The Sun Stands Still - Rocky Mountain Calvary

The Sun Stands Still

Joshua 10

Scripture: Joshua 10:1-15

Memory Verse: “…if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20

Lesson Focus: Boldness in prayer!

Activities and Crafts: Coloring Page,

3rd-5th: “The Day the Sun stood Still” Puzzle Page.

1st-2nd Craft: Prayer Rounder

Introduction: Ask the kids: “have you ever been afraid to ask for something? (Have the kids share some examples.) “Have you ever been afraid to ask God for something?” (share examples) What kind of things can we ask God for? (have the kids list some things that they think are appropriate.)

Bible Study:

Joshua 10:1-5: “A War Pact!”

√ What was the King of Jerusalem worried about?

1. Joshua destroyed Ai

2. Joshua had destroyed Jericho

3. Gibeon had made peace with Joshua

√ What plan did he come up with?

√ Who where the five kings that agreed to fight against Israel?

1. King of Jerusalem

2. King of Hebron

3. King of Jarmuth

4. King of Lachish

5. King of Eglon

√ Where did they begin the fight?

(They went up and camped before Gibeon.)

√ Why would they camp against Gibeon? Gibeon had made peace with Israel and they are testing out that peace treaty.

Joshua 10:6: “Cry for Help!”

√ What message did the men of Gibeon send to Joshua?

Joshua 10:7-8: “Joshua’s Word”

√ What was Joshua’s response? Did he keep his promise?

Joshua had been tricked into this peace treaty with Gibeon, but he kept his promise to them. He defended them even though they where his enemy. There really had not been an agreement to protect them…just not to destroy them. But Joshua, stands for the Lord and comes to the aid of people that tricked him in the beginning. Gibeon was located about 25 miles away from Gilgal where the Israelites where located and 4,000 feet higher.

Joshua is a picture of Jesus. He gives us a glimpse of what our Savior would do for us. Jesus comes to deliver us and He is faithful to see us complete in Him.

2 Timothy 2:13 says, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.”

√ What was God’s response to Joshua? (do not fear – I have given them into your hands.) That means that Joshua was seeking God’s guidance. He was going to the Lord for direction and listening to the Lord.

Joshua 10:9: “Joshua’s Action Plan!”

√ How did Joshua get to Gibeon? (Marched all night)

√ Why where they surprised? (Because of the quickness that the Israel army got there.)

Joshua did not mess around. He heard from the Lord and he took action. He did not take action before he heard from the Lord, only afterwards. This is a very important model for our lives. Many times we move ahead and then ask God what He wants us to do. “Waiting” on the Lord is an important teaching in the Scripture. God wants us to wait to hear from Him and then move in a direction.

Joshua moved the troop 25 miles and 4,000 feet up to get to the enemy.

Joshua 10:10-11: “God’s Battle”

1. God brought the fighting Kings into the path of the Israelite army

2. They where killed with a great slaughter

3. They where chased

4. God sent large hailstones that killed the Kings armies

√ What killed the most men?

a. Swords?

b. Hailstones?

√ Do you think that it matters that more men were killed with hailstones than by the Israelite army? Why or why not?

In the book of Leviticus, we are told that when someone “blasphemes” against God that they should be put to death by stoning.

√ Who can tell us what “blasphemes” means? (To blaspheme is to curse God.)

Leviticus 24:16, “And whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall certainly stone him, the stranger as well as him who is born in the land. When he blasphemes the name of the Lord, he shall be put to death.”

Israel was fighting for God. God knew that these people had “blasphemed” against God. They served other “gods” and turned their back on the one true and living God. There is a judgment for those that say no to God.

Joshua 10:12-14: “Joshua’s Bold Ask!”

√ What did Joshua ask of God?

√ Why did Joshua ask God in front of the people? Why do you think that would matter?

√ Why do you think that Joshua asked this of God? (he needed more daylight)

√ Why do you think that God answered Joshua’s request? (the Lord fought for Israel.)

√ Does the sun go around the earth? (Actually the earth revolves around the sun. God probably stopped the earth’s rotation. We use sunset and sunrise as figures of speech to refer to new days and the end of a day. That is what Joshua is doing here. The sun did not set for one whole day. How God accomplished that does not matter because God is God!


√ Does it surprise you that Joshua asked God such a “crazy” thing?

√ When Joshua asked God for the sun to stay up, what does that show in his character?

1. Boldness before God to ask anything – “Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus.” Hebrews 10:19

2. Boldness before the people to ask anything of God

3. Not ashamed of asking – “They cried to You, and were delivered; They trusted in You, and were not ashamed.” Psalm 22:5

4. Faith, believing that God could do anything:

Matthew 17:20-21, “So Jesus said to them, ‘Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

1. Do you think that Joshua had faith as big as a mustard seed?

2. Who was his faith in?

3. Do you think Joshua was in a right relationship with God to ask such a thing? Matthew tells us that when we ask God to do the impossible we need to be in an attitude of prayer and fasting.

4. Joshua was following the will of God. He was actively doing what God had asked him to do.

Ephesians 5:17 says, “Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

When we go through life ignoring God and not in prayer with God we do not know the will of God for our lives. We are just doing what we want to do. God has a plan for us and He wants us to seek Him for direction. God gave Joshua direction and Joshua followed God. In the midst of following God, Joshua could make a bold request of God.

√ Are you spending time in prayer with God asking Him for direction for your life?

√ Do you have the faith to ask God for a miracle?

√ Do you have the faith to accept God’s answer no matter what?


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