I DECREE with (Dan 6:8)

PRAYERS OF PROTECTION ASK GOD TO ENTER INTO THECOURTS !Everything we do from now on will be IN THE COURTS!We Decree that WE are HIS weapon of war! And God will break every EVIL thing through our vessels Jer 51:20-23Father in the name of Jesus YOU SAID that YOUR WORD HAS THE ABILITY to touch ANYTHING/ANYONE at ANYTIME/ANYWHERE with Luke 1:37, Matt 8:27.WE BLIND/DEAFEN ALL monitoring spirits, evil eyes/monitoring satellites and our enemies Five Fold Giftings being used against us/this team, the demons on the inside/outside of them with Acts 22:11 and Matt 26:28! Lord, WE CHOOSE TO MOVE BEYOND THE SHADOW OF DEATH & INTO LIFE with Luke 10:19! People to pray for: Matt 6:6 (that we pray in secret) WE COVER: Israel/America (Jan – April) –that the Shaking be less around usPres. Trump/VP Pence/Families - Entire Administration, Q AnonOUR FAMILIES/Our Animals/AngelsEzekiels Wheel Prayer Team & their families UMBRELLA OF PROTECTION BEFORE YOU EVER BEGIN PRAYING FURTHER!Cover our GATES: Mouth, EYES, EARS, HEART, TOUCH, FEET, Longevity (our lives, our families lives, and our pets), 5 Fold gifts, our minds/focus, strength, Cognitive abilities, our sleep/dreams, over all our covenantal relationships/friendships, our senses/ alignment with God, Our faith expector, will, emotions/YOUR PERSON, family, pets, angels, Your body (internal/outer organs, Body regulation & health), our relationship with Christ, the 7 gates of your heart, the 12 gates of your spiritual life/natural/Our Heart Courts (Outer/inner/Holy of Holies) Your Blessings, needs, destinies, marriages, job, finances, (ALL GATES in the spirits (Shutting all portals to the 2nd heavens & down into the pits of hell, have angels guard all gates the enemy would try to open to hell over the earth, THEN ask God to OPEN ALL GODLY portals to the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th heavens to combine forces with holy angels in the earth with Ex 15:6, Rev 3:7) Cover all weak places, communication, supply line gates, Cover our senses, our movement spiritually, Cover us on the International, Fed, State, City, County& Personal Levels, to the North, South, East & West /Vertically/Horizontally in the spirit, in our Outer courts, inner courts and along all pathways leading into their Holy of Holies (aka Destiny), cover our TIMES/DIMENSIONS/REALMS/SEASONS of the spirit (past, present & future), Protect our angelic LEY LINES, our Standards, banners, scrolls, cups, , All Holy Armament weapons, Cover our armor & our ability to hear/see God & His voice, our angels armor (Ps 23:1-6, I Pet 5:10), Cover all layers of your soul, you’re heart/mind the vehicles we drive, Research, books, Blog site, Podcast/ Social media. All areas of our destinies/paths, all revelation and positioning, our joy levels, Our Inheritances, OUR HEALTH: Guard the anointing, Guard our ability to hear/see God & ALL Revelatory Gifts. & our PROVISION and God’s protection over it from the spirit to the natural, all fractures in our psyches not healed yetWE LOOSE EXTREME SAFETY OVER US/OUR FAMILIES/The President/VP & their FamiliesCover our Gates/Holy Altars/7/12/GatesI DECREE with (Dan 6:8)That /ME & my family/My Entire Family Would ALWAYS be at the RIGHT PLACE/AT THE RIGHT TIME AT ALL TIMES with Gen 45:7, Gen 48:16, Lev 8:10, II Sam 23:1, Is 33:20, Ex 14:19 (angels all along our pathways) Josh 24:7, Ezra 8:31, Ps 18:28-31, Ps 18:36, Ex 14:19, II Chon 17:2 (FORTIFIED Citadel type of PROTECTION) LOOSE SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION Ps 23, Ps 91, Is 52:12, Eph. 6:10-18, II Sam 19:3, Gen 48:6, Ex 32:7, Ps 121, Rom 3:25, II Chron. 2:14, Matt 18:18 & Luke 15:22 (1500 Rings of fire with angelic hosts in each ring, locked shields over you – INPENETRABLE, Job 10:12 (God Giving/keeping our lives), Fortified protection Joel 3:17, Ex 14:19, That we’re hidden in God’s Wings with Ps 91:1; That ALL MEMBERS/OUR FAMILIES are in Heaven’s “Witness Protection Program” & God’s Secret Service (Rev 7:1-14, Ps 91, Prov 18:10, Ps 61:3; That we ALWAYS be able to discern Good from evil Heb 5:14; That Our vessels/,OUR prayers/ teammates/Angels are the most deadly, lethal, destructive and fatal force against the enemy in the history of Christianity, that a HIGH POWERED Anointing rest on us, & our prayers are ALWAYs increasing ON EVERYTHING we DO/SAY/PRAY making us the Cream of the crop: Dt 32:2, Ex 4:12, with a Breaker Anointing’s (FAT BULL)/& the 2nd Wind of Samson backing all of our words/prayers with Jud 16:21:30, Ex 29:7, Gen 6:8 Lev 7:36, II Sam 23:1, Acts 27:9, Dan 10:8 , Josh 1:5 (up to a 1000 generations) That every Hex, vex, chant, spell, voodoo, hoodoo, potions, all demonic rituals, RED/WHITE/BLACK MAGIC, Evil Altars, Cauldrons, Evil tongues, Poppits/voodoo dolls made in my/my families image, ALL Demonic CURSINGS/Prayers prayed amiss/Demonic Prophetic Decrees or ANY SCRIPTURE spoken over me/my family in malice be DISSOLVED with Ps 144:4 and/or turn INTO A BLESSING BEFORE IT EVER HITS US with Dt 23:5) I DECREE THAT WE ARE ALWAYS SAFE and the devil has NO right to come against our mandate and that GOD WILL FINISH WHAT He’s started through us in Jesus name! Plead the Blood of Jesus with Rom 3:25 on your gates (our mind, mouth, eye, ear, heart {7 and 12 gates spiritually}, touch/feet gates, our senses and 5 Fold gifts, our all 3 Courts/mind/will/emotions/Holy Altars; RELEASE Holy angels around these areas & the gates of the nation with Dan 6:12, Dan 6:22, Josh 5:14, Is 4:10, Ezek. 1:4, Jude 1:9, Matt 25:31 We CALL DOWN THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD OVER US/OUR FAMILIES/OUR PETS, & ANGELS with Eph. 6:11-18 (with the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, the belt of truth, and the shoes of the gospel of peace) Release 7 Pillars of Wisdom over our Armor with Prov 9:11 Give us/our HOLY angels BATTLEFIELD SUPERIORITY with Rom 11:18, II King 6:16, Judge 20: 11; Ps 133:1 (on all mountains) EXPLODE all WITCHCRAFT CEILING/ Intricate witchcraft webbing system, walls with Ex 32:20 Matt 21:19; & WE DECREE THAT EVERYTHING THAT’S SCATTERED BY EVIL RETURN NOW with Dan 6:8 & LUKE 10:19. We RELEASE DECOYS/MEGA DISTRACTIONS/confusion against the enemies of God, against every area of their life with Job 37:18 RELEASE FULL WEAPONARY ONTO YOURSELF/YOUR HOLY ANGELS with II Cor. 10:1 – 6, Is 54:16WE PLEAD A SUPERNATURAL PROTECTIVE DOME OVER EACH MEMBER & THEIR FAMILIES/ OVER THE EW GROUP as a WHOLE (Amos 9:16, Is 40:22) ................

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