corwin Jack born Sept 27, 1896 married 1 Mch 14, 1918 Carl St John born Jany 3, 1892 near Morrow, O son of William St John & wife Maggie Goldate. Had one child born near Morrow, Ohio.

Married 2d Nov 30, 1923 Otis T. Whitaker born Aug 1, 1883 near Corinth, Ky son of Simeon Whitaker & his wife Armilda Martin. They have two children born near Morrow, O.

1. Carleen St John born Dec 13, 1918

2. Jack Martin Whitaker born Sept 22, 1924

3. Ruth Emma Whitaker born Feby 16, 1926

V20 Page 191

A letter dated Feby 8, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 28th from Newton C. Thompson of Cananea, Sonoro [sic] Mexico says that as his father is 91 yrs old, he does not believe they could get the information I seek by mail but says that either himself or brother Charles will go to Nebraska within a few months & get the data & send it to me. Am writing him to handle it that way.

A letter dated Jany 30, 1927 in answer to mine of 8th to her brother Frank R. Terrell from Mrs H.A. Pidgeon 26 Fidelity Court, Maplewood, N.J. see book 18 p 444-6 gives addresses of her cousin & Aunt as follows: Miss Atha Finley, Pulaski, Va Box 618. Mrs Sallie Finley 6104 Dorchester Ave, Chicago, Ills. I am writing both of them & Mrs Pidgeon tonight. She is much interested & wishes to buy a book when it comes out.

See page 258 et seq

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Oak Hill Feby 14, 1927 9:50 AM

A letter dated Jany 31, 1927 in answer to mine of abt 10th from Mrs Laura Mabel McElfresh of Xenia, O RD 6 see book 18 p 613 says her mother Emma Thoroman was born 1862 & died Mch 28, 1915. She was born in Oliver Tp, Adams Co, O as was her husband. Married 1880 William Jasper Clark born 1856, son of John Clark & his wife Margaret Clark. Wm J. Clark had brothers Porter, James & John & sisters Sarah, decd, Mary & Mrs Lina Myers living in Seaman, O. They had three children born near Harshaville, O.

1. Clyde Roscoe Clark, married 1910? & divorced. Have three children:

1. Jeannette Clark

2. Charles Clark born Dec 9, 1914

3. Edith Clark born Aug 2, 1918

2. Laura Mabel Clark, my informant for this record was born July 17, 1881, married Dec 23, 1897 to John Marion McElfresh born 1875 son of Alexr McElfresh & his wife Sarah Case. They have had four children

1. Lloyd McElfresh born Apr 3, 1901, died Aug 13, 1918

2. Mary McElfresh born Mch 24, 1904

3. Emma McElfresh born Nov 1, 1907

4. Walter Cecil McElfresh born June 28, 1915

3. Charles Jonas Clark born June 28, 1889. I got his record Oct 29, 1926 see book 19 p 46

Laura writes that her father's old home near Harshaville, O was an elegant one widely known as the John Clark farm & she advises that I write to her Aunt Lina Myers living in Seaman, O which I am doing.

V20 Page 194

A letter dated Jany 29, 1927 in answer to mine of 10th, from Virgil S. Anthony see book 19 p 411 says he understood that his grandfather Saml S. Grant was a nephew of Genl U.S. Grant & was a twin & a scholarly, handsome gentleman, who owned a large estate near Louisville, Ky & many slaves, which dwindled to a small farm & is now the property of the widow of John L Grant, youngest son of Samuel. She was Belle Saunders & he was her second husband. Her address is No 115, Buchanan St, Hickman, Fulton Co, Ky. I am writing her. Says his father who died last Nov was probably the only one who could have given the desired data, but says he is familiar with his grandmother's people but don't say whether it was his grandmother Anthony or Grant. Am writing to know if it was the Anthonys.

See page 256

V20 Page 195

A letter dated Feby 1, 1927 in answer to mine of say Jany 10 to her brother Emett Keever is from his sister, Miss Mary Keever, a wheel chair cripple of RR 1 Greentown, Ind See book 19 p 451 & as this family is so prolific, I am making genealogical tables commencing on next page embodying what she sends, what I got from Marcus M. Kilgore in Marion, Ind on Nov 23, 1926 & from others. There are a few discrepancies of a day or two in dates, but I am approving & listing those given on page 450, book 19 as the original as they are taken from an old bible printed in 1830 which he produced. The three Keever children who have died, Floralla Williams, Holman Keever & Harvanna Gossom are all buried at Knox Chapel.

V20 Page 196 & V29 Page 197

[descendant chart]

David Kilgore lived near Reidsburg, Clarion Co, Pa in a poor farm which in 1824 he traded for some lumber which he loaded on a raft & went down the rivers to Franklin Co, Indiana where he settled & was a farmer & school teacher. He died in this Co & is buried in said Co near New Trenton, Ind. He was a second cousin of Judge David Kilgore of Muncie, Ind so his son David told his son Marcus M. I incline to think he is a grandson of Hugh, the oldest of the 18 sons of Elizabeth Jack Kilgore. Get Hugh's will & trace & also get my letters of 50 yrs ago in my old truck from Hon. J.L. Kilgore of Venango Co, Pa. I am recording in this table just such children as Marcus M. had heard of.


Hugh Kilgore ob. Think he came to Indiana with his father. Went back to Penna & married. Visited in Indiana in 1872.

Return Kilgore ob, lived 1 mile from Clarion, Pa in 1884

A son killed in Civil War

A daughter was living an old maid in 1884.

John Kilgore, ob. Lived in Tippecanoe Co near Lafayette, Ind. M.M. said at Monroe, but there is no such town there now.

Orlando Kilgore

Ellen Kilgore ob, married a Larkin & lived at Monroe? Tippecanoe Co. Go to LaFayette, Ind & examine records. M.M. remembers 1 son.

David Kilgore b July 31, 1808 ob Jany 3, 1892. He was born in Penna & was 16 yrs old when he came with his father to Indiana in 1824. Married Apr 9, 1829 Charity Sizelove born in Franklin Co, Ind on Jany 15, 1811 & died July 26, 1879 in Greene Tp, Grant Co, Ind. name of parents not know, but they came from N.C. & died when she was young. They are both buried at Knox Chapel Cem in Greene Tp near Pt Isabel.

Margaret Kilgore B July 17, 1830 ob July 19, 1911, married.

Joseph Kilgore b Sept 21, 1832 ob Aug 1, 1834

Susannah Kilgore b Dec 11, 1834 ob Feby 13, 1920 married Dec 20, 1854 Ephraim Wesley Keever who died Nov 21, 1866. Both buried at Knox Chapel. Had 7 children born in Grant Co, Ind.

Emett Keever (twin) b Mch 9, 1856 married Aug 5, 1879 Sarah Rebecca Williams, born in Henry Co, Ind daughter of James Williams & wife Nancy Jane. She died.

Emma Keever (twin) b Mch 9, 1856

Florella Keever (twin) B Mch 31, 1858, ob

Corenna Keever (twin) b Mch 31, 1858, married 1 John Butler b in Marion Co, Ind Jany 3, 1856 son of Christopher Butler & wife Mary Ann. Married 2 Mch 24, 1926 John Butler after a separation. Laborer

Dolph Augustus Butler b Dec 1, 1879. He is chief of police & b Alexandria, Ind. Married May 1, 1901

Mary Keever b Jany 1, 1861, my informant, unmarried lives with Emett

Holman Keever b Apr 1, 1863, ob

Harvanna B Feby 20, 1860 ob

James Hugh Kilgore [son of David & Charity (Sizelove) Kilgore) b Dec 11, 1836, ob.

Hercules Snow Kilgore b Dec 23, 1839, ob

Sophronia Kilgore b Apr 5, 1841, ob

John Murray Kilgore b Oct 2, 1844, ob

George Wesley Kilgore b Jany 2, 1847 ob Dec 8, 1917

Marcus Miller Kilgore b June 26, 1850, living.

Jonathan Kilgore [son of David, subject of this chart] ob, married, settled in S.W. corner of Grant Co at Point Isabel, Ind & died there. Has descendants there & at Tipton, Ind. Had 8 children, all dead but one, Thos Jefferson who is old & lives at Point Isabel, Ind.

John Kilgore, ob

Gilbert Kilgore ob

Wilson Thompson Kilgore, ob

Thomas Jefferson Kilgore

Joseph Kilgore, ob

William Kilgore ob

Irene Kilgore ob

Charity Kilgore ob

Cyrus Kilgore, the youngest ob, married, was a college man & teacher, went to Abilene, Kan & died on a farm near.

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V20 Page 202

[Fermata mark appears here]

Oak Hill, Feby 15, 1927 1 PM

This is the 73d anniversary of my birth & I have a letter from second cousin Miss Mary Lyons of Toronto, O asking if my "Markle History" is completed & asking the cost of the book which she evidently wants to get. She is asking too, about the Revolutionary service, if any, of her gf Abraham Markle.

A letter dated Jany 31, 1927 in Answer to mine of Jany 12th from David M. Odle, Spencer, Iowa see book 19 page 486 who is the son of Caleb O. Odle as there stated, but his mother was not Delilah Jack but her sister, Eliza B. Jack. I am starting a genealogical table on Page 206 from information given me by Marion Jack, Portland, Ind book 19 pages 483-4 et seq & what I gathered at Lebanon, O in part as related to their ancestor, Robert L. Jack see book 18 pages 367 & 404.

Harold W. Odle, son of David M. served in the Spanish American War as Corporal of Co E 52 Iowa Apr 26 to Oct 30, 1898 as 1st Lieut in Co D. 2d Iowa Inf in border service June 1916 to Apr 1917 & as 1st Lieut 125 Machine gun battalion June 1917 to July 1918 & as Capt Com 6th Pioneers July to Dec 1918 World War. D.M.'s youngest son Robt G. served in 350th Infantry Sept 19, 1917 to June 14, 1918 as Corporal of Headquarters Co in the World War & died of pneumonia June 14, 1918 see page 207. Says Fannie Abbott's last address was Muncie, Ind.

V20 Page 203

10:40 PM. Mr & Mrs Orville E. Hibbs of 91 S. Mt Vernon Ave came out at 7:15 & left at 10:30 PM. They brought out the big old well preserved German bible with clasps & pig? skin cover of Frederick Shearer the great grandfather of Mrs Hibbs whose wife was Rebecca Markle, daughter of Uncle George Markle of Berks Co, Pa which had had his record & the births of his children written in German on the front fly leaf which Mrs Hibbs had had her neighbor translate & is the same as my record in book 6 page 1, which we compared from a copy she had made & I am filing. I gave her the two leaves from the Shearer bible which had been mailed to me by someone at Brownsville, Pa in 1902. She said she saw them every week & would hand it back to the proper party.

I also loaned her my Anjou copy of the Markle history which she is to return after taking from it such notes as she wishes. She says Orville's mother, the widow of Aaron J. Hibbs & sister of James W. Weltner lives with them & is 85 yrs old & blind, the youngest of Frederick & Rebecca's eleven children viz: Malinda Shearer see book 12 p 150 born June 20, 1818 married Chaddes [sic] Chalfant & their oldest child, Elizabeth married Thos H. Cline & their oldest child, Etta Cline married O.E. Hibbs & were my guests tonight. See pages 7 & 8 of the

V20 Page 204

"Chalfant Family", a small 18 page pamphlet which they loaned me to be rtd. The old German bible was replete with pictures of Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, the Ark of the Covenant etc etc. Orville weighed 135 lbs, his wife 127 & I 184.

They had made the following notations they had found in histories of Markles & say they went through Rupps 10,000 names of Emigrants & noted all Markles they found. I am noting what they had written down & mailing it back to them.

George Markle settled in Berks or Montgomery Co, Pa & was naturalized on Jany 9, 1729-30. Early settler Frederick Merkle apprenticed by Governor Hunter in Livingston Manor, NY 1710 & 1711

Jacob Merkle owned 200 A in Perkiomen, & Skippack

George Merkle owned 150 A in Perkiomen & Skippack

Heinrich Mirckle Sepg 5, 1748 Ship, Edingburg

Philip Merckel Sept 7, 1748 Ship, Hampshire Peter Merckel, Aug 13, 1750, Ship Bennet Galley

Simon & Jacob Merckel Aug 13, 1750 ship Edinburg

Jean Christopher Marckel Oct 11, 1752 ship Forest

V20 Page 205

Anthon Merckell, Sept 30, 1754 ship Edinburgh

Christian Merckell, Sept 30, 1754 Ship Edinburgh

John Peter Merckel Oct 10, 1768 ship Minerva

George Paulus Merckel Jany 21, 1774 ship Charming Molly

Feby 18, 1927 Mrs O.E. Hibbs under date of yesterday is sending me the O.P. Markle record from the very big bible she found in the 1st Pres church library which he no doubt had left there & forgotten about.

Oliver Perry Markle born Apr 6, 1855

Jennie M. Williams (wife) born Dec 11, 1854

Oliver Perry Markle & Jennie M. Williams were married Feby 26, 1885

Their children:

1. John Elmer Markle son born Jany 12, 1886

2. Wendell Williams Markle, son born Aug 7, 1888

3. Charles Oliver Markle, son born Jany 18, 1893

John Elmer Markle died June 3, 1886

Jennie M. Markle died Sept 13, 1913

I think the three children were all born in Uniontown, Pa

Jennie M. Williams was the daughter of Isaac W. Williams & wife Martha Lancaster.

See page 466.

See too book 16 p 254

V20 Page 206 & V20 Page 207

[descendant chart]

Sarah Jack [wife of James who died in KY] died in 1830 aged 82 yrs buried in the Compton g.y. on old Jack farm in Salem Tp Warren Co, O See bk 18 page 367.


James Jack b 1774 ob 1816 aged 42

John Thomas Jack b 1777 in Lancaster Co, Pa ob 1835 in Tippecanoe Co, Ind

Samuel Silas Jack b Sept 11, 1782 ob 1855 see bk 18 p 325

Robert L. Jack b Mch 16, 1788 ob Dec 16, 1863 aged 75 yrs 9 mos, married Oct 7, 1813 see book 18 p 404 Rebecca Farris born Nov 17, 1794. They had 11 children, see bk 19 p 484.

Delilah Jack b Sept 26, 1814, ob married Jany 5, 1837 Abraham Vandoren

Charles Vandoren, lives in Iowa

Mary Jane Jack b Mch 8, 1816 ob, married Jany 7, 1836 to F. Adlet see bk 19 p 487

Elizabeth Ann Jack b Nov 21, 1817, her son Thos W. says Nov 17, ob July 29, 1899. Married 1 Mch 1841 David Odle born 1820 & died Feby 1849, son of Wm Odle & wife Elizabeth Franklin. (She was daughter of John Franklin, son of Rev James, brother of Benjamin Franklin). Had 1 son. Married 2d Mch 1851 Harrison Wilmore born 1826 & died 1891. Both buried in Winchester, Ind. David Odle buried at Reitenour Cem, Randolph Co, Ind. H. Wilmore was son of Willis C. Wilmore & his wife _______ Love. Had 2 children. Buried in Fountain Park Cem, Winchester Ind & a granite stone has just been put up by T.W.O.

Thomas W. Odle b Dec 7, 1844 married Apr 11, 1867 to Lean Amandy Waltz, born Jany 14, 1848, daughter of David Waltz & his wife Elizabeth Schreckenghost. See Waltz Family Hist pages 92 & 93. Had 4 children in Randolph Co, Ind. See page 211.

Elmer Odle, B Sept 6, 1868

Ned Odle B June 25, 1871

Alice Odle B Mch 4, 1876, married Harlan

Harry Odle b Nov 17, 1879

John Wilmore B Apr 11, 1855 ob & buried at Dayton, O married. See b 23 p 435

David Harrison Wilmore b Oct 4, 1858 ob Mch 29, 1925, buried at Sidney, O. Married Nov 24, 1878. See b 23 p 434.

Rebecca Jack [daughter of Robert L. & Rebecca Farris Jack] b Dec 12, 1820 ob Mch 20, 1856 married Silas C. Odle

Eliza Blair Jack B May 18, 1823 ob Mch 12, 1854 married say 1842 to Caleb Owen Odle born Aug 28, 1817 presumably in Ross Co, O son of Wm Odle of John & his wife Elizabeth Franklin, daughter of John Franklin of Winchester, Va son of Rev James who was a brother of Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790. He died Nov 11, 1858. Had 5 children born near Ridgeville, Ind, two of them died in infancy, Eliza B. & Caleb O are buried at Reitenours Cem 1/ 1/2 miles E. Ridgeville, Ind & have tombstones:

1. Robert W. Odle b Sept 12, 1843 ob Oct 8, 1919. Served in Co C. 69th Ind Infantry in Civil War. Married Oct 12, 1867 Hester Cox, now dead & had 4 children. See p 444 & transfer to page 208. Hester or Esther Cox was born Nov 18, 1846 ob Oct 18, 1922.

Ed Odle

Sadie Odle, dead

Frank Odle Della Odle

2. Delilah Jack Odle B Mch 1, 1846 ob June 10, 1919 married May 19, 1864 James Mendenhall (see bk 19 p 520) Born Mch 17, 1839 ob Sept 3, 1924 son of Pennel Mendenhall wife Mariah West. See book 21 p 340.

3. David Morris Odle b June 5, 1850, my informant for this later record. Served in Spanish-American War as Capt of Co E 52d Reg Iowa Inf fr Apr 26, to Oct 30, 1898 & as Major to May 10, 1905. Is now serving his 56th consecutive year in public school work. 5 yrs in rural schools, 12 yrs in Ridgeville, Ind, 12 yrs in Hull, Iowa, 6 yrs as Co Sup of clay Co, Iowa & 16 yrs in Spencer Iowa High schools as Prof of Mathematics. Married Mch 9, 1878 Josephine H. Houser born Oct 20, 1856, daughter of George H. Houser & wife Rebecca Hager. Have 5 children, the first four born in Ridgeville, Ind & last one in Hull, Iowa.

Harold W. Odle, see p 447 B Dec 11, 1878 married Sept 3, 1904 May E. Currie born Feby 4, 1876 daughter of Mr & Mrs L. Currie.

Francis Harold Odle b [unreadable month] 12, 1907

Josephine Louise Odle b Nov 4, 1910

Vera Leone Odle b Oct 10, 1880, married Aug 20, 1900 Grant Vickers son of James Vickers & wife.

Lucile F. Vickers b May 12, 1901 see p 444

Glen Earl Odle B Jany 9, 1885, P.O. Enterprise, Oregon. married June 29, 1918 at Spokane Washington Ora Davis born Nov 3, 1895 daughter of Chas Fletcher Davis & wife Hannah Katherine Brady.

Elizabeth Odle B Nov 4, 1922

Robert Davis Odle b May 22, 1927 at Enterprise Oregon.

Edith Rebecka Odle b Feby 8, 1887 single. She writes me Jany 30, 1927

Robert George Odle, b May 21, 1894 ob June 14, 1918 in World War, see page 202. He died at Camp Dodge, Fort Des Moines of pneumonia, unmarried.

4. Anthony Odle [son of Eliza Blair Jack & Caleb Owen Odle] born after D.M., died in infancy. Don;t know dates.

5. Sarah, born after D.M. but died in infancy, don't know dates.

Sarah Jack [daughter of Robert L. Jack & Rebecca Farris] b Mch 10, 1825 ob 1849 married 1845 Harrison Wilmore being his 1st wife see page 521. Sarah had one son:

Willis B. Wilmore b 1846 ob 1904 unmarried see b 23 p 433

Robert Morris Jack b Jany 30, 1827 ob 1902, married June 14, 1849 to Aseneth Ann Odle see book 10 p 483 see b 23 p 396 Fannie J. Jack b Nov 25, 1828, ob married Abbott & lived in Muncie, Ind.

Adam Jack b Mch 17, 1831 ob 1880? married Elizabeth Phillips ob. No issue. They adopted a boy & called him James.

John Jack b Jany 15, 1833 ob married Mary Lewis ob. Had 2 children:

Marion Jack, ob

Rosa Jack married Amos Heston, both living at Ridgeville, Ind.

George M. Jack b Feby 20, 1836 ob. Edith's father doesn't know about him.

Albert Newton Jack b June 29, 1838 ob Sept 26, 1910 at Berne, Ind. Married 1, Married 2. See page 209

James Jack b 1858 ob

Mary Ann Jack b Mch 12, 1862, ob

Hetty Jack b 1863, ob

Harriet Jack b 1865, ob

Adam Jack b June 15, 1791 ob Oct 10, 1834 see page 212

V20 Page 208

[descendant chart]

Robert William Odle married Esther Cox See page 206 Had 4 children & 3 others that died in infancy.


Edwin Odle, Born July 15, 1869 married Jany 6, 1895 to Carry Collett born Sept 21, 1875 daughter of Presley G. Mendenhall Collett & wife Margaret Elizabeth Miller. Live at Akron, O. No issue at 312 Euclid, Ave.

Sadie A. Odle born July 29, 1873 ob Feby 24, 1906, married Feby 24, 1892 to Harry Hawkins b Apr 4, 1871 son of William Hawkins & wife. Had 2 children died in infancy. He is living.

David Francis Odle b Sept 1, 1876 married Mch 30, 1898 to Line Blackaby B Mch 15, 1879 daughter of Oliver Blackaby & wife Mary Jane Daily. Have had two children. Live at Geneva, Ind.

Robert Dale Odle b May 11, 1899 ob Apr 27, 1918 when a frail boy, single

Ruth Orvilla Odle b Sept 15, 1901, ob married Dec 17, 1921 Ernest Mahoney son of Charles Mahoney & wife Viola Tuttle who was born July 1, 1903

Eva Delilah Odle called "Della" b Oct 26, 1878 married Dec 21, 1898 to Ollie Nichols born Jany 3, 1872. Both living at Pierson, Mich. They have 8 children:

Esther Elizabeth Nichols b May 3, 1900 married Sept 20, 1920 Arthur O'Toole B Sept 25, 1901 son of Edwin J. O'Toole & wife Lottie J. McGee

Harry Marris Nichols b Dec 24, 1902

Edwin Oliver Nichols b Nov 18, 1904

Vienna Emeline Nichols b Oct 2, 1906

Frances Gertrude Nichols b Sept 22, 1908

Paul Odle Nichols b Nov 29, 1909

Frederick Robert Odle b Oct 17, 1912

Eunice L. Odle b May 29, 1920

V20 Page 209

[descendant chart]

Albert Newton Jack born June 29, 1838 ob Sept 26, 1910 see page 207. Married 1 1850 Sarah Elizabeth Abbernathy born 1839 & died Mch 30, 1891 daughter of Nancy Abernathy. They had 5 children & separated in 1866 see page 207 for other 4 children. Married 2 Feby 1870 to Sarah Ann Allen born Oct 16, 1848 & died Oct 17, 1910 daughter of Nathan Allen & wife Margaret Knoll. I have names of 7 children all by the 2 wife except Robert Willis. Sarah Ann Allen was born in Darke Co, O & was married at Berne, Ind. The last six children born in Monroe Tp, Adams Co, Ind.


Robert Willis Jack b Nov 12, 1860 married Apr 23, 1893 Emma J. Curts, b Apr 17, 1868 daughter of David Curts & wife Rosann Weaver, They live now at Geneva, Ind. Have 10 children. Emma J. died Feby 9, 1920.

Delle Opal Jack b May 8, 1894, married Sept 21, 1911 Reason Leonard Fawbush [Fawbuck?] b Oct 19, 1883 son of Newton Franklin Fawbush [blotted, I'm guessing on this name] & wife Susan Evaline Lame.

Geneva Mae, b Jany 27, 1913

Genevieve Fern b June 10, 1915

Loren Leonard b June 11, 1916

Thelma Dorrene b Oct 3, 1917

Glenn Howard b Apr 8, 1921

Daniel LeRoy Jack b Nov 21, 1895 married Jany 19, 1917 Edith Florence Longerborn Aug 16, 1899 daughter of Walter O. Longerborn & wie Eva Olive Taylor

Margaret Roulene Jack B Apr 3, 1920

Robert Walter Jack B Nov 18, 1922

Sodona Aldene Jack, B Jany 2, 1927

Leota Pearl Jack b May 2, 1897 married Nov 22, 1919 Thurl Dewey Green b Nov 17, 1898 son of Alfred Green & wife Cora Dichong.

Max Eugene Green B Aug 23, 1920

Ruth Lucile Green B Mch 2, 1922 ob Feby 4, 1927

Agnes Irene Green b Jany 6, 1924

Earnest Fenton Jack b June 11, 1900

Sarah Rosella Jack B Dec 8, 1902 married Nov 26, 1921 Oscar LeRoy Jones born Aug 26, 1901 son of Oscar Jones

Wilma Rosella Jones b Apr 30, 1922

Charles Eugene Jones b Jany 6, 1925

Lawrence LeRoy Jones Dec 8, 1926

Velma Marie Jack b July 27, 1905 married Aug 4, 1923 Wilford Burgess b Oct 28, 1898 son of Andrew Burgess & wife Emma Kizer

Paul Edward Burgess b Jany 24, 1924

Gladys Mabel Jack b Mch 28, 1907 married Feby 1, 1925 to Cliford [sic] Yoder b Mch 3, 1907 son of Noah Yoder & wife Rosanna Meschberger.

Clifton Yoder Junior [sic] b Feby 27, 1925 Raymond Willis Jack b Dec 11, 1908

Emma Jane Jack B Apr 6, 1912 married Mch 8, 1927 to Roy Nevil b Apr 17, 1908 son of John Nevil & wife Jane Derrickson

Ardenne Mae Nevil b May 9, 1927

Margaret Olive Jack [daughter of Albert Newton Jack] b Oct 24, 1871 married Oct 30, 1892 Adolphus Lee Macy. Live at Portland, Ind see page 210

Albert Oscar Jack b Nov 10, 1874, married. Lives Muskegon, Mich

Emma O'Dell Jack b Feby 1876 ob Apr 7, 1916, married to Miller

John Miller, lives in Willshire, O. Go see him.

John Ellsworth Jack b Apr 13, 1878 married Mch 16, 1904 to Mertie M. Tumbleson b Jany 27, 1877 daughter of Saml Tumbleson & wife Sarah Dickey. Have 5 children all live at Edon, O.

1. Cleo Jack b Jany 22, 1905 married Aug 7, 1926 to Donna M. Shaffer, daughter of Wm Edward Shaffer & wife Frances. She born June 27, 1900. He born in Monroe, Tp.

2. Herman Jack b Sept 24, 1908 in Monroe Tp

3. Florine Jack b Sept 25, 1910 in Hartford Tp, Adams Co, Ind

4. Ruby Jack b Aug 27, 1914 in Hartford Tp, Adams Co, Ind

5. Gertrude Jack b Nov 1, 1916 in Florence Tp, Williams Co, O

Harrison Elmer Jack b Mch 22, 1881 married Sept 12, 1918 lives Hamilton, Ind.

William Perry Jack b June 2, 1883 married Mch 24, 1905. Lives Angola, Ind.

V20 Page 210

[descendant chart]

Margaret Olive Jack born Oct 24, 1871 in Adams Co, Ind see p 209 married Oct 30, 1892 in Adams Co, Ind Adolphus Lee Macy born in Yadkin Co N.C. Oct 26, 1866 son of Thomas Macy & wife Martha Matilda Fleming. They have had 4 children all born in Adams Co, Indiana. She is my good informant for this record.


Clyde Ernest Macy b Nov 30, 1893 ob July 25, 1894

Clarence Leland Macy b June 16, 1896 married Apr 16, 1927 at Upland, Ind, Modjeska Alice Thornton born May 8, 1909 daughter of John Henry Thornton & wife Jennie Luella Williamson.

Evelyn Lucile Macy b Jany 24, 1901, married Apr 12, 1925 at Berne, Ind Eugene Jacob Wiehter b July 8, 1901 son of Frank Wiehter [Wechter?] & wife Dell Cohn

Virgil Burnon Macy, b Mch 3, 1903

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[descendant chart]

Thomas W. Odle born Dec 7, 1844 see page 206 Aug 8/27. He wrote May 28, 1927 that none of his grandchildren were married.


Elmer Odle B Sept 16, 1868, married Mch 4, 1905 to Elsie Beary b Feby 24, 1880, daughter of Henry Beary & wife Matilda Fraze. Farmer at Ridgeville, Ind. Have 3 children born near Ridgeville, Ind.

Doris, b Apr 3, 1906

Lucile b Jany 8, 1908

Bernice b June 27, 1910

Ned Odle B June 25, 1871 married May 5, 1900 Margarette Ulrich b June 4, 1876 daughter of Michael Ulrich & wife Sophia Linkenshafer. Farmer, Ridgeville, Ind. Have 3 children born near Ridgeville, Ind.

Lea H. Odle b Sept 24, 1901, a boy

Edith Odle b Nov 11, 1906

Vera Odle b Mch 28, 1908

Alice Odle b Mch 4, 1876 married Feby 6, 1904 Asa Harlan b Nov 5, 1874 ob Feby 13, 1926 son of John V. Harlan & wife Lucy Hartman. Have 3 daughters born near Ridgeville, Ind.

Nilah Harlan b June 25, 1906

Nelda Harlan b July 14, 1910

Mary Harlan b Nov 2, 1915

Harry Odle b Nov 17, 1879 married Apr 7, 1902 Grace Elzroth born Nov 11, 1879 daughter of Gilf [sic] Elzroth & wife Elizabeth Fellers. Have 2 children born near Deerfield, Ind

Charles Odle B May 29, 1903

Hazel Odle b July 17, 1908

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[descendant chart]

Adam Jack born June 15, 1791 & died Oct 10, 1834 see page 207. Both buried at Bethel Ch g.y. Married Hannah Lee who died Jany 9, 1867 aged 74 yrs.


William Lee Jack born Apr 29, 1818 died Mch 4, 1868, married 1 Nov 18, 1846 Elizabeth Corwin b Feby 20, 1826 ob Oct 14, 1850. Had 2 children. Married 2 Nov 16, 1851 Mary E. Ricketts b Feby 25, 1835 ob May 21, 1873. Had 3 children:

Hannah M. Jack b Feby 8, 1847 ob Oct 29, 1877, married May 12, 1868 John W. Couden born Mch 26, 1844 ob July 5, 1915, son of Theo Couden & wife Sarah Harrell. She had 4 children see b 18 p 414-7 for complete record. [note: Couden sometimes looks like Conden.]

Wm Theodore Couden b Feby 27, 1869, Wilmington, O

Chas Clinton Couden b Dec 28, 1870 lives Kings Mills, O

Edwin Hart Couden b May 29, 1873, Wilmington, O

Albert Baker Couden b Mch 8, 1877, Denver Col.

Priscilla Anna Jack b Sept 11, 1849 married 1 May 14, 1870 Wm Hyser ob 1884? had 3 sons addresses not know. Married 2 1886 Wm Roach. No issue. Last address Sept 1925 was 1538 Tounanda St, Los Angeles, Calif.

Ed Hyser

Clyde Hyser

Alfred Hyser

George W. Jack b Oct 19, 1852 ob Apr 23, 1926 married 1 May 3, 1873 to Linnie Parker born Oct 27, 1852 ob June 15, 1923. Had 3 children. Married 2d Dec 24, 1925 to Birdie May Groh born May 26, 1889 in Newtonsville, O widow of Henry Groh & daughter of Robt Moore & his wife Lizzie Carl. She lives on the old farm in Salem Tp. No issue. See book 18 page 372 & also see next page.

Frank M. Jack b June 30, 1855 ob Apr 14, 1894, married Mch 1875 to Amanda B. Perrine, ob. Had 3 children. Widow lives 115 Summit Drive Latonia, Ky

Ed Jack married abt 1900 to Nelle Corwin of Lebanon, O Live Delancey Ave, Latonia, Ky

Herschel Jack, druggist, Latonia, Ky, married 1924 & has a daughter.

Wm Jack, married twice & lives at Louisville, Ky

Gertrude Jack married 1 abt 1902 C. Parry, divorced abt 1903 married 2 abt 1910 to F. Rotherhoeffer. Lives 115 Summit Drive Latonia, Ky

Margaret A. Jack [daughter of William Lee Jack] b Apr 29, 1862 ob Oct 12, 1899

Thomas I or J. Jack b Jany 22, 1821 ob Dec 3, 1894 see bk 18 p 337-9

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[descendant chart]

George W. Jack born Oct 19, 1852 see page 212


Zemaida McCloy Jack b Aug 18, 1879, married 1. T.H. Wheeler, divorced, No issue. Married 2d R.E. Robinson. Have 1 son & adopted a boy. Live at 3813 45th Ave S.W. Seattle, Wash.

R.E. Robinson b abt 1913

Lizzie Marie Jack b Aug 13, 1882 married 1 to Elmer Cadwallader born say 1880 & died say 1907. Had 2 children. Married 2d Earl Clark. No issue Lives 1813 45th Ave S.W. Seattle, Wash.

Clifford Cadwallader b abt 1903 married abt 1926

Dorothy Cadwallader b abt 1904 married abt 1924

Clem L. Jack b Sept 7, 1884 married June 15, 1912 to Nelle M. Haynes daughter of Richard Haynes & his wife Agnes. Have 3 children. Live at 452 S. 8th W. Salt Lake City, Utah

Frank M. Jack b June 27, 1913

Marjorie Ruth Jack b June 16, 1918

Lyman L. Jack b Apr 2, 1924

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Oak Hill Feby 18, 1927 7:33 Pm

A letter dated Feby 15, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 12th from Miss Theodosia McCandless, Trinidad, Colorado see book 19 p 411 says her Aunt Eurah Beard died about 2 yrs ago. Says her mother, (a sister) is still living & with her & is 2 yrs younger than Eurah & is now 80 yrs old & remembers the past very clearly. She does not know anything of the Grant family except that her mother's sister's name was Arabelle Neill & that she married Samuel Grant.

A letter dated Feby 17, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 12, from Mrs Priscilla Stone, Broadway, Fort Recovery, O see book 19 p 507 gives her children's names & births duly recorded there & their enlarged record of marriages etc follows:

1. George L. Stone married Aug 3, 1899 to Ella Keltner. Have two children:

1. Eva Strong born Oct 30, 1902

2. Keltner Stone born May 28, 1908. He is at home single

1. Eva married Herald [sic] Ulmer.

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Have one child:

1. Betty June

2. Earl Guy Stone was married Oct 4, 1905 to Barbara Remarkus. No issue.

3. Thomas Rosco Stone married Sept 12, 1907 Bessie Lots. She died. Had one son:

1. Rosco Keith Stone, died

4. Cleo Iyetta married June 28, 1911 Albert Wagner. No issue.

The wife of Mrs Stone's brother Cornelius Stone & her son Floyd live on Davis Ave, Dayton, O & have both taken the name of McAfee. See book 19 page 507 for data for a questionaire.

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Oak Hill Feby 19, 1927 3:48 PM

A letter dated Feby 5, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10, from James A Connley of Jany 10, from James A. Connley of 1324 S. North St. Jackson Mich see book 19 p 294 gives a record of his family which I am entering in form of a genealogical table commencing on page 218.

Apr 20, 1927

Thomas Vernon Conley wrote Mch 7, 1927 & gave his own record which I have incorporated in the table on page 219.

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[descendant chart]

Martha Melissa Fletcher was born Nov 22, 1846 & died Dec 6, 1894. She was born at Blooming Grove, Franklin Co, Ind & died at Yorktown, Delaware Co, Ind. She was daughter of Caroline Fletcher born Oct 13, 1828 a daughter of "Patsy" or Martha Kilgore born 1796, a sister of Judge David Kilgore of Muncie, Ind. Married Jany 2, 1866 Thomas Arthur Conley born at Hamilton, O Nov 19, 1843 & died at Dayton, O Dec 14, 1926 son of James Conley & his wife Nancy Whiteman. He served 3 yrs & 2 mos in the Civil War & was in the battles of Gettysburgh, Chicamauga [sic] & Lookout Mountain & others & was with Sherman on his march to the sea. He was under Pap Thomas (Gen Geo H.) most of the time. They had eight children born as follows, the first six at Brookville, Franklin Co, Ind & the last two at Yorktown, Delaware Co, Ind. See page 155.


Matilda Conley b Aug 11, 1867 ob 1867

James Alexis Conley b Mch 1, 1869 at Brookville, Ind, my informant for this record. Lives at 1324 E. North St, Jackson, Mich. Married July 28 1900 Pearley Jane Clark born at New Castle, Ind Mch 4, 1884 daughter of Daniel James Clark & his wife Anna Pohlman. Have 7 children, the first five born in Muncie, Ind & the two last in Jackson, Mich & all are single.

James Alexis Conley Jr b Aug 5, 1903

Earl Conley b Feby 8, 1905

Eugene Virgil Conley b Mch 23, 1907

Edna Blanche Conley b Mch 23, 1910

Fred Warren Conley b Mch 5, 1912

Benjamin Foster Conley b Oct 2, 1924

Lenin [sic] Karl Conley b Dec 13, 1925

David Clarence Conley lives 5245 Albany ST, Huntington Park, Calif, married.

Minnie May Conley married. She had the family bible so James A. says. Lives 2103 W. Jackson St Muncie, Ind.

Martha Conley b May 1875, ob d.y.

John William Conley married. Lives w. 15th ST Muncie Ind. No issue.

Francis Howard Conley b Aug 14, 1884 lives 242 Lincoln St, Benton Harbor, Mich.

Thomas Vernon Conley b Feby 13, 1888. Lives 322 N. ST Muncie, Ind. Married Nov 25, 1909 in Franklin Co, Ind Flora Elizabeth Crawley born in Franklin Co, Ind July 21, 1891 daughter of Joseph Asbury Crawley & wife Laura Ellen Vail. Have 7 children, the 1st four born in Franklin Co, Ind next two in Rush Co, Ind & the last one in Muncie, Ind. He is a black buffer by trade.

Joseph Arthur Conley b Dec 9, 1910

Martha Ellen Conley B Feby 3, 1912

Dorothy Hazel Conley b Aug 9, 1913

Edna May Conley b Jany 22, 1916

Virgil Eugene Conley b Mch 18, 1918 ob Mch 18, 1918

Ruby Myrtle Conley b Mch 7, 1921

Florence Ermabelle Conley b Mch 31, 1923

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A letter dated Feby 9, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10th from Mrs Mildred Finley 935 E. 52d St, Los Angeles, Calif see book 19 page 284 gave record of her children, but as her daughter Annie Marie was not reported to me as married I had to transfer here to list her record:

Anna Marie Finley see book 19 p 284 was married Sept 3, 1924 to Homer Godfrey Behning born Dec 1, 1900 son of Henry Behning & his wife Mary Godfrey. Mrs Finley wished to know if the book would be available when completed.

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A letter dated Feby 16, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 28, from Dr W.E. Buxton of West Salem, Ills see page 136 says that when he was a small boy, they moved in 1866 from the old Crawford home near Austin, Scott Co, Ind where he remembered his grandmother Crawford but he says he got much of what he knows of the family from his Aunt Jane Crawford, his Uncle John's widow, he thinks, in correspondence.

Alexander Crawford, his grandfather & he knows nothing of any relationship, if any to Col Wm Crawford & I don't think there was any, a cooper by trade, brought up in the Seceder Church but united with the M.E. Church of Ind, was born in Wellsburg, Va June 8, 179e & died July 3, 1847. Rebecca Young was born Dec 31, 1795 & died Sept 17, 1867 at Austin, Ind.

Alexander Crawford & Rebecca Young were married June 16, 1816. They had 13 children, 8 of them born in Va & he floated down the Ohio River with them in a house boat in 1830 & came to Charlestown, Clark Co, Ind. They had five more children born to them in Indiana. He was 6 ft 3 in tall & weighed 265 lbs. Their children were:

1. Nathaniel Crawford b Mch 23, 1817

2. John C. Crawford b Mch 14, 1819

3. James F. Crawford b June 1, 1820 ob Oct 28, 1884

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4. Sarah Crawford born Jany 15, 1822 ob Apr 30, 1855

5. William Crawford born Nov 30, 1823 ob Nov 18, 1834

6. Josiah Crawford born Feby 27, 1826

7. Mary Ann Crawford born Jany 30, 1828 ob Mch 6, 1828

8. Alexander Cook Crawford born June 6, 1829

9. Latham Young Crawford born Jany 15, 1831

10. David Young Crawford born June 4, 1832

11. Eliza Jane Crawford born Apr 23, 1838

12. Elizabeth Rebecca Crawford born Apr 2, 1840 ob Apr 1, 1914

13. Henry S. Crawford born Nov 25, 1846

The 12th child above, Elizabeth Rebecca Crawford, mother of my informant born Apr 2, 1840 married Mch 19, 1856 & died Apr 1, 1914. She married Isaac N. Buxton who died Mch 29, 1875. They had six children only two living, myself Dr W.E. Buxton, & my sister Luella B. Snell of Dysart Iowa. His mother did not have any of the old bibles. DR W.E. Buxton was married Dec 6, 1881 to Alice C. Peters & have two children living.:

R.S. Buxton, a jeweler & optometrist of Murphysboro, Ills who has a fine wife & two boys, all Christian people

His daughter married Dr. H.C. Tietze who was in France 2 yrs now located at Livingston, Ills.

Dr Buxton has been Pres of the County S.S. Asscn for 31 successive years. Make slip to go to Wellsburg, Brooke Co, WVA & examine the wills for Alex's father.

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A letter dated Feby 12, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10 from Mrs J.A. Ratcliff of Tempe, Arizona see book 19 p 282 gives her birth & marriage entered there where lack of space requires transference here for balance of her record. She was Emma G. Finley born Nov 21, 1880 in Delaware Co 4 miles south of Muncie & Married on Oct 14, 1903 in Delaware Co, Ind 11 miles north of Muncie, Ind to Josiah Alonzo Ratcliff born Oct 9, 1869 son of Moses Ratcliff born Jany 25, 1845 & his wife Hannah Melvina Reed born May 31, 1846. They had 8 children born at various places:

1. Infant born May 31, 1905 at Muncie, Ind, died

2. Beulah Priscilla born Aug 28, 1906 at Okla City, Okla

3. Charity Ruth born Nov 3, 108 in Delaware Co, Ind

4. Martha Pauline born Aug 24, 1910 at Monte Vista, Colo

5. John Alden born May 31, 1912 at Denver Colo, died

6. Alonzo Paul born May 7, 1915 at Branson Colo

7. Elizabeth Eileen born Feby 8, 1917 at Melvin, Colo

8. Maryellen Melvina born Aug 27, 1922 at Alexandria, Ind, died.

Mch 20, 1927 in letter of Mch 1, 1927 she reports:

1. Infant baby died June 2, 1905

5. John Alden Ratcliff died Apr 1, 1914

8. Maryellen M. Ratcliff died Mch 18, 1924

She says none of her daughters are married. Says she has three step children she then evidently his second wife, two of them married, but their record not desired for this record.

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A letter dated Feby 21, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10, from Mrs Clara Etta Finley Markins of Gaston R.D. Ind see book 19 p 282 gives her record partly recorded there but for lack of room there, her children are listed here all born in Indiana:

1. Merl Stillson Markins born Feby 11, 1907

2. Ralph Harrold Markins born Jany 5, 1909

3. Arvella Ruth Markins born Apr 16, 1911

4. Mary Rose Markins born Oct 23, 1913

5. Margaret Markins born Nov 28, 1915

She reports no marriages, hence I infer all are at home single

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Oak Hill, Feby 20, 1927 4:20 PM

A letter dated Feby 11, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 8, from Mrs E.F. Wellentin of RFD 1 Alice, North Dakota See book 19 p 526 gives record of the marriages of three of her children who have married viz:

I. Violet A. married June 4, 1923 Leopold Wavra born Apr 4, 1899 at Fargo, N.D. son of Louis Wavra & wife Annie Banish. They have one child born at Fingel, N.Dak.

1. Elaine Frances Wavra born Jany 17, 1926

III. Gertrude E. married Jany 23, 1923 Thomas Wallace McLeod born Dec 20, 1902 at Wheatland N.D. son of Donald McLeod & wife Elizabeth Smith They have one child born at Wheatland N.Dak viz:

1. Lester Wallace McLeod born Nov 30, 1924

IV. Lester J. married Aug 10, 1926 Pearl Jewett born Dec 23, 1908 daughter of Victor Jewett & his wife Melvina Mayhew.

She gives address of her sister Mrs John Durkin at Fargo N.D. which I had gotten & says her brother Robert Sproull had also moved to Fargo, but to get his address from Mrs Durkin.

V20 Page 226

A letter dated Feby 17, 1927 in answer to mine of 8th inst from Mrs Elizabeth Jane Hanlin Clark 2522 Station St, Indianapolis, Ind see page 154 born Elizabeth Jane Hanlin Jany 19, 1865, married June 7, 1892 in Union City, Ind George Washington Clark born in Chesterfield, Ind Feby 22, 1863 son of Benjamin Augustus Clark & his wife Melissa Eleanor Skinner. Geo W. is a retired NY Central RR engineer. They have 3 girls all born in Indianapolis, Ind.

1. Florence Marie Clark born Oct 8, 1893

2. Edith Hanlin Clark born Oct 25, 1896

3. Ada Louise Clark born Feby 26, 1903

1. Florence Marie married June 12, 1912 in Indianapolis, Ind Charles G. Bell, born in Rush Co, Ind Dec 25, 1888, son of Samuel English Bell & his wife Florence Amelia Leab. They have two sons born in Indianapolis, Ind viz:

Robert Owen Bell born June 18, 1913

George English Bell born Feby 23, 1918

2. Edith Hanlin married Jany 8, 1920 in Indianapolis, Ind Russell Lee Shearin born in Lincoln Co, Ky June 30, 1897 son of James Shearin & his wife Celia Bell Russell. They have had three children the first two born in Indianapolis, Ind.

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& the last one in Danville, Ky

1. June Caroline Shearin born Nov 23, 1920

2. Virginia Lee Shearin born Nov 24, 1921

3. Russell Shearin Jr born Oct 14, 1923

3. Adah Louise married June 29, 1921 in Indianapolis, Ind Halford Harold White born in Indianapolis, Ind Dec 25, 1901 son of Arthur Earl White & his wife Rose Ellen Horton. They have three children born in Indianapolis, Ind.

1. Marjorie Ellen White born Apr 20, 1922

2. Robert White born Sept 4, 1923

3. Benjamin Thomas White born May 13, 1925

She says the address of her brother Perry E. Handlin [sic] is c/o Noland Co Plumbing, Newport News, VA.

She writes Mch 6, 1927. She writes that she had only three children all auburn haired girls & all spared to her by God's kindness. Says her father's mother was Jane Gearhart noted in place page 153.

V20 Page 228

A letter dated Feby 14, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10th from Mrs Minnie F. Heavin route 1 box 133 Coatesville, Ind see book 19 p 404 & 405 gives her record as follows:

Minnie F. Nichols born Jany 19, 1868 married Sept 19, 1889, Thomas Jefferson Heavin born near Stilesville, Hendricks Co, Ind Dec 21, 1866 see book 19 p 403. They have had nine children born as follows: the first two in Putnam Co, Ind 2 miles east of Fillmore, Ind, the next three near Mt Meridian, Ind & the last four near Coatesville, Ind.

1. Henry Morris Heavin, born July 1, 1890

2. Herman Austin Heavin born Aug 8, 1892

3. Albert Reuben Heavin born Sept 6, 1894

4. Ada Mable Heavin born Jany 25, 1897

5. Clara Alice Heavin born Jany 25, 1897

6. Ona Rella Heavin born Aug 30, 1901

7. Joel Thomas Heavin born Feby 27, 1904

8. Silas Arthur Heavin born Jany 1, 1906

9. Mary Frances Heavin born Oct 6, 1908

see pages 230 & 231

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V20 Page 230 & V20 Page 231

[descendant chart]

Minnie F. Nichols born Jany 19, 1868 see bk 19 p 403 daughter of Henry C. Nichols & his wife Lucy E. Finley married Sept 19, 1889 Thomas Jefferson Heavin born Dec 21, 1866 see page 228.


Henry Morris Heavin b July 1, 1890, married June 30, 1920 to Zella Garrett b near Green Castle, Ind May 25, 1893 daughter of Robert Garret & wife Flora Cook. He is a farmer. Have 2 sons.

Alfred Morris Heavin, b Sept 28, 1923 at Port Arthur, Tex

Wilber Lee b Mch 26, 1926 near Fillmore, Ind.

Herman Austin Heavin B Aug 8, 1892 married Mch 15, 1913 to Etta Jane Eggers born near Groveland, Ind June 15, 1889 daughter of Douglas Daniel Eggers & wife Susan Ida Myers. He is a farmer & has 3 children all born near Coatesville, Ind.

Halbert Arthur Heavin b Feby 21, 1914

Dora Alice Heavin b Dec 29, 1916

Milus Dale Heavin b Jany 22, 1923

Albert Reuben Heavin b Sept 6, 1894, farmer, married Feby 21, 1917 to Edith Flo Mason born in Coatesville, Ind Oct 9, 1859 & died Sept 7, 1924. Had 2 children born near Fillmore, Ind.

Ross Heavin b June 28, 1921 ob in infancy

Frieda May Heavin b Jany 18, 1923 of Sept 7, 1924

Ada Mabel Heavin b Jany 25, 1897 married Nov 8, 1916 to Urban Allen Greenlee born in Hendricks Co, Ind Nov 27, 1895 son of James Wm Greenlee & wife Amanda Etta Chatham. He is a farmer. Have had 2 children born near Coatesville, Ind.

Mildred Irene Heavin, b Jany 28, 1918 ob Mch 8, 1919

Allen Marshall Heavin b Aug 22, 1922

Clara Alice Heavin b Jany 30, 1899 married May 20, 1922 to Cedric Pritchard born near Belle Union, Ind Sept 24, 1899, son of Hiram Pritchard & wife Lillie Fremont Bryant. He is a farmer. Have 2 daughters 1st born near Fillmore, Ind & 2d in Coatesville, Ind.

Cleatis Anita Pritchard b July 19, 1923

Ruth Winona Pritchard b Sept 23, 1926

Ona Rella Heavin b Aug 30, 1901 married Nov 22, 1922 to Lester Terry a farmer born near Belle Union, Ind Oct 2, 1901 son of Robert Terry & wife Bertha May Goodpaster. Have one child born near Belle Union, Ind.

Recil Wayne Terry b Jany 24, 1925

Joel Thomas Heavin b Feby 27, 1904 single, working for 2 yrs with Marmon Maclanes Indianapolis, Ind.

Silas Arthur Heavin, b Jany 1, 1906 is in State Normal College at Terre Haute, Ind, single

Mary Frances Heavin b Oct 6, 1908. She is now a senior in the Fillmore Ind High School.

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A letter dated Feby 14, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10th, from Clarkson Dennis RR "a" Hagerstown, Ind see Book 19 p 170. Says that Gideon Markle, about whom I wrote is buried in the Friends g.y. at Nettle Creek near Franklin Wayne Co, Ind but has no marker. From the book of deaths & burials of Solomon Billheimer (who died June 21, 1883 see book 19 p 168) of people he buried when undertaker & which book is in the hands of his son Sylvester Billheimer, I got the following:

Gideon Marcle died Nov 29, 1880, buried Nov 30, 1880

Anna Marcle died Aug 17, 1887 aged 79 yrs

A second letter from Mr Dennis dated Mch 10, 1927 in answer to my card of Ackmt says he was out yesterday to Mooreland, Henry Co, Ind & saw Charles Pierson a grandson of Gideon Markle & he had no record, but he called up Walter Murray & they had the old Family bible & they gave me the dates of their birth:

Gideon Markle was born Sept 17, 1802

Anna Markle (his wife) was born Sept 7, 1808

It seems strange that Walter Murray did not send me this record as promised me Nov 16, 1826 see book 19 p 343-4. Mr Dennis makes no charge, but if I saw fit, would be glad to have a contribution for the care of the cemetery, so I am sending him five dollars.

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Oak Hill, Feby 21, 1927 9:11 AM

A letter dated Feby 12, 1927 from David Meredith Finley, Civil Engineer of 1432 Logan St, Los Angeles, Calif who says that for a year past he has been trying to make up a genealogical tree of his branch of the family & says all of his Finley ancestors were from Pa, some from Mercer & Clarion Cos. He says he might be able to give me some help as he has found an old Finley bible printed in 1726.

I have dug out too, his favor of Apr 2, 1926 in which he tells me that his father, Charles Meredith Finley, as shown on a genealogical chart he sent, was born in 1854 at Mt Vernon, Clarion Co Pa (& there is no Mt Vernon in that Co now) & in 1856 went with his parents to Wis & in 1874 went to Iowa & has been a locomotive engineer on the C,R.I. & P Ry from 1881 to 1924. & lives at Harlan, Iowa where I called at his home Apr 12, 1924 but he was not at home see book 11 page 510. He tells his son that only two of his father's brothers came weest, the others stayed in Pa. The chart shows Chas M. to have two daughters, both married & one son my informant born in 1892 & married Imogene Booth of Harlan, Iowa & have one child viz: Imogene Meredee Finley born at Santa Ana, Calif Apr 23, 1925. Chas M. seems to have had two brothers & two sisters, one of whom, Winnefred Finley born 1862 a school teacher & a D.A.R. member married Harry Middleton, a contractor & lived in Phila, Pa

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until she died June 6, 1913. No issue shown.

Their father, William Finley was born in Mercer Co, Pa 1830 being youngest of 13 children. He married Melinda Ann Meredith of Milledgeville, Pa & moved to Wis in 1856, was a cabinet maker by trade, but was most of his life a farmer near River Falls, Wis & died in 1913. He was son of an Elder William Finley who died in Mercer Co in 1835 age not given but reported as coming originally from Phila, Pa. Make slip to hunt up his grave in Mercer Co, Pa. Of his 13 children, the chart lists five as unknown & gives the others as follows:

Sarah Finley married Hartley & lived at Hartley, Iowa

Joseph Finley born in 1814

Edward Finley born in 1828

Francis Finley born in 1817

John Finley

Anna Finley

Tamar Finley married Hartley & lived in Phila was a Quaker

William Finley born in Mercer Co, Pa in 1830, the youngest of the 13 as noted above. I am holding this Apr 2, 1926 letter with chart with my unanswered mail for reference later.

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A letter dated Feby 16, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 28th from Thomas Lynn Thompson of Soldier Kan says he was born Aug 1, 1858 near Albany, Ills in Newton Tp, Whiteside Co, son of John Scroggs Thompson who was son of Alexander Thompson born Sept 3, 1758 ob Sept 25, 1840 son of John 1722-1777 of our John 1695-1783 see book 7 p 144-147. He sends a list of the births of the 12 children of his gf all of which I had except the first & last, unnamed infants, which I have entered in place in b 7 p 146-7. He also sent names of who they married, all of which I had except Sarah & I have entered that on page 147. He did not have any deaths except his grandparents Alex & Sarah, but I had all except the two infants & Margaret who married Robert C. Blean, who was living in 1898 & 79 yrs old & in correspondence with T.A.L. Thompson 1864-1909 who made the above referred to record with her help.

Thos L. speaks of his ggf being Alexander also, but I am writing him telling him it was John 1722-1777.

He says he can give me the dates of birth & death of most of his father's family & I am writing him for them. My record book 7 p 146 says there are nine.

He says Robert Blean Thompson of Steele City, Neb born in 1836 lives 100 miles northwest of him & is an ideal Thompson. He is a full cousin & he has often visited him there. He says he has a family tree of his

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mother's family. Says he has 4 children, 2 boys & two girls, three married:

Lynn Morrison

Leona (Mrs Chrisman)


Ada, at home keeping house for him.

Says his wife Louisa died 7 yrs ago last Oct 23d, say then Oct 23, 1919. Says he owns 80 A of well improved land which he brought in 1890 for $1200 without any money to pay down but has the mortgages paid off & many buildings on it.

Apr 27, 1927. I have come to his answer dated Mch 5, written by his daughter Ada in his name & the Peebles record a copy of which containing 13 pages sent Mch 3, 1900 from Portsmouth, O by John G. Peebles to James Buckingham Zanesville, O & Mr Buckingham on Jany 26, 1905 sent it to Miss Alice T. Kennedy 17 S. Wahsatch St, Colorado Springs, Col saying that her mother was a cousin of his wife Jane Peebles Wills & that he was gathering all the data he could about his own & his wife's people. She lent it to Thos L. Thompson & getting soiled, he made a copy & sent her & kept the soiled one which he highly prizes & which I am to return. See Mr Buckingham's record book 14 p 334. I have compared it with the Peebles record I copied at Portsmouth, O see bk 14 p 309-386, but Mr Buckingham has evidently added a page which I will copy here in case of future need:

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Copied from Thomas Kennedy bible:

Thomas Kennedy born in 1744 & died in 1831. He married Apr 24, 1773 Martha Brown born 1759. She died Jany 16, 1781. She was the daughter of Alexander Brown & Jane (McClung) Brown.


1. John Kennedy born June 6, 1774

2. Thomas Kennedy born Oct 2, 1775

3. Janny Kennedy born Aug 27, 1778 married June 21, 1796 Robt Peebles died Sept 1865

4. Agnes Kennedy born Feby 15, 1780

Thomas Kennedy for 2d wife married Margaret McFarlan [sic] Aug 26, 1783.


5. James Kennedy born June 17, 1784

6. William Kennedy born Feby 1, 1786, died

7. Anna Kennedy born Apr 11, 1788 died May 115, 1790

8. Eliza Kennedy born Oct 19, 1790

9. Robert Kennedy born Feby 6, 1793

10. William Kennedy born Apr 10, 1795

11. James Kennedy born June 6, 1797

12. Hugh Kennedy born Mch 30, 1800

13. Samuel H. Kennedy born Oct 17, 1803

Grandfather Kennedy (Robert) was half brother to great grandmother Peebles Jenny Kennedy who married Robert Peebles (I suppose it is James Buckingham who says this)

James Buckingham in his letter to Miss Alice T. Kennedy referred to

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above states that her grandmother Sarah Ann Peebles married John S. Thompson & that their 2d child, Sarah Jane Thompson born May 18, 1838 married Robert McFarland Kennedy on Dec 15, 1838.

Thomas L. says that he did not have his gf's bible, but the dates he gave were from a copy he got from his father's sister Margaret Blean, see book 7 p 147 & also see page 236 preceding. He says R.B. Thompson, Steele City Neb has an old bible which belonged to his brother Alexander, the preacher. He don't know where it came from. It is quite large.

Thos L. has his father's bible but says the record in it is given in the Peebles record 7 which I have in book 14 p 360 & I will make up a table on page 456.

He says his son Lynn M. Thompson of 4423 Sprague St, Omaha, Neb claims to have traced ancestry of their family to the house of Linn in Scotland & says he would be glad to hear from me. I am starting a table on page 456 concerning information of my father's family will refer you to Mrs A.D. Wood Albany, Ills daughter of My father's sister Margaret Thompson Blean to S.S. Thompson Center Junction, Iowa, grandson of Moses Thompson, to Lewis Sleghmaker [sic] Erie, Ills grandson of Hugh Thompson, to Mrs Grace Galliher, Winona, Ills granddaughter of Rachel Thompson Miller & to R.B. Thompson Steele City, Neb. Will Efner only son of Sarah was at Omaha. To page 458.

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A letter dated Jany 29, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10th from Alva Alonzo Nichols of RR 2 Greencastle, Ind see Book 19 p 405 answers my questionnaire very well except he fails to give births & parentage of the "in-laws" which I will have to write him for. He says:

Alva Alonzo Nichols born Sept 18, 1874 married June 20, 1897 Laura Estep born Feby 9, 1872 daughter of Jesse Estep & wife Louisa Strong. They have six children born in Marion Tp, Putnam Co, Indiana

1. Arvil Nichols was born June 25, 1897 married Apr 6, 1918 Ruth Meagle born Mch 30, 1897 at Hendricks Co, Ind daughter of Ed Meagle & wife Alice Measles Fisher. Have 3 children:

1. Glen Nichols born Jany 7, 1919

2. Kenneth Frederick Nichols born June 6, 1920

3. Thelma Imogene Nichols born May 26, 1922

2. Merial Nichols was born Aug 2, 1898 married Sept 14, 1918 Callie Marie Larimore born Mch 24, 1900 at Hendricks Co, Ind daughter of Walter Larimore & wife Anna Ballard. Have 3 children born in Marion Tp, Putnam Co, Ind

1. Gilbert Allen Nichols born Apr 23, 1919

2. Robert Leon Nichols born Nov 26, 1921

3. Eula Fern Nichols born June 8, 1925

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3. Earl A. Nichols born Dec 29, 1899 married July 2, 1921 Nellie Mae Heavins born Mch 18, 1903 at Putnam Co, Ind daughter of Len Heavins & wife Lena Kent. Have two children born in Putnam Co, Ind.

1. Clifford Eugene Nichols born Nov 6, 1922

2. Alonzo Kendall Nichols born Feby 10, 1926

4. Cecil Lois Nichols born Sept 29, 1901 married Aug 30, 1922 Kathleen Ousler born Feby 1, 1903 at Hendricks Co, Ind daughter of Lemuel Ousler & his wife Lora Mae York. Have two children born in Hendricks Co, Ind.

1. Rettie Josephine Nichols born Sept 16, 1924

2. Shirley Ann Nichols born Feby 23, 1926

5. Luie Alice Nichols born Nov 18, 1903 married May 12, 1925 Samuel Reeves born July 3, 1903 at Putnam Co, Ind son of Artie Reeves & wife Anna Britton. No issue.

6. Henry Nichols born May 12, 1909, at home, single.

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A letter dated Jany 28, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10 to Pauline Markle whose name I found in the Tel directory, Indianapolis, Ind see bk 19 p 416 is from Pauline Markle Carr of 4631 Caroline Ave, Indianapolis, Ind evidently now married, who I figure is daughter of Walter O. Markle book 19 p 238 son of William Henry Markle who was son of Jacob, brother of Adam & John the founder of Markleville, as she says her gf was Wm Henry & she will get up a record & send me later as soon as she can communicate with an Uncle who is quarantined with the small pox. She says her grandfather Markle was brought from NY State to Markleville when he was 3 months old.

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A letter dated Jany 25, 1927 in answer to mine of 10th from Mrs Adda Hendricks Gilmore, widow of 112 Gilmore Ave, Eton, O see book 19 page 105 says Jas B. Brooke father of Nannie, who married Dickson Hendricks was not a son, but a nephew of Rev John C. Brooke & have not a Finley desc. Says his daughter Nannie B. Hendricks, widow, makes her home with a single daughter at Washington Grove, Montgomery Co, Md but is now with another daughter at 117 Elberton St, Elmhurst, Long Island, NY. Says she can tell about the bible, which she supposes some of the Brooke grandchildren have.

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Oak Hill, Feby 22, 1927 2:30 AM

A letter dated Jany 20, 1927 from Mrs Mary E. Burns Box 567 Covington, Garfield Co, Okla, says William Jack was her grandfather & Josephine? Stapleton Jack was her father & she is all that is left of her father's family. She said her father told her there was a large estate to be divided between the Jack heirs if the record of the heirs could be proved up. Said the money was in New York City in some bank waiting to be proved up. Says the last she heard of it, was when she was a child when one of the Jack heirs from NY said all it lacked of being proved was Wm Jack's family. Says Mrs Gunnett wrote her about me & said she had sent her record to her.

Mch 30, 1927 see pages 312-317.

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A letter dated Feby 21, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 15th from Mrs Cora Hite 603 S. Indiana Ave, Kokomo, Ind see Moore genealogy Page 318 Vol 1 & pages 775-6 gives following record of John C. Moore's family:

John C. Moore was born in Center Co, Pa Jany 12, 1830. He died Aug 12, 1911

Mary E. Ross was born in Warren Co, Ohio Nov 5, 1834. She died Jany 5, 1911

John C. Moore & Mary E. Ross were married in Sept 18, 1851. They had six children the oldest born in Clinton Co, Ohio & the other five in Howard Co, Ind viz:

1. Mollie L. Moore was born Aug 12, 1852

2. Edward V. Moore was born Mch 18, 1855

3. Callie A. Moore was born July 16, 1858

4. Lewis A. Moore was born Jany 10, 1862

5. Cora Moore was born Oct 26, 1865

6. Anna B. Moore was born Feby 5, 1873 & died Oct 16, 1877

1. Mollie Moore married Sept 24, 1873 Andrew J. Talley. They have four children. See vol 2 p 1284

1. Raymond Talley born Dec 2, 1874

2. Gertrude Talley born Aug 26, 1876

3. Nettie Talley

4. Fred Talley

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2. Edward V. Moore married Tillie Kimberling. He died Aug 24, 1909. Have two children:

1. Dawn Moore

2. Gessie Moore

3. Caroline A. Moore married J.W. Dollins. She died Dec 17, 1925. Had one son:

1. Claud Dollins

4. Lewis A. Moore married 1893 Elizabeth Fry. Have two sons:

1. Raymond Moore

2. Oscar Moore

5. Cora Moore married 1885 Lewis Hite. She, my informant for this record. Have two sons:

1. Lee Hite

2. Earl Hite

Would like to hear from me when book is completed.

Her name missed getting in the Moore genealogy books.

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A letter dated Feby 20, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 8 from

Miss Jennie Beals Earlham, Iowa, see book 18 p 297, says she has numerous data sent in from Crawford people & will send me excerpts therefrom. I am asking her to send it all in by Reg Parcel Post.

She says her mother, still living, though an invalid, says that her father used to tell of an Uncle ("possibly great great") Col Wm Crawford, being buried at the stake by the Indians. She thinks then that her gf must be descended from Valentine Crawford as he was the only brother. She says her great grandmother Rachel Crawford was born in 1806 & died 1876. She was married to Nathaniel Parker & lived in Ohio a short time & then moved to Indiana. Nathaniel went in quest of gold in 1849 & was reported to have died of cholera at any rate he never returned. They had two children: See p 501. 1. Mary Elizabeth Parker born Nov 12, 1832 ob Sept 1855

2. William Stephenson Parker born Nov 27, 1834 ob Oct 25, 1914. He was named for a Wm Stephenson a connection of the Crawford family of whom his mother was very fond. He married 1st abt 1854 Josephine Frantz who died Mch 1856 & had one child. Married 2d Sept 1857 Nancy Newby born Dec 18, 1833 & died Sept 27, 1902, daughter of William Newby & his wife Ruth Cox. They had 5 children born near West Newton, Ind where his first child was also born.

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1. Esla [sic] Furnas Parker b Mch 27, 1856 ob June 1904

2. Isaac Furnas Parker b June 20, 1858 ob 1897

3. Ruth Jane Parker b Aug 7, 1861

4. Mary Elizabeth Parker b Aug 14, 1863 ob 1883

5. William Nathaniel Parker b Apr 12, 1866 ob 1896

6. Amy Ann Parker b May 26, 1868 ob 1889

3. Ruth Jane Parker, mother of my informant married Feby 25, 1882 Thomas Beals born Sept 12, 1859 & died Feby 4, 1925. He was son of Samuel Beals & wife Amy Newby. They had six children:

I. Infant son born & died May 2, 1883

II. William Samuel born Aug 3, 1884

III. Rosa Belle born Nov 9, 1886 ob May 12, 1896

IV. Amy Ethel born Mch 31, 1889

V. Jennie Nancy born Aug 25, 1891

VI. Minnie Pearl born Aug 27, 1897 ob Apr 6, 1924

II. William Samuel Beals married Jany 17, 1906 Elizabeth Jones born Iowa June 24, 1884 daughter of Frank Jones & wife Lucinda Hampton. They live at Chetek, Wisconsin. Have two children born oldest near Lavonia, Mo & youngest at Earlham, Iowa

a. Wilmer Thomas Beals born June 22, 1908

b. Pearl Viola Beals born Jany 17, 1911

She says her great grandmother, Rachel Crawford Parker had a brother Edward Crawford who disappeared one morning & was never found. They supposed he was cap-

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tured by the Indians in Ohio. He had gone to visit his sister, Rachel.

She says that President Harding was descended from John Crawford, a brother of the father of Col Wm & Valentine, so President Harding's father wrote her. He said the four brothers, John, George, David, & William were sons of Valentine & came to America in 1643. There must be some mistake about this date. Make slip to go & see Dr Geo T. Harding wherever he is in Ohio. She wants a book if she can afford it & says since her father's death, she has had to support the family, an invalid mother & hopelessly sick sister & her own health is about gone.

She sends a leaflet of her sister "Minnie Beals - in Memoriam" The records of Edith Morris book 18 p 304 report Valentine Crawford as dying Jany 7, 1777. Make slip to look at Greensburg, Pa for his will or settlement of his estate. He does not have a will & his brother Co. Wm Admrd. Look up acct filed & the deeds for transfer of his property at Gbg. Dr Geo T. Harding lives at Marion, Ohio.

She says her mother got the name Ruth from the Cox side. She says Rachel Crawford, her ggmother was a Maryland girl. Her ggf Parker was a traveling shoemaker

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& thus found Rachel & were married in Ohio. They moved to Brownsburg, Ind in 1836 & she died in West Newton, Ind. Her mother slipped & fell on a stone stop hitting her head which caused her death. Children of Valentine:

1. She says that William Crawford, son of Valentine has a descendant, Miss Ida March, London, O who gave her her direct line on condition she wouldn't tell it to anyone as she had a cousin who had mistreated her who wanted this inf. I am making slip to hunt her up.

2. Elizabeth Crawford married John Minter

3. daughter Crawford married Mr Brackenridge

4. Valentine Jr

5. Moses Crawford who died of bilious fever in Nov 1774

Valentine born 1734 died Jany 7, 1777

The invitations you enclosed to the reunion is for June 11, 1925 on a Thursday June 11, this year is on a Saturday. Do you know what the date this year is. I have seen stated that the monument is 300 ft from the spot where he was burned. She extols Mark Karr, Pres of the Asscn.

She gives a genealogical table giving his descendants from the Pres Harding Va Crawfords who they claim came to America in 1643. I am giving the table on page 427. She says she got practically all of it fr the Washington Crawford letters, Crawfords Campaign & the D.A.R. A little of it may be from an unreliable source, but she hardly thinks so gathered it fr many sources [appears to be a line cut off at the bottom]

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Oak Hill Feby 25, 1927 5:05 PM

From page 109

VI. Anna L. Wright see page 106 married July 18, 1924 at Placerville, So Dak Carson Carroll Teaney born at Fayette, Ills Jany 18, 1903 son of Ery Edgar Teeney [sic] & wife Jennie Maxwell. [The second spelling added later & probably correct]

I. Earnie [sic] Bert Magee see page 107 married Jany 10, 1920 at Anderson, Iowa, Amy Fay Burt born at Anderson, Iowa Jany 10, 1900 daughter of Homer Hudson Burt & wife Ella Almira Finch. Have two sons the first born at Riverton, Iowa & the second at Macedonia, Iowa.

1. Donald Dean Magee born Mch 21, 1921

2. Billie Blain Magee born Jany 25, 1922

II. Harold Willis Magee married July 14, 1920 at Norborne, Mo Mary Parkins born at Coarrollton, Mo June 12, 1895 daughter of Wellington Parkins & wife Ellen Fauble. Have one child born at Kansas City, MO

1. Harold Parkins Magee born Aug 21, 1924

III. Fay Alma Magee married Apr 4, 1926 at Carrollton Mo Lucille Miller born at Standish Mo Oct 18, 1902 daughter of Joel Miller & wife Amy Gertrude Orr. No issue.

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1. Dovetta Pearl Miller see page 107 married Nov 10, 1920 John Glenn Smith born in Carrollton, Mo Sept 29. 1898 son of Edgar Smith & wife Meta Quillen. Have two children born in Carrollton, Mo:

1. Betty Jane Smith born Aug 22, 1921

2. Joseph Edgar Smith born Mch 16, 1924

Mrs Miller writes that some of the dates she gave in a former letter were wrong, but those given now are correct, so I made changes where they differed.

The address I told you to write to for a cft of Rev Service costing $1 was H.H. Shank, State Library Hbg, Pa. Her sister Mrs Coykendall made a trip to Curtis Neb & got from the tombstone of her grandfather George Clark Carothers born Oct 21, 1814, died Mch 3, 1887 which I entered in place. She says her brother Harry has not answered & she says for me to write him & her Uncle Martin Carothers which I am doing & I entered in place the addresses she gave. She wrote out my questionnaire to her father & sent it to him & has sent me his answer. He says the descendants of his great uncle Armstrong Carothers (son of Armstrong & grandson of Wm & Isabella) went to Indian & Ohio & that the descendants

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of his great Uncle Josiah are in Indiana but I am not sure but what he has gotten his generations mixed.

His father was an ordained minister in the United Brethren Church. He says his mother is buried in the Whitehouse Cemetery which is in Lucas Co, O & she has a tombstone & was 36 yrs old when she died. He don't know her birthday. The first name of his father Geo C. Carothers' second wife was Harriet, but he don't know her parentage.

His brother, Geo W. Carothers if buried at Indianola, Neb & his widow is living in Oregon.

He don't think his brothers Geo W. or Martin ever got their father's bible. Says he never saw one. Says his father died at his son Martin's home. He says his grandmother Turner was born at Pitzers Chapel & died at Martinsburg, WVA. His gf Turner is buried there also in the cemetery.

From page 106

II. Walter John Carothers born June 15, 1925 in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Laura J. Sheaff born Mch 11, 1903 in Hastings, Neb daughter of George Efnor Sheaff & wife Mary Josephine Hutchinson.

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I. Donna Virginia Carothers married Mch 21, 1923 in Pasadena, Calif Rev Oscar J. Finch born 1 1/2 miles from Somerton, Belmont Co, O Feby 27, 1901 son of Fred R. Finch & his wife Lida E. Warrick. Have one child:

1. Deward Raymond Finch born Mch 27, 1926

They live at 115 N. Cornell, Fullerton, Calif. Am writing Apr 20, 1927

A letter dated Apr 13, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 25, from Martin Carothers 344 W. Milford St, Glendale, Calif see page 104 says the name of his adopted daughter, who wrote the letter, in a fine plain hand is:

2. Goldy Marie McElroy Carothers born Dec 22, 1908 in Bartley, Neb, daughter of Herbert McElroy & his wife Amy Daniels. He can give no inf abt his stepmother nor does he know the dates of his father's two marriages. He sends the record of his father's bible which he has but which gives births only. He says his mother died in 1854 as near as he can tell & is buried at Whitehouse O & has a tombstone. Bible record is:

George C. Carothers was born Oct 8, 1814

Catherine First was born Jany 1816

Their children:

1. Eliza Jane Carothers was born Dec 11, 1841 abt 8 AM

2. George William Carothers was born Nov 3, 1843 abt 7 AM

3. John First Carothers was born Feby 10, 1848 abt 10 PM

4. Martin Carothers was born Oct 7, 1852 abt 3 AM in Lucas Co, O

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Oak Hill Feby 26, 1927 1:22 AM

A letter dated Feby 23, 1927 in answer to mine, from Frank L. Markle 510 N. Temple Ave, Indianapolis, Ind says he doesn't know anything about his grandmother Markle's parentage. He never heard of any relatives of the names I gave him. Says the old letters his brother Will spoke of were all destroyed long ago by his little nephews. He says his gf, Gideon Markle located North of Cambridge City, Ind & owned a grist mill & distillery & when they started a canal through there, he thought it would facilitate marketing his product so he invested heavily in it. Then the RR came along & busted the canal, him & others up.

A letter dated Feby 23, 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs John L. Grant of 115 Buchanan St, Hickman, Ky says she is the widow of John L. Grant who was related to Genl U.S. Grant & was the youngest son of Samuel Grant whose family or himself came from Va. He was my informant's 2d husband & his father died shortly after their marriage leaving 8 children, all dead now. She don't know what became of the bible & never heard the name of her husband's grandfather.

See page 194.

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See page 167

He says his father, Lewis L. Jack died on the farm abt 3 miles east of Logansport, Cass Co, Ind. He was born May 26, 1838 & died Mch 12, 1925. He gives his own record as follows:

Harry Harrison Jack born May 9, 1889 at Logansport, Ind & married June 26, 1912 at Jasper, Ind Dora Adie Miles who was born June 24, 1886 at English, Crawford Co, Ind daughter of John Wilber Miles & his wife Nancy Jane Schafer. They have three children, the first two born in Logansport, Ind & the last at North Madison, Jefferson Co, Ind.

1. Louis Miles Jack born Jany 23, 1914

2. Harry Miles Jack born May 5, 1916

3. June Louise Jack born Aug 7, 1919

Apr 1, 1927 writing Mch 13, 1927 H.H. Jack says:

that his half brother, Frank Jack New Waverly, Ind RR has their father's bible with the record. I am writing him today. Says he will be able to give the names & addresses of his full brothers & sisters. He gives me the names & addresses of his own full brothers & sisters viz:

Maude Jack now Mrs J.B. Carr 120 E. 50th St Indianapolis Ind. see page 394 this book

Minnie Jack now Mrs James Copeland RR no 6 Logansport, Ind

Mae Jack now Mrs George York 511 E. Main St Logansport, Ind see page 490

Mr Guy Jack went to San Diego, Calif a few weeks ago but do not yet have his street number there. Am writing the three sisters.

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A letter dated Feby 23, 1927 in answer to mine of 15th from Mrs Sarah R. Finley 6104 Dorchester Ave, Chicago, Ills says I was misinformed about her husband getting any Finley records at Phila. Says he visited some relatives of his mother (who was a Russell of Va) but had nothing of interest about his father's family. She says however that she has interested herself & may be able to help me a bit. She says her husband's father told her the family was Scotch Irish & at one time spelled the name Findley & he claimed James B. Findlay missionary to the Indians in Ohio as his great Uncle & says Findley, Ohio is named for him. but father Finley knew his branch of the family spelled the name as they do, Finley, with the above as her base she finds:

Michael Finley Sr came from Ulster, Armagh Co, Ireland & landed in Phila in 1734. Later I find Michael Finley Jr at Brownsburg, Rockbridge Co, Va 1783-1823 (This Michael born 1783 is son of Michael 1744-1818 see Anjou Hist pages 51 & 60 who was son of William b 1717 son of Michael Sr) where the family built a stone house which is still standing.

Speaking of the elder Michael's children, she says there were several children & one son, Samuel was one of the first Presidents of Princeton College. Another of these sons went to Ky & it was from this stock my husband's family came. I have heard father Finley say that his mother's name was McQuiddy. His father was contemporary with Daniel Boone. They were great

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friends. Boone & he hunted together (both game & Indians). My husband's father was Robert Patterson Finley born Dec 8, 1809, I think in Ky. He married three times. The children, if any, by the two early marriages, I know nothing of. His 3d wife was Jane Thornton Russell. There were three children of which she reports the first two as born at Wilmington, Clinton Co, O viz:

1. William Pendergrass Finley born July 16, 1843

2. Charles Elliott Finley born Jany 22, 1847

3. Harriet Russell Finley born Dec 29, 1848

1. William P. Finley died in Indianapolis, Ind some 4 yrs ago don't know exact date. He married Mch 21, 1872 at Lexington, Highland Co, O. Harriet D. Robbins born Feby 13, 1842, daughter of Charles Robbins & wife Sarah. There were two daughters.

1. Lucile Robbins b Dec 21, 1872 ob in infancy

2. Emma Athelia Finley born Aug 5, 1874 who as far as I know is unmarried & living in Indianapolis, Ind. this is evidently Atha Finley at Pulaski, Va to whom I wrote same day Feby 15, see pages 295-301. See page 191.

2. Charles E. Finley died Apr 8, 1918 at Joliet, Ills. He married (she gives nothing of her own record, I will have to write for again for it) Dec 10, 1872 at my home, LaFayette, Ind. We had two daughters. The oldest died in infancy & the second

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lives with me here in Chicago.

3. Harriet Russell Finley married Dec 23, 1873 Hugh E. Terrell of Lexington, Highland Co, O (I do not find a Lexington in Highland Co) born Nov 19, 1848 & died Feby 7, 1924 aged 76 yrs son of David A. Terrell & wife Mary Evans (see book 18 p 446-7) She says they had three sons & three daughters. The second son & one daughter died. The oldest son is living at New Brighton, Pa the youngest on the home farm near Lexington, O Both Hugh & Harriet are dead. See page 302.

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She says most of above has been put together from what was told her by her husband's father, a most lovable man, who always called himself "an ardent Methodist" though the early family were Presbyterians. He was a good man & he died Sept 9, 1891, see his will in Book 18, p 420 at Wilmington, O

See page 295 et seq where I am noting a later important letter from Mrs Allie R. Finley of Chicago & from her nieces Mrs Atha Finley, Pulaski Va & Mrs H.A. Pidgeon Maplewood, NJ.

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A letter dated Feby 24, 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs Cora Kilgore gives her new address as 44 Riverdale St, Dayton, O. She says her husband's people are descended from the Nickels & Matsys. See page 156.

A letter dated Feby 18, 1927 from Mrs Jean Crothers Cook of 3400 San Marion St, Los Angeles, Calif see book 7 p 477 & book 9 p 451 says her husband Geo H. Cook died last Sept 1926 & she is contemplating leaving in the late spring on a trip to Europe & writes for the homes of our ancestors in Scotland & Ireland which she wants to visit & is expecting an extended stay abroad. She speaks of having been in Ireland a number of years ago, but did not get to Londonderry where she might have seen the birth place of her Irish blood. Her ggf Benj Crothers married Susannah Lockhart who came from Londonderry.

I am giving her the location of our ancestors in Ireland & Scotland & telling her that her great great grandparents William Crothers & Mary Doak were both natives of Ireland & giving her address of her second cousin Martha E. Crothers 2407 W. 9th St Los Angeles, Calif

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A letter dated Feby 23, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 31 from Miss Lucy B. Crawford teacher of 140 N "C" St Hamilton O says her father was John Crawford, her grandfather John and her great grandfather was John Crawford 1775-1840. His children were:

1. Mary Crawford born 1795 married Robert Beckett

2. Martha who died infancy

3. Isabella Crawford Sterritt

4. Elizabeth Crawford Traber wife of John Traber 1782-1856 grandparents of Cora B. Traber of Waterloo, Neb see page 142

5. Margaret Crawford who never married

6. John Crawford born Aug 1799 married Elizabeth Beckett, sister of Robert Beckett, grandfather of my informant see bk 18 p 251

7. David Crawford married Jane Giffen, father of Mrs Falconer

8. William Crawford

Mary Crawford Beeler 127 S. "E" St Hamilton, O who I saw Sept 30, 1926 see book 18 p 250-5 is a sister of my informant.

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Oak Hill Feby 27, 1927 2:10 PM

A letter dated Feby 21, 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs Belle Fulton Welch of 1403 E. Olive ST, Bloomington, Ills See book 7 p 122 book 9 p 308-9 sends record of the children of her father James Fulton son of William of James & Agnes & gives full record of his 3 children by 2d wife ie herself & sister & brother which I am tabling on pages 266 & 7 & says her half brother Albert B. Fulton & her half sister Eliza Fulton Black are working on theirs. Says she cant' give anything about her Uncle Wm Fulton Jr only that his oldest son Arthur was living at Helena, Montana 4 or 5 yrs ago.

Apr 1, 1927 A letter dated Mch 20, 1927 from Mrs Welch's daughter, Mrs Lois Welch Morrow 338 Crescent Ave, Peoria, Ills see page 267 seeks inf to join the D.A.R. I am writing her for her record.

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[descendant chart]

William Fulton b Dec 8, 1792 son of James & Agnes see book 7 pages 113 & 122 & book 9 p 308-9


Samuel Thompson Fulton

William Fulton Jr

Robert Fulton

James Fulton born in Harrison Co, O Sept 10, 1826 ob Sept 5, 1892 & buried in Heyworth Ills cem. Married 1st Jany 6, 1853 to Mary Boyd born Oct 3, 1830 & died Aug 1, 1856 buried in Evergreen Cem Bloomington, Ills. She was daughter of Wm Boyd. Married 2d Sept 9, 1858 to Mary Emma Bishop born in Randolph Tp McLean Co, Ills June 21, 1836 ob July 16, 1912 buried in Heyworth, Ills Cem. She was daughter of Jacob Bishop & wife Mary Ann Weedman. Had 2 children by 1st wife & 3 by 2d wife, oldest born in Old Town Tp, 2d in Bloomington, Ills 3d & 4th in Lytleville, Ills & the last in Heyworth, Ills.

Eliza Ann Fulton, B Dec 23, 1853 married June 1, 1874 to B.H. Black born 1852 & died Mch 3, 1917.

Ella M. Black b Apr 7, 1875 married Dec 25, 1900 to James Clendenning. Live at Freeport, O. Have 3 children

Sara E. Clendenning, B July 24, 1905

Elizabeth Clendenning, B Jany 30, 1907

John B. Clendenning, B Feby 7, 1909

Lena R. Black B July 7, 1879 married Oct 14, 1903 Paul H. Lawrence. Live at Berkeley, Calif & have children

Martha F. Lawrence B July 12, 1904

Mary Louisa Lawrence, B Dec 12, 1905

Charles Fulton Black B Nov 28, 1883 married Oct 25, 1905 to Bessie Willis. Live at Freeport, O.

Hal McCarty Black B Feby 19, 1886 married Dec 22, 1919 to Helen Jackson Sims. Live at 4001 E. Douglas Ave, Wichita, Kans, a lawyer see bk 9 p 28

Albert Boyd Fulton, B Apr 5, 1855 married Oct 13, 1880 to Mattie Morrow b Mch 1, 1858 near Clarksville, O. Have 5 children

Maud Fulton Fulton b Aug 2, 1881 ob Sept 9, 1884

Elmer Fulton b Oct 9, 1884 married Jany 27, 1909 Blanche Downs ob July 8, 1913. Married 2d Nov 3, 1915 Mary Anna Liggett. Have had 4 children, 2 by each wife.

Lawson Boyd Fulton b 1909

Robert Fulton ob 1912

Genevieve Alice Fulton b 1918

Marjorie Eileen Fulton b 1922

Mary Madella Fulton B Jany 22, 1888 married 1st Oct 17, 1907 to Fred B. Marker who died Feby 10, 1912. Had 1 child. Married 2d Dec 15, 1915 W.E. Collier

Charles Albert Marker b 1908

Ruth Amanda Fulton b July 31, 1892 married Feby 21, 1912 to Floyd C. Thomas. Have 2 sons.

Harold Eugene b 1913

Vernon Almon b 1917

Ada Ruby Fulton b June 10, 1895 married Nov 28, 1912 Leon H. Morin. Have had six children

Marguerite Marie Morin b 1913

Paul Napoleon Morin b 1915

Joseph Albert Morin b 1917

Clifford Morin, ob

Eugene Harrison Morin b 1921

Philip Fulton Morin b 1924

Belle Fulton [daughter of James Fulton b 1826] b July 2, 1860 married Nov 19, 1879 at Heyworth, Ills Alfred J. Welch b July 5, 1855 son of henry Welch of Pa & wife Minerva Colwell. Have 4 children born at Downs, Ills.

Mattie Welch b Nov 3, 1885 married Sept 18, 1907 Eldon B. Hurst, born Apr 28, 1885 at Carlock Ills son of Wm Hurst a native of England & wife Nettie Brown. Have 3 children, the oldest born in Montana, & the other 2 in Bloomington, Ills.

William A. Hurst, b Oct 6, 1908

Howard G. Hurst b Jany 22, 1913

Dorothy Hurst b Feby 25, 1915

Archie D. Welch b Aug 23, 1888 married Dec 16, 1910 Clyta Dennis b Feby 1887 at Chambersburg, Ills daughter of Harry Dennis & wife Ella Irvin.

Dean D. Welch B Dec 6, 1914 at Downs, Ills

Lois Welch B Feby 26, 1893 married Feby 5, 1922 Thayer K. Morrow B Sept 18, 1886 at Plain City, Ohio, son of William Morrow & wife Rose Ann Wood. Have 2 children born in Peoria, Ills. Live at 338 Crescent Ave. His middle name is Kingsley.

Thayer K. Morrow Jr b Apr 3, 1924

Robert Welch Morrow b July 14, 1926

Doris Welch B Mch 4, 1897 married Feby 5, 1921 John Milton Birks b Apr 28, 1895 at Cornland, Ills son of Wm Edward Birks & wife Nettie Alice Scroggin. Have one child born at Lincoln, Ills.

Donald Welch Birks b Apr 2, 1922

Mattie E. Fulton [daughter of James b 1826] B Aug 1, 1866 married Sept 12, 1893 at Heyworth, Ills Joseph Brown born Feby 5, 1856 son of Samuel Brown & wife Jane Fowler. Have 3 children all born at Heyworth, Ills & all are single.

Florine Fulton Brown B June 9, 1895

James Porter Brown B Apr 30, 1899

Fred K. Lyman Brown B Aug 20, 1900

James Fry Fulton b Jany 17, 1868 married Oct 5, 1904 at Heyworth, Ills Anna Janette Graves Dec 8, 1878 daughter of George Graces & wife Margaret Stillman. Have children all born at Heyworth, Ills.

Iris Alwillah Fulton b Sept 2, 1905

Altha Louise Fulton b Nov 5, 1908

James Howard Fulton b Mch 19, 1912 ob Dec 30, 1919

Elsie Berdena Fulton b Oct 28, 1921

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A letter dated Feby 22, 1927 in answer to mine of 15th from Mrs Lina Myers, Seaman, O on letter head of "Miss Alta E. Myers, Seaman, O" probably a daughter who wrote the letter says her grandfather was John Clark who came from Va. Says knows of no relationship to the Crawfords until this generation. My Aunt Jane Clark married a John Caruthers. They went to Indiana to live. Mrs Ella Pattison of Marion, Ind is a descendant. Am writing her.

My father had a cousin Arthur Clark who came from Penna. He was related to the Carruthers. They are all dead now except one granddaughter, Miss Hettie Clark, a teacher of Lincoln, Neb. Am writing her. She writes on a slip: A.R. Clark 1842 Warren, University Place, Lincoln, Neb. You may get some information from this address L.M. Writing.

see page 193

see page 347

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A letter dated Sept 17, 1926 from Mrs Carrie Breese Chandler (Mrs L.L. Chandler) Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, evidently came just about or after I left for Ohio Sept 22d last. She says Andrew J. Finley of San Diego Calif gave her my name.

She says her mother's mother was a Finley. She says her mother died when she was very small & her mother's maiden name was Hannah Finley & she was born Jany 10, 1805 in Fayette Co, Pa. Her father was Robert Finley & her mother Mary Craig Finley. She says Mr A.J. Finley tells her they moved to Richland Co, O in 1811 which she hadn't known before. Also that John Finley, her brother was the father of Andrew J. Finley above mentioned. Hannah Finley married Wm W. Irwin & they had three sons, Smith, Milton & Barkley Finley Irwin, also two daughters, Hannah & Margaret Irwin.

Margaret married Sidney A. Breese of Mt Gilead, O May 19, 1864. They had two daughters:

Margaret now Mrs Replogle &

Carrie now Mrs Chandler myself.

We both live in Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. I met a Mr Geo Thompson yrs ago in Mt Gilead, O who was the son of Lydia Finley Thompson, a cousin of my mother's. I think she was a daughter of Barkley Finley. She says her middle

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name is Hannah, says too that she has the painted portrait of her grandmother Irwin, her silver spoons, a woven coverlet with "Richland, Ohio 1847" in the corner, also some of her furniture.

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Oak Hill Feby 28, 1927 2:33 AM

A letter dated Dec 11, 1926 following arrangements made with her at Chambersburg, Pa last Aug 10th see book 17 p 496 from Miss Mary Arabella Thomson born Dec 25, 1853 of 561 W. Lemon St Lancaster, Pa says she has at last obtained a copy of the letter written by her ggfather Alexander Thomson after coming to America. The letter is long but if I want a copy, she will send it later. Says she has gotten a list of his children with their births & who they married & which she encloses 15 children. Also sends a list of her gfather John's 8 children & when I saw her, she gave me a list of her father Samuel's 7 children of whom she is the youngest.

A record of the children of Alexander Thomson & his wife Elizabeth Edmundson who came from Scotland to America in 1772.


1. Robert Thomson Jany 2, 1749 remained in Scotland

2. William Thomson June 15, 1750 married Jane Lindsay

3. Nancy (Agnes) Thomson Feby 19, 1752 married John Calhoun

4. Alexander Thomson Jany 19, 1854 married Miss Grier

5. Archibald Thomson June 24, 1755 married Ann Andrews

6. Elizabeth Thomson July 3, 1757 married David Cowan

7. Margaret Thomson Mch 19, 1759 married Andrew Watson

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8. Barbara Thomson Jany 29, 1761 married William Watson

9. Mary Thomson Dec 19, 1762 married John Purviance

10. John Thomson Jany 4, 1765 married Hannah Rhea

11. Janet Thomson Jany 16, 1767 married Alexander Shaw

12. Andrew Thomson Jany 1, 1768 married Isabella Edgar

13. Anne Thomson Mch 5, 1770 married Mathew Logan

All born in Scotland

14. James Thomson Aug 19, 1772 married Nancy Wright

15. Jean (Jane) Thomson Sept 20, 1774 married Arthur Shields & Andrew McClelland.

A record of the children of John Thomson & his wife Hannah Rhea


1. Agnes Thomson Dec 29, 1792 married John Renfrew

2. Elizabeth Thomson Nov 12, 1794 married William Agnew

3. Hannah Thomson Jany 27, 1797 married James McKee

4. Alexander Thomson Feby 28, 1799 married Margaret Kerr

5. Margaret Thomson May 31, 1801 married William Luck

6. Samuel Thomson Nov 29, 1803 married Mary Kyner

7. Ann Thomson Oct 27, 1807 married Daniel McGowan

8. Sarah Thomson May 15, 1810 married Adam Brown

Finished 3:33 AM

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Colonial Dames Club No 1727 K. St N.W. Washington D.C. Mch 1, 1927 10:30 AM

I came here & find Miss Ada Carroll Bowdle in charge as housekeeper. She said the party for me to see & get the papers from was Mrs Everard Robinson Todd, 1779 Church St, N.W. (between P & Q Sts) Washington D.C. who was out of the city today, but would be home up to 11 Am tomorrow. She said she wd send me the papers.

Miss Bowdle said she was descended from a Miss Arabella or Araminta Thompson, an heiress with £10,000, quite a fortune at that time whose father was a seafaring man & she was from Dorchester, Md or from Somerset Co Md adjoining. She married so young that the man she was affianced to used to bring her toys when he came courting instead of books, Jewelry & candy. She married a Carroll & I think his name was Harry, a brother or near relative of Charles Carroll of Carrollton.

Left 10:46 AM

Mch 2/27 8:40 PM my appointment to go at 10 AM to Mr L.T. McFadden's office prevented me from getting to see her.

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At residence of Mrs Nannie C. Hendricks, Washington Grove, Montgomery Co, Md Mch 2, 1927 3:46 PM

Mrs Hendricks has this as a summer home 20 miles out from Washington D.C. on the B&O where she lives with her daughter Miss Dora F. Hendricks. Mrs H. was born Nannie Clifford Brooke near Crawfordsville, Ind Dec 10, 1852 the daughter of Thomas Brooke & his wife Mary Magill. They both died of cholera, the same day on the farm where my informant was born when she was 18 mos old the youngest of their children & was taken into the family of her Uncle Rev John C. Brooke & raised by his then unmarried daughter Clifford Neff Brooke who was the only mother my informant ever knew. Mrs H. says that Mrs Adelaide Hendricks Gilmore of Eaton, O widow of Judge James Gilmore is a sister of her late husband George Dickson Hendricks called "Dickson"

Mrs H. & her daughter Dora F. says that their relative, Mrs Geo H. Pinney (Naomi) 752 S. Mariposa Ave Apr 304, Los Angeles, Calif.

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a Finley descendant being daughter of Wm M. Brooke, who was son of Rev John C. Brooke & grandson of Rev James B. Finley. She is two yrs younger than Mrs H & has given attention for years to gathering information about the different families with which she is related & has made family trees of the Brooke, Finley & other families & having lots of time & money she no doubt has a full record of all the descendants of Rev John C. Brooke, her grandfather with dates of birth, marriage & death & other important data. Mrs H. said Chas F. Brooke Senr married for his second wife a young woman named Mary Martin & shortly thereafter, he met with financial reverses & she thinks his son & namesake, Chas F. Jr bought it. Says that after he had married his second wife, they had several children born in the frame house home in Eaton, O & he then moved to Calif & probably took his bible with him & they agreed to life apart & he died in Calif but not in his own home. Says Naomi would have more chance of knowing what became of the bible.

She says that the father of Andrew Thompson (who married Elizabeth

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Brooke) was at one time editor of the Cincinnati Christian Advocate. She thinks Andrew is still living. He remarried, but didn't live at Cin. She met his brother David here in Wash. D.C. 20 yrs ago. He was older than Mrs H.

Frank Brooke, twin with Edward, died when a babe.

Says if Harry & Clarence Brooke if living live in southern Calif if living.

They had a son named Judge Martin Brooke. She never heard of a Maxwell.

Says that Cliff N. Brooke married James Harvey Fleming in Ohio & lived at Eaton & Cincin. O. He died in Cincin & is buried in Eaton, O. Many years after his death, she moved to Calif & died at Los Angeles. She had two sons & a daughter.

1. Dora Fleming died in Eaton aged abt 1 yr & my informant's daughter is named for her

2. Carrington Fleming died in Cincin married but no issue. His widow lives in Los Angeles. He was oldest.

3. William Fleming married & lives in Los Angeles, Calif. Get address & record from Naomi

Mrs H. remembers the day when Rev James B. Finley died at the home of

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his son-in-law, Rev John C. Brooke. Think she was about 5 yrs old. She says she was 11 or 12 yrs old when Rev John C. Brooke died at the home of his son Chas F. Brooke Cin, O where he had gone on a visit. He had however made his home with his daughter Clifford Fleming after his wife died & was buried in Eaton, O from her home.

Naomi's father Wm Brooke had three daughters & one son the latter dying when a baby.

1. Naomi, oldest as above

2. Eva married Samuel Lockwood. She died 4 or 5 yrs ago leaving 2 daughters & a son & they think he lives at Bakersfield, Calif with one of his children.

3. Lida married Wm Finnegan, both living in St Louis,Mo are rich & have two children & they have children.

4. William died when a few months old.

Leaving 5 PM

They said there was much to seen at the Congressional Library here about the Finleys & also the Brookes.

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At clerk's office of Orange Co, at Orange Va Mch 3, 1927 11:22 AM

Mr J.W. Browning, clerk, says this county was formed or organized in 1734, being taken off of Spotsylvania Co & that Augusta Co was taken off of this Co in 1740.

In Deed Book No 1 pages 3256 is a deed dated Aug 16, 1736 from Wm Phillips of St Marks Parish, Orange Co, Va to William Crawford of sd Co & parish wherein for five shillings, he leases to said Crawford 132 A in sd parish.

In Will book no 1 p 165 & 166 is a bond for £200 given July 24, 1741 by Wm Crawford as Admr of James Wright. This is indexed as bond given by Col Crawford

Will Book no 1 1735-1743 p 170

The estate of John Gasper Stover Decd to John Gasper Stover Exr

To Exrs for 4 journeys to Philadelphia each journey 5 days in Feby & Mch £4. 0.10

Exrs proving the will in Phila & cft 1.11. 6

Exrs translating the will from German to English 1. 0. 0

Exrs copy of the original German will 0. 5. 0

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Exrs carting the good to a store house 0. 7. 0

Paid for two letters brought by express 0.10. 0

Exrs 1 journey fr Phila to Orange Co Va with

Expense & ferriage in 1739, 49 days 4.18.10

Exrs Do [ditto?] in 1740 18 days 1.16. 0

Exrs do in 1741 18 days __1.16._0

£16. 3. 6

Errors excepted etc. John Gasper Stover

At a court held at Orange Co Aug 27, 1741

John Gasper Stover Exr having submitted this acct of £16.3.6 Phila money, it is ordered that the value there of £12.2.7 1/2 p Virginia currency be allowed him out of the estate of John Gasper Stover decd which is admitted to record.

Test Jonathan Gibson Clk

His will is in book 1 p 849 covers several pages & record of his voyage. Mr Browning has a record showing that the following people came here as shown by the order books:

Patrick Crawford made oath July 24, 1740 imported himself, Ann, James, George, Margret [sic] & Mary Crawford from Ireland

John Crawford, John Newport, James Wills & Thos Brown came together, came immediately into this Colony from Gt Britain on July 28, 1741.

William Crawford, page 330

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On May 23, MDCCXIV, 1744 Patrick McNiel, Wm Crawford, Elizabeth Chambers & Wm Edyear immediately imported themselves in this Colony the sd McNiel & Crawford & Chambers from Ireland & Edyear from England.

Leaving 1 PM

Mr Browning said the history of their Lutheran Church there gave much about John Casper Stover. Could not find the Crawford will I expected to find.

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At residence of Mrs W.S. Hoke 306 W. 80th ST New York City, Mch 4, 1927 1 PM

I have just arrived here ten minutes ago & met Mrs Hoke & her son Hampton W. & her daughter "Yoyo" who is here from Duluth Minn on a visit.

Mrs Hoke was born Susan Gould Westcott born in Trenton, NJ Dec 11, 1863 daughter of Thomas Grant Westcott & his wife Joanna Gould. She has had four children all born in Bordeaux, France viz:

1. Hampton Westcott Hoke b Sept 6, 1893

2. Walter Westcott Hoke b Feby 6, 1895

3. Joanna Gould Hoke b Jany 29, 1897

4. Virginia Westcott Hoke b May 9, 1899

1 & 2 Hampton W. & Walter W. are both living here with their mother & are unmarried.

3. Joanna G. or "Yoyo" was married in Bordeaux, France Aug 1st 1918 to Laurance Sterne Gordon born in St Louis, Mo Mch 2, 1889 the son of John Gardner Gordon & his wife Fanny Sterne. They now live at 2414 E. 2d ST Duluth, Minn where he is a broker & have three children, the oldest born in Bor-

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deaux, France & the other two in Duluth, Minn.

1. Virginia Stone Gordon b May 31, 1919

2. Yolanda Westcott Gordon b Sept 9, 1920

3. Laurance Sterne Gordon Jr b July 15, 1922

Mr Gordon went abroad in the World War in July 1917 arriving in Paris about July 20, 1917 & was ordered to Bordeaux & was Major Gordon & purchasing agent for base No 2. They returned Sept 1, 1919 & was relieved from service in Oct 1919. He was sent over by the Government in the Quartermasters Dept.

4. Virginia W. was married in New York City, Apr 5, 1923 to William Ambrose Newcomb born Jany 1889 in Kansas City, Mo son of John A. Newcomb & his wife Kate Strang. They live at San Jose Calif where he is owner & promoter of hotels. His grandfather Simon Newcomb was the great astronomer of Nova Scotia. They have had one child born in Duluth, Minn.

1. Suzanne Westcott Newcomb b Nov 21, 1925 & died Dec 12, 1925

She expects another child in August. She is known as "[unreadable]"

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Mrs Hoke says Leroid [sic] Silvester [sic] Westcott at Cynwyd near Phila has gathered much data of the family. His gf was a brother of Mr H's grandfather.

Her sons are both electrical engineers, graduating both at the French Academy & Walter graduated in 1917 from the Univ of Penna.

Hampton went abroad with the A.E.F. & was commissioned as 1st Lieut & aide de camp to Col Elliott who was in charge of the inter allied RR Com to Germany being first over & one of last back in service there over 1 yr.

Leaving 1:55 PM

Mrs Hoke thought her husband was descended from Genl Hoke of the Revolutionary War.

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At home of Clarence L. Campbell No 930 Park Ave, New York City, NY Mch 5, 1927 1 PM

I arrived here & asked for Mr Campbell & the man at the elevators, this being an apartment house where he lives on the 13th floor said that was Mr Campbell who just went out to take his auto, so I went out & spoke to him. He said he had an appointment he was going to keep & couldn't go back now. Said he only had one bible, that was that of Jacob Traber born in 1816. I arranged to send him a questionnaire & he said he would answer it. See the slip I have with me book 18 p 114 & send him the questionnaire of the back thereof.

Left 1:07 PM

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At Home of the Colonial Dames of America No 421 E. 61st St Tel Regent 1852 New York City, NY Mch 5, 1927 3 PM

I met here Miss S.G. Thorbum aged about 60 who is executive secretary of the Society which is housed in an old stone house just near the river's edge where the Queensboro Bridge crosses. She says the Society owns the property free from any mortgage or debt & that it was the former home of Abigail Adams, daughter of Prest John Adams & his wife Abigail, who had married Col or Gen Smith a great peace maker in his day who had Alexr Hamilton & Aaron Burr meet in a downstairs room to which she took me, in an effort to have them adjust their differences. The house had been built in 1799 & was the farm house for the Adams farm which extended back to Madison Ave. She said that when the British Fleet sailed up the river in the War of 1812, Abigail donned a white dress & carried a white umbrella & walked up & down along the river bank in front of her home to keep them from firing on her home. She said their Society only has about 900 members & is very exclusive & has but 7 branches located at

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at Phila, Balto, Washington D.C., Nashville, Tenn, Shreveport, La, San Francisco, Calif & Paris, France. She says another society organized later under the same name but now calling themselves the "National Society of Colonial Dames" have been more active & aggressive & formed branches all over the Union & now have 9000 members. Their annual dues are $5 whiles theirs is $10. The initiation fee of her Society is $25 & everyone joining must purchase a badge which costs about $10 or if they get a gold badge it costs $26. Their chapter No 2 at Phila has Mrs J. Wilmer Biddle Prest residing at the Ritz Carlton Hotel & Miss S. Elizabeth Gilpin Secy at No 102 W. Highland Ave Chestnut Hills Phila, Pa. She looked at their cards & said they had no member who was a descendant of Lieut John Potter or any Potter.

Left 3:20 PM

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At residence of James Arthur Singmaster, No 2 Durham Road Lawrence Park West Bronxville, West Chester Co, NY Mch 6, 1927 2 PM

Mrs Singmaster was Helen Priscilla Jacks born Mch 13, 1883 at Lickdale, Lebanon Co, Pa daughter of Andrew Knox Jacks see book 10 p 532. She married June 3, 1903 at Allentown, Pa James Arthur Singmaster born at Schuylkill Haven, Pa Aug 7, 1878 the son of Rev John Alden Singmaster & his wife Caroline Hoopes. They have one child born at Palmerton, Pa in Carbon Co:

1. James Arthur Singmaster Jr born Apr 7, 1908. He is now a sophomore at Williams College Williamstown, Mass.

Mr S. is a graduate of Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa in class of 1898 & a post graduate in 1899 of Lehigh University. His father was President of the Gettysburgh, Pa Lutheran Theolog. Seminary for 25 yrs until his death in 1926. His father, John James was a first cousin of the original Charles at Keota, Iowa who had a large ranch where he raised blooded percheron horses.

Mr S. is technical director of the

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New Jersey Zinc Co with offices at 160 Front St in their own building. The Singmasters for four generations lived at Macungie, Lehigh Co, Pa.

Mrs S. has the original wedding cft all written by the pastor of her grandparents, which was given to her by her father & which is as follows:

"Harrisburg, Oct 23, 1838. I do hereby certify that Mr Thomas Jacks and Miss Mary Dewart (DeWitt) of Derry Tp, Dauphin Co, Penna were on this day united by me in the bonds of wedlock.

Samuel Spreicher, pastor of Zions Church Harrisburg"

In a history of Lehigh Co, Mrs S. says a sketch of her father speaks of him as probably descending from Lancelot Jacques.

She says her Aunt Sarah Buser is still living at Harrisburg, Pa at NO 2305 N 5th ST & her Uncle Thomas Jacks is living at Hummelstown, Pa where also lives John Spidle or Speidel, who may have some old Jacks records, as his decd wife was a daughter of Thomas Jacks who was buried from their home in Hummelstown, Pa.

Mrs Anna Henry, sister of Andrew K. Jacks also lives in Harrisburg. She lives at 2444 Jefferson St

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She is a widow & was born Jany 2, 1855 & lives with her daughter Mrs Mabel Huffman.

Leaving 2:55 PM

Mrs S. showed me a castle like residence on a post card which was sent her by a friend from Calif in 1924 entitled "the Jacks residence, Monterey, California" Try & get name of the one living there & write. [This was the home of David Jacks, called Monterey Jacks who amassed a large amount of land in California CW]. Mr Singmaster says they buy 200,000 tons of coke a year & have bought largely from the By Product Coke Co, Hillman & Raineys. He says they have in mind building by-product ovens & getting their own coal lands & I told him when they were ready, I could equip them with the proper coal lands.

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Colonial Dames of Pennsylvania 1630 Latimer St, Tel Pennypacker 6737 Philadelphia, Pa Mch 10, 1927

This is located on a short street not far from Dr L. Webster Fox's office off S 17th St & is I think between Locust & Spruce. The lady in charge said they had members who had joined through the Colonial service of Lieut John Potter. She said the party to see was Miss Katherine W. Howell as she & her sister Mrs Ellen H. Reppert were the only members in Uniontown, Pa.

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Mch 14, 1927 5:33 PM. Have made all slips to here.

Oak Hill, Mch 17, 1927 5:55 PM

Yesterday forenoon, Hon. J. Verner Clark & I went to office of Blanchard Glenn Hughes & called in Alexander W. Acheson son of Hon. Ernest F. to arrange for a 60 days option at $250 per acre on the 1000 acres McIlvaine Clark coal field. All parties agreed to give the option but by reason of a suit by Miss Mary Andrews over 80 living on Maiden St, to dissolve a trust she had given the Real Estate Trust Co, Mr Hughes, Atty for the Trust Co called in Thos Jefferson Duncan, Pres of the Trust Co who agreed to give the option for what it was worth, but both said if Miss Andrews who owns over 400 A of the area, would sign, ratifying the same, it would make it binding. Mr Clark & I went down later & talked to her & her housekeeper & nurse & it was agreed that she would sign. When we went out & were talking in front of the Jno W. Donnan small office building between the First Natl Bank & R.E. Tr Co properties, "Jeff" said he got a letter once from D.T. Watson, Pittsburg, Pa asking the value of the property which he gave exhaustively & D.T. wrote to him & told him he could have it at the price stated, so they bought it & the R.E.T. Co owns from the Donnan property up to the alley. While we were talking, his son-in-law, John H. Donnan came out & we talked a moment. "Jeff" said John H's wife now deceased

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was their only child & she left but one child, a son 17 yrs old who is now in high school. While talking about our common line of ancestry, the Jacks, Jeff's wife came along & stopped five minutes & talked with us.

J.V. Clark had introduced me across the street in front of the Geo Washington Hotel to Alvin E. Donnan, a six foot brother of John H. who is a vice Prest of the Citizens Natl Bank, Washington, Pa.

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A letter dated March 3, 1927 from Mrs Sarah R. Finley 6104 Dorchester Ave, Chicago, Ills says that in cleaning a closet, she found a large old family bible, she had entirely forgotten about & hardly knew how it came in her possession, but the inscription below written she says in her husband's hand on the fly leaf of the book explains it:

"This book belonged to Hiram Finley of Wilmington, Ohio passed into the hands of Shotwell Sheppard who gave it to me Oct 29, 1908.

C.E. Finley, Joliet, Ills Nov 9, 1908"

"The family record contained is of my grandfather's family, William Pendergrass Finley". She adds: "The old "Book" was published by G. Lane & P.P. Sandford, New York in 1842" I am writing to ask if the date might be 1812 as if 1842 the record was probably written by the widow or one of the children (1842 is correct see page 371). She enclosed the two leaves 9x11 inches cut from the bible with records on the four pages which I am copying below & returning the leaves to her by registered mail, although she sent them to me common mail.

She says Hiram Finley, brother of her husband's father was a harness maker in Wilmington, O who her husband dearly loved, but she says she only saw him twice, as they moved

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away after marriage & visited but infrequently. She speaks of him as a "kindly old gentleman".

The record from the old bible is as follows:


1st Page

William P. Finley and Jane McQuiety were married June 21, 1807

Hiram Mc Finley and Lydia J. Sheppard was married May 30, 1850 by I.U Fowbel


2d page

Wm Pendergrass Finley was born May 5, 1786

Jane Finley was born March 7, 1786

Their children were:

1. Samuel Curry Finley was born April 12, 1808

2. Robert Patterson Finley was born Dec 8, 1809

3. Rebecca Finley was born Nov 11, 1811

4. Hannah Finley was born Apr 28, 1814

5. Lavina Finley was born May 13, 1816

6. Hiram Mc Finley was born June 5, 1818

7. Mary T. Finley was born Nov 11, 1820


2d page

H.M. Finley joined the M.E. Church in Jany 1858. Taken in full membership August 1859, Dec 19, 1859 nominated for Trustee by brother Dunn, chairman to take the place of Webb Broomhall, elected Asst Supt of Sabbath School & served for ten years. Nominated & Elected Steward & served until the appointment Heck to the Station. Appointed class leader by Clayton in 1872 & served until Bunyon appointment to Station

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4th page

William P. Finley d.t.l. [departed this life] July 24, 1822 aged 36 yrs 2 mos & 19 days

Rebecca Finley, daughter of Wm P & Jane died in Peace Nov 3, 1837 aged 24 yrs 11 mos & 22 days?

Jane Finley, wife of William P. Finley d.t.l. Apr 21, 1854 aged 68 yrs & 14 days.

Ages of last two calculated wrong.

David Reed d.t.l. Mch 28, 1867

Hannah Reed wife of David Reed d.t.l. Oct 25, (say 1874) on Sunday at 5 o'clock aged 60 yrs 5 mos & 25 days See p 442.

Samuel C. Finley d.t.l. in the year 1883 or 1884 date not know in Masonry.

John Finley died Apr 28, 1885 son of Samuel C. Finley

Mercy Finley wife of S.C.F. died date not known.

Lavinia Peate departed this life Feby 14? at 4? o'clock 1887

Mary T. Finley departed this life Feby 14, 1891

This ends the bible record

Make slips to find from undertakers at Wilmington, O or from M.E. Church the dates of death of Hiram M. Finley & wife Lydia J. as there seem to be no tombstones there unless in the Sheppard lot. Also look for tombstones or wills for David or Hannah Reed & Lavinia Peate or husband. Also a slip for Missouri for Saml C. Finley & family. The above bible record along with chapter 33 in sketch of Western

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Methodism pages 406-410 on William P. Finley by his brother Rev James B. Finley Cincinnati, O 1854 printed by the Methodist book Concern for the Author R.P. Thompson Printer in east section of French Book case in my inside hall conclusively places & proves this Wm P. Finley in table, book 11 page 400. The following newspaper clipping was in a small envelope found in the big bible:

"The venerable Hiram Finley died at his home on s. South St. on Tuesday, August 17, 1897 at 12 o'c aged 79 yrs. The deceased was one of the oldest, if not the oldest continuous resident of Wilmington, he having located here in early life & had lived here ever since without interruption. He was born in Highland Co, O June 5, 1818. In 1850 he married Miss Lydia Shepherd a sister of Dr W.W. Shepherd who is now the only surviving member of the family, the deceased leaving no children. Hiram Finley was an upright, honorable citizen throughout his long residence here. The funeral service will take place at the residence today (Thursday) at 10 o'c AM with Rev A.N. Spahr in charge".

Thus from finding the will of Robt P. Finley at Wilmington, O Oct 11, 1926 & going to the cornfield after his grandson Frank R. Terrell & following up the addresses he gave & writing to his sister, Esther Terrell Pidgeon at

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Maplewood, NJ & the addresses she gave of her Aunt in Chicago & her cousin in Pulaski, VA & Rev Jas B. Finleys Sketches of Western Meth Chap 33 & my record book 11 p 400, I am able to connect up all these people which not one of them were able to do. I am not however sure that I have the correct parentage of Rev Robt W. Finley but hope the letter dictated today to Mrs Pinney ggdau of Rev Jas B. Finley at Los Angeles, Calif will give new light on that line.

See page 371.

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[fermata mark appears here]

A letter dated Feby 26, 1927 in answer to mine of 15th from Miss Atha Finley of Pulaski, Va (who writes on letterhead of Pulaski Veneer Corporation for whom she is evidently stenographer). She says she had always understood that her father & grandfather were direct descendants of Wm Finley who doubtless was the gf of my gf. Instead of being the gf, William Pendergrass Finley is the father of her grandfather Robert P. Finley.

She says that several years after the death (which was in 1891) of her grandfather on the occasion of a visit of my father's brother's wife to our home, she asked for & took away with her the copy of the original family bible of my father's father & so far as I know is still in her possession or her daughter's Katherine Finley.

She says a tradition she has says that one of the early Finleys served in the Revolutionary War under Governor Braddock. Her address is P.O. Box 618. She sends me the following records:

Robert Patterson Finley born Dec 8, 1809 died Sept 9, 1891, married July 14, 1842

Jane Thornton Russell, wife of Robert Patterson Finley born Feby 16, 1814 at Charleston, WVA, daughter of Samuel Russell & his wife Elizabeth. Their three children were all born at Wilmington, O.

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1. William Pendergrass Finley born July 16, 1843

2. Charles Elliott Finley born Jany 22, 1847

3. Harriet Russell Finley born Dec 29, 1848


Wm Pendergrass Finley & Harriet Davis Robbins Mch 21, 1872

Chas Elliott Finley & Sarah Rachel Baker Dec 10, 1872

Hugh Evans Terrell & Harriet Russell Finley Dec 23, 1873


Wm P. Finley died Feby 11, 1922 at Indianapolis, Ind

Chas Elliott Finley died Apr 8, 1918 at Joliet, Ills

Harriet R. Terrell died Jany 28, 1901 at Highland, O

Harriet David Robbins born Feby 13, 1842 at New Lexington, O daughter of Charles Robbins & his wife Sarah Laird.

Children of Wm P. Finley

1. Lucile Robbins Finley born Dec 21, 1872 at Lexington, O & died Sept 30, 1873 at Wilmington, O

2. Athelia Finley born Aug 5, 1874 at Wilmington, O

Grandfather's name was Robt Patterson Finley.

Father's name was William Pendergrass Finley

Robert Patterson Finley's father's name was William. His grandfather's name unknown to me. (Miss) Atha Finley

See page 442

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Oak Hill Mch 18, 1927 3:27 PM

A letter dated Mch 13, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 15, from Mrs Esther Terrell Pidgeon (Mrs H.A. Pidgeon) of 26 Fidelity court, Maplewood, NJ see book 18 p 446 & book 20 pages 191 & 258-61 & 295 et seq.

She says her mother was born Dec 92, 1848 & died Jany 28, 1901. She married Dec 23, 1873 Hugh Evans Terrell see page 260 born Nov 19, 1848 & died Feby 7, 1924

They had six children born at or near New Vienna, Clinton Co, O viz:

1. Arthur Finley Terrell born May 31, 1876

2. Russell L. Terrell born Apr 1, 1879

3. Frank Rhoades Terrell born Sept 17, 1881

4. Jane Louise Terrell born Sept 20, 1884

5. Florence May Terrell born May 27, 1885

6. Lillian Esther Terrell born May 22, 1892

1. Arthur Finley Terrell married Sept 10, 1901 to Mary Alice Seward born June 14, 1877 at Hamilton, O daughter of Obediah Seward & his wife Marietta Miller. They have two children born at New Brighton, Pa where they live:

1. Hugh Seward Terrell born Apr 9, 1905

2. Ruth Marietta Terrell born Jany 6, 1910

2. Russell L. (L is just a letter) died single Jany 17, 1906

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3. Frank R. see book 18 pages 446-7 where I got his record Oct 12, 1926

4. Jane Louise Terrell. She is unmarried & since her father's death has been living with her sister, Mrs Pidgeon.

5. Florence May Terrell died in infancy on Oct 11, 1886 at New Vienna, O.

6. Lillian Esther Terrell was married Sept 23, 1919 to Howard A. Pidgeon born at Pennsville, O Oct 25, 1883 son of John S. Pidgeon & his wife Mary Thompson. They have one child born at East Orange, NJ viz:

1. Virginia Anne Pidgeon born Nov 2, 1922

Both living at Maplewood, NJ 26 Fidelity Court. He is employed in the research dept in NY of the Am Tel & Tel Co. She says she knows very little about her Aunt Cynthia Jane Whitcomb, but says her Aunt Sarah R. Finley, Chicago can give me information about them.

Aug 12, 1927. She writes June 1, 1927 that the date of May 27, 1886 for her sister Florence May's birth is taken from the family bible.

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Oak Hill, Mch 19, 1927 12:15 PM

Another letter dated Mch 11, 1927 from Martha E. Crothers see pages 145-8 this book of Los Angeles, Calif says she is the last of her immediate family, none of whom lived over 75 yrs & as she passed her 82d mile post in Jany, she has accepted an offer from a couple of cousins on her mother's side who have a little home at Tujunga, Los Angeles Co, Calif, a small place 17 miles north of Los A. in the Verdago hills of a home for life which she prefers to living alone & is going to them next Tuesday (15th) & I will get my mail there, where we go to the P.O.

She says she never knew her Uncle Samuel W. Crothers, see page 146 who left home when a mere boy & lived in Taylorville, Christian Co, Ills. He married twice, had a daughter, his only child, Martha by his first wife & when he died the stepmother thought his relatives ought to take her, so she came to us, I think in 1858 or 1859 & lived with us several years. I don't know how long & then she went to Uncle John P. Crothers who also lived in Springfield, O at that time. I don't know how long she was there, but she finally went back to Taylorville, Ill & married a man named Padgett & they went to Nebraska to live & I know nothing of them since. She was several years younger than me

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& we always called her "little Matt" & they called me "big Matt" to distinguish. Aunt Martha Robison (nee Martha W. Crothers, see page 146) married Thomas Robison in Piqua, O but I don't know date of her marriage. She died there June 14, 1894 & was buried there. She had four children, two died before she did & the others have died since. A son's widow lives here & her son is Prof in the University. Make slips for all above carefully.

See page 388

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A letter dated Mch 13, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 15, from Zella S. Tice of 3011 Starr St, Lincoln, Neb see pages 177-9 this book says she is trying to get in records of & locate descendants of the eleven children of her great grandmother, Martha Thompson McLucas, she having found there was another Jane Young, which she hadn't give before making eleven. She is trying to reach Margaret Hole's oldest sister of her grandmother & says that Etta Hole & Margaret Roop in Dayton, O are her descendants. She says she has found a package of old letters that belonged to an Aunt of her mother which will give names & addresses of some of the older ones. I have written her asking her to send them all to be by Reg. P.P. & I will return same way. She spoke of going with them to three distant cousins in Des Moines, Iowa to go over them with them.

She speaks of her Aunt Mary Ann McCoy Clabaugh, which she had given as Margaret before see page 178 & says her oldest son John Clabaugh is mgr of Betal Telegraph at North Platte, Neb. Says while he is near them she has never seen him & knows little about the Clabaughs. I have written him for his mother's line & descendants. Says she hopes to have much to give me next time she writes.

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A letter dated Mch 14, 1927 from Sallie D. Brown 305 W 8th St Manchester, O who got my name from my good friends Mr & Mrs Oakley Crawford. She says their father Geo W. Crawford, her great Uncle is still living but very feeble, both in mind & body but is getting $90 a month pension which assures him good care & many comforts. He was born Apr 22, 1839 see book 15 p 243-7

She says her mother is Laura Drenan Brown, only daughter & only living child (& was 78 last Feby born then Feby 1849) of William Drenan & his wife Mary Ann Crawford born Apr 14, 1821, see book 15 p 243 & 247 who was the oldest sister of Geo W. Crawford. She says she is very much interested in the family tree.

She asks if I ever got a letter, which I never did, from a Miss Kimble making inquiry about the Kimble or Bradford estate which is near me. He home is in Oklahoma & she was in Manchester, O last summer & told my informant that among her great (grand) father's papers was a letter written by his wife saying she had just rtd home from spending the night with the widow of Col Wm Crawford.

She asks if there is any way for her mother, aged 78, to get a pension. Says she has been a widow several years. Says there is herself

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a great sufferer from rheumatism with feet & hands drawn & one brother who married young.

She says the children of Caroline Crawford Stephenson, her mother's youngest Aunt, see book 15 p 243 & 249 are living in & around Manchester all well fixed on farms.

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A letter dated Jany 27, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 7, from Miss Martha Cairnduff, Ballymeglass, Combes Road, Dundonald, Co Down, Ireland to where she had removed, says her mother was Anna Bella Finlay, sister of John, the father of Miss Sarah Alberta Finlay who I saw Sept 27, 1926 at Hamilton, O see book 18 p 210 et seq & her grandfather was John Finlay who had ten children whose names she gave same as S. Alberta had given on page 211 book 18 but not in proper order as S. Alberta gave them.

She says her grandfather had a brother, Charles Finlay but any further back, she could give no accurate account.

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Oak Hill, Mch 20, 1927 10:52 AM

A letter dated Feby 28, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 22, from Mrs Minnie Jones of Muncie, Ind temporarily at No 325 S. Stafford Ave, Huntington Park, Calif says she has her grandmother's bible with some records at home where she is soon returning & will cooperate all she can & may "locate the old family bible". She wished to know how the Kilgores were related to the Jacks & I have written telling her.

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Two letters, one dated Feby 21, 1927 & the other dated Mch 9, 1927 both from Mrs Dora E. Gunnett 709 W. Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, Calif sends record of her cousin Mrs Mary E. Burris (nee Jack) now of Covington, Okla daughter of Josephine Stapleton Jack (the unusual thing of a man having a woman's name) see book 5 page 580 & I am starting a record of her father on Page 316 in a table. She says she will send the military record of Mrs Burris's sons, three of whom were in the World War. She enclosed a sheet of her letter telling some about her sons & the fortune she wrote to me about last month. She says that Joe Lillard of Cincin, O a lawyer, a Jack desc, son or grandson of America Jack, daughter of John Jack & Polly Mason by her 1st husband, had charge of trying to get this fortune from Ireland or Scotland, but says that was 40 yrs ago or more. She asks for return of paper giving births of the children of gf Wm Jack & Sarah Burch which I must have rtd or filed away with her letter as I recorded the births in book 5 p 580.

Mrs Burris says her sons, Harry & Charley both enlisted in the 111th Engineers at Ardmore, Oklahoma & trained at Camp Buoy (was it Bowie) Texas. They were both Corporals & were in France almost a year together all the time & returned unhurt. Her son Walter enlisted in Iowa, she thinks, served as a private & served

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overseas almost a year & was frightfully wounded, one side of his face torn off by a bomb, partly paralyzed & was brought back to America on a stretcher, not expected to live, but works part of his time is a great sufferer & always will be. She was sick & her life despaired of when they were overseas but she got well.

Mrs Burris born 1861 says that when she was 11 yrs old, say 1872, one of the Jack ancestors from New York came to see her Uncle John (P) Jack then at Edina, Mo about an estate that was left by the Irish ancestors in Ireland for our grandfather (William) Jack & his brother that lived in Kentucky when our grandfather came to Illinois. He wanted her Uncle John to go with him to Ky to hunt up the heirs of her grandfather's brother saying that was all of the branch needed to complete the record. Her Uncle John wrote to her father, J. Stapleton Jack & my father said he had heard his father say there was a large fortune coming to the Jack heirs of my grandfather & his brother John, but could not be divided until all of the heirs were found. She signs this letter Mary E. Burris 917 S. 17th St Parsons, Kansas. This looks as if a will in Ireland might have left the fortune to these two sons of John Jack & Polly Mason. Try to find where they came from in Ireland. The fact that John Jack & Polly Mason were married in Woodford Co, Ky in Dec 1, 1789 witnessed by John Jack & their son Wm was married there

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in 1819 witnessed by James Thomas Jack & that James Jack 1774-1816 & John Thomas Jack 1777-1835 both natives of Lancaster Co, Pa were married there in the 1790s & went to Warren Co, O indicates near relationship. Make slips again to investigate at Lancaster, Pa & at Versailles, Woodford Co, Ky.

A letter dated Mch 4, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 22, from Mrs Mary E. Burris Box 567 Covington, Okla see page 244.

She says in the year 1871 or 1872, a Dr Jack from NY came to see her Uncle John Jack in Edina, Knox Co, MO & told him there was a very large fortune in the bank in NY City for the Jack heirs. He said they had proved up enough to get the fortune on this side of the water & it came from Ireland from some of the old ancestors there. Said she knew no names, only that it was a Jack fortune & said it was coming to John Jack &his heirs in KY & Wm Jack & his heirs. Dr Jack from NY wanted my Uncle to go with him to Ky to hunt the John Jack heirs as he said that was all that was lacking but her Uncle being old (he was only 50) wouldn't go & Dr Jack went back to NY. Her Uncle wrote all of this to her father. Her father said that his father had told him that there

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was a large fortune coming to them from Ireland if anyone would take the trouble to prove up their claims. She says Dr Jack said the money was deposited in the bank in New York City, but she don't know which one & was drawing interest until claimed. I am writing her to know if she has the letter her Uncle wrote to her father or any other old family letters.

Apr 2, 1927. Writing under date of Mch 28, 1927 she says she does not have any old letters & says that Dr Jack of NY who in 1871 or 1872 came to Edina, Mo to see her Uncle John & wanted him to go with him to Ky to hunt his Uncle John. Said he had proved up the claims of all the Jack heirs except her gf Wm Jack & his brother John. He said the money had been brought from Ireland & was in a bank in NY City drawing interest. Dr Jack said he was a distant relative but enough kin to get quite a slice of the fortune if these two heirs were found. She says her father told her that he had often heard his father speak of this fortune & said it was very large, but there were several heirs & at one time I wrote to NY & got a list of missing heirs & the name Jack was among them, but I did not know the given name of any of the old ancestors in Ireland where the fortune came from. She thinks her Uncle John got his father's bible as she remembers his reading an old large Brown backed bible at Edina, Mo when she was a little girl, but her father moved away from Edina before her Uncle John died & none of the relatives was with him when he died but her cousin, John Jack, oldest son of her Uncle Ben Jack & she does not know his address, only that he lives in Kansas City, now. Much inf in her letter I entered in place on the next two pages.

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[descendant chart]

Josephine Stapleton Jack, a man with a woman's name, son of William Jack & wife Sarah Burch, see book 5 page 580 was born in Gallatin Co Ky Apr 28, 1824 & died Nov 27, 1907 & is buried at Higginsville, MO. Married 1st Nov 1, 1857 at Edina, Mo Mary E. Porter born Jany 17, 1838 & died June 14, 1864 daughter of George R. Porter & his wife Judith Crisbess. She had three children & died the day the youngest was born. All born in Edina, MO. Married 2d Feby 16, 1856 near Edina Mo Eliza Mathethlin [sic] Allred who was born near Edina in Knox Co, Mo July 18, 1850[6] & died Jany _____, daughter of John Calvin Allred & wife Eliza Bates. She had two children both born in Edina, Mo. She is buried at Higginsville, MO.


Edward A. Jack born Nov 17, 1858 & died abt 10 yrs ago in Springfield, Ills without issue. Married 1902? in Stockton, Calif. Have no trace of his widow since he died. He is buried at Springfield, Ills. The A. is just an initial.

Mary E. Jack born May 26, 1861 now living Covington, Okla P.O. Box 567. Married Sept 11, 1878 William W. Burris born May 7, 1851 at Hancock Co, Ind & died Aug 24, 1910 near Blue Jacket, Okla. He was son of Eden Burris & his wife Rebecca Ann Paulie. They had five children born, Edward & Josephine at Odena, MO, Walter & Harry near Everton, Dade Co, Mo & Chas W. near Nevada, Vernon Co, MO who are living & four children that have died.

Mary Ann Burris B Sept 2, 1879 ob July 29, 1881

Edward Hazelet Burris b Apr 27, 1883 married July 26, 1903 at Welch Okla Clara Armstrong born July 24, 1885 daughter of John N. Armstrong & wife Mary Ann Jones. They live on a farm near Sarcoxie, Mo & have 8 children born as follows: 1st & 5th near Blue Jacket, Okla 2d, 3d, & 4th at Sheridan, Wyoming, 6th at Quapaw, Okla, 7th at "Censury" Okla & the 8th at Parsons, Kan.

Lorena Elma Burris B July 27, 1904, married Oct 20, 1926 at Independence, Kan Saml D. Wert born Mch 12, 1891.

Ralph Edward Burris b Apr 17, 1908 married July 8, 1925 at Oswego, Kan Phyllis Dyer b Aug 13, 1906.

Virginia L. Burris

Vera Irene Burris B July 31, 1909

Geraldine Mary Burris b June 25, 1912

Paul Hazlet Burris b Dec 28, 1913

Lloyd Alvin Burris b Dec 4, 1917

Edwin Harold Burris b Feby 12, 1920

Wayne Winston Burris b Sept 26, 1923

Josephine Edith Burris [daughter of Mary E. Jack & William W. Burris] b July 19, 1885 married Oct 24, 1906 at Blue Jacket, Okla, Walter W. Wilson born Oct 16, 1885 son of Ira Wilson & his wife Elizabeth Jane Brigs [sic]. They live at Parsons, Kansas & have six children born, the first five near Blue Jacket, Okla & Betty Ruth at Parsons, Kans.

Rhea Lee Wilson b June 17, 1909

Beulah May Wilson b Sept 7, 1911

Dottie Elhlin [sic] Wilson b Mch 9, 1916

Mary J. Elizabeth Wilson b Nov 24, 1917

Wilford Walter Wilson b Oct 28, 1920

Betty Ruth Wilson b Aug 27, 1926

William Franklin Burris b Feby 19, 1888, ob Oct 6, 1889

Walter Albert Burris b May 10, 1890. He was away 13 yrs during which he married Feby 5, 1920 Virginia L. ____. Live in Wyoming at Glenrock. Have 2 children.

Burl A. Burris b Aug 4, 1921

Lela Ione Burris b May 20, 1923

Harry Alfred Burris b Apr 17, 1892 married Aug 12, 1925 at Cushing, Okla Eva Brummet born Feby 16, 1908?. Live at Ardmore, Okla.

Charles Alford Burris b Jany 10, 1927

Charles Walker Burris b Feby 21, 1895. He is single. He & his mother live together at Covington, Okla P.O. Box 567

Roy Martin Burris b Oct 30, 1897 ob Oct 10, 1899

Baby Burris never named b Apr 26, 1900 ob May 10, 1900

Unnamed son Jack [son of Joseph Stapleton Jack] born & died June 14, 1864

John William Jack b May 25, 1867 ob Nov 6? 1871 at Edina, MO

Henry Hampton Jack b July 1869 at Edina, Mo ob July 31, 1880 near Sterling, Kan.

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Oak Hill Mch 22, 1927 9:35 Pm

A letter dated Mch 1, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10, from Mrs Minnie F. Thomas who gives her address as Alexandria, Ind RFD No 2 see book 19 p 289 gives fairly full data most of which I have entered in place book 19 p 289 & am entering the overflow here.

I. Lucy Alice Thomas married Aug 26, 1908 Jesse Merl Johnson born near Elwood, Ind Jany 21, 1882 son of William Thomas Johnson & his wife Lodemma Furguson.

Apr 19/27 Have 7 children the 1st, 3d, 6th & 7th born at Alexandria, Ind the 2d & 4th at Gaston, Ind & the 5th at Muncie, Ind viz:

1. Kenneth Otto Johnson born Aug 14, 1909 2. Dorothy Ruth Johnson born Nov 4, 1911

3. Cecil Ellsworth Johnson born Aug 16, 1913

4. Florence Lodema Johnson born Dec 29, 1915

5. Jesse Lewis Johnson born Dec 30, 1918

6. Anna Belle Johnson born Sept 20, 1921

7. Donna Luecille [sic] Johnson born Feby 18, 1924

II. Milton Wray Thomas married Mch 18, 1917 Eva Marie King born at Summitville, Ind July 10, 1896 daughter of Stephen Cox King & wife Isabelle Jane Hendricks. Have one child born at Gaston, Ind viz:

1. Betty Jane Thomas born Sept 27, 1921

IV. & V. Arminta & Charles are single

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A letter dated Mch 8, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10 to his wife, from Fred Carl Spiegel, 605 Bloomington St, Greencastle, Ind see book 19 p 405 & also 402 & 403. His wife was Clara E. Nichols, daughter of Henry C. Nichols & his wife Lucy E. Finley. She had married 1st Wm R. Heavins who was born in Putnam Co, Ind May 3, 1872 & died Nov 11, 1916.

Her second husband, Fred Carl Spiegel was born at LaPorte, Ind May 30, 1827 son of Henry F. Spiegel & his wife Lena Seegert. He is a millwright & painter. Her only child:

1. Rena Heavins was born in Putnam Co Ind near Coatesville, Ind Aug 8, 1902, married Sept 21, 1921 to Ansel Sechman born in Putnam Co, Ind July 10, 1899 son of Frank Sechman & wife Mary Reed. He is a farmer P.O. RR no 1 Coatesville, Ind. They have two children born in Marion Tp, Putnam Co, Ind near Coatesville, Ind.

I. Cletes Sechman, a girl born Oct 20, 1923

II. Gene Sechman, a boy born Mch 25, 1925

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Oak Hill March 23, 1927 2:25 PM

A letter dated July 27, 1926 from A.T. Secrest, written from Tulsa, Okla. He said because of poor health, he had spent the winter in Okla & in the early summer went to Kansas & gathered up all the descendants of Joseph Thompson. Said when he was in Jasper Co, Mo last spring, he tried to get a start on John Thompson's posterity but was unable to locate any of them, though that Co is full of Thompsons. Am expecting A.T. here the last of this week.

He enclosed an article from the Cincin Enquirer date not shown "About our Ancestors" "Thompson Family" by Frances M. Smith (Eleanor Lexington) She of Chapaqua, NY which has extended notices about the Thompsons family crests etc that might be desirable to incorporate in part in my history. She says in 1854 a vol of 106 pages was published which related to a Conn. branch founded by James & Augustus Thompson.

A genealogy of 518 pages was issued in 1915 also abt the Thompsons of Conn dating back to 1720 when Wm & Margaret Thompson made a home at Windsor.,

John Thompson who landed at Plymouth Mass in May 1622 has his record in a book pub in 1841

The genealogist C.N. Sinnett has compiled records of the families of Maine & New Hampshire who became founders of branches in the west.

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In Penn, Thompsontown is named for the family who with others came to America in 1735. They were Scottish Covenanters who went from Scotland to Ireland & then came to this country. This is our immediate branch. For data of Thompsons of the South, particularly of Va, NC & SC, we turn to the Va Gazette of some years back, also the Va Hist Mag also the works of Hayden & Meade & local histories of Henries [best guess] Middlesex, Northumberland, Lancaster & Albermarle Counties, especially Henries from its earliest days.

William Thompson owned 2000 A in Price George Co in the part of 18th century Robert Thompson was a planter in York Co. Also at this time, Sir Charles Thompson & wife Lady Jane Douglas settled in Hanover Co, VA. They were from Scotland. Their three sons were Charles Garland Thompson, Nelson & David. Sir Roger Thompson was of Hanover Co but of an earlier date. William Thompson, his son was an officer in the British Navy in 1678. His daughter Martha married in 1699 Col James Taylor of Orange Co, son of James Taylor of Gloucester. Col James & Martha Thompson Taylor were the parents of four sons & five daughters & ancestors of the Presidents Taylor & Madison. There is a fine Revolutionary War record for Thompsons of Va including Capt William Lieut David, Cornelius & Leonard & Adjutant Robert Thompson

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The Robert Thompsons were of Henries Co where they had a grant of 850 A in 1685. Sir John Thompson of Cottingham Castle a Thompson stronghold in Yorkshire in 1696 became first Lord Haversham, a coat of arms has the motto: "In coelo spes mea est"

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Oak Hill Mch 24, 1927 11:40 AM

C.S. Hook of the Weymouth Apts Atlantic City NJ was here 10:05 to 10:55 AM. He is a buyer of old legal books & early session laws of all states. He says his father, a German named Huck, changed to Hoock, who lived at Staunton, Va for 15 yrs had met me at Friendship Hill 15 yrs ago. I do not remember him. C.S. said he found Bellefonte Pa where he had been for 15 days recently rich in early old books & papers & that Mrs Shugert, a daughter of Gov A.G. Curtin lived there now & he saw her & learned that a letter, a copy of which she has, from President Lincoln to her father then Gov, said that war was impending & sure to come & that they had sold this letter for $2800. He said there was also a Gregg Curtin living there. I must go see both. Make slips. He also said he went out to see a Miss Green, aged abt 58 living at Briarly, Center Co, Pa about 12 miles out who has valuable old articles. See if she comes from the Green family in Cumb Co, Pa who married a Thompson.

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A letter dated Mch 22, 1927 from Mrs Annetta P. Smith No 1418 Allison St, Washington D.C. says that since writing me, she happened to think that grandmother Washmood & four or five of her children are all buried in Ashland Cem, Carlisle, Pa. Aunt Mary Bentz, wife of James Bentz is in a different lot, but the rest are in same lot. It is just near the Bosler lot about center of cemetery. You would be able to find there the date of birth & death of each. There is a Mrs Flower on Pomfret St who is writing a history xxx. Her grandmother was my grandmother Washmood's sister - Agnes Dunbar"

Make slip to go.

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A letter dated Mch 23, 1927 from Rev A.W. Smith, Marengo, Morrow Co, O says he was in Senecaville, O last week & was talking to Mrs Nellie Burns about the Finleys & she told him of me. He says he is 53 yrs old & his mother was the daughter of John Findlay & his wife Ann Spence. He says his gf was born in Scotland in 1808, came to America in 1838 & settled in Livingston Co NY & about 1843 went near Grand Rapids, Mich & homesteaded a farm. He says he is writing for information to a Findlay cousin, son of his mother's youngest brother, whose mother is still living. Says he has many cousins about Grand Rapids. Says his father & mother died before he became interested. Says he has heard his mother say that one branch of their family went to Australia. Also said his grandfather had an Uncle who was an officer in the English Army & served in the Revolutionary War.

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[fermata mark appears here]

Oak Hill, Mch 26, 1927 7:40 PM

Abraham T. Secrest came out with me last night on my return from Pgh. He has given me a foolscap size page of finely printed "Jackson - Thompson Family Records" & has three or more pads in which he has many records he has gathered, many of which I have gathered also. It is impracticable by reason of my not having my records indexed to check them off accurately & consequently hard to tell which I should

copy. I will try however to copy in this record what I do not have, but may miss some & will no doubt reproduce some that I already have:

Mary Ann Thompson daughter of Robert Thompson & Susannah Torrence married Mch 24, 1831 William Rose born Oct 9, 1810. Their children born in Guernsey Co, O:

1. Alvira Rose married James Dollison

2. Hannah Susannah Rose born Feby 29, 1834 ob June 20, 1879 married Feby 1, 1855 to Henry Gordon Secrest born Oct 28, 1833 ob Dec 6, 1897. A list of their children is in the Spaid Book. Both buried in Buffalo, O Cem. Farmer.

3. Mary Emily Rose married Nelson Connett see Connett Book

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4. John Calvin Rose. He dead. Married Emeline Lowery. Think they had 2 children & she may be living in Greenwood near Senecaville, O

5. Benjamin Franklin Rose b Jany 28, 1840 ob Nov 19, 1925 married Dec 18, 1866 Elizabeth Millhone b Mch 23, 1844 ob Feby 13, 1927. Both buried in Senecaville, O. Farmer.

6. Thomas Jefferson Rose married Mary Umstott. He is dead & she is living in Columbus, O with her daughter where I saw them last March & got their record.

7. Thompson Rose. He was killed in the Battle of the Wilderness during the Civil War. Unmarried.

8. Catherine Rose b Jany 22, 1848 & died. Married John D. Rowland b Oct 9, 1846 & died. I saw them in July 1922 near C. Jacob Finley where I saw them both then sick & got their record & both have died since.

Jane Thompson daughter of Robert Thompson & Susannah Torrence married Jany 8, 1835 Ephraim Ayers Rose son of Benj Rose & Hannah Dilley (& brother of William Rose above)

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his wife, who was daughter of Ephraim Dilley a Revolutionary soldier & his wife Lucy Ayers who had also six brothers in the Revolutionary War

They went to Guthrie Centre, Iowa & had five or more children: Washington, Minerva, Eliza married to a Porter & Elizabeth married to Wm Bates & now separated but she lives in Guthrie Center with the following children: Hattie, Sadie, Effie & Charles Bates, all single. She can give record & Justus Rose.

A.T. got fr Wm Thompson of Solsberry Ind that his brother Jacob L. Thompson (son of Jacob of Jacob of James 1758-1835) who died in Pomona, Kans. had a son Clyde. I had him listed as dying young.

Rev Evan Thompson son of Judge William Thomson & Elizabeth Finley was born Feby 10, 1828 & died Oct 1908 married Aug 28, 1849 Eliza Shattuck.

They had 5 children:

1. George Richey Thompson ob

2. Granville Lovejoy Thompson ob

3. Chas William Thompson M.D. ob, married & has one daughter

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4. Henry Evans Thompson married 1 & divorced, married 2. Lives near Senecaville, O

5. Martha Jane Thompson married Rogers.

David Thompson, son of James 1758-1835 born Mch 4, 1803 died Feby 22, 1883 married Nov 7, 1822 Ruth Jackson daughter of Henry Jackson. They had 15 children according to Robt S. Thompson. He gave A.T. the names of 14. When at Kilpatricks Jany 20, 1923 see book 9 p 312 they gave me the names of 12 but the two additional ones R.S. gave A.T. are John & Salathiel. If this is not right, the names of Mary, Elizabeth & Martha would make up the fifteen children. Of these children:

1. Hannah married John Thompson & married in Guernsey Co O & went to Sabetha, Kan.

2. Wm K. Thompson married Aug 26, 1852 Frances Secrest, daughter of Joseph Secrest & his wife Elizabeth Hannum & had issue:

1. Rachel married a Connett

2. Ruth married a Rev. Perry

3. William

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3. Rachel married Kilpatrick

4. Abraham b Aug 10, 1833

5. Isaac, twin b Aug 10, 1833 ob Feby 7, 1917 at Osborne, Kan

6. Sarah Anne Thompson g Aug 17, 1834 died June 25, 1864 married Apr 7, 1853 Edward Van Horn Downey born Mch 16, 1828 in Noble Co O & ob Mch 23, 1899. They were married in Jasper Co, Mo. He was son of Mariman Downey & wife Jemima Van Horn. They had 7 children all born in Indiana:

1. Mariman Thompson Downey born Sept 23, 1856

2. Minerva Caroline Downey born Sept 11, 1857

3. Robert Downey born 1858

4. John Edward Downey born Sept 18, 1859

5. Leah Jane Downey born Feby 19, 1861

6. David Lee Downey born Mch 8, 1862

7. Salathiel Philip Downey born Dec 16, 1863

1. Mariman T. married Anne Taylor of Penna. He is dead & she is living at Midway Pa & two of her children, John & Frances live with her. The other is a missionary in Central Africa. See page 546.

2. Minerva Caroline married Wm Ravencraft in Noble Co, O farmed there some years & moved to Beatrice Neb. They have 3 children. She died at Beatrice Neb.

I. Anna

II. Waltz

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III. Edna

All three are married & live in Idaho

3. Robert was scalded to death when 2 yrs old

4. John Edward married Sarah Baldwin near Cumberland Co & moved to Rook Sta near Greentree Allegheny Co, Pa & have two children:

I. Gertrude, unmarried

II. Thomas, a soldier in World War & was overseas

5. Lee Jane Downey married Feby 27, 1879 to Peter M. LePage born Aug 27, 1863 in Guernsey Co, O & died Jany 23, 1920 son of Thomas LePage & wife Mary Ojier. Their children were all born in Spencer Tp Guernsey Co, O where he is a farmer P.O. Cumberland, O route 2 15 children:

I. Catherine G. LePage b Aug 8, 1880 & died Jany 28, 1881

II. Thomas H. LePage b Mch 4, 1882

III. John E. LePage b Apr 24, 1883

IV. Samuel M. LePage b Sept 28, 1884

V. Mary A. LePage b Nov 2, 1885, unmarried

VI. Clara B. LePage b Apr 17, 1887

VII. Leah E. LePage b Aug 11, 1888

VIII. Infant daughter b Aug 14, 1889 ob Aug 30, 1889

V20 Page 334

IX. Ethel Jane LePage born Apr 19, 1891 died Nov 7, 1923

X. Peter Edgar LePage born Apr 19, 1891

XI. Clyde T. LePage born Apr 16, 1893

XII. Susan Agnes LePage born Feby 7, 1895, unmarried

XIII. Frank Arthur LePage born Jany 25, 1898

XIV. Herbert W. LePage born Dec 3, 1900

XV. David D. LePage born Aug 3, 1902

II. Thomas H. LePage married Alice M. Hamilton daughter of D & Hattie Hamilton born in Spencer Tp, Guernsey Co, O. He works in Columbus, O P.O. & lives there. Have 3 children:

a. Martha LePage

b. Bernice LePage

c. Conrad LePage

III. John E. LePage married Irene Lowden of Boston, Mass He is a minister of the M.E. church now stationed at Morrow, O. Have 4 children:

a. Ruth Catherine LePage died young

b. Robert Lawrence LePage born July 17, 1917

c. Lois Jane LePage

d. John David LePage

IV. Samuel M. LePage married Jany 29, 1912 Rosetta Pearl Jones born Aug 1, 1890

V20 Page 335

She is daughter of Frank Holland Jones & his wife Bertha Mabel Merrill. She was born near Boston, Mass. He is an ordained M.E. minister, now teaching history in Ottawa College, Ottawa, Kan. Have 1 child:

a. Clifford Bennett LePage born May 18,1914

He will want a book Advise him when completed

V. Clara B. LePage married Charles Malzehn son of Julius Malzehn & wife Elizabeth. They live at Pleasant City, O & have six children:

a. Carl David Malzehn

b. Elizabeth Jane Malzehn, died

c. Clarabel Malzehn

d. Elnora R. Malzehn

e. James Malzehn, died

f. Robert Julius Malzehn

VII. Leah E. LePage married Aug 19, 1911 Charles E. Roberts born Jany 1, 1882 & died Nov 7, 1918 son of David Roberts & wife Eliza Jones. He was born in Perry Co, O. He is a miner & lives at Opperman, Guernsey Co, O. They have four children born in Guernsey Co, O.

a. Clyde Allen Roberts born Mch 13, 1913

b. David M. Roberts born Aug 20, 1914 ob Sept 9, 1914

c. Eliza Jane Roberts born Sept 18, 1916

d. Mary Pauline Roberts born Apr 12, 1918

V20 Page 336

[fermata mark appears here]

IX. Ethel Jane LePage married Lewis Spurrier born in Perry Co, Ohio, son of Lewis Spurrier & wife Mamie Richards. He is a miner & lives at Pleasant City, O & have had 5 children:

a. Reuben Spurrier

b. Arthur Spurrier

c. Ralph Spurrier, ob

d. Albert Spurrier

e. Mamie Jane Spurrier

X. Peter Edgar LePage married Apr 8, 1916 Edna Robinson born in Noble Co, O Feby 17, 1894 daughter of Henry Robinson & his wife Lillie Hamilton. He is a farmer & lives at New Concord, Muskingum Co, O route 3 Have two children born near New Concord, O route 3.

a. Miles Edwin LePage born Feby 16, 1922

b. Geneva Constance LePage born Mch 12, 1927

XI. Clyde T. LePage married Veda Taylor daughter of Joseph Taylor & wife Ronnie McFee. He lives at Cumberland, O where he is a farmer & school teacher, route 2. Have one child:

a. Bettie Fern LePage born Nov 6, 1919

XIII. Frank A. LePage married Ada Van Atta born Mch 21, 1904 daughter of J. Guy Van Atta & wife Emma Rinehart. He is an M.E. preacher & lives at Green Camp, Marion Co, O & have two children born, the oldest at Raymond, O & the youngest at Kenton, O

V20 Page 337

He answers from 3350 N. Main ST, Fall River, Mass

a. John Paul LePage born June 29, 1922

b. Emma Jane LePage born Mch 19, 1924

XII. Susan Agnes at home unmarried

XIV. Herbert W. at home unmarried

XV. David D. at home unmarried.

6. David Lee Downey married Aug 11, 1888 in Noble Co O Martha Powelson born at Sarahville, O July 21, 1861 daughter of John M. Poulson [sic, added later & probably correct spelling] & wife Olive Johnson. He was a farmer & lived at Laverne, Harper Co, Okla. Have one child born in Noble Co, O. He died Mch 25, 1925 & is buried at Speermoore Okla.

I. Arden Lee Downey born Dec 20, 1894 unmarried, was in the World War & was overseas 9 mos. Served with Base Hospital 80 & was in battle of Chateau Thierry.

7. Salathiel Philip Downey married May 9, 1908 Viley Casaline Fred born June 10, 1854 at Jerusalem, O daughter of James Fred & his wife Sarah Daniels. She died Sept 27, 1920. He owns a small farm near Cumberland, O & is an International Bible Student. No issue. P.O. address Cumberland, O RD 2.

V20 Page 338

James Howard Thompson son of Robert Jr of Robert Sr of James 1758-1835 & brother of Langdon S. Thompson was born June 29, 1840 & died Sept 22, 1879 see at Feby 25, 1922 in book 6. He married 1st Apr 17, 1862 at Zanesville, O Emily M. Riggs born Nov 22, 1839 & died Jany 28, 1868, daughter of John Riggs & wife Mary Meredith. Their two children were born, died & buried at Flora, Ills where she too is buried. He married 2d Dec 26, 1877 Amelia Jones born Mch 25, 1844 & died May 3, 1886. After his 2d marriage, they moved to Des Moines, Iowa & are buried there. No issue by 2d wife.

1. Edwin O. Thompson born Jany 14, 1863 ob Aug 16, 1866

2. Rose Helen Thomson born Mch 24, 1866 ob Aug 8, 1866

Line extinct.

Jacob Thompson born in Fayette Co, Pa Nov 17, 781 ob May 24, 1855. He was 2d child of James 1758-1835. He married Susannah Frame.

They had twelve children of whom Robt S. said the first three were born in Fayette Co & the others in Guernsey Co, O:

1. Thomas F. Thompson born Dec 5, 1807 married Jany 17, 1828 to Margaret Campbell & A.T.S. says they settled in Monroe Co O adjoining see book 7 p 197.

2. Mary J. Thompson born Jany 31, 1809 married Josiah Baird Sept 4, 1828

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3. James Thompson b Nov 26, 1810 ob Nov 7, 1886 married June 25, 1835 in Guernsey Co, O by Rev W.G. Keil, Sarah Tulles see book 7 p 604

4. Jacob Jr born Jany 16, 1813 see book 7 p 605. His son Wm E. gave me his father's record, but when A.T.S. was to see him Aug 1926, he said he had not answered my second letter being piqued at something I said about the Lanes that was different from his own version. He lives in Worthington, Ind.

5. Elizabeth born Nov 12, 1814 & died Dec 18, 1896. This was Robert S's mother see book 7 p 196

6. William Thompson born Dec 27, 1816 buried at Senecaville, O having died Mch 4, 1850 aged 33 yrs 2 mos & 5 days see b 7 p 353 item 3. He married Mch 9, 1837 Catharine Tulles born Aug 18, 1819 & died Dec 14, 1912 as the widow of Hugh McWilliams at Columbus, O at the home of her daughter Susanna Rownds but is buried in the Rownds lot in Greenwood Cem Zanesville, O but has no marker. See book 7 p 254 where it shows his daughter Susannah, her husband Robert Rownds & their son Robert Jr live at Ripley, NY

7. Robert born Feby 24, 1819 married Elizabeth Axtell see book 7 p 197

8. John Thompson born Feby 21, 1821 married Apr 1, 1841 by Rev W.G. Karl to Hannah

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Thompson daughter of his Uncle David Thompson see page 256 book 7 A.T.S. got from tombstone in Senecaville O the record as follows:

"Marinda, daughter of John & Hannah Thompson died Oct 4, 1851 aged 9 yrs 3 mos 11 days" born then June 23, 1842.

9. Eleazer Thompson born June 14, 1823 married Sept 4, 1845 to Mary Stroud see book 7 page 197. Their grandson that I have listed as Ozzie Craig was given to A.T.S. by Robt S. T's widow as Oscar & she says he still lives in Wash D.C.

10. Susannah born Dec 23, 1826 thinks d.y.

11. Stephen born Apr 12, 1829 thinks d.y.

12. Eleanor born Mch (I have it May) 10, 1830 married Philip Law see book 7 p 255.

Judge William Thompson, the grandfather of Nellie Burns. A.T.S. has record of many of his descendants given to him on a written paper by Nellie, which includes record of many Richeys which I think I got from her, so I am passing it by.

V20 Page 341

John Thompson, son of James 1758-1835 had a son Thomas Thompson who married June 15, 1845 as shown by Guernsey Co records, Edith Johnson. Their children were:

1. Newton who went to the Civil War & didn't return

2. Logan who went to the Civil War & didn't return

3. Amanda married Polk Hamilton & located in the State of Indiana.

4. Richard

Refer to book 7 p 250 & write to the various parties there whose addresses A.T.S. has given me.

Refer also to book 7 p 252 & make slips to both write & go.

9. Abraham Thompson & } sons of James

12. Joseph Thompson } 1758-1835

A.T.S. has full records of the descendants of these two, which however, he did not bring with him, but will write off & send to me.

Abraham's daughter Hulda Thompson married Harrison Secrest, being the first of his four wives & her only child, James Madison Secrest married Mary Elizabeth Dyson for his first wife & their only child is:

Abraham Thompson Secrest, my informant & guest born in Dyson, now Pleasant City, O Sept 14, 1870 & was named for his great grandfather who was then living with

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his grandson, the father of my informant. A.T. taught school for 15 years in Ohio, Okla, & Texas. Also did editorial work in Guernsey Co, O. Has never married. He is a convert to the Roman Catholic Church, is a B.P.O.E. & is a Republican.

Oak Hill, Mch 28, 1927 7:47 PM

Pallini & I left in our car at 9:07 AM this morning for Washington, Pa in our car on business rounding up the coal field I am trying to sell & A.T. Secrest went with us on his way home. We arrived at Geo Washington Hotel at 10:33 AM & A.T. Secrest left on the 11 AM bus expecting to stop an hour at Claysville to see some Secrests there. We started back at 2:42 & got to Uniontown at 3:55 PM.

Just before leaving this morning A.T. gave me record of two Thompsons who had married Carothers which he had gotten from the marriage Docket of Guernsey Co, O at Cambridge, O.

Polly Carothers married James Thompson, Aug 19, 1819 by Geo Metcalf J.P. in Guernsey Co, O.

Mary Thompson married Christopher Carothers Aug 7, 1823 in Guernsey Co, O by Rev Thos B. Clark

V20 Page 343

From the Jackson - Thompson Family records printed which he gave me, I copy part:

"All the Thompson family should be proud of the Revolutionary War record of their ancestor Robert Jackson & should manifest that pride by joining the patriotic societies of the Sons or Daughters of the American Revolution etc. Abraham Thompson Secrest.

Robert Jackson (son of Hugh Jackson) born in the Kingdom of Ireland in the Co of Fermanagh on Mch 17, 1733 died Sept 28, 1809 married Dec 25, 1856 Mary Henthorn who was born in Chester Co, Pa Sept 29, 1733. She died May 18, 1802. Their children were:

1. Abraham Jackson born Jany 27, 1759

2. Mary Jackson born Feby 24, 1761 ob Mch 30, 1835

3. Isaac Jackson born Apr 9, 1763

4. Rebecca Jackson born Sept 15, 1767

5. Sarah Jackson born Jany 1, 1769

6. Robert Jackson Jr born Oct 13, 1775

Mary Jackson born 1761 died Mch 30, 1 PM 1835 married Apr 15, 1779 James Thompson born Feby 20, 1758 who died Oct 8, 1835 (He was the son of Jacob & Ann Thompson) children of James Thompson & Mary Thompson were:

1. Robert Thompson born Feby 5, 1780 died Nov 16, 1861

2. Jacob Thompson born Nov 17, 1781 died May 24, 1855

3. William Thompson born Oct 9, 1783 died June 21, 1833

4. James Thompson Jr born Apr 19, 1786 died Mch 19, 1819

5. John Thompson born May 7, 1788 died Jany or July 3, 1856

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6. Elijah Thompson born in 1790

7. Mary Thompson born in 1792

8. Isaac Thompson born in 1794 died in childhood

9. Abraham Thompson born Sept 3, 1796 died Apr 28, 1873

10. Anne Thompson born Nov 5, 1798, died Dec 12, 1843

11. Rebecca Thompson born in 1801 died in childhood

12. Joseph Thompson born Mch 4, 1803 died July 1, 1879

13. David Thompson born Mch 4, 1803, died Feby 22, 1883

Robert Jackson's wills made 26 Mch 1803 & proved Oct 3, 1809. No wife, she died May 18, 1802:

My oldest son Abraham

my second son Isaac & his wife

my eldest daughter Mary Thompson

my second daughter Rebecca Watson

my third daughter Sarah Work

my son Robert Jackson Jr sole Exr.

Witnesses George Higinbotham, John Craig, Samuel Jackson, Andrew Bayne, William Bayne. signed Robert Jackson Sr

Fayette Co, Pa Wills vol 1 p 126

Family History is here given:

Revolutionary Service

In the Col Crawford expedition & the narrative of the escape of John Slover the interpreter is most horrible. Among those who served in Capt John Bane's Co was Private Robert Jackson (Pa Archives Vol 2 series 6 p 386). The following names were taken from the list made from the cfts & vouchers for pay those from the vicinity of Uniontown, Westmoreland now Fayette Co & all related by marriage to Robt

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Jackson were: Nicholas Dawson, Joseph Moore, James Downard, Wm McComb, Robert Jackson (Pa Archives vol 2 series 6 pp 399-401) For History of the expedition see narratives of Dr Wright same vol p 363 & of John Slover p 373.

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Oak Hill Mch 29, 1927 8:06 PM

I went to Pittsburgh on the 6:35 AM PRR train & came back on the 5 PM B&O. I phoned Rose S. Maloney & spoke to her of her brother Will's plans to come up & get what I gleaned from the records on June 29, 1926 at Wilmington, Del about the Greggs. She had told me that her grandfather was Thos Gregg, but now says that her grandfather was George Gregg & that Thomas was the gf of the Lytles, that his daughter Margaret was the mother of Bella widow of D.P. Reighard & of Daisy Lytle Reifsnyder? & that Margaret was the Aunt of Rose's mother, Ann Gregg Stillwagon who was first cousin of Belle "Daise". Her father George would then be a son of Thomas.

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Oak Hill Mch 30, 1927 11 PM

A letter dated Mch 25, 1927 from Miss Rose B. Clark of the dept of elementary education Nebraska Wesleyan University, University Place Neb answering for her father A.R. Clark see page 268 says he knows nothing of the family history before their coming to Adams Co, O. He recalls however that a Caruthers married his Aunt Sarah Clark who was the daughter of Samuel Clark who came to Adams Co O from Rockbridge Co Va abt 1808. He says too that this Samuel Clark, his grandfather (& his father was also Samuel) came from Ireland to Va & that one branch settled in Penna but he cannot trace the line. His own mother, Nancy Brown was the first white child born in Manchester, O born in 1800. The Caruthers above mentioned moved to Illinois & settled near Peoria about the time her father was 6 or 7 yrs old, he thinks about 1847. Make slip to go to Peoria. See page 463.

John Caruthers a son of the aforesaid by a former wife married Jennie Clark a daughter of Samuel Clark's oldest son John (brother of his step mother). This couple died in Adams Co, O leaving three girls viz:

1. Lizzie married James Haggerty & with her two sisters who were also married

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in Adams Co, O (names not known all moved to Indian about 1865 to 1870 see pages 350-4)

Apr 20, 1927

Answering Apr 7, my letter of 2d inst Miss Rose B. Clark says her father's full name is:

Andrew Reed Clark born Oct 21, 1841 on Wheat Ridge, Adams Co, O. He didn't know where they moved to, but I found them, see pages 350-4. He didn't know the address of any of the children or desc if any of his Aunt Sarah Clark Carothers nor what relation he was to Jean Carothers who married George Clark. Says to write Rev Jasper McSurely of Oxford, O as Jennie Clark who married John Carothers page 352 was his Aunt. Am writing him.

Oak Hill Mch 31, 1927 1:30 PM

A letter dated Mch 25, 1927 from Wilson McTeer Maryville, Tenn in answer to mine of May 14, 1927 to his father Wm A. McTeer who he says died Nov 7, 1925. He says that the greater part of the data his father gathered was destroyed by fire Feby 28, of this year when his house was partly destroyed. (If he had sent it on receipt of my letter as requested, it would have been saved) He says however there is a blueprint of his data in some library in this part of the country & also in the Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tenn. Make slip to go there. Also says the Knoxville Sentinel made a reprint of it in 1926. Am writing for same.

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The newspapers announce that Frederick Meredith Boyd aged 29 of Flemington WVA was instantly killed Saturday night Mch 26, 1927 when struck by a train at the Flemington Sta of the B&O RR Co. He had gone to Clarksburgh WVA & it was on his return that the accident occurred. The body was not discovered until early Sunday morning. He was a son of Mr & Mrs Frank R. Boyd of 261 Connellsville St, Uniontown, Pa who survive along with his wife, three children & three brothers. Burial in Oak Grove Cem.

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A letter dated Mch 24, 1927 in answer to mine of Mch 17th from Mrs Ella Pattison of RR No 3 Marion Grant Co, Ind. She says John Caruthers who married Jean or Jennie Clark see page 347 was her grandfather on her mother's side, her mother's name being Elizabeth Carothers & she had three sisters. I am starting a genealogical table on page 352, made from the information she gives.

Also says she can tell me about her great Uncle George Clark & his wife Jean Caruthers Clark. Says they had six children. I am making a table on page 354.

She says that while she knows she is a descendant of John & Jean Clark Caruthers she don't know abt Col Wm Clark but will write back to Adams Co, O to a cousin of her mother to find out. From inf gotten from A.R. Clark p 347 it is evident she is not a descendant of Col Wm Clark.

V20 Page 351 [blank]

V20 Page 352 & V20 Page 353

[descendant chart]

[7]*John Caruthers married Jennie Clark & both lived & died in Adams Co, O. She was daughter of John Clark, oldest son of Samuel Clark, a native of Ireland who came from there to Rockbridge Co, Va & from thence in 1808 to Adams Co, O & whose daughter Sarah Clark (Aunt of this Jennie) became the wife of the father of this John Caruthers who was his son by a former marriage. The father of John Caruthers, after his marriage to Sarah Clark moved about 1847 to near Peoria, Ills. See page 347. They seem to have had four children, daughters, born in Adams Co, Ohio. His people came from Penna, but had died before my informant who was born. This John & Jane on page 354 were children of Archibald Carothers by his first wife see page 463. I think this Archibald is son of John see bk 17 page 86. Apr 26, 1931. He is not, see b 22 p 58.


Elizabeth Carothers, b in Adams Co, O, ob Oct 25, 1907 & buried in Scott Co, Ind. Married July 29, 1859 James Hagerty born in Penna, son of George Hagerty & wife Letitia & had 4 children. He died when my informant was 9 yrs old & they moved to Grant Co, Ind. He died Apr? 1869 & was buried in Adams Co, O. Her 4 children were born in Adams Co, O.

1. John Emerson Hagerty, b Oct 2, 1860 ob Jany 1891 at Leeds City, Dakota [sic]. Left no descendants. Was never married.

2. Margaret Ellen Hagerty born May 29, 1863, my informant for this record born in Adams Co, Ohio & lives at Marion, Ind RR No 3 married Aug 1, 1885 Owen Pattison born July 1, 1866 in Rush Co, Indiana son of Beverly E. Pattison & wife Harriet Hungerford Have three children living see bk 21 p 267

Della Jean Pattison at home

Zelma Estie Pattison at home.

William Pattison married. Has 3 children living.

William Pattison

James Pattison

Margaret Catherine Pattison

3. William Carothers Hagerty, b May 4, 1866 married Apr 11, 1908 at McMinnville, Oregon to Lila Wangaman born July 14, 1885 at McMinnville, Oregon & live at McMinnville, Oregon. He says their great Uncle "Huey" Carothers' widow or daughter lives about 20 miles from him. They have one child born at McMinnville, Ore. Her father, John Alex. Wangaman & mother Mary Olive Faulconer.

Catherine Louise Hagerty b Jany 12, 1913

4. Henry Huston Hagerty b Apr 2, 1868 married Aug 10, 1889 Mina Olive Jones of Grant Co, Ind born Oct 29, 1869 daughter of Sidner Franklin Jones & wife Louisa Thurman. Have six children, the 1st four born in Grant Co, Ind 5th in Scott Co, Ind & 6th in Montgomery Co, Kan. His wife died abt 3 yrs ago & he is since a rover. Was at Springfield Mo when last heard from. She died Dec 25, 1920 at Salem, Ills.

Icie Velma Hagerty b Mch 18, 1890 married Aug 24, 1907 Clyde Chasteen & have 3 children:

Robert Chasteen

Thelma Chasteen

Wilma Chasteen

Ona Mabel Hagerty b Aug 31, 1891 married Mch 16, 1912 Walter Codle

Helen Codle

Tessa Olive Hagerty b Nov 10, 1893 in Grant Co, Ind married Dec 25, 1911 Fred Bouton & have 2 boys. Live at Bartlesville, Okla at 137 N. Cheyenne, Ave.

Vere Emerson Hagerty, b Sept 1, 1901, lives at Coffeyville, Kan.

Verlin Leon Hagerty, b Apr 21, 1905, lives in Wichita, Kan

Burnal Elmo Hagerty, b Jany 16, 1910, lives at Coffeyville, Kan.

Martha Ann Carothers [daughter of John & Jennie Clark Carothers] b Jany 30, 1840 ob Aug 8, 1863 aged 23 yrs 6 mos 9 days married John L. Compton of Adams Co, O. Had 2 children son of Joseph W & Cynthia Ann Compton.

Leonidas Compton b Dec 21, 1859 married Jany 3, 1894 Emma Allredge. No issue b 23 p 266

John Compton ob 1864 in infancy

Susannah Jane Carothers ob, married Mch 13, 1896 William Nesbitt but left no descendants. He died Oct 14, 1901. Were married at Port Isabel, Indiana. See bk 23 p 366.

Sarah Ellen Carothers B Feby 6, 1845 ob Apr 12, 1853 (d.y.) aged 8 yrs 2 mos 6 days

V20 Page 354

[descendant chart]

George Clark brother of John Clark mentioned on page 353 married Jean Caruthers. I at first thought these were identical with parties mentioned in book 17 p 83 in will of Wm Carothers, but if some of their children are living, it could hardly be & there is no daughter Jean reported by Mrs Pattison. She reports they had six children. This Jean or Jane Carothers was sister of John page 352 & their father was Archibald see page 463.


John Clark, ob married & lived in Ills

Nancy Clark, ob married John Steams

Elizabeth Clark ob married M. Nesbit

Mary Ann Clark ob married Tom Conway & had 5 children:

Orlando Conway

Viola Jane Conway married, has 5 boys all married

Orville, married

Verlin, married

Charles, married

Orlando, married

William, married

Frank R. Conway left 4 children all of Howard Co, Ind.

Trell Conway

Walter Conway

Roy Conway

Zola Conway

Olive Conway

Velma Conway

William Clark ob married & lived in Ills

Rebecca Clark lived in Nebraska & thinks may be living yet.

V20 Page 355 [blank]

V20 Page 356

A letter dated Mch 3, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10th from O.L. Carithers Prop of Carithers Drug Store 1304 Broad St New Castle, Ind see book 19 p 347 says:

"My father James Carithers was born in 1836 & died in 1915 son of Alexander Carithers who was the son of James Carithers. He came over when 21 yrs old, having spent 35 days on a sailing vessel from Glasgow. He was a farmer all his life & left his farm to my mother (still living) for life & then to go to the heirs. His father Alexander had come to the U.S. in 1848 from County Donegal, North of Ireland & went to California to dig for gold. In 1855, he sent for his family a wife & sons, James, Thomas Alexander, Joseph & daughter Mary Ann. He met them & they came to Indiana settling permanently at Princeton, Gibson Co, Ind. Alexander Sr died in 1883. His family has all died except his son Joseph who is now 80 yrs old.

Great grandfather James Carithers was a linen weaver & died in Ireland. He had six sons Alexander, William, Thomas, Joseph, James or John & Samuel. One son was educated for the ministry. William came to the U.S. & lived in Brooklyn NY had a home on Long Island & was a teamster. I think others of the family came over & settled in the east, but am not certain about William.

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He says there are no records except as given above. Says his father's home in Ireland was 7 miles out from Londesberry (evidently Londonderry). They attended the Presbyterian Church & records from this church might furnish some information if the church could be located. The home was on the Isle of Birt or Bert or at least so pronounced".

See page 124

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Oak Hill Apr 1, 1927 1:42 PM

A letter dated Mch 12, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 28, from Charles Fremont Messmore No 409 N. In St Tipton, Ind says he knows nothing about Joseph Messmore & Sarah McWilliams. He says his father William Messmore was born somewhere in Penna don't know what Co in 1700 & something & died Dec 20, 1878. He says he himself was born in Warren Co, Steuben Tp, Ind Nov 20, 1856. Says he has heard of several Messmores but never met any of them or learned their names except Joseph Messmore who lived close to Marion, Ind but he never met him, but heard sometime ago that he had died. Make slip to look up.

V20 Page 359

A letter dated Mch 8, 1927 from Chas A. Hanna no 15 Rockledge Road, Montclair NJ call my attention to an error in my letter of June 24, 1924 to him, in which I gave Hannah Power as marrying Mch 11, 1740 1st James Carnahan b 1719 ob 1788 2d Rev Jacob Jennings which I copied from Anjou's Carnahan History page 102 where as this Hannah married Capt James Carnahan born 1743 a son of the 1719 James. He gives 1788 as date of death of this James whereas that was the year his son Capt James was drowned in Allegheny River & Anjou says he died in 1795 another error. His father may have died then. Anjou has them woefully confused. Mr Hanna says the tombstone at Dunlaps creek g.y. which I no doubt have, says that Hannah Jennings was born 1749 & died in 1838 aged 89. While Rev Jacob Jennings was born 1743. He thinks & rightfully that this Hannah was the wife of Capt James who was drowned in the Allegheny River in 1788.

V20 Page 360

A letter dated Mch 2, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 15, from Mrs Annie Durkin of 740 1st N. Fargo N.D. see book 19 p 526 says all of her children, four daughters are married & gives record as follows:

I. May Durkin married Dec 26, 1908 Thomas McLaughlin born at Nena, Wis Aug 10, 1847 whose parents names not know were born in Ireland. They have 3 children born in Alice N.Dak where they live:

1. Raymond McLaughlin born July 12, 1912

2. Orville McLaughlin born Jany 15, 1915

3. Lavelle McLaughlin born May 26, 1917

II. Gertrude Durkin married Nov 22, 1912 Charles McKay born at Wheatland N.Dak July 10, 1886. His parentage, names not known were born in Woodstock Canada. They have two children born at Alice N.Dak where they live:

1. Evan McKay born May 26, 1915

2. Lloyd McKay born Sept 30, 1917

III. Josephine Durkin married June 24, 1914 Herman Mahlke born At Durbin N.Dak Oct 9, 1885, names of his parents who were born in Germany not known to my informant. No issue.

V20 Page 361

IV. Merle Durkin married Aug 20, 1910 to Leonard Sprecher born at Buffalo N.D. July 16, 1887. His parents names not known were born in Germany. They have one child:

1. Florence Sprecher born Aug 12, 1911

She says the address of her brother Robert Sproull is 1115 9th Ave North Fargo, N.Dak.

V20 Page 362

Oak Hill, Apr 3, 1927 1:05 AM

A letter dated March 4th 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs Netta Leaming says I was too far west for their Geo Bailey (I was hunting them at Des Moines, Iowa) & says if he ever lived in Iowa, his family or part at least came back & a few years ago resided at Clinton, Ills. Make slip to go there.

Says Ruth Brown McKey (or McKey) is still living at Farmland, Ind as far as I know. Make slip. Says however to write to Mr L. Gaddis, Pres of the bank at Madoc, Ind. She does not give me the inf she should but says "I have no other information". See page 118 & book 18 p 468. Am writing to L. Gaddis.

V20 Page 363

A letter dated Mch 5, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 7, from Rev Walter M. Brandt, pastor of the Lutheran Church Germantown, O states that after some search & inquiry, he can find nothing about the burial of Rev Robert W. Finley who is reported to have been buried there.

A letter dated Feby 26, 1917 [sic] in answer to mine to her Aunt Mrs Kate Shaw Millville, O from Mrs Olie Yordy RR #10, Hamilton, O see book 18 page 190-203 says they can't locate the family bible, but if they do will write me. She thinks probable that it was in her sister's house which was destroyed by fire 8 yrs ago.

A letter dated Feby 26, 1927 postmarked Columbia, Pa in answer to mine of Jany 10, from Miss Elva Markel see book 19 p 191 says I can get more information by communicating with Dr J.C. Markel 1005 Westinghouse Bldg Pgh Pa. Make slip to go see him.

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Phila, Pa Benj Franklin Hotel Room 324 Apr 7, 1927 11:11 PM

In accordance with arrangements over the telephone last evening, Evergreen 0671 with Samuel Castner Jr at his residence 3729 Chestnut St, I went today at 2:15 PM to his office No 2015 Land Title & Trust Co building & had a delightful talk of over an hour with him leaving at 3:30 PM. He is a small sized man of swarthy complexion & bald head & is 84 yrs old having been born in 1843, the only child he said of Samuel Castner born 1797 or 1798 & he was son of John Castner who was son of Samuel Castner 1737-1833 aged 96. He is the first one who wrote his name with a C. He was born June 11, 1737 & died at Gwynedd Nov 30, 1833 the son of Samuel Kastner & his wife Katherine Jacob & he in turn was the son of Paul Kastner & his wife Mary who came from Germany & settled at Germantown, Pa in 1689 a neighbor & friend of Francis Daniel Pastorina who was a witness to his will made Aug 31, 1717.

Mr Castner was very kind & said

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Minnie McDowell was his cousin as was her cousin Saml R. McDowell who was also her first cousin. He did not recall that any Castner had married a Rugh, but said his great Uncle Jacob had a son George, who went to Bedford, Pa but he read from his records that he had married a McFarland.

I told him that in Sept 1921, I had gotten out at Chicago, Ills a Castner bible record & would send him a copy of the record when I got home. He took my name & said if he learned anything further, he would write me. He gave me 21 pages (except page 7) copied from the first pages of his Castner book of records which he has a loose leaf files record & which he said I need not return. He asked me to call back whenever I could. He said last evening at 6 o'c when I phoned that he was a sick man & he does not look rugged. He proposed bringing his book to his office & in it he has photographs of his father & mother & many others of the family. One of the early Kastners went to Penn Yan, NY & he got Paul's bible. He had no sons, but four daughters & one a Hunt, went to Ohio, south of Cleveland, O & he got the record there.

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City Hall Phila, Pa office of Register of Wills Apr 8, 1927 9:50 Am

Index to Wills 1682-1900

Letter C

Year Book Page

*1822 Carothers, Alexander 1822 7 574

*Carothers, A.E. 1887 133 444

*Caruthers, Ann Maria 1889 143 300

*Crothers, Annie 1897 193 224

*Crothers, Charles S. 1883 113 568

*Cruthers, George 1818 6 585

*Conarroe, George M. 1896 189 174

*Crothers, Harriet C. 1890 146 392

*Crothers, John M. 1818 6 609

*Crothers, Matilda 1871 71 367

*Carrothers, Samuel C. 1864 52 59

*Crothers, Samuel 1867 59 517

Clark, William 1682 A 5

*Crothers, William S. 1891 131 491 et al *Crothers, William 1891 155 371 et al

*Carrithers, William 1895 182 21

12:07 PM Have just finished index for letter "C" & must go back to the hotel for James H. Bowell's telephone call at 12:30 PM or later


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Registers Office Apr 9, 1927 9:30 AM

Will Book 6 page 585. Will of George Carruthers

I, Geo Carruthers of Phila, nail cutter, son of George Carruthers, late of Harrisburg, Pa gentleman, gives as follows:

2d to my mother, Elizabeth Caruthers all my estate real personal & mixed.

Lastly I appoint Joseph Cornman of Phila, keeper of debtors jail, Exr Dated May 15, 1818

George (his x mark) Caruthers). Witness John King, Margaret Peters. offered for probate May 29, 1818

Will book 6 page 609, will of John M. Crothers.

Dated Phila & styles himself John M. Crothers seaman & gives entire estate to loving wife Jane Crothers & appoints her exrx Dated May 9, 1818 John M. Crothers (seal) Witness Thompson Tully, John Thompson. Probated Oct 20, 1818

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Will of Alexander Carethers [sic] will book 7 page 574

I, Alexander Cruthers [sic] of Phila, being sick & weak directs his Exrs to sell his goods, clothing & trunks, collect debts, naming them & $200 in United States Bank & divide in 3 shares & gives:

To my wife Anne Cruthers, one share

to my daughter Marcy Cruthers one share

to my daughter Anne Cruthers one share

to my daughter Elizabeth twenty five cents to cut her out of claiming any charge vs me.

Directs Exr to send all his belongings to his brother William Cruthers who will deliver same to his wife & two daughters. Appoints Robert Laughlin & William Law Exrs. No date. Alexr Carethers (seal) Probated Nov 25, 1822

Will of Samuel C. Carrothers will book 52 page 59

Styles himself as of Manyunk, now 21st ward of Phila & gives:

to son Joseph Carrothers one of his stone houses in Manyunk on East St

to my beloved wife not named all the residue of my property for life & after

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her death to go equally to my children & grandchildren as follows:

to my son John Carrothers a sixth part of my estate

to my daughter Rachel Hendion a sixth part of my estate

to my daughter Elizabeth Hipple a sixth part of my estate

to Almirah, Sarah, John William & Garret Hanley, children of my decd daughter Sarah Hanley 1/6th

to Merriam, Caroline & Enos Carrothers, children of my decd son Alexander Carrothers 1/6th

to Caroline King, surviving child of my decd daughter Mary King 1/6th

Lastly appoints wife Mary Carrothers Exrx, dated June 12, 1860 Samuel C. Carrothers (seal) witnesses: John P. Thompson, Lizzie W. Thompson. Proven Jany 13, 1864 by John P. Thompson & Lizzie W. Littlewood.

Will of Samuel Carothers will book 59 page 517

I, Samuel Carothers of Kingsessing Co of Phila, farmer give:

to my son John Carothers $100

to my wife Margaret all residue of my estate for life & then to my three children viz:

To Jane, Margaret Ann & Stephen equally.

Appoints Stephen Paschall & wife Margaret Exrs. Dated July 8, 1854. Samuel Carothers (seal) Witnesses: Jno Thompson & Walter Graham

July 1/01 revoked Stephen Paschall Exr & appointed Robt S. Pashall. Proven July 28, 1866 by Henry C. Thompson, son of John.

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Will of Matilda Crothers will book 71 page 367

I, Matilda Crothers of Phila widow of the late Wm S. Crothers give:

to her son Wm S. Crothers $10,000 in trust int to be paid to my granddaughter Mary Barlow Cooke Duelles free from any control of her present or any future husband & at her death to go to her children if any if no issue, then to her brothers & sisters equally.

to my sister Sarah Elizabeth Peters int on $300 annually.

to my son Wm S. Crothers all bals my estate for life & at his death to all his children equally including Mary without regard to the $10,000 above & lastly appoints son Wm S. sole Exr. Dated Feby 1, 1871 Matilda Crothers Probated May 11, 1871

Leaving 11:33 AM

In order to get London Dft Deposit tickets for slips & to be at my room for Geo Weils call between 12 & 1 PM. He called at 12:12 PM & reported good progress.

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Phila, Pa room 324 Benj Franklin Hotel Apr 9, 1927 3:36 PM

Mrs Sarah R. Finley of 6104 Dorchester Ave Chicago, Ills writes Apr 4, 1927 in answer to mine of Mch 17th see page 295-9 et seq

She says answer to queries:

#2 Harriette Davis Robbins (see page 301) was born in New Lexington, Highland Co, O Feby 13, 1842 & died near Wilmington, O Jany 16, 1897, daughter of Charles Robbins & his wife Sarah Laird.

No 3 Sarah Rachel Baker myself, born at Dayton, Ind (near LaFayette, Ind) Mch 9, 1853 daughter of Thomas Baker of Middletown, O & his wife Elizabeth Kellenberger a native of Hagerstown, Md.

No 4 & 5 Our first daughter died at birth on Mch 27, 1885

Our second daughter, unmarried, lives with me. She is a professional violinist & conducts two orchestras, one of 75 instruments in Hyde Park High school here in Chicago also teaches piano & plays viola & 'cello

No 6 She says the correct date in Hiram Finley's bible is 1842 as given on page 295

No 7 Regrets can give no information about Samuel C. Finley 1808-1884, her husband's Uncle.

No 8 She thinks her Uncle Hiram Finley's widow died & is buried in Wilmington, O. Suggest writing Frank Terrell, New Vienna, O

No 9 She can give nothing about Hannah Reed & Lavina, Aunts of her husband, see p 296 ex-

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cept what is found in father Robert Patterson Finley's bible, the leaves from which she sends me, same to be returned. She says she knows nothing about the children of R.P., first wives except that her husband often spoke of his Aunt Mary with whom he lived when a little boy.

She says the note of Father Finley's death on the torn margin at the bottom is in his son "Will's" handwriting as is also the date of his daughter Athelia's birth & his wife's death on the back of the frontispiece picture, but all the rest is in the handwriting of father Finley. She says Father's bible bears date of 1832 published by B. Waugh & T. Mason for the Meth Epis Church at the conference office 14 Corsley St, J. Collard Printer on the fly leaf is in his own handwriting:

"Robert P. Finley 1832

later left to Wm P. Finley Aug 1891

Still late in my husband's handwriting: "Given to Chas E. Finley July 1900".

I will now copy the record from two full pages 31 x 22 lines of this book of the Robert P Finley bible above referred to:


Robert Patterson Finley & Cynthia Jane Birdsell were married May 9, A.D. 1832

R.P. Finley & (Mrs) Phebe Dakin were married Apr 18, A.D. 1837

R.P. Finley & Jane Thornton Russell were married July 14, 1842

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William P. Finley & Hattie D. Robbins was married Mch 21, 1872 at (New) Lexington, Highland Co, O

Charles E. Finley & Sarah R. Baker were married Dec 10, 1872 at Lafayette, Indiana

Hugh E. Terrell & Hattie R. Finley were married Dec 23, 1873 near Wilmington, Clinton Co, O


Robert Patterson Finley was born Dec 8, 1809

Cynthia Jane Birdsell was born Apr 2, 1812, daughter of James & Lydia Birdsell.

Phebe Hazzard (afterwards Dakin) daughter of John & Elizabeth Hazzard was born Feby 4, 1801.

Jane Thornton Russell, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Russell was born Feby 16, 1814 at Charlestown, Va.

Hattie D. wife of Wm P. Finley was born Feby 13, 1842 at (New) Lexington, Highland Co, O

Sarah R. wife of C.E. Finley was born Mch 9, 1853 at Dayton, Ind.

Children of R.P. Finley

1. Teressa Finley daughter of Cynthia J. born Oct 6, 1833

2. Cynthia Jane Birdsell Finley daughter of Cynthia J. born Jany 13, 1837

3. Mary Helen Finley daughter of Phebe born Feby 3, 1839

4. Phebe Hazzard Finley daughter of Phebe born July 24, 1840

5. William Pendergrass Finley son of Jane T. born July 16, 1843

6. Charles Elliott Finley son of Jane T. born Jany 22, 1847

7. Harriet Russell Finley daughter of Jane T. born Dec 29, 1848

1. Lucile Finley, daughter of Wm P. & Hattie D. Finley was born Dec 21, 1872 at (New) Lexington, Highland Co, O (She died Sept 30, 1873 see p 301)

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Cynthia Jane Finley d.t.l. Jany 30, 1837 aged 24 yrs 9 mos & 28 days

Mary Helen Finley d.t.l. Oct 18, 1839 aged 8 mos & 15 days

Phebe Finley d.t.l. Apr 11, 1841 aged 40 yrs 2 mos & 7 days

Phebe Hazzard Finley d.t.l. Sept 14, 1844 aged 4 yrs 1 mo 21 days

Teressa Finley d.t.l. Sept 20, 1850 aged 16 yrs 11 mos & 16 days

Jane Thornton Finley consort of R.P. Finley d.t.l. Aug 30, 1873 12:30 AM aged 59 yrs 2 mos & 14 days, sick 8 yrs 4 mos & 9 days

Robert P. Finley died Sept 9, 1891 aged 81 yrs 9 mos 1 day

Hattie D. wife of W.P. Finley died Jany 16, 1897 aged 54 yrs 11 mos 3 days

mma [sic Emma?] Athelia, daughter of W.P. & Hattie D. Finley was born Aug 5, 1874

Finished 6 PM

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Back Apr 11, 10:10 AM

Will of Charles S. Crothers will book 113 p 568

I, Chas S. Crothers of Phila gives:

to my wife Mary Crothers, all my estate for life & then equally between my children.

If my wife die before all of my children become of age of 21 yrs, their money to be securely invested in meantime.

Appoints wife sole Exrx. Dated Apr 30, 1884 Chas S. Crothers (seal)

Probated May 17, 1884 & letters to Mary Crothers 4026 Ludlow ST Phila, Pa.

Will of William S. Crothers will book 131 p 491

I, William S. Crothers of Phila, Pa give:

to my son Wm S. Crothers Junior the watch & chain which I wear

to my daughter Harriet C. Heberton my large family clock standing in entry to my residence.

to my wife Harriet C. Crothers (through my Exrs & trustees to whom I leave all my estate in trust to pay said wife, until marriage or death subject to the following payts

to my daughter Harriet C. Heberton $800 yearly

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to my son Wm S. Crothers $1000 annually

to my son Stevenson Crothers $1200 annually

& upon the death or remarriage of my wife:

to my daughter Harriet C. Heberton $16,527

to my son Wm S. Crothers Junior $19,115.75

to my son Stevenson Crothers $24,088

I have made the three last bequests & the payt of income to my three younger children in order to equalize by my judgment their shares with that of my eldest daughter Mary B.C. Dulles, wife of Andrew C. Dulles, she having recd at the time of her marriage from my mother & myself $26,527

Gives a $100 6% city of Phila to Girard Tr Co to keep in order & repair my lot in Laurel Hill Cemetery & my brother-in-law's portion thereof.

Residue to my children living at my death or their issue per stirpes [sic]

Appoints sons Wm S Jr & Stevenson & my sons-in-law Andrew C. Dulles & Craig Heberton Exrs & trustees to act without compensation. Dated Apr 2, 1886 Wm S. Crothers Witness Joseph Parrish, J. Hicks Conrad

Probated Feby 10, 1887 & letters to:

Wm S. Crothers Jr 1015 Arch St

Stevenson Crothers Chestnut Hill, Pa

Andrew C. Dulles 319 S. 12th ST

Craig Heberton 2018 Walnut St

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Will of Anna E. Crothers will book 133 page 444

I, Anna E. Crothers of Phila, Pa widow of the late John P. Crothers give:

to my son John W. Crothers, his father's gold speetades [best guess]

to my daughter Mary J. Carlile [sic] wife of Wm B. Carlile, my pair chain & my silver fruit knife

to my daughter Henrietta R. Essick wife of Thomas B. Essick all my furniture, beds etc & housekeeping utensils

to my son-in-law Wm B. Carlile the gold watch chain which was my husband's

to my son John Crothers $250 less his debt to Abigail McGlathery which I order paid.

to my daughter Mary J. Carlile $200

to my daughter Henrietta R. Essick all residue absolutely

Lastly appoints son-in-law Wm B. Carlile Exr Dated Jany 26, 1883 A.E. Crothers (seal) Witness: Wm Wm Kurtz 3937 Silverton Ave

J.M. Erickson 552 N 40th ST. Probated June 21, 1887 says testator died Feby 18, 1887.

Letters to Wm B. Carlile 11068 Aspen St.

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Will of Ann Maria Carothers will book 143 p 300

I, Ann Maria Caruthers of Phila,Pa

2d I appoint my friend Edwin Cumes of Elmer, Salem Co NJ Exr

3d Direct him to sell my furniture

4th to my nephew Alfred Caruthers $1

5th to my nephew Stephen Emery $1

6th to Elizabeth Caruthers, widow of my brother Mathew the interest of $500 for life & at her death principal to go to her son George Caruthers.

7th directs Exr to convert all stocks bonds, notes etc into money

8. & divide same in two parts & give one part to my sister Annie & one to my sister Rebecca. Dated Apr 5, 1889. Ann Maria Caruthers (seal) Witnesses: Joseph Gibson Bridgeton, NJ Chas H. Gibson, Elmer NJ

Probated May 15, 1889

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Will of Harriet C. Crothers, will book 147 p 392

I, Harriet C. Crothers wife of Wm S. Crothers of Phila, Pa leaves entire estate to my Exr in trust to invest etc & apply all the income to his own use & at his death:

to my daughter Harriet C. Heberton my statue of the dancing girls, two paintings of scenes in the life of Achilles etc also $15,000

to my sons Wm S. & Stephenson Crothers $15,000 each these three bequests to equalize them with my daughter Mary B.C. Dulles, she having heretofore recd from her Aunt a like sum.

If my children survive my husband they are to have residue or if dead their children to take it per capita.

Appoint her husband, Wm S. Crothers Exr Dated Apr 2, 1886 Harriet C. Crothers (seal) Witness: Joseph Parrish, J. Kirk Conrad.

Probated Jany 6, 1890

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Will of Wm S. Crothers will book 155 p 371

Tuesday, Oct 18, 1887. This is my last will, I give to my wife Virginia Heth Carothers the entire income on everything for life & at her death if I have left a child or children, it or they to have my estate, if no issue, everything is to become by brother's absolutely. Appoints brother & wife Exrs & Trustees. Wm S. Crothers Oct 18, 1887 Chestnut Hill. Witness Carroll Smith, Craig Heberton.

Codicil Oct 31, 1889 about the investment of the money

codicil Nov 10, 1890 He mentions his 4/32 int in the Schooner Red Wing & wishes his home & furnishings to be kept for his wife to live in unless she wants it sold.

Wm S. Crothers 2127 Pine ST

Probated Apr 21, 1891

Letters to Stevenson Crothers, Chestnut Hill, Phila

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Will of William S. Carruthers will book 182 p 21

I, Wm S. Carruthers of Phila, Pa give:

to my wife Mary A. Carruthers all my household goods & furniture absolutely

2d to my wife Mary A. Carruthers all the residue of my estate for life, she to have right to take of principal what in her judgement is necessary for her support.

At her death all residue to go absolutely to my two children, Georgina H. & William D. Dated May 2, 1895 William S. Carruthers (seal)

Probated Aug 28, 1895. Letters to Mary A. Carruthers Exrx 3000 Frankford Ave.

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Will of Annie Crothers will book 193 p 224

I, Annie Crothers of Phila, Pa give:

to my son Samuel Crothers all my estate in trust to pay as follows:

to my husband William Crothers $5 per week

to my grandchildren Maggie Chambers, Mary Austin & Sallie Austin $50 each

The rest of my estate I give equally to my children John, Margaret, William, Jane, Sarah, Emma, Josephine & Samuel.

Appoints son Samuel Exr Dated July 16, 1895 Annie (her x mark) Crothers (seal) Witness Peter Boyd J.A. Patterson. Probated Mch 20, 1897 & states she died Mch 11, 1897 at 2:20 PM. Letters to Samuel Crothers 60th & Glenwood Ave.

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Will of Geo M. Conarroe will book 189 p 174

I, Geo M. Conarroe of Phila Pa

to American Church Bldg Fund Com $2000

to Penna Hospital Phila $2000

to Restoration Fund of Ch of St James the Less $100

to my sister Maria C. Vinton, my int in 1539 Chestnut St

to Dr Chas Harrod Vinton in appreciation of his honorable character $2000

to John Wilson for many yrs faithful serving me $500

All residue to my wife Nannie D. Connaroe but if she should die before me to my sister Maria C. Vinton for life & at her death, I bequeath one half to the Penna Hospital, Phila & other half to Domestic & Foreign mission board of the Prot Epis Ch of the U.S. for Domestic missions.

Authorizes his Exrs to sell all of his R.E. at public or private sale & to make conveyances without requiring the purchases to see to the proper application of the purchase money.

Appoints dear wife Fidelity Ins Tr & safe Dept Co & Joseph Mason Exrs Dated May 25, 1896 Geo M. Conarroe (seal) 3 witnesses. He died Aug 25, 1896 about 7 AM. Probated Aug 29, 1896 Letters signed for by Nannie D. Conarroe 701 Spruce St John B. Gest Prest, J. Mason 4214 Walnut St.

Finished the "C" 2:22 Pm 11th & leaving

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Apr 15, 1927 11:07 PM made all slips to here Pgh, Pa JVT

Oak Hill Apr 17, 1927 6:33 PM

On my return home last night, I found papers left by Mrs Josephine Hoover Martin for the Harrison History giving record of her decd sister, Mary Elizabeth & herself, daughters of Jesse Veech Hoover decd which I am filing away with large envelopes.

Charles H. Cox born June 6th 1880 son of Geo A. Cox & his wife Izura E. Porter married Apr 4, 1904 to Mary Elizabeth Hoover who died May 10, 1906. He married 2d Dec 23, 1909 to Emma A. Rector & have a daughter:

Esther Cox born June 30, 1913

He lives at Masontown, Pa & is a Notary Public & R.E. & Ins business at 25 N. Main St. Dated Mch 13, 1926

Frank Jones Martin born Aug 10, 1877 son of Miles Martin & his wife Anna Emma Virginia Jones married Aug 17, 1908 to Josephine Hoover & have three children born in German Tp

1. Elizabeth Hoover Martin born Oct 27, 1910

2. Clarence Veech Martin born May 10, 1912

3. Martha Virginia Martin born Oct 29, 1919

Live in German Tp

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In the "Battle of Monmouth" by the late Wm S. Stryker, Princeton Univ Press Princeton NJ 1927 on page 178 reference is made to Washington's desire that his captains keep their men well together & then says:

"The plethoric Col Israel Shreve 2d NJ Reg rode up his horse worn out with the weight of the huge soldier he had carried all day & that officer himself almost exhausted by the intense heat of the day. He told Genl Washington in a most significant manner that he did not know why they retreated, that he had done so by order, but by whose order he did not say".

This refers to Col Shreve of our Jack line later in charge of Washington's lands here in Fayette Co where his will dated I believe Dec 9, 1799 is on record. This new book is for sale at $4.50 by Noah T. Morrison Elizabeth, NJ

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A letter dated Mch 31, 1927 in answer to mine to her Aunt Mrs Elizabeth Markle at Springfield, O from Miss Laura C. Talbot 2208 S. Union Ave Los Angeles, Calif see page 45 this book says her mother:

Mary Ann Markle born June 20, 1822 married Oct 27, 1842 Presley Talbot & she died Mch 16, 1861. He was from Champaign Co, O born Aug 8, 1813 & died July 21, 1885. He was son of Samson Talbott who came to Champaign Co, O from Ky about 1805 & cleared land & the farm is still in possession of the family of Mary A. & Presley Talbott. His mother was Mary Kenton who died in 1815.

They had four children born on the dear old farm in Champaign Co, O as was their father:

1. Mary R. Talbot

2. William Marion Talbot born Oct 27, 1847 at Urbana, O

3. Emma F. Talbot

4. Laura C. Talbot

[variations in spelling noted]

1. Mary R. came to Los Angeles, Calif Jany 31, 1912 & lives at 2208 S. Union Ave Los Angeles Calif, Unmarried.

2. William Marion Talbot married Jany 16, 1884 Miss Lois Alma Thompson of Cherryvale, Kansas born at Strawberry Point, Iowa Dec 2nd, 1860 daughter of Hiram Gardner Thompson b Jany 3, 1818 (son of Giles Thompson of New Eng) & wife Alvira Jane Wiltre born in Canada. They moved from Cherryvale, Kan to Los Angeles, Calif in 1887 & now live

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Sunset Blvd 329 N. Tujunga, Calif. They have one child:

1. Presley Talbot Jr born Sept 13, 1886 married May 27, 1920 to Emma Elizabeth Lutitia Hemingway of Los Angeles Calif formerly of Akron, O born in Masillon O May 2, 1899 daughter of James Henry Hemingway & wife Lulu Blanch [sic] Kettering.

They have two children in Los Angeles, Calif

I. Robert Herbert Talbot born Feby 2, 1922

II. Lois May Talbot born Aug 23, 1923

3. Emma F. died Oct 12, 1912 unmarried.

4. Laura C. came to Los Angeles Calif Jany 31, 1912 & lives at 2208 S. Union Ave, L.A. Calif is single & my good informant for this record.

May 21, 1927 she evidently objects to giving her & her sisters ages. Writing May 17, she does not think anyone living can give dates or marriage & death of her mother's brothers & sisters unless it would be Horace Markle in Springfield, O. Make slip to see if can find such a person there. She don't know any of their addresses but says there are Markles near Tremont, Champaign Co, O but it is Tremont City, Clark Co, O near Champaign Co line but they are desc of a brother of Gabriel Markle. Dennis Markle told me once he had a history of the Markle family as far back as he could trace it but he died when young in 1885 the family are gone except Horace, but his Brother Chas has a son Paul Markle that lives in his father's old home near Summerford, Madison Co, O. That history might be found there.

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A letter dated Mch 29, 1927 in answer to mine of Mch 23, from Miss Martha E. Crothers Tujunga, Calif see pages 146 & 304 gives the following further record of her relatives:

Her Aunt Martha Robison (nee Crothers see p 146 & see p 390) married Thomas Robison & had four children viz: They were married May 15, 1839. He was born in Hamilton Co, O May 15, 1801 & died in Piqua, O Aug 25, 1889 being 9th child of Alexander Robison & wife Nancy Patterson.

1. James Alexander Robison born Feby 11, 1840 ob Feby 14, 1918

married Emma Anderson. He was born East of Piqua & married & died in Piqua, O & buried in Forest Hill Cem & had two children. His wife was born 1849 & died Jany 9, 1920 all in Piqua, O daughter of Adrian Anderson.

1. Guy Robison, Cleveland, O married & has a shoe store there.

2. Gertie Robison married Paul H. Hauschilst 637 W. Ash St June 2, 1909 & lives in Piqua, O. She has one daughter, Rachel, born Apr 5, 1911.

2. John Gordon Robison twin with Nancy M. born Sept 15, 1844 married Oct 14, 1869 Clementine Carey, a girl in Sidney, O & he has died but she lives there. They had a son Frank who died some years ago. John G. died July 30, 1903. Frank was born Oct 3, 1870 & died Mch 17, 1919 single.

3. Nancy Marie Robison twin of John G. born Sept 15, 1844 married Oct 10, 1871 Joe H.S. Wiley born Oct 12, 1840 & died June 14, 1915 at Piqua, O son of Samuel Johnson Wiley & wife Margaret McKnight. (His full name was Joseph Henderson Sharp Wiley & he was born in Spring Creek Tp Miami Co, O)

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Their son:

1. Howard Gordon Wiley born Aug 8, 1872 ob Jany 3, 1883 aged about 12 yrs.

She died at her daughter's Dec 25, 1920 at Cincinnati, O. Had one daughter & one son see above.

2. Margaret Bell Ethelwyn b Mch 16, 1875 married June 16, 1904 Frank Boyd a U.P. Minister see page 543. She died May 30, 1924

He is pastor of the U.P. church at College Corner, O where she died a few years ago & where her mother had died 2 yrs before. Writing him. They had one child:

1. Ross Wiley Boyd born Aug 2, 1906 & is now a junior in Miami Univ Oxford, O.

4. Will Crothers Robison b Dec 22, 1848 ob Apr 6, 1882 see p 390 married Dec 26, 1861 Mary Elizabeth Baines born Apr 1, 1852 & living, daughter of John Baines & wife Anna Lamme. She lives at 752 Edgemont Ave Los Angeles, Calif. Am writing to her. They had one son, the only child:

1. Clarence H. Robison living at 866 Edgemont Ave Los Angeles Calif & is Prof in Cal University, So Branch b Feby 8, 1873. Rev Boyd gives his name as Dr Charles Robison at 753 Edgemont Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif married Nov 24, 1909 Jane Rafter Condit b Jany 4, 1882 daughter of Fillmore Condit & wife Ida Rafter. Have four children see page 390 over.

Her Uncle John P. Crothers, married Elizabeth Strain & had five children:

1. Almira married Dr M.W. Hamma a Lutheran minister.

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2. Mary married Geo W. Halderman a Lutheran Minister. All are dead some years ago.

3. Anna married Isaac McConnell & left one child. Both dead.

1. Elizabeth who is single & lives in Florida

4. Emma never married died several years ago

5. India, married forget who, but both are dead. Left a daughter

1. Beatrice married a Mr Knapp & lives at Beatrice Neb. I don't know them at all. Go see them. Think I wrote.

See bk 22 p 2

Dec 11, 1927 see p 388 & book 22 p 2 Martha Wilson Crothers Robison was born near Franklin O & died East of Piqua, O at the home of her daughter "Nanny" Wiley. Her son Wm Crothers Robison was born East of Piqua, married in Piqua & buried at Tippecanoe City, Miami Co, O. His son Prof C.H. Robison has 4 children viz:

1. Fillmore Everett Robison born Oct 4, 1911

2. Elizabeth Ida Robison born Oct 26, 1912

3. William Condit Robison born Dec 26, 1914

4. John Condit Robison born Nov 17, 1917

V20 Page 391

Oak Hill Apr 18, 1927 7:38 PM

A letter dated Apr 9, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 2, from Cecil V. Kilgore of Albion, Noble Co, Ind where he is Co Supt of schools for Noble Co gives his line of descent from James Kilgore & Elizabeth Jack which I am showing by table commencing on next page.

V20 Page 392 & V20 Page 393

[descendant chart]

James Kilgore married Elizabeth Jack

[their son]

Col David Kilgore married Sarah Mickey see bk 4 p 251

[their son]

Daniel Kilgore b 1779 ob Apr 22, 1850 married Rachel Reynolds


Joshua Reynolds Kilgore b 1800 ob 1841, married Mary Ann Poorman ob, Had 4 children. He was born at or near Mt Pleasant Pa & was killed near Massilon, O by a runaway team of horses which his son Jerome was six weeks old.

Harriet Kilgore, ob married Karr

Daniel Kilgore, ob, married

Hiram P. Kilgore, b May

Jerome Kilgore born May 1841 & still living. He served in Co K 163 Ohio Vol in Civil War, married Rachel Jane Wertman born in Bedford Co, Pa 1843 & died in 1921. Have had six children

Leah G. Kilgore b 1863 ob 1924 was a teacher 20 yrs

Elmer Franklin Kilgore b 1865, a farmer

Jacob Ellis Kilgore b 1867 in R.E. business

George B. Kilgore b 1872 a mechanic

Maude Kilgore, b 1878 ob 1926 married L.L. Cole, ob 1925

Cecil V. Kilgore b 1883, teacher in College & public school supt of Schools of Noble Co at Albion Ind for 7 yrs & term runs 2 yrs more. My informant for this record.

V20 Page 394

A letter dated Apr 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 2d from Mrs J.B. Carr nee Maude Jack No 120 E. 50th St, Indianapolis, Ind see page 257 says she was born at Idavilla, Ind as:

1. Maude Muriel Jack on Aug 12, 1884 married May 23, 1907 at Muncie, Ind to James Burchard Carr, a dentist born on Oct 26, 1881 at Madison, Ind son of James Henry Carr & wife Mary A. Kessler. They have two children born at Clayton, Ind.

1. Lewis Burchard Carr born June 19, 1909

2. Jack Dent Carr born Mch 7, 1913

She don't know the names of any brothers or sisters or the father of her grandfather, Mathew G. Jack nor where he lived.

V20 Page 395

A letter dated Apr 4, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 2d from Mrs James W. Copeland nee Minnie Jack RR No 6 Logansport, Ind see page 257 says she was born at Lake Cicott, Ind as:

1. Minnie Jack on Oct 31, 1885, married Aug 2, 1913 at Logansport, Ind to James W. Copeland, running a Battery Station born on Sept 24, 1885 in Jefferson Co, Ind son of William R. Copeland & his wife Mary Hyatt. They have one child born in Logansport, Ind viz:

1. James Donald Copeland born Oct 27, 1920

She says that a letter she recd in 1915 from her father, Lewis L. Jack stated that her great grandfather's name was Adam Jack but his wife's name she does not know. They had five children:

1. Josiah of Philadelphia, Pa

2. James of Pittsburgh, Pa (It was Bellefonte, Pa)

3. Susan Zerns of Dayton, Ohio

4. Phoebe Bicking married Samuel Bicking of Downington, Pa

5. Mathew G. Jack, my grandfather

They were of Scotch Ancestry & large people.

See bk 11 page 388

The above fixes this family as of the Chester Co, Pa & Phila family I have records of.

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A letter dated Apr 9, 1927 in answer to mine of Mch 17th (to her husband Warren B. Kilgore) from Mrs Elizabeth S. Kilgore of 2013 S.E. 16th ST, Des Moines, Iowa see pages 184-188 this book, says she is answering for her husband as he has his mouth wired shut from having a fractured jaw in a bout with the dentist when the wires are removed, they will drive over to see some Kilgores on the north side & will send me the information & their addresses.

She says they paid a visit to their Historical Bldg where they found a "History of Spartanburg S.C." & found mention of Capt Benjamin Kilgore, a Rev. soldier who settled in S.C. soon after the treaty with the Cherokee Indians 1755, he coming from Penna. It gives his children as follows:

Josiah, Jesse, Dr Benjamin, James, Mary, Margaret, & Melinda.

Josiah is mentioned as the father of Dr Benjamin Franklin Kilgore whose picture was given & he resembled Warren B's father quite a lot. She says they knew personally since they came to Iowa to live, her husband's Aunt Irene Kilgore Adams of Osceola, Iowa see page 188 & her children were:

1. Charity Adams whose married name we do not know but the last they heard of her she was still living on a farm near Osceola, Iowa.

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2. Andrew Adams lives in Osceola, Iowa & is a retired farmer. Has four children as follows:

1. Archibald Adams, married

2. Merle Adams, married

3. Beulah Adams, married

4. Bertha Adams, single

3. Millard Adams is a rural mail carrier out of Osceola, Iowa, has a wife & several nice children.

4. Rachel Adams whose married name is Haines. Her address is Topeka Kan RFD. She has two nice boys, now abt grown.

Andy's wife knew the families of both Millard & Jefferson Kilgore, Uncles of Warren B. as they both married around Woodburn, Iowa ie their wives families.

Warren B. does not recall the married name of his Aunt Jane, but says she was considerable older than his father (she was 18 yrs older see page 188) who during the last 2 or 3 yrs of his life drove from his home in Lawrenceville, Ill to her home in Washington, Ind to visit her. Warren B. was in Omaha, Neb abt 18 yrs ago & visited the widow & 3 sons of his Uncle Michael Kilgore. They were

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then all doing clerical work there. The name of the oldest was Raeburn & the youngest Lynn but he doesn't recall the name of the other one. The two older ones were married & Linn [sic] was at home with his mother. Michael Kilgore moved to Omaha, Neb the year of the Omaha exposition & died there a few years later.

Says his Uncle Thos's son Ira Kilgore is still living in Calif.

She thinks the dates they sent me on page 188 are correct & thinks they got them from Rachel Adams Haines. Says she will be able to tell me. Write her. She says she has written to Andy Adams wife Maggie. She says there is a Blaine Patterson in Des Moines, Iowa whose mother's maiden name was Kilgore. She brought her brother a Dr Kilgore from near Quincy, Ills in the store abt 25 yrs ago & he resembled Warren's father enough to have bee a twin brother. She is dead now, but her son Blaine lives here. Says when they hear from the other Kilgores, will write again. The names given on page 396 as the children of Col Benj Kilgore are no doubt the children of his oldest son James, see book 16 p 344-347 with the oldest & youngest daughter omitted.

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Oak Hill, Apr 19, 1927 8:40 PM

I was at the Register & Recorder's office today from 3:30 to 5:05 PM to see about any early Elliott wills that Edmund Hayes Bell had just written about & in turning to the Edward Elliott will found on same page that of Zachariah Connell of the Crawford family & made abstracts of both which I copy below:

Register's Office Fayette Co, Pa

Will of Zachariah Connell will book 1, page 106

I, Zachariah Connell of the town of Connellsville, give to my wife Peggy, the new stone house I am now building (which is to be finished out of my money) to live in during her widowhood & 1/3 of my estate during her natural life & after death to be divided equally between my two youngest daughters, Peggy & Eliza.

I give to my daughter Hetty Black $500 to be put in hands of my Exrs for her.

I give to my four grandsons, 1. Zachariah, 3. William, 2. Samuel, & 4. John Black equally all that tract of land in Ohio where my daughter Hetty Black now lives.

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I give to my son John Connell the debt he now owes me on a book account.

I wish all my debts paid & after they & the above legacies are paid, I wish to divide what is left between my other six children, leaving out John & Hetty to go one sixth to each. I appoint my son, Hiram Connell, William Page & Greenberry R. Jones Exrs. Dated Aug 2, 1813 Zachariah Connell (seal). Witness Daniel Rogers, John Page. Proven Aug 25, 1813

See Ellis Hist of Fayette Co, Pa pages 365-366 which illuminates this (which see & make slips) but does not name all of his children.

See Pages 413-4

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Will of Edward Elliot will book 1 page 106

I, Edward Elliot of Redstone Tp, yeoman:

Give to my beloved wife Elizabeth all my household furniture where I now live to be by her enjoyed during her widowhood, also one horse or $40 in money, 1 cow, 4 sheep, 4 hogs, also 1/3 of my old orchard & the house & clear land where I now live & the clear land by the creek where Henry Goe lived & the 1/3 part of my old plantation that is to say the third of what it produceth to be hers only during her widowhood.

Secondly To my daughter Susannah Hempstead, all that tract of land where she now lives for 7 years from the date hereof.

Thirdly I give to my son Abraham Elliot all that lot of land I have heretofore bequeathed to my daughter Susannah Hempstead for 7 yrs thereafter that term has expired to fall into his hands.

Fourthly, I give devise & bequeath to my son John Elliott [sic] all the remainder of lands to be by him injoyed [sic] during life & at his death to be injoyed by his heirs, so on in tail forever provided he shall nevertheless pay unto my two grandsons Edward Elliot

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& Thomas Elliot, the orphan sons of my son Felix Elliot $250 to be equally divided between the two when they shall arrive at the age of 21 yrs or the survivor of them, in case either of them should die.

The remainder of all my personal estate together with what I have given my wife the use of, I give & bequeath to my children hereinafter named, that is to say, my sons Thomas Elliot, Elias Elliot, Mary McCarty, Martha Cummins, Rachel Rinde, Elizabeth Points & Susannah Hempstead to be equally divided between them, what I have given my wife to fall to them as soon as she shall marry or die.

Fifthly, I give & bequeath to my son Edward Elliot $450 which I have already paid him provided he shall pay my son John Elliot $100 in 1 yr after my decease which I also give & bequeath to my son John Elliot.

Lastly, I appoint Hugh Shotwell Esq & Thomas Wells Exrs Dated Mch 18, 1811 Edward (his mark) Elliot (seal) Witnesses William Lynn, Charlotte Shotwell, Nancy Shotwell.

On June 1, 1812 he makes a codicil. I give to my step daughter, Margaret Farquar one fether [sic] bed with a blue & white cotton striped tick & one bolster, two pillows, one

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bed quilt, one blanket, one sheet to be hers, her heirs & assigns forever. Dated June 1, 1812 Edward (his mark) Elliot Witness Hugh Laughlin Junr, Lucy Burnit.

On Sept 20, 1813 Hugh Shotwell then of Harrison Co, O renounces & refuses to act Alexr McClean issues Com to Hugh Shotwell to take depositions of his daughters to prove will. Proven Sept 22, 1813

A letter dated yesterday 18th from Edmund Hayes Bell, Stoneleigh Court, Connecticut Ave & L Street, Washington D.C. says he is there for a couple of weeks before going to NY to sail for England. While there, he is going to the North of Ireland to try to locate the ancestors of Col Robert Elliott of Hagerstown, Md because of the connection which existed between him & his great grandmother, Isabella Lowry, wife of Jacob Bowman, he thinks through her mother who was a Blair by birth. He asks for any early Elliott wills recorded here before 1810, so I am sending him the above just after. He asks if I have anything bearing on the relationship of Capt. Mathew Elliott of Fort Pitt who went over to the British during

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the Revolution & died after the war in western Canada & Col Robert Elliott. It is said they were brothers & one of Col Robert Elliott's sons certainly lived in Canada at the same place Capt Matthew Elliott lived.

He asks too if I have any more Thompson data giving authority substantiating the parentage of Gen Wm Thompson as I have it.

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Oak Hill, Apr 20, 1927 9:55 AM

A letter dated Apr 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 12th from Rev Joseph Perkin, Maywood, Neb, see book 19 p 532 gives part of the information asked for which I entered in place there & have for lack of space there transferred record of his son's marriage & children here & am writing him today for the additional data needed.

Gladstone Perkin born Sept 24, 1882 married Mch 2, 1914 Ruby Fletcher born Apr 19, 1896, daughter of Thomas Benton Fletcher & wife Viola Emily Gladwin. Have four children born in Maywood, Nebraska. He lives in Maywood, Neb where he has the Perkin Mercantile Co.

1. Richard Joseph Perkin born Dec 4, 1914

2. Dorothy Elizabeth Perkin born Jany 28, 1919 3. Margaret Lorraine Perkin born Apr 14, 1923

4. Willis Gladstone Perkin born Feby 9, 1927

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A letter dated Mch 8, 1927 in answer to one from me from Miss Jennie Beels, Earlham, Iowa, see pages 248-50 answers my 11 questions gives other data & encloses a Crawford genealogical table. I am not making entry until I go through the packet of letters & note what I deem useful to me ctd in them. I count 45 letters or envelopes, but there are more than 45 as some envelopes contain two or more letters. I have assorted them alphabetically & so going over them.

1st. There are 4 letters from F.M. Ballard, 520 Montgomery St, Covington, KY. His first letter of Oct 30, 1920 says that William Stephenson, son of James who was half brother of Col Wm Crawford married Margaret Crawford & had ten children & one a son William married Elizabeth Boyd. That is all the data he has. Presumes the residents of Pa. Says Margaret Crawford Stephenson died in 1849. Look at our wills & make slip to be on look out. He says Valentine Crawford had two [sons] Moses & William. Moses died in 1774 & William was captured & burned in 1782 when Col William was. Has no mention of either having been married. He says Col Wm had only one son, John who was married & came in 1786 to Adams Co, O & had sons Moses, Richard, & William. He says his line is through Richard

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Stephenson Jr a half brother of Col Wm Crawford who married Elizabeth Somers & had four daughters, Sarah, Mary, Effie & Elizabeth. Effie married Gen Joseph Winlock of the Rev. Army & his eldest son was the father of my mother Effie who married John T. Ballard of Shelbyville, Ky. In his last letter of Apr 17, 1921 referring to her statement that Wm Crawford married Onora Grimes, he says he had not known that Col Wm Crawford's father's name was William but had presumed so.

He speaks of a John Crawford in Mass in 1672, having come from Ayrshire Scotland & later going to NJ & had sons George & John. George married Esther Scott also of NJ & had George, Richard, William, Job, Joshua, Lydia & Elizabeth.

He then gives record of Effie Stephenson & Gen Joseph Winlock.

Effie Stephenson, daughter of Richard Stephenson Jr & Elizabeth Somers born Mch 22, 1770 died Nov 19, 1851 married Jany 4, 1787 to Gen Joseph Winlock (son of Joseph & Margaret Winlock) born May 11, 1758 & died Mch 28, 1831. They had twelve children & he gives dates of birth & death of each, but the oldest Fielding Winlock born May 4, 1789 ob Feby 24, 1874 married Sept 8, 1816 Nancy Peyton (daughter of Wm Peyton & wife Mary Ross) born Mch 3, 1792 ob Aug 27, 1850. They had 5 children dates of birth & death of all given but the youngest Effie Winlock born May 13, 1833 ob July 27, 1909 married Sept 7, 1854 John T. Ballard born Jany 6, 1834 & still living on Apr 17, 1921

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The writer, F.M. Ballard was their son. In his letter of Nov 15, 1920 he says that the two daughters of John Crawford viz:

Margaret, married John Y. Rowland & Marda married Thomas Sears & his sons were Moses, Richard & William. She seems to have written him that this William had nine children. He gives the Stevenson children the five half brothers of Col Wm Crawford as follows:

1. Col John born 1737 ob 1801 married Mary _____. Left no descendants

2. Col Hugh married Ann Whaley & had six children. Look at our records for his & Benj Whaley's wills or estates. See Ellis Hist Bullskin Tp.

3. Col Richard born 1741 ob 1776 married Elizabeth Summers & left 4 daughters.

4. Col James married 1st Rachel McKeever 6 children, married 2d Martha Barr 4 children.

5. Marcus born 1745 married & moved to Mo died there & left several children.

In his letter of Dec 10, 1920, he says he got most of his information from C.W. Butterfield's four historical works: viz: "Crawford's campaign vs Sandusky in 1782"

"The Washington-Crawford Letters"

"History of the Girtys"

He says Col C's will in the first works gives his children as John, Sarah & Effie & the children of John as William, Moses & Richard & gives the children of Sarah who married Wm Harrison

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(look at our records, wills & deeds) as Sarah, Nancy, Harriet, Battelle, John & Polly & of Effie who married William McCormack as Annie & her four children as William, James, Nancy & Polly she, Annie having married Zachariah Connell (this does not conform to his will see pages 399-400)

He says Richd Stephenson Jr's daughter Mary married Dr John Knight who was surgeon in Col Wm Crawford's campaign vs Sandusky & the thrilling narrative by him & John Slover the guide gives the details of the capture & burning of Col C. which he witnessed & was told he wd be burned next day but he escaped that night & after Mch exposure & hunger reached Pgh. He joined the Pres Ch of Shelbyville, Ky when 72 & died there Mch 12, 1838 aged 87 yrs but none of his descendants are there now. He had ten children.

Apr 22d 11 AM


A one sheet page among the papers sent by Miss Jennie Beals gives the following from D.A.R. records viz:

D.A.R. vol 2 (or 3) page 295

William Crawford was a soldier of long frontier experience & a brace officer in the Va line in the War of the Revolution. After giving 25 yrs to his country's service, he was captured by the Indians in 1782 & burned at the stake

Col William Crawford Col of 7th Va Reg married _______ Vance. Had a son

V20 Page 410

John Crawford married Frances Bradford & their son William Bradford Crawford married Elizabeth Cook & their daughter:

Frances Ann married Rev George D. Chenowith & had a daughter:

Mary D. Chenowith.

D.A.R. vol 6 p 191

Capt James Stephenson (brother of Col Hugh Stephenson who died 1776) married Rachel McKeever & had a son:

William Stephenson who married Margaret Crawford (see page 406) & had a son Thomas Stephenson who married Sara De Vose.

3d I find addresses of following Crawfords in Adams & Scioto Co, O

G.W. Crawford, West Union, O

Mrs O.J. Crawford Peebles, O

J.H. Crawford Seaman, O

Mark A. Crawford Portsmouth, O

George Crawford Manchester, O RD 2

Earnest Crawford Peebles, O RD


A page sketch of R.B. Crawford born Feby 22, 1822 in Lawrence Co, Ala & living in 1908 aged 86 in Milo, Warren Co, Iowa & having gggchildren, I pass by.


A letter dated Nov 25, 1919 at Conton, Bradford Co, Pa is from Addie W. Crawford (Mrs Byron H) who says their family in Penna are descended from Hugh Crawford & wife Jane McDowell of Swonkford, County Down, Ireland

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of Ballyhelbert & Glastry. They came over in 1795 by reason of religious persecution & settled at Carlisle, Pa was of a wealthy family & styled himself "gentleman" where his eldest son William, was born in 1796 at Carlisle & also had James, Isaac & Polly. She says the Journal of American History issued a beautiful magazine which they sell for $1 giving the Crawford family history from 900 A.D. down. She mentions an older line than hers naming John Crawford, brother of my gggf Edward, who came to Dauphin Co, Pa in 1728 (see my Anjou Crawford Hist page 109 et seq) & his son Major James whose children she gives as Anjou has them but states that his eldest son John (who Anjou says went to Lower Miss & died unmarried) had a son John who died 1812 at Emlenton, Pa in Venango Co (go & investigate) who married Mary Parker. She says if her ggmother Rachel Crawford Parker was born in Butler Co, Pa she might be of this family.

She says this first John (Uncle John) had another son Richard born 1740 (see page 113 bottom Anjou hist) who in 1765 married Elizabeth ____ & had children:


James married Mary Phinney

Ann married Hugh Wilson

Elizabeth married Rev John Moody

Another daughter married a brother of John Moody

V20 Page 412

She says if you want the magazine of Crawford ancestry to send $1 to: National Historical Society 37 W 39th St New York City & ask for Vol XII No 3 of Journal of American History ctg Crawford Coat of Arms & Ancestry.

I am sending for it.

The writer, Addie W. says their emigrant ancestor was born 1760, came to America 1795 settled first in Carlisle, Pa, later moved to near Pittsburg, where he died & is buried. His marker is an immense marble slab giving much inf abt him & his wife, see if I got it when in Allegheny Cem. I rather think I did. A brother, Samuel came with him went south & married an heiress & had a family which is all they know of him. She asks if she ever corresponded with Mrs E.M. Hiestand-Moore 1708 Race St, Phila, Pa or did she refer you to me. Another one familiar with the Col. Wm Crawford family is: Miss Minnie F. Mickley, Allentown, Pa. Make slip to go see her.

This writer is not of our line unless a few generations further back of our emigrant.

6th C.J. Crawford of 1040 Liberty St, Franklin, Pa writing Mch 21, 1921 says his great grandfather John Crawford born Nov 14, 1748 married Isabel Parker daughter of Judge Parker. John came to Parkers Landing, Pa region

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from Carmichaels Ford, Greene Co, Pa. He speaks of Rev Joshua Crawford just home from Pres Harding's inauguration who was his 2d cousin & said Harding's grandmother was Mary Ann Crawford.

7th A letter dated Centerburg, Knox Co, O Nov 17, 1920 from Joshua Crawford says an early ancestor of the family which came to America in 1643 came into Northumberland Co, Va where he married Elizabeth______

They had four sons, John, George, Wm & David. John is my ancestor. William went into Westmoreland Co, (Va) where he married Onora Grimes in 1720 & they became the parents of Wm & Valentine. William was but 3 yrs old when his father died & Valentine was only a baby. About a year later, the mother Onora married Richard Stephenson & had four (there were 5) stalwart sons & one daughter, John, Hugh, Richard & Maren. The daughter died in infancy. Col William Crawford married Hannah Vance & had four children, Sarah, John, Effie & Ann.

1. Sarah married Major Harrison. She had six children, Sally, Nancy, Harriet, Battelle, John & Polly. Maj Harrison was killed on his way back from the Sandusky Expedition.

2. John Crawford moved to Adams Co, (O) & later to Ky where he died (a mistake)

3. Effie Crawford married Wm McCormick & had two children, Moses & Provance.

4. Ann married Zachariah Connell I don't know how many children she had or their names.

V20 Page 414

(For a more full record of these two daughter's children, see Ellis 1882 Hist of Fayette Co, Pages 365-6, see also pages 299-400 this book)

Provance above was a grandson (& according to Albert B. Shaw was illegitimate) of William & Effie.

This letter of Joshua says there was another Col Wm Crawford who was about 22 yrs younger & who lived in Washington Co, Pa & was a Col in the Wash Co militia & figured in the Harmer & Mad Anthony Wayne campaigns. He left a large progeny. Make slip to look for his will.

I have no record of Valentine Crawford's family except one William whose mutilated body was found near that of Maj Harrison.

8th A letter dated Seville, Medina Co, O Apr 6, 1919 signed W.L. Crawford is evidently in a woman's handwrite says "I am 76 years old" born then say 1843 & do not remember my grandfather, James Crawford who was born in Washington Co, Pa 16 miles from Pgh at Canonsburg. He had 3 sons & a daughter Margaret. His wife was Sally Black. Grandfather came to Ohio in 1821 with his four children & a brother John that came 2 yrs before & who went farther west. His wife died

abt 2 yrs before he came. Don't know where John located & knows nothing of him since my father died. They boys were William, James & John

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& they & their sister were all in their teens when they came & all married & raised large families. They all settled on adjoining farms & died there & some lived on the old Homestead until a Year ago when they moved to Seville, O

William was my father. He always claimed Col Wm Crawford as his cousin. Says her gf was of Scotch Irish descent but thinks he was born in this country. Says he had brothers & sisters beside John. Make slip to hunt will of his father at Wash Pa or settlement of his estate or deed for his property. Says James descendants have been holding reunions out there since 1890. Miss Beals has penciled on back "Pres Harding's relatives"

In the env is enclosed a circular "Third Reunion Crawford-Braden-Harding, Thursday Aug 29, 1912 North Sherman Park, Mansfield, O"


G.T. Harding, Pres, Marion, O

G.A. Crum, V.Pt, Shiloh, O

Rev Joshua Crawford, Secy, Lakeville, O

W.A. Braden Treas, St James, O

9th A letter dated Gbg Pa Nov 12, 1919 in giving list of Crawford wills does not mention Valentine Crawford. Make slip then to look for deed conveying his property after Jany 9? 1776 or 1777

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15th A letter dated Isabella Road, Connellsville, Pa Oct 10, 1922 from Mrs Elizabeth S. Gray. She says she is granddaughter of Provance McCormick, who she says is the son of William McCormick who came from Winchester, Va & his wife Effie Crawford (an error as he was a grandson see Ellis 1882 Hist of Fayette Co, Page 365) Provance married Susan Bowen & had four children viz:

1. Elizabeth McCormick

2. Jane McCormick, my mother

3. George McCormick

4. Joseph T. McCormick

Jane McCormick married in 1854 Christian Snyder & had four children.

1. Henry P. Snyder

2. Mary B. Snyder

3. Elizabeth, myself sole survivor

4. George B. Snyder

If Albert B. Shaw is not giving her line, see her & get it & ask to see the Washington-Crawford letters which she has & which Henry P. her brother published in the Courier.

11th Two letters dated June 3d & June 29, 1922 at Greenfield Highland Co, Ohio from Mrs Pearle C. Hiser Natl D.A.R. No 147623 wife of Chas T. Hiser, Box 246 a descendant through Viola Crawford wife of Capt David Gwinn of the Revolution of a William Crawford whose wife was Margaret Henderson. He was

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said to be a kinsman of Col Wm Crawford & had Revolutionary record. He had a son William & also sons Robert & Andrew who married Stephenson girls. She says a great Uncle bore the name of Wm said to be in honor of Col Wm a relative.

She speaks of Howes two vol Hist of Ohio of 900 pages each & weighing together 8 lbs. Says considerable space is given to each of their 88 Cos Vol II Com with Lake Co. Says in the Hist of Wyandotte Co ten closely printed pages are given to an account of Col Crawford's campaign. She calls attention to matters of Crawford interest viz:

Crawford Co named for Col Wm Crawford

Acct of campaign from Doddridge's notes

Also Dr Knight also Heckewelder also by Jos McCutcheon

Crawford monument stands on banks of the Big Tymochtee 300 ft from spot of execution. Says are mentioned a son John, son-in-law Maj Harrison & nephews Major Rose & Wm Crawford.

Our former D.A.R. registrar here is a direct descendant of Col Wm Crawford.

12th An undated typewritten letter from Mrs M.A. McCall 809 S. Marion Ave Washington Ave, Washington Iowa gives "genealogy of Wm Crawford & his wife Onora Grimes Crawford, Parents of Col William Crawford b 1732 near Berkley [sic] WVA died June 11, 1782. He married Hannah Vance

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Issue to this Union:

1. Sarah Crawford married Wm Harrison

2. John Crawford married 1st Frances Bradford, 3 children, married 2d Rachel Van Sant 2 children

1. Moses, 2. Richard & 3rd Wm B. 4. Margaret, 5. Marda

3. Effie Crawford. I have no record of her life.

My ancestry traces back to Margaret Crawford who married John Yancy Rowland. F.M. Ballard of Covington Ky is a descendant of Richard Stephenson Jr who was a half brother to Col W.C. He is a good one to write to concerning genealogy.

P.S. after the death of Col Wm Crawford's father, his mother Onora Grimes Crawford married _______ Stephenson & had other children.

Col Crawford had one full brother, Valentine, who had two sons, Moses & William but both seem to have died without being married.

13th A letter dated Oct 24, 1919 from John R. Miller Atty who says that Gen Crawford who commanded the Penna Reserves during the Civil War was from Fayetteville, Pa. In the 5th Series Vol 6 page 74, Edwd Crawford is given as a member of the 4th Co 1st battalion of Cumberland Co Associators. Col Jas Johnston. In same vol p 546 he is given as a member of the 4th Co 8th Bat Cumb Co. Col Abraham Smith in 1779 & they appear to have been from the present Franklin Co. He gives will of Robert Crawford of Peters Tp at Carlisle Book C page 117 in 1777

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& says his children were John, Robert, Esther, Ann & Rebecca. Anjou on page 117 does not give a son Robert, but does give a grandson Robert Blackford, probably the son of Rebecca. Look at this will & for a Blackford will both here & at Chambersburg & also for a Thoroman will both places. Make slips.

Apr 23d 1927 7:55 AM

There are 14 or more letters in the packet from Eleanor M. Heistand-Moore the first one dated Oct 1, 1919 & it refers to an article in the Sept 1919 D.A.R. magazine on Col Wm Crawford which she had written & in which she had mentioned a Hugh Crawford. She says the Crawfords of Washington Co, Tenn formerly N.C. were descendants of two brothers, Alex & Patrick Crawford of Augusta Co, VA who settled there about 1740. She says then that as Col Wm Crawford was born in Va in 1732 his parents came over before Alex & Patrick were likely "related to John Crawford, father of Col Wm Crawford as they all came from Ireland & settled in Va in the same locality". In her letter of Oct 9, 1919 in stating terms of Col Wm Crawford's will she says" The parents of Col Wm Crawford were John Crawford & Honora (Onora) Grimes Virginia pioneers said to have come from Scotland. She says Alex & Patrick were of Ulster origin. Says she does not know the names of Col Wm Crawford's Uncles. The letter from Col Wm Crawford which you quote

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shows the date of death of Valentine Crawford. She says "the Penna Archives show that Col Wm Crawford's widow, Hannah Vance applied for a pension but I can find no pension or record either at Washington or Harrisburg, which seems rather strange." "In some way, this Col Wm Crawford line was related to my own Blairs, but I have never found out how". Says Crawford Co, Pa was named for Col Wm Crawford. Says it is well to bear in mind that Col Crawford's father might not have come Scotland [sic] but may have come from Ireland.

Her postal card of Nov 3, 1919 gives Chambersburg, Pa wills:

[8]w abt Col Wm Clark but will

Joseph Crawford 1793

John Crawford 1801

& says T. Bryan Grimes is a member of the N.C. Historical Commission Raleigh, NC & may know of the John Crawford & Honora Grimes line. Write him.

On Nov 4, 1919, she gives from list of marriages by Rev David Denny at Path Valley & Chambersburg, Franklin Co, Pa.

Path Valley

1794 June 8, James Crawford to Agnes Reed

Chambersburg, Pa

1805, Apr 17, John Lindsey to Frances Crawford

1808, Oct 13, Thomas H. Crawford Esq to Sally Ross

1817, Nov 24 Robert Munroe to Catharine Crawford

1824, June 15, Wm Reynolds to Eliza Crawford

1818, Nov 5, Reed Washington to Elizabeth Crawford. Her letter of Nov 19, 1919 refers to Miss Beal's saying Valentine Crawford left no will.

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& his brother was his Admr. This of course would be at Gbg, probably in 1777. Her letter of Apr 12, 1920 speaks of having recd a letter from a lady in Georgia who descends from James Duffield who married Elizabeth Crawford. This James was a son of William Duffield one of three Duffield brothers who settled in the Cumb. Valley about 1735.

A postal card of May 13, 1920 says that in looking over an old D.A.R. Magazine, she finds a descendant of Col Wm Crawford's daughter Effie was Mrs Chas T. Moore decd of McKeesport, Pa. Her mother was living 1918 - Mrs Sarah Davis & two Moore children.

A postal card Oct 11, 1920 gives Pr Ch Records Mercersburg, Franklin Co, Pa marriages

John Crawford & Isabella Parker Nov 4, 1773

George Crawford & Martha Van Lear Apr 17, 1808 Thomas Crawford & Judith John Jun 14, 1770

Wm B. Crawford & Martha B. Work Feby 17, 1823

George Crawford's son William Crawford baptized Aug 1, 1773

George Crawford's son Maxwell Chambers Crawford baptized Sept 7, 1817

George Crawford's son David Dunwoody Crawford baptized May 6, 1821

George Crawford's daughter Martha Jane Crawford baptized Apr 2, 1828

Her letter of Nov 11, 1920 she says there was it seems, two Col Wm Crawfords who were contemporaries & lived at one time in the same Co. (Cumberland Co, Pa) She says to Miss Beals that she may be trailing the wrong man. The 2d Col Wm Crawford was a man of prominence as well as the first. Both were sons of John Crawford's (different man) & both had sons John. I will call Col Wm burned at the stake

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Col Wm-Onora & the other Col Wm-Alice. John Crawford Sr, father of Col Wm-Alice came from Scotland & settled at Chambersburg, Pa (then in Cumb Co Now Franklin Co Pa). His son Wm (Col Wm-Alice) was born at Chambersburg, Pa Aug 6, 1744. The other Col Wm-Onora was born in Berkeley Co, VA (now WVA) 1732. As you know, Col Wm Crawford of Chambersburg, Pa married 1767 Alice Kennedy daughter of David Kennedy of Chambersburg, Pa. They moved 1770 to Western Penna where Col Wm-Alice died 1826 aged 82. Look for his will at Washington, Pa. This line is shown at length in the Col. Wm Crawford memorial Pub 1904, Brooklyn Eagle Printing Co, Brooklyn NY. Your Rachel is not in it, but Col Wm-Alice had brothers, George, Arthur & John and a sister Mary. I am going to trace these three sons to find an Elizabeth Crawford who married James Duffield of Welsh Run, Franklin Co, Pa. This Elizabeth Crawford was born 1772 & died 1832. Arthur Crawford (brother of Col Wm-Alice) was carried off by the Indians & lived among them for 7 or 8 yrs but finally escaped. You can see then how your family traditions might have connected with this Col Wm-Alice & not with Col Wm Onora.

Look up my "Men of Mark of the Cumberland Valley" for both Crawford & David Kennedy sketches.

A letter dated Jany 6, 1923 from Mrs Susie M. (Mrs Chas S.) Passmore 717 N. Granite St, Butte, Mont indicates that she is descended from James

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Crawford born 1771 & speaks of a Miss Tassey, McKeesport, Pa who knows a lot about the Crawford family. She spoke of going to their library & in "Letters to Washington" 5 vols, she finds many letters from Valentine & Wm Crawford to Geo Washington & this connection mentions that Valentine's son Moses died in 1774 & also that Wm Crawford born 1732 & Valentine were the sons of Valentine Crawford born in Ireland & his wife Onora Grimes & that after having these two sons, she married Richard Stephenson & had 5 sons & 2 daughters & that she died in 1776 vol V p 17. The names of her 5 sons also given Vol 3 p 329.

Valentine Crawford Jr in 1758 voted for Burgess from Frederick Co, Vir. Most of Valentine's letters were from Jacob Creek, Pa. She sends a query fr the Dec 1917 D.A.R. Mag from Mrs John J. Middagh 806 Jefferson Ave Laurenceville, Ills who says her maternal ggf Mathias (should be Mathew) Jones married Sarah Thoroman Nov 15, 1810 in Adams Co, O. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. Sarah Thoroman's mother was a Crawford & Col Wm Crawford was a relative. Miss Beals wrote to her but got no answer. Make slip to get her line when there. Two letters from Mrs Geo H. Van Wagener of 1482 First Street London, O postmarked Nov 1919 & Nov 1920 nee Mary Ann Minter (see book 18 p 307 & 309) says she is the only daughter of Wm Crawford Minter, who I see by Edith Morris records was in his 100th yr when he died June 18, 1915. In making Ohio slip to go

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see her, take names of her 5 children & others & get as full a record of dates as possible. She is anxious for name of her ggmother the wife of Marcus Stevenson. Her first name as given in Edith's record was Mary. She says her ggf Marcus Stephenson (Stinson she calls it) was an ensign in the Co of his brother Capt John Stephenson of Greenfield, O is a direct descendant of John & there are others in Columbus, O. She speaks of Miss Minnie F. Mickley of Mickleys Road Allentown, Pa as a compiler of family records & lineage books. See her. She might have records of some of our families.

The last of the packet of letters is dated Mch 26, 1920 & is from Mrs Flora Blaine Wood, State Center, Marshall Co, Iowa LB 123 who says she is a D.A.R. & also U?S.D. 1812 war daughter. She says Miss Beals inquiry in Mch 1920 D.A.R. Mag Earlham is in Madison Co. She is sending information. which she says she recd partly from a friend, Mrs Cole (possibly Coll) of Pittsburg, Pa (ask A.B. Shaw if he knows her)

She says John, Son of Col Wm Crawford had children: Wm, Moses & Richard & says John's son William had the following children: Joseph, Ephraim, William Jr, John, Sarah, Mary, Rachel, Ruth & Margaret Crawford, nine in all and she asks

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significantly if this Rachel could have been the wife of Nathaniel Parker, her ggmother. She recites many known facts about Col Wm Crawford & says his wife Hannah Vance was married in 1761 & died in 1817.

She says to search Fayette Co, Pa Hist pages 73-91 Washington & Crawford letters page 52, Saffle's Revolutionary War p 384, Va Hist & Antiquities p 793, Archives of Pa, Continental History & Borrough of Connellsville, Pa page 28, 171, 329 & says there is something somewhere in the D.A.R. Lineage Books about Valentine Crawford.

From all the foregoing, you will see that from three different sources, Col Wm Crawford's father is variously named as William John & Valentine. I hope when I go to Martinsburg, WVA, I will be able to get something about it. I will send the packet of letters back to miss Beals in a day or so by parcel post registered. It is now 5:30 PM Saturday Apr 23, 1927 & it snowed over two hours this morning 8 to 10 & an hour ago, there was another swirling snow storm. Thermometer is 30 to 38.

I will now take up the packet of old letters from Mrs Zella E. Tice, Lincoln Neb 7:30 PM. The McLucas letters are so old & faint & faded that I will wait for daylight. Miss Beals sends me an invitation card sent her to "The Annual meeting & picnic of the Wyandot Co Pioneer Asscn at Stolls Grove east of Crawford, O on Thursday June 11, 1925 in commemoration of the burning of Col Wm Crawford by the Indians June 11, 1782."

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She says her great Aunt Mary Elizabeth Parker see page 248 did marry & had a family & she will give record as soon as she can get it.

She knows of no way to learn the parentage of Josephine Frantz.

She says her Aunt see page 249 top:

1. Elsa Furnas Parker b Mch 27, 1856 married 1st in the early 80s in Indiana Jesse Nation who died. Married 2d 1903 in the early spring to Evan Hackney.

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[descendant chart]

The Oldest Crawford some give his name as Valentine, came to America & to VA 1643, married Elizabeth ________


John Crawford

Joshua Crawford married Sophia Stearns

Mary Ann Crawford married Chas Harding

Dr Geo T. Harding of Marion, O

Warren G. Harding President of the U.S.

George Crawford

David Crawford

William Crawford ob 1736 married Onora Grimes b 1683 ob 1776

William Crawford B Feby 22, 1732 ob June 11, 1782 married 1761 Hannah Vance b 1723? ob 1817

Sarah Crawford married 1 Wm Harrison 6 girls, married 2 Uriah Springer & had one child.

Sally Harrison

Nancy Harrison

Harriet Harrison

Battelle Harrison

John Harrison

Polly Harrison

Uriah Springer

John Crawford went to Ohio 1786 died there 1816, Married 1 Frances Bradford 3 children, married 2 Rachel Van Sant 2 children.

William Crawford married Eliz. Cook. Had 9 children.

Joseph Crawford

Ephraim Crawford

William Crawford

John Crawford

Sarah Crawford

Mary Crawford

Rachel Crawford

Ruth Crawford

Margaret Crawford

Moses Crawford [son of John & Frances Bradford]

Richard Crawford

Margaret Crawford, see page 418

Marde [sic] Crawford

Effie Crawford [daughter of William & Hannah Vance Crawford] married Wm McCormick. Had 11 children.

Valentine Crawford [son of William & Onora Grimes Crawford] b 1734 ob Jany 7, 1777

William Crawford b June 1782

George Crawford

Elizabeth Crawford married John Minter

Daughter Crawford married Brakenridge

Valentine Crawford Jr

Moses Crawford b 1774

Infant daughter Crawford [daughter of William & Onora Grimes]

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Oak Hill Apr 24, 1927 10:33 AM

I am reading through the packet of letters that came while I was away Apr 3d to 15th from Miss Zella E. Tice 3011 Starr St Lincoln, Neb. While there are letters to & from her great Aunts Elizabeth & Martha McLucas, I am disappointed that there are no letters so far as I see to their mother Martha McLucas (nee Martha Thompson, daughter of Uncle Dr Samuel Thompson) from some of her sisters see pages 178-9

1st I am starting at with a letter dated Apr 1, 1869 written at Chicago, Ill the "gem of the west" as she says from Eliza Macy nee Eliza Petro, daughter of their sister Mary to her "Dear Aunts". She says they have nice churches to go to & good schools for the children. She regrets they did not have opportunity of seeing them before they left "Waine" Co & speaks of them as her mother's sisters. Would like to know where Mary Ann McCoy lives now & says she has forgotten her husband's name; also Elizabeth McCoy, have forgotten her husband's name or wd write.

2d This is a letter dated Centerville, O July 9, 1869 from E & M McLucas evidently in answer to above, but envelope shows it was advertised in Chicago as she had not given any address. The letter written by Miss Elizabeth says they are both well & live one mile west of Centreville, O & keep the toll gate on the Miamisburg & Centreville turnpike. Just live alone sister Mattie & me & our friends & neighbors gave

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us enough to keep us in wood last winter & we have to work & do all we can. I am in my 69th year & Mattie in her 62d. Mary Ann (McCoy, Mrs Claybaugh I think) lives in Homewood, Penna. She has been at our home & just gone home. She came Apr 20 & went away June 24. She was confined at our house, came on purpose to be confined & the reason why: her lines have not been cast up in pleasant places, but please do not say anything about it. She has had four children. Lib lives in Lebanon & has had three children & they get along very well. Lib's man's name is Tice. Your Aunts, E & M. McLucas.

3d This is dated Alexandria, Madison Co, Ind July 4, 1870 & is from their sister Jane Young who addresses them as "kind sisters" & says she had not been well this last spring, but the rest are all well. John & Robert & Nancy & Mary the last I heard from them, James & Alvin Russells are well.

Roy & Emma would like to come to see you. You wanted to know what her other name was. It is Judd. Geore [sic] Judd her brother is working for Leroy this summer.

William Russell was here two weeks ago today. They were well when he left home. I hadn't seen him since he was 10 yrs old & he is a big fine looking man now. From Jane Young to Elizabeth & Martha McLucas see next page 5th

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4th This is a letter dated Cadiz, Henry Co, Indiana Nov 9, 1869 from their nephew W.T. McLucas who thanks them for frankly making their pecuniary wants known, covers two pages, largely reciting the mercies of God & sends them $10. Is delighted that two of their children (his wife is living) John 19 & Alice 16 yrs old have confessed Christ about Aug 1st & joined church. Very suddenly on Monday Sept 6, 1869, our little Molly aged 6 1/2 yrs died sick only half a day & was dead before we realized she was bad.

Only a few days ago, our second son Weems now past 17 yrs confessed Christ & joined church.

Sends regards to Uncle Mason & Aunt Mirey & their interesting family. Signed. W.T. McLucas.

5th A letter dated Alexandria, Madison Co, Ind Oct 9, 1870 is from their sister Jane Young. Says her health is very poor, has been sick for 5 weeks with intermittent fever. Says the rest are well. Roberts folks & Perry's folks are well. Robert's wife has a young daughter.

Russell's folks have all been sick but Alvin. James R. was taken sick 1 wk before I was & still has the bilious fever & his daughter Mary has had that fever & is getting better, & the rest of his family had the ague & Alvin's family have been having the fever & ague

Emma & Mary are well & hearty. Leroy had the ague abt a month ago.

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6th A letter dated Centreville, O Sept 29, 1884 from Nancy Russell to her Aunt Martha McLucas says Uncle David is very poorly & so am I. Aunt Brooky was very poorly, but is better now. Aunt Ann is better than she has been for years. Dock Hoal was over here the other evening & said they were all well. Sister Marthy is very poorly. She has a tumor in the side which has to be tapped every 3 months & oftener lately. I haven't been over to Hoal's for about a year. Got a letter from brother James, they are all well but Caroline & her health is very poor. James is talking of coming in this fall. Leroy Young's wife has left him & he is going down fast with consumption. Asks if Anthony Tice is going to move in her house this spring. I got a letter from Susan Russell, her health is very poor. Must close & get supper. Wish you were here to eat with us. Nancy Russell

7th Another letter dated Centreville, O June 23, 1885 from Nancy Russell to her Aunt Mattie McLucas an Potsdam, Miami Co, O says she had "amonium" of the lungs & was in bed 4 wks & for 2 wks didn't know anything & 11 wks wasn't out of doors. Uncle David is very poorly. Aunt Ann is as well as common & Ann Brookly & Lizzie Hoel's folks are well. I got a letter from her packet a few weeks ago and Marthie is about the same. She has dropsy. I had a letter from brother James a few weeks ago & they are all well but him. Had a letter from Alven & they are all well.

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Had a letter from Adam Russell & they are all well. Asks if she has heard from Mary Ann & Martha Jane lately. Says they had an awful wind storm last Monday week which blowed 25 of Uncle David's trees down. Leena Young left her husband about 2 yrs ago, but now she has come back to live with him. My health is poor. Miss Nancy Russell.

Miss Zella E. Tice writes that the two letters above are from a daughter of Sarah Russell, see page 178.

Nancy Russell never married & lived with the family of David Thatcher at Centerville, O most of her life. She has been dead several years & I do not know where she is buried. Mother told us the Russells had a large family, mostly sons & all the sons died before their father. Nancy was very old when she died & lived with Nancy Ewing & Morris Keiting when she died somewhere between Dayton & Centerville.

8th Ettie & Willie be sure to come tonight & bring a cake if you get this in time.

Maggie Roop

Zella E. Tice has written on this:

Etta & Willie Hole & Maggie Roop are children of Eliza Hole see page 178. Etta never married & was living a few years ago with Mrs Roop in Dayton, O. I wrote a letter to a daughter of Nancy McGrew Cook trying to learn their address, but the letter came back today. Will try again.

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9th A letter dated Centreville, O July 27, 1884 from her nephew Julius Hole says he is raising tobacco this summer & no one to help me but Johnny & Aley. Says their baby grows fast, crawls around & can stand by a chair. Says Willy's wife is dead. She had scrofula & had 4 or 5 running sores on her back & one of them eat into an artery & she bled to death in two hours. Dilon Nut died last spring & Nancy Ives died about the same time. Cooks, McGrews, Aunt Brooky are all well. Jessie's & Eugene's folks are getting along pretty well.

Julius Hole

10th A letter dated Sept 29, 1878 from William McLucas, Hackney, Morgan Co, O who seems to be a grandson of John McLucas & wife Martha Thompson is about the estate in Londonderry, Ireland is written to his Aunt Martha McLucas who he says is the only one living who can prove he is the oldest male living, but says the estate will divide equally among all his grandfather's children or heirs. He being the oldest male heir is the only one who can draw it from the old country, but he would only get his father's share. Says has had two letters from there, but they won't let them know whether it is in money of R.E. but want $50.

11th Another letter from him dated Mch 3d, 1879 says he has got another lawyer fr Washington City, the best in the "younited States" "hos" will call on you to get yr testimony.

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12th A letter dated Mch 29, 1879 from M. Langhorne, Atty at Law 708 E. St N.W. Washington D.C. Says her letter stated that her father, John McLucas had eleven children viz: William, Samuel, John, James, Mary, Margaret, Sarah, Elizabeth, Martha, Jane & Nancy, all heads of families but two. He asks her to take each one beginning with the oldest & coming down to the youngest giving who is alive & who dead & the children of each.

13th A postal card from him dated Apr 11, 1879 says he has just recd her letter in answer to above & it is very satisfactory. Says according to it, she would be heir to 1/10 of Walter's estate if it wasn't entailed. Says he has just recd a letter from his correspondent in Ireland who says he has examined the records back to 1866 & can't find record of death of Walter McLucas since then.

14th Another letter dated Sept 30, 1879 from M. Langhorne Atty now at 621 E. ST N.W. in answer to hers of Sept 1 says that when he took the case to prosecute it at his own expense, he had been led to believe it was an unclaimed estate & he now finds it in the hands of a party claiming it, as the grandson of Walter McLucas. This will require sending a lawyer over there which will cost $500 & being 37 heirs will be $14 each, although she is entitled to 1/10th. Says from the inf, she gave, he has prepared a family tree showing the names & residences of most of the heirs at law who are in Koscincko & Wayne Co, Ind & Montgomery &

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Morgan Cos, O. The property consists of 400 A a model farm, fine house, barns, stables etc fit for a gentleman's home. The lands bring an interest on the investment of abt $24 an acre. My estimate of the value is $100,000 or over.

M. Langhorne Atty

15th A letter dated Jany 16, 1880 from Wm McLucas Hackney, O to his Aunt Martha is not in favor of paying Langhorne $500 & says he has been in correspondence with a man in Londonderry, Ireland who will do all they need for $50 & he has written asking him ten questions & will know what to do when he hears from him. Says the man on the farm claims to be the son of a daughter of Walter McLucas & has the farm by will.

16th A letter dated Aug 21, 1881 from Martha J. McLucas Redfield, Dallas Co, Iowa to her Aunt Martha McLucas tells of the rough country & high hills encountered in getting to William McLucas' in Morgan Co, O which they reached at dark & found them all well & William a very spry old man, who says his father died about a mile from where he lives. Says it is a poor country & not a railroad in the county. He lives three miles from Steamboat landing & when we left, we went on the Muskingum 50 miles. He didn't hear from Ireland until the day we got there & the letter was unsatisfactory, didn't mention Walter's name. Says she stayed at Homewood, Pa 2 wks & that May Ann's health

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was better. Says they got home one week ago.

Martha J. McLucas

17th Another letter dated June 20, 1883 from Wm McLucas Hackney, O to his Aunt Martha says he wants more information from her & that they are all well. He asks for the date of her father's death & dates of births & deaths of all of his children. Says he has the date of his father's death (I wonder if she tore the page with the births from her father's bible & sent to him. Investigate) wants her to answer by next mail. My father told me there were two brothers came with grandfather to this country, James & William. I would like to know which of these two or grandfather was oldest. Says there was a trusty man lived in this Tp now lives in Dublin, Ireland who is going to take this case in hand. His name is Edward Roper.

William McLucas

18th A questionnaire on a legal cap sized sheet in a large envelope postmarked Washington D.C. Mch 7, 1879 has some answers in Martha McLucas handwriting. The questions are in the handwriting of M. Langhorne.

Says her name is Martha McLucas & I am 76 yrs old

I was born in Westmoreland Co, Pa. I came to this section 60 yrs ago. I only know Walter McLucas, decd

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by representation of others. He was my father's brother as I was told. Walter McLucas had three brothers & one sister viz: James, William, John & Margaret

Says William McLucas of Hackney, Morgan Co, O is the oldest male representative of the McLucas family & believes him to be an heir of Walter McLucas who they thought had never married.

He asks if she had any bible record & she may have sent the births to him.

Miss Tice says the letters commencing with "10th" on page 432 around which she had tied a string were written concerning an estate in Ireland "our great grandfather, John McLucas came from Londonderry, Ireland. He came to America to see the new country & fell in love with Martha Thompson & wouldn't return to Ireland. Mother always said he was Lord McLucas in Ireland. He was the oldest son & should have had the greater part of the estate, but when he left Ireland, it went to a younger brother, Walter. He married when old & had heirs. As I take from these letters, our folks didn't know that he married until an Uncle went over to Ireland & investigated. ggfather recd his share in money & bought land in Penna. A brother, James came with ggf, but was

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drowned. Another brother, William in Ireland died single. There was one daughter, Margaret, five in all"

I am copying here four pages she sent with the packet of letters & will also enter what dates I can in place on pages 178 & 179 & see also p 306. The entries below are explained by her as we go along. This record is from our grandfather McCoy's bible & I will give it as we can figure it out.

John McLucas, no dates

Martha T. McLucas died May 12, 1839 age 69

Their children as they are recorded in the family death record:

Margaret Hole died Nov 25, 1824

Sarah Russell died Aug 29, 1835

John McLucas died Oct 2, 1838

Nancy McCoy died Nov 9, 1844 b Jany 17, 1806

William McLucas died Feby 7, 1846

Samuel McLucas died Sept 27, 1865

James McLucas died July 15, 1851

Elizabeth McLucas died Oct 11, 1876 b 1801 age 75

Martha McLucas died Mch 13, 1889 age 86

Jane Young no dates

Mary Petro died Oct 16, 1838

Elizabeth McLucas died at Centerville, O & is buried there in the old cemetery but has no stone as we have lost her grave.

Martha died at our mother's home in Potsdam, O. She has a stone with just her name & date of birth & death. [unreadable word] Ohio slip.

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Grandmother McCoy - Nancy McLucas married Alexander McCoy Mch 18, 1835 at the age of 29 yrs. To them were born 3 daughters:

1. Martha Jane McCoy b Nov 23, 1836 ob Aug 25, 1909 aged 73

2. Sarah Elizabeth McCoy b Dec 20, 1838 ob Mch 31, 1921 aged 82

3. Mary Ann McCoy b Jany 16, 1841 ob Feby 4, 1918 aged 78?

Grandmother McCoy died in 1844 & grandfather died 2 yrs later. The children were aged 6, 4 & 2 yrs (should be 8, 6 & 3) when their mother died & they were taken & raised by the Aunts, Elizabeth or Betsy & Martha. They never married & our gf McCoy built them a log house & gave them the furniture our grandmother had. Grandmother died in Indiana of swamp fever. Grandfather married one year later, then he & his second wife took the swamp fever & he died in another year. Gf Alexander McCoy was born Apr 16, 1808 & died in 1846. He was born in Highland Co, O, was a millwright. They went up in Ind on the Kankakee marsh. In those days, they felled the trees & all. They both died with swamp or malaria fever.

Aunts Betsy & Mattie raised the three girls by knitting, sewing, weaving, nursing, taking care of toll gate & help of many relatives & friends. These letters I am sending you were all written to mother's Aunt Martha McLucas. Would you give me the names of the relatives you think you have found.

This bit of history I recd from Mrs Julia Ann McLucas Bowdle route 3

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Des Moines, Iowa, care of Will McLucas

William McLucas son of John McLucas was married to Polly Scott & lived at Logansport, Ind. She died at her son's in Spring Creek, Cass Co, Ind & is buried in the Christian Church Cem. there. Their children were:




Martha Jane


*John McLucas married Sallie Ann Boyles at Westville, Ind. There were seven children:

Mary Eliza

Julia Ann Bowdle




Elizabeth Jane married John Fee


If I go over to Des Moines, I can get more, I think as she hasn't given me the names of her children. She gave me the names of the Petro children which I will write on the other side. See next page.

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Mary McLucas married George Petro of Westville, Laporte Co, Ind. Their children were born:

Mary Jane





Geo Petro then married Mrs Curry & had children: Geo W. Petro & Jefferson Petro.

Mrs Malinda Harper of 1525 Arlington Ave, Des Moines, Iowa couldn't give me much information. Her father's name was James & she thought her gf name was John. Her father married my mother's sister, Martha Jane McCoy. They were first cousins & never had any children.

Malinda & Thomas were children of Uncle Jim's first marriage. Her gf lived at Westville, Ind (Look for his grave there or his will, John McLucas, son of John & wife Martha Thompson)

Oct 16, 1927 see book 21 p 490

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Oak Hill Apr 25, 1927 9:40 AM

A letter dated Apr 19, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 15, from Miss Atha Finley box 618 Pulaski, Va See p 300-1 & 297 etc. Says she does not know the location in Mo of her great Uncle Saml C. Finley as they lost all trace of him before the death of her gf Robt P. Finley.

She says the husband of her great Aunt Hannah Finley was Rev David Reed (refer to p 297 in making slip) a Methodist minister & they lived at Waynesville, Warren Co, O & her sister Mrs Lavinia Peate, who she thinks lived with them or at least in the same town after the death of her husband. Neither of them had any children. The other inf she gave is recorded on page 301.

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A letter dated Feby 27, 1927 in answer to mine to her father D.M. Odle & herself from Miss Edith R. Odle, Spencer, Iowa see page 207 says that Robert L. Jack & wife Rebecca Ferris [sic] Jack & their son-in-law Caleb O. Odle & his wife Eliza B. Jack born May 18, 1823 all lie buried in the Reitenour Cem 1 1/2 miles east of Ridgeville, Randolph Co Ind which make slip to visit & get dates of death of Caleb O. Odle & his wife Eliza B for page 206. She says Robt L. Odle in her letter, but it should be Jack.

She says her father doesn't know anything of his Aunt Mary Jane Jack page 206 nor who his Aunt Fannie J. Jack p 207 married. He says his Uncle Adam Jack lived near Ridgeville & died on a farm about a mile north of Ridgeville, Randolph Co, Ind. go there & look for his descendants & will. He married Elizabeth Phillips & had no children. He died around 1880. He is no doubt buried in the Reitenour cem above referred to & should have a tombstone. He was born Mch 17, 1831. Get dates of his own death & his wife's birth & death. See page 207.

Her father knows nothing of his Aunt Rebecca Jack nor of his great Uncle John Thomas Jack who went to Tippecanoe Co, Ind see p 206. They have run across some Jacks in Iowa who were indifferent & I am writing for their addresses.

She says her father has a dim recollection that his ggf was James Jack. I think I have some record giving that as his name. It seems to me that he may be the son

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of James Jack see book 13 p 160 reported as going to Indiana, but who may have gone from Lancaster Co, Pa to Woodford Co, Ky where he probably died & his widow Sarah & her sons went to Warren Co, O & some of them from there to Indiana. Compare & go carefully 9over the following:

Book 8 p 343-4, Book 11 p 388-9 Book 13 p 160-1 Book 18 p 404 et all Book 19 p 483092 book 20 p 167, 206 et al & other places.

She says her gf Caleb O. Odle after his first wife Eliza B. Jack died married a second wife Matilda Cox who was a widow & after his death, his widow married a third time & upon her marriage bound out the boy David M., Edith's father, & disposed of the personal property to suit herself. They do not know what became of the family bible but have thought the child of the stepmother by her first marriage, Katie Hendricksen might have it or know of it. However, she professes ignorance, but admits that much good old furniture in her possession are Odle heirlooms. Caleb O. Odle had no children by his second wife. His five children were all born near Ridgeville, Ind. In making slips for Reitenour Cem, see if his two youngest children Anthony & Sarah who died in infancy have markers. See page 207. She says Della, one of the 4 children of her Uncle Robt W. Odle married Ollie Nichols & lives at Pierson, Mich & has a large family. I am writing to her.

She says none of the grandchildren of her father are married.

V20 Page 445

She encloses a letter dated Berne, Ind route No 3 box 18 Apr 17, 1909 to her father from his Uncle Albert Newton Jack, youngest of the twelve children of Robert L. & Rebecca Ferris Jack see pages 206-7 who got his father's bible giving his nephew D.M. Odle date of his mother's birth but says it does not give dates of her marriage & death. He says "my father's people moved from near Winchester, Old Virginia to Warren Co, O (I think they went first to Woodford Co, Ky) As near as I know the year, they moved to Indiana is 1840". Says he lives in Adams Co (which adjoins Van Wert Co, O) the best piked Co in the state & in Monroe Tp the best piked Tp in the Co. Says my nephew Charles Vandoren lives somewhere in Iowa & asks if they can locate him.

She also sends a letter from John Jack son of Albert N. dated "Eaden O (I don't find such an office, but find Edon, O in Williams Co) Oct 10, 1915 sending a copy of full record from Robert L. Jack's bible which he had written west to his older half brother, Willis Jack in North Dakota, who got the bible, after his father's death. The record was copied by the daughter of Willis & she says it is right. I compared it with record on pages 206-7 & corrected dates of Elizabeth Ann, John W. & Albert Newton & added name of Geo W. which I didn't have. This I am sure makes the record there correct. She says Albert Newton Jack was married twice & the only children they know of are Willis by first wife & John by second. She sends address of Prof James R. Jack head of Dept of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, Mass Inst of Technology, Boston, Mass

V20 Page 446

He came from Scotland to the U.S. in 1919 & says he has but one relative here who is in the insurance business in Chicago. He said his forebears were Huguenot fugitives from France, one line of which came to the U.S. & his own line remained in Scotland. I am writing him.

She also enclosed a letter dated Sept 26, 1917 from "the Misses Curry" genealogists 1020 Monroe St N.W. Washington D.C. signed by Cora C. Curry. She says there were several Jack families that came from Ireland to America in the early 1700s the most noted being Patrick Jack born 1700 in Ireland who emigrated to Penna about 1730. He & his sons owned land in Penna. He touched Va in his transactions then migrated to Charlotte N.C.

She says Wm Odle born between 1790 & 1800 died between 1840 & 1850 & married Elizabeth Franklin born abt 1799 in Pa & died 1857 in Indiana.

Eliza Blair Jack, wife of Caleb Owen Odle was born May 18, 1823 in Ohio. We find a record that Robert L. Jack was born in Va as was his wife Rebecca Farris (or Ferris). See where she found this record. This couple were Baptists. Their son Robert M. Jack born Jany 23, 1827 in Warren Co, O married Asenath Ann Odle & they were of the United Brethren Church. The son of Robert M., Harry born Dec 21, 1856 who married

V20 Page 447

Jennie Hollowell returned to the Baptist faith of his grandfather. The Franklin family came from Nottinghamshire, Eng. where they had land for over 500 years. Josiah, the emigrant came to Boston with his wife Ann & 3 children in 1685 & had four children born in Boston, Ann dying at birth of her seventh child. Josiah married again & had ten children, seventeen in all of whom ten were sons, Benjamin Franklin was the 15th child, born in 1706 & died 1790.

May 5, 1927

Edith R. Odle's letter of May 2, gives date of her brother Harold W's marriage see page 207 as 1903 instead of 1904, as she gave it before & says his wife is the daughter of Corey Curry & his wife Louisa Brant. He lives at Mason City, Iowa.

Her sister Vera Leones' husband is the son of James Vickers & wife Susan Marshall. Their daughter Lucile Faun is not married. They live at Sioux City, Iowa. She gave her own birth before as 1887 & now 1889. Her father's Aunt Rebecca Jack married Silas C. Odle & is buried in Reitenour Cem but the age as given on her tomstone is wrong. See explanation later.

She says John Jack, son of A. Newton Jack lives near Edon, O. His half brother Willis has rtd from N. Dakota & now lives near Geneva, Adams Co, Ind. None of the family live now at or near Berne, Ind. They never found any trace of Chas Vandoren in Iowa. None of her father's grandchildren are married. She says she got information from West Chester, Pa which I am noting. see page 488

V20 Page 448

A letter dated Feby 4, 1927 in answer to mine of say Jany 8 from Geo W. Carothers of Apt 201 No 108 E 13th ST Indianapolis, Ind is truly regretful that he cannot give more information. He says his father, Isaac Carothers, see book 5 p 485 was son of William Carothers who died when Isaac was two years old & he says his father never had any record of his father & mother that he knew of. William left 3 little boys the oldest:

William about 4 yrs old

Isaac about 2 yrs old &

James, the baby

then their mother died when my father was 6 yrs old. The three boys were taken by their Uncle Jacob Wells & lived with him for several years. This all occurred in Jackson Co, Ind. Father was born about 1831 & passed on 1906 at Mitchell, Lawrence Co, Ind. See if he left will. I have his dates in book 5 p 485 as 1824 & 1904.f He served through the Mexican War, a captain in the War of 1861, served 3 yrs as Captain of Co G 50th Reg Ind Vol. Says he does not know how old his gf William Carothers was nor where he was born. Look at Brownstown, Ind Co seat of Jackson Co & see if marriage license or will of or deed to Wm Carothers there.

V20 Page 449 [blank]

V20 Page 450

Oak Hill Apr 26, 1927 8:50 PM

When in Pittsburgh, Pa, I went in to see Albert B. Shaw at the Union Trust Co. He says there are many incorrect statements in Franklin Ellis History of Fayette Co & also in the Centennial Hist of Connellsville about Col Wm Crawford & his family or descendants. He says Zachariah Connell did not marry in the family at all, that is was his brother James Connell who did.

He says that Provance McCormick was a natural son of Sarah McCormick a daughter of Wm McCormick & his wife Effie Crawford. He said this Sarah had as many as four or more natural children & that Moses McCormick, his own grandfather was one of them. He said he had foresight enough to have an act of the Legislature passed legitimatizing himself & was actively at work prosecuting his efforts to recover the Crawford fortune when he was poisoned. Albert B. said his mother told him her father had been poisoned. When I asked by whom, he intimated it was some interested parties. He said he would make up a record for me of the McCormick & the Harrison descendants, as he had a fairly full record of both. He said he didn't know where the Harrison descendants, if any, are.

He thinks Col Wm Crawford was born

V20 Page 451

about 1724 instead of 1732 & that he was married 1748 as the John Crawford tombstone record I found indicates he was born 1749 or 1750 & he mentioned one of the daughters as being born in 1751, so the date of Hannah Vance & him being married in 1761 is all wrong.

V20 Page 452

I wrote Feby 25, to Mrs Fannie Moore widow of Wm Henry Moore see bk 18 page 117 at Boston, where her address after May 1st will be 1002 Beacon St, Boston, Mass. She being now in Italy. So his youngest sister, Miss Florence Moore to whom my letter had been sent answers from the Deaconess Hospital, Spokane, Washington. She writes under date of Apr 22, 1927 & is a model correspondent & comfort as in each case where she cannot give the full dates, she gives me the address of the one to write to who can, so I am writing to them all & putting the inf in a table on pages 454 & 5.

V20 Page 453 [blank]

V20 Page 454 & V20 Page 455

[descendant chart]

Ann Crawford married Samuel Thoroman

[Their daughter:]

Jane Thoroman, married Jacob Treber. He died in 1872 aged 96 yrs see book 18 p 110-119

[their daughter:]

Sarah Treber born in Adams Co, O Oct 11, 1823 ob Mch 26, 1895 in Tyrone Neb & buried there. She was 8th child. Married Feby 7, 1850 Charles Waddell Moore born in Scioto Co, O Oct 30, 1821 ob Mch 4, 1882 in Tyrone, Neb & is buried there, son of Forman Moore & wife Anne Worley. Forman was son of Joseph Moore & Anna was his first wife & mother of all of his children. They had 9 children born the 4th one at Manchester, O, the 5th to 9th incl born at Aledo, Ills.

William Henry Moore b Nov 28, 1850 ob at St Paul Park, Minn & is buried in Chicago, Ill Married Oct 14, 1875 Fannie H. Evans (Curtis). She is living at 1002 Beacon St, Boston, Mass. Have had three children:

Mabel Moore ob, married, no issue

Charles Moore, ob married, have one son:

Charles Moore

Albert Olin Moore b Oct 3, 1852 ob Sept 13, 1853 aged 10 mos

Charles Traber Moore b Apr 3, 1854 ob Apr 19, 1867 & buried at Aledo, Ills. Killed by a kick of a horse.

Joseph Creighton Moore b Feby 23, 1856 in Ohio at Manchester, married Oct 5, 1887 to Cilvina Baker born Sept 18, 1862 at Osage, Iowa, daughter of Rodney Spaulding Baker & wife Nancy Agnes Wray. Have had 4 children born at Tyrone, Red Willow Co Neb. They were married at Bartley, Neb. He lives at 2020 U.W. [sic] University Place, Neb Aug 12/27 he wrote June 17/27 giving his new address as 2936 No 54th ST Lincoln Neb see b 21 p 236.

Thayer Spaulding Moore, B Aug 26, 1888, ob Dec 9, 1888 aged 3 mos

Joseph Wendell Moore b Apr 26, 1892 married June 7, 1916 at Univ Place, Lincoln, Neb to Clara Ethel Nordby b Dec 12, 1891 at Lynch, Neb daughter of Albert Larson Nordby & wife Elizabeth Ann Irish. She died at Manilla Phillippine Islands Dec 17, 1917.

Clara Florence Moore b Dec 15, 1917 at Manila, P.I.

Elsie Florence Moore B Jany 3, 1895

Alice Moore b Nov 25, 1902, single. Aug 15, 1927 she writes from Nov 2936 N 54th St, Lincoln, Neb.

Jesse Herndon Moore [son of Sarah Treber & C.W. Moore] b Apr 7, 1858 married 1 Oct 1880 Mary Zachmann ob July 6, 1892 daughter of Christian Zachmann. Had 5 children born in Chicago, Ills. Married 2 1899 Mary _______. Separated. Have one child born in Chicago, Ills. He lives Wood River, Ills.

Jessie May Moore b May 30, 1882, married

Elsie Moore B Mch 9, 1884

Oscar William Moore b May 17, 1886 married Dec 31, 1907 to Ella Rothchild

Dorothy Moore b Feby 2, 1901

Rev Oliver Traber Moore B July 31, 1860 see p 503 [best guess on last digit] married Aug 12, 1891 to Anna Lucretia Carlile B Sept 11, 1870 at Troutville, Pa daughter of Jesse W. Carlile & Margaret Jane McHenry. Live at 623 W. Seaside Blvd Long Beach, Calif. Have had 2 children born 1st at Atkinson Neb & 2d at Ainsworth, Neb.

Charles Carlile Moore b Oct 5, 1893 ob June 22, 1916

Leslie Oliver Moore b Mch 16, 1896 married July 7, 1917? to Mary L. Davis B Oct 10, 1892 daughter of Jasper Newton Davis & wife Lulu May Whitsett. No issue. Live at 5424 Military Age, Omaha, Neb.

Daughter Moore b Feby 24, 1862 stillborn

Mary Louisa Moore b May 1, 1864 married Jany 1, 1885 at Tyrone, Neb William Tilton Butterfield born Sept 7, 1853 at Keene N.H. son of Geo W. Butterfield & his wife Fannie White. Have 11 children 5 married & 5 grandchildren. Live at Chino, Calif. First two children born at Wilsonville, Neb, next two at Westminster Calif, next one at Garden Grove, Calif, next two at Santa Ana, Calif, next three at Los Alimitos Calif & the next & youngest at Chino, Calif. See pages 544 & 545

Florence Moore b May 11, 1866 unmarried Deaconess in Meth Epis Church & working in Deaconess Hospital Spokane Washington. Has some old records stored at Newport, Minn where she will be June 10 to July 20. My good informant for this record.

V20 Page 456

[descendant chart]

John Thompson born May 4, 1695 & ob 1783 married Mary Wilson

[their son:]

John Thompson born Aug 17, 1722 ob Apr? 1777 see book 7 p 144-5 for his other children.

[his son:]

Alexander Thompson born Sept 3, 1758 ob Sept 25, 1840 see book 7 p 145-7 for his other children.

[his son:]

John Scroggs Thompson, born Oct 17, 1806 ob July 30, 1883 see book 7 p 146 & book 14 p 360 et seq & pages 236-9. Married Mch 20, 1835 Sarah Ann Peebles born at Big Spring Pa Apr 14, 1814 & died in Newton Tp Whiteside Co, Ills June 16, 1874, daughter of Robert Peebles & his wife Jane Kennedy see page 238 & bk 14 p 324. Had 10 children see bk 14 p 360. Old bible record says he died July 31st 1883.

[Their children]

Alexander Peebles Thompson, b Apr 20, 1836 ob Mch 5, 1920 near Waseca, Minn, married May 12, 1863 to Alice Beatty, b Mch 12, 1837 & died Jany 22, 1926 daughter of John Beatty & wife Ann Marshall both of Uniontown, Pa. They had 4 children born in Whiteside Co, Ills see bk 14 p 360.

Sarah Peebles Thompson b June 16, 1864 unmarried. Lives near to Waseca, Minn.

Jno Beatty Thompson b Apr 13, 1867 ob July 14, 1922, married Dec 1, 1897 Mary E. Wood b Jany 9, 1875 & died Jany 9, 1919 daughter of Jno B. Wood & Sarah Eleanor Bla[rest unreadable ends in y] B 25 p 295 [may give name in readable fashion] Have had 3 children.

Wm Edgar Thompson b Sept 1, 1898 married 1919 Nola Werham ob Aug 1920

Bruce Edgar Thompson b Jany 28, 1920

Alice Marie Thompson, b Aug 10, 1903 ob Jany 5, 1919

Vida Louise Thompson b Sept 17, 1905 gives this record. Lives Apt 39 Jenkins Spokane, Wash.

Wm McDonald Thompson [son of Alexander P. Thompson] b Sept 28, 1869 unmarried. Lives near to Waseca, Minn.

Anna Alice Thompson b Mch 24, 1881 ob Apr 6, 1886

Jane Sarah Thompson [daughter of John Scroggs Thompson] b May 18, 1838 ob Aug 18, 1907 married Dec 15, 1858 to Robert McFarland Kennedy born May 31, 1830 ob Aug 10, 1902 son of Robert Kennedy & wife Nancy Kilgore see b 22 p 44. They had 7 children born two oldest in Whiteside Co, Ills & others near Holton, Kan. See bk 14 p 360. She died at Colorado Springs, Colo & he in Holton, Kan. Emma is dead, other six living & all married.

Sarah Ellen Kennedy b Nov 19, 1859, married

Nancy Jane Kennedy b Sept 16, 1862, married

Ida May Kennedy b May 22, 1865 married

Margaret Elizabeth Kennedy b Nov 28, 1867 married

Alice Thompson Kennedy b Dec 1, 1873, married

Emma Gertrude Kennedy b May 18, 1877, ob

John Robert Kennedy, b Nov 10, 1879, married.

Robert Peebles Thompson [son of John Scroggs Thompson] b July 28, 1840 ob Apr 28, 1844

Rachel Elizabeth Thompson b Nov 16, 1843 ob Mch 11, 1844

Martha Elizabeth Thompson b June 7, 1845 ob June 27, 1849

Mary Ellen Thompson b June 22, 1849 ob Apr 17, 1852

Infant son b Mch 14, 1851 ob Apr 9, 1851

Infant son b Jany 24, 1853 ob Feby 22, 1853

John Finley Thompson b June 29, 1856 ob June 27, 1857

Thomas Lynn Thompson b Aug 1, 1858, my informant. He married Mch 12, 1884 Louisa Janette Morrison daughter of David Morrison & wife Caroline Pratt, born in Lee Co, Ills Apr 5, 1863 & died Oct 23, 1919. They had 5 children born the oldest near Holton, Kan the last three 5 1/4 miles south of Soldier, Ks & the second on a farm near to their present home. He lives on his farm near Soldier Kan.

Charles Emmet Thompson b Dec 14, 1884 ob Mch 12, 1885

Lynn Morrison Thompson b Dec 27, 1886 married Oct 12, 1910 Bertha Magers born June 23, 1889 near Wathena [best guess] Ks daughter of David Wesley Magers & wife Christena Margaret Frederick. He lives 4423 Sprague ST, Omaha, Neb

Dorothy Margaret Thompson b June 12, 1911 near Mayetta, Kan.

Lona Laurena Thompson b Jany 26, 1892, married Mch 20, 1924 to Geo W. Chrisman b July 30, 1885 at Ridgley, MO son of Charles Chrisman & wife Frances Spencer. Have 2 children born near Soldier Kan. He is a farmer P.O. Soldier Kan.

Lona Raola Chrisman b Jany 21, 1925

Georgia Mae Chrisman b May 31, 1926

Finley Arthur Thompson b Aug 13, 1896 married Sept 1921 Vera Miller. Have 2 children born at DeKalb, Missouri. He is an electrician. Live at 3201 Penn St, St Joe, MO

Cecil Burl Thompson b May 18, 1923 ob Mch 12, 1924

Donald Lee Thompson b Mch 1925

Sarah Ada Thompson b Oct 14, 1904 unmarried.

V20 Page 457

[descendant chart]

Alexander Thompson see preceding page b Sept 3, 1758 ob Sept 25, 1840 married Mch 11, 1800 at Newville, Pa Sarah Scroggs b Feby 15, 1783 ob Nov 1, 1859 see book 7 p 145 & also see book 21 p 192 [note 12 is written underneath 21] Children all born in Cumb. Co, Pa near Newville, Pa:


Infant born & died Feby 1, 1801

Rachel Thompson b May 7, 1802 ob Dec 25, 1848 married Jany 18, 1827 Samuel Miller at Newville, Pa son of Ludwig Miller a Revolutionary Soldier & his wife Anna Barbara Meyer. Samuel Miller died Oct 6, 1846. They are both buried in a pretty little cem. in Newton Tp, Whiteside Co, Ills which he gave off of his farm as a burial place for the Miller & Thompson kinfolk. Had nine children, the first seven born near Newville, Cumb Co, Pa & the two last in Newton Tp, Whiteside Co, Ills. They moved to Whiteside Co, Ills in 1839.

Sarah Anna Miller b Feby 5, 1828 married Sept 7, 1854 James B. Work, being his 2d wife. He son of James Work & wife Margaret Orr. He was born in Cumb Co, Pa June 23, 1809 & died of typhoid fever Sept 7, 1880. She died Sept 1, 1899. Both buried in Wenona Ills Cem. Were both Charter members of Wenona Pres Ch & he was a ruling elder in it for 25 yrs. He was a school teacher in Penna & a farmer in Ills. She had 7 children born on the farm in LaSalle Co, Ills see pages 513-6

Mary Thompson Work b Apr 7, 1856 married Dec 26, 1882 Arthur Lee Turner born Mch 22, 1856 son of Benj Franklin Turner & wife Hannah Miller. She joined Pres Ch when 11 [best guess] yrs old & has been a S.S. teacher for 55 yrs since. He is a rich farmer. She is a fine singer with the beautiful Work voice. Both living in Wenona Ills. Have had 3 children born in Marshall Co, Ills.

Benjamin Franklin Turner b Nov 4, 1883 drowned, got cramps & sank June 1905 single.

Mary Maurine Turner b Nov 30, 1886 single graduate of Univ of Chicago & is a teacher.

Arthur Lynn Turner b Oct 15, 1889 single graduate was in World War overseas, his fathers farms [sic]

Samuel Work b May 8, 1857 ob May 6, 1859

Grace Greenwood Work b July 11, 1858 my good informant for this record married June 11, 1896 at home in LaSalle Co, Ills to Milo Adams Gallaher born at Sabina, O Apr 8, 1846 ob Dec 17, 1920 & buried in Wenona, Ills Cem. He came to Wenona in 1865, was a merchant, Repub & Pres. No issue. He was son of Chas Porter Gallaher & wife Elizabeth Douglass

Margaret Letitia Work b Sept 25, 1860 married Sept 25, 1890 Rev John Franklin Browne of Berea, Ky born July 11, 1850 son of Josiah S. Browne & Mary A. Burpee Stickney. Good musician. Had 2 children.

James Work b Jany 12, 1892 ob Jany 30, 1892 born & buried at Berea, Ky.

Ernest Burpee Work b May 19, 1893 ob Aug 20, 1893 buried at Wenona, Ills.

David Eddy Work b Mch 5, 1863 married 1 Jany 1, 1891 at Denver Col Mattie F. Burns, separated & divorced. Married 2 Apr 28, 1914 Elizabeth T. Landis b Sept 2, 1863 ob Mch 19, 1927. Had 2 children by 1st wife:

Grace Alice Work b May 15, 1892 married Dec 8, 1910 Albert H. Hudelson

Glenn Work Hudelson b Nov 25, 1913

Grace Alberta Hudelson b Jany 2, 1919

Samuel Miller Work b Oct 25, 1894 was in the World War, single.

Elizabeth Marshall Work b May 20, 1865 married May 3, 1905 at Wenona, Ills James Winfred Umphrey born Mch 26, 1873 son of Geo W. Umphrey & Elizabeth A. Scott. They live at Vancouver Washington where he is a merchant. No issue.

Harriet Parsons Work b Aug 18, 1870 married July 10, 1894 Wm Edwd Mouser b Aug 1, 1869 see p 458.

Lewis Frederick Miller [son of Rachel Thompson & Samuel Miller] b Dec 3, 1829. In 1852 he crossed the plains to California & rtd 3 yrs later by Isthmus of Panama. Married Apr 7, 1857 at Platteville, Wish Margaret Lee Blean born in Cumb Co, Pa Aug 19, 1836 daughter of David Blean & wife Emily Kinkaid. They moved in 1869 to Jackson Co, Kan buying a farm 6 1/2 miles S.E. of Holton, Kan. He died of heart disease while sitting in his chair Mch 2, 1905. She died fr a stroke June 26, 1917 aged 81. Both buried in Holton Cem, Kan see page 459

Alexr Thompson Miller b Dec 17, 1831 ob Nov 4, 1833

Mary Miller b Oct 19, 1833 ob Jany 28, 1884 east of Holton, Ks & is buried there. Married Aug 23, 1854 in Whiteside Co, Ills Joseph Huston Marshall born July 12, 1827 Fayette Co, Pa & died Sept 28, 1905 at Asotin, Wash while on a visit to his daughter Mary & is buried there. He was son of Isaiah Hadden Marshall & wife Janet Huston related to the Fayette Co, Pa Brysons & a cousin of Judge John Huston. See page 520

Rachel Elizabeth Miller b Mch 19, 1837 ob Feby 24, 1899 at her home in Holton, Kan of "flu" & is buried at Holton, Kan cem. She was a devout christian & greatly beloved. Married Apr 5, 1860 at Newton, W. Co Ills Wm Armstrong Marshall brother of Joseph H. born near Uniontown, Pa Mch 27, 1832 & died in Topeka, Ks Sept 30, 1914 & is buried in Holton Kan beside his 1st wife above. see page 521, also b 23 p 334.

Twin son b Mch 19, 1837 d.y.

Margaret Jane Miller b Sept 1839 ob Mch 28, 1840

Samuel Nicholas Miller b Apr 20, 1841 ob Feby 19, 1915 a bachelor. Vol. in Civil War in Co F 93d Ills Inf on July 24, 1862 & served 2 yrs 11 mos. Had a farm in Kansas for 25 yrs & claimed that his home. Traveled extensively. Lived in the warmer climates in winter & the cooler in summer. He lived with my inf. since 1913 & died there of pneumonia & buried beside his mother in Newton Cem. W Co, Ills.

John Henry Miller b Aug 12, 1843 ob May 19, 1912. He enlisted July 24, 1862 in Co F 93d Ills Inf for 3 yrs in Civil War & was in many severe battles never missed a roll call see page 522

Infant Thompson born & died July 10, 1825 [child of Alexander Thompson subject of this chart]

V20 Page 458

From page 239

Thos L. Thompson says his brother, Alexander P. Thompson's wife's father's name was John Beatty who came from Uniontown, Penna. His wife's name Ann Marshall also of Uniontown. He asks if I knew anything of them.

[descendant chart]

Harriet Parsons Work born Aug 18, 1870 see preceding page married July 10, 1894 William Edward Mouser born at Wenona, Ills son of Edward Lomax Mouser & wife Mary Ellen Sherwood. Their home is in Los Angeles, Calif where he is a very rich man & where he has a large beautiful home, elegant automobiles, a cottage at Catalina Island & also at Arrowhead Lake in the Sierra Mountains. The whole family are fine musicians. Harriet & her daughters belong to the D.A.R. on the war record of her ggf Ludwig Miller who was with Gen Washington at Valley Forge & was mustered out in Nov 1781. Have two children both born at Wenona, Ills. They went to Calif in 1920 & live on Van Ness Ave.


Elizabeth Mouser b May 23, 1895, married at Los Angeles, Calif Oct 29, 1921 to Charles Clifford Biehl born in Pgh, Pa Aug 31, 1889 son of Charles Augustus Biehl & wife Christina Ellerman. He was overseas in the World War, is a fine fellow & fine singer & paid leader of the choir in the big Pres Ch in Hollywood Calif where he owns a pretty home. She graduated at Lake Forest, Ill Univ. She has a remarkably fine voice & is a paid soloist in one of the big churches in Los A. Have one child born in Los Angeles, Calif.

William Clifford Biehl b Nov 14, 1922

Dorothy Mouser, b May 24, 1902, she graduated from college in Hollywood, Calif & then went to the Calif University at Berkeley Calif from which she graduated in May 1923. She is a modern girl, dances, plays the piano & violin & is an expert swimmer, tennis & golf player.

Married Sept 1, 1923 Kenneth Clyde Beach of Lewiston, Idaho. He is the only child of a millionaire & graduated from Berkeley Univ in 1922. His father gave him a big dept store at Twin Falls, Idaho as a wedding present. They travel a great deal. They own a nice home at Twin Falls, Idaho. He was born Dec 19, 1898 at Lewiston, Idaho son of Royal Clyde Beach & wife Eva Bringham [Bingham? Brigham?]

V20 Page 459

[descendant chart]

Lewis Frederick Miller b Dec 3, 1829 see page 457 married Margaret Lee Blean. Had 5 children, the first three born in Whiteside Co, Ills & the last two in Jackson Co, Kansas.


Rachel Elizabeth Miller b Apr 21, 1858 ob Mch 3, 1904 in a hospital at Whatcom, Wash & is buried in a cemetery near Sumas, Wash. She had a fine education & was a popular teacher in Kansas & in Whatcom Co, Wash. Unmarried.

Emily Isabel Miller b Jany 22, 1860. Taught school in State of Wash. Recalled to Kan to care for her aged mother. Lives on the old farm 6 1/2 miles S.E. of Holton, Kan with her brother David L., single.

Lewis Slade Miller b Nov 26, 1863 married Nov 26, 1895 at Sumas Wash to Bessie Vail. He left home when a boy & located at Sumas Wash where he still lives & where his 7 children were born.

Child, a son, b Mch 24, 1896 ob Mch 25, 1896 buried near Sumas Wash.

Margaret Ellen Miller, b Oct 18, 1897 ob Nov 21, 1898 buried near Sumas Wash.

Wm Jennings Bryan Miller B Sept 4, 1899 married Feby 1924 of Seattle Wash where he lives.

Oliver Irene Miller, b Aug 9, 1902 ob Oct 18, 1909.

Lewis Fred Miller, b Oct 25, 1904

Joseph Walter Miller b Apr 22, 1907

Nora Isabel Miller b Aug 16, 1910

David Lee Miller b Jany 14, 1870 is unmarried & lives 6 1/2 miles S.E. of Holton, Kan on his father's old farm

Carl Miller b Feby 3, 1876. He is single & lives with or near his brother "Slade" near Sumas, Wash.

V20 Page 460

Oak Hill Apr 29, 1927 9:54 AM

I am laying out of my pocket an invitation from the Pennsylvania Society 249 W 13th St NY City to the annual meeting for 1927 at the Waldorf Astoria on Tuesday Apr 19, 1927 at which cousin John Markle esq was to be the guest of honor. A reception for Mr Markle was to be held at 12:30 PM. Business matters requiring my attention prevented me from attending. He was a former President of the Society.

A letter dated Apr 26, 1927 in answer to mine of 25th from W.C. Kilgore 370 Robert St, St Paul, Minn, mens' Furnishings, says his gf was William Kilgore, & he believes his father came from West. Co, Pa & he thinks his name was David, but he doesn't know whether he was the David I mentioned or not. He says E.S. Kilgore living there of whom I inquired is his son.

He does not know Geo B. Kilgore living there. If he gets further inf. He will let me know. Am writing him for fuller data.

V20 Page 461

A letter dated Apr 27, 1927 in answer to mine of 21st from Edmund Hayes Bell, Washington D.C. says Jacob Bowman & Col Robert Elliott were business partners & says that Jacob Bowman's wife born Isabella Lowry, daughter of Maj James Lowry a British Army officer & his wife Susan Blair daughter of Rev Arthur Blair was in some way related to Col Robert Elliott & was married from his house in Hagerstown, Md

Benjamin Elliott who died in Bedford Co, Pa in 1791 left bequest to his brother James, son John of Longhunger, Ireland & to his brother Matthew Elliott of Letterkenny, Ireland. He also left bequest to his nephew William Elliott's son Benjamin & appoints his nephew Wm Elliott of Path Valley, one of his Exrs. Says he thinks this Benj Elliott belonged to same family as Col Robert Elliott & he hopes when abroad to find out something from his Irish heirs. Look up his will at Bedford, Pa. He says the Hist of Western Md says Col Robt Elliott belonged to a family of Castle Fin, Co Donegal & that is where Isabella Lowry was born.

Matthew Elliott, the Tory, was born in Ireland & may have been the brother of Col Robt Elliott's father. Says his Elliotts notes are packed up, but says Matthew died in Ontario not far from Detroit, Mich. Says there is a deed recorded in Chambersburg, Pa in which the heirs of Col Robt Elliott join & one of the sons at that time lived at same town where Matthew died in Canada.

V20 Page 462 *

He says there are many errors about my Anjou Hist concerning Gen Wm Thompson, for instance, he says his half brother Dr Robert Thompson was born long enough 1724 & his mother's maiden name was Armstrong. Mary Thompson, the Genl's half sister was the wife of Col Thomas Cookson in 1748. When Anjou says she married Geo Stevenson. The Genl's half sister Rebecca did marry a man named Archer, not Arthur, & two of his half sisters whose names Anjou don't give married officers in the British Army & never came to America & he says the maiden name of Genl Thompson's mother was Hamilton, not Wilson. & he was the only child by his father's 2d wife. His address while abroad will be c/o Brown, Shipley & Co 123 Pall Mall, London, Eng.

V20 Page 463

A letter dated Apr 27, 1927 in answer to mine of 21st inst from Rev Dr Wm Jasper McSurely of 100 Campus Ave, Oxford, O written entirely by himself 93 yrs old, says the name of the father of his Uncle John Carothers was Archibald Carothers says I only know of two children of Archibald by his first wife viz:

John Carothers who married my Aunt Jennie Clark & Jane Carothers who married my Uncle George Clark

This George was the older brother of my mother.

Mr Archibald Carothers had children by his second wife (who was Sarah Clark, his Aunt) see b 21 p 267 & b 22 p 55-9. I think 3 sons & 2 daughters, but I cannot tell you their names, save that the oldest son was named William. They all left Adams Co, O before I was grown & I do not know to what place they moved. I do not know anyone who could tell you. See b 15 p 161 item 96. Mr A. (Archibald) sold his place to his brother-in-law, John McClung who had married Jane Clark. The McClung families of the 1st & 2d generations are all dead. I never knew from what place the Carothers family came to Adams Co, O.

I expect my Clarks were not related to Gen Clark as they came from Ireland after the war of the Revolution. some of the older children (& I think my grandfather was of these) were born in Ireland. Sorry that I cannot answer you more fully. see page 502. (Rev Dr) Wm J. McSurely aged 93 yrs

See book 14 p 493 for deed fr Archibald Carothers to John McClung Jany 29, 1847 also see bk 1 p 199 bk 13 p 201, bk 17 p 622 & 3 & bk 20 p 350-4

V20 Page 464

A letter dated Jany 23, 1927 from Mrs Virginia S. Fendrick Mercersburg, Pa asks if I had found this record at Carlisle, Pa:

Orphans Court 1765 Wm Campbell prays that a guardian be appointed over Wm Elliott minor son of Johnston Elliott, under 14, James Campbell was appointed.

Estate of Johnston Elliott 1761, Admr were Geo Gregg, Ann Gregg. She says "this was undoubtedly Johnston, the brother of our Robert Elliott both 1751 taxables. What became of this William Elliott. Perhaps he was William of the Bullock Pens". Make slip to look this up & see if this Johnston had a son Robert. My ggf Capt Wm Elliott was born 1751 & died Mch 20, 1805.

V20 Page 465

A letter dated Apr 21, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 28, from Mrs Anna M. Archibald 460 E. Queen ST, Chambersburg, Pa says she has taken up dressmaking & teaches her daughter's boys in the evenings. Says she has finally found the old passport. Thought it was in the bank box, but it wasn't & just found it today looking through some old papers & will send it by Reg mail & possibly will find some other papers that will be of interest.

V20 Page 466

A letter dated Mch 5, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 18, from Mrs Etta M. Hibbs, sending the Chas O. Markle record which Mrs James W. Hibbs wrote to him to get births of his children.

She says she is getting along well with her ancestor George Markle & learned today he was prison guard from Reading to Phila upon the roll of Capt Nagle.

Chas Oliver Markle see page 205 married July 25, 1917 Ada Hibbs born Dec 23, 1891 daughter of James W. Hibbs & wife Florence Swan (who is daughter of Alford & Elma Swan). They have two children:

1. Charles Oliver Markle Jr born Nov 27, 1918

2. Frances Louise Markle born June 18, 1922

See book 16 page 254

V20 Page 467

Oak Hill, Apr 30, 1927 1:22 AM

A letter dated Feby 26, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 8, from Mrs Elizabeth A. McLane 417 Buchanan Ave Clarksburg, WVA see book 19 p 8 gives record of her husband entered there in place & record of her three children's marriages which I am transferring here by reason of lack of space there.

3. Mary Alice McLane was married Oct 20, 1909 at New York City to Anthony Fielding McCue born June 9, 1882 son of Fielding McCue & wife Lydia Jane Rader. He is a lawyer, Atty of Standard Oil Co In WVA born at Summersville, WVA. Have two sons the first born in West Union WVA & the second in Clarksburg, WVA

1. Alan McLane McCue born Sept 14, 1911

2. William Fielding McCue born June 18, 1918

2. William A. McLane was married Sept 1907 to Linnie Phillips born Sept 18, 1888 daughter of William Phillips & wife Ella Straight. They live at West Union, WVA where he is Asst mgr of the W.U. Wholesale Grocery Co. Have two sons the oldest born in Jacksonburg, WVA & youngest in Grafton, WVA.

1. William Alan McLane Jr born Sept 30, 1908

2. Charles Phillips McLane born June 19, 1910

V20 Page 468

1. George McLure McLane was married Apr 1909 to Agnes Crutchfield Nichols born Sept 19, 1882 daughter of Judge Reed Nichols & his wife Henrietta D. Hommel living Mt Lebanon, Pa where he is a member of the Willison Auditing Co of Pgh, Pa living at Mt Lebanon, Pa. Have had two children born at Mt Lebanon, Pa.

1. George McL McLane Jr born Apr 5, 1910 ob Jany 5, 1911

2. Dorothy Elizabeth McLane born Dec 14, 1920

V20 Page 469

A letter mailed Apr 18, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 10 from William Carothers Line of Diller, Neb see book 17 pages 273 et seq & 108 & book 20 P 62-66 says he thinks the record given by Mrs McCullough in regard to A. Sproull & Andrew Carothers see b 17 p 267 is correct.

He says his Uncle John Carothers died at Peru, Ills & he has no record of any children. Go look for will & trace. He has no knowledge of his Uncle Wm Carothers who got the home farm. Go to Carlisle & see when he conveyed it & if it gives where he went to. See bk 17 p 108 & 111. He died in his 9th yr within one year after his father died see p 473. He says his mother died at Bristol, Pa & is buried in Line cem, Dickinson Tp. His father died Mch 28, 1892 in Dickinson Tp & buried in same cem. He was born 1814, Allen A. Line in Carlisle, has the Line bible & might be able to give exact date. He says he knows nothing about his great grandfather, John Carothers who was son of William & Isabella, see book 17 p 111

Nor does he know anything about Mary Carothers, sister of his gf William who is mentioned in the codicil of her father's will.

V20 Page 470

[descendant chart]

Rev Benjamin Franklin Myers see page 475 a Presbyterian ministers b Jany 28, 1833 ob at Darnestown, Montgomery Co, Md & is buried there which was the last charge he had. Married Virginia Bull


Millie Reine Myers married Aug 25, 1888 James Buchanan Cassiday ob Mch 13, 1929. Both educated see b 25 p 307. She died Apr 3, 1930. Both dying at Springfield, Ills & both buried at Darnestown, Md. Left 3 boys surviving.

Hugh Cassiday, b May 25, 1889 at Trussville, Ala. Lives 1715 South Glenwood, Springfield, Ills. Married Ruby Appelgate. No issue.

Benjamin F. Cassiday b June 8, 1891 at Entaw, Ala. Lives 1536 Noble Ave Springfield, Ills, my informant married Aug 8, 1925 Sophia Antoinette Strubruger. No issue

James Buchanan Cassiday Jr b May 31, 1905 at Frankfort, Ky. Lives 1409 West Grand Ave South. Married Dorothy Burtle. No issue.

Estelle Myers, living at Moundsville, WVA writing today. Married D.B. Evans.

Frank B. Myers, ob merchant at Balto, Md buried at Darnestown, Md bachelor.

Victor E. Myers ob buried at Moundsville, WVA, married Eva Walton who survives with 4 children.

V20 Page 471 [blank]

V20 Page 472 & V20 Page 473

[descendant chart]

James Caruthers born Sept 8, 1715 at Letterkenny, Ireland, son of Robert & younger half brother of my gggf John Caruthers, see Anjou Hist page 69. He came to East Pennsboro Tp, Cumb Co, Pa with his brothers in 1750. Look at Carlisle, Pa for settlement of his estate & see deeds etc & whether he didn't have more than one child, William, reported by Anjou. Look also at Letterkenny, Ireland & ask Anjou.

[his son:]

William Caruthers born in Ireland in 1739. See will book D, p 132 where his will of West Pennsborough Tp dated Dec 21, 1782 & probated Jany 21, 1783 see Anjou Hist p 69-71 & my book 17 p 83 etc. Married Isabella Armstrong.


James Caruthers. He was killed in the field by John & James Carothers ob say Jany 18[completely faded]. Married Elizabeth Patterson see bk 17 p 104 item 32 & will book I p 390 for her will of West P. Tp dated Mch 8, 1824 proven Jany 26, 1825. It was she who died say Jany 1825.

John Carothers ob Oct 4, 1822 married Mary ______ Dec 17, 1756 & ob Oct 22, 1824. He was of West Pennsb Tp see book 17 p 111 item 39 & will Bk I page 259 codicil dated Aug 12, 1822. His will names but 3 children. He appoints his son Wm & son-in-law Joseph Conley exrs.

Jane Carothers married Apr 24, 1817 Joseph Conley

Mary Carothers ob was single in 1822 see codicil

William Carothers ob Oct 27, 1838 married Oct 26, 1809 Elizabeth Shouer born July 15, 1792 & died Dec 5, 1874 see bk 17 p 108 item 36 & will book L page 48. His bible printed in Phila 1814 is in hands of his grandson Wm C. Line, Diller, Neb & many of these dates he has copied therefrom & sent me. He had ten children all probably born in West Pennsborough Tp, Cumb Co, Pa.

Samuel Carothers b Aug 10, 1810 drowned Dec 11, 1812

Mary Carothers b June 22, 1812 ob, married Nov 12, 1829 Benjamin Myers. Had 6 children see p 475

Eliza Carothers, b Feby 8, 1814 ob Mch 28, 1896 married 1 Feby 11, 1845 Benjamin Myers. Married 2 May 7, 1857 Benjamin Bear. No issue by either see bk 17 p 268

Catharine Carothers b July 23, 1816 ob Feby 26, 1898 married Mch 15, 1838 to Geo Heikes. Both died in West Pennb Tp see p 474

John Carothers b Sept 1, 1818 ob Oct 24, 1853 at Peru, Ills married 1 Jany 18, 1838 to Catherine Kerr, ob, married 2 Mch 20, 1844 Mary Eagin.

Andrew Carothers b Sept 14, 1821 ob Sept 27, 1854 at Peru, Ills, married Nov 30, 1843 to Eliza Ellen Carothers, ob 1848 or 1849 daughter of Josiah & Mary Carothers. See bk 17 p 110 item 38 & will bk L p 522. Wm C. Line knows only what bible gives. It does not show a 2nd marriage.

Isabel Jane Carothers b June 2, 1824 ob June 20, 1905 married Feby 15, 1844 William Line b Oct 16, 1813 & died Mch 28, 1892. See bk 17 p 62. Had six children. See page 475

Emaline Carothers b Oct 2, 1826 ob June 14, 1906 married Apr 22, 1847 John Diller

Matilda Carothers b Nov 18, 1828 ob Jany 2, 1896 married Sept 30, 1849 Ireneus Bruce Dodge

William Carothers b Dec 6, 1830 ob Aug 16, 1839

William Caruthers [son of William born 1739] ob say 1794 in Cumb Co, Pa evidently unmarried see bk 17 p 88 item 24 & will book E p 313 will dated Nov 5, 1786 probated Jany 25, 1794

Martin Carothers ob Aug 1801 in Cumb Co, Pa W. Pennsb Tp evidently unmarried see bk 17 p 101 item 28 & will book F p 231 will dated Aug 9, 1801 probated Aug 15, 1801

Andrew Carothers ob

Armstrong Carothers ob 1837, married see bk 17 p 107 item 35 & will book L page 15 will dated Aug 30, 1837 & proven Nov 28, 1837. His wife was evidently dead. Names six children in will see bk 17 p 154-5 & book 20 p 103-8, book 19 p 534-41 & bk 17 p 338-49

Margaret Carothers, ob

Jean Carothers ob, married to George Clark

Nancy Clark ob

Isabel Carothers ob married to Henry Hayes

V20 Page 474

[descendant chart]

Catharine Carothers born July 23, 1816 ob Feby 26, 1898 see page 472, married Mch 15, 1838 George Heikes, ob. Lived at West Hills, West Pennbgh Tp, Cumb Co. Look for lot at West Hills 1 mile west of Plainfield, Pa. Had 2 children see bk 17 p 272


John Heikes ob, married, wife ob. Had 3 children. See bk 17 p 272

John Heikes lives at West Hills or Carlisle, Pa

David Heikes lives at West Hills or Carlisle, Pa

Anna Heikes married ______ Crick & lives in West P. Tp

Anna Catharine Heikes born in Cumb Co, Pa July 7, 1850 & died at Diller, Neb Aug 6th, 1916 married May 10, 1867 William Diller born May 7, 1846 in Cumb Co & died at Diller Neb Sept 5, 1906, son of Samuel Diller & wife Catharine Bear. Had ten children born the 5 oldest at Plainfield, Pa & the 5 youngest at Diller, Neb.

George Heikes Diller b Apr 26, 1868 ob Nov 15, 1902

Samuel Diller b Aug 16, 1869 married, lives at Wilber Neb is a tel. op. & has a family.

Emma Paul Diller b Apr 19, 1891 J.L. Waggoner. Lives at Meridan Idaho. His name is John Line Waggoner a farmer b June 25, 1870, son of Alfred Waggoner & wife Amanda Weaver. Have 2 children born at Diller, Neb.

Clinton Alfred Waggoner b May 25, 1893 married June 23, 1914 to Felva Hazel Grover b Apr 27, 1894 daughter of Aden Grover & wife Ruby Cuning. Have 1 son.

Robert Clinton Waggoner b Jany 21, 1919

Ina Mae Waggoner b Feby 13, 1898 married June 16, 1920 to Ralph Marshall Berry B Nov 26, 1901 son of David Marshall Beery & wife Ida Margaret Hinnamon.

Wm Sproul Diller b Mch 17, 1873 ob Jany 30, 1904

Joseph Silas Diller b Aug 21, 1875 ob Oct 18, 1917

Clinton Washington Diller b Feby 22, 1879 ob Mch 18, 1892

Catherine Diller, b Apr 20, 1881 ob 1882

Rebecca Hoyt Diller b Mch 5, 1883 married Jany 25, 1906 Elmer James & have a family. Live in Steele City, Neb

Chas Albert Diller b Oct 6, 1884 ob Dec 27, 1905

Adam Frederick Diller b May 8, 1888, ob Oct 20, 1907

V20 Page 475

[descendant chart]

Mary Carothers born June 22, 1812 & died say 1842 bk 17 p 267-8, married Nov 12, 1829 Benjamin Myers who died 1848 bk 17 p 267-8. Had six children.


William Myers b Aug 23, 1830 ob Mch 9, 1894 see bk 17 p 268-9 see page 477.

Benjamin F. Myers b Jany 28, 1833 ob see bk 17 p 269 see p 470

Andrew Myers b Dec 15, 1834

Elizabeth Ann Myers b Feby 21, 183-

Emma Matilda Myers b Aug 23, 1839 ob Jany 10, 1906 at Greason Pa married Oct 19, 1858 Joseph Paul b Aug 1836 & died June 10, 1903 see bk 17 p 270.

Clinton Phillips Paul, b Feby 19, 1860 married Aug 18, 1887 Maria Barr Kennedy b Nov 12, 1866. Both living at 2006 Swatara St, Hbg, Pa see bk 17 p 270. Have 4 children:

Emma Blanche Paul b Mch 8, 1889 married June 29, 1916 Jesse A. Lubold b Jany 16, 1891 son of Jno Ellsworth Lubold & wife Margt Ann Sheetz. Both living at 53 W. Craig St, Uniontown, Pa where they have been 3 yrs & he is principal of senior high school

Jesse A. Lubold Jr b Apr 4, 1920 at Aspinwall, Pa

Joseph Boyd Paul b Feby 12, 1896 married May 31, 1917 Anna Mary Wirt b Apr 18, 1900 at McVeytown, Pa daughter of Jacob Lewis Wirt & wife Emma Jane Kauffman. Have 3 children born in Harrisburg, Pa see bk 17 p 270.

Joseph Boyd Paul Jr b Mch 5, 1919

Frank Wirt Paul b Apr 7, 1923

Margaret Jane Paul b Oct 30, 1924

Margaret H. Paul b Jany 15, 1903 married Mch 14, 1924 Ottis Gladstone Sawyer, b Aug 6, 1902 at Gum Neck N.C. son of Don Carlos Sawyer & wife Ida Capson see b 17 p 270

Margaret Devere Sawyer b June 18, 1926 at Raleigh, N.C.

Robert K. Paul b Mch 20, 1904 married Sept 4, 1925 Margt H. Albright b July 19, 1905 at Hbg Pa daughter of Chas C. Albright & wife Marion E. Shriner.

Mary Alice Paul [daughter of Emma Matilda Myers & Joseph Paul] b Oct 20, 1864 married Dec 23, 1890 Christian Tritt McCullough b Sept 21, 1861 son of Wm Johnson McCullough & wife Tabitha Tritt. Both living 28 Chestnut St Newville, Pa see bk 17 ps 267-274. Have had 4 children:

Joseph Paul McCullough b Feby 13, 1894 was abroad in World War see record in b 17 p 271. Is single

Alice Coyle McCullough b May 23, 1897 ob May 2, 1912

John Howard McCullough b Feby 4, 1901 married July 4, 1925 Alberta Simpson born Mch 9, 1904 daughter of Albert Anderson Simpson & wife Josephine Spenser. Both living at Cushing, Okla. No issue.

Mary Linn McCullough b Nov 22, 1904. Is in public library at Washington D.C. & single.

Frank Myers Paul, b July 13, 1872 married Nov 24, 1898 to Ida Mae Strohm b Aug 14, 1873 near Alterton, Pa daughter of Samuel M. Strohm & his wife Mary Catherine Green. Both living at Greason, Pa where he is ticket agent of the Penna RR Co. No issue.

John Theodore Myers [son of Mary Carothers & Benj Myers] b Feby 8, 1842 ob see bk 17 p 269.

V20 Page 276

[descendant chart]

Isabella Jane Carothers born June 2, 1824 & died June 20, 1905 see page 472, married Feby 15, 1844 William Line born Oct 16, 1813 & died Mch 28, 1892. He was son of Emanuel Line Senr & wife Elizabeth Myers see bk 21 page 526. Had six children see page 62


Elizabeth Arabella Line b June 12, 1845 ob July 22, 1920 married Dec 16, 1869 Wm Woods b Dec 28, 1839 ob Apr 7, 1905. Had 4 children, 3 sons born in Dickinson Tp near Carlisle, Pa

William Line Woods b Oct 11, 1870 married Oct 6, 1896 Adda Augusta Handshew b Sept 7, 1874 at Steele City, Neb. Have 2 children born at Diller, Neb. He is a farmer. See p 64.

Claud Woods b June 13, 1898 married June 14, 1921 to Belva Kinnamon, daughter of Chas Kinnamon & wife Mollie Kirk.

Marjorie Lou Woods b Nov 18, 1923

Ethel May Woods b Aug 31, 1900, single

Samuel Allen Woods [son of Elizabeth A. Line & Wm Woods] b Jany 12, 1872 married Feby 26, 1904 Ida Zanana Friday born at Steele City, Neb June 27, 1878 see page 64. No issue. Lives Beatrice Neb, coal merchant.

Edward Thomas Woods b Apr 17, 1874 married Aug 26, 1920 Mrs Sophrona Brickell see page 65. Both living at Fairbury, Neb

Jane Eliza Woods b Apr 22, 1880 Married Nov 15, 1925 Chas Emory Faulden b Jany 21, 1863 in Washington Co, Md son of David S. Faulden & wife Elizabeth Ann Snyder. Both living in Beatrice, Neb. No issue, is a retired farmer. She born near Diller, Neb.

Emma Matilda Line [daughter of Isabella J. & Wm Line] b Nov 27, 1847 unmarried & is living at Diller, Neb with her brother [added later] ob Mch 30, 1928 at Diller, Neb of dropsy.

William Carothers Line, b Sept 27, 1850 married Apr 6, 1892 to Jennie Lindsay Weigel b Mch 25, 1857 daughter of Henry Weigel & his wife Mary Ellen Lindsay. They have had six children born at Diller, Neb where they both live & is he my fine informant for this & 4 preceding pages record, many of the dates being taken from the old 1814 bible of his gf Wm Carothers. See page 472 at his name.

William Harrison Line b Jany 12, 1893 married June 18, 1921 Lulu M. Gunderson b Jany 29, 1892 at Crofton, Neb see p 63. Both living at Loup City, Neb where he is a lawyer. No issue.

Henry Reid Line, b Feby 14, 1894 ob July 30, 1894

Florence Belle Line, b Mch 28, 1895 married Oct 4, 1916 to Richard Clarence Steffen b Oct 16, 1892 in Jeff Co, Neb son of Fred Wm Steffen & wife Wilhelmina Stock. Both living in Jeff Co, Neb where he is a farmer. No issue.

Mary Ellen Line b July 9, 1896 married July 9, 1918 to Paul Seibert Beckwith b Mch 28, 1896 where he is a farmer & he & his 3 children were born in Jeff. Co, Neb. He is son of Francis W. Beckwith & wife Aldoret Seebers

Pauline Ellen Beckwith b July 4, 1919

Richard Dwain Beckwith, b June 17, 1920

Evaline Lucile Beckwith b Mch 25, 1923

Dr Eva Jane Line b May 26, 1900, unmarried

Alice Matilda Line, b Sept 1, 1903, unmarried.

Albert Calvin Line [son of Isabella J. & Wm Line] b Aug 8, 1853 ob Sept 1, 1878

Mary Rebecca Cornelia Line b Aug 22, 1859 married Oct 11, 1888 to Eugene E. Weigel born Jany 7, 1865 son of Henry Weigel & wife Mary Ellen Lindsay & both living near Diller, Neb where he is a farmer. Have 3 children. See page 65 for records.

Earl J. Weigel b June 27, 1890 married Apr 29, 1914 Cora Emma Hilder b Jany 6, 1894 daughter of John Hilder & wife Martha Garrett. Both living near Diller, Neb where he is a farmer. Have 2 children.

Lawrence Waldo Weigel b July 20, 1915

Eleanor Darlene Weigel b Mch 20, 1923

Bruce Henry Weigel, b Mch 3, 1893 married Nov 30, 1916 Mabel Hess b Apr 17, 1892, daughter of _____Hess & wife Ellen McVey. Both living in Decatur, Ills. No issue

Wm Lind Weigel b Oct 1, 1895 married Dec 30, 1919 Martha Ruby Hilder b Aug 23, 1899 daughter of John Hilder & wife Martha

Garrett. Both living in Lincoln, Neb where he is an optician.

Have one child.

Beverly Eugene Weigel b Mch 25, 1922

Lincoln Grant Line b Aug 8, 1865 married Feby 6, 1901 Fannie Burt Leibfreid born Feby 28, 1863 daughter of Fredk Leibfreid & wife Eliza West Higgins. Both living at S. Laughorne, Pa. See page 66. No issue.

V20 Page 477

[descendant chart]

William Myers born Aug 23, 1830 ob Mch 9, 1894 see pages 472 & 475 & book 17 p 267-9 married Mary Ellen Reep [sic] born June 3, 1836 & died July 22, 1915. He is buried at Frankford Lutheran Stone Church & thinks has a marker see bk 17 p 268. Had 8 children probably born in N. Middleton Tp.


Albert K. Myers b Dec 7, 1860 married Anna M. Grissinger b Nov 19, 1872. No issue. Living.

Emma M. Myers b Apr 15, 1862 ob Aug 9, 1917 married Alfred H. Crain born 1854. He living at Carlisle, Pa & works abt the court house. Had three children.

Robert Crain

Mary Crain, married

Clarke Crain

Newton R. Myers b Mch 14, 1864 married Minnie M. Lightner b May 15, 1868. Both living in Carlisle, Pa. Have six children.

Carrie Myers married

Roy Myers

Earl Myers

Paul Myers

Esther Myers

Edward Myers

Annie M. Myers b Sept 16, 1865 ob May 15, 1884 unmarried. Virginia B. Myers b July 1, 1867 married James W. Garland b Oct 9, 1864. Live at 161 D. St Carlisle, Pa. She my good informant for this record. Have had 3 children.

Samuel Garland

Frederick Garland

Maud Elva Garland ob in infancy

William E. Myers b Mch 27, 1869 ob Oct 29, 1874

John Frederick Myers b Jany 8, 1872 married Ida M. Kitch born May 12, 1873. He is a school teacher & lives in Carlisle, Pa. Have two children, both living.

Elizabeth Myers b June 14, 1906

Eunice Myers b Jany 9, 1909

Eliza Ellen Myers b Sept 21, 1873 ob July 5, 1891 unmarried.

V20 Page 478

Oak Hill, May 2, 1927 4:40 PM

In the Morning Herald announcements of death: in Saturday's issue Apr 30, 1927:

Mrs Leroy Keener

Mrs Leroy Keener (this is Eliza Jane) aged 89 yrs died at her home on the Lamberton Road in German Tp Thursday night Apr 28, 1927 at 8 o'c following a lingering illness. She is survived by her husband, Leroy & the following children:

Mrs Lizzie Adams of New Salem, Pa

Addie Keener at home

Alfred Keener at home

Oscar Keener of Lambert, Pa

& Minor Keener of New Salem, Pa

Funeral Sunday May 1, interment in New Salem Cem. She comes in Thompson & Jack families both.

In today's Herald May 2, 1927

Louise Bowie Smith

Mrs Louise Bowie Smith of McKeesport, Pa wife of Kenner B. Smith died Saturday morning Apr 30, 1927 at 10:50 o'c in the McKeesport Hospital. Mrs Smith was born on Jany 21, 1895 a daughter of Theophilus Bowie (jr) & his wife Mary Fuller of 125 Union St, who, together with her husband, two children, Edward T. & Mary Ellen, a sister Belle M. Bowie & a brother, R.M. Bowie of Uniontown, Pa survive her. Funeral tomorrow in Uniontown, Pa & burial in Oak Grove Cem. She comes in both Markle & Jack families.

V20 Page 479

A letter dated Apr 29, 1927 in answer to mine from our former excellent cook at the "holler", Mrs Mary A. Chilton of 313 Selma Ave, Selma, Ala sends me a clipping from the Selma Times Journal of that date showing the picture of President Calvin Coolidge & his wife in which appears with them the picture of my nephew Karl A. Bickel, President of the United Press Association. The occasion was the 20th anniversary dinner of the Press which the President attended. I had sent Mrs Chilton a clipping from the Pgh Post of the boy she used to nurse, Rev Dr Clarence E. MacCartney & his three brothers, all ministers, taken together at time of his installation last month as Pastor of the First Pres Ch Pgh, Pa. She says she also nursed Albert J. one year older & waited on the other two.

V20 Page 480

Oak Hill May 3d, 1927 3:38 PM

A letter dated Jany 25, 1927 in answer to mine of 7th from Mrs Lydia B. Scott c/o Eugene M. Dawley Mexico, Oswego Co NY, refers me to the tombstones in cemeteries for the dates in her father John T. Traber & his ancestors. See book 18 p 110-119 & book 15 page 178 et al

She says to get the record of her Uncle Samuel Treber's line from the Hamilton O cemetery. He d.y.

She says her brother J. Whitmore Traber, West Union, O where I was in Oct 1925 can give the record of their Aunt Elizabeth Holmes.

She has sent a penciled genealogical table of her father & his brothers & sisters giving names of children of all with a few carried later, on three pages of yellow scratch paper, which I am reproducing on pages 482-3 as a basis to work from, or refer to. I am following the order of births not as given by her, but as given to me by Jacob Treber, son of her Uncle William as given to me by him at his home Oct 29, 1925 see book 15 p 178 & see book 14 p 508 et seq. List of the 11 children of Samuel Thoroman & Ann Crawford commence book 14 p 532 & on page 592, Oct 18, 1925 John Whitmore Treber told me the bible of his

V20 Page 481

father John Thoroman Treber giving births of his 12 children was in the hands of Jacob Walter Sproull, London, O. Make another slip to go there & get this record & asked abt those in table that I don't know about. She says Judge Humes son formerly of Hamilton, O might be able to give record of Samuel Traber I question whether he had any as he is reported to have died young.

V20 Page 482 & V20 Page 483

Oak Hill Oct 3, 1927 1:30 AM. Made all slips to here JVT

[descendant chart]

Ann Crawford, daughter of Robert Crawford, brother of gggf Edward Crawford married Samuel Thoroman & had 11 children see book 14 p 532-563 [sic]

[their daughter:]

Jane Thoroman, their 2d child ob 1829. She had 12 children, married 1810 Jacob Treber born Jany 29, 1780 in Lancaster Co, Pa & died Jany 1875. He was son of John Traeber a Revolutionary Soldier & his wife Mary Campbell, see book 15 p 178. After Jane, died, Jacob married again Mary Anne McDermott & had 3 children are not in our line.


John Thoroman Treber b 1812 ob, married Anne Barbara Jackman ob. They seem to have had 12 children which I am listing on pages 484-5. His bible is in the hands of Jacob Walter Sproull, London, O.

Henry Treber b 1814 ob, married 1 Annie Beard, married 2 Emma Dills see bk 18 p 112-3

Samuel Treber, b 1815 ob, d.y.

Jacob Treber, b Nov 4, 1816 ob Apr 11, 1891 married Mch 30, 1858 Theodosia Burns b Mch 16, 1839 in Bethlehem, Ind & died Aug 8, 1914 both at Terrace Park, O. She was daughter of Samuel Burns & wife Jane Loot. He was an early iron master in Cincin, O where he went from Adams Co, O with David Sinton. Had 3 children all born in Cincinnati, O.

Florence Traber b Sept 2, 1859 ob Jany 17, 1909 aged 49 yrs. She was born in Cin, O & died in Plainfield NJ. Has 2 children born in Montreal, Canada. Married Jany 10, 1882 Chas C. Campbell b July 13, 1856 at Cincinnati, O ob Mch 5, 1922 in New York City, son of Wm Henry Campbell & wife Amanda Robertson. Both buried in Spring Grove Cem, Cin., O

Theodosia Campbell b Nov 10, 1882 P.O. #25 Broadway NY, married May 25, 1911 Adolph Koehn born in Germany at Stettin Jany 10, 1875 son of August Koehn & wife Marie Koehn, her maiden name.

Karl Campbell Koehn born Sept 5, 1912 at Shanghai, China, aged abt 14.

Clarence L. Campbell b Mch 14, 1884 married Apr 26, 1909 Anna Boss born in NY City Dec 20, 1883 daughter of J. Fred Boss & wife Mary Merz. Lives 930 Park Ave NY City, officer 17 Battery Place. Children born in NY City.

Anna Robertson Campbell b Nov 21, 1915 aged abt 10

Robert Burns Campbell b Mch 28, 1918 aged abt 8

Jane Traber [daughter of Jacob Traber Jr] b Mch 17, 1861 ob Dec 29, 1907 aged 49 yrs (46 yrs) unmarried. Born & died in Cin. O

Alice Traber, B May 28, 1862 married Oct 7, 1889 Llynne [sic] W. Gilliland b 1859 at Ripley, O & ob Mch 1897 in Cincinnati, O. She lives at Stone House, Terrace Park, O. He was son of W.W. Gilliland & wife Margaret McCampbell.

Frances Alice Gilliland, b Jany 22, 1892 married Dec 11, 1915 Maj. Paul Hawley born Jany 31, 1891 son of Dr W.H. Hawley & wife Bina C. Ramsey. He was born at college corner & she at Terrace Parks.

Barbara Gilliland Hawley b Oct 14, 1920 aged 6 born at Rockford, Ills

William Harry Hawley II b Sept 28, 1921 at Cin, O aged 5.

Mary Ann Treber [daughter of Jacob Treber & Jane Thoroman] b Apr 20, 1818 ob Mch 6, 1870 married June 20, 1839 Heazlet Sproull see bk 19 p 524.

Oliver Treber b 1820 ob 1900 married 1 Mary Fleming married 2 Lucetta McMakins see bk 18 p 115 see bk 15 p 135-6

Joseph Traber, b Mch 1822 ob Aug 16, 1878 married 1 Harriet Ogle 3 children, married 2 Louise P. David, 3 children see b 18 p 115-6

Sarah Treber b Oct 11, 1823 ob Mch 26, 1895 married Geo [best guess] Moore see pages 454-5 this book

Elizabeth Treber b Mch 12, 1824 ob Mch 24, 1897 married John Holmes b Nov 30, 1820 ob Jany 6, 1896 at Aledo, Ills, son of Thos Holmes & wife Margaret M. McClanahan. Married July 22, 1846

Lewis Holmes

Mary Margaret Holmes

William Holmes

See page 486

William Treber b Aug 10, 1825 ob Mch 31, 1916 married Jany 10, 1856 see bk 15 p 177 to Melissa Thoroman b Mch 22, 1834 ob Sept 22, 1912, daughter of Samuel Thoroman & wife Rachel Florea. Both buried in Treber g.y. Em & J.W. Treber reports 12 or 14 children. Mrs Scott only gives 4. Have written to his son Jacob for record. see bible record of children, 11 in all at book 5 page 172 where I have bible record of births of all his children.

Annie Treber

Elizabeth Treber

Jacob Traber b Sept 26, 1868 see bk 15 p 177 see also p 580 this book.

Lyman Traber

Thos Jefferson Treber b Jany 1827 ob, married 1850 Annie Sproull. She is still living near Dunkinsville, O. Go see her. No issue.

Minerva Treber, b Dec 28, 1829 ob Apr 1913 married 1850 Peter Thompson

born at Dunkinsville O Mch 1, 1825 ob 1908. See book 21, p 180

Laura Thompson

Lucy Thompson

Lafayette Treber ob, married Ella Freeland or Freeman, who is still living. Lawyer in Kansas City, MO

Fred Treber, married

Irene Treber,

Herman Treber, married

Celia Treber

Wilson Treber ob 1925 at Concord, Ky married Mary Jane Montgomery who is still living. Don't know names of his children.

Louisa Treber ob at Kansas City, Mo, unmarried.

These last thee [from Lafayette down] are not in our line.

V20 Page 484 & V20 Page 485

[descendant chart]

John Thoroman Traber born 1812 ob, see page 482 married Anne Barbara Jackman


Samuel Traber ob in infancy

Jane Traber ob married Samuel Black

John Black

Lydia Jane Black

Joseph Black (twin)

Harry Black (twin)

Laura Black

Oliver Traber ob married 1 Adda Sproull married 2 Jane Fitch see bk 15 p 135-6

Anne Traber ob married Daniel Adams never knew children

Eliza Traber ob married Frank Sproull, do not know children.

Leah Traber ob married France Sproull

Addie Sproull Louise Sproull

Jacob Sproull

Jacob Henry Traber ob, married Florence Phillips, ob. Have one son

Emma Traber, ob married James Ellison, ob. No issue

Harriett Traber b Apr 4, 1850 married Dec 22, 1870 John R. Satterfield b Mch 22, 1842 & ob Apr 11, 1919. She is living in Seaman, O see bk 15 p 135-9 & 366

Lydia Belle Traber married May 16, 1872 Theo Williams Scott ob. My informant for this record.

Louisa Estella Scott, b Mch 6, 1873 married Nov 1, 1900 Eugene Myron Dawley. No issue. She is a graduate of the Cin Academy of Music & is a member of the Faculty of Cornell Univ

John Whitmore Treber b June 7, 1855 married 1 Mary Ann Reed married 2 Eliza Ellen Reed see bk 14 p 590-3

Joseph Blackburn Treber

V20 Page 486 & V20 Page 487

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Treber see page 483 was born Mch 12, 1824 ob Mch 24, 1897 at Aledo, Ills married July 22, 1846 John Holmes see page 483 & had 11 children all born in Adams Co, O except the last one who was born in Aledo, Ills.


Louis D. Holmes b July 24, 1847 ob Jany 24, 1912 married May 1, 1872 to Caroline Campbell born May 10, 1849 at Ripley, Ohio, daughter of Alexr Campbell & wife Eliza Anne Williams. Had 4 children born first 3 at Aledo, Ills & last one at Omaha, Neb. He died in Omaha, Neb. Both buried in Forest Lawn Cem Omaha, Neb. His name is Louis DeVere born West Union, O

Nellie Holmes b Mch 15, 1873 living in Chicago, Ills unmarried at 418 S. Market St, reporter for 2 NY daily newspapers.

Grace Holmes b June 12, 1878, married Dec 31, 1900. Living in Omaha, Neb. 2 children. Married to Geo Clinton Sterall b in Hardon Co, Ky Mch 28, 1872 son of Hezekiah Harrison Sterall & wife Nancy Bailey. He is a coffee salesman at 1618 Chicago St, Omaha, Neb. 3 children.

Holmes Sterall b July 24, 1905 ob Feby 18, 1906

George Clinton Sterall Jr b Feby 5, 1908

Lois Virginia Sterall b Jany 16, 1913

Jno Campbell Holmes b Dec 3, 1882 ob Sept 1, 1908 unmarried. Was civil eng. ob in Los Angeles, buried Forest Lawn cem, Omaha, Neb.

Leota Holmes b Aug 20, 1886 lives in Omaha, Neb at Wellington Hotel, kindergarten teacher.

Virginia Holmes [daughter of John & Elizabeth Treber Holmes] b Sept 29, 1849 ob Nov 25, 1854

Minerva F. Holmes b Apr 28, 1851 ob Sept 6, 1866

Mary Margaret Holmes b June 20, 1853 ob June 18, 1906 near Ripley, Iowa, married Mch 20, 1873 Wm L. McCrory b Oct 22, 1843 ob Oct 22, 1894 son of James McCrory & wife Martha Clegg. He born in Morgan Co, Ohio. Had 9 children born the 1st two in Aledo Ills next 3 near Rippey, Iowa & last 4 in Rippey, Iowa. Both buried in Jefferson, Iowa.

Edna Dean McCrory b Jany 1874 ob

Adella McCrory b 1875 ob married Winkleman

John James McCrory b Nov 1878

Anna H. McCrory b Apr 1881 married Ralph Ruble. Lives 1026 S. Bonnie Brae St Los Angeles, Calif, my informant.

Harriet A. McCrory, b Apr 1883, married Welch

Claribel McCrory b May 1885 married Foushee

William Allison McCrory b Aug 12, 1888

Raymond Reed McCrory b Nov 12, 1890

Wayne McCrory b Jany 6, 1893

John Franklin Holmes b Dec 18, 1855 married June 4, 1879 Sarah Canum b Mch 21, 1859 at Aledo Ills daughter of William Canum & his wife Elizabeth Traver. Have six children born the oldest at Aledo, Ills & the others at Viola, Ills. Both living at Wellington, Kansas at No 322 N. Baline ST. See b 21 p 508.

Estella Myrtle Holmes b June 4, 1880 married July 1, 1901

Carl Holmes, ob in infancy

William Glenn Holmes b Mch 13, 1883 married Feby 2, 1912

Maud Elizabeth Holmes b Mch 6, 1886 married Jany 30, 1908

Anna M. Holmes b Mch 6, 1888

Cecil Holmes b Jany 31, 1899

Harriet Pembroke Holmes [daughter of John & Elizabeth Treber Holmes] b Mch 14, 1858 ob Apr 29, 1859 in infancy in Adams Co, O

Thomas Jefferson Holmes b Feby 9, 1860 married Jany 12, 1892 Grace G. Blood born at Henry Ills Dec 14, 1867, daughter of Joseph P. Blood 1815-1876 & wife Elizabeth A. Ogden 1829-1891. Have 3 children born, oldest at Lagrange, Ills other two at Chicago Ills. Both living 105 W. Monroe St Chicago. He my informant for this record.

Devoe E. Holmes b Jany 12, 1894 ob Oct 9, 1918 married June 19, 1915 Harrold Willard b June 28, 1890 ob Oct 5, 1918 son of Daniel & Bertha E. Willard, Balto, Md. Both buried Salisbury, Conn. Have 2 children born at Salisbury Conn & living in Balto Md at 206 Goodwood Gardens.

Devoe Holmes Willard b May 8, 1916

Harold Nelson Willard b June 15, 1917

Thomas Jefferson Holmes Jr b Oct 10, 1902 Lt U.S. Army resigned Married Dec 20, 1924 Lucille Barbour b Dec 31, 1902 at Franklin, La daughter of Clyde A. Barbour & wife Jennie Hobbs. Have one child.

Lucille Devoe Holmes b Feby 27, 1926

Grace G. Holmes b Oct 10, 1905, at home single

Charles E. Holmes [son of John & Elizabeth Treber Holmes] b 1862 living at Aledo, Ills married 1, married 2. Has 2 children

Gordon Holmes b Oct 16, 1901, married

Mary Holmes b Jany 21, 1906

Anna Florence Holmes b Feby 26, 1865 married Apr 12, 1887 John Paul Black b Mch 8, 1853 at Noblestown, Pa son of Paul Black & wife Nancy McMurray. Both living at Aledo, Ills. Have 5 children born at Aledo, Ills. See book 212 p 443

Edna Lois Black, b Feby 27, 1888 married Feby 5, 1912 Lyman James Miller b Feby 3, 1889 at Neponest, Ills son of Wm J. Miller & wife Helen Dane. Both living.

Stanley Black b Apr 9, 1890 married June 10, 1916. Both living.

Wilbur Black b Oct 24, 1896

Paul E. Black b Jany 27, 1906. Live at Aledo

J. Holmes Black b Jany 30, 1909 ob June 5, 1926

Ettie Jane Holmes b Jany 2, 1869 married Mch 4, 1896 Rev T.F. Schlosser b Jany 16, 1868 son of John Schlosser & wife Drucilla Wegner Have 6 children born see bk 21 p 535. Both living at Sunnyside, Washington.

J.W. Schlosser b Nov 22, 1897

George Schlosser b Oct 10, 1899

Mabel Schlosser b July 15, 1900

Thomas Schlosser b Nov 17, 1902 ob

Baby Schlosser b Feby 11, 1904

Howard H. Schlosser b July 3, 1912

Am changing several of above dates & transferring record to Book 21 p 535 by reason of lack or room here. JVT Oct 27, 1927

William Henry Holmes b June 4, 1871 married Sept 5, 1895 Fannie MacCreight. b Jany 12, 1874 at Garnet, Kan, daughter of John McCreight [sic] & wife Elizabeth Miller. Both living at Blue Island Ills. Have 6 children born the 1st four at Aledo, Ills & the last two at Midlothian Ills. Now, Oct 18, 1927 their address is 443 W. 37th St Chicago, Ills or Midlothian, Ills.

William John Holmes b Sept 11, 1896 ob Aug 3, 1913

Louis Devere Holmes b June 14, 1898 married Aug 28, 1920 Edna Renfro b Feby 3, 1898 daughter of Martin Renfro & wife Ida Sass. Have 3 children born at Blue Island, Ills. Lives at Blue Island Ills

Marjorie Devoe Holmes b May 11, 1921

Marian Jean Holmes b Nov 19, 1922

Coise May Holmes [sic] b June 18, 1927

Mary Elizabeth Holmes b Oct 1, 1900 married Dec 24, 1921 Victor Ames b Oct 10, 1891 at Worth, Ill, son of Geo Ames & wife Harriet Tiller. Have 2 children born at Midlothian, Ills.

Victor Holmes Ames b Sept 26, 1922

Wayne Wm Ames b Nov 26, 1924

Florence May Holmes b July 9, 1905 married Dec 30, 1926 Paul Chas Lindeman b Dec 25, 1902 at Chicago, Ills son of Harry Lindeman & wife Anna L. Beckwith. No issue yet

Harriet Devoe Holmes b July 14, 1911

Frances Jean Holmes b July 17, 1914

V20 Page 488

From page 447

Will of John Jack 1784

wife Elizabeth

Brother James

Nephew James - who had sons John & James I had this

It looks a little as if this nephew James was the father of John Thomas, James, Saml S., Robert L. & Adam who I found last fall in Warren Co, O & that James Sr below was brother of John above & his son James is the nephew & the other son Adam is the father of Matthew G. & great gf of H.H. & ancestor of the Doctors in Phila & of Mrs Shoemaker of Calif & I think the will of this nephew James will be found at Versailles, Woodford Co, KY.

Will of James Jack Sr 1790 wife Mary sons James, Adam & Robt, daughter Jean

The fact of the father of above 5 sons going from Lancaster Co, Pa to Woodford Co, Ky in the early 90s is of importance in proving him to be this son James who went south after getting his patrimony. See too book 11 p 388 which in the main is corroborative of above theory, allowing for the errors & discrepancies that come through transitions. Arthur G. Jacks "bro William" the Rev, bachelor soldier may have died before his father, or his name may have been Robert instead of William.

V20 Page 489

Will of Jane Jack, single 1821

Jane, daughter of brother Robert

Eleanor Gate, sister

Andrew, brother

Edith says that their understanding is that "L" in her ggf Robt L. Jack's name was for Little & that the name of his mother Sarah may have been Little. see if Chester & Lancaster Co had any early marriage record of a James Jack marrying a Sarah ______.

Edith wrote Aug 23, 1926 to Frank M. Jack RFD 1 Onward, Cass Co, Ind who answers Sept 21, 1926 & says he is grandson of Matthew G. Jack who came from Gintown, Penna (others sd Ohio but there is no such town in either state) & had several brothers & when I was a small boy, I saw one of them James (he was of Bellefonte, Pa see b 11 p 388) who "was a very tall man & as spry as an eel". Says he has heard his grandparents say that my ggf came from Ireland (it might have been gggf). My gf moved fr Pa abt yr 1848 & settled in Wash Tp Cass Co, Ind. signed Frank M. Jack

This is the Frank Jack I wrote to Apr 2/27 to New Waverly Ind also in Cass Co. Am writing again to Onward, Ind. Make a slip to go see him if he don't answer this. He also says he has an Aunt in Indianapolis who is close to 80 yrs old & he is writing to her. I am asking her address. She wrote to the Recorder at Logansport, Ind who gave her Frank M's address & also James M. Jack 608 W. Market St who never answered. Go see him & probate judge.

V20 Page 490

Oak Hill May 6, 1927 12:30 PM

A letter dated May 4, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 2 from Mrs Geo D. York nee Mae Jack of 511 E. Main St Logansport, Ind see this book pages 257, 394-5 says she was born at Lake Cicott, Ind as:

1. Mae Jack Jany 11, 1888 married Aug 2, 1913 at Galveston, Ind to George Dent York born Aug 27, 1886 at Indianapolis, Ind an auto mechanic, son of Howard H. York & wife Mary Jane Dent. They have one child born at Logansport, Ind

1. Howard Dent York born Sept 7, 1921

She says the children of her great grandfather, Adam Jack who lived in Penna before coming to Ohio were:

1. Susan Zern, Dayton, O

2. Phoebe Bickens, Penna

3. Mary

4. Mathew Grear Jack, Indiana, her gf

5. James Jack, Penna

6. Josia Jack, Penna

She says Nettie Jack, a daughter of Mathew Grear Jack (evidently the one 80 yrs old living in Indianapolis, Ind) gave me this information. "Mat G. Jack & Liza Ann Akens married Penna 1836,

V20 Page 491

moved to Ohio 1837 & moved to Indiana 1856. Lived & died in Cass Co, Ind & buried in Mt Hope at Logansport, Ind. Monument at grave".

Am writing her for her St No address. Make slip to go to Logansport, Ind & get his & wife's record & dates from monument & possibly those of his father Adam also.

May 12, 1927

A letter dated May 11, in answer to mine of 6th from Mrs Geo D. York says:

That Nettie Jack, daughter of Mathew G. Jack is the one who did live in Indianapolis. She never married. She stayed at home & took care of her father & mother for years. After their death, everything that was left was given to her which was a few thousand dollars. She worked & boarded with a family that had worked for her on the farm. After she was past working, she still boarded there. Last Nov, she paid out her last money for board. Since then, the family have been trying to find her a home. We already have my husband's mother who is 80 yrs old. A nephew put her application in at the Neal Home for old ladies at Logansport, Ind & she is now there on 30 days trial & the family are trying to raise the entry fee of $300. She thinks she is so worthy that everyone of the family should help. She says if I want to ask her anything, she will take care of it as it is hard for her to write.

V20 Page 492

A letter dated May 2, 1927 in answer to my recent letter, from Miss Zella E. Tice of 3011 Starr St, Lincoln, Neb see pages 178-9 & 428-441. She says she has heard from Mrs Malinda McLucas Harper, Redfield, Iowa who says she has written me & whose letter dated Apr 8, I have. Her grandfather, she says was John McLucas, one of the 11 children see page 178. Her father, James McLucas married my mother's sister, Martha Jane McCoy for his second wife. Mrs Harper is his daughter of his first wife & she had a brother Thomas. You can write her for the John McLucas line see page 178.

For the William McLucas line see pages 179 & 440 write Mrs Julia A. Bowdle c/o Will McLucas route 3, Des Moines, Iowa which I am doing. Her daughter married a cousin of Mrs Harper. Mrs Harper's daughter married Sarah Stile's son, another distant cousin. I find several intermarriages & many old maids in the family. Zella says the last time she was back to Ohio was 6 yrs ago. She is planning now to visit there for 3 wks in June & attend the wedding of her niece in Dayton, O on June 16 if she can get someone to take her place in a "Ready to wear store" where she is a fitter & if she does, hopes I can meet her there. Says she will when there try to find Etta & Margaret Hole if living. Says all who will re-

V20 Page 493

member anything about the ancestry are getting very old.

Says she was the youngest of their family & being at home with her mother who would sit & talk by the hour of the relatives & occurrences when she was a girl, but she wasn't then interested & didn't listen as she should. Says she now lives with her oldest sister, Mrs Phillips who now owns their grandfather McCoy's bible from which the record was taken care of by mother's aunts Betsy & Mattie McLucas, it coming to them with the three little girls & they kept the death record of their brothers & sisters, all but Jane Young & she may have survived them. Says she never heard of a McLucas bible & Mattie never had one for if she had, she & my mother would have taken care of it. She died at our home & we got her effects, when she died, but they were few. She thinks her ggf John McLucas bought land in Penna as her mother said "he bought a lot of land". Look at Gbg & Chambersburg. He had never worked in Ireland & not knowing how to manage & work, he could hardly make a living for his large family. She don't believe he & his wife Martha ever came to Ohio. Look at Gbg for location of land & hunt for graves. Says she don't know how the girls Betsy, Mattie & Nancy came to Centerville, O. Says they must

V20 Page 494

have come with the McGrews, Thompsons or Simerals. Ask Mrs Cook & the Holes where their Simeral relatives were located.

Says the only branch of the McLucas living at Fairbury, Neb, says they are relatives but she don't know which of the 11 they descend from. Says she met a woman from there in the store the other day who gave her the name of Homer McLucas, Harbine Bank, Fairbury, Jefferson Co, Neb. I am writing him. Says he has an Uncle living with a son in Calif. She doesn't know the exact date of her gf Alex McCoy's death, see page 178 nor the names of either of his parents. His people lived near New Petersburg, Highland Co, O. Says to ask Mrs Bowdle about the Petro family.

Don't know anyone who can tell more about the Russell family unless it wd be Nannie Cook of Beavertown, O. Ask her. Don't know the desc of Samuel or James, but thinks William of Hackney, O must descend from one of them. Says some of his family are in that section yet, but don't know their names.

Don't know where Jane Young's people are. Ask Mrs Cook & where she died

V20 Page 495

She says the names Fulton, Simeral, McGrew & Thompson are familiar. Says her mother told her that her grandmother's sister married a brother of Robert Fulton, the inventor of the steamboat. I am writing telling her it was his Uncle.

She says there is a Mrs Nellie McLucas Barthelmew [sic] 1324 9th St Greeley, Col who was trying to get the McLucas hist a few yrs ago. Am writing her.

V20 Page 496

A letter dated Apr 8, 1927 from Mrs Malinda McLucas Harper, Redfield, Iowa says she got my address from Zella Tice. She says she was in Ohio a few yrs ago & Zella's mother "Aunt Lib Tice" read the record of all the McLucas tribe.

Says her step mother was daughter of Nancy McLucas McCoy & she has heard her say that her mother died in Northern Indiana, but did not say what her disease was.

Says John McLucas one of the 10 (it was 11) was my grandfather. He died in Westville, Laporte Co northern Indiana of typhoid fever. He had 8 children:

1. James, my father

2. John, his youngest child

3. Brooke, Tipton, Ind

4. Wills, New Castle, Ind

5. Martha Smith

6. Becca Gibson

7. Betsy Ritter

8. Mary, died in her 8th yr

My father & stepmother were first cousins, had no children, both died here.

My mother was a Martindale, my grandmother McLucas was a Brooke. My father James went to Ireland about 45 yrs ago (about the fortune) a wild goose chase & found the relative there (Walter)

V20 Page 497

thought to have been single, had been married (late in life) & left a daughter who married a Mr Osborn & had five children & hence "found nothing doing" but had a splendid lovely trip.

I can tell about father's son's family if you care to know, just write me. Am alone, my husband died nine yrs ago. My 4 girls & two sons are married one son & one daughter here, a daughter in Des Moines, Iowa, a daughter in Texas, one in Col & a son in Col. She asks about me & I am writing for a fuller record with dates & will make table then. Redfield is in Dallas Co, Iowa

Aug 9, 1927 see book 21 p 217

Oct 16, 1927 see book 21 p 490

V20 Page 498

Oak Hill, May 8, 1927 11 AM

A letter dated May 3, 1927 in pursuance of our talk on the train, from T. Ray Fulton, large envelope filed, asked for information abt his gggf James Fulton see book 7 p 112 & his ggf Robert Fulton see book 4 p 70 & his gf James Fulton who he says:

James Fulton was born Aug 9, 1821 & died Aug 19, 1882 & was married (don't know date) to Miss Mary Sophia Markle (daughter of Gasper Markle & his wife Mary Lobingier (see book 4 p 19 item 148) & died Sept 13, 1916.

A letter dated [nothing further]

V20 Page 499

A letter dated May 2, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 27, from Prof James R. Jack, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept of Naval Architecture at Cambridge, Mass, says his father (he doesn't give his name) died when he was abt 5 yrs old & he has but a faint recollection of him. He says, however that his father was born in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire & says the whole of our people came from that county where he thinks the family settled down shortly after leaving France, sometime after the St Bartholomew Massacre (Aug 24, to Oct 3, 1572, when 50,000 were massacreed [sic] including Admiral Coligny) See Anjou's Jack Hist Vol 1 p 73-75 & vol 2 p 81-97 & 101-116) Says he knows they were related to the Allans of the old Allan Steamship line & also with the Scottish poet Burns. He thinks I can get some definite inf from Prof John Jack of the Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass whose father came from Greens CH Scotland to Canada many years ago & he himself was born in Canada, but came to Harvard for a post graduate course in botany & has remained on the teaching staff ever since. He has taken some interest in genealogy. Am writing him (see Jack Hist vol 2 p 89 & Vol XII page 1025)

V20 Page 500

A letter dated May 1, 1927 in answer to mine from Miss Jennie Beals of Earlham, Iowa says the address of Miss Ida March in 1920 was 67 Willis Ave, London, Ohio, it is she who gave her descent from Valentine Crawford, but didn't want a cousin who had mistreated her to know about it.

Jennie says her ggmother Rachel Crawford was raised in Maryland, but she doesn't know whether her parents ever lived in Ohio or not, but Rachel was married in Ohio to Nathaniel Parker, but she don't know where. Her mother remembers her father as saying that Edward Crawford, brother of his mother Rachel, came once to visit them when he himself was a little boy. She says Rachel undoubtedly had other brothers & sisters. Jennie says her gf was only 4 yrs old when they moved from Ohio to Ind. She says she has a book in which she has written much inf she gathered which was not in the letters she sent me.

In a letter of Mch 21 from Miss Beals, she says her ggfather Nathaniel Parker was a traveling shoemaker who had traveled in every state in the union & Canada plying his trade. He having died abt 1849 in his trip to Calif in quest of gold his widow Rachel Crawford Parker about 1863 married Jeremiah Coomer. She died in West Newton

V20 Page 501

Ind, Dec 12, 1876, the week before Christmas & her husband died a few weeks later. See if tombstones show exact dates of birth & death of both.

Rachel's daughter, Mary Elizabeth Parker see page 248 married Apr 13, 1850 John E. Strain. She died in Marion Co, Ind Sept 1855. They had two children:

1. Rachel Ann Strain born Mch 5, 1851 & married Apr 6, 1886 in Marion Co, Ind Willis Whitson

2. Indiana Strain born Oct 22, 1852 & married Oct 23, 1878 in Indianapolis, Ind Samuel Y. Paff.

Both are widows & living together in West Newton, Ind. They are both much interested in the Crawford book. Am writing there. Their Parkers came from Mass.

Aug 8/27 their letter of June 6th in answer to mine says they have no record of their mother's death except the year & month their gm told them & her grave does not have a marker. Their grandmother Rachel Crawford told them she was born at Hagerstown, Md Oct 10, 1806 & she died Dec 12, 1876.

They say Jeremiah Comer was not buried at West Newton, Ind & they do not know the dates of his birth or death, nor where he is buried nor nothing of his parentage.

Willis Whitson was born in West Newton, Ind Dec 23, 1850 & died there Feby 7, 1909 son of Wm Whitson & wife Ruth Mendenhall. They had 3 children but all died in infancy. Do not know dates or places of Samuel Young Paff's birth of his parentage. They had no children.

V20 Page 502

A letter dated Apr 28, 1927 in answer to mine, from Seldon, Nelson, Knoxville, Tenn says the McTeer manuscript will have to be typewritten 40 to 50 pages & will cost 25 cts a page which I am ordering though too high. He mentions having written up a dozen families. Among them Capt Robt Sevier's descendants:

Col John Tipton's descendants

The McClung family

If at Knoxville, go see what these are.

A letter dated May 2, 1927 in answer to mine, from Rev Dr Wm Jasper McSurely says he don't remember that he ever saw Archibald Carothers as his home was not in our immediate neighborhood, but I think he must have been old as his children were grown when they left Adams Co, O I had Uncles & an Aunt who went to Peoria, Ills but they are dead. See page 463

V20 Page 503

Oak Hill May 9, 1927 10:22 PM

A letter dated May 3, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 27, from Rev O.T. Moore 623 W. Seaside Blvd, Long Beach, Calif see page 455 says he does not have his father's bible record. Says he was married at Crete Neb. His son Charles C. died at Hebron, Neb from accidental death.

He says I might get some inf from his cousins, Thomas J. Holmes, son of Elizabeth Trabor Holmes a lawyer in Chicago whose street number address his brother J.H. Moore of Wood River, Ills can give, see p 483. or Mrs Mary Thompson Guthrie of Aledo, Ills daughter of Minerva Trabor Thompson see page 483. I am writing her tonight & will get Mr Holmes address next time I write to J.H. Moore.

V20 Page 504

Oak Hill May 12, 1927 10:50 AM

A letter dated May 1, 1927 from Albert B. Shaw 418 Whitney Ave Wilkinsburg, Pa refers to his having been the day before at the Carnegie Library Reference V923 H23 Page 25 where he found Chas A. Hanna's Ohio Valley Genealogies 1900 which I have & he copied the references to Edward Crawford born in Va 1760 about & died in Archer Tp Harrison Co, O 1831, having moved there from Brooke Co, Va (now WVA) in Mch 1806 & giving record of his family.

V20 Page 505

A letter dated Apr 24, 1927 mailed May 6 from Mrs Mary Thompson Strouse writing from 118 Locust Ave, Long Beach, Calif who had formerly written from somewhere in the State of Indiana sends me the copy of the will of her ancestor, Anthony Thompson but does not give any book or page reference quotes me as writing her that:

"This Anthony (son of Hugh Thompson's son Anthony) settled in Frederick Co, Md & had there 37 A of land called "Thompsons Chance" & he died in Cumb Co, Pa in 1762" I think she misquotes me in part for:

This Anthony (son of William Thomson & Mary Fordyce's son Anthony born May 3, 1662 who married Jane Patterson & emigrated from Co Down Ireland to Dorchester Co, Md where he made his will Jany 2, 1701 proven June 4, 1707 giving his son Anthony half of 100 A Thompsons Range on "Black Water" & "Green Creek") was born June 14, 1686 & it was he who died in Cumb Co, Pa in 1762 (See Anjou's Thompson Hist p 49-51) I wrote her to find out what children he had by seeking whether they had not had guardians appointed & she sends me copy of a cft dated Nov 23, 1926 from Samuel Stuart, deputy Clerk of the Orphans Court of Cumb Co, Pa setting forth that in O.C. Docket No 2 page 42 among the minutes of a session of court held Feby 21, 1764 before John Bridge, Jonathan Hogg & Adam Alricks justices appears the following entry:

V20 Page 506

"Came into court Jane Thomson & prayeth the court that a guardian over the persons & estates of William, Robert, Agnes, Anthony & John Thomson, minor children of Anthony Thomson decd late of Cumb Co, Pa may be appointed during there [sic] minority. Court appoints Robert McCoy & Thomas Pee guardians as prayed". See large envelopes

I think I got this record 30 yrs or more ago see book 1 & make search in Carlisle & see if in settlement of their account or sale of the R.E. it discloses where these children went & who Agnes married. She sends too a copy of this Anthony's (the 3d Anthony in succession) will which says:

I, Anthony Thompson of Daviess Co, Ky (Owensboro is Co seat on Ohio River above Evansville, Ind & away below Louisville, KY) wills as follows: 1st to my wife Rachel to be sole Exrx etc. She to hold entire real & personal estate during her life or widowhood to be equally divided amongst my surviving heirs as she sees proper in her lifetime to devise. If she sees fit to marry, she will then by my Exr no longer, but if any of my heirs are dissatisfied, they must remember that their beloved mother was always their mainstay in sickness or health, at home or abroad by night or by day, therefor [sic] I have thought it my indispensable duty to appoint her sole Exr ever knowing she

V20 Page 507

will execute justice among them. All this I have written with my own hand & desire it to be kept in possession of my wife until necessary to record the same. Dated Aug 20, 1829 Anthony Thompson (seal) witness George Leachman

He makes a codicil about the manner of the disposition of this tract of 400 A of land on which I live & reserves six rods square where my son & some of my grandchildren & old W. Handley is buried never to be sold but kept for a burying ground for all our relations who may see proper to bury there.

Also, I reserve one acre of ground for the use of the Meth Epis Church to be laid off in a square & a deed made to the church forever where the present meeting house & burial ground now stands. Dated Oct 23, 1830

Anthony Thompson

As a further codicil, I will & devise that Gardner Fitts shall have no control over any part of my land further than to live on it where he has made his improvement, but shall not be allowed to sell said improvement or rent it except to some of my children or grandchildren who may see fit to rent or purchase same but I do devise that my daughter Julia & children shall have theirs.

Daviess Co, Ky ct Aug term 1834 admitted to record as a holographic will Aug 15, 1834

Daviess Co, Ky June term 1867, the book

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containing said will having been destroyed, it is ordered that the same be recorded June 10, 1867 T.C. Jones Clk"

Recorded in Will book "A"-"B" on page 73

Make slips to go there & search that family g.y. on the farm & see if his brothers, William, Robert or John went there.

Mrs Strouse says she hasn't yet been able to find the name of her gggmother wife of the second Anthony whose name was Jane but from information she gleaned from the Penna Archives & wills there of Thompsons, Leonards, & Finleys, she thinks she was a Leonard. Am writing her.

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A letter dated May 9, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 27, from Jesse Herndon Moore of Wood River, Ills see page 455 shows great lack of inf or dates of his own record.

He says the only record of the births of some of his children is in the family bible kept by mother & his sister Florence can tell who has it. He says he was first married in Chicago & married 2d in some town in Michigan in 1899. His first wife was born in Chicago & died there. Don't know her mother's name. He don't know birth date of either of his wifes [sic]. He knows of no divorced from his second wife, separated then evidently.

He lists three of his children's births as in the `90s which wd be after their mother's death so I am changing them to the `80s. Says one of his children only lived two weeks & one 11 months. He don't know when his daughter Jessie was married, nor the name of the man she married.

He says Mr Thomas J. Holmes 105 W. Monroe St Chicago, Ills a cousin of mine (our mother's sisters see page 483) has dabbled some in this "way back fad". He may help you in some way. Am writing him today. Make slip to go see him also.

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A letter dated May 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 27, from Joseph Creighton Moore of 2020 U Street University Place, Lincoln, Neb gives his own record which I have entered on page 454 & his record is a perfect one, as like his sister Miss Florence, he never missed a trick. He says yes, he has his father's bible & will send the record & he sends 5 closely written pages, two of them from a bible 80 yrs old & three of them from a bible 50 yrs old & to recompense him for this labor, asks me to send him his Crawford line as far back as I have it traced & also asks if any of his ancestors were in the Revolution, War of 1812, or came over in the Mayflower. I am answering that his ggf John Traeber see page 482 & book 15 p 178 was a Rev. soldier. His father's bible record 80 yrs old shows that he was married twice & that Sara Treber was his 2d wife & while not in our line, I will take note of his first marriage & his three children by that union:

Births Charles W. Moore was born Oct 30, 1821

Ruth Moore, daughter of Moses & Jane McCall was born Feby 11, 1825

Their children:

Lewis Franklin Moore born Nov 26, 1845

Robert Morris Moore born Sept 7, 1847

Ruth Moore born Aug 9, 1849

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His 2d wife:

Sarah Moore daughter of Jacob & Jane Treber b Oct 11, 1822, my record p 454 says she was born 1823. The record Miss Florence gave says Jesse H. page 455 was born Sept 7, 1858 & this says Apr 7, 1858.


Ruth Moore, wife of C.W. died Aug 15, 1849

Ruth Moore, daughter of C.W. died Aug 20, 1849


Chas W. Moore & Ruth McCall Feby 6, 1845

Chas W. Moore & Sarah Treber Feby 7, 1850


Chas W. Moore was baptized in infancy

Wm H. Moore was baptized by Rev E.H. Field Oct 27, 1851

Albert O. Moore was baptized by Wm Simmons Apr 11, 1853

Charley T. Moore was baptized by Sam Bateman July 23, 1854

Joseph C. Moore was baptized by B.P. Wheat Sept 14, 1856

Ruth Moore was baptized by I.F. Wright July 24, 1846

Sarah Moore was baptized by D. Spohn Jany 24, 1840

Jesse Herndon Moore was baptized by R.N. Morse June 27, 1858

Oliver Moore was baptized by E. Ransom Feby 10, 1861

Mary Louise Moore was baptized by B.E. Swarts Mch 5, 1865

Florence Moore was baptized by B.C. Swarts Aug 26, 1866


Chas W. Moore & Sally Treber were married at Lick Fork, Adams Co, by Rev Mr Allgood Feby 7, 1850

Oliver T. Moore joined the Methodist Church at 8 yrs old, Florence at 8, Louise 10, Joe at 11, Herndon 90 years. Much of record in entered in tables 454-5 & 482-3

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Oak Hill May 14, 1927 1:50 PM

Yesterday's "Morning Herald" announced the death of Miss Matilda Hostetler (Wilson fam desc.) aged 76 yrs on Thursday morning at 4 o'c in the Uniontown, Hospital May 12, 1927. Says she was born Oct 27, 1851 daughter of Joseph & Anna Lecky Hostetler of German Tp. Says she is survived by two nephews, Lindsey & Jasper Fretts & two nieces, Alice Fretts Walters & Georgianna Core McCormick. She was a member of the First Pres Ch. Funeral from home of Wm M. McCormick Jr Maurice ST, Saturday 14th 2 PM this hour & it is raining. Burial in St Jacobs Lutheran Cem German Tp.

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A 4 page letter dated May 10, 1927 in answer to mine of 2d inst from Mrs Grace Greenwood Gallaher of Wenona, Marshall Co, Ills see page 239 & 456 & book 7 p 145-7 who sends in another envelope, large, a 25 page closely written 6 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches letter giving her grandmother's descendants & after checking the births of her ggf Alexander Thompson's children, bk 7 p 145-7, I will start a table for her grandmother's children on page 457 of this book. She says she does not know William Efner's address but thinks I should write to a member of her Uncle Dean Efner's family at Albany, Whiteside Co, Ills as William had two half sisters & two half brothers. Am writing.

She says all of Elizabeth Thompson's six children (sister of her grandmother see book 7 p 147) are dead, also her grandchildren except Milo C. Miller, Erie RFD route 1 Whiteside Co, Ills. However, Joseph Miller, husband of Elizabeth Thompson has four grandchildren living descd fr his 1st wife. Says I will stand a better chance of getting a satisfactory reply by writing to Mrs Lydia Sailhammer Nevit of Albany, Ills. Milo has such a big estate to look after & so much business & his wife & baby take so much of his time, he might not reply. She was at Milo's house 2 yrs ago & he had many likenesses he got from his Uncle Sam & much regretted the loss of the old Miller bible giving 5 or 6 generations when his mother's house burned down. He said Sam was rushing in determined to save it, but friends held him back knowing it was death to go in. Am writing Mrs Nevit. Milo inherited his gf's Miller's old homestead

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from his Uncle Samuel who never married & loved Milo best. Should you need data in regard to Uncle Moses Thompson's family, write to Ezekiel Thompson of Fulton, Ills (Have already written). He is so proud he is a Thompson & thinks he knows a lot about them.

It will be 60 yrs next Nov since I came to my present home when my parents with their children moved in from the farm here. I have 6 acres on the edge of town, Wenona, Marshall Co (go see her, make slip) the county line between Marshall & LaSalle Co is the road running North & south before my place. Our P.O. has always been Wenona, Ills. I took care of my mother for 19 yrs after my father's death & she left the home to sister Elizabeth & I. I bought Elizabeth's half, so I have owned it 22 yrs. It is dear to me as I have lived here since I was 9 yrs old. Asks abt location of Uniontown & says she was in Va yrs & yrs ago when she spent a summer in Pa.

She sends me the record of Alexander Thompson's family see page 456 & also book 7 p 145-7 which she says is taken "from an old, old family bible" evidently that of Alexr Thompson & the birth of his wife Sarah Scroggs as Jany 14, 1782 which I had as Feby 15, 1783 see bk 7 p 145. See bk 21 p 192. Am inclined to consider the 1782 date correct. She says their first child born Feby 1, 1801 only lived a few hours, dying same day. They were married in Newville, Pa. This record gives date of birth of Elizabeth 8th child as Aug 2, 1815 while I have it in book 7 p 147 July 26,1815 a week earlier. She has the youngest

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child as born & died July 10, 1825 (probably correct) which I have born July 16, 1825. All of the others are same as I have them.

She says she went through her ggf's old stone house when she spent the summer of 1882 in Pa.

She gives Hugh's death Apr 14, 1864. I have Apr 4, 1864

She gives Elizabeth Thompson Miller's death as Oct 14, 1867. I have Oct 16, 1867

She gives John S. Thompson's death as July 31, 1883. I have it July 30, 1883

She says Rachel, John, Alexander, Hugh, Elizabeth, Sarah, Margaret, Moses & the last babe all are buried in the cemetery at Newton, Whiteside Co, Ills. I have been at the grave of each & every one of them.

Of my great Uncles & Aunts, I only knew Uncle John. I loved him & Aunt Margaret. She was such a dear fat old lady. I loved her too. Mrs Gallaher's father, James B. Work was son of James Work & wife Margaret Orr. James Work was a Scotchman & came to America with his brothers John & William, the latter being the grandfather of Dr Hubert Work Secy of the Interior. Margaret Orr was from Belfast, Ireland. Both families located in Cumberland Co, Pa where my father was my mother's first school teacher. The Works moved from Cumb Co, Pa to Ills in 1836 locating on Crow Creek, Marshall Co. James B. work had married Mary Ann Murphy, had five children & she died in 1852. He went up to Whiteside Co to see the Millers & Thompsons & courted Sarah Anna Miller so intensely that she married him. Mrs Gallaher's

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husband was an officer in the Pres Church for years, also Supt of the Pres S.S. & taught the bible class. Was a fine looking grand man. He had a stroke of apoplexy in Feby 1915 became helpless & lingered for 5 yrs & 10 mos. She was his second wife.

Albert H. Hudelson who married David Eddy Work's daughter see page 457 is of Modesto, Calif where his son was born & probably his daughter. He is a very prosperous & good man.

Thomas Jefferson Marshall see page 520 was a member of the Pres Ch a fine man & well off & was a Mason & a Democrat & a loyal devoted husband. He was buried in the Newton Cem.

She says John Wister, see page 520 died the last of the year 1916 & is buried at Colorado Springs, Colo. His widow then married for her second husband, Alonzo A. Stokes, ex husband of her decd cousin Edith Marshall


1st Gen Alexander & Sarah A. Scroggs Thompson's children born 12, grew up, 10

2d Gen. Rachel E. Thompson & Samuel Miller children born 9, grew up 6

3d Gen. Sarah A. Miller & James B. Work children born 7, living now 1927 6

4th Gen. Mary T. Work & Arthur L. Tuner children born 3 living now 2

Margaret L. Work & J.F. Browne children born 2, living 0

David E. Work & wife Mattie, children born 2 living 2

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Harriet P. Work & W.E. Mouser children born 2, living 2

5th Gen Glenn Work Hudleson }

Grace Alberta Hudleson } 3, living 3

William Clifford Hudleson}

Total 31 living.

3d Gen. Lewis F. Miller & Margaret L. Blean children born 5, living in 1927 4

4th Gen. Grandchildren born 7, living in 1927 6

5th Gen 0

3d Gen. Mary Miller Marshall & Joseph H. Marshall children born 8, living now 3

4th Gen. grandchildren born 9, living now 8

5th Gen gggchildren [sic] born 4, living 4

3d Gen. Rachel E. Miller & Wm A. Marshall children born 3, living 0

4th Gen grandchildren born 3, living 3

3d Gen John H. Miller & Martha E. Miller, children born 4, living 3

4th Gen Grandchildren born 1, living 1

5th Gen 0

Total living 32

Only 63 descendants from the original 10 isn't a very good showing is it. Do you know T.A.L. Thompson of Steubenville, O. He wrote me in 1899 asking me for certain facts pertaining to the Thompsons. Later he sent me his picture which I still have. He is a mighty good looking young man. I'd like to know what became of him (He was born Aug 17, 1864 & died unmarried of tuberculosis at El Paso, Texas Sept 25, 1909) If I've omitted anything you wd like to know ask me. I can probably answer.

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[descendant chart]

Mary Miller born Oct 19, 1833 married Joseph Huston Marshall see page 457. In her Aug 29, 1927 she calls him Joseph Huston Marshall & gives date of his death 1905 instead of 1906 see page 457. They had 8 children born in Whiteside Co, Ills near Albany, Ills. He was a Democrat & a 33d Degree Mason. They moved to Kansas in 1882. His gf John Marshall came from Co Tyrone, Ireland in 1775 & served in the Revolutionary War.


Thomas Jefferson Marshall b Sept 18, 1856 married Dec 21, 1880 Edith Shook born Nov 3, 1859 at Cordova, Ills daughter of James C. Shook & wife Sarah Daily. Have 4 children born in Whiteside Co, Ills. He died Sept 14, 1920 at his home Prophetstown, Ill where his widow lives on the farm.

Fred H. Marshall b Sept 27, 1882 married Feby 26, 1918 at Wimbleton N.D. to Geraldine Berlin b June 16, 1890 at Wimbledon N.Dak. ob May 12, 1922 fr influenza at Marietta, O daughter of Dalus [sic] Berlin & wife Cora Dinsmoor. Have one child born in Newton Tp W. Co Ills. Then then moved to Marietta O & went in this father-in-law's bank as a partner. She is buried at Marietta, O.

Robert Hale Marshall b June 4, 1921

Ralph Marshall b May 15, 1885 married Oct 4, 1910 Nina Devers Crocker born Sept 16, 1890 daughter of Freeman Crocker & wife Plunia Mickle. He is a farmer & lives adjg his mother, raises fine hogs & cattle, fattens & ships them. Have two children born in Whiteside Co, Ills. Nina was born in Fulton, Ills

Marion Arlene Marshall b Feby 4, 1914

Clifford Thomas Marshall b Nov 12, 1924

Robert Shook Marshall b June 27, 1895 ob July 1, 1902 at Erie, Ills & buried at Newton Tp Cem.

Damon Marshall b Oct 10, 1897 at home with his mother & is single.

Sarah Anna Marshall b Dec 18, 1858 married Dec 6, 1900 T.J. Kingsbury of Asotin, Wash being his 2d wife. He was born Oct 14, 1856 & died Jany 30, 1922 aged 65 yrs at Asotin, Wash where she lives which is 8 miles fr Lewiston, Idaho. She was born in Whiteside Co, Ills. He was son of Thos Kingsbury & wife Ann Wales & was a ranch man. She was a teacher in Kansas & Wash. He was born in Centerville, Iowa. No issue.

Daisy Jane Marshall, b Mch 20, 1861 married Sept 4, 1888 at Holton Kan Wm G. Thompson, "no relation whatever to our Thompsons" who was born Nov 16, 1864 at Holton, Kansas son of John Ramey Thompson & wife Jane Pryce Thompson both natives of Ky. They went shortly after marriage to Rogersburg, Washington. They have 4 children born at the 1st one in Jackson Co, Kansas & the other three in Columbia Co, Wash. He had a ranch of over 1000 A & died at his home near Rogersburg, Wash Jany 16, 1913 & was buried at. She lives at Rogersburg Asotin Wash, Wash His middle name was Granville.

Elizabeth Mildred Thompson b Dec 20, 1889 married Dec 14, 1917 at Clarkston, Wash to Rudolph J. Haberman born Feby 19, 1884 at Seattle Wash son of August Haberman, an Austrian & wife Anna Liavoner of Germany. See b 25 p 535.

Max Granville Thompson b Aug 16, 1891, after his father's death he was camp tender for a big sheep outfit & had in his charge 14 bands of 1200 sheep each. Married March 4, 1916 at Rogersburg, Wash, Miss Marian Florence Seaman b May 27, 1894 daughter of Fredk Chas Seaman & Florence Adella Tunnicliffe. Have 3 children. Live Kamiah, Idaho.

1. Charlotte Maxine Thompson B Oct 12, 1916 in Lewiston, Idaho

2. Constance Jeanne Thompson b Nov 11, 1918 in Clarkston, Wash

3. Wilma Kathyrn Thompson b June 14, 1927 in Lewiston, Idaho Hospital see b 22 p 44

Edith Marshall Thompson b June 16, 1894 well educated was a teacher & married Mch 14, 1927 at Lewiston, Idaho Ben F. White.

Karl G. Thompson b Nov 2, 1898 enlisted early in World War & went overseas. Is now an airman in the government employ. Thinks he is still single. Lives Pierce Idaho, recently married. Married Sept 29, 1926 Seattle, Wash to Rose Bardino b Feby 2, 1897

John Mieter Marshall [son of Joseph Huston Marshall] b June 10, 1863 ob Oct 1, 1889 at Colfax, Wash & is buried there, unmarried.

Son b Dec 21, 1865 lived but 12 hours buried at Newton Tp Cemetery.

Mary Ruth Marshall b Mch 24, 1867 married 1 Dec 21, 1892 at her home near Holton, Ks to John A. Wister born June 27, 1866 at Holton, Kansas son of Geo W. Wister & wife Pauline Isabel Wyant. Have had 2 children born at Cascade, Col where the oldest one also died & is buried. He died Aug 15, 1896. She married 2d Oct 25, 1900 Alonzo A. Stokes see next page. No issue.

Gertrude Wister b May 23, 1893 ob July 23, 1893

Harold Raymond Wister b Aug 1, 1896. He is an expert machinist & an engineer on the D & R.G. RR headquarters at Salida Colorado. Married there Apr 4, 1922 Marie Margaret Gibson born Mch 30, 1900 at Mo daughter of Francis Gibson & wife Dora Christina Kinney. No issue. See b 23 p 334

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[descendant chart]

Rachel Elizabeth Miller born Mch 19, 1837 married William Armstrong Marshall see page 457. He was of Irish descent. His grandfather came to this country from Ireland during the Revolutionary War & enlisted in the Continental Army, one of his treasures was the discharge of his Father (she certainly means his gf) signed by Washington. His parents moved to Va when he was a small boy, then to Rock Island Co, Ills then as stated before, he moved to Kansas in 1873. In March 25, 1902, he married 2d Miss Mary Leonard. In 1903, he moved to Circleville, Kan where for 2 yrs he was President of the State bank there. In 1905, he moved to Topeka, Kan where he lived until he died. He was brother of Joseph Hadden Marshall on the preceding page & son of Isaiah Hadden Marshall & his wife Jane Bryson & grandson of Capt John Marshall. On June 3, 1925 She married a Simmons after his death & lives at Mankato, Kan. His name Saml S. Simmons. They had 3 children born in Rock Island Co, Ills. The discharge above noted was given to John Marshall a nephew now, Nov 11, 1927 living at Salem, Oregon. Mrs S.S. Simmons says Mr Marshall gave the old family bible which contains many events to his grandchildren & to write Mrs Ruth Stokes, see to the left [see below] at 2302 Grand Ave West Colorado Springs, Colo


Samuel M. Marshall b Feby 15, 1861 ob Apr 3, 1861

Lewis Frederick Marshall b Apr 6, 1862 ob Jany 26, 1884 at Colton, Calif of quick consumption. Buried at Holton, Kan. Unmarried.

Edith Jane Marshall b June 2, 1864 ob Dec 7, 1897 very suddenly while sitting in her chair & is buried in the Cemetery at Holton Kan. She married Feby 2, 1887 Alonzo A. Stokes born Dec 25, 1862 at Holton Kan, son of Winfred P. Stokes & wife Mary Elizabeth Hammon. Had 3 children all born at Friendship Hill" the home farm of their gf Wm A. Marshall 6 1/2 East of Holton, Kan on Oct25, 1902, he married 2d her cousin Ruth Elizabeth Marshall widow of John Wister see preceding page to the left.

Frederick William Stokes b May 6, 1888 married June 10, 1924 at her home Norwood, Colo Leona Margaret Bement b Mch 26, 1905 at Norwood., daughter of Homer D. Bement & his wife Eunice Langdon. No issue.

Grace Elizabeth Stokes b Mch 17, 1891 single lives in Los Angeles, Calif & is cashier in the jewelry dept of J.W. Robinson's dept store, the biggest in the city. She is nice & honorable & I like her.

John Paul Stokes, b Dec 29, 1894 married Oct 2, 1923 Ruby Elnora Leech at her home in Norwood, Colo. The two Stokes brothers run a big ranch located on a high mesa surrounded by mountains. The LaSalle range of Mts on the west in Utah is snow covered the year round, the Blue Mts are on the East & the Cove on the south. The nearest RR is at Pheerville Colo 26 miles. Norwood is a nice little town 6 miles from "Pleasant View Ranch" the name of their place, a beautiful one & the scenery is magnificently grand & oh, the sunsets are divine. "I visited them a month". The above young people have no children. Can't tell what the future will bring. She was born May 18, 1904 daughter of Elijah Leech & wife Anna Laura Howell.

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[descendant chart]

John Henry Miller born Aug 12, 1843 see page 457 familiarly called "Jack". The satisfaction of having done his duty in 3 yrs service in Civil War was glory enough for him. He lived all his life in Whiteside Co, Ill on a part of the old farm in Newton Tp married Nov 20, 1873 at Newton Tp W. Co, Ills to Martha Ellen Wadsworth born Feby 2d, 1854 near Grand Detour, Ills but in Lee Co & died at her Newton Tp home June 19, 1919. She was a member of the Pres Ch & always an active loyal worker. He died at same home from chronic heart & kidney trouble May 19, 1912. Both buried in Newton Cem adjg their farm. She was daughter of Lawson L. Wadsworth & wife Katherine Gladden. Had four children born on the old farm. He was highly respected by all.


Kathryne Maude Miller b Sept 16, 1875 married Feby 18, 1904 in Newton Tp W. Co Ills. Hugh M. Hawk. He was born Dec 6, 1878 in Newton Tp Whiteside Co, Ills son of Hiram S. Hawk & wife Clara A. McCall. He is of good family prosperous, a Republican & an Elder in Pres Ch. He sold his farm & bought her father's old farm & put in a heating & electric light plant. They adopted a little boy ten yrs ago whose name is Charles Hawk. His name is Hugh McCall Hawk.

Jesse Lewis Miller b May 9, 1877 married Nov 26, 1919 at Moline, Ills Martha Anna Pollard a Catholic born Nov 6, 1888 in Newton Tp W. Co, Ills daughter of James Pollard & wife Ellen Fahey. He has a good position owns a nice home in Moline & is a Democrat like all the Millers.

Ruth Marjory Miller b Sept 26, 1885 married Jany 18, 1913 in Newton Tp W. Co Ills Fred A. Slocum of Rock Island, Ills born Jany 12, 1883 at Albany Ills son of Lyman Slocum & his wife Mina Hudson. His middle name is Anthony. He is a boss carpenter & contractor, a devout Pres & S.S. worker & a Republican, was overseas in the World War & got back the last of June 1919. Have an only child born in the Rock Island Ill Hospital

John Lyman Slocum b Nov 20, 1926

Clayton Miller b Apr 20, 1890 only lived a few hours.

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Oak Hill May 16, 1927 12:35 PM

A letter dated May 9, 1927 from Mrs Dora E. Gunnett of 709 W. Comwlth Ave, Fullerton, Calif & at a meeting that day at the Placentia Library of the D.A.R. she met a Mrs Bennie who contemplated joining who said her husband's mother's maiden name was Jack & they came from Scotland. Am writing her for fuller information. Mr & Mrs Bennie live at Placentia Calif a little town east of Fullerton.

She spoke of meeting Mrs Oliver Bailey, librarian who I met in Dec 1922.

She says Mr Bennie's mother is now in Mexico but is expected there on a visit. Mr Bennie served in the World War with the Canadian troops.

She says Mrs Archinal of 1527 Yale Ave N.W. Canton, O thought her ancestor Nancy Jack daughter of John was a sister of Mrs Gunnett's ggf (but she wasn't). Her line was John Jack, his daughter Nancy married Dr James Power, Susan Power married Presley Hurst.

James Power Hurst married Amanda Anderson. Mary Christine Hurst married H.L. Archinal. Make slip with this line. I have slip, but it may not give St number. Mr A. said her Aunt Ray told her that her ggggf [sic] married Dr John Finley but whether he was the father of John Jack's wife she didn't know.

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A letter dated May 9, 1927 from Mrs Geo R. Cover No 18 4th St Steelton, Pa see bk 17 p 395 sends a clipping giving the address of Mr & Mrs James B. Carruthers 1315 State ST. Harrisburg, Pa to whom I am writing today. These are the parents of Rev Caruthers of State college, Pa & they have a son in Calif, doing missionary work & their daughter Mrs Gordon Proteat is at Shanghai College, Shanghai College.

A letter dated May 5, 1927 from Mrs Mildred Finley 935 E. 52d ST Los Angeles Calif says they will surely want one of the books of the Finley family history "unless the price should be prohibitive which I hardly expect"

A letter dated May 3, 1927 from Miss Florence Moore, Deaconess Hospital, Spokane, Wash says she is going to Newport, Minn early in June & will then answer my questions when she sees the records there.

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A letter dated May 6, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 22d from Thos W. Odle aged 83 of Ridgeville, Ind see page 206 says his answer has been delayed on account of sickness & an accident to his son Elmer aged 59 who fell 30 ft from a windmill derrick & received very serious injuries. He undertakes to answer my 20 questions on the backs of my two page letter which I am noting at page 206 & here. He says the relative who failed to find the records he thought he had, but has not yet found them is Charles Mendenhall of this place. Make slip. He says he has a tombstone ready to place now at his father's grave. He died 78 yrs ago. [this may be 18 yrs ago with a slip of the pen giving it a 7 look]

He gives Miss Irma Wilmore, Sidney, O as daughter of his half brother, David H. Wilmore. Make slip to go see her. See page 206. Get also record of her Uncle John Wilmore Dayton, O. They don't know the relationship of her gf Fredk Waltz to Daniel Waltz who married Elizabeth Kramer. He says they have one of the Waltz books that were published by the Reformed Pub Co, Dayton, O in 1884 but don't know where I could buy one. Make slip to see if that Pub Co is still in existence in Dayton, O. He says his stepfather Harrison Wilmore's first wife was Sarah Jack. See page 206 younger sister of his mother, but he does not know the date of her death nor place of her burial, nor the dates of birth or death of her son Willis Wilmore. Ask Irma Wilmore at Sidney, O if she has his bible.

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It seems from page 207 that his mother's sister, Fannie J. Jack married an Abbott. He says: "Fannie Abbott died many years ago. I know nothing of the son". Make slip to trace them at Muncie. Look for wills or estates or g.y.

He says his Aunt Delilah Jack married Abraham Vandoren see page 206 & lived at Springfield, Ills I know no further. Make slip to hunt wills or tombstones. He says his Aunt Nancy (couldn't be that Nannie & Fannie are confused) Jack married a man named Burgett & his Aunt Mary Jane an Adsitt & Fannie Abbott was their daughter. Look also for Adsitt or Adset at Muncie. He doesn't know the address of the descendants of Marion Jack, son of his Uncle John. He says Rosa, his Uncle John's daughter is living at the old Jack home near Ridgeville, Ind. Name Mrs Amos Heston. Have written her. Reported in failing health. Go there quick if I don't get answer. The address of his Uncle Newton's son Robt Willis Jack is Geneva, Ind see p 209. He didn't know addresses of his son John & daughter Margaret but I had gotten them see pages 209 & 210

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A letter dated Mch 4, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 26, from Mrs Cora Kilgore Ex or separated from her husband Robert Kilgore who she said was only 30 yrs old & they only lived together 3 yrs now of 44 Riverdale St, Dayton, O.

She says she can give as far back as 1791 in relation to her ex-husband's people back to his father's great grandfather & mother where & when born, when died & derivation of name etc & as she will have to go out of city & pay RR fare, her charges will be $25 to which I am assenting if she gives above with places of residence.

See book 21 p 346.

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[descendant chart]

Robert B. Kilgore born Feby 12, 1791 ob June 11, 1877 born & died in Scott Co, Va. married Elizabeth Gray b Nov 5, 1800 ob July 14, 1875 at Nickelsville, Scott Co, Va.


James Porter Kilgore also born in Scott Co, Va b May 6, 1818 ob Mch 13, 1896 married Nov 16, 1836 to Mary Nickels born July 1, 1819 ob May 10, 1899 both of Va. She was daughter of James Nickels b Apr 14, 1788 ob Sept 18, 1869 & his wife Virginia Matney of Tayewell, Va. B May 22, 1780 ob May 22, 1855. They had six children that she reports all sons, I wonder if there were any daughters. Three of the sons died within a week from a diptheria epidemic. They lived in Va. Yes, had an unnamed daughter that died at birth.

Robert Henderson Kilgore b Sept 23, 1838 married 1 Zerilda Crow, 3 children, married 2 Addie Roberts 1 child, married 3 Irene Elstone. He lives at Catlettsburg, Ky. Go see him quick

Mae Kilgore

June Kilgore

Fannie Kilgore

Blanche Kilgore

James Anderson Kilgore, B June 30, 1841 ob Mch 13, 1918 married 1 Mollie Farmer, 6 children, married 2 Rosena Scott. He died at Catlettsburg, Ky

Clara Kilgore

Frank Kilgore

Harry Kilgore

Minnie Kilgore

Birdie Kilgore

Ada Kilgore

Samuel Patton Kilgore b May 7, 1844 ob Dec 31, 1862

Mathias Kilgore b June 17, 1846 ob Dec 26, 1862

Noah Larkin Kilgore b Apr 6, 1851 ob Dec 25, 1862

Columbus Courtlan Kilgore b Apr 18, 1856 married Sept 23, 1891 to Della Monroe Smith born Apr 4, 1870 at Clintwood, Va daughter of Ethan Allen Smith & wife Jennie Mullens. Both living at Prichard, Wayne Co, WVA which adjoins Boyd Co, Ky where his brother Robt H. lives at Catlettsburg, Ky. Go quick to see both. They have 7 children.

Frank Kilgore

Robert James Kilgore married Dec 31, 1917 to Cora Hensley born 1878 in Huntington WVa daughter of Andrew Jackson Hensley & wife Amanda Retta Roberts & divorced Oct 20, 1920 at at Dayton, O. No issue. She my informant for this record. He is now Road Foreman for Ohio Bell Tel Co & lives at Springfield, O.

Mae Kilgore

Asa Kilgore

Ida Gray Kilgore

Paul Kilgore

Russell Kilgore

V20 Page 530

A letter dated Feby 28, 1927 in answer to mine of Sept 16, 1926 rtd & reforwarded in Jany to another address from William Howard Walker now of 46th & Walnut ST, Phila Pa see book 17 p 302. I am giving what I didn't have of his record with full names of his children with dates, properly arranged below rather than interline change & crowd the record on book 17 p 302-3 see also pages 84 & 93 this book.

He says his sister Mary Catherine Walker married Alexander W. Pomeroy & died May 3, 1901. I have it 1902. See book 17 p 302. His own record book 17 p 302.

William Howard Walker born Aug 7, 1865, married Dec 22, 1887 Margaret Witherow Elliott of Matal, Franklin Co, Pa born Jany 9, 1866 daughter of Francis Elliott of Path Valley, Pa & his wife. They have 3 children, the oldest born in Fannettsburg, Pa & the other two in Chambersburg, Pa

1. Alexander Lynn Walker born Dec 25, 1888

2. Helen Elliott Walker born Oct 12, 1891

3. John Howard Walker born May 27, 1895

1. Alexander Lynn Walker married Jany 14, 1922 Sue Stewart of Wilkesbarre Pa [sic]. Both living at 4033 Walnut St, Phila, Pa. No issue.

V20 Page 531

2. Helen Elliott Walker married July 18, 1916 William Leighton Scott born at Altoona, Pa Nov 6, 1886. They live at 745 Hamilton Ave, Lorain O & have one child.

1. William Leighton Scott Jr born May 21, 1923

3. John Howard Walker married May 18, 1918 Grace Valentine of Phila, Pa born Mch 17, 1893. Both living at 46 & Walnut St Phila, Pa. No issue.

Says he wishes a copy of my book if published & says his father had manuscript of his family ready for publication when he died carrying them back to Scotland, England & Ireland but in some way it got destroyed.

V20 Page 532

Oak Hill, May 17, 1927 12:40 AM

A letter dated Feby 27, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 7 from Clem L. Jack 452 So 8th W. Salt Lake City, Utah sends three pages of Genealogical tables giving certain of the heirs of his ggf Adam Jack. He says all the data given is from the Jack bible printed 1856 which he judges to have been the property of his gf Wm L. Jack. AS to the Hist back to Pa, he has none other than what he shows which is nothing as to Penna.

When the records are completed, he wants a book, if price is not prohibitive. He says there are a number of Jacks in this town, Mormons, very prominent. Says will see them & get their dope, as it is a cinch, they have it. They are formerly from Penna & will forward same to you ie me. Undoubtedly they are from the same line. He gives the addresses of his sisters as follows:

Mrs E. Clark, Mrs R.E. Robinson #3813 45th Ave S.W. Seattle, Wash.

At Lebanon, O look up marriage license of Adam Jack & Hannah Lee & also for will of her father. My tombstone records where she is buried may give his name & his wife's.

The bible gives no other heirs of Adam

V20 Page 533

Jack but his son Wm L. but I have others & in the table, I am entering the name of his son Thomas on page 212.

V20 Page 534

Among the death notices in the Morning Herald yesterday was that of:

Mrs Martha Matilda Moore aged 84 yrs 4 mos & 5 days who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs Joseph Antram of Ralph, Sunday afternoon May 15, 1927 at 1:45 o'c following a short illness of pneumonia. She was the widow of Geo C. Moore. She is survived by four children:

Mrs Sarah J. Gadd, McClellandtown Road

Mrs Joseph Antram of Ralph

Newton Moore of Brownsville

& Frank Moore of New Salem

Also two brothers survive:

I.N. Jeffries of Plymouth, Ills

& Wm Jeffries of Eureka, Calif

Fifteen grandchildren & fifteen great grandchildren also survive. Funeral Tuesday afternoon (today) at 2 o'c fr Mrs Antram's & cortege will then go to the Pres Ch for services with burial in the Church cemetery.

V20 Page 535

A letter dated Apr 26, 1927 in answer to mine of Mch 27, from Mrs George H. Pinney of 752 S. Mariposa St, Los Angeles, Calif see page 276 see also book 11 page 400. She is the granddaughter of Rev John C. Brooke of Eaton, O & his wife who was the only child of Rev James B. Finley. She says she will be glad to give me all the help she can. Says she can give her gf Brooke's family of eleven children. Says if I want to carry it beyond that, she can give most all of the next two generations, so I will table what she is giving on the next two pages & write to her for the further records. She finds from some notes of her father Wm McKendree Brooke that Rev James B. Finley had a brother Robert Wilkes see book 11 p 401, so she thinks that was his father's name. She sees from my letter that I am a little more than a year younger than she is. She says she don't know who has the bible of her Uncle Chas F. Brooke but says to write to his son Thomas A. Brooke 423 Wrightwood, Ave Chicago, Ills who might know. Am writing him. The record as she has it is given in the table which follows.

V20 Page 536 & V20 Page 537

[descendant chart]

Rev James Finley born July 1, 1781 & died Sept 6, 1857 see book 11 page 400 & book 19 pages 100-1. His wife Hannah Strain was daughter of Thomas Strain & wife Eliza

[their daughter]

Elizabeth H. Finley only child see his will book 19 p 100-1 born Dec 20, 1801 & died Sept 28, 1863 near Eaton, O. Her granddaughter, Mrs Geo H. Pinney speaks of her as Eliza Hughy & says she was born in Hillsboro, O Married July 20, 1819 Rev John Carrington Brooke born June 3, 1792 at Williamsport, Md ob Oct 25, 1866 at Cincinnati, O. They had eleven children, the first nine born at Ridgeville, Warren Co, O the next one at Germantown, O & the last one on a farm near Germantown, O. He was son of Charles Brooke born in Ireland Sept 14, 1750 ob Sept 13, 1846 (his father was a younger brother of Lord Brooke of Ireland) & his wife Catherine _____ born June 3, 1762 in N.C. Married Sept 14, 1788 ob May 3, 1818


James Bowles Brooke b Dec 14, 1820 ob June 20, 1868 at Cincinnati, O. Married 1 Feby 29, 1844 at Dalton, Ind Margaret Fisher, b at Hagerstown, Ind Apr 25, 1826 & died at Phila Pa Sept 25, 1864. Married 2d June 6, 1865 Cornelia Souder [Sonder?] b At Bridgetown? NY Oct 2, 1840 & married in Phila, Pa. Had 2 children by 1st wife born at Hagerstown, Ind & Castine, O respectively & one by 2d wife born at Phila, Pa see page 540

Charles Finley Brooke b Nov 17, 1822 ob Sept 8, 1902 at Chicago, Ills Married 1st Oct 15, 1846 at Winchester, O to Susan A. Mathews b at Balto Md Feby 21, 1827 ob Nov 3, 1872 at Eaton, O. Married 2d Aug 26, 1873 at Cincin, O Mary E. Martin b Mch 11, 1847 & ob Dec 29, 1903 at San Diego, Calif daughter of ______ Martin & wife Malinda Skinner See page 538 & book 21 pages 184-5. Mary Emma Martin was born at Moorefield, Harrison Co, O. He had 9 children by 1st wife & five by wife the first 4 born at Castine, O the next 5 in Cin O & last 5 at Eaton, O.

Catherine Rebecca Brooke b Dec 22, 1824 ob Dec 4, 1917 at Montclair, NJ married Apr 2, 1840 at Eaton, O Bazey Eli [best guess] Taylor b in Germantown, O Apr 9, 1819 ob Jany 17, 1891 at Brooklyn, NY son of Christopher Taylor & wife Elizabeth Emerich. Had six children, the first two born in Montgomery Co, O the next two at Hagerstown, Ind the 5th at Eaton, O & 6th at Logansport, Ind. See page 540

Hannah Marie Brooke b Feby 3, 1827 ob Nov 19, 1917 married June 17, 1847 at Eaton, O Andrew J. Clawson b Oct 20, 1822 in Preble Co, O ob Nov 18, 1871 at Cin, O. Had 4 children the first two born at West Alexandria, O the 3d At Edwardsville, Ill & the 4th at Cin, O. See b 22 p 86

Eliza Jane Brooke b May 2, 1829 ob Sept 15, 1854 near Eaton, O married May 13, 1852 at Eaton, O Isaac Maroney, ob. Had one child born at Cin, O. Mrs Pinney says she can't get his record.

Leonidas Merony [sic] b July 11, 1853 ob Sept 18, 1854 at Eaton, O.

Sarah Ann Brooke b Sept 14, 1831 ob Dec 13, 1890 at Browntown, Wis married May 10, 1850 at Eaton O John V. Roberts b May 6, 1825 in Preble Co, O ob Mch 1, 1902 at South Wayne, Me son of Isaac Roberts & wife Christine Banta [best guess] Had 7 children all born in Green Co, Wis see bk 22 p 88

William McKendree Brooke b Jany 11, 1834 ob July 20, 1914 at Los Angeles, Calif. He was father of my informant, married Dec 28, 1852 at Eaton, O Ellen Elizabeth Hoffman b June 1, 1833 t Doylestown, Pa ob June 14, 1911 at Los Angeles, Calif daughter of Emanuel Little Hoffman & wife Amy Tulper Rake. Had four children, the oldest & youngest born at Cincin, O & the other two at St Louis, MO. See book 22 page 90

Clifford Neff Wayne Brooke, b Mch 20, 1836 ob June 20, 1923 at Los Angeles, Calif, married Mch 28, 1853 at Eaton, O James H. Fleming b at Eaton O Dec 5, 1829 ob Apr 6, 1889 at Cincin, O son of Levi Fleming & wife Jane Neal. Had 4 children born at Eaton, O.

Dora Clifford Fleming b Sept 14, 1856 ob Nov 8, 1857 at Eaton, O

Carrington Brooke Fleming b Dec 18, 1858 ob Nov 6, 1889 at Cincin, O Married Mch 8, 1883 at Newton, Iowa, Sadie J. Connely born Apr 17, 1857 & died.

Eliza Hughey Fleming b July 8, 1861 ob July 9, 1861 at Eaton, O

William McK Brooke Fleming b June 2, 1867 & still living, married Nov 5, 1890 at Mt Auburn Lisette Meyer. Divorced. Had two children born at Cin, O

Spencer Brooke Fleming b Jany 4, 1904 living

Clifford Lee Fleming b Sept 30, 1905

John Carrington Brooke Jr b Sept 13, 1838 ob Aug 4, 1915 at Huntington WVA married 1st Feby 27, 1862 at Phila, Pa Maria Louise Supplee born in Pottsville, Pa Feby 25, 1844 & ob May 18, 1913 at Huntington, WVA daughter of Abram W. Supplee & wife Emily Meyer. Married 2d Feby 20, 1915 Mary McKenna. Had 3 children by 1st wife, the oldest one born at St Louise, Mo & the other two at Eaton, O. See bk 22 p 87

Thomas Morris Brooke b June 23, 1841 ob Oct 4, 1864 at Corinth, Tenn while in Civil War. Accidentally killed by a friend. Unmarried.

Asbury Young Brooke b May 19, 1844 ob Dec 3, 1865 near Eaton, O unmarried.

V20 Page 538 & V20 Page 539

[descendant chart]

Charles Finley Brooke born Nov 17, 1822 ob Sept 8, 1902 see page 536


Benjamin Franklin Brooke b Feby 20, 1849 ob Mch 6, 1849 at Castine, O John Finley Brooke b Feby 20, 1849 ob Mch 14, 1849 at Castine, O

Lizzie Mathews Brooke b Aug 2, 1850 ob Nov 11, 1879 married at Eaton, O Andrew Simpson Thompson born Dec 24, 1844. No issue. She is buried at Hartwell, Hamilton Co, O on his lot where he no doubt is buried. The bible says she died of typhoid fever at Indianapolis, Ind.

William McKendree Brooke b Jany 28, 1853 ob Sept 11, 1855 at Cincinnati, O

Charles Finley Brooke Jr b Mch 21, 1857 ob May 24, 1919 at Dayton, O married Aug 28, 1888 at Eaton, O to Mary Van Ansdal Gould born May 22, 1858 at Eaton, O daughter of Levi Gallain Gould from Carlisle, Pa & his wife Emeline Van Ansdale. No issue. He was Vice Pres of the Eaton, O Natl Bank when he died.

James Frank Brooke b Nov 21, 1859 ob Dec 31, 1860 at Cincinnati, O

Edward Mathews Brooke b Nov 21, 1859 ob Dec 29, 1904 at Marion, Md Married Oct 20, 1881 at Kingston, Md Cora B. Turpin b Apr 7, 1864 at Kingston, Md. He was buried at St Pauls Cem. She is daughter of Alfred I. Turpin & his wife Aurelian Ann Beauchamp. Have 3 children, the oldest one born at Kingston, Md & the next two at Marion, Md.

Charles Alfred Brooke b Mch 19, 1883 married May 31, 1913 at Harrisburg, Pa Mary Ella Plasteau.

Mary Alleine Brooke B Aug 19, 1917 at Wilmington NC

Cora Aurelia Brooke b May 23, 1886 married June 3, 1906 at Crisfield, Md P.H. Lawson Jr. Have 2 children born at Marion Md where she is Asst Cashr of Bank of Marion, Md & who evidently sent these records for her mother.

Gladys Edwina Lawson b Nov 3, 1907

Harry Brooke Lawson b Mch 3, 1909

Edwina Susan Brooke b July 28, 1889 married Apr 20, 1910 at Marion, Md Wm Thomas Cullen. Both living at Clarksburgh, WVA where their son was born.

Thomas Edward Cullen b Dec 13, 1911

Eliza Mehony Brooke b Oct 9, 1862 married June 28, 1887 at Eaton, O to Henry August Ressler b Aug 12, 1861 son of Henry Ressler & wife Elizabeth Sims. Both natives of Germany. They have 2 children, 1st at Eaton O, last at Chicago, Ills. They live at 2216 Sedgwick ST Chicago, Ills where he is a brush salesman.

Harold Brooke Ressler b Apr 6, 18888 married Sept 2, 1908 in Camden, O to Lucile King born Nov 11, 1889 in Camden, O daughter of Walter King & wife Julia Marker. He lives at Webster Groves, Mo & is mgr of the St Louis plant of the J.T. Ryerson Iron & Steel Co with whom he has been 22 yrs since he was 17 yrs old. He has 3 children.

Elizabeth Marie Ressler b Mch 16, 1891, not married

Thomas Asbury Brooke b Dec 2, 1865 still living. Married Aug 15, 1890 at Eaton, O Kittie Rossman born Aug 18, 1868 at Eaton O daughter of James William Rossman & wife Sarah Ann Hambridge. Both living.

Finley Martin Brooke b June 9, 1874 ob Dec 25, 1874

Harry Austin Brooke b Aug 30, 1875 married Leila Stambus, daughter of _____ Stambus & wife Mary Clark

Clarence Martin Brooke b Aug 30, 1875 married Oct 7, 1909 at Cin. O Stella Faulkoner b Apr 21, 1890 at Berry Ky daughter of Jno Thos Faulkoner & wife Bessie May Ingles. Have 5 children, the 2d, 3d & 4th born at Cin O & 5th at Hazard, KY

Chas Thomas Brooke b Apr 29, 1911

Chas Finley Brooke b Oct 9, 1912

Lorian Virginia Brooke b Nov 9, 1914

Irene Lee Brooke b Dec 28, 1917

Mary Jane Brooke b June 3, 1924

Mary Evangeline Brooke b Dec 28, 1876 ob Apr 8, 1898 at Los Angeles Calif, married Chas Turner. Left children see b 19 p 107

Judge Marshall Brooke b Dec 12, 1878

V20 Page 540 & V20 Page 541

[descendant chart]

James Bowles Brooke see page 536 b Dec 14, 1820 ob June 20, 1868


Geo Fisher Brooke b Nov 23, 1844 ob June 14, 1888 at Browntown, Wis married Oct 10, 1867 at Phila, Pa Emma Giddons b Nov 22, 1844 at Phila, Pa ob there Feby 16, 1899. Have one child born at Phila, Pa.

Harry Giddons Brooke b Sept 4, 1864

Elizabeth Margaret Brooke b May 26, 1846 ob May 4, 1850

James Finley Brooke b Mch 2, 1868, still living married Apr 19, 1893 at Brookings S.D. Grace Lawshe b Dec 1, 1870 at Rochester, Minn & still living, daughter of Isaac Newton Lawshe & wife Polly Ann Eaton. Have 2 children born at Brookings S.D. & both living.

Dorothy Brooke B Apr 2, 1894 married June 1920 Victor H. Mullet Divorced

Dean Francis Brooke b Feby 26, 1896 married Sept 1921 to Cora Nevada Foley

[descendant chart]

Catherine Rebecca Brooke, see page 536 b Dec 22, 1824 ob Dec 4, 1917 married Apr 2, 1840 Bazel Ell Taylor


Minerva Francis Taylor b May 13, 1843 ob Feby 27, 1849

Eliza Clarabille [sic] Taylor b Feby 18, 1845 ob Mch 28, 1849

Arvella Ernestine Taylor b June 16, 1847 married Feby 22, 1866 at Cincinnati, O Dwight Ransom Cook born Dec 20, 1841 at Adrian O ob Oct 24, 1908 at Lima, O son of Erastus Cook & wife Cynthia Metcalf. Has 3 children the first one born in Wood Co, O, the second in Union Co O & the 3d one in Bowling Green, O. All three living & she too is


Edwin Dwight Cook b Nov 26, 1866, married July 1, 1889 at Delaware O Anna Cookman Ruddich

Finley Ransom Cook b Nov 24, 1868 married Feby 6, 1906 Florence Fellows b Dec 25, 1884 at Phila, Pa daughter of Walter Allen Fellows & wife Sarah Linton Hibbler. No issue.

Alla Clifford Cook b July 12, 1874 married 1 Dec 25, 1894 Elbert E. Robert, divorced. Married 2 Dec 16, 1922 at Lima, O Maurice Gaylord Harper b July 4, 1867 at Horatio, O son of Thos Benton, Harper & wife Lavinia Metzger. No issue.

Tressa Ozrine Taylor, B June 21, 1849 married May 5, 1870 at Cin, O Henry W. Knight born in England Feby 27, 1847 ob July 2, 1917 at NY son of Henry & Mary Knight. Have 4 children born at Cin, O Phila, Pa, Elizabeth NJ & Brooklyn NY. The first 3 are still living & she too is living at 501 W. 120th St NY City. She born at Hagerstown, Md.

Glenna Taylor Knight b May 8, 1871 married June 14, 1891 at East Orange NJ Harry S. Mirrieies [sic, Merries? father's name also blotted & spelled with an e] b Aug 20, 1869 at Brooklyn, NY son of George Merries & wife Sarah [unreadable first part]send. He lives Marlboro [unreadable word] Montclair NJ, is mfr of steel. Had [unreadable word]

Grace Knight b Jany 9, 1875

Harry Edwards Knight b July 9, 1876 married Dec 12, 1905 at Pratteville, NY Celesta Foote b Sept 10, 1884 at Portland Oregon, daughter of John Foote & wife Mary Alice Williams. No issue.

Clifford Neff Knight b Dec 17, 1880 ob Feby 22, 1887 at Brooklyn, NY

Alla Clifford Taylor, b Sept 15, 1851 married Nov 27, 1879 at Brooklyn NY James A. Ryan b Sept 27, 1847 at Phila, Pa son of Wm Ryan & wife Elizabeth Shaw. Both living.

Ralph Taylor Ryan b Aug 12, 1884 at Scarboro NY married Mch 30, 1910 Bessie Star Bainbridge b Aug 1, 1887 at Cumberland Md daughter of Chas Mortimer Bainbridge & wife Mary Ann Hanway.

Finley Monroe Taylor b Jany 21, 1855 married 1 May 8, 1878 at Memphis Tenn Jennie McNear married 2 Oct 26, 1897 at Phila, Pa Louise Celeste Wagner. Mary Virginia "Jennie" McNear was born at Memphis, Tenn Nov 14, 1860 ob Dec 21, 1887 daughter of Alva Sutherland & Frances V. McNear. They had six children, the first three born at Cin, O the next two in Brooklyn NY & the last one at Georgetown, Conn. Louise Celeste Wagner 2d wife of Finley M. was born Mch 9, 1864 at Haddington. She is still living & so is he at 510 Harwood Ave, Balto, Md. She is daughter of Anthony & Mary Louise Wagner.

Erma Mills Taylor b Feby 12, 1879 living, unmarried

Catherine Rebecca Taylor b Apr 29, 1881 unmarried (twin)

Fannie Virginia Taylor b Apr 29, 1881 ob Nov 9, 1881 at Walnut Hills, Cin, O. (twin)

Finley McNear Taylor b July 5, 1882 married July 5, 1906 at Wilmington, Del Elizabeth P. Dunn, born at Wilmington Del. Both living at 512 Sylvan Ave Glendon, Pa see bk 23 p 447

Jennie Clifford Taylor b May 3, 1884 ob Sept 30, 1918 at Phila, Pa single

Arlliene Dorothy Taylor b Aug 7, 1885 married Dec 3, 1914 at Phila, Pa Edward D. Gordon Jr. See b 23 p 447.

V20 Page 542

Oak Hill May 19, 1927 1 PM

An article in this morning's Connellsville Weekly Courier announces the death of John Wiltrout of Woodale [best guess middle is blotted] Bullskin Tp who I called to see at his home Aug 6, 1924 see book 12 p 202. It says he was 81 yrs old, a retired farmer of Bullskin Tp active for his age, who had gone to his brother Adam's near by for a load of hay & fell of & broke his pelvis bone & died Monday morning May 16, 1927 in the Memorial Hospital at Mt Pleasant, Pa where he had been since last Wednesday the 11th. He was a member & official of Paradise Evangelical Church. Surviving are his second wife Elizabeth Bowman Wiltrout (it should be Lydia Melissa Bowman) & two brothers, Adam & Jacob, the latter of Coolspring. W.E. Wiltrout & R.F. Wiltrout of South Connellsville, are nephews.

I have a letter dated Ebensburg, Pa May 17, 1927 on letterhead of the Monroe Coal Mining Co Revloc Pa from Charles S. Shields, Box 8 Ebensburg, Pa asking if I ever got the Jack history from his brother who he asked to send it to me.

Says he has written him for a copy & will send me a copy if I want it. I am writing him to send me a copy & also his brother's address.

V20 Page 543

A letter dated May 13, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 21, from Rev Frank Boyd, College Corner O see page 389 gives married name & address of Gertrude Robison page 288 as Mrs Paul H. Hauschildt 637 W. Ash St, Piqua, O & says she can give address of his brother Guy Robison. He gives name of Wm Robison's son page 388 as Dr Chas Robison 753 Edgmont Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif. He also says Mrs Frank Adams, wife of Dr Frank Adams, Piqua, O maiden name Nellie May Wiley can give Wiley data. He says his son Roso [sic] Wiley Boyd, now a junior in Miami Univ, Oxford, O will want a book when it comes out & will pay for it.

He sent me another copy of the Crothers history written by Martha E. Crothers recd from Mrs Jolly, but says it was prepared by Rev Samuel D. Crothers. This is what I copied Dec 6 last at Hotel Shawnee & have filed with large envelopes, but I am now making slips naming states where Benjamin's brother & sister went. I have entered data he sent in place pages 388-9

V20 Page 544 & V20 Page 545

[descendant chart]

Mary Louisa Moore born May 1, 1864 see page 455 married Jany 1, 1885 William Tilton Butterfield see page 455. Says she is not real sure of the dates of all the boy's weddings but they are near the times stated below. She does not know the parentage of her daughter-in-laws [sic]


Warren Heatings Butterfield b Mch 25, 1886 married Oct 10, 1919 to Mary Nolan.

Harry Morton Butterfield b Nov 19, 1887 married Apr 5, 1917 to Mary McCurdy. Have 3 children

Dorothy May Butterfield b Mch 1, 1923

Harry Robert Butterfield b Aug 20, 1923

Marjorie Butterfield b Apr 3, 1927

Nellie May Butterfield b Jany 27, 1890

Oliver McKinley Butterfield b Nov 5, 1891 married Oct 5, 1917 to Mercy Webster. Have 2 children.

Charles William Butterfield 8 yrs old

Lois Ardith Butterfield 4 yrs old

William Arthur Butterfield b June 30, 1893

Howard Lincoln Butterfield b Feby 12, 1895 married June 12, 1924 to Mary Ethel Oaks. Have 1 child.

Alice Maria Butterfield b Dec 19, 1926

Clarence Ulysses Butterfield b Mch 1, 1897 married June 17, 1925 Josephine Andrews

Florence Estella Butterfield b Jany 6, 1899

Albert Edward Butterfield b Jany 30, 1901

Alice Rose Butterfield b Apr 17, 1903

Ruth Ella Butterfield b July 6, 1907

V20 Page 546

A letter dated May 16, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 21 from Mrs Annie Taylor Downey, Midway, Pa, see page 332. She gives the birth of her husband & the next three children of his father which I have entered in place on page 332. Her husband:

Mariman T. Downey was born Sept 23, 1856 in Green Co, Ind & died Jany 20, 1913 at McDonald, Pa

He married Dec 14, 1882 at Midway, Pa Miss Annie Taylor, my informant, born June 19, 1860 at Pittsburg, Pa S.S. daughter of John A. Taylor a native of England & his wife Frances Jerico a native of Butler, Pa. They had six children 3 living & three dead born in McDonald Pa.

1. John Edward Downey of Midway born Dec 22, 1883

2. Adelia Downey b July 13, 1886, ob Oct 11, 1886

3. Katherine A. Downey b July 29, 1888, ob Mch 6, 1894

4. Stella Jane Downey b Nov 21, 1890 ob Mch 8, 1894

5. Frances Marion Downey of Midway born June 19, 1894

6. Anna May Downey born Mch 12, 1897, married July 12, 1926 Wm Robert Hunt & is a missionary of Belge [sic] Congo, East Africa. He was born at Ripley, WVA Dec 3, 1899 son of Chas Lewis Hunt & wife Ada Grace Smith. Have a daughter Grace Downey Hunt b Nov 22, 1927 at Shebunda, Kwu Diat, Congo Belge, Africa. She says her brother-in-law John Edward Downey now resides at Rook, Pa P.O. address Crafton Branch Pgh Pa RD 8 Box 36

V20 Page 547

Oak Hill May 20, 1927 10:26 AM

A letter dated May 10, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 21 from Mrs Fred Bouton of 137 N. Cheyenne Ave Bartlesville, Okla see page 352 says her father's bible record is at the home of her sister Mrs Clyde Chasteen Coffeyville, Kan but I think she sends the records it contains & I am transferring his record from page 352 to 548 to have room to enter the information she gives.

V20 Page 548

[descendant chart]

Henry Hueston Hagerty born Apr 2, 1868 son of Elizabeth Carothers see page 352


Icie Velma Hagerty b Mch 18, 1890 married Aug 24, 1907 at Scottsburg, Ind to W. Clyde Chasteen b July 3, 1884 at Hayden, Ind son of Wm Hueston Chasteen & wife Minerva Morrison. They live at Coffeyville, Kan & she has her father's bible & they have 3 children first born in Johnson Co, Ind, 2d in Montgomery Co, Kan 3d in Scott Co, Ind.

Gerald Buford Chasteen b Oct 13, 1908

Thelma Doris Chasteen b Mch 21, 1911

Clytin [sic] Wilma Chasteen b July 8, 1915

Onie Mable Hagerty b Aug 31, 1891 married Mch 16, 1912 at Independence, Kan Alva Walter Cadle b Aug 22, 1889 at Morehead, Kan son of Mark Cadle & his wife Margaret Elliott. Have had 2 children born in Montgomery Co, Kan

Harold Eugene Cadle b Oct 25, 1912 ob Oct 11, 1913

Helen Margaret Cadel b Mch 15, 19--

Tessie Olive Hagerty b Nov 10, 1893 married Dec 25, 1911 at Cherryvale, Kan to Fred Olin Bouton b Aug 2, 1892 in Montgomery Co, Kan son of Noah Ellis Bouton & wife Lucy Viola Yeager. They have 2 children & live in Bartlesville, Okla. see p 352

Floyd Olin Bouton b Nov 7, 1912 in Mont. Co, Kan

Robert Wayne Bouton b June 18, 19-- in Bartlesville, Okla

Vere Emerson Hagerty b Sept 1, 1901. At Coffeyville, Kan, unmarried

Verlin Leon Hagerty b Apr 21, 1905 married Aug 27, 1923 to Inez Ralph Mann at Coffeyville Kan, daughter of Kemp Mann & wife.

Bernal Elmo Hagerty b Jany 16, 1910 At Coffeyville, Kan unmarried.

V20 Page 549 [blank]

V20 Page 550

A letter dated May 10, 1927 from Mrs N.C. Hamilton, Kokomo, Ind refers to her Alexander Wilson query on her D.A.R. no 12783 which elicits two answers in the Apr D.A.R. Mag. One from Miss L. Ethel Boughner in which on pages 276-7 of said magazine she says "Alexander Wilson served in the Revolution as 3d Lieut in Capt David Harris Co 1st Pa Reg cont. Line 1776. Col Edward Hand, Ref Penna Archives 5th series Vol 2 p 631, 647". Her other data is correct except as to the wife of Alexander A.

The other answer is from Mrs Lowell F. Hobart, Memorial Court Hall, Wash D.C. erroneously gives this Alexander's wife as Deborah McWilliams instead of Gilmore & says his father Alexander is the son of John & Lucy Taylor Wilson whereas in fact he was son of Robert & his wife Agnes Gilmore.

Mrs Hamilton says her papers in 12783 say "he served as a private in Capt Nelson's Co of the fifth Battalion of Cumb Co, Pa militia in 1780-1781" The reference pages for this, she says is recorded on my application blank which is in Wash D.C. It gives the pages, vol & series where his record is found. He might have served both times. See book 5 page 157

V20 Page 551

A letter dated Dec 6, 1926 from Mrs Dora E. Gunnett Fullerton, Calif tells how she wrote to the city clerk, Blue Jacket, Okla asking for her cousin Mary E. Burris who had been a neighbor & he found she had gone to Covington, Okla & I got in touch with her & got her record before I came to this letter. See pages 316-7 this book.

A letter dated Dec 23? 1926 from Mrs Mary D. Brown 402 Delaven St Lincoln, Ills see book 13 pages 188-9 & 226-7 regrets that she was away from home when I called there in Feby 1926.

She says her Aunt (see which one) thinks she is mistaken in the name of her gggmother that married James Finley being Keziah Martin see book 13 p 226 ie James Finley who was father of William Finley born Mch 25, 1772. She encloses an old letter she came across "in my aunt's letters". It is a 5 1/2 page large sheet letter dated May 5, 1899 from Charles Finley (born Mch 26, 1865 see bk 13 p 306 & 226) then as letterhead shows secretary of state of Ky at Frankfort to "My dear cousin Kate" in which he says that when down home a few days ago on a visit, he found a copy of a letter written in 1888 to Miss Jennie B. Tilton of Carlisle, Ky by Miss Martha Finley of Elkton, Ind (she of the Elsie books) see book 21 p 189

V20 Page 552

on the Finley genealogy. Sister Ann had visited a classmate at Carlisle & met Miss Tilton & copied the letter.

She says that six brothers named Finley came to this country in 1734 of 3 of them she knows nothing, but, Rev Saml was an early Pres of Princeton, Rev James another preached for about 30 yrs in this neighborhood of Elkton, Md & then went to w. Pa.

John Finley, the other one we knew of married Martha Berkley. They had six sons, Andrew, Michael, Clement, James, John & Samuel & three daughters, Mary, Ann & Elizabeth. See book 11 p 400-1. Andrew lived in Westd Co Pa & married a Miss Jack. Michael settled at Mud Lick, Ky. Clement & James settled in S.C. (Clement died in Westd Co, Pa 1775). Of Saml & John, she says nothing but says her father was the eldest? son of Genl Samuel Finley who came to Ky in 1767 & afterward in 1769 with Boone ("Smiths Hist of Ky so he says declares this John Finley came fr NC). She is wrong as this John was then only 15 & he came fr N.C. because he went to the Yadkin there to get Boone see bk 18 p 223. Of Michael's desct [sic] she gives no history except as to one daughter - Martha who while on a visit in Chillicothe, O met & married a Dr Scott. She died early leaving 2 daughters: Sarah, who married David C. Humphries of Woodford Co, Ky & Elizabeth who married a Mr Fullerton of Chillicothe, O

V20 Page 553

Mr Humphries 2d daughter married Mr A.J. Alexander of Woodford Co, Ky who when she died married her cousin Lucy Fullerton. Sister Ann died in Colorado Springs Col in 1897. Says my term of office expires 1st Jany next, when I will go back to stay with Father & Mother.

She also enclosed the following abt the son of mother's Uncle Michael Finley:

"Samuel Elliott Finley, son of Michael & his wife Ella Elliott born near Rehoboth Church, Westd Co, Pa Jany 20, 1802 medical student with Dr Porter practiced medicine, Wayne Co, O Fayette Co, Pa Merrittstown, Millsboro, Woolen Factory married Maria Davidson in '30 also Anne Miller '43, died in Green Co, Pa Jany 9th, 1845 being thrown from his wagon. Physcian"

She says she found out that James Finley who came from Glasgow to Princeton had 3 sons & 1 daughter. Rev Robert, James, Alexander, but she can't recall the daughter's name. See book 13 p 188

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Oak Hill Oct 3, 1927 11:55 PM have made all slips to here JVT

Oak Hill May 21, 1927 8:27 AM

I have this morning reached the three line letter dated Dec 13, 1926 from Charles Wiley Finley of 1014 E. Washington St, Muncie, Ind see book 19 pages 249 to 253 where on Nov 12, 1926 I left him a mem. to send he his old bible records if found. He has accordingly sent me a two leaf family record, brown with age 8 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches evidently once torn from a bible the first page covered with marriages the next two with births & half of the last or 4th page, the two leaves being attached together with deaths. It is the family bible record of Maj Joseph Lewis Finley evidently written by himself & I count twelve children's births but only one's death (possibly two) while the record given me at Portsmouth, O Oct 4, 1927 Book 14 p 349 et seq only gives five children that they knew of. It is strange if there other half dozen children died young, that their deaths are not recorded. There might have been another sheet of deaths, but that of the son Samuel in 1833 aged 30 is evidently by Major is on the inside (& if the others d.y. why didn't he record them too & I found no tombstones for them in the old g.y. at West Union, O) & the death of Maj Joseph L. Finley is the first of the deaths on 4th page on May 23, 1839 aged 9 yrs at 2 o'c PM whereas he was only 86 yrs 3 mos & 3 days see book 14 p 351. I am then entering this record in a Gen. table on pages 556-7 so that will have it in shape for additions if

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later we ever find any trace of the other half dozen children marrying & raising families. It is at least gratifying to get record of his entire dozen children. I do not believe however that he was born near Greensburgh, Pa but some or all of these children may have been born in Westd Co, Pa. Look up & see if he bought & sold a farm there.

This bible evidently went to the son James as the birth of his children are in it & his widow then married James Clark & the births

of her Clark Children are in it which I note here viz: Francis Marion Clark was born Apr 30, 1849

Barbara M? Clark was born Mch 30, 1851

Robert Clark was born Dec 28, 1854

The bible failed to give the last of James Finley's children so I am adding it from record gotten Nov 23, 1926 from her husband at Marion, Ind see book 19 p 444.

I have made some references for Mrs Lodwick & Mrs Patterson, but records from different desc have been gathered many places & I was at Paris, Ills Dec 31, 1925 to see Mrs Dresbach who had died abt two weeks before aged 95 yrs.

V20 Page 556 & V20 Page 557

[descendant chart]

Major Joseph Lewis Finley born Feby 20, 1753 ob May 23, 1839 son of Michael Finley Jr 1718-1785 see book 14 pages 350-1. married July 4, 1782 Jane Blair. She died July 1, 1840 aged 78 yrs born then say 1762


Hannah Finley b May 1, 1783 at 2 AM see book 14 p 349-359 & many other places

Juliet Finley b Oct 10, 1784

Michael Lewis Finley b Dec 10, 1785 at 4 AM

Elizabeth Darborah [sic] Finley b Nov 17, 1787

Nancy Dean Finley b June 27, 1789 at 1/2 past 1 o'c AM

John D.C.B. Finley b Aug 9, 1791 at 6 AM, married Rebecca Plumm. He was a Maj in the War of 1812 see book 21 p 33-8

Joseph L. Finley b Sept 2, 1793 at 7 AM

James Finley b May 21, 1796 at 4 PM married Oct 24, 1833 Eliza Rothwell born Mch 27, 1812 ob July 13, 1864 She married 2d Nov 20, 1847 James Clark & had 3 children by him. James Finley died abt 1846 in a county N.E. of Adams Co see b 21 p 503

Margaret A. Finley b Aug 4, 1834 married Jany 10, 1854 Samuel Kincaid see bk 15 p 296-9

Jane Finley b July 5, 1836 possibly 1835 ob 1921 see b 19 p 445-6

Sarah Caroline Finley b Nov 26, 1838 ob Jany 29, aged 77 yrs see monument new cemetery West Union O which I missed getting bk 15 p 20-2 married Apr 29, 1860 Harrison Maddox see bk 14 p 444 et seq

Joseph L. Finley b Apr 14, 1840 married Dec 3, 1868 Charlotte F. Havens b Nov 11, 1840 ob Dec 20, 1912. He died Dec 23, 1912 see book 19 p 249 & 388

Charles Wiley Finley b Sept 12, 1869 married Oct 20, 1892 Mary Belle Page b July 19, 1873. Both living at 1014 E. M

Wash St, Muncie, Ind where he has the bible record of his ggf sent me & from which I made this record. Have but one child.

Myrl Marie Finley b Dec 13, 1895 married ay 21, 1922 see book 19 p 251

Minnie Ray Finley b July 1, 1872 married Oct 16, 1907 Oscar J. Ensley both living at 2203 Broadway Indianapolis, Ind see b 19 p 388. No issue.

Jennie Gertrude Finley b Aug 6, 1876 ob June 26, 1899 unmarried.

Hannah Jim Finley b Feby 1, 1842 ob June 3, 1922 married Nov 30, 1869 to Thos P. McNiel born Feby 26, 1842 & still living in Marion, Ind see bk 19 p 444.

Ebenezer Finley b June 7, 1798 at 2 PM

Mary Brown Finley b Dec 7, 1800 at 2 AM see bk 14 p 349-359 & many other places.

Samuel Blair Finley b Jany 13, 1803 at 6 AM ob Aug 7, 1833

Margaret Finley b Apr 2, 1807 ob Oct 11, 1839 reported in bible as "Margaret Wilson" & I infer that Wilson was her middle name. Married John Chipps. Had one child.

John Milton Chipps B Apr 15, 1837 ob Oct 14, 1856 see bk 14 p 599 item 20.

V20 Page 558

A letter dated Dec 7, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 17 from Andrew Thompson of Honesdale, Pa Pres of the First National Bank there, says that he was born in 1845 & that he has learned that after his grandfather died, his children burned all of his sermons & he believes all of his family papers & old letters & after the death of one of his Aunts many years ago, he being her executor could not find a single old letter or any information about the family in her home & he concludes she burned them, complying with my request for the brothers & sisters of his different ancestors, he gives me the following, which he says is all he has been able to learn notwithstanding his efforts & desire to connect up his family with those in Penna or New England.

He says he has no family letters & that his father, his brother & sisters have been dead for about 40 yrs.

My father's name was Augustus Porter Thompson.

He had the following brothers & sisters:

Robert B. who died in early childhood

Theodore B. who died in early childhood

Robert T. who lived to be an old man

Mary who lived to be an old woman

Caroline who died in middle life some 45 yrs ago

Juliana H.

My grandfather's name was Rev Andrew Thompson who died in 1838 aged 56 yrs. I have no record of his brothers & sisters

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as all were dead either before my birth or in early childhood as I never saw them. I was born in 1845

My great grandfather's name was Robert Thompson. He came from Longford Co, Ireland before the Revolutionary War. He was a Protestant. He settled in Crawford Tp, Orange Co, NY

He said he tried many years ago to trace his family, but gave it up. Am writing him for his own record.

V20 Page 560

Oak Hill May 21, 1927 7:05 PM

A letter dated Dec 6, 1926 in answer to an old letter of mine from Miss Mary Finley Wilson of Briscoe, MO says her brother Robert's daughter Beulah Marie born Apr 25, 1902 see book 11 p 120 was married May 23, 1925 to John Darnell who was born Mch 12, 1899 in Kansas son of John William Darnell & his wife Mary Emeline Smith. Says her grandfather never destroyed a letter & her bachelor Uncle John Wm Finley living at the old home where they were locked up in a desk came to live with them & the house & desk were broken into & the papers scattered on the floor, the doors left open & the sheep occupied the room & they then burned letters by the bushel that would no doubt have given much of the early history as she has one of them dated 1805.

She says her ggmother was Mary Steele (see bk 11 p 120-121 where James Finley's wife was daughter of Mary Steele, daughter of Samuel & his Uncle Robt Finley married Rosanna, daughter of Saml Steele) & she has heard her mother say that one of the cousins married a McCoullah [sic] & one a Glasgow & she has heard of the McIntyres.

V20 Page 561

Say May 22, 1927

M.M. Markle of New Bethlehem, Pa & his friend Robert Bargerstock came at 5:55 PM on their way in his Ford to his Markle relatives in Clay Co, Va & I had them stay overnight with me. When I went to get my Markle book for him to read, I recalled that I loaned it on Feby 15 to Mrs O.E. Hibbs & I phoned them at 7 PM & she & Orville brought it out. She had a letter from Reading, Pa giving name of Mrs C.M. Steinmetz 545 Centre Ave Reading, Pa as a party who did genealogical research work at reasonable rates. A translation made for her of the inscription over the door of the home of her gggf Geo Markle is:

"All those in your house should believe in God"

A letter dated Nov 30, 1926 from Edward S. Thompson of Thompsontown, Pa says they are selling the genealogical book "John Thompson Pioneer & his descendants" for $3.25 proceeds to go to care of g.y. & while I have one am sending for another & asking to what date it is brought down.

V20 Page 562

Oak Hill May 23, 1927 8:15 AM

This is the 50th anniversary of the death of Uncle James T. Redburn. The friends who were with me overnight viz: Milo M. Markle of New Bethlehem, Pa weighing 150 lbs & Robert Bargerstock weighing 200 & born Mch 22, 1859 of same place (I weigh 180) have just left in M.M's old Ford for Clay Co, WVA changing his route via Morgantown, Fairmont, Clarksburg, Weston & Sutton to Clay C.H. & Dundon where on a farm near Dundon, on her father-in-law's farm lives Mrs Zora Hamrick 45 yrs old, natural daughter of Mr Bargerstock by the then Miss Mary Caldwell who later married Jno C. Breckenridge Markle & died leaving a son & Jno C.B.M. married a second wife & they expect to be with him tonight. Mr B. has never seen this daughter & only heard of her whereabouts two weeks ago from Mrs Miles Adams of near New Bethlehem, Pa born in 1853 nee Markle who gave him Zora's address who wrote him from Dundon, Clay Co, WVA that she had had seven daughters, no sons of whom six are living, the oldest 23 yrs old & the second who is 20 being married. Mrs Adams is an older sister of Jno C.B. Markle who left Pa on a boat with his father Abraham Markle down the Allegheny & Ohio & up the Kanawha River to Clay Co, WVA. Elias Markle, father of Turney W. of

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Kittanning Pa see Oct 30, 1924 record, built a boat & also went there. Mrs Adams has an older brother George aged about 84 living in Franklin, Pa who Mrs A. does not think knows much about the family, but Milo M. says he will take me to see him. He says there is a family of Markles but not of their branch at Evans City, Pa. Go see them. Their father, Abraham married an Anthony of the same stock) and had, I think M.M. said, fifteen children viz: four sons & eleven daughters or it may have been Abraham's father Jonathan Markle who came to that section from Columbia Co, Pa who had the fifteen children. See my book 1 p 154 where there is a Jonathan Merkle but not this man, but he is son of Peter. Investigate & see if this Peter is not the youngest child of Christian, son of Uncle Peter the record of whose birth I got in 1923 Oct. I think from the old bible at Georgia Roats Milton Pa which see & note & compare

M.M. is going to find out what he can from Jno C.B. Markle & let me know.

V20 Page 564

2:11 AM

I am just getting started on the big bunches of unanswered & mostly unread letters I laid aside when starting on my trip to Ohio on Sept 22, 1926 which I had assorted alphabetically by states from Arizona to Texas & find on top that of Wm C. Jack Esq of Douglass Arizona & am transferring the record he gives of his father from book 16 p 99 to the next page & will leave a few pages for transfer of other Jacks.

V20 Page 565

[descendant chart]

Judge Samuel Witherspoon Jack born Mch 21, 1847 ob July 7th, 1912 see bk 16 p 99 & 103. He reports 7 children born first five in Havana, Ala, last two in Beeville, Texas. He died in Corsicana, Texas. He was justice of the peace from 1894 to 1092. He was a Methodist.


Laura Jack b Oct 24, 1872 married Mch 1892 see bk 16 p 103

Howard Jack b Nov 7, 1874 ob July 3, 1882 when very young

[9]n NY City Dec 20, 1883 daughter of J. Fred+}_#|}_#U____ Gillett Atkins born Feby 6, 1880 daughter of Thos R. Atkins & wife Julia Gillett. Have two children born at Douglas, Arizona. He is an Atty at Law & a Spanish American & World War veteran. All living at Douglass, Arizona. He was in Co E 1st Texas Inf ( mos service in Texas & Florida in Spanish American War. Says was too old for World War. He wants a book.

Martha Jack b Apr 11, 1911

William Christian Jack Jr b June 22, 1913

Kate Jack b Sept 28, 1879 married Dec 20, 1908 Wm Harry Bird b Aug 29, 1881 at Midland, Texas is his residence where he is sales manager heavy machinery.

Mary Kate Bird b Aug 9, 1921 at Fort Stockton, Texas

Clarence Jack b June 17, 1882 ob Sept 20, 1882 when very young

Perry James Jack b Nov 7, 1892. Living in Oregon, single. He is a grocer at Marshfield, Ore. Was in World War, wounded & overseas from June 15, 1918 to June 8, 1919 enlisted in Cos viz: 164th Depot Brigade Co H., 158th Inf Co A, 162d Inf Co D & 9th Inf Co D from which was discharged July 25, 1919. Was in the St Miheil drive of Sept 12, to 15 1918 & wounded with shrapnel in arm, leg & nose. Was taken with "flu" & in several hospitals until discharged.

Macon Lee Jack b Dec 30, 1896 living in Montana, single. He is foreman of a saw mill at Marshfield, Oregon. Was in the World War.

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A letter dated June 24, 1926 in answer to one from me postmarked June 15, directed to him at Milford, Neb from James J. Patterson of Alpena Pass route 3, Arkansas where he has lived for almost 30 years, shows great luck in reaching him by reason of his niece being a clerk in the P.O. at Milford from where he removed 32 yrs ago. And also great good fortune in getting in touch with him by reason of his knowledge & records of the Jack family & his willingness to help. He said he hoped this fall (now last fall) to visit his sister the widow McDowell 20 Mifflin St (Capt W.A's widow) here & meet me. If he came while I was away, I greatly regret not seeing him.

He says he has some detail of the Jack line, mostly of John Michael Jack who reached America Sept 24, 1740 aged 24 yrs. My father-in-law, George Jack son of Michael was his grandson. I have a copy of the latter Michael's will also copy of his family bible record.

In 1769-70, the two brothers Jacob & Michael resided together as tenants on adjg land in Salisbury Tp, Lancaster Co, Pa. Jacob was the elder, they both served in the Revolutionary War. In 1788, Jacob removed to Potter Tp then Cumb Co, Pa now Centre Co, Pa. Michael followed the next year, joining his brother on farms adjacent or nearby.

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Michael married Susan Dunlap about 1779 & died 1829 aged 78 yrs

His will names 9 children, the family record names 10. James died comparatively young, is not named in will. I have partial records of these children & their descendants. In George's family in which I am particularly interested, I have pretty full account.

John Michael Jack had a rather romantic, but difficult career & came to America as a refugee with the wife with whom he had eloped. I have the story as given to my by George as he recd it from his father Michael. The children of John Michael Jack the emigrant were: James Jacob, both older than Michael & two sisters & I think a son Samuel (see book 16 p 34-35) (these relate however to a generation later). I lost the record as I had noted it from Father Jack when my house burned in 1915. I give the above from a short sketch which I myself had made for Anna Jack in a letter to her 1902 using the notes of Father Jack as I then had them.

John Michael Jack a native of the North of Ireland, in his early manhood went as a soldier of fortune into the service of a German Potentate. He held a minor official rank in the headquarters Mounted Guard & was known there as Johannes Jacoby.

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His official duties brought him in contact with the members of the family & court as assembled in the Castle. He & a lady in waiting upon the Princess became enamoured of each other. Because of the question of rank, marriage was impossible & hopeless. They eloped. They were vigorously pursued, he as a deserter & she as a refugee. They made good their escape to the low country, there living in concealment. They were married. They after a time got passage to America. She under a fictitious name, he as John Michael Jack. They landed in Phila settled in Chester Co, Pa & there spent their lives & raised a family. Of this family, at least two sons, James & Jacob, were older than Michael, there were also two daughters. I have not devoted much time to research to trace out the emigrant's history in detail (make slip to hunt for settlement of his estate at West Chester, Pa). In Rupp's 30,000 Germans p 140 is this "In the ship Lydia from Rotterdam, came John Michael Jack, qualified age 24 Sept 24, 1740"

His wife came under a fictitious name unknown to us. The language spoken in the family was German. The bible in which was Michael Jack's family record was a German text, the record is in German script, was in the possession of Catherine Jack Wilson as late as 1850. My wife,

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Elizabeth Jack Patterson saw it & tried to read it. I write you about this in order that if you should try to work out the Jack problem in Chester Co, Pa you may note the name Jacoby & also may better dispose of the name James, for John Michael had two or three brothers in that section, a James & I think my last notes called for a Samuel. The name Cynthia belongs somewhere in John Michael's group. I have met some of the Jacks of those other families. Chester Co, remember, includes part of old Phila, Co in which part I think John Michael lived. "Michael was born near Phila in 1751" This phrase I recall in my lost notes. I would like to know the scope of the work you contemplate or what particular lines you specialize upon. I have dates & localities pretty well defined in my various notes. To what line of Jacks do you belong. Of what Thompson family are you. My deceased wife's mother was a Thompson of Centre Co, descended from Thompson emigrants to Chester Co, Prior to 1745. Write me if you have anything to suggest or that you might use me in locating anybody in the group I have referred to especially in collateral names with interest in the prosecution of your work.

James J. Patterson

He is a kindred spirit & a valuable friend. See page 488 See book 11 page 388 see book 13 page 160 see book 21 page 308.

Am reproducing on next 2 pages a genealogical table he gives with names & dates from Michael Jack's bible.

V20 Page 574 & V20 Page 575

[descendant chart]

John Michael Jack born in North of Ireland about 1716, came in 1740 to Chester & Phila Cos. Look in both Cos. Had brothers in Chester Co, thinks James & Samuel & perhaps others. See details in 4 pages preceding, married in Holland in 1740 a lady in waiting or a German Princess with whom he eloped. Recalls the names of three sons & says there were two or more daughters & there was a Cynthia somewhere in this line. Landed at Phila, Pa Sept 27, 1740 on ship Lydia fr Rotterdam aged 24. See page 410 in Rupp's 30,000 names. He lived & died in Chester Co. Conversed only in German.


James Jack

Jacob Jack, b 1748 see bk 21 p 308

Michael Jack born 1751 near Phila ob Sept 30, 1829 [best guess, very blurred]. His will is dated June 9, 1829, was probated. Married Susanna Dunlap b say 1757 as ob Feby 7, 1851 aged 58 yrs Oct 6, 1829 Bellefonte Pa Book B p 7 & 8. Had 10 children. She was daughter of John & Susanna Dunlap of Lancaster Co, Pa

Jacob Jack b Jany 1, 1781 ob 1812

Samuel Jack

Michael Jack

Their gf willed them 345 A in Red Bank Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa & they lived there. Trace

John Jack b May 15, 1783 ob Aug 10, 1822

Washington Jack

Everhart Jack

James Jack

Susanna Jack

Samuel Jack b June 6, 1787 no further record

James Jack b Oct 17, 1789 ob Nov 9, 1817, unmarried

Mary Jack b Nov 8, 1791, ob, married John Wasson. Both lived to old age. Had large family. Lived College Tp Centre Co, Pa. Make slip

Susannah Jack, B Aug 1, 1794 ob married Jeremiah Culbertson ob. Long a widow, died at Tipton, Iowa aged over 80

John Culbertson ob married

Son lives in Tipton, Iowa


Susan Culbertson ob married Thomas H. Benton ob.

Maria Benton

Catherine Jack b Nov 25, 1796 ob Feby 15, 1872 married Samuel Wilson ob. She had the old Jack bible. Had 5 children.

Jack Wilson ob married Charlotte Simmons, issue

Samuel Wilson ob married Esther Stuart, issue

Agnes Wilson ob, no issue

Mary Wilson ob married McCoy, issue

Nancy Jack b Feby 27, 1799 ob Apr 20, 1843 married Geo Boal & had issue.

David Boal ob married Burnside, daughter of Judge Burnside of Bellefonte, Pa

George Boal Jr ob married, one son

Theodore Boal, lives at Boalsburg, Pa on old farm

John Boal ob Capt, killed in Civil War, single

James Boal ob d.s.p.

Nancy Boal ob, married Clark in Iowa, issue

Susan Boal, ob married John Foster, numerous family

Mary Boal, ob married Thos Dale. No issue.

George Jack b June 21, 1802 ob Mch 27, 1883 married 1 Jany 1, 1838, Mary Thompson & had 4 children. Married 2 Sept 14, 1857 Mary H. Yarnell. Had 1 child. See page 576

David Jack b Aug 6, 1804 ob Sept 26, 1849 married Elizabeth Slaymaker, 1 child, married 2 Charlotte Hepburn, issue

Amelia Herriet Jack issue

V20 Page 576 & V20 Page 577

[descendant chart]

George Jack b June 21, 1802 ob Mch 27, 1883 see page 575 preceding also book 16 p 32-38. He & his first wife both buried in marked graves at Branch Cem, College Tp Centre Co, Pa. Married 1 Mary Thompson born June 18, 1812 ob Jany 9, 1849 on Jany 1, 1838 daughter of Genl John Thompson & his wife Elizabeth McFarlane. They had four children see b 21 p 310-3. Married 2 Sept 14, 1857 Mary Hepburn Yarnell born Dec 21, 1824 ob Nov 7, 1888. They had two children.

[descendant charts]

John Thompson Jack b Oct 23, 1838 ob Aug 5, 1912 married 1867 Harriet Louise Lamb died 1913. Both died in Long Beach, Calif & both buried in the Harlan Cem, Harlan, Iowa. Was Capt Co H. 56 Pa Vol in Civil War, also Maj & Lt Col. Had 3 children see bk 11 p 509-12

Grace Jack b Oct 18, 1870 married Herman Hall Col U.S.A. commanded a Division in France in World War, Home, La Huerta, Sierra Madre, Calif. No issue.

George E. Jack, b Mch 25, 1873, no issue.

John Philip Jack b July 15, 1874 ob Apr 25, 1926 married Nov 21, 1921. No issue

George Boal Jack born July 11, 1840 ob Aug 7, 1902 married July 27, 1864 at Boalsburg, Pa Priscilla Martin Johnston born Sept 24, 1837 & died Feby 26, 1916. He died at Rushville, Neb & she at Omaha, Neb & both buried in Fairview Cem., Rushville, Neb. Had four children all born at Boalsburg, Pa see book 16 pages 17-21 & 32-35.

Elizabeth M. Jack b Mch 10, 1865 ob Mch 1, 1925 married Apr 3, 1889 Joseph Gray Armstrong b Nov 24, 1850 ob Nov 8, 1916. Both buried at Rushville, Neb. Had 3 children born there.

George Jack Armstrong b Jany 13, 1891 married June 16, 1925 in Omaha, Neb to Sarah Jane Wells b Oct 10, 1902 in Minneapolis, Minn daughter of Walter Woodworth Wells & wife Jennie Cameron. Have one child born in Omaha, Neb. Live at 3307 Dewey Ave, Omaha, Neb.

Priscilla Jane Armstrong b Jany 11, 1926

Josephine Armstrong b Dec 7, 1895 ob Aug 6, 1897

Joseph Thexton Armstrong b Dec 24, 1898 newspaper reporter at Sioux City, Iowa, unmarried.

John Boal Jack b Mch 28, 1867 married June 10, 1892 Margaret Tully & ob May 30, 1912, daughter of John Tully.

John B. Jack Jr b 1893 ob 1893 aged abt 10 days

George Hutchison Jack b Oct 22, 1869 unmarried, lives at Martin S. Dakota.

Chas McFarlane Jack b May 15, 1880 married Aug 19, 1916 Mrs Lulu Markel, former wife of Leon Penn & daughter of Henry G. Markel. She was born at Nebraska City, Neb. No issue. Live at 1303 H. ST Lincoln, Neb.

Elizabeth McFarlane Jack b Aug 9, 1842 ob Dec 6, 1923 married Dec 18, 1863 James J. Patterson b June 22, 1838 at Phila, Pa. Capt of Go G 148 P.V. who formerly lived at Doyles Mills, Pa Milford, Neb & since 1897 living at Alpena Pass R 3 Ark. My informant for this record. She is buried in Roscoe, Cem sec 2 5 19 4 22 Have 9 children.

George Jack Patterson b Oct 5, 1865 married Apr 23, 1900 Mrs Helen Morris. No issue.

Ralph James Patterson b July 23, 1867 ob Dec 8, 1873

Edith Lyon Patterson b Nov 18, 1869 married Oct 31, 1908 Robt P. Franklin

John Patterson b Sept 13, 1910

Mary Thompson Patterson b Nov 24, 1871 married Sept 14, 1899 Adolph Owings

James Patterson Owings b Sept 28, 1900 married.

Wm Adolf Owings

Margaret Owings B Mch 8, 1907 married June 15, 1926 James Lewis Warren.

James Bruce Patterson b Mch 5, 1874 married. No issue

Wm Van Dyke Patterson b Apr 30, 1876 married Dec 27, 1916 Minnie Martha Harry.

1. Alice Shepherd Patterson b Oct 6, 1917

2. Elizabeth Jack Patterson b Mch 28, 1919

3. Mary Anna Patterson b Sept 14, 1920

4. James John Patterson, b Aug 4, 1922

5. Eleanor Van Dyke Patterson b Aug 16, 1924

6. Martha Harry Patterson b Oct 17, 1925

Anna Susan Patterson b June 11, 1878 married June 12, 1898 Albert J. Pollard M.D. Home Harlingen, Texas

John Patterson Pollard b Aug 12, 1902

Francis Jean Pollard b Feby 18, 1905

Anna Josephine Pollard b Aug 21, 1909

Ellen Van Dyke Patterson b May 8, 1880 married Nov 1, 1900 James W. Pollard M.D.

James Patterson Pollard b Feby 2, 1903. Live Denver, Col

Elizabeth Patterson b May 8, 1880 married Jno R. Youngblood Denver Col. No issue.

Anna Susan Jack [daughter of George Jack] b Dec 2, 1844 ob 1905 married 1, ob married 2 ob. She died a widow. No issue

Harry Jack b May 15, 1864 ob Oct 6, 1861

Susan Culbertson Jack b July 2, 1864. Lives in New York City, unmarried.

V20 Page 578 & V20 Page 579 [blank]

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Oak Hill May 24, 1927 8:22 AM

A letter dated May 18, 1927 in answer to mine, from Jacob Treber Peebles, O RD gives information which I have entered on page 483 & I find that I got copy of his parent's bible record from his sister Miss Annie Florence Treber in Peebles, O Oct 28, 1925 see book 15 p 172-3. When on that trip I got records of:

His sister Agnes who married Dr Oliver T. Sproull &

His sister Lucy who married Ole C. Thoroman.

Cameron Tucker who married his sister Clara is son of Wm Lee Tucker & have:

1. Nellie born 1894 married Chetwin? Davis, 2 children

2. Beatrice born 1897 married Hugh Russell. No issue.

His sister Stella born Feby 29, 1872 married 1897 Treber Coleman Crawford of Portsmouth, O who is son of Robert Crawford, a native of Ireland & his wire Elizabeth Treber & have children:

1. Marjorie born 1899, unmarried

2. Ruth born 1902 married Smith

His brother Lyman Treber married Sept 29, 1897 Lulu A. Gaffin daughter of Clement O. Gaffin & wife America T. _______ & have one child.

1. Dorothy born 1907, unmarried.

Says his Uncle Oliver Traber & his children are buried in a cemetery at Hamilton, O Cem, get inf by writing Mrs Oliver Traber 340 Ludlow St Hamilton O. I believe she died in 1919 see bk 18 p 115 but am writing.

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A letter dated July 29, 1926 in answer to mine of June 18th to his mother, from S.B. Earle, Arkadelphia, Ark. See book 16 p 371 says that his mother died in May 1925 & that their house was burned a number of years ago & the family records were destroyed. He says all the family records known are revealed in the History of the Earles of England & America compiled by Isaac Newton Earle & published by Estate of Geo W. Earle of Harlansville, Mich to whom I am writing today.

I do not suppose however that it will give the records of his mother's brothers & sisters, so I am writing him today for their addresses & asking for his own record.

A letter dated Aug 6, 1926 in answer to mine of June 3 from Miss Edith M. Waterman then at Berkeley Calif now of Vade, Calif see bk 16 p 54 refers me to her Uncle Louis M.C. Waterman, Chaplain of the Baptist Hospital, Dallas Tex for answers to most of the questions I asked. Also to her cousin, Miss Marion Smith 60 Gaviota Ave, Long Beach, Calif to both of whom I am writing today & also to Edith M. She says her brother's wife Charlotte Whitten was the adopted daughter of George & Martha Whitten of Marshalltown, Iowa. July 31/27 she wrote June 23 that her cabin in the mountains at Vade was at a 7680 ft elevation.

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A letter dated July 8, 1926 in answer to mine of May 7 & June 18 from Wm M. Carson, Corona, Calif route 1, see book 16 p 257, says his brother Finley Carson born 1844 died at Bellefontaine, O, he supposes. He was a Mason & their lodge there could give positive inf as to date of his death. Make slips to see them & cemetery & go to C.H. for will. He knows nothing of his children. He was married twice.

Don't know date of his sister Margaret Louise's birth. Says she lived the last 12 yrs of her life with him, but did not have the old family bible.

He gave his own bible with record to a S.S. in Fresno Co but on sending recently for the record, it had been cut out, he thinks probably by his sister-in-law who has since died. Says brother Edwin M. there knows nothing about it. Says brother Samuel A. lives at Arvada Colo. Writing today. Says he can give address of their sister Almina (Mrs W.O. Scott)

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A letter dated July 20, 1926 in answer to mine of June 2, from Mrs Mabel May White RR 1 Box 26 Glen Ellen, Sonoma Co, Calif see book 15 pages 595 & 597 says her mother Mary Ann Markle, youngest of the 12 children of Moses Markle was born in Armstrong Co, Pa Apr 17, 1849 & died at 108 College Ave, Santa Rosa, Calif Feby 7, 1919 & is buried in Oakland, Calif. I am inclined however to take the date of 1847 given by her Aunt,Mrs Hutchingson on Feby 19, 1926 as correct as she said she was 7 yrs old when they went west which was in 1854. There is not room in Book 15 at page 597 to list her mother's descendants so I am starting a table on next page 584 to record the inf Mabel has sent. Mabel thinks the name of her father's father was John & his mother was a Lindsey don't know her first name. See if marriage licenses were then being issued there or if a deed or will was made.

Mabel says that her father, Joseph Francis Penney was placed in an orphan home when his parents died & later was taken out & raised by a man named Robert Sterling but don't know whether he was legally adopted or not. Would like me to find out & let her know.

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[descendant chart]

Mary Ann Markle born Apr 17, 1847 correct date & died Feby 7, 1919 see book 15 p 597 married 1st 1865 John Nelson Adams born July 23, 1840 in Warrensburg, Mo & divorced at Lawrence Kansas in 1876. (He has since died. He was son of Martin Adams & wife Nancy.) They had two sons born in Douglas Co, Kan. Married 2d Sept 25, 1879 at either Kansas City or St Louis, Mo Joseph Francis Penney born Nov 19, 1853 in Beaver, Pa son of John? Penney & his wife Lindsey. He died at Richmond, Calif Nov 29, 1906 in the Roosevelt Hospital, Berkeley, Calif & is buried in Oakland Calif. He slipped & fell in a boiling hot tank of sulphuric muriatic acid at the Standard Oil works & though the flesh fell from his bones, he lived 5 weeks. Had one child born in Benicia, Calif.


1. William Martin Adams b Aug 17, 1872 married Jany 16, 1898 in Valona Pres Ch Antonia Emma Louise Hesse. b July 3, 1876 in Cloverdale, Calif daughter of Christian Hesse & his wife Louisa Yacklinsley. Have two children born in Valona, Calif. They both living at 2215 Stewart ST, Berkeley, Calif.

William Vance Adams b Oct 24, 1898

Idah Louise Adams b May 18, 1901

2. Charles Vance Adams b Feby 5, 1876 ob Sept 1, 1923 at Venice Calif, married at Point Richmond, Calif Nov 20, 1904 Clara Belle Purdy born July 17, 1881 in Sacramento, Calif. Daughter of James F. Purdy & Julia Ann Green. Have two children, the first born in Richmond, Calif & the last in Redlands, Calif, both daughters.

Myrl Adams b Nov 2, 1910

Carol Adams b Oct 3, 1920

The mother married 1 yr after Chas V's death & her address now is Mrs O.H. Neimeyer 681 Broadway, Venice, Calif. She married Orlando Harold Niemeyer Sept 22, 1924

3. Mabel May Penney b March 4, 1883 married Feby 23, 1907 in Oakland Calif John Thomas White b Oct 13, 1884 in Colusa, Calif son of William Chelton White & wife Lena Adele ______. Have had four children, the first one born in Oakland Calif, the next two in Richmond, Calif &the last one in Kenwood Calif. Both living at Glen Ellen RR 1 Box 26 Calif. None of the children are married.

John Francis Chelton White b Feby 19, 1908

Irma Bernice White b Feby 26, 1911

Edward Thomas White b Sept 5, 1913

Leonard Ayers White b June 22, 1917 ob Feby 25, 1924 at Santa Rosa.

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Oak Hill, May 25, 1927 11:44 PM

A letter dated Sept 13, 1926 in answer to mine of June 2, from Mrs Sarah S. Brooks box 1065 Bethany, Okla see book 15 p 598 sends in what she has of her record & will send balance later. She says Johnie Shofstall's address is RF 7 Box 310 Tulsa, Okla.

Albert S's is 545 S. Peoria, Tulsa, Okla.

She visited Johnie & he promised to send her his record.

Edd S. is in Texas somewhere

Johnie knows where he is.

Doesn't know Mrs Curtis address but thinks she can find out through the Shofstall boys. [unreadable name], Eld R's widow was in Long Beach Calif. She says "my brother-in-law Wm P. Pruhy was killed Aug 6, 1926 in a car wreck". Says will send in Emory & Johnnie [sic] record as soon as recd as they will have to write to Pgh, Pa.

Another letter from her dated Sept 29, sends in Johnie Shofstall's record sent by his wife. She writes about motoring to Arkansas & at Hot Springs walked in on Priscilla & Munroe to their great surprise, but missed seeing Mary & Dave, see bk 15 p 598. On their way back, came through Jasper, Ark & went through the Wonderful Diamond Cave.

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Oak Hill May 26, 1927 1:25 PM

A letter dated June 29, 1926 in answer to mine of June 4, from Mrs Ella Rankin Thompson of 124 Westd Ct Riverside Calif see book 16 p 75 widow of Prof Edwd Payson Thompson says his father Rev S.F. Thompson wrote a Thompson Hist which she will send me & which gives much of her Carothers line. I am writing asking her to register it to me & I will return same way.

A letter dated June 30, 1926 from Clifton W. Bransford, Brevolt Hotel, Chicago adds a P.S. of half a page to his three page letter which says:

"The statement by Dr Archibald Henderson that John Finley who married Elizabeth Harris was the Finley who piloted Boone into Ky is not true. It was his son John Jr brother of George & David Finley as Mrs Peyton wrote you. We have both family tradition & court records to prove this". B.

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Oak Hill May 27, 1927 3:11 PM

Two letters dated Aug 14, 1926 in answer to mine of June 2d from Mrs Fred Roberts (nee Sarah Jane Markle Dill) of 305 E. Ohio St Monticello, Ind see book 15 p 586 gives a 5 page letter about the family with references to write to & the other letter is a one page typewritten one giving the military service of her father & son which I will first record.

Israel Markle Dill son of Solomon Dill & his wife Sarah Markle enlisted Dec 23, 1863 in the 33d Iowa Volunteer Inf to serve 3 yrs or during the war. Was transferred to Co E 8th Iowa Inf, Veteran Volunteers & served until mustered out at close of war at Selma, Ala Apr 20, 1866 (could it be 1865) Capt A.M. Clark, Paid at Davenport, Iowa May 7, 1866 by Geo A. Mitchell P.M. U.S.A.

Fort Devensey, La Mch 14, 1864

Pleasant Hill, La Apr 9, 1864

Yellow Bayou, La May 16, 1864

Lake Chicott, Ark June 5, 1864

Lupello, Miss July 14, 1964

Oldtown Creek Miss July 14, 1864

Nashville, Tenn Dec 15 & 16, 1864

Frank Dill Roberts, grandson of Israel Markle Dill

entered Officers Training Camp at Fort Harrison, Ind May 5, 1917 commissioned

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1st Lieut Inf Aug 15, 1917 assigned to 333d Inf 84th Div Camp Taylor, Ky Aug 27th served in 333d Inf until Oct 8, 1918, transferred to 369 Inf (colored) 161st French Division Oct 8, 1918, served with this Reg until Feby 28, 1919 & transferred to Demolization service 159th D.B. Camp, Upton, NY. Served at Camp Upton NY until Sept 2, 1918, discharged at Presidio, Calif Sept 15, 1919

Went overseas from Hoboken NJ Sept 1, 1918. Landed at La Havre, France Sept 9, 1918. Served on Voges Front & with French Army of occupation during Oct & Nov 1918, Returned to U.S. Feby 12, 1919

Re-entered the Military service of the U.S. by accepting com of 1st Lieut Inf Reserve Mch 10, 1920 comd Capt Inf Res Nov 15, 1922 which Com is still held.

She says as she is approaching her 70th birthday, she is not as prompt as she once was. She says that twelve children were born to her grandparents, Solomon & Sarah Markle Dill of whom 8 lived to maturity & names those I have recorded in book 15 p 586-7 with about the same inf. I have says her Uncle B. Frank Dill is in "Soldier's Home" & for her Aunt Louisa Dill Davis to write to Caroline Starchman Arcadia, Ind for B. Frank Dill, Soldier to Mrs Mary Taylor P.M. Raymond Neb & to write to Jno W. Dill Chanute, Kan for address of Mrs Ballard's daughter. She is giving record of her father's family which I am tabling see next page.

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[descendant chart]

Israel Markle Dill born July 17, 1832 in Schuylkill Co, Pa & died May 25, 1908 in White Co, Indiana married Mch 18, 1854 Thirza Cottingham born June 26, 1837 in Miami Co, O & died Feby 7, 1906 in White Co, Indiana. She was daughter of William Cottingham & his wife Jane Copeland. see page 590 for his service in Civil War. Both buried at Buffalo, White Co, Ind. Had six children born, the first one & last two in White Co, Ind & the other 3 in Cicero, Ind.


Sarah Jane Markle b Jany 1st, 1857, my informant for this record, married June 16, 1881 in Monticello, Ind to Fred Roberts born July 16, 1858 in Sioux City, Iowa son of Thomas Roberts & wife Margery Buchanan. Had 4 children born in Monticello, Ind.

Frank Dill Roberts b June 10, 1882 married 1 Sept 24, 1903 in Altoona, Pa Mary Boyce b July 29, 1877 divorced abt 1920 daughter of Jacob Allison Boyce & Sarah Ann Lantz 3 children born in Altoona Pa & Patton. Married 2d Jany 18k 1921 in Sheriden, Ind Ada Plew b Sept 9, 1882 daughter of Henry Plew & wife Hannah Thistlethwaite. Have 2 children born in Anderson, Ind was in World War see page 591.

Mary Alice Roberts b Dec 1904 ob Jany 1905 buried at Hollidaysburg, Pa

Frances Elizabeth Roberts b Feby 26, 1906 at Patton, Pa, single.

Frederic Allison Roberts b Oct 5, 1908 in Citizens Training Camp, single

Margaret Josephine Roberts b Jany 6, 1922

Helen Louise Roberts b June 22, 1923

Ethel Louise Roberts b Apr 2, 1884 married June 1917 Alva R. Staggs b Mch 23, 1888, son of John Staggs & Amanda Jane Phillips Have 2 children born at Anderson, Ind

Sarah Jane Staggs b Jany 17, 1919

Mary Ethel Staggs b Apr 22, 1921

Helen Grace Roberts b Apr 4, 1886, unmarried

Margery Roberts b Dec 28, 1890 married Palm Sunday Mch 20, 1920 at Brooklyn NY E.L. Vandermenlen born Dec 11, 1892 at New Haven Conn son of Abram Vandermeulen [sic] & wife Elizabeth Rush Fisher He is a school principal. Earl L. Vandermenlen & wife live at 115 Randel Ave Port Jefferson, Suffolk Co, NY.

Thirza Jean Vandermenlen b June 9, 1921 in New York City

Udoris Melvin Dill [son of Israel Markle Dill] b Nov 8, 1857 ob Sept 1, 1858 buried in Arcadia, Ind.

William Henry Dill b Aug 12, 1859 ob Dec 25, 1924 in White Co, Ind & buried at Buffalo, Ind, unmarried.

Caroline Dill b Sept 9, 1861 ob Sept 2, 1865 in Brookston, Ind & buried there.

Alta Adelaide Dill, b Oct 8, 1867 married Aug 13, 1891 David Willard Rotruck b Sept 28, 1868 at Muncie, Ind son of David Rotruck & wife Rebecca Jacobs. Live RFD 1 Monticello, Ind, married at Winamac, Ind. See page 593 [which I incorporate here for clarity CW] Alta Adelaide Dill see preceding page born Oct 8, 1867, my informant for this record, married Aug 13, 1891 David Willard Rotruck a farmer. Have had five children all born at Monticello, Ind.

Clarence Dill Rotruck b Apr 10, 1892 married July 18, 1917 to Anne Ellis born Oct 12, 1895 at Delphia, Ind daughter of Hiram Ellis & wife Kate Howell. Have one son born at Anderson, Ind Overseas 14 mos 2d Lieut.

Virgil Willard Rotruck b Sept 18, 1893 not married. In World War for 15 mos serving in the U.S.

Cecil Glen Rotruck b Aug 31, 1895. In World War & was overseas married Nov 23, 1920 Doris Swain born Oct 4, 1903 at Seymour, Ind daughter of Joseph Swain & wife Mary Schwartz. Have one son born at South Bend, Ind.

Peter Boyd Rotruck b Mch 25, 1926

Clifford Tony Rotruck b July 19, 1897 married July 31, 1919 Marie Hall b Aug 10, 1896 at Goodland, Ind daughter of John Hall & wife Ella Dickey. Have two sons born at Akron, O.

Clifford King Rotruck b Mch 24, 1924

Earl Stanley Rotruck b May 19, 1926

Thirza Fern Rotruck b May 27, 1901 married Nov 6, 1921 Raymond Berry b May 28, 1899 at Monticello, Ind son of James Berry & wife Mollie Hallet was overseas in World War. Have 2 sons born at Buffalo, Ind.

Charles Dudley Berry b Aug 24, 1922

Hills Wayne Berry b Apr 19, 1924

Benjamin Franklin Dill [son of Israel Markle Dill] b Nov 13, 1872 lives 529 Maple St Monticello, Ind write him. Married Mch 1, 1898 Nellie Bertha Talbutt. see next page 593 [which I incorporate here for clarity] born Nov 13, 1872, my informant for this record Married Mch 1, 1898 Nellie Bertha Talbutt. Have seven children all living 4 boys & 3 girls, the 4th one born at Lacrosse, Laporte Co, Ind, the 5th one at Hanna, Laporte, Co, Ind & the other 5 at Buffalo, White Co, Ind. He was born near Wolcott, White Co, Ind & now lives at 529 S. Maple St, Monticello, Ind.

Benjamin Markel Dill, B Sept 18, 1900 married to Reva Freeman

William Granville Dill b Nov 5, 1902

Harold Vernon Dill b Mch 30, 1904

Robert Lee Dill b Sept 5, 1906 married Ulala Freeman

Velma Gwendolyn Dill b Nov 11, 1908

Gladys Arminta Dill b Aug 24, 1911

Bertha Francis Dill b Jany 4, 1914

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A letter dated July 31, 1926 in answer to mine of June 24th of condolence from Thos F. Gregg of 1561 Shelby St Indianapolis, Ind see book 15 p 382-395.

He says the morning of Apr 25, 1926 his mother got up at 4 o'c to get some matches to light a night lamp, as I had forgotten to place the matches on a chair by her bed the night before & she stumbled on the way back to her bed & fell & broke her left hip. She developed a touch of pneumonia & passed away suddenly 4:45 PM May 5, 1926. Says the latch string is always out for me. Asks what I found out from Mrs Haney. I must go quick to Indiana, Pa & see her. Should read over my talk with Mrs Gregg at above pages before going.

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[descendant chart]

Jane McFarland Thompson born Mch 7, 1831 at Terre Haute, Ind ob June 22, 1910 see bk 16 p 52. Married Nov 24, 1866 to James J. Smith b Sept 11, 1833 at Henrysburg, Lower Canada, ob May 27, 1892 son of William Smith & wife Eliza Miller. Had two children born in Des Moines, Iowa. The boy Harry listed on bk 16 p 52 was "just a boy who lived with the family"


Ida M. Smith born Sept 13, 1869 married Oct 4, 1892 A.K. Good born June 4, 1863 at Lancaster, Pa. Have had 4 children born at Ankeny, Iowa.

Mae Good b June 14, 1893 married Aug 5, 1921 George Cervenka b Aug 24, 1894 at Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Jay B. Good b Sept 1, 1895 married Nov 25, 1922 May Ryan born Mch 4, 1894 at Des Moines, Iowa

Ruth Good b Mch 18, 1924

Emma Good B Apr 23, 1901 married June 2, 1920 Victor L. Stewart b Dec 8, 1895 at Iowa Falls, Iowa

Alice Stewart b May 24, 1921 at Ankeny, Iowa

George K. Good b Aug 13, 1904 ob Oct 30, 1909

William A. Smith, born Oct 1, 1870 married Apr 4, 1895 Ida Middleton born Nov 6, 1878 at Turin, Iowa. Have had 2 children born at Ankeny, Iowa.

John J. Smith b Nov 14, 1895 married Rose Titus

Jimmy Ray Smith b Apr 4, 1924 at Harcourt, Iowa

Jack Leroy Smith b May 26, 1926

Ethel Smith b Jany 1907 married July 5, 1926 to Calvin Baldwin.

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Oak Hill May 28, 1927 4:44 PM

A letter dated June 28, 1926 in answer to mine of June 22d from Mrs Ann McFadden of Russell, Kansas see book 16 page 482 says: "My grandfather William Finley's father's name was William. He did not come to Canada, but died in Ireland. I don't know who got his bible".

None of my grandfather's brothers or sisters left Ireland so far as I know. She says to write to Dr Hawkins, Marysville, Kan which I am doing.

She says her cousin Rev Richard Finley, an evangelist in Ireland & also in Canada & could tell a lot. He was in Newkirk, Kay Co, Okla the last she heard from him & I am writing there on a venture. He is dead. She says her Aunt Sampson, see bk 16 p 482 died in Ashtabula, O several years ago. A large family went to Wash Co, Kan. Make slips.

She says a cyclone destroyed everything her father & mother had several years ago & their bible record has never been seen since. Says her mother's father had 21 children, her mother being one of nine children all girls, by the first wife, who died when her mother, Margaret Freeborn was young.

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A letter dated July 8, 1926 in answer to mine of June 2d from Mrs Zoa Christy Kiger of Washington, Kansas see book 15 p 628, book 16 pages 5-8 & 13-14.

She does not know what became of the Barclay Finley bible. She thinks his daughter Charity Finley 1828-1904, last survivor of his 11 children see book 15 p 626-7 had it when she was in her own home She came to the home of Zoa's mother Elmina Hull Christy, her niece, about 3 yrs before her death & lived in their home until she died & there was no bible among her effects. She had bought a trunk, which with some bedding was all she brought with her. Had given away many of her things.

She says her mother Elmina Hull Christy was born at Mt Gilead, O June 24, 1843 married Jany 14, 1875 to Martin V. Christy, died Mch 12, 1925 Washington, Kan. Had 3 children:

1. Mattie, dying in infancy

2. Harry Hull died Mch 9, 1904

3. Zoa Estelle my informant married June 12, 1906 to Chas Roy Kiger & have two children:

1. Martin M. born Aug 19, 1907

2. Marjory Aline born Apr 7, 1914

See book 16 page 14 & page 8. Am writing her to complete her father's record & that of her gf Isaac Hull.

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Oak Hill May 29, 1927 1:54 PM

In going through my mail I find five letters from Rev James Power Smith Jr Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Tallulah, Louisiana a young growing town on the crossing to two RRs & two National Auto routes in North east corner of the state but which I noticed on the 10th inst was overflooded in the great Mississippi floods which for the entire month past have been causing such destruction. He says in the first letter dated July 6, 1926 he has found my letter put away in a filing case while in another state expressing my desire to see the papers of his grandfather, Rev Joseph Smith D.D. of Greensburg, Pa the author of Old Redstone. He sent me the original sheets of his autobiography which I read over, made copious notes therefrom & returned to him. See book 18 pages 9 to 77 where I returned the manuscript of 275 pages & three pamphlets about his "old Redstone" & W&J College by Reg mail on Sept 9, 1926. This letter was not where I could lay my hand on when I returned the papers on Sept 9th last.

The second letter is dated Sept 15, 1926 & acknowledges receipt of the "yellow sheets of autobiography" which he had safely received & says that aside from himself, I was the only one who had ever seen or read them. He said he had all of the personal effects & heirlooms of his grandfather. He gives

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as I had asked him, a list of his gf's children & his own birth which I will record below. He also encloses a two page closely printed letter dated Greensburgh, Pa July 2, 1868 (only 5 mos & 2 days before he died there on Dec 4, 1868) from his gf Joseph Smith to my mother's Uncle John C. Plumer Esq which is so valuable from a religious standpoint, about the conversion of the latter's gf Jonathan Plumer, as told Rev Dr Joseph Smith by Rev Dr James Carnahan, Prest of Princeton College, brother of John Jack Carnahan, another Uncle of my sainted mother, that I will reproduce part of it here as well as filing it with his letter as he did not ask its return. This letter is prefaced by a note dated "Franklin Pa 1880 G.P.S." who I take to be Geo Plumer Smith who evidently had the original letter & which aside from showing a comparatively early bent of his mind & predilection for gathering such old things of historical interest, gives a clue that he might have gotten from Uncle John C. Plumer's effects, the old gggf John Jack bible or other papers. Make slip to hunt up who settled his estate at Phila, Pa I believe & see if his will left his assortment of historical papers to a historical or genealogical society. Ask Cousin Hannah E. Lawther what she knows about it.

Rev J.P.S. says he has several mementoes of his gf: A large oil portrait, a copy of

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"Old Redstone" & the "History of Jefferson College". He hopes someday he may be privileged to see the scenes referred to. I am inviting him to come with his family as my guests & I will take him to see them. He says: "My grandfather (Rev Joseph Smith D.D.) died Dec 4, 1868 & my grandmother in 1891. They had in all ten children as follows:

1. Elizabeth Hull married Rev Wm Brown D.D. No issue

2. David died in infancy

3. John Bell, unmarried U.S. Navy

4. Joseph (1st) died in infancy

5. Maria married Rev J. Calvin Barr, one son survives

6. William Wylie died young

7. Rebecca died Feby 15, 1916 unmarried

8. James Power my father a minister who died Aug 1923 leaving six children & 15 grandchildren.

9. Frank W. a civil engineer & railroad builder. He married Miss Emma Jack. He is still living at Harrisburg, Penna at last reports (make slip to go quick to see him & get her line). His children:

1. Frank died a year ago & was a vice prest. of the Penna RR Co

2. Belle married Harmon Brown Bell of Alexr Brown's bank Balto, Md

3. George a noted architect of Santa Barbara, Calif

10. Joseph of Penna troops in Civil War & an invalid - dying in an army hospital. There are nine grandchildren of Rev Joseph Smith surviving.

I was born at Fredericksburg, Va June 7, 1878 the son of Rev James Power Smith D.D. & Agnes Lacy daughter of

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Major James Horace Lacy of Fredericksburg, Va. I am an alumnus of the Union of Va & B.D. of the Univ Theo Sem of Richmond Va. I have had pastorates in Va, Ky & Mo & have recently come here to Tallulah, La a rapidly developing town, west of Vicksburg, Miss at the intersection of the Mo Pacific & Illinois Central & a strategic point in N.E. La" Says he believes all that is extant of his gf's effects are in his hands. Says he has many old letters back to his Princeton days but has no knowledge of any manuscript additions to "Old Redstone". Says he will make further search thru his papers for anything that will be of interest to me.

I believe the closing of the letter to Uncle Jno C. Plumer is sufficient to assure that his work on the history of the early elders of W.Pa was never finished, but he may have had some notes gathered in for it.

The preface to the printed letter says: "I feel that I should not longer defer putting the following letter in print that the yet remaining aged descendants of Jonathan Plumer may be able to read his own account of his conversion. Rev Dr Carnahan after completing his Theological course in Princeton was engaged as professor in the college of NJ there & afterwards called to its Presidency, in which he continued for, I believe thirty years. Dr Joseph Smith was a son of one of the great preachers in the early day in W.Pa &

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therefore took deep interest in the history of those times. His "old Redstone" a precious record of our pioneer church, is now almost out of print"

Franklin Pa 1880 G.P.S.

Greensburg, Pa July 2, 1868

John C. Plumer Esq

Dear Sir:

Your favor of the 30th ulto has been duly recd. I thank you for it. I stated to Mr _____ that I had recd some years ago from Dr Carnahan an account of your grandfather, the following is his statement. After giving some account of Judge Edgar, he goes on to say: "It is remarkable how many young laymen, of Sterling piety & intelligence were among the early settlers of W.Pa.

Among them I have a distinct recollection of Mr Plumer, grandfather of the Rev Dr Plumer of Balto. During the time I was at school in Canonsburg, I visited Sewickley the place where I passed my boyhood & on Sabbath, I went to Long Run church the day on which the Lords Supper was administered. After service, with 15 or 20 other young people, male & female, I was invited by a young woman to go to her father's & spend the night. She took us to Mr Plumer's a venerable old man some eighty yrs of age, too infirm to attend public worship. He was in full possession of his mental faculties.

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His heart was full of love to God & men. We were hospitably entertained. The old man was very sociable, talked much to us collectively & individually & all his conversation commenced & terminated on practical religious subjects. Amongst other things he gave us an account of his conversion in substance as follows: "He was born & brought up in Newburyport, Mass, when he was 15 or 16 yrs old. George Whitefield was preacher in that region. His father, although a professor of religion. His father, although a professor of religion was ardently opposed to Whitefield: forbade his children of which he had a large number, going to hear Whitefield preach. No injunction was laid on the old lady, his mother. She determined to go & asked the subject of this notice to go with her. Under the protection of his mother, he went. Whitefield entered the place of worship & after the people were seated, he rose to pray. He lifted his hands & directed his eyes to the heavens & in that attitude he stood a minute or two without uttering a word, so solemn so devout & so awful, said Mr Plumer was his countenance & attitude that before he uttered a word, I trembled, my knees gave way & I sank down on the seat behind me. My convictions were deep & frequent & I found no peace until I resigned myself into the arms of the Lord Jesus". He then exhorted his young audience to go & do likewise assuring us we would never repent seeking the Lord when we were young. I am led to believe that

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it was by his orders that his daughter invited us to his house. He led in family worship & I recollect that in all his prayers he asked the Lord to pour out His Spirit on all flesh, so that all our sons & daughters may prophesy. It is a remarkable fact that the sons & daughters of this good old man, became pious people; several of his sons, perhaps all, were Elders in the Presbyterian Church. His daughters married pious men & four or five of his grandsons are ministers of the gospel". Such is the testimony that Dr Carnahan bore to your sainted grandfather. I have carefully transcribed it, & you may rely on its accuracy. I wish you & your brother Alexander would give me some more particulars. Could you not between you work out a few more memorandums? Is there no old family bible recording his birth, death etc. Is it your daughter that is your amanuensis? If so she is a capital clerk & I hope you will prevail upon her, to give me notes as you dictate to her not only your further recollections of your grandfather, but a list of the names of laymen, eminent for their piety & intelligence, who were the Aarons of the church & any old minutes of our early church history (he evidently referred to cousin Ruth E. Plumer Andrews [last line too faded to read.]

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It is very true, as Dr Carnahan observes that there were many laymen of sterling piety & intelligence among the early settlers in W.Pa. If you can recall even the names of the first settlers of eminent piety at Mt Pleasant, Sewickley etc I will be much obliged to you. I have thought as the author of Old Redstone Historical Recollections, that I should seek further, and my work is very incomplete without some account of the Elders & members of the church & our pious mothers that were burning & shining lights in their day.

Yours Truly

Joseph Smith

3d His 3d letter celebrates Andrew's 46th birthday, being dated Oct 25, 1926 & asks for the return of the leaflet just copied above so I am returning it. I have my mother's copy of old Redstone in which she took so much delight & also the proceedings of the 3d Congress of the Scotch Irish Society with the article referred to. I knew the author S.T. Wiley, very well. I would be glad however to avail myself (Find above 8 lines are for my letter to him)

He offers to send me Old Redstone & report of Scotch Irish Soc of Amer 3d Con. with article on Scotch Irish of S.W. Pa on page 232 both of which I have but I am writing him to send

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"History of Jefferson College" by his gf & Alexanders Annals of "Princeton College during the 18th Century" which is biographical sketches of all graduates from 1748-1800. He also speaks of having 2 large volumes of the "Annals of the Pres Ch" collected by Dr Sprague. I am writing for information about it.

4th The 4th is an envelope postmarked Mch 29th rtg a letter I wrote him Jany 7th. I think he made a mistake & sent my letter back instead of his answer to it.

5th This is dated May 14th 2 wks ago. Says they have been almost two weeks in the midst of swirling waters with the town after the levee breaks filled with water 3 to 15 ft deep. The greater part of the population escaped & my family are refugeeing in Miss. We are marooned without RR or highway outlet. Small coast guard boats make perilous trips to the levee at Dalta Point 17 miles & there connection is made for Vicksburg, Miss. Go west, you may go to Monroe by boat abt 60 miles. Until the waters recede in a month or 6 wks, I will be in uncertainty abt my household good & library a mile south in town. Says he is much distressed as to the safety of a large box of family papers & may have to call on me for the partial copy I made of of his gf [unreadable word] He has helped in the cause [last three or so words too faded to read]

V20 Page 607

A letter dated July 25, 1926 in answer to mine of July 5, 1924 to Walter Green Jack, her cousin is from Mrs Mary Louise McKnight, Dalton No 49 Calhoun St, West Point, Miss. She says my letter was handed by Walter to her father, W.J. McKnight who had married Greenie Jack, a sister of Walter's father Wm E. & a daughter of Samuel Edward Green Jack. Her father was sick when my letter was handed him, but being much interested in ancestry, gave her the data about the family & told her then to write me. He died Sept 13, 1924 but his widow, Greenie was living when she wrote. From her stating that her ggf William jack lived in Beaucoup Co, Ill (& there is no such Co) I turn to book 2 p 86 as I remembered that in copying the S.S. Jack packet of letters 8 yrs ago, the first one was from Samuel C. Jack of Beaucoup, Ills, Washington Co written 1880 so with the inf he gave & what she gives, I am able to connect the two families & his letter gives two generations back of her inf, but unfortunately, he does not give the name of his N.C. grandfather. I will commence a genealogical table on page 610 leaving room to put down other data which I cannot well embody in the table. I will commence the table with Saml C. Jack

V20 Page 608

letter book 2 p 86. Her father's death so unnerved her that she neglected writing until she found my letter last year.

Referring to Dr Hunter's sketches of Western North Carolina, page 74, they do not seem to have had any trace of the children of John Jack, son of Patrick Jack of charlotte 1700-1784? although they report him as having gone to Wilkes Co, Ga. Still even if he had, William, who went to Texas with 7 sons, Samuel & Andrew who went to Tenn may have been his sons as they are of a proper age to have been & then Saml C Jack's letter says his gf of the Charlotte NC Dist came from Ireland & he would be a babe when his father came to America & this helps to establish him as the father & not the gf of the above three brothers, who I conclude with reasonable certainty are his children. Then too, William goes to Texas as did some of the children of James, the bearer his (ie Wm's) first cousins & then the 3d son in Patrick's family was Samuel see page 610. If this proves correct, it is wonderful how the threads are woven together viz: a letter written to me ten months ago July 25, 1926 that I have just reached & in answer to one written more than 2 yrs before July 5, 1924 to her cousin Walter Greene Jack & handed then to her dying father, who dictated his knowledge of her Jacks back to her ggf & this coupled with my remembrance

V20 Page 609

of having 8 yrs ago copied a letter, on among a packet recd at Decatur, Ills 17 yrs ago that was written 47 yrs ago by Saml C. Jack of Beaucoup, Ills the place to which Mrs Dalton said her ggfather went

V20 Page 610 & V20 Page 611

[descendant chart]

Mr Jack of Charlotte Dist, N.C. He is said to have come from Ireland & settled in N.C. & had 3 sons & one daughter. See if he can be John Jack, second son of Patrick Jack of Charlotte, N.C. See Dr C.L. Hunter's Sketches of Western North Carolina page 74 & see if he did got to Wilkes Co, Ga & whether he bought property there or made a will there. His sons or grandsons may have gone to Texas & Tenn. He would probably be born 1733 to 1740. Patrick Jack of Charlotte N.C. had a son Samuel Oct 4, 1927 I think these below are the children of John of Patrick & not his grandchildren.


William Jack. Many years ago, he left North Caroline & went to Texas taking with him 7 sons. His brother Samuel never heard from him after he left N.C.

Samuel Jack. He was of Charlotte Dist N.C. & moved to Tenn. He moved to Illinois in 1831. From letter of his son, Samuel C., he died about 1865 see if it was Nashville, Ills Co seat look for will or deed. See book 23 p 318. Married Jane Davis see b 24 p 522.

William Jack b Mch 26, 1813 ob 1841 at Beaucoup, Ill, Wash Co. Look at Nashville, Ill for will & at Beaucoup for tombstones. Had 4 children two dying in infancy. Married Leasie [sic] FitzGerald. After he died, she took her children back to Tenn & married Robert Church. B 24 p 522.

Samuel Edward Greene Jack b July 14, 1837 in Ills ob Sept 2, 1920 married 1856 Louisa Tennessee FitzGerald b 1839 & died Mch 13, 1889 daughter of Edmund FitzGerald & wife Sallie Witherlow.

William Edward Jack born 1857 married 1 America Walters & had 2 sons 1 daughter, married 2 Lou Wilkes & had 1 daughter, 2 sons, married 3 America Gaskell. Both living at Carters Creek, Maury Co, Tenn.

Samuel Jack, married

William Jack, married

Bertie Jack, a girl, ob married left 2 children

Hattie Mae Jack married

Walter Green Jack, unmarried

Grady Jack unmarried.

Greenie Jack [daughter of Samuel E.G. Jack] born May 25, 1861 married 1 Dec 1876 Jasper Bassham b Apr 12, 1857 ob Jany 2, 188- married 2 Dec 8, 1885 Wm Joseph McKnight b Oct 29, 1865 ob Sept 13, 1924. She is still living. Had one daughter by 1st husband & five by second.

Ella Florence Bassham b Sept 10, 1877 married Mch 19, 1903 to Wm Fitzgerald son of Morgan E. Fitzgerald & wife Martha McMeen

Mary Louise McKnight b Oct 12, 1888, my informant by mail, see bk 23 p 318 married Dec 29, 1912 to Harry Pelham Dalton at Theta, Maury Co, Tenn son of Burton P. Dalton & wife Nannie Epperson.

Jack Epperson Dalton, b June 3, 1917

Beatrice Jo McKnight b Mch 30, 1891 married June 12, 1912 to Robt Wilse Aiken at Theta, Tenn son of Wm English Aiken & wife Cora Thompson. No issue

Tina Eugenia McKnight b July 13, 1893 married Feby 3, 1917 in Columbia Tenn to Fred Galloway b Mch 5, 1890 son of Edwin Thos Galloway & wife Belinda Vestal 2 children, lives 835 Atlantic Ave Port Arthur Tex

Jean Anne Galloway b Mch 331, 1918

Royer Ned Galloway b Dec 7, 1928

Annie Lee McKnight b Aug 28, 1896 married Jany 21, 1921 to Carl Watson b Nov 4, 1893 son of James Elbert Watson & wife Adelia McDaniel. No issue.

Leasie McKnight b Jany 12, 1899 married May 19, 1923 to Ferrel Turthy, son of Pinkney Alphonso Turthy & wife Mary Griffie Pucket. 2 children.

Mary Jo Turthy b Feby 28, 1924

Ferrel Turthy Jr b Feby 3, 1927

Samuel C. Jack [son of Samuel Jack of Charlotte N.C.] ob. He wrote in 1880 fr Beaucoup, Ills to S.S. Jack & the handwriting was that of a trembly old man. Look there for tombstone & heirs at Nashville, Ill for will.

Clifford Jack

John Jack see b 24 p 522

Burnie Jack

H.D. Jack did live at Beaucoup, Ills

Andrew Jack [son of Mr Jack of this chart] lived in Charlotte Dist N.C. & went to Tenn probably with his brother Samuel

A daughter

V20 Page 612

Oak Hill May 30, 1927 2:44 PM

A letter dated July 9, 1926 in answer to mine of June 15, from Miss Ida Mayes Simkins of Hotel Royal, Jackson, Miss see book 16 p 112-118 says she took her old position at the hotel a few days after I saws her on Mch 5, 1926 see bk 16 p 88 but that her sinus trouble was rtg & she would have to go back to New Orleans for treatment. She gives me the addresses of her niece: Mrs Ruby Belkey 733 Tracy Ave Kansas City, Mo & her brother-in-law: Fred E. Barnes 728 Orchard St Rosedale, Wyandotte Co Kansas to both of whom I am writing, see book 16 p 115.

Says she recd a letter a few days ago from her Uncle Walter (Rev Walter B. Redburn) who was going on his vacation taking a month's sea voyage

V20 Page 613

A letter dated June 23, 1926 in answer to mine of 3d & 8th, from her brother James Logan Simkins of Ludlow, Livingston Co, MO see book 16 p 113 gives his birth as July 25, 18i63 instead of 1862 as given from memory by his sister Mrs Rude, so I am changing to the date he names.

overflow from book 16 p 114:

His oldest child, Edna Vivian Stubblefield has two children now both born in Caldwell Co, Mo viz:

1. Samuel Eugene Stubblefield born Arp 15, 1924

2. Charles Ervin Stubblefield born Apr 21, 1926

Their 4th child was:

4th an infant son born & died May 14, 1905

A letter dated Aurora, Mo July 2, 1916 from J.D. Greason of 126 S. Locust St Aurora, Mo says that Mrs Lucile Bacon of Poplar Bluffs,

Mo & her mother Mrs Alice M. Greason of Calif got the impression I was writing a history of the Caruthers family & they wished to get a copy & know the price. Am writing that it will take 4 or 5 yrs yet to gather the records. See book 5 page 379

V20 Page 614

A letter dated July 2, 1926 in answer to mine of June 3, from W.C. Ross of Roundup, Montana. He says he has accumulated a large library in which are some of his father's books & "what remains of the family records". He says he built in Omaha to care for all these, but in the house at Roundup, the space is restricted & abt half of the books are in unopened cases, among them the records. He has been too busy to get what I asked for, but will get them out & send me. He thinks the data his father had was turned over to either Henry Wallace of Des Moines or to Harry Wallace late Secy of Agriculture, both now dead & he fears the record misplaced or lost. Has tried unsuccessfully to find it. Says he has lived most of his life in Omaha with very little contact with the relatives. Asks if I am of the family connection & if so, how.

V20 Page 615

A letter dated Aug 22, 1926 in answer to mine of June 3, from Miss Jessie Finley of 824 Morton St Falls City, Neb see book 16 pages 16-17 & 80-83 & this read in with Samuel Finley's statement pages 76-77, along with Mrs Arnold's & the table on page 80 leads me to seriously consider whether George Finley, brother of Rev Robt W. Finley is not identical with George Finley 1757-1833 book 15 p 444 but upon looking at Mrs Belk's statement book 15 p 442 I find this is not tenable as her gf George 1757-1833 had brothers James, Joseph, & John & sister Elizabeth while this George book 16 p 80 has brothers James, Thomas, Rev Robt W. & Rev Samuel & a sister Mary. Miss Jessie says her mother Mary Catharine Randall was married July 1, 1876 as against July 1, 1877 got from the family records at Kate Arnold's, Leon Iowa which latter date I incline to accept as correct in view of the first child not being born until Dec 23, 1878. She says her mother was born in Jefferson Co, Wisconsin & that her mother Melissa Ann Cartwright was niece of the celebrated Peter Cartwright.

V20 Page 616

Oak Hill June 1, 1927 8:55 PM

A letter dated July 29, 1926 from Kate M. Codington (Mrs J.L. Codington, Historian Hotel Hamilton Omaha, Neb) in answer to my letter to Mrs Agnes Jack Winkelman see pages 570-5 this book whose husband she says is her cousin. Agnes now seeks inf for her daughter to join the D.A.R.

Mrs Codington asks if James Jack, her, Agnes, grandfather, born probably about 1820 was a grandson of Capt Matthew Jack or was he from the James line, Revolutionary James. She says was born in Penna but died in Georgia. She gives me all that Agnes knows of her line which follows:

Agnes D. Jack daughter of David Jack who was born Feby 13, 1840 at Canonsburg, Washington Co, Pa who was or rather is a son of:

James Jack born abt 1820 & lived in Westd Co, Pa & married say in 1839 Jane Barnes 2d child of John Barnes & his wife Catherine McCutcheon of Westd Co, Pa living on Brush Creek. All moved to West Point, Lee Co Iowa in 1840 Jane Barnes Jack died in 1843.

James Jack moved to Texas in 1871 from Wis or Mich where he had married secondly. He died in 1873 see book 11 p 449-452

V20 Page 617

A letter dated June 25, 1926 in answer to mine from V. Lansing Collins, Secy of Princeton University, says A.F. France of 267 Hanover St, Annapolis, Md has sent them data abt Maj Joseph Lewis Finley which he is very glad to pass on to me which is:

He does not say where Joseph Lewis Finley was born, but his father Michael Finley Jr lived in Sadsbury Tp Chester Co, Pa from 1737 to 1758 & in Londonderry Tp 1764 & probably the boy came from one of these two places. We do not know the date of his entrance to the college as no matriculation records were kept at that time. He was born Feby 20, 1753 & died May 23, 1839 at West Union, Adams Co, O. He served as Lieut, Capt & Major in the Revolution in Miles Rifle Bat & in 13th, 8th & 2d Penna Line. He lost an eye in the service. He married Jane Blair, daughter of Rev Samuel Blair of Chester Co, Pa. He says the best source for inf abt the Presidents of the college is John Maclean's 2 vol history of the college of NJ on sale at the Princeton Univ Press. I think I have this.

I am writing asking if they have on sale Alexander's annals of "Princeton College during the 18th century" which gives sketches of all graduates 1748-1800 see page 606.

V20 Page 618

Oak Hill June 2d 1927 10:07 AM

A letter dated June 29, 1926 in answer to mine of the 11th from Dr Jessica W. Findlay, Castile, NY says her father, John Findlay, a native of Kenmay? a suburb of Aberdeen came to this country as a young man & her mother Elizabeth Dunn born in Montrose Scotland came as a young woman. They were married in Canada. He had several brothers, James, Alexander & William & three sisters, Ann, Jessie & Agnes. She says if her family proves to be a link in the chain of the history, I am writing, she will be glad to send me as full a history as she can obtain of her line. Am writing giving briefly my line & aims. See book 16 p 426

See book 21 p 238-9

A letter dated July 7, 1926 in answer to mine of June 11th from Dr Caroline S. Finley M.D. of 104 E. 40th St, NY see book 16 p 426 says she is very sorry she is not able to give any inf about the Finley family. She says my ancestors were from Newburgh, NY

V20 Page 619

A letter dated June 28, 1926 answering mine from Cousin Leonora Markle Anderson Hotel LeMarquis 12-16 E. 31st ST NY City referring to a former letter of having gotten some notes of mine from S.W. Shrader who was a tenant in her furnished east Ind house in Pittsburgh, Pa says: "For heavens sake, do not misquote me - Mr & Mrs Shrader took a motor trip & were poisoned by some food they ate & died two weeks apart from intestinal poisoning. The daughter told me that." She speaks of her nephew & Atty Geo H. Calvert trying to collect the rent & of Shrader saying to him over the phone, "My God, do not bother me now - my wife is dying". She, however then recovered & he died & then the wife died in two weeks, still in her house. They owed her over $3000 rent which she will never get & they owed everybody. She thinks the daughter is the same kind of a "dead beat".

She says the last of the Hunters, John A. Hunter, evidently a brother of her father. He lived in the old family home at Beatty Sta, Pa. He left the farm underlaid with coal to his wife & the families of the Hunters viz: my father Wm L. with Gail & I the heirs see bk 12 p 338, sister Mary Neely with 3 sons & James E. with about 11 children - each will have enough for a lolypop [sic]. If there in anything else I can help you in, let me know. You see I kept my real name, most people take the maiden name but I kept the Leonora Markle - thought it might bring me wealth, but nothing doing. See book 16 p 489

V20 Page 620

[descendant chart]

Andrew Finley, Inverness, Scotland moved to Enniscarty, County Wexford, Ireland (S.E. corner) see book 21 p 516


Lawrence Finley, born Enniscarty, moved to town of Osgood, Province of Ontario Canada, died 1879 buried Osgood Cem where name on tombstone is spelled Findlay. Married Ann Finley. Had ten children.

Philip Finley d.y. no knowledge

Thomas Finley lives at Brainerd, Minn. Writing see below,b Aug 1, 1857 at Ottowa Can lives Braham Minn married Aug 10, 1882. Helen McAndrews who died Dec 11, 1898 leaving 4 children the first two born at Ludington, Mich 3d at Waterbury S.D. & 4th at Black Hawk S.D.

John L. Finley b Sept 17, 1884

Thomas M. Finley B Sept 18, 1886

Edward P. Finley b Mch 20, 1889 ob Apr 5, 1906

Mary Ann Finley b Mch 9, 1891

William Finley lives in Grand Rapids Mich. Writing. Has 5 boys

Edward Finley married Feby 22, 1876 at Rome NY Bridget Teresa Maloney. Ten children.

Edward Finley, ob

Helen Finley, ob

William A. Finley lives at Chula Vista, Calif. Write him

Francis J. Finley lives 617 Floyd Ave, Rome NY. Write him

Maryetta Finley, ob

Helen Finley 2d, ob

Anna Mae Finley, ob

Arthur Finley ob

Edmund L. "M.D." married Feby 18, 1919 at Rome, NY (Lives 340 Main St, Oneida St NY) to Lena Dunn. Have 1 child. He my informant for this record by letter of Sept 4, 1926

Roger Dunn Finley

Dr John Howard Finley lives Syracuse NY Write him c/o Seitz Bldg

Elizabeth Finley [daughter of Lawrence]

Catharine Finley

Martin Finley [son of Andrew Finley]

V20 Page 621

Oak Hill June 3, 1927 12:26 PM

A letter dated Aug 16, 1926 in answer to mine of Apr 16 from Benj W. Kilgore of Raliegh N.C. see book 16 p 278 says his Aunt Harriet M. Kilgore's address is Houston, Miss, but he has evidently not heard of the information I got that she has died. He suggests that I write to his sister, Mrs M.E. Coffey, Myrtle, Union Co, Miss as to where I can get further records of his Aunts Keziah A. May & Mary D.M. Davis. See book 16 p 278. He thinks she can put me in touch with those who can give this information & possibly other older members of his family I am writing her. He suggests also that I write Harry P. Greer, Statesville, Iredell Co, N.C. who comes from the Greer line, but I don't think in our Jack line as B.W.'s ggf James married Keziah Greer. He accepts my statement that his people went fr Penna to Charlotte N.C. & he speaks of Kilgores were successful in business there at an early day & went thence to S.C. & some now are about Woodruff S.C. He says the records he sent me, see bk 16 pages 244 & 278-9 were from his bible of his gf & that he does not have the bible of his gf or older representatives. The records however are of his gf's children but not of his father's for which I am now writing. gives his father's marriage & death, however & his own record which I am adding to the table in Book 16 p 278 from the Charlotte N.C. Observer of May 19, 1926 which Chronicles that on tomorrow they will hold sway about the "square" where the Mecklenburg Declaration was signed, it being a state & city holiday & where in the afternoon, a marker will be unveiled for Capt James Jack, bearer of the Mecklenburg, Declaration of Independence to Philadelphia.

He says he will gladly render further help & if I publish the information, he wants to be informed.

Sept 2, 1927 see also book 21 p 345.

V20 Page 622

A post card postmarked C[unreadable] Aug 6, 1926 signed Mrs E.D. Marsh Secy of the Markel Pres but with no address or date is an invitation to attend the 15th annual reunion of the Markel families at the Wooster Fair Grounds on Aug 21, 1926

A letter dated July 13, 1926 from Mrs Mary Hurst Archinal 1527 Yale Ave N.W. see page 524 says her gggfather John Jack (1747-1815) had a daughter Nancy who married Dr James Power. Says she obtained this record from an old bible in possession of Sarah Hurst Neal, Mt Pleasant, Pa & then gives her line of descent same as given on page 524 to Dora E. Gunnett.

She says John I. Hurst died in 1754 in York, Buckinghamshire, Penna. Thinks they came from Va. The sons & his widow formed the Hurst settlement at Mt Pleasant, Pa. She says Dr James Power graduated from Princeton in 1766.

Oak Hill June 4, 1927 3:47 PM

A letter dated July 18, 1926 in answer to mine of June 4 to 11 from Mrs Wm Tilton route 3 West pike Zanesville, O see book 15 p 392-3 gave her own record which I have entered there in place. Says she does not know date of birth of her sister Sarah, eldest child of her father John Finley, but says she is buried at Pine St Cem Gallipolis, O having died young. She says Mrs Belle Chevalier, Gallipolis, O (her sister) "has the family record, I think". I have written her for same & her own record.

V20 Page 623

A letter dated July 1, 1926 in answer to mine of June 2d from Mrs Jennie McIntire Kyle of Cedarville, O see book 15 pages 105 & 609 Her letter was much of a jumble. I think I have figured most of it out but the records I got at her brother's from the bible on Oct 24th 1925 book 15 p 105-6 enabled me to start the table on next page & I have written the several parties & am writing her again for record of Ambrose's family which I will have to transfer back to this page when she reports.

V20 Page 624

[descendant chart]

Silas Dyer McIntire B Dec 31, 1824 ob Mch 2, 1881 son of Col Andrew McIntire & Elizabeth Finley married 1 Mch 3, 1852 Phebe Caroline Patton b July 29, 1835 ob Oct 28, 1865. Had 4 children. Married 2 Aug 1, 1867 Sarah Ann Marlatt b Mch 25, 1839 ob Feby 25, 1901. Had 6 children.


Ambrose Pinkerton McIntire b Feby 25, 1853 ob May 17, 1917 married Dec 17, 1874 Mary Frances Kirker, daughter of Geo Kirker & wife Mollie Cunningham. She was born June 5, 1851 & now Aug 15, 1927 lives at Apt #28 Crestwood No 1099 Van Dyke, Ave Detroit, Mich see book 21 page 254

Ruth McIntire b Aug 2, 1856, married Sept 16, 1875 Henry H. Brown b Jany 6, 1853 son of Wm Barton Brown & wife Elenor Rolston. Henry Harrison Brown was born at Unity, Adams Co, O

Dr Roy Earl Brown b Oct 13, 1876 Wheat Ridge, O married Nov 19, 1911 Mary Baker b May 9, 1878 [unreadable birth place starts with Porten----] daughter of Robert Baker & wife Lornelda [best guess] Wilsburg [best guess]. Live Washington C.H. O

Ronald Brown

Dorothy Brown

Marguerite Brown b 1888 married Sept 1912 Frank Wolfe, Zanesville, O

Marjorie Jane Wolfe b 1914 at Columbus, O

Ruth Ann Wolfe b 1917 at Zanesville, O

Denver Brown b 1880 on Wheat Ridge ob 1884. d.y.

M. Ethel Brown b 1883 in Adams Co, O ob 1895 at Washington C.H. O d.y.

Phebe Elizabeth McIntire [daughter of Silas D. McIntire] b Dec 1, 1860 married Dec 1, 1881 Jno Gilmore Glasgow see bk 15 p 150

Mary McIntire b Aug 31, 1863 married Jany 31, 1883 to J. Harry Morrison b July 1, 1860 son of Wm Morrison & wife Emily Allison. Have 3 children born at Mission Creek, Neb. Their last 2 children born at Pawnee City, Neb. Their first 3 children born Glenwood, Wash.

Emily Ruth Morrison of Pawnee City Neb b Nov 25, 1883 married Oct 14, 1908 Rollo H. Timmerman b May 18, 1883 son of Alvin P. Timmerman & wife Mary Phillips. She wants a book.

1. Florence Mary Timmerman b Aug 9, 1909

2. Edna Margaret Timmerman b Jany 5, 1911

3. Kenneth Morrison Timmerman b Nov 9, 1912

4. Alvin Clifford Timmerman b Sept 18, 1914

5. Eleanor Ruth Timmerman b Mch 31, 1925

Edna Morrison b Feby 12, 1889 married Dec 11, 1912 Wm J. Barr b Oct 5, 1883 son of Wm Barr & wife Nannie Brooks. Have 3 children. Live Liberty, Neb where their children were born.

Edwin William Barr b Sept 3, 1913

John Morrison Barr b Dec 16, 1918

Robert Arthur Barr b Dec 14, 1922

Hubert Morrison b Mch 11, 1896 married Dec 21, 1922 Neta Gallas daughter of Julius Gallas & wife Effie Crispan. Their children born at Pawnee City, Neb.

Hubert Morrison Jr b Mch 20, 1924

Lelah Pearl McIntire [daughter of Silas D. McIntire] b Oct 5, 1871 married June 27, 1895 Dr E.F. Downing see b 15 page 111

Jennie Fay McIntire b Apr 7, 1873 married May 11, 1909 Jeptha Ervin Kyle born Sept 20, 1874 son of Roland Kyle & wife Anna Dunlap. She is his 2d wife. No issue.

Willard Haines Kyle son of Wm K by 1st wife b Nov 29, 1900 married June 3, 1926 Anna Ruth Graham, daughter of John Graham & wife Alva Seaman. She was born May 10, 1908

Anna Laura McIntire b Oct 28, 1874 ob Apr 29, 1926 married Apr 2, 1908 Roscoe F. Leach see b 15 p 110

Carl Herbert McIntire b Feby 28, 1871 married Nov 5, 1903 Ethel Patton see b 10 p 107

Wilbur Andrew McIntire b Mch 6, 1879 married Mch 4, 1909 Anna Margaret Wickerham see bk 15 p 104

Henry M. McIntire b Mch 14, 1882 married July 10, 1917 Eileen Matthews b Sept 8, 1890 daughter of Jno Burton Mathews [sic] & wife Mary Ellen Morris. Her full name was Eileen Winnifred Mathews born at Ashland, Wis. His sister Mrs Timmerman writes Sept 1, 1927 that he was born Feby 20, 1894

Kathleen Marie McIntire b Mch 13, 1923

Homer Marlatt McIntire Jr b Nov 24, 1924

Both born at Waseca, Minn where Homer M. is a physician & surgeon.

Leah Dora [best guess] McIntire b May 8, 1926

Oak Hill Oct 4, 1927 8:26 PM. Have made all slips to here JVT


*1 This was my Aunt Catharine

*2 William Woods was born at Newville, Pa & was married at Carlisle, Pa. Wm A. Line don't know names of his parents JVT 6/15/30

*3 Mrs Emma L. Rivers died June 27, 1930 JVT 1/20/31

*1 Penninah was daughter of Benjamin & Leah Mandlin? & was born in Randolph Co, NC Nov 21, 1801 & died in Kansas Dec 12, 1878, so says her youngest & only living child now in her 88 yr viz: Mrs Hannah M. Fisher of 641 East Morrison St Portland, Oregon on Sept 13, 1930

*2 Dec 4, 1927. His name is Lewis Hamilton Petro & he is a farmer P.O. Panora, Iowa. His daughter was born at Redfield, Iowa & her full name is Katie Eva Ora Petro. His father Geo W. Petro is son of Geo Petro by his 2d wife Curry

see page 441 so he is not in our line, so I do not want his brothers Jeff & Frank Petro of Hutchinson, Ks.

[1] This date cannot be right – need to check original volume to see if it’s a typo.

*1 Aug 19, 1927 see letter of May 29, 1927 from his granddaughter, M. Ella Pattison below, saying he lived at Wheat Ridge & is buried at Unity g.y. see book 15 p 161 which gives same dates as she does in her letter viz: John Caruthers died Aug 9, 1856 in 43d yr (born say 1813). Jane Clark wife of John Carothers died Nov 8, 1856 aged 44 yrs 10 mos 14 days (born then Dec 25, 1811) see book 22 p 55-59

*2 This John is brother of gggf Edward, see Anjou's Crawford Hist p 109

*1 He has held the following offices in Douglas, Cochise Co, Arizona: Justice of the Peace & police judge from Jany 1, 1919 to Dec 31, 1922, U.S. Commissioner during 1920, Asst Prosecuting Atty 1923 & 1924 Police Judge 1926 Police Judge & J.P. beginning Jany 1, 1927 for 2 yr term.


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