Prayer of forgiveness

Prayer of forgiveness

To forgive others for what they have done to us, in dealing with soul ties:

Thank you Jesus for dying that I might be forgiven. By an act of my will I now choose to forgive those who have hurt me ________(name out loud the people that need to be forgiven, and issues to forgive). I release each and every one of these people into the freedom of my forgiveness. I release them from all my judgments, and from all debts they might owe me especially love. I will not judge them anymore for Jesus You are the only judge. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Repentance for sins held on to:

Father, I confess that, as a result of being hurt, I have allowed myself to hold anger, resentment, bitterness and (name any other thing held against these persons) in my heart against_________ (name specific individuals). I acknowledge this as sin and I now repent and turn from this behavior. I ask that you forgive me and cleanse me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Forgiveness of self:

(Often people blame themselves for what was someone else’s sin and continue live in guilt and bondage, or they continue blame self for making bad choices)

Thank you, Father, for forgiving me for things that I have done. I now choose to forgive myself for the things for which I know You have already forgiven me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer of confession for blaming God:

(We often feel angry and blame God for what was really Satan’s work. This needs to be repented of and a rightful concept of the nature and character of God established in our life)

I confess that I have blamed You, Lord, for things which are not your responsibility. I recognize this to be sin and I ask You to forgive me. I know that you hate what Satan has done in my life. Thank You for loving me and promising to set me free. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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